Do Indicators Show The Entire Story In Trading?

Do Indicators Show The Entire Story In Trading?

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All right guys welcome back to another  episode of at the table by Urban Forex I have   here with me on the panel here Armand tuning in  from Bangkok. Hello. All right we also have Lucas   all the way from Malaysia Kuala Lumpur. Hey guys  how's it going? And Ian all the way from where   in Australia, is it the Melbourne sunshine coast  Australia sunshine coast Australia there you go   there you go all right everybody Brisbane right  or is that the airport north north of Brisbane   yeah northumbria that word is always it's hard  well yeah well welcome guys welcome today we have   a fun topic we got a lot of people tuning in  live so those of you guys who are tuning in   from your Spofity or Google Plays or anything  like that just to let you guys know that   right after we do these Live podcasts which are  recorded and you're listening to them we also do   a webinar following up on this topic where i go  onto the screen and i display certain things that   we talked about so if you want more information  or want to see the webinar that was followed   by this podcast the link will be below the  podcast all right guys so today we have a topic   about indicators actually this topic was  brought to us by one of the students saying   i know in the past Navin you have mentioned that  indicators are bad and indicators won't help you   but are there any indicators that are good and  more importantly sometimes when i see your screen   i do see some indicators on there so what's  the significance of that why are you using them   right so let's talk about indicators today what  are indicators how important are they to your   trading success and what indicators are actually  effective or is there even any strategies that   you can you can use around a particular indicator  to see if you can make some profitable trades so   Armand let's start off with you and let's find out  what you have to say about this well indicators   um it's it's something in my journey that i  kind of skipped because i was immediately with   with urban forex but i do know a lot of people  are really attracted to indicators and i suppose   what attracts people to it is that it's an  indication or an indicator is an indication of   when to take a trading action so it's it's almost  like a shortcut or maybe it is like a shortcut and   yeah i i understand why people are attracted to  it but i i know from first first-hand experience   or you know from i still saw indicators on the  charts that that's not the entire story you cannot   just look at an indicator and think okay that's  my entry or that's my exit or that is the trend i   want to trade because what does an indicator  say about that trend you still have to do   the research you have to put in the leg work  and to do the analysis right and then then you   can maybe use an indicator right so yeah that's  that's my short summary of how i see indicators   okay okay Lucas what has been your experience with  indicators and do you have a favorite one that you   used to like perhaps let's say um or one that you  actually felt like oh yeah that's the one yeah i   think i've tried multiple indicators before but  to just piggyback on what ammo was just saying   um you know he was saying that um it's an  indication to do something on the charts   i think i'm well speaking from  my own personal experience   when everyone starts off trading at least for me  it's really hard to define what actually looks   good what you actually want to do on the  charts so having an indicator to you know   indicate or you know guide you towards a  certain action um makes a lot of sense for   someone who's new coming into the markets for  me i think in the beginning i've tried fibonacci   um yeah that was pretty interesting because it's a  lot of mumbo jumbo behind it you know some traders   swear by it some traders you know say it's [ __ ]  but um yeah is that that's something i used before   ATRs volumes all kind of stuff you gotta be  careful man yeah they're fibonacci people   throw eggs on you man you gotta be careful  you just you just offended a cult you know i didn't say it's not good i've tried it before  so yeah okay cool cool Ian what's what's your   experience been and well what do you like in terms  of indicators in fact do you have a positive side   of indicators that you can shed light on are  they actually even useful yeah i think they can   they can be useful i mean i i don't want to just  you know say the same thing over and over again   in the right context they they're definitely  useful and i think similar to Lucas i started   out on the on the indicator front and and that is  actually a good thing because in some ways that it   it got me into it if you know what i mean like  it made something that is maybe perceived to   be overly complex or maybe a bit confusing to  begin with um i don't mean to make it say it   dumbs it down but it just it simplifies it  enough that like hey i can do this you know   i had you know plenty of winning trades when  i first started just using indicators it just   i found my consistency wasn't you know where it  was what where it needed to be using my indicators   that's why i steered away i guess eventually  so okay so from from the sounds of it all of   you guys are are basically saying  that's where your journey began um   so let me talk about that like if that's where  the journey began should a new person well and   and the opposite side of it you're saying that's  where the journey began but that's not where you   are anymore so you're no longer perhaps using  indicator anyone using indicators anymore   any of you guys oh if volume is  considered indicator okay yeah   okay so probably not in the sorry volumes  M.A.s ATR yeah okay okay so probably not in the   sense of how you used to use them  for entries and exits and all that   i think it's not the focal point of how we trade  anymore i think is more what it is they're there   and they're there to be used in circuits but  we just they're not the main focus okay so so   actually that's a very interesting so let's talk  about how effective are indicators for for example   a new person coming into the industry you know  should they use indicator trading strategies   would that work for them or should they avoid  it all together or are they doomed and they have   to go down that route I think Ian brought up  something really interesting up there where where   he said you you come into the market and what  you see on the screen might be very confusing   or you know at least not not clear on when  you have to do something with it so when do   you have to trade and indicators can be a nice  entry point into discovering um how the market   operates but it's it's only as an  initial stepping stone i'd say so   i think it's a good question to ask whether it  it's necessary for a beginner or not because   it's just part of the journey and it's it's yeah  i don't know if it's a necessity in the journey   i'm not sure as well but based on what Ian was  saying um someone who starts off using indicators   you know they may try things here and there and  then if let's say they find that things are not   consistent you know if they're able to take  it one more step further and think about why   things aren't consistent then the next journey  begins but if if that person let's say just   stops there and say oh no this indicator doesn't  work let me just move on to another indicator   um then you know it's going to be they're going to  be going in circles for quite some time absolutely   absolutely yeah absolutely i think i think the  best example that i can give around this is   indicators are like a bully you can get rid of the  bully and be like all right no big deal or you can   experience having that bully standing up to that  bully and then saying i am now stronger because of   the presence of the bully was there you  know what i mean it's it's sort of like   you learn to be better because he was  there so you're look you're finding a good   positive light from the darkness kind of thing so  it's not necessarily a 100 bad bad thing i don't   know what do you guys have to say about that  would you guys agree with something like that   so like all the ma's 100 ms 50ms 20ms all  pointing down stand up to the bully and then just   i think you misread the analogy you  need a better indicator for that analogy you know it's like it's like how how  we need bacteria to learn how to fight   it kind of thing rather than get rid of  all sort of bacterias and make sure that   we never deal with it ever again it's one of those  things it's like you you need it to be better   so let's talk about needing an indicator what  indicators have made you better in your journey   what indicators were so effective initially and  was so profitable that using that indicator and   you were like i think i can build a career off of  this this is a wonderful guide for me to just step   in and lift off from here what indicators did  you actually like for me i i remember i think   the first one that really worked for me was just  the simple moving average crossover i i think i   was one of the first ones i traded where you know  you wait for the moving average to either cross   above or below yeah and it worked really well in  the right market like i didn't know the different   market states or anything like that at point in  time but like you know when a market was hardcore   trending down or up you know it worked really  well and i had a lot of consistent wins in a row   yeah but as soon as that that trend at  the time i turned around or started to   slow down then all of a sudden you know that's  where the consistency went out the window so   it was a simple easy one to use but again at the  time i didn't know that had to also be used in a   in the right perspective so yeah i think  i think we've all used moving average   crossovers at one point would you guys say  so yeah and all of you guys in the room here   who are listening in live have you guys used  moving average crossovers as a sort of a trading   technique yeah okay tons of yeses coming out yeah  what about you guys here and on the panel have the   rest of you guys use it and Lucas and Armand  yeah yeah even i did yeah it's it seems like   it's a nice way to get started with the market and  saying all right that that sounds about right you   know if it crosses over i'll do a buy but at no  point did we all stop and question ourselves like   really is it that easy to make money you know yeah  it sounds it sounds so logical like if the moving   averages crossover means you know it's turning  around or if the RSI is over so overbought means   and the chart is over seems like it's  overbought then you know it's going to go down   seems so logical on the surface that sometimes  it's difficult to just question it if it continues   to make money yeah okay so let's let's take it  further and saying through your evolutions you   go through that moving average crossovers and  we use have any of you guys use MACDs MACD yeah   right yeah divergence yeah moving average  conversion diversions there's that one have you   guys used RSI relative strength index yeah pivot  points pivot points was big for us it was huge   pro trading strategy and urban forex pivot points  we dominated that industry for a long long time   when it comes to pivot points and then fibonacci  comes along and i i went deep in fibonacci i went   hardcore to a point where as i started studying  fibonacci and then i started looking at like   it's on pineapples it's in the universe it's on  the cone and then i'm like well then it's in my   markets i just can't bloody pinpoint it but it  was a wonderful journey i absolutely loved it   it's like oh look at the accuracy of that 50  pullback 61.8 was it 61.8 61.8 and then 38.6   it was beautiful it was beautiful i i thought  fibonacci that mathematician is the golden key   how many of you guys have felt that before yeah  for sure and i think that's that's how many   indicators actually operate or work for us where  they work very often like pinpoint like whether   it's that crossover moving average or divergence  or fibonacci or any any of those things right   they work like pinpoint but then sometimes they  don't work or they stop working for a while and   then it's like you've just given the call the  golden key back and now you're there with no   skills that you learned from any of that because  you are relying on that indicator and you're   like okay so i wait until it works again and how  long do i have to wait and when can i trust it so   yeah it's uncomfortable to put your your faith  so to speak in in indicators in an indicator yeah   and that's absolutely true right it's not just  the fibonacci it's in my personal journey also   any indicator i use i felt that's the one that's  the one it's like finding a girl and then you're   like oh she's the one and then like three months  later like no she's definitely not the one i'd like to see how this analogy works when we  start talking about using multiple indicators   at the same time yeah that's that's never the  answer you can get a lot of trouble like that but okay one of the guys in it in the chat room  here um let me get the name right Harvey in in   the live chat is actually saying bollinger  bands like what about bollinger bands,   have you guys used bollinger bands? I haven't  used them beautiful beautiful thing also it's   a it's a way to understand if things are going  out of balance and they bring it back to balance   it's basically if you want to put in a  nutshell without going into all of the   standard deviations and all that stuff of course  by me even using that word many people like ah   university close that close this podcast it's like   i don't want to hear those words ah this reminds  me of calculus like no way i'm listening to that   but to keep it simplified it's a band that looks  like a sandwich right where there is the upper bun   the lower bun and then the lettuce in between  so that's all it is and then prices as they go   up to the upper bands prices come back to normal  if they go down to the lower bands prices come   back to normal so it's sort of like a thing  saying you're too far out get back to normal   you're too far out get back to normal that  actually gave me one of my edges where i trade   parabolic moves so it's not all bad it's not all  bad through the use of bollinger bands time and   time and time against now i don't use them i  don't even look at them but it gave me an edge   an extra edge that i use in my you know everyday  trading when i when i do parabolic mean reversals   okay you know one of those edges that you know i i  you guys know about this Ian and Lucas at the prop   firm when we do these parabolic moves what what  are we actually doing we're bringing price back   to normal and there's a certain way we trade those  and so i learned that from trading bollinger bands   over and over again until some golden key came  out of it for me and then i'm like all right well   time to move on from bollinger bands but it was  very useful for me so again you know it's not   all bad right indicators no i think for market  observation they can actually be really useful   yeah especially especially until your eye  like is has viewed the charts long enough that   because over time even just without the  indicators you can just okay that thing's   outside the bollinger bands you know you don't  need the actual bollinger bands on there anymore   but to begin with it's really helpful right just  to kind of give you that perspective you know   until your eye just naturally sees it without  the indicator on there so correct correct now   let me ask all of you guys this one thing  forget the indicators let's say you're   coming onto a chart right you come onto your  computer screen and you're looking at a chart   and there is a movement that goes up 100 pips  right when the green candles that you see that are   going up 100 pips how many of you guys have ever  done this in the past where you're like imagine   i bought at the bottom and i closed at the top  that 100 pips would have made a lot of money right   we've all done this in the past right at least a  billion times a day we've all done this every time   so since we've all done that now but here's  the interesting part though an indicator   cannot tell you that in advance it  can only tell you that after the fact   so then our dream that we're looking to oh i wish  i bought it from the bottom and sold it at the top   an indicator can never get you that  information which is kind of weird   which is kind of weird so if we come to a  realization much later into our careers of like   the indicator cannot tell us the future you  know i see Siva saying this in the live chat   indicator shows the past i can't see the future  that's very very true that's very very true   and it's very important to really take  that in and understand that logic that   an indicator cannot show that path another one  from Leroy he's saying is news also an indicator   now have you guys seen news channels where there's  a word on the top it has L-I-V-E not live live right what is news a news is genetically not  genetically a news is technically reporting   the past you cannot report anything  live the moment you have to process it   the reporter has to process it speak it out of  his mouth it is already the past the moment it   reaches your ears it is the past you can only  report the past you can't report the future okay   an indicator is the same thing it can only talk  about the past so our whole point is well then do   i need the past to understand the future now it's  like are indicators philosophical it's like is   that what's going on are our indicators telling us  the meaning of life the more and more the more and   more this conversation continues it feels there  it's we're sort of writing a plot for a movie it's like indicators of forex  coming to your home screen soon   it's the past what you need  to know what the future covers yeah oh that's a very good one Casey is saying  what about the weatherman yeah that's very   interesting a weatherman is the only person that  is using the indicators to actually predict the   future that's a very good analogy actually a  weatherman is the only indicator that we like   to use however when i say the word weatherman  it's also a dark spot for many people because   when they listen to it i'm sure anyone tuning  into this podcast is probably swearing at their   weatherman saying my weatherman is horrible he  can never predict rain or sunshine i live in   London they can never predict when it's going to  happen so some people really hate their weather   man in their own cities and they're like no my  weather man is horrible he's not good but now   if you you know many places they'll go down to  it's going to rain down to the minute some weather   some weather stuff is actually very very good  they can actually predict it to a certain level   of accuracy like that so there there it goes like  not all indicators are bad can you use indicators   to sort of predict the future so how about  that what do you guys have to say about that   well to an extent they're like you can forecast  which is the same what the weather man does   you can forecast okay but isn't trading  all trading forecasting technically yeah   you're trying to position yourself right  with a risk assessment and you know you   do the whole analysis absolutely absolutely so  then fast forward down later into the journeys   we got indicators on top of  indicators on top of indicators to   filter and extra filter and extra filter it out  to make sure there must be one golden combination   there must be a setting i'm not using right  i should be using 30 moving average not 29.   ah you yeah and it might work once yeah if  i show you guys a i don't have it right now   but if i would have shown you guys a picture of  my basement where i was living in when i first   started trading i have papers and papers and  papers all across my rooms like a mad scientist   going through all right i'm going to do this  i'm going to use an indicator and i'm going to   use this indicator to filter it and i'm going to  do it only between this time of the day scratch   throw it away that doesn't work okay i'm gonna  do it all day long but i'm gonna filter it with   the MACDs that doesn't work i'm gonna do this  and this and then i sometimes i see something   actually works and i'm running around the rooms  like there i did this somewhere where is it   i'm looking for that paper like i'm sure i  i made a strategy around this where is it   it just goes on and on it's an endless loop it's  an endless loop i got stuck in that cycle for like   a couple of years of years how long how long  were you guys stuck in the indicator rat race   well luckily for me not too long because shortly  after that um i came on board with urban forex and   started to learn from there okay so you went  straight to price action after that okay some   of the guys in the chat are saying Alberto is  saying three years Cavall is saying long long time   okay Ian what were you saying yeah i was probably  a year or so at least i remember spending weekends   just back testing on on software like you'd  find this strategy you back test all weekend   long you know oh i found it and then it you  know like you say it works for a while and then   it doesn't so then you get discouraged and  you go at it again yeah back testing so yeah   and then and then and then the next piece happened  you remove all the indicators like all right   i'm clutter free i'm just going to read prices  and then when you're looking at the trial like   hmm this candlestick must be a pattern maybe  it tells me something then your candlestick   charts become an indicator technically you're  like all right i'm not using an indicator   technique but it is an indicator the candlestick  pattern so it becomes if it becomes a fun game   that where you evolve but it's a fascinating  journey and i think it's this journey i personally   believe if there's someone new starting off go  through it experience it if you're looking to   avoid it you should experience how an indicator  works at least to a certain extent you should   know how you feel around it you should get an idea  of i bought because my indicator said set to buy   but then i bought very late as soon as i bought  markets went against me why is that happening   why is that happening time and time again what  does that even mean that sort of experience is   something it's like indicators like a little  mini teacher they can teach you a lesson   part of the journey i think you learn from  your mistakes more so than you learned from   yeah good thing yeah i think i think it's it's  good where you know the the trader will be able to   understand what the majority are doing at certain  point in time on the charts so once they're able   they are able to learn what the majority are doing  and if you know the majority are wrong footed at   one point they can take advantage of that on the  other side so yeah yeah well i see that sense   i see i see Roshan in the chat typing  indicators are a lazy man's tools period well that sums it up and if that's the case man i  was lazy for like two plus years non-stop it   was a very very tough journey and yeah and that  is a sum up of indicators in in one sentence   so you know it's nicely said Russian that it  does happen that way and we don't realize it   until either someone tells us or we come  to an own realization that what am i doing   what am i doing we're just going in circles  but it's completely understandable that it's   attractive to people because you know why  would you put in the work if you don't have to   that's that would be stupid absolutely  absolutely i mean is it isn't don't we   do that with family as well if we did so much hard  work to let's say build an empire make some money   and then your child grows up and he's like i  want to go out with my friends i want to travel   you wouldn't say no go make your own  money and then travel like you'd like   okay do it because i don't want you to struggle  and suffer the way i did to get to this point   you know so it's understandable that if there  is a shortcut why not you know it's not wrong   like it's understandable why people are  attracted to it um so it's only natural yeah so having that said having that said   shall we move this into a webinar and talk  about what indicators do i currently use um   and the same things that i currently use are  the same ones used by Lucas and Ian also in the   prop firm how we use it why is it useful and at to  what extent is it used is it used to make an entry   is it used to make an exit or is it used to  just understand the markets i can go over that   all in the upcoming webinar so we're going to  end the podcast part right here for those of   you who are listening to the podcast again the  link to the webinar will be below this video   those of you guys who are here live and listening  in um you can just stay on board we're gonna   switch over from a podcast directly into a webinar  or i will share my screen and we'll go deeper into   all right let's take a look at a deeper look at  indicators all right guys thank you so much for   you guys here on the panel Armand, Lucas and  Ian it's always a pleasure to have you guys   speak to you guys in a little bit  cool enjoy everyone enjoy enjoy cheers

2021-10-18 07:46

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