DAYBELL CASE - Mark Means Business & A New Guy In Town

DAYBELL CASE - Mark Means Business & A New Guy In Town

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lori dabel's attorney mark means is coming out  swinging again and he is riled right up before i   begin hit that subscribe button hit that like and  share it out where you can now let's get into it first there's a new lawyer assigned to lori  dabel's case he's a death penalty certified   attorney and has represented several high-profile  clients in death penalty cases his name is james   archibald it hasn't been announced yet if the  prosecution is seeking the death penalty for lori   yet and we will find out sometime this week if  laurie is deemed competent or not if she is deemed   competent then it's business as usual and court  will proceed if she's not then she will go back to   her restorative treatment for 180 days and then  we'll go from there now according to idaho law   the judge must appoint two death penalty certified  attorneys to indigent defendants and we know that   laurie has been deemed indigent back on may 21st  of this year but the judge is keeping mark means   as co-counsel with mr archibald now we know  mark isn't a death penalty certified attorney   chad dabel hasn't had anyone assigned to  him yet laurie has the right to waive death   penalty certified counsel and sam newton who is an  experienced death penalty attorney and he's also   an associate professor at the university of idaho  college of law said this about the case when he   was interviewed he said what the judge is saying  here to mr means is there is the possibility that   lori valo could waive that requirement for mr  means we'll appoint one attorney that meets   those requirements if lori valo's competency  is restored we will deal with that then and   speaking of death penalty it was recently  announced that the fremont county prosecutors   are seeking the death penalty for chad day bill  as i said it hasn't been announced yet for laurie   now the prosecution stated several reasons  chad's case is eligible for the death penalty   and it's said that the alleged murders are  number one committed for remuneration which is   financial gain number two the alleged murders were  especially heinous atrocious cruel or manifesting   exceptional depravity three the defendant  exhibited an utter disregard for human life   and four the defendant has exhibited a propensity  to commit murder and will probably constitute a   continuing threat to society now there was a  statement issued by the prosecution regarding   the death penalty and they said this today we  filed our notice of intention to seek the death   penalty against chad dabell our process in making  this determination was lengthy and comprehensive   we conferred with those immediate family  members of j.j valo tyler ryan and tammy dabel   who have indicated a willingness to speak with  us and allow them an opportunity to provide their   input if they wish to do so the ultimate decision  to seek capital punishment rests with the state   and after completing the entire process we  determined that the nature and magnitude of these   crimes warrant the possibility of the highest  possible punishment now chad's due for a pre-trial   hearing on september the 30th and also his trial  is set for november 8th but that can change   depending on what happens with lori and her  status let me know your thoughts about chad   facing the death penalty in the comments below i'd  love to hear your thoughts now back to mark means   mark is on a motion spree of sorts and we've seen  this in the past where mark gets a little mad and   starts you know filing like crazy and we've heard  other opinions and questioning of what he's doing   now he's now requesting a dismissal of the grand  jury indictment and he says since there is a stay   in lori's case now the stay halts all proceedings  any proceedings until her psychological treatment   is completed which like i said we find that out  this week sometime and sam newton who i mentioned   before is the expert lawyer and teacher he states  that the motion mark filed could actually hurt the   defense and says weak motions can lead to problems  down the road he also says it's very very unclear   what mr means is trying to argue that doesn't  prevent the state from pursuing additional charges   you're just opening a pandora's box when you have  unqualified attorneys or people who don't know   because capital litigation is very different than  felony litigation and here's what the order says   the order for stay regarding all proceedings  against the defendant was provided and served   on council for defendant and the state prosecution  in this matter on or about march 8 2021. despite   this personal knowledge notice to the state the  state ignored said order and acted in violation   of this order and organized conducted cause to  occur a legal proceedings against said defendant   there is no plausible argument regarding this  blatant violation of the court's order to stay   the supercilious actions taken by the state slash  prosecution in direct violation and contempt of   this court's previous orders to stay warrant  the issues of a dismissal of the above case   and sanctions to be issued against state and  prosecution wherefore defendant rightfully   requests this matter be dismissed forthwith and  sanctions costs fees be issued against the state   and prosecution now mark is also pretty ticked  off about money he says that he has incurred a   few days ago he filed a motion another one and it  was a motion to compel he claims because of the   prosecution's lack of professionalism that's  what caused him four thousand dollars here's   what the motion said on june 21st 2021 having  not received any email phone call or the like   that this notice was not adequate defense  counsel awoke at 4 am and traveled to fremont   to ensure he was timely in respect to the  employees of the fremont court system and   to allow plenty of time for transfer records  and materials to the newly purchased hard drive   purchased by defense council council arrived at  10 am and was greeted by the receptionist council   introduced himself and requested the materials  be made available to allow for copies etc   secretary then had an assistant legal assistant  paralegal telephone prosecuting attorney blake   after one voice message left for attorney blake  blake called back with apparent instructions that   they would provide responses in july and provide  their own hard drive prior to the statement that   morning this was not communicated as the only  attempted method of discovery compliance after   defense council expressed a bit of frustration  at lack of communication and requested again   the records material be provided that day the  deputy district attorney came out of her office   graciously introduced herself and said everything  had been produced in the other case which is the   fremont conspiracy case against defendant laurie  debal with the exception they were awaiting   records from the attorney general's office i  reiterated the previous multiple statements of   mr wood back in october of 2020 where he said he  had murder evidence and would not turn it over   at that time i stated you have not even provided  the autopsy of miss daybell i was told it was not   relevant to lori's case obviously i disagree and  stated you have not even provided that to mr pryor   so there is no way you have provided everything in  your possession with the exception of the attorney   general materials again i was assured that all  evidence had been turned over with the exception   of items to be produced by the attorney general i  said i was going to see my clients as a result of   no production at that time that would be back  in two hours and would like to receive what is   available the date and not previously produced at  noon i called fremont county prosecutor's office   and was instructed to call attorney blake at about  12 15 i called attorney blake and left a message   requesting a call back asap to discuss the matter  that i was going to wait for her return phone call   after being denied the materials and waiting until  approximately 2pm for a call from blake i began   the 5 five-hour drive home to date no response  or communications as a result of the discovery   requests noticed above my notice failure of any  communications by the prosecuting office my office   incurred 11 and one-half 11.5 at 325 an hour of  legal fees minus two hours to meet with client   which was not going to happen if production by  prosecution had occurred 728 miles times .58 the   round trip of travel and purchase of hard drive  day before to effectuate transfer slash production   of 186 dollars and 32 cents total costs and  fees of 422 dollars and 24 cents of mileage   seven hundred thirty seven dollars and fifty  cents plus a hundred eighty six dollars and   thirty two cents equals four thousand three  hundred and forty six dollars and six cents   these fees and costs would not have been  incurred unnecessarily if state had complied   with the above rules of law provided notice and or  responses to reschedule etc the refusal to comply   with the idaho rules of criminal procedure bad  faith and lack professionalism is shocking now in   another document filed on august 11th mark filed  a motion stating he requested information provided   a detailed list of discovery violations missing  documents records exhibits recordings reports   and the such was provided to the state to date no  response to either the discovery requests or good   faith letter now he includes in the motion the  letter to the prosecution requesting a large list   of these items here's what the document says dated  july 15 2021 dear prosecutors after a review of   the july 15 discovery the following is inadequate  lacking or missing regarding the above data   production given your unilateral selection of an  extension from the original due date in june 2021   to july 15 2021 i'm requesting complete  discovery responses by no later than 5 pm   july 21st 2021 additional motions to  compel will follow if any or all the   following as well as any other evidence  withheld and not produced in its entirety   number one tamara debell autopsy report please  see second motion to compel production lacked   reports notes photographs from date of exhume  to present number two october 20th 2020 which   is produced on july 15 2021 interview with melanie  gibb clearly identifies prior conversation with mr   wood to this interview please identify all parties  of the prosecution and policy present for this   interview also please provide any and all  records reports notes communications etc   involving ms gibb mr wood investigators detectives  etc regarding this interview and or any other   interview slash communication text slash emails  etc involving miss gibbs furthermore miss gibb   states that mr wood recommended she put out a  video that it was a good video please identify   and produce this video and the communications  dates times locations persons present and or privy   to the communications regarding this video please  produce all communications between ms gibb and the   following individuals all detectives investigators  prosecutors other person of witnesses witnesses   person of witness or written witnesses etc if  there was verbal statements without corresponding   written communications please identify location of  communications persons present notes reports etc   also detectives identified they called miss gibb  routinely please provide corresponding reports   notes phone records text messages emails  etc regarding all communications with ms   gibb and anyone associated with the state's  investigation in this matter it is further   identified that ms gibb has communicated on  mr woods personal cellular telephone please   provide phone records illustrating phone calls  text messages emails and all telephone numbers   telephone carriers associated with these  communications and any corresponding reports   notes records resulted from this communication  number three journal what appears to be a journal   diary of various persons does not identify  the author and withholds the journal in its   entirety please identify author or authors of  the journals and produce the entire journal   diary number four please identify any and all  person's communications records and the like of   investigators prosecutors detectives etc that have  engaged in any disparaging remarks regarding any   and all defense attorneys the defendants and or  off-record communications with witnesses persons   of interest number five regarding miss regan  price june 9 2020 interview produced on july 15   2021 please produce prior interviews and or  reports cited an interview please produce any   and all reports records text voicemails emails  videos photographs etc regarding produced report   identify all persons identity involved in taking  of said interviews identify all previous and post   communications statements records reports notes  with this witness or witnesses to this interview   written verbal tangible intangible between law  enforcement and this person identify all previous   to recording communications written or verbal  between law enforcement and this person she   refers to previous interviews with ron of law  enforcement and mr robert wood please provide   and in brackets she makes statements regarding  hearing a gunshot on day of raccoon shooting   please identify any and all records identify her  physical location at the time of the shooting   number six regarding mr colter cannon june 10th  interview produced on july 15th please produce   prior interviews and a report cited an interview  please produce any and all reports records text   voicemails emails voice videos photographs etc  regarding produced report and then it goes on to   say identify all person's identity just like  before and then it says please identify who   took the recording of this interview and stated in  front of mr cannon the interview is regarding the   attempted shooting of tammy dabel any previous  interview statements records communications   between mr cannon and any person associated with  the prosecution in this matter please produce the   on body camera car camera recordings associated  with the day this person was on the scene   of the paintball shooting please produce this  person's report notes records communication etc   associated with this person's statement or  records please provide dispatch recording of tammy   dabel statements regarding the paintball incident  please produce annie in all tangible intangible   evidence regarding attempted shooting of tammy  and or paintball gunshots any interviews reports   records notes videos or the like of any person of  knowledge regarding this alleged shooting incident   record of interview of older gentlemen referenced  in interview record of interview with joe chopping   wood across street at time of alleged shooting  all fbi and or law enforcement documents records   etc of investigation regarding this incident  number seven regarding kathy brown june 10 2020   interview produced on july 15 2021 and then it  has that disclaimer of produced prior interviews   it says please produce the interview records and  the like etc of january 2020 first search warrant   regarding search of mr dabel's property  interview with jeff brown references ert   investigation question mark please produce all  associated with this ert all records text messages   and the like regarding persons of paintball  activity in the area she references a text   message she gave to law enforcement interview  cuts off midstream at 701 after discussion of   text message of kid in area with paintball gun  number eight regarding matt and heather daybell   june 11th 2020 interview produced on july 15  2021 again it's repetitive and then it says   identify all previous and post communications  to this interview statements records rep reports   notes with these witnesses to this interview  written verbal tangible intangible between   law enforcement and matin and or heather daybill  all communications records text voicemails emails   and the like between detective hope and these  witnesses evidenced by statements of mr daybell   all evidence records reports videos etc  that supports that the interviewer's   stated theory of that they can prove chad  is guilty of alleged murder of tamra dabel   all emails allegedly to have been sent by mr chad  daybell in the possession of mr dabil that was   provided to law enforcement by mr davil please  produce the recording or records of interview of   day bell children by this interviewer on or about  june 10 2020. on medication medical counseling   psychological depression records of miss tammer  of daybell at least two years prior to death   identify all medical professional and  treating professionals for miss tammer daybell   previous interview records reports videos text  emails etc with a detective with heather dabell   all communications between detective hope  of rexburg pd and his statements and records   of statements to day bell including but  not limited to protecting them day bells   detective ball's interview and records with  samantha all communications between detective   dave hope and matthew and heather debell as stated  in interview again interview cuts off mid-sentence   please provide interview in its entirety number  nine regarding ryan bradshaw jody whitney aspen   june 11 2020 interview produced on july 15th  identify all previous to recording communications   written verbal between law enforcement and this  person interview starts and ends mid-sentence a   second interview for 1.45 minutes is as previous  interviews started and ends mid-sentence also uh  

please produce in its entirety and or explain why  portions of interview are missing not produced   number 10 regarding jack and sheila dabell june 16  2020 interview produced on july 15 2021 identify   all persons identity involved in taking of  said interviews identify all previous and   post communication statements records reports  notes with these witnesses to this interview   written verbal tangible and tangible between law  enforcement and this person or persons identify   all previous to recording communications written  verbal between law enforcement and this person's   please produce statements verbal nonverbal  written not written recorded and or the like j   i e jailhouse recordings etcetera of  chad dabal regarding but not limited to   the death of tamara dabel prior to arrest of  arrest and or post arrest of mr chad dabal   interview ends mid-sentence please produce in  its entirety then in bold it says please produce   all unauthorized non-disclosed recordings  notes records photograph videos and the like   of this witness and any other witness person of  interest created by investigative authorities   please identify the specific device used to  create these records the person creating said   records and the like please produce all statements  to persons of interest and or witnesses by rexburg   police fremont madison county idaho attorney  general and or any other investigative authority   expressing their opinions facts disparaging  comments allegations regarding the defendants   please produce all fremont county coroner and or  fremont county reports evidence records videos   notes charts and or the like regarding the  passing of tamara debell please produce any   and all records of payments cash payments to day  bell children by chad day bell please produce all   statements of daebel children regarding the timing  and effectuation of the funeral of miss tamara   dabell please identify each and every burner  telephone telephone number cell phone carrier   suspected slash alleged owner slash purchaser of  said phone any and all gps information acquired   from said phone telephone records and each and  every communications from said burner telephone   number 11 regarding faye harris july 29 2020  interview produced on july 15th please produce the   interview in its entirety as it ends mid-sentence  number 12 regarding john ox july 29 2020   interviewed produced on july 15th annie and all  emails texts sent by miss tamra dabel regarding   relationship with mr chad dabel and or current  charges for example an email the night before   passing of mrs dabell isn't that interesting  number 13 regarding margaret brown july 29 2020   interview produced on july 15 2021 interview  begins mid-sentence please produce in its entirety   any and all other evidence of spiritual visitation  of mrs tamara dabel to this witness number 14   regarding melanie gordon july 29 2020 interview  produced on july 15th the this witness makes   reference to four odd gentlemen attending the  memorial of mrs tamara daybell these individuals   attended without their wives did not appear to  be friends of family per witness please identify   these individuals and produce and any and all  evidence of these individuals interview again ends   mid-sentence please produce this in its entirety  number 15 regarding stephanie peralta july 29   2020 interviewed on july 15th interview appears  to end mid-sentence with a question for witness   please produce in its entirety please produce data  log files exercise files step records and the like   from mrs tamara dabell fitbit watch program and  or device similar used by mrs tamara daybell   as well as any medical records physical exams  at least two years prior to her passing list of   all medical providers from date of relocation to  sugar rexburg idaho from springville utah please   produce any and all records notes communications  and the like involving persons of knowledge and   witness julie rowe 16 regarding angela johansen  july 29 2020 interview produced on july 15th   any and all communication between this witness  and mrs tamara dabell 17 regarding shannon miller   july 29 2020 produced on july 15th please produce  the previous interview of this witness by bruce   as identified in this interview interview ends  with sentence please provide entire interviews   all exercise slash attendance records from gym  entitled hi fitness referenced in interview for   mrs tamara daybell all communication records and  the like from the parents and or siblings of mrs   tamara daybell please produce any and all records  of homeopathic type medicine or treatments engaged   by mrs tamara dabel therapist identification and  records of mrs tamara daybell please produce any   and all evidence that is supportive or contrary of  the multiple witness statements of paintball gun   incident with mrs tamara dabal that would  support your theory of attempted shooting   of mrs tamara debell with a lethal weapon i.e  gun in reviewing previous discovery production   the following is requested to be produced  in working format if you wish for my office   to provide you a hard drive or to pick up this  information please advise upon receipt of letter   missing audio or video recordings from key  interviews or event within the various police   summary compilations are several interviews and  interactions that do not have accompanying audio   or video segments they are listed below grouped  according to the provide report they appear in   and then it has melanie gibbs phone call with ray  hermacio dave hope assisting and questioning chad   dabell at lori's place dave hope interviewing  joseph and emma murray at central elementary in   sugar city ron ball and rick schmidt meeting with  jason william at springville police department ron   ball ray hermacio and others meeting with matt  and heather day bella rexburg pd randy reese   interviewing april raymond via phone call randy  reese interviewing annie cushing via phone call   body cam footage of lori dabel's arrest in  principal hawaii body cam footage of ron ball rob   wood confronting chad dabell after lori's arrest  dave hope interviewing principal williams at   kennedy elementary rick schmidt interviewing matt  dabell about storage unit footage body cam of chad   and lori being detained and questioned in separate  police cars in hawaii david stubbs interviewing   heather daybell and maggie dabell hope chuck  consadis interviewing craig huff via phone call   melanie gibb phone call with ray hermacillo about  casting out spirits chuck interviewing mike and   nancy jones founders of preparing a people  seth bernard who's the neighbor of laurie   in number 176 mentions in an interview that he and  his wife leah had previously been interviewed by   david stubbs matt and regan price interview about  fires in davao's field that'll be interesting   shanna miller mentions being previously  interviewed by fremont county detective bruce   mattingly there's no record of that interview  or any others he may have conducted with school   employees and melanie gibb testifies she met with  rob wood and other officers on saturday august   1st 2020 in woods office before the preliminary  hearing please provide detailed conversation notes   records presence of persons at this conversation  melanie gibb talked to the fbi two or three times   in early 2020 please provide no reports given june  9th 2020 dave hope stood nearby using a body cam   pointed at chad dabell and emma murray as they  talked while chad was handcuffed in a police car   and then brackets video report notes etc february  18 2021 garth dabell was detained and questioned   for a half an hour in his classroom at madison  junior high by vincent kanikamin and ricky wright   may 17 2021 garth dabal was detained and  questioned at rexburg pd for six hours from   8 a.m to 2 p.m by ron ball vincent k hermeseo and  mattingly his wife cara was also detained and not   allowed to leave well that's super interesting  and then there was discovery items listed with   missing information addicts adam cox interview  summaries there but videos missing zach cox   interview summaries there video is missing  it says there's some pdfs that are corrupted   and rexburg pd drone images of jbl property by  dave hope won't open fbi photos of dave bell   fire pit have a written log but the actual  photo's not included audio issues it goes on   angeline law september 15 2020 interview  contains natalie mcgee audio instead   tammy gee's interview doesn't work or tammy g no  transcript provided craig huff interview by ball   and wood doesn't have a transcript and melanie  gibbs june 3rd 2020 interview is labeled june 4th   and is only 20 minutes long missing first section  if you have any questions or issues of which you   wish to discuss please contact my office upon  receipt of this letter please provide full and   complete working files records and the like by no  later than 5 pm july 27 2021. mark included that   in his motion to compel and that's in its entirety  he hasn't received it or that's what he's claiming   so we'll see what the response is from the  prosecution now you may or may not have heard   but at the end of july the prosecution dropped the  destruction alteration or concealment of evidence   charges against lori and chad and according to  east idaho news it said the dismissal of the   other cases allow prosecutors to better focus  on the new charges with more serious penalties   now let me know your thoughts overall of what's  been happening here the new motions mark means the   death penalty and do you think that lori is going  to come back as competent or do you think they'll   have to do the extension for another 180 days let  me know your thoughts below please subscribe if   you haven't done so already please like and please  share thank you so much for watching see you soon

2021-08-22 00:08

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