David Jaffee Trading Review: Trade Alerts

David Jaffee Trading Review: Trade Alerts

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all right here is a record of all the trades  that i sent to my trade alert students so i   would highly recommend that you follow these  trades and try to understand them if you're   considering joining the trade alerts you can  enroll at beststockstrategy.com/memberships   I'm gonna go relatively quickly because i probably  should have made a video about a month or a month   and a half ago and right now it's about february  7th i believe or february 8th and i have to go   back all the way to november 12th so i'm going to  go relatively quickly but you're welcome to pause   this video or watch it at half speed so that  way you can see all the alerts i think the big   takeaway is the best way to use this rather  is to simply compare my trades against how   the market was performing at that day so you can  look at how the general market was was performing   look at the s p 500 the high and  the low and you can also look at   the trading history of that specific underlying  stock so if i make a trade on amazon you can look   at how amazon was trading at that specific  day so without further ado let's get started   so november 12th here i extend the duration  on boeing and i reduced the strike price   from 165 to 155 i rolled ba by a month  and reduced the strike by ten dollars here i sold calls on pdd b plus grade then i  also like to give you the spread like as well then i always provide a summary at the end of the  day so pdd i rolled the option from 165 to 180.   tesla i sold the 280 put p plus  grade i like to grade the trades   amazon is holding twenty four  hundred and collected two dollars another trade in amazon opening trade  collected two dollars and 53 cents   so 253 dollars per contract  sold here are some thoughts bought back amazon so bought it back for  two dollars and thirty cents and sold it for   for five dollars and forty five cents three  hundred and fifteen dollar profit in a week november 17th i rolled the amazon position from 2400 to  2600 and picked up 200 extra per contract b plus grade brought back tesla held for a few days and  captured around 50 55 of the premium boeing sold   some calls picked up 67 cents or 67 per contract  b plus grade then i give my closing thoughts opening trade on amazon b grade sold some tesla calls picked up  five dollars and twenty cents or   five hundred and twenty dollars per  contract sold with a 35 safety net close that position out close  for 50 profit in just a few hours new opening trade in roku a minus grade   picked up over three hundred dollars in  total or a dollar fifty two per contract rh sold some calls for two dollars and  eighty cents per share b plus grade amazon picked up almost four hundred dollars held for two days kept seventy percent of  the premium no stress at all took advantage   of the high available premium with the  time of opening sold a put in mastercard bought back the bowling position held for a week kept over 80 percent closed the trade in amazon bought back for  95 cents sold it for 2.53 cents on a net   basis we kept 100 of the premium was selling  the 2400 strike then we rolled the 24 to 2640   and collected 202 then we just  closed everything out for a dollar   20 or a hundred and twenty dollars  so we kept a hundred percent of the   original and forty percent of the money  on the roll no stress just time decay sold some puts in apple sold some calls and boeing so turn that into a strangle opportunistically i rolled up the amazon  puts picked up an extra 294 dollars so a few days ago we opened the 2500 put and  picked up close to 400 and we just closed   that out kept the original 400 rolled the put  strike to 2680 and picked up an incremental 300 new opening trade b plus grade so calls in ttd brought back tesla closing  trading apple held it for a day closing trading ttd sold some calls in tesla adjusted the position closing tray for pdd snow okay so i'm definitely going to do a video  on snow because i ran into problems on there   and i also ran into problems on tesla so i'm  probably going to end up doing a separate video   with snow and tesla so um yeah so it's november  27th all right so snow like i said before   was very problematic because it ran up very  quickly i picked up 7.25 roku bought that back

rolled up tesla and i financed  it by selling the 530 put open a new position in boeing   b plus grade up amazon picked up an  extra two hundred and eight dollars mastercard closed it out for fifty  percent profit the original trade is there new opening trade in mrna then i just close it out oh so actually so i closed out this  trade for a 25 profit i believe so it   wasn't this trade it was another one with  snow so i made a little bit of money on it tesla sold the puts for 235 rng new opening trade brought it back spotify b plus grade 50 profit in about one and a half hours not bad tesla tesla is 760 new opening trade amazon picked up around thirteen hundred  dollars i sold a vertical credit spread brought back tesla so snow um i had a challenge position  in snow i believe this might be it   so we'll see picked up about 400 dollars here  you can see that i rolled it up by 10 bucks   yeah i'm pretty sure that this is it actually  because i remember that the same day that i   put it on snow started euphorically going  up so i had to roll it up by ten dollars facebook low b plus grade so here  this is the end of the boeing position   except for the calls that will expire this week here's the tesla call 740. rolled it up picked up another hundred dollars sold another vertical credit spread in amazon okay so here with snow what  i did was i bought back the 430 and   the 317 and i rolled it up by ten dollars to  the 440 and then i financed it by increasing   the put strike by about 37.50 it looks like  so obviously i was much more concerned about   the call side than i was on the put side because  i effectively just increased the call side by   ten dollars but then i gave up 37 and a half  dollars of premium or rather 37.5 dollars of   protection and safety net on the put side and  i received a small credit for it of 31 cents   so a rolling trade would snow i closed out the  existing 317 and a half by 430 call and then   sold the 355 put by 440 call the benefit is that i  get an incremental 10 safety net on the call side   then i rolled it up by an extra 10 wow so  then i rolled it all the way from 355 to 375. sold the 780 call on tesla for a dollar  new opening trade in roku b plus grade a lot of premium in tesla picked up over twelve  hundred dollars or six dollars and thirty five   cents per share so remember that one contract is a  hundred shares so selling two contracts brings in   twelve hundred and seventy dollars brought back facebook all right so now you can see that snow is  actually falling so now i'm more concerned   about the put side than i am on the call side so  snow started rapidly falling i rolled down snow i   send the duration by one week and then i rolled  it down by 30 and then i picked up 100 bucks closed out roku closed out boeing no more bowling positions all right for rh we sold it for 560  and bought it back for 10 dollars   open a new position in amazon sold some  calls picked up four hundred dollars picked up 605 dollars in tesla so here's snow where   i had to roll it down again so from 3 45 to 3  30 and then i sold a call to help finance it rolled it forward by week and also rolled down the put strike   by fifteen dollars extended the duration by week  and also sold next week's 435 call to finance it brought back the tesla call closed for a 200 profit all right so here is another adjustment of  the snow call where i let me see what i did   okay so i closed out the 4 430 five and the third  the 330 and then i rolled down the call option   by 45 dollars in order to pick up an  incremental 20 as a safety net on the   put side and i also extended the duration  of both the call and the put by one week   all right so that's a little bit of  a tricky structure but i essentially   extended the duration by one week and then i  reduced the call side strike by 45 and all of   that the the collection of the premium by sending  the duration by one week and also rolling down   the call side from 435 to 390 was used to reduce  the 330 put strike down to 310 so i was clearly   very worried about the short put option on snow  and i kind of like used all the tricks in the   book in order to extend the duration and also to  roll down the call side in order to give myself   20 of additional safety net on the put side by  rolling down the short put strike from 330 to 310.

i'm just going to read what i wrote because  it's much more succinct than my explanations   that occur almost two months afterwards  amazon 50 gain in a few hours new opening trade b plus grade all right here's another roll on snow so  it looks like i didn't explain it here   basically what i did was i rolled it forward by  a few weeks and then i reduced the strike from   310 to 295 so i picked up an incremental  fifteen dollars a safety net on the put side   and then i also used the premium from rolling down  the 390 call to the 372 on the put side i extended   the duration in order to increase the safety  net by 15 so basically i roll down the calls   on the december 24th and i roll down from 392 372  and a half and then i also extended the duration   from on the put side from december 31st by  about two to three weeks i don't know if that is   the weekly or the monthly in january  but i rolled it down by 310 to 295 amazon custom spread   close out the four contracts that expire this  friday for a large profit and then rolled by two weeks picked up almost  fourteen hundred dollars   yeah so i just rolled the same position it  looks like the 2890 you know b plus grade so here's the original so we sold it for  thirteen hundred dollars we then closed   it out for a large profit and we sold it  with an additional two weeks expiration and   picked up an incremental fourteen hundred  dollars so that was a pretty good trade   this was a great trade picked up  almost sixteen hundred dollars picked up an extra two hundred nine dollars on  amazon turned it opportunistically into a strangle sold some puts on tesla sold some calls on amazon all right it's one o'clock in the morning  and i need to sleep so i'm probably just   gonna stop this at january 1st and then i'll  make the second part tomorrow or the next day   i think that would be best because there's no  way i'm going to get through in incremental   month and a half i'm just too tired and it's  one o'clock and i have to be fresh for tomorrow   so but i will get through december  31st and i'll stop at january 1st 175 dollar safety net man this is a great trade i  should have traded that way   larger than i did 450 put strike and  picked up 1230 dollars amazon b plus grade yeah for some reason tesla swung  about four percent in five minutes i   actually remember that i don't  know why it happened though amazon so calls picked up 655 dollars roku amazon picked up four hundred dollars for  for agreeing to buy it at twenty five hundred   and five dollars a lot of safety net peloton new opening trade picked  up almost 100 bucks facebook tesla definitely should have done this bigger that  was a mistake to not do it larger oh there we go peloton brought it back snow is falling again so the call option will expire  tomorrow so then we'll have the 295 put then i'm discussing what my plan is for snow   it didn't work out that way snow fell all the  way to i think like 260 or something so you'll   see in the second video how i had to manage  that but it's always good to have a plan with   challenged positions because if you don't then  the positions end up becoming very stressful sold the tesla call picked up 1.50 only a b grade here's the profit on tesla tesla calls b-plus rolled this position to  pick up an extra 2. dollars that was the original position facebook closing trade that's the original held for less than a week and  captured over 50 of the premium i rolled amazon   not a new opening trade i rolled in i  picked up about an extra hundred dollars   looks like amazon had a good  day on december 28th yep tesla sold the 525 put amazon calls sold the 4100 call on amazon we have about 800 safety net by selling this call  but it uses up a decent amount of buying power sold the column pdd low b plus grade tesla sold the 880 picked up a dollar  83 so 183 dollars last day of trading so for snow i extended the duration by one week   and i also reduced the strike price from  295 to 290. hold it four by one week and  

reduce the strike by five dollars picked up on  incremental ten cents or ten dollars per contract and it looks like i rolled it again so  here what i did was i rolled it from   290 to 282 and then i financed it by selling  the 345 call option so a short data call option amazon new opening trade i did that as a spread filled for 93 cents here i rolled you can tell i was frustrated  because all i wrote was managing that was my   third role for the day on snow so you can tell  i was very frustrated and i just wrote managing   oh man let's see what i did so it looks like i  rolled down the call option by five dollars and   then i extended the duration by one week  and i rolled down the put by five dollars   so i rolled it for it by one week and reduced  the strike by five dollars and i also reduced   the strike on the call by five  dollars picked up a tiny credit of   one cent or one dollar per contract this is a  good example of rolling slash managing positions snow is down around twenty dollars we will  continue to make adjustments until it's   profitable the market is closed tomorrow  for new year's trading resumes on monday   tesla was up 10 bucks all right so it's 1 10 in  the morning and i want to go to sleep so i'm going   to do the final month recap tomorrow or the next  day this video is already 35 minutes so what i'll   do is i'm going to parse out the snow trading  and i'll make a separate video so this will be   part one and then i'll do the separate video from  january 4th until present tomorrow or the next day   and then that'll be part two and that'll contain  this snow commentary but i also have a challenge   position on tesla i remember on the call side  i think when i saw like the 780 caller was like   720 and then tesla went up about 18 in two days  and it challenged the 720 and also the seven   uh the 780 or maybe it was 820 and 880 but it  was one of those but basically i had a challenged   tesla position and i think it was actually 8 20  and 880 and i wanna for educational purposes i   want to discuss how i managed the tesla position  and also how i managed the the um snow position   so i'll do two videos that shows all the trades  this was part one then tomorrow or the next day   i'm going to do january 4th until the present and  then i'm also going to do a separate video that's   going to detail how i managed the tesla position  and also how i manage the snow position all right   so that's about it if you have any questions  you can go to beststockstrategy.com/memberships   and i highly recommend that you enroll in  the trade alerts and leave a comment below   like this video and subscribe and i appreciate  you and i hope that you're having a great day

2021-02-24 04:48

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