Day trading in 2022 | Year in review

Day trading in 2022 | Year in review

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what is up everybody it is that time of  the year where we do a year in review   will fat cat be disappointed with his trading  or will he be stoked spoiler it's a little bit   of both but now is the time to do  this review and these bells look like   uh well these bells look like uh let you  use your imagination and we'll put them   on the side and i'll have fun with those  later but anyways it's the end of the year   it's the end of the [ __ ] year man so how did  it go what am i plan on doing i wrote a i spent   hours writing this [ __ ] dialogue out because to  me the end of the year is the most important thing   because if you look back and you don't see any  growth in your trading you should [ __ ] quit you should quit but if you've  seen substantial growth you should keep doing it even if you're not making  any goddamn money or if you just scraped by and   barely paid your [ __ ] bills like this [ __ ]  guy so there you go full disclosure that's how   this year went but i totally think you should  check out my 2020 urine review i watched it the   other day to see where i've come to see if i [ __  ] my goals um i had three major goals that year   and i met two of the three and that's  where i'm disappointed but you know what   i i think this is really important hopefully  this inspires you i have a wicked cough coming on smart water because i'm a [ __ ] dumbass and  i really could use anything that has smart in   it totally not sponsoring the video but they  should uh anyways i think it's important you   do a full year in review and make goals for the  next [ __ ] year a lot of traders i've talked to   don't want to do that they don't do that [ __ ]  they think it's too complex when they hear what   i'm about to go over because you're in for  a long one you can probably already tell so   you know what this i dubbed this next year  2022 the year of being a [ __ ] professional   so i don't know how i'm gonna kick this [ __ ]  off i this is kind of uh how i did it last year got a bunch of [ __ ] written down  over here hopefully i don't screw   it up all right identity crisis let's  so i just want to let you know none of   this [ __ ] is in order i'm going to  re-account stuff from this prior year um but i'm also going to be talking about my  goals and what i need to achieve this year so   it's going to be all mix-matched i'll be reading  off of a list and then i'll probably throw in   some [ __ ] comments here and there but anyways  uh this should be great anyways let's let's talk   about this identity crisis i've experienced see  the funny thing is when i looked at last year's   urine review i thought i found my trading  identity and i i mentioned i you know auction   market theory was my thing and i mentioned how  auction market theory is my trading identity   uh that still holds true auction  market theory is the backbone of it all   so that hasn't wavered at all i've  expanded on it i've gotten better at it   um but i've struggled an identity crisis so let me  go ahead and read what that is because that this   identity crisis really was [ __ ] with me this  year uh to the point um it definitely caused like   turbulent trading so here we go looking back on it  all one thing that sticks out my trading identity   or lack thereof i'm not sure if i'm a better  scalper or intraday swing trader this identity   crisis has haunted me for two years now and at  this point i realize a lack of stat tracking   contributes to it i wanted for so long to become  a better hold'em trader i can say without a doubt   this was the year of the biggest trades oh yeah  you know what else is pretty big these bills uh so   right so this was the year of the biggest  trades baby oh the records i've exceeded as   far as that [ __ ] goes i could say without a  doubt this was the year of the biggest trades   more so when trading in season so i got bent over  really bad this summer so i just want to put that   out there that's a whole nother [ __ ] video uh  it was pretty bad to the point i thought i was   really contemplating quitting for like a month [  __ ] straight um but i didn't i'm glad i didn't   i also gotta say within the last two months my  training has really turned around substantially   and honestly if i can continue to trade the way  i am now uh i think this year will be really   pretty [ __ ] fantastic and and this has  this has nothing to do with money i want   you to think about this because some of  you guys are making this goal with monetary   gains don't [ __ ] do that [ __ ] all right i  know somebody's disagreeing with me right now   the [ __ ] man your your goals and all that [ __  ] should be trading skill development develop your   skills so let me continue reading  before i go off on another tangent   and wave bells in your face which is totally  uncalled for so i could say without a doubt this   year this was the year of the biggest trades oh  yeah more so when trading in season so in season   not the summer time when the volume is good that's  what i'm referring to i've learned to become   more confident with those longer holds baby i'm  getting real confident with those longer holds so god dang it i'm going to get demonetized for this  son of a [ __ ] we're going we've gone too far   even though i could probably just edit  that out don't tell on me all right   you listen you got to be 18 or older to  open a trading account if you're under   age you shouldn't be watching the [ __ ]  you need to go to bed um i've learned this i've learned to become more confident with  those longer holds i've learned that and   it's funny because i wrote this from the heart  i've learned that it's a skill set to develop   the ability to be able to hold trades longer  i realize the importance of market clarity   and multiple time frame analysis so let me re-read  that [ __ ] i've learned to become more confident   with those longer holds i've learned that it's  a skill set to develop the ability to be able to   hold trades longer i realize the importance of  market clarity and multiple time frame analysis   those four sentences or whatever that [ __ ] was  that's huge man market clarity helps with holding   trades and market clarity helps with confidence  i i've so bad don't want to be a scalper   nothing wrong with it or by any means but  i like tossing them [ __ ] hail mary's   i like throwing those [ __ ] badass trades those  montage trades uh that you know i make a youtube   video and i'm like look at my sweet trade um i  like i like doing that [ __ ] there's a lot of   satisfaction to hitting them obviously they pay  better than scalps but that's not part of the   reason it's just like it's a challenge i enjoy  that challenge and i've so bad want to just get   better at it ever since i discovered vernon on  twitter if you guys guys don't know who vernon   is you should definitely check out his blog i'll  put a link somewhere if i can remember um but   he's so good at holding trades and it inspired  me and i knew about him probably back in 2019   so i've so bad one wanted to do that just a  better scalper and i really hurt myself by trying to hold traits and get better at it  i really did and i've learned that it's a   skill development taking bigger trades is a whole  other set of skills compared to just scalping   don't get me wrong i really and i tell traders  this all the time i think scalping is an   invaluable skill set to have to really help you  go into holder or holder trades [ __ ] longer term   holds i really do let me continue oh yeah so the  importance of multi-time frame analysis i've been   doing more of that multi-time frame analysis  is pretty awesome it definitely helps with   finding larger setups the and this was the first  for this year this year i experienced what it was   like to truly hold trades earlier in the year  so earlier in the year i s i started i i was it can't talk clearly i need more  smart water ah yeah oh yeah   earlier in the year around february or so um i  started to experiment with holding trades longer   term and it [ __ ] opened up my eyes because i  started to get really good at it and then the   summertime came around and then i started getting  [ __ ] uh royally this entire year i've really got   to experience it and i mean if you watch a lot  of my older videos and then you watch how they   progress throughout especially this last year  you're going to see a lot bigger [ __ ] trades and that was just the biggest thing the  biggest takeaway of the year i would say   anyways this year i experienced what it was  like to truly hold trades earlier in the year   it opened my eyes to something i've wanted to  achieve all through 2020. i would say working on   that skill set has made me better so looking back  on it i see how holds have improved my performance   however the onset of had i scalped i'd be doing  just fine creeps into my mind so this is a   famous quote i had when i had a private trading  room which is no longer active um learned a lot   about trading rooms too but i'm not going to get  into that [ __ ] a lot of i'd had traders ask   me how are you doing fat cat and then i think i  quoted this in my 2020 trade review i would always   tell them you know i kept trying to hold [ __ ]  trades like i kept and and i just realized that if   i would have just scalped the position instead of  letting them come back on me and all this [ __ ] i   would have been doing just fine that right  there is kind of gives me this identity crisis   but i cannot ignore the fact that my performance  has increased when i hold longer trades   let's continue reading this there's days where i  can't get cores a run and scalping the full clips   most of the time in my opinion lead to better  overall p l but opinions mean nothing without   proper stats so there's a lot of times where i'm  getting into a trade and i'm scalping out you know   the first couple lots or whatever and then the  rest just continuously come into me on breakeven   i'm not sure if scalping will just yield a better  p l or if i continue to do what i normally do   as of now would yield better p l problem is i  don't have proper [ __ ] stats on it that's a   big thing i need to talk about and we're gonna get  into stats so anyways let's continue the problem   is i've not split tested these two styles not sure  how it even begin doing that i think sticking to   my big pitches and refining that skill is very  important seeing how stepping out of the realm of   raw scalping has improved my overall performance  my pitches can and need to be tighter there needs   to be more clarity around that stuff so i'll start  off the new year with meticulous stat tracking for   larger pitches from there i can look into those  stats further to see if and when i need a scalp   and probably all this is going right over your [  __ ] head so basically i'm going to continue doing   what i'm doing really well as of now i am [ __  ] slacking on the stat tracking and that's where   we go into the next deal and it this this picks  up from this point forward stat track all right stat tracking is huge man um so i'm going to  continue to do what i'm doing i'm going to   look at mfe on uh a lot of these trades where the  cores come back to see if like scalping overall   would just lead to better performance but i i  can't give up and stop doing what i'm doing well   so i'm going to continue to do what i'm supposed  to but stat track so let's talk about stats here   and um again i'm going to read this stat track all  right so you probably notice there's a gold star   next to it so this gold star means it needs to  become uh something i need to continuously do   i've been sloppy as [ __ ] about it all right and  i'm we're gonna get into some of the [ __ ] i did   really sloppy over this last year and i'm really  not proud of it so stat track i've done this on   and off throughout the year and being a consistent  strat tracker has really helped me figure out   very specific issues sooner which then allows  me to figure out specific solutions to remedy   the problem quicker or if the issue is a lack  of a specific trading skill i'm able to direct   more focus in that direction since focus is finite  resource you only have so much of this [ __ ] it   must be used in the most efficient way possible  so let me just shorten that [ __ ] and look you in   the [ __ ] eyes alright when i stat track i'm able  to figure out what the issue is a lot sooner and   i'm able to remedy it or work on it a lot quicker  and if it's a lack of a trading skill i can then   turn it into a weekly goal i have a lot of [ __ ]  to talk about with goals um i can turn it into a   weekly goal and then i can put my focus on it like  intense focus so that way i'm aware of what it is   that i need to get better at and work really hard  on that let me continue the real big [ __ ] you or   issue is not staying up the par with this because  if you have a super good month or a terrible month   i have no [ __ ] clue why uh other than what i  think i may have had what the [ __ ] i can't right   okay so basically what i'm saying is the big [ __  ] you is if i have a super good month and i didn't   stat track that [ __ ] i have no idea what i can  do to make it better or what i can stop doing   not doing something that's hurting you really  impacts your [ __ ] p l right uh not being   impulsive not being as impulsive helps your  p f so when i have a really good month and   unfortunately i didn't stat track these solid  months where i took these fantastic [ __ ] trades   i have no [ __ ] clue and what i mention is uh  my memory is not ironclad it's not to be trusted   like my memory [ __ ] sucks all right i can put  down my car keys and then they disappeared and i   don't i don't know where they went i don't even  know where those [ __ ] bells went that i had   in my [ __ ] hands because i really would like to  jingle them right the [ __ ] now oh there they are   so so anyways i say had i stayed on top of  this this year would have been stellar for   skill development damn you fat cat i'm very  upset because i was very consistent with the   stat tracking then i [ __ ] stopped and then i  got consistent and then i stopped doing it and   that really bothers me and here's the thing i  hate not knowing the specifics of my trading   and quite frankly i need to continue to  amplify the hatred toward not doing it   so you can use hate to fuel something i hate  not stat tracking it makes me feel dirty as   at the end of the [ __ ] day or week or whatever  and it bothers me so i need to fuel that hatred   yes let the hate flow through you there's a  terrible star wars thing i tried to do there   one of my setups that has a statistical edge was  discovered because of the process of stat tracking   i take pride in this so i want to talk about this  i don't think i mentioned it in here i had a setup   where i found out it had statistical edge it [  __ ] worked month after month after [ __ ] month   okay like it made money during the summer time  i traded it i lost on it five times in a row   it was upsetting but uh i was confident in it  and i continued to trade it and at the end of   that summer month it made me money what  i realized was through my stat tracking   is the trade doesn't work good in super low volume  so i have to now do it when the volatility and   volume are at a specific area or higher and  that's when i've noticed it works really well   i can't remember this [ __ ] neither  can you uh so don't be [ __ ] stubborn   and think you know better okay just because  your memory might be a little bit better than   mine because you drink more smart water than me  doesn't mean you can remember [ __ ] all right   so what i say is uh from this point forward i  must keep my stats the same and only okay so this is what i'm telling myself i need to do  from this point forward so these are kind of like   notes in the sense of this is what you need  to be doing so from this point forward i must   keep my stats the same and only after  a month can i modify the new parameters   i need to be rigid in this process  and not hindsight my review process   stats will be reviewed on a weekly basis  and weekly goals will be hyper focused on   shaving off the garbage or if i do something  well can it be shifted into amplifying that   at this point i know i have a lot of shaving  to do there's a lot of garbage in my trading   this will allow me to sculpt myself into the best  version of myself basically when you do stat track   you don't want to be changing the stats so what  is stat tracking basically if you're using some   sort of journaling software like journal ticks  or trader view you can use tags or hashtags   and what i do is i'll go  through and here's an example   am i doing a breakout trade  or am i doing a pullback trade   and i might notice that statistically my pullback  trades are working better than breakout trades   am i trading high medium or low volatility i'll  tag every trade with that stat um i might also do   uh is this a breakout or is this a mean  reverting trade in the sense that are we   coming out of a profile or going back in it and  then i may also tag my trade with how many tries   and it's super fast i got all these hashtags  on an x-key deck once i get 5000 subs i'll do   a subscriber special and i'll show you all my  [ __ ] so subscribe if you haven't but anyways   uh i cannot be changing uh my stats  you you want to do it for a month   because if you're constantly [ __ ] with  it you're really skewing your results   and you don't really look at your  stats until the end of the week   and you want to keep doing what you're supposed  to but if you can modify something maybe if i   notice i keep chasing trades let's stop doing  that for the next week and really focus on it and hopefully we get better at it and then our  stats should reflect that but at the end of   the month what you do is um you can further dive  specific stats or i can take some other stats off   and uh my tag sets can start to be modified and  changed at the end of a month but it's really   you need a good sample size and this is a way  to find setups with edge is by doing this type   of [ __ ] you need to be very consistent in the  way you're trading not consistently profitable   but your approach needs to be consistent  you're trading the setup and the system   the way you're supposed to not necessarily  mechanical right you got to be fluid in some   ways but you want to try to keep everything  as consistent as possible with the way you're   executing and managing it and then at the  end of the month you can see if it has edge   uh the more stats you have over the longer period  of time the better they are but having stats from   one day two days is simply not enough because  the the entire week might be uh just trading   sideways so you kind of need to see what this [  __ ] looks like in different conditions anyways   uh let's go ahead and get into the next thing  weekly and monthly reviews again i've been on   and off with that [ __ ] i need to i mean they got  yellow stars so that means i need to continue to   do it so here we go weekly review look at  performance for the week or do a rolling average   so i'm not sure if i should look at my stats  from a rolling average perspective or look at it   from week to week i'm going to start with a week  this will shape the next week's goals too much   chasing i will hammer on that so if i notice i'm  chasing too much this week and i see it in the   stats that becomes the goal for next week and  i have to really pay attention to that goal uh   i can't forget it and then i basically  i'm going to grade myself on it at the   end of the day to make sure i achieved it  and i'm going to keep working towards it   until it's been achieved and some of you are  like what the [ __ ] are you talking about   look this is the year of being a professional  right this is what i want my dream damn it   so the monthly review look at the entire month  see if performance is improving in key areas   that were targeted by weekly goals see the nuances  of what really has edge at this point take biggest   issues and make that the next month's goal so  whatever my biggest problem is from that specific   month that becomes the monthly goal so i got  the yearly goal a monthly goal and a weekly goal   so i'm working on three things that's a lot  but um three things on different time frames   so you know different time frame analysis uh  anyways so whatever the biggest problem is i need   to really focus on it and i need to also amplify  what my biggest strength was from that prior month   and like i said earlier adjust the tags in a more  nuanced way to look at parameters not being looked   at yet or to further dive into a tag set so this  was this right here this one patience this was   this was a goal from last year and i did really  well i have become a lot more patient i i think   one of the biggest things for me is um being  impulsive that's like my biggest [ __ ] kryptonite   in trading so i want to talk about  patience let me read what i wrote about   how i felt felt about it throughout this year  and like i said all the shit's mix-mashed uh   you got these [ __ ] goals for this year mixed  up with what i'm looking at from last year but   i definitely nailed this one and i'm i'm proud  of myself for this so this is the win this is   where i can feel a bit satisfied improvement  on patients was a goal of last year i'm very   satisfied with my progression i would consider  myself as a very impulsive trader i feel moles   i feel most scalpers especially new scalpers are  impulsive and scalping is a way to curve fit their   shitty habits to a specific style of trading in  reality good scalping is a sport of precision   and especially patience the concentration to scalp  well is also very immense i've learned to let go   of the impulsive need to recoup losses immediately  i've learned to sit and accept that feeling of   uncomfortability which in turns allows me to not  press a trait so for those of you who don't know   pressing a trade simply means you're forcing a  trade there's no trades here for you but you're   gonna just [ __ ] trade that's what pressing means  you might hear me say that a lot more i don't know   so anyways and i also do want to say that  i feel a lot of impulsive traders curve fit   scalping they they think since you know they they  don't realize that they're very impulsive and they   they think maybe scalping is their  personality but scalping is a very   difficult sport to do well at consistently  and the ability to scalp really well i   mean it takes a [ __ ] load of focus and you  cannot like disconnect and it's very fatiguing   to the point you're really tired at the end of the  day i've learned to let go of the impulsive need   to recoup losses immediately i've learned to sit  and accept that feeling of uncomfortability which   in turns allows me not to press a trait i know  that there's always another good setup around   the corner an immediate recovery often leads to  disastrous results being at peace and letting go   of that is satisfying especially when i can come  back and hit a solid trade that pushes me ahead   i find more gratification from being  down and waiting ages for that win   so what i'm saying here is like i thoroughly  enjoy i don't enjoy taking losers all right i   just don't [ __ ] like losing but i i like it when  i when it happens and i'm super [ __ ] patient   and then i can hit a solid trade because this  is what was a huge problem especially like 2020   is i would be impulsive i would over trade and  uh i'd be down all this [ __ ] money and then i   would hit the good setup i knew it was a good  [ __ ] setup and then i would be either break   even up a couple of bucks or still down and  i'm like man that shit's gotta [ __ ] stop   right had i just been more [ __ ] patience  hence that's why that was a huge goal for 2021   is that what year is is 2021. so i can't  believe it's 20 21. holy [ __ ] we're going   on 22 man the [ __ ] is going on anyways  i'm getting older that's what's going on   sucks so but anyways i i find a lot of  gratification and just being patient and   recovering uh the trade kind of like my trading  on tilt video if you guys have not seen that that   video is [ __ ] fantastic the the the highlight  of that was not the [ __ ] money the big win   turning it green all that [ __ ] i got more  gratification out of stepping back calming down   waiting and then hitting the setup that right  there is something i'm starting to obsess over   and that is skill development that's what  that is it has nothing to do with [ __ ] p l   for me this is the year of professionalism and  i want to focus more on skill development i've   always kind of done that but for me skill  development is so [ __ ] important and if   you new traders are listening to this stop  thinking about the [ __ ] p l p l is simply   a reflection of your trading skills and if  you don't have good trading skills your p   l is gonna suck p l is simply an end result of  all this other [ __ ] you gotta [ __ ] get good at   simple as that and when i for me a win is not  a monetary gain for me at this point my trading   journey the win is getting better and honestly  from hearing a lot of these professionals uh   that do a lot better than me a lot of  these guys obsess at getting better   again not the p l not the money but getting  better and i think once you can just [ __ ] let go   of that [ __ ] and really want to get better it's  going to make a difference when you can just let   go of gotta make money gotta make money gotta  make [ __ ] money gotta make money let go of it and that's the thing i think that's what  washes out the guys that want a quick buck   from the people that are actually passionate  about trading we all got in this for the wrong   [ __ ] reasons let's be honest with ourselves  right we all got in this for the [ __ ] money   um but at some point do you love the game for  the game do you love getting better at the game   and if you don't have passion in that this isn't  going to work this is not going to work for you   professionals often preach the importance of  patience this to me seems to be the answer to all   the problems at this stage in my trading obviously  perfecting my pitch locations is another thing   but patient leads to better pitch locations so  i'm going to use pitch i like to use baseball   analogies with trading so when i'm talking about  pitching i'm talking about actually executing the   trade actually putting it on so and i'm saying  basically here that patience allows for better   pitch locations because i'm not being impulsive  i'm waiting for the prime [ __ ] areas where i   think i can throw really well now don't get  me wrong i still have intense impulsive urges   ah yeah you know what i mean just gonna [  __ ] hit the button that's what's going on   you know you ever seen the cartoon with the  devil on the shoulder and the [ __ ] angel   that son of a [ __ ] devil's on my  shoulder he's like yeah [ __ ] button man   so that that happens and it sounds just like that  honestly so um i'm trying to get this other son of   a [ __ ] this angel son of a [ __ ] over here to  [ __ ] speak up because it's got a soft voice fat   cat it's okay be patient be patient well this son  of a [ __ ] over here is yelling yeah i'm doing it   so that's kind of what's going on you know it  makes me seem like a psychopath and you know   what maybe i am maybe i am so anyways i still  haven't tends and pulls the verges this will not   just go away and i accept that fact i just want  to continue to push myself in a way that those   feelings don't have such aggressive flare-up  or the urge is no longer as intense again what   i just kind of talked about with that devil angel  analogy right i don't think one can shortcut this   it's dedicated work one can potentially expedite  the process but the workload will be more heavy   to shortcut the process of not being so impulsive  things i know that work for me so let's talk about   things that help with these impulsive flare-ups  again if you've not seen the trading on tilt video   the [ __ ] you doing go watch it it's so good  like seriously it actually has trades in it   it's it's a [ __ ] movie man the plot everything  god is so good but i talk about uh this meditation   process in that video so when i say wim hof  make wim hof a habit there's a red star here   that so the red star is signifying i want  to make this a habit yes the gold stars mean   you should be doing this all the [ __ ] time but  the i i can't make everything a [ __ ] habit i got   to make it kind of easy for myself so i do a a wim  hof breathing and then i meditate and then i do   visualization so it's like a combination of three  different [ __ ] things so i want to make that a   habit during tilt flare-ups so when you watch the  tilt trading video i want to make that what i did   in that video a [ __ ] habit i just want to just  do it naturally so i don't have a technical name   for it but it's a combination of different things  right wim hof breathing meditation visualization   so i'm saying this i guess i do want to touch on  this i need to do it in the moment the problem is   to this day is separation from the screen is  very difficult i actually had a traitor who   wasn't doing so well and it took me a lot to  talk him off the [ __ ] edge of the building   i'm like you need to go away you need to go  away step away you're doing so good get the   [ __ ] out of here and he just was hanging out  for too [ __ ] long i knew he was still there   i obviously didn't say it that way i said a lot  nicer but that's kind of you know the summary um   so i know that getting away from this the screens  is [ __ ] difficult man because i i don't know i   i guess i'm an addict or some [ __ ] maybe  you guys are too and you can relate so this   is like a [ __ ] aaa meeting for screen addicts  here hello my name is fat cat i am addicted to   smart water trading screens and big bells the  problem to this day is separation from the   screens is very difficult the discipline needed  will be tremendous the problem is not stepping   away necessarily the issue is not stepping  away leads to pressing which never ends well   and if it does i feel really dirty about it i feel  really dirty about it i don't it just it doesn't   feel good when you did something stupid you know  you should never [ __ ] did it and it worked out   i mean it it just doesn't feel good inside i mean  some people will be like oh yeah i saved it yeah   but that wasn't a good [ __ ] trade and if you  continue to do that it's probably not going to   go well for you because it honestly most of the  time it doesn't the only way to truly step away   is to be aware being aware of the beginnings  of issues makes a separation from the screen   easier once the scale is tipped too much  to one side the separation becomes almost   impossible as the emotion overrides the  ability to make the right [ __ ] decision god this is some poetic [ __ ] let's get smart so if you guys are paying attention what you're  probably starting to see is that awareness is huge   and if you're not aware of what's going on well  then you can't step away from the [ __ ] screen   so the salute so here's the thing i'm addicted  to the screen i need to somehow pull myself away   and i have a solution to calm myself down that  solution is the meditation wim hof technique   i'm gonna come up with some sweet name for it i  don't know what the fat cat method [ __ ] it um   so that is the solution but the problem is if i'm  not aware that i need to get away from the screen   and if the scale's tipped and i'm getting way too  emotional at that point it's too [ __ ] late so   i have the solution here's the problem but if  i'm not able to be aware that the problem is   starting to become a problem then i can't go  [ __ ] tap into the solution and fix potential   disastrous trading so awareness is huge so  how does one become super aware seeing how   hyper awareness and that skill development is  what allows you to step away it allows you to   re-evaluate your emotions hyper awareness allows  you to simply be more patient hyper awareness   is about living in the moment and as humans that  is one of the most difficult things to do we   either live in the past or we live in the future  you guys are always thinking about you fantasizing   about what you're gonna do with all your trading  money or you're [ __ ] looking at the stupid trade   you took and that's all you're thinking about but  you're not thinking about them what you should be   doing right now right i mean that [ __ ] there's  so much technology we can't even [ __ ] watch a   a [ __ ] hour long video most people have to  look at videos that are 30 seconds long because   our attention spans are so [ __ ] up um so living  in the moment is a skill that most of us lack and   it's simple it needs to be developed so how the [  __ ] do you do that well here's the problem i have   a solution to do with the fat cat method for when  i'm getting upset and i need to be hyper aware   but the problem is hyper awareness just awareness  alone is a whole nother [ __ ] skill set uh   do you see how all this [ __ ] is kind of tied  together at this point like i need to do this   when this is happening but i can't do that if  i don't become aware so now i got to figure out   how to become more aware and this is how you get  better at [ __ ] trading you're constantly having   problems and you need to backtrack everything and  figure out specific solutions to solve specific   issues and it all ties in together hyper awareness  is about living in the moment and as humans as one   of the most difficult things to do as i said we  live in the past the future the problem again   is i need the specific the problem again is i  need the specific solutions to further refine   this skill development of being hyper aware maybe  hyper awareness is the answer to all my problems   not necessarily patience which i mentioned earlier  that patience might be the answer to the problem   for everything but maybe it's hyper awareness  and as i'm writing this i'm kind of writing it   like a journal so that's how this urine review is  being written patience is merely a result of being   aware that i may be feeling impulsive again when  i'm being patient i'm like oh i'm being impulsive   that son of a [ __ ] is yelling in my ear yeah hit  the button and i'm like no no no no i'm aware that   you are there telling me what to [ __ ] do you son  of a [ __ ] so i'm being aware of what's going on   and now i can be patient i can be like be  patient fat cat be patient and the traders   that sit with me and listen to me trade  all the time they hear me constantly say   i need to be patient just be patient this  is literally me talking this down right   so patience is merely the result of being aware  that i may be feeling impulsive i know i need   to wait because i'm aware of how i'm feeling  from what i've seen work for me these are the   things that help build awareness meditation walk  habit and that makes no sense so let me read it   make meditation and awareness walks habits what  the [ __ ] is an awareness walk what is this so   if you're not in the meditation this could be an  alternate way to build the skill development or   develop the skill of being more aware awareness  walks require you to pay attention to everything   around you and not think about the future or the  past you're looking at the [ __ ] tree mailbox   car what's the license plate on the car what  does the ground feel like underneath my feet   and it's a lot harder than you [ __ ] think  let me tell you a solution to stop the brain   from thinking too much is moving your eyes side  to side in a rapid fashion i will demonstrate sorry if that was a bit creepy this prevents  your brain from thinking when it starts to just   do its thing do it in a rapid fashion and this is  a actual method used by therapists to help people   with ptsd subject with ptsd talks about the  event that cause their underlying issues while   doing rapid eye movements the subject no longer  experiences severe emotional pain as they do as   i do this uh rapid eye movement practice for  whatever reason because i'm not that smart so   let's try to get smart here so whatever's  going on in the brain this rapid eye movement   has some sort of effect on your brain and it  also takes focus to actually move your eyes   back and forth like you gotta think that's why  when you meditate you think about your breath   it gives you something to focus on so when  you're moving your eyes back and forth it's   kind of like breath work i would say  but it's also doing something in the   [ __ ] brain i'm not sure what my wires are  getting crossed or something obviously i   need to drink a shitload more smart water to  really understand this and explain it better   but anyways being aware on walks is a practice  that helps build that skill set so when you go   on a walk pay attention to what everything else  that's going on in the walk live in the moment   and when your brain starts to go all [ __ ] kooky  and [ __ ] and thinks about this or thinks about   fantasizes about that start to move those eyes  back and forth on the walk and when you're doing   it look at the tree look at that tree look at the  sidewalk look at the house look at this and just   take it in and then your mind's gonna wander on  the walk that's just part of it don't get upset   but it's a great practice and it's also healthy  to go for a walk because if you think about it   we're always sitting in these [ __ ] computer  chairs which i don't think is really good for you   and neither is staring at five [ __ ] monitors  because that's what i got going on over here   and that's why i have to drink a lot of smart  water because i think all this shit's making   me stupid it's great it's a great thing to do  to go out go for a walk and um it's a great way   to build your awareness anyways the next thing  is meditation meditation is medicine in my 2020   uh trade review i talk about meditation meditation  is huge guys it's just so good for everything   in your life i when i discovered it i think  it was in 2020 when i really started to   hone in on it my god it's it's it's  it's the best [ __ ] so meditation is   medicine i've talked about this last  year it heals you in many aspects   i'd like to focus on the fact it helps with  awareness if my mind wanders in meditation and it will the purpose of  meditation is to focus on breath i just spit everywhere   i'm spitting smart water on you but focus on  the breath don't focus on the smart water spit   yeah and there's probably a little bit of covet  in there by the way the purpose of meditation is   to focus on breath you realize hey my mind has  wandered let's bring it back in this is a great   practice to live in the moment but to also be very  aware or develop the skill of awareness around the   wandering mind meditation is not to shut your  mind up that's not how that's not how it works   it's good to let it wander and what you're  doing is you're progressively getting   better at pulling it back in and refocusing  on the breath it is one of the best ways to   really develop your skill of awareness i'm being  aware that my mind is wandering bring it back in   and it takes practice just to get decent at  that and then you have to start to translate   it into actual [ __ ] training which that is a  whole another skill development set right there   and that also takes [ __ ] time this is why  i tell you guys [ __ ] takes [ __ ] years to   figure out it really it really does and those  people that are doing this in a year or two   and they're consistently profitable and they're  doing really [ __ ] good they must drink a lot   more smart water than me because i it certainly  took me a long [ __ ] time to really get to where   i'm at now and i'm not happy where where i'm at  right now i want to do better i'm also happy where   you know i'm also happy with the skills i've  developed okay so anyways now that the practice   is in process at some point the skill of  connecting it to your training needs to   be developed i just said this how do we do this  goals goals are simply the pathway i feel like the   [ __ ] stewardess goals are simply the pathway to  connect your best practices to other components   in your training every morning for a month and  throughout the day i need to hyper focus on my   goal the pathway to connect my best practices  so i'm becoming more aware and in the moment   through meditation so i want to talk about  that again goals are pathways to connect this   to that that's what your goals are okay so  you need to build some sort of skill set here   that probably has nothing to  do with trading like anger   being impatient isn't necessarily trading related  but you need to work on that somehow some way   by maybe doing something that's  totally not trading related   now you have trading over here you've got to have  a goal to connect the [ __ ] two and the thing is   you're not going to be able to take that new  skill and put it into your training without   having a goal and hyper focusing on it so when you  focus on i need to be more patient in my training   and you're constantly thinking  about it it's good to meditate   before the session and visualize you  being patient if that's your specific goal   no matter what happens in this trading session  i need to constantly remind myself i need to be   patient today because the moment i stop thinking  about that my training goes to its old ways   so that is the importance of [ __ ] goals  some of you think goals are [ __ ] stupid i   think you're stupid anyways sorry uh you guys  aren't stupid because if you are the solution   is drinking more smart water and you guys are  definitely better smart water drinkers than i am   anyways that [ __ ] need to sponsor me seriously  don't don't you kind of want to drink smart water   now so i say let's use that skill to focus on when  i feel uncomfortable and trading by keeping a talk   to text journal i can hear myself talk about  my frustrations so therefore when i hear and   see it i'm aware i know this makes no sense alex  cleared up once aware i can keep my daily goal at   the front of my focus the daily goal can be doing  wim hof breathing i use this to reground myself   before the day starts i need to keep a checklist  on making sure i internalize my daily goal with   some sort of visualization exercise these goals  need to be assessed over until they become habits i need to grade myself on how well i've achieved  my daily goal this way i can stat track how well   i'm doing this once i see consistency in that goal  and the efforts become more natural then i can   move on so god that just i wrote that i definitely  wasn't drinking smart water when i wrote that   paragraph so excuse it here's the process i've  been doing a text to talk journal you can use a   google drive and you got to use use google drive  use the word pad in google drive or whatever it's   called and then if you're using google chrome  you can hook it up to your mic and you can text   to talk throughout the session and i've been  doing that and it really helps so what i do is   i constantly talk about how uncomfortable i am out  loud into the mic i'm not typing it up or nothing   this way i can focus on the trading the order  flow all that [ __ ] but i'm like talking out loud   and text to talk can really [ __ ] it up and it  doesn't look right at times but i get the gist   of it and what i can do is i'll see i'll see how  upset i get over something and when i'm constantly   talking about how i'm upset over something or  how something's making me nervous i need to tap   into my words and i need to realize what i'm  actually saying right think before you speak   or think while you're speaking some of  you don't even [ __ ] do any of that   because you don't drink enough smart water when  i'm constantly talking [ __ ] about something and   trading during the session that is awareness i'm  being aware at some point i'm connecting with that   and going holy crap i'm really upset here and  once i can make that connection and this is why   journaling is so important during a session and i  suggest doing it the lazy way which is text talk   but so important that once you make that  connection you can be aware and you can step   out and do what you need to do to fix the problem  whether that's some sort of meditation a way to   calm down or maybe it allows you to just sit  back and look at the bigger picture and then   really start to go through everything and be  like hey there really isn't something here   i'm getting too narrow right now i'm getting too  focused on small [ __ ] and i don't need to be   doing this i need to step back because i'm realize  i'm talking [ __ ] one thing i need to do is um   through that journaling you can and here's  a really big thing about journaling is uh   you need to time stamp your entries so so  i'll be like 9 30 a.m i feel x y and z i   don't feel well about this setup the setup  is getting chopped i can't get into it well   um time stamping how you feel is very important  because you can look at that and compare it to   your trades and you can look at it and look at a  chart and you can see how what something might be   happening on the chart was affecting the way you  were feeling and uh it's just like a time stamp   trade that's you know you you look at your trade  what time did i make it and look at the chart   and then you can kind of like review it and the  journal entries are going to give you something   you just aren't going to get anywhere else because  you might notice that you are constantly getting   upset and you're getting nervous about holding  trades and you're getting nervous for no reason   and once you start to see that pattern you start  to get more confident in maybe holding a setup   you start to get less spooked or if i notice  there's a repeatable pattern in my journaling   maybe the same thing keeps pissing me off and  i keep repeating the same thing over and over   but i'm not aware of that and if i reread my  journal entry i'm like holy [ __ ] i've been   complaining about the same thing for a month  straight that has been brought to the forefront   and now i'm aware of that repeatable issue and  now i can craft a specific solution to fix it   and then once i figure out what that solution is  and sometimes you don't sometimes the solutions   you make are not the permanent solutions sometimes  it's whatever you craft to fix a problem is merely   just a step towards the right direction until you  find what ultimately is going to work for you the   thing is i need to have these goals and again what  i was saying is goals are pathways well here's the   solution to the problem when i'm trading how do i  connect it and how do i become aware when it's all   starting to go to [ __ ] and what i'm saying here  is it's important that i visualize and meditate   on the goal before the session it's important  that i put up a sticky note or do whatever i   can to constantly remind myself of what i need  to be focusing on and winning the day is not   necessarily printing green winning the day  really has to do with knocking that goal   out of the [ __ ] park such as my tilt trading  video right i did what i was supposed to when i   was supposed to and it [ __ ] the results were  miraculous right so i need to continue to focus   on that goal until it starts to become more of a  habit so journaling needs to be more of a habit   i've been pretty good with it but i've also  been slacking it's really helps it helps a lot so yearly goal all right i i really [ __ ] this  one up this was a goal last year and i totally   dropped the bottom on it i would say some of it  was lack of awareness some of it was laziness   so i wanted to be very  consistent with my processes   so whether that's journaling stat tracking trade  reviewing i would say those were the big ones last   year just was not consistent with it month after  month was not at all and that upsets me so much   and i talk about it and i'm gonna revisit  that goal because i need to [ __ ] achieve   it so anyways this year 2021 i have several goals  the main one is being consistent in my processes   and i feel if you're consistent with  your processes you can be a consistently   profitable trader if you're not consistent in  routines and processes how are you going to be   super consistent with your trading do you i  could there's it just relates in my opinion   and when i have been consistent in my processes  it really did improve my trading when it started   to falter the thing is it needs to be stayed on  top of especially when [ __ ] is good so this   year i had several goals the main one was being  consistent in my processes which was a goal last   year that i failed i achieved two of the three  goals so one of them was being more patient and   the other one was trading options achieve those  failing this goal of consistently being process   oriented makes me upset i'm not happy there is no  excuse for this it's a combination of being lazy   and not focused on the fact i need to focus on my  processes i i need to focus that's the that's the   connection here's what i need to do here's how i  connect i need to connect it to my training over   here the goal connects them i'm going to spend  more time on building out specific solution sets   this year to help with my main goal one thing  i've done that helps is building out checklists   i often forget things because i  don't drink enough smart water i often forget things whether  it's hash tagging a youtube video   or hitting the record button for the  morning session just simple [ __ ] like that   i'm going to spend more time really writing things  out and figuring out how to systematize it all   into a repeatable process that can be formed  into a checklist i need to learn how to obsess with loving the checklist and feeling good when i  check off that box and i've made some checklists   over the past year anyways things that to include  in a checklist there needs to be natural pause   points in them they must be speedy so you must be  able to go through it relatively quickly otherwise   if you're spending too much time on the checklist  uh you're probably not going to do it uh you need   a supplement to existing knowledge and it needs  to be field tested and they're constantly updated   and i got i'll admit i've been lazy about uh   falling off the checklist wagon as well  but hey i [ __ ] did it over the last year   at certain points so that's good right so  again i need to obsess over the checklist   having a goal of being consistent in my  processes remember this is a yearly goal   this year is too broad of a statement it's too  broad of a [ __ ] statement i think checklisting   every [ __ ] process to death will help with  organization i'm terrible at being organized   and this has led to issues throughout my entire  life some form of organization will help me be   more consistent with my actual processes otherwise  i'll be missing specific components at times and   this can lead to skewed results so let's take  these [ __ ] off obsess over the checklist checklist everything and here's a example of like  a uh this is like uh for youtube uh when i edit   the video i need to put this [ __ ] in that [ __  ] that [ __ ] and then during filming i need to   mention jigsaw so if you guys want to save  money on jigsaw please use my affiliate link   use the coupon code it helps also if you like  what i do feel free to donate to my coffee page think of it like a tip so there you go check  them shits off and then after my upload i gotta   do all this other crap so this way i don't [  __ ] forget [ __ ] because i'm goddamn forget   so much [ __ ] and i you know really i think  another thing is i need to put on here on this   list is drink more smart water is what i really  think i should be doing really that should be the   [ __ ] daily week yearly goal or whatever so part  of the reason i i'm lazy and don't do my processes   is like i was about to adjust my glasses and i  put my finger in my nose but one thing is i need   to divide my workload man uh so my workload can be  hectic um part of the problem is saving it all for   the end of the day in reality i need to split  my process up by doing it midday which really   yields any solid trades anyways uh with that being  said dividing my workload makes it more bearable   i think a lot of my issues with not meeting my  process goal for the year is because my workload   can be very daunting at times so what i'm trying  to [ __ ] say here in layman's terms uh trade   review the morning and the afternoon hashtag your  morning trades in the afternoon go through your   journal in the afternoon and don't save it for the  end of the [ __ ] day because then it turns into a   two three [ __ ] hour process and and then then i  look at it like ah [ __ ] i gotta do all of this   so i think dividing the workload realistically  is the best thing let's go on to the next thing oh divide workload book of charts book of charts  let's talk about this [ __ ] for a second i'm not   like super hyper focused on this one if i [  __ ] this up it's okay but i'm it's not okay   playbooking is a tremendous undertaking i simply  don't have the time to do fully fledged playbooks   on top of everything else that matters  however a solution so hopefully you guys   are learning something here stop bitching and  complaining about the same [ __ ] over and over   [ __ ] make a solution for your [ __ ] problem so  here's the solution i want to screenshot my daily   rth chart i want to quickly mark it up point  out entries exits hindsight entries hindsight   exits so the ideal entries and exits i want to  see how good i'm getting at hitting those areas   and then i want to write a quick paragraph on  the market conditions and make note if there   was any economic catalyst like non-farm fridays  fomc whatever and it's just going to be simply   one screenshot and i'm just going to jam them all  together flipping through these charts once a week   will allow me to internalize what an a plus  setup looks like and i also need to stamp   that [ __ ] out so let's actually write that  down again flipping through these charts   once a week will allow me to internalize what a  a-plus setups look like knowing my best pitches knowing my best pitches inside out is what will  allow me to become more aggressive and size up   i lack knowledge on my best pitches i do however  have a better idea of what those look like as of   this year again this year has been very tremendous  as far as growth and just honing in on specific   setups that work really well this year was good  in so many ways my ability to see market clarity   is huge i know better when to stop pitching  and when to resume when the setups become more   difficult i want to tighten this up there's a lot  of slop here so sometimes i can have a good setup   and i think the training tilt video kind of shows  how i was initially trying to hit a good setup   and that area just got sloppy trait number  two was totally uncalled for that was a   impulsive trade entries can either be pristine  or they can be a a little sloppy or very sloppy   and just i have a video on sweet spot check it  out i think this is probably one of the more   hard things in trading is understanding  volatility and volume in the market and   how they interact with each other and the  shifting of it and when a trade starts to   not be good anymore a a huge problem is over  trading a specific entry and not being aware   that i'm over trading it until i'm like  five six trades deep and they're all   not working and then before i know it i over  traded it and what i'm realizing is i need to   step back after you know two pitches or something  and then i need to let something different happen   so what does that mean that means i need  the price action to push away from that area   in a way it wasn't trading prior so if it's  chopping and churning a specific area it needs   to push out and then come back and then i can  re-pitch it i need to get better and identifying   when i need to stop and resume that's  very difficult uh that's a skill set and   i'm getting better at it so i think at this  point in my training i obsess about skill   development at this point money is secondary  and that is a relief i just want to cultivate   my skills this year and be a real professional  not some half-assed retail trader looking at you   don't be a half-assed retail trader i want to  approach this the way an f-1 driver approaches   driving intense focus on skill development i  don't want to be some hobbyist race car driver   if i'm going to the top of the game then this is  the way this is the way this is the way there is   none of this half-assed effort the half-assed  effort bothers me to the point i [ __ ] hate it   yeah you feel that hatred come out when  i did that and i use my italian hands   i've had to change tremendously as a person just  to get this far while that's not good enough for   me i certainly have a solid foundation at this  point i have solid trading skills italian hands   i have solid trading skills now is the time  to really bring it all in and tighten it up i   wanna become a machine i wanna trade wi

2022-01-07 06:34

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