Dating a Japanese guy (the good and bad/my experiences)

Dating a Japanese guy (the good and bad/my experiences)

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Honest, thinking, on a foggy night on this what's. Up guys and bubblegum. Gang that's, right if you subscribe, to me you weren't a part of the bubblegum gang whether you like it or not. And. For those of you who aren't subscribed and would like to be part of the bubblegum gang go ahead and smash. That subscribe button. Wow, such, a youtuber, now but, yeah make sure you get subscribed even, though you haven't seen the video I promise you'll like it okay don't promise but. Anyway. Yeah. Just. Try it out and awesome to my subscribers, if you hit the bell button you'll, see my videos when I upload them, so that's, cool if you like my videos. If. This is your first time here you probably don't know I lived in Japan for four years I speak. Japanese kind. Of and. A, lot of people ask me in the comments, have, you ever dated a Japanese, guy would you date a Japanese, guy blah-blah-blah-blah-blah. Hey. That'd be cool beat. Me. I guess but. Yeah I get a lot of people asking, if I've dated a Japanese guy or if I would or, what's, my type like, that and I. Have. Dated. A Japanese guy once. Seriously. Dated one I kind. Of dated this one guy but I don't really count it as a relationship because we couldn't even speak each other's language, at all that, don't count so. My. First and only real relationship, with the Japanese male, specimen. Lasted. Around one year and, today. I kind of want to talk about the differences, between. Japanese. Guys and foreign guys and like I don't know the issues that I had with dating a Japanese guys opposed, to like the issues I have dating an American guy. But. Yeah I think a lot of people watching my channel are probably interested in moving to Japan or, living in to wait, that's the same thing to be honest I feel, like there's this weird. Fetishization. Is that word Finnish ization. Of. The, country, and like the men too. It's, the same way for females, of course but, I think there's a lot of girls that are like oh my god I just want to date a Japanese, boy you're a Korean boy well I can't speak on any other culture I can tell you the downfalls, of Jay dating, Jay.

Dating, I can. Tell you the downfalls, of dating a Japanese man, and, that's, what I'm gonna talk about today so let's. Get. To. It. Okay. So the first thing I hated about dating a Japanese guy and I, think this is probably one of the biggest problems, was. We could never figure out if an issue was. An us issue or if it was like a culture, issue so like I don't know you know men, women different. Obviously, gonna have conflicting, opinions, about certain subjects, and at. The end of every argument it kind of come down to okay, well I'll drop you at your door, so we, just have a different opinion on this topic it's. Kind of hard to tell if it actually is like that or if I don't, know if you guys just if you don't mesh. In that, area, for, example my, ex thought, that, marijuana. Was on the same level as meth. Amphetamine. I, did. Not have the same opinion, on the subject and I'm sure there are a lot of Japanese people that. Don't put them in the same category but he was kind of like okay well I'm Japanese this in my opinion this is what they teach us this is how we think cuz I'm Japanese and I'm like okay but very, plain. Not. True. So. Get your facts right so. Yeah and then you had the thing like he, would go to work and I was a young 19 year old that was really needy, and I would want him to text me all the time which is crazy because I'm like the opposite now but, at the time like I was just like oh good. I. Know. What. Head he texts me that cool oh he. Just texted me saying I love you. So. Yeah depending on the person, they could be really. Cold when. They're at work and really concentrated. On work which i think is kind of like a Japanese stereotype. So I, don't know if that's like all Japanese, people or if that was just my boyfriend at the time but. When he would be at work it was like he was in his own little world and we, wouldn't communicate that, much and. I wanted him to communicate with me I wanted him to come over after. Work and that was like kind of an issue I mean, now when I think about it I was, like way too clingy. But, at, the same time like there could have been balanced, there and I think it was like we were way too different, in that area and I don't still to this day like I don't know if that's cuz he's Japanese and, I'm American, or if. That was just his personality, so there, is a lot of like should. I accept, this because it's part of the culture and this, is how he grew up or do, we have to work on it and find a balance because I. Don't. Know this is not a culture, thing this is just personalities. That we have to like figure out. So. Yeah, that, was like a big thing a really big thing and I hated, that was like the, biggest, pet peeve of mine when, that was the end of the discussion, well I'm Japanese and this is how we think so sorry you're not gonna change my mind boom bang like, that happened. A lot and I, feel like I feel. Like that could be common I don't know might have just been my experience couldn't. Happen I don't know if. I was dating a Japanese person, now I'd be like uh-uh no we're figuring this out I don't care cuz. I'm American. I, don't. Know so maybe it wouldn't work out I don't know what you know but, yeah that was that was an issue one. Thing I noticed about Japanese, guys like, my Japanese boyfriend and just like Japanese men in general is they. Tend to like pay for meals and, like pay for dates a lot more than the, American guy that I dated. Of. Course at the end of the relationship we, kind of split things up but also I was in a different position like, I was just working a part-time job he was working full-time but. He did like tend to take care of the meals and stuff more which adds up to a lot when you're hungry like, me I. Think. That's like really common for Japanese, guys to like. For. Heutagogy, so, go to somewhere out. With. Someone else know if it's not gonna and, let me get my answer on to number three. Always. Always. It's, not a coffee unless you spill it on yourself. Okay. This is like me, off so much but. It wasn't his fault it wasn't my fault. It, was nobody's, fault but we could not watch certain television, shows together because.

Like Some shows an. Intervention. Do, you. Do. Shameless. Barris. The Wiener act like they don't have Japanese, subtitles for those types of shows and, then it's like hard to understand, what's going on if you do not speak the language so he could speak English, like, he, could probably work in English like he could have everyday conversation. But I think like watching TV and stuff was kind of hard for him to hear so, that was annoying, I remember wanting to watch shameless, and like, binge watches I. Remember. Wanting to watch shameless, with him because. You know I kind of missed that trashy. Midwestern. Life. But. He could not really, understand. Shit like we would put on the English subtitles, because I think that would help him a little bit but, he still he'd be like I don't really know what's going on and it's. Like dude come on like and then, I remember once he tried to put on cycle, pass like, the anime on Netflix. And it didn't have English subtitles and, I was like. Bro. Is, even. Japanese, cuz I don't, understand. The word jeans it's them I don't know how to save in, nuclear. Something, or another. Artificial. Intelligent. Of. Thingamajig. In English. So, how am, I supposed to know that's what that means in Japanese so, that's something else you gotta think about like it's cool to have somebody to binge watch TV, shows with but if they. Don't really know what's going on or you don't really know what's going on because of a language barrier that, shit sucks, oh. My. God why, is life, so I, don't want to go on, because. Every, time I finish a thing something, is gonna happen, okay, so this one's kind of like intertwine, with the last one did but, the fifth. Wait. The. Fifth one it's about the language barrier, there's some times where actually it really sucks and you, wish they could speak the same language. Fluently. Or. Like. If like. In English there are certain times where, you say something with, a certain type of emotion, and it means something completely different. The. Same thing with Japanese, in Japan a lot of times they don't tell you straight. Up no they'll, just be like mmm. That's a little mmm and you're like kind of expected. To, not push it like you're expected, to be like a whole calendar I understand I understand right okay, nevermind we don't have to do that. That. Shit. For. Me it was like okay by the time we're in a relationship, why. Do you why do we still have to do this like guessing, game thing.

What's. My boyfriend's. Actual, opinion, on the subject. The. Answer is you. Want to do it you, want to do it no. I don't really want to do that what. Me. As an American I'm like okay our art we passed that but I think is like still just like a part of the culture and that comes to another point, fucking already, okay. That's boo pissed me off because when, you're arguing with someone and you, want to yell at them they. Should go back like, I do, and. He'd just like stand there and. I was like okay well now I just feel like Satan. Come. On yellow bag like aren't, you mad I'm, mad man. And again I don't know if that was just his personality. But, I guess it was kind of good because it kind of diffused, the situation but. There, are other times where I'd be like saying something like. And. He'd be like. And. He, tried to say something back in Japanese, and I'd be like listen so, it makes it really complicated. Like because you know when you're in the moment and you're just like man you're, like. What. You just said and it just hits different, just. Hits different, feels. A lot better whenever, they like can, talk back to you, you're fucking gasps ITT, what what are you talking, about we don't we don't have gas lights, you know that's, not what I it's electric. No. That's not really right balls you don't want. What. Are you saying, so. Yeah arguing was really, difficult I'd. Totally forgot about that until now I'm getting like war flashbacks that's, so, annoying, okay number six I think, this is because he was a little bit older and like, very Japanese, and very traditional but. There was a time when he told me like Japanese, people are really strict about qualifications. And you. Need to go to college you need to get a degree you. Should probably go watch I. Literally. I was like looking online to see which college. I wanted to go to I. Was. Like so young I was like 20. I wanted. To do YouTube I want to do like I wanted to do creative I was in a vex I was taking dance and singing lessons and I don't know like still like I don't feel like I need to spend a bunch of money on college loans I don't feel like for me that's the life that I wanted to live and he, kind of like was really pushing, that on me like no you need to go to college you need to do this and this and this and that's extremely important, to have qualifications, you need to be qualified you need to get a job I still, consider YouTube, and stuff a job but it's just like an. Unconventional. Job, it's like doing what I want to do and. Again. Could be his personality. But I think in Japan like there's a really it's. Really strict about like getting, a job by a certain age and, everybody adheres, to a certain type of standard, and I. Just you. Would think I want to be in you, you know who I turn, into I turn into that, raccoon. From, that one anime, and I'd, end up alone in some karaoke, room singing. Japanese scream, oh and. Nobody fucking wants that one, good thing that did come out of that though is he kind of forced me to get the, qualified. For the jlpt, like, the japanese language proficiency test and so I do have my qualification. For that and I'm like. So. I'm kind of glad I listened to him with that seven seven eight I don't remember one, of them the, next one so, funny, thing is you ask people. How. Do you learn Japanese and they'll be like, deta, japanese person. But. The, thing is he. Tried to make it easier, on me so instead, of saying okay, pseudo is like to do something so if you put a noun in front of pseudo it's doing, that thing that was your Japanese lesson for today that's all you're getting go, home take the jlpt live. Happy oh. Yes. Instead of saying clinical. He won't know that he'd. Be like it. Clinical, field building positive so. He'd like use not Japanese, words he'd use like English, words to, make it easier on me but it's, like okay, dude you're not helping me learn the language, now I'm just learning like a distorted, form of English like, a half Japanese, English, weirdo. Mix like, what am I do, that thing I can't even get a job at McDonald's they, use okay go I'd, be fired in, two weeks, two-a-days two minutes, probably. So. Yeah he had good intentions he, was trying to make it easier, I appreciate. Him but at the same time. Okay. Number nine, Japanese, people tend to be a lot more, reserved. And embarrassed. Very shy so unless you go out and date somebody who's dressed all crazy and, like is in, that world they're, probably not gonna understand, you as much like if you dress like this so. We had a big problem because. He. Was kind of embarrassed, about the way I dressed but I don't think it makes him a bad person I just don't think that we meshed. I think, that. He. Should have probably went with a girl that dresses like normal. And. I should have not.

Dated Anyone but. Yeah, he was really he was kind of embarrassed, specially. Especially. The way I just when we first met because, I'm embarrassed about the way I dressed when we first met if, you want to see it I have a video about my old fashioned in Japan we'll put a link to it but, yeah he was really embarrassed which kind of confuses, me because it's like when, you first met me I was already dressed like this so. You. Didn't think this would be a problem, did you think this was a foodie koster. Like. Bro. I swear the. First time we met. Man. And I know now, like knowing him he was not trying to be rude but it was so fucking, rude I walked, up to him I was like hey and he goes I. Should. Have been the moment then I knew oh my god this guy is not ready he's not. So. Yeah he didn't know was how I dressed, and that was a huge, problem during the relationship because. That's. A huge problem now like I cannot, not. Dress this way. So. That really sucked, but I. Guess. He got over it. Okay. So the last thing and I guess this makes this 10 things unless, I'm off which I probably am because that. Happens a lot I. Think. One of the biggest problems for me dating. This person, besides. All the shit I just said because that stuff really sucked too was, I don't really know if he was dating me because he liked my personality. Or. Because, he wanted a foreign girlfriend. And, to be honest I feel like that's really common like I hear a lot of Japanese guys like a coffee. No kanojo machine, on Keiko, could eat that scared me die now it's, good with it we have to be to be nice and it's like dude it's, like the same you, guys and me like we should not be going, to date somebody just because they're a, different race, like. As. It was not cool and I think over there it's just more widely accepted, because it's not like. America, where it's like a melting cloth so people are more like okay, when people say shit like that and it's just it's fucking annoying and I, feel like when you date a Japanese, person there's always gonna be that doubt like. I. Have. Pink hair. Like. I said he didn't fuck with the way I dress he, didn't want me to do the job that I wanted to do he was really shy like, in various, like in the end I really feel like there. Were just too many differences in, general, and maybe we were just together like I was really lonely my first year in Japan he. Probably wanted a foreign girlfriend. So. I feel like outside. Of those circumstances, we didn't really fit that well together and, that's, why it didn't work out. That's. Why I didn't really work out but, who. Knows I, mean. If. You want to try to go into it then. Be. My guest in. Fact you'll probably have a better time than I did because I was kind of crazy so. That's. Some good ikana those are all the reasons then, it's been working out and I. Guess, those are the things that you have to look out for if you date a Japanese, person I would say make sure that you find, somebody whose. Personality. You mesh with before just like going straight into a relationship, like we did because you're, gonna have to spend a lot of time with that person and. When. You want to watch shameless. And, they. Don't know what's going on it makes it makes life real hard. Okay. Guys so have you ever dated somebody from, a different country if so what were the cultural differences, that you experienced. And what. Did you like about it more than dating, somebody from your own country let, me know in the comments, and I. Will read them I'm. A bad, boy good, thing also, let me know if there's any other questions you have or if you want me to do any other type of videos on this kind of topic because, I'm. Having a real fun time exposing. Myself, and. English, yeah. Gonna dog oh my shit the most that I take in a rocket. What. Is I think, you. Know not very an agenda stop. Because. I got.

2019-12-29 21:58

Show Video


I think it's good to say that you'll never date someone who asks if you've ever dated a Japanese.

Learn English before asking questions❗ Don't ask stupid questions.❗ I am ashamed as a Japanese.

Like even if I find a Japanese guy I click with, it would be very rare that a Japanese guy would date me (especially since I'm black, tall, curvy and sometimes have coloured hair)

大学行って資格取れ!って言ってた彼氏の想いに絶対「100点」あげる。 真に受けたんだね。なっちゃん。 大学だと留学生もいるし、社会勉強もできるんだよ。残念だな~~~~。


This video was really funny ww everything sooooo real

This editing was kind of annoying but cool video know how you feel, hubbies Japanese and I have the same issues.

So interesting for me. It’s good to know how you felt in Japan and also interesting because saying clearly. The video inspired me to think about Japan lol I love you! :) From Japan.

16:45からの内容本当に共感できます。 僕の彼女はイギリス人ですけど、 「イギリス人だから付き合ってる」とよく周りから言われます。 まるで俺がその彼女自身を好きじゃない。って言われてるみたいで腹が立ちますね。 そもそも他人の恋愛事情にそういう、人を国籍や外観だけでしか判断できない目で見れるお前がやばいよ、って言いますけど

字幕すげェ! 豆やなぁ なっちゃん

0:41 Otsuki hancho

自分が勘違いしているのか?なっちゃんの過去彼氏情報を調べたらこんなまとめサイトあった。 これってたぶん外国人が作ったものだよね・・・w なっちゃんに日本人彼氏ができないのは なっちゃんに問題あると外国人にも勘付かれてると思う・・・・w

PiNKII - Loved your editing :)


9: 51おもろいw ごちそうさまでした←ごはんのあいさつ日本語いただきます







fuck i love that shirt

I'm so glad you choose to do youtube though because your videos always make me laugh especially with that editing

Woah Psycopass??! It’s pretty hard to understand even for Japanese. So I always go back and re-watch them...

Where are the Japanese videos? I don’t mind the long stories, but I started watching you to practice my listening comprehension.

文化の違いだね 日本人とアメリカ人は 付き合うのは難しそうだね




両国で考え方が違うのは当然 あんたは少なくとも日本に来て生活してんだからこっちがわざわざアメリカの価値観考え方に合わせる意味はないぞ それが嫌ならわざわざ日本で生活しなくても良いのでは? 井上ジョーを見習え

Alias a おれがいいたいのは尊重して理解しろよってこと お前だよ典型的な気持ち悪い日本人は ちなみにアメリカでしたらってだからここは日本だから笑 長文ご苦労

育ってきた環境が違うのに合わせろって笑。そりゃあ少しは努力しなきゃ行けないかもしれないけどさ。じゃああなたは英語の動画を見てるんだから英語でコメントしてよって言われたらたしかにそうですねってなる?簡単に言えば、サッカーの試合見てて選手が下手くそで自分があいつ下手くそだなって言って他の人からじゃあお前がやれよって言われたらするのか?違うだろ? これだから日本人はーっていつまでも言われてdiversityがない。アメリカであった事件だけど、スペインの人がアメリカでスペイン語で喋ってたら英語喋れって言われてその人ネットで晒されてたけど、あなたは同じことをしてるんだよ?アメリカでしたらあなたは炎上します。はずかしいからコメント消した方がいいよ。

ok but i did NOT see a nicole dollanganger lyric reference i stan even more

Getting your meals paid for I think the English term is mooching.

"being treated to" a meal is closer to the japanese phrase she used

Wolfe949 it’s also called being a woman.

I'm just gonna say this, I think the editing/the meme that you edit in is just a little bit too much. Like you speak one word and there's a loud ass meme music blasting in my ear and it's kind of annoying. The meme is okay but overdoing it kinda make the video not so fun to watch.

なっちゃんが過去に本当に日本人彼氏がいたとして変な別れ方をしていなかったら リルブルーにDVされても助けてもらえたと思うよ? そう考えると自分の中での結論 なっちゃんは妄想家ですねw

I know this is off the topic but making a partner is the most efficient way to learn the language, because you can be possessive at him not like friend zone if you are a university student in an English-speaking country, it's not that hard to find some Japanese students, then be dating with him/her. At least you should make friends with.




living hooman bean アメリカ住みでここまで日本の悪口言ってるなら尚更だな。まだ日本に住んでて日本の悪いところ言うなら分かるがアメリカに居ながらグチグチ日本の悪口言ってんのか。アメリカに住んでんだったら良いじゃん別に日本の事言わなくても。胸糞悪くなるわ

living hooman bean どう見たって日本人が不快に感じる動画ばかり挙げてたら、ネガティブなコメントを書かれるのは当たり前。 そうやって屁理屈で日本人の意見を潰そうとするのやめた方がいい。

@M Seiy 個人の意見はあっていいけど、わざわざ人が不快になることやヘイトスピーチを言って良いわけじゃないでしょ。ネットだけじゃなく現実でも。 あんたの言う「嫌なら出ていけ」は差別だし。

妄想くさ 嫌なら○○〜は思考停止の馬鹿野郎ばかり 個人の意見くらい尊重しろよ 台湾人の友達でも日本大好きだけど日本人は本音言わなさすぎて怖いって言ってる

ワロタ そんなに嫌ならあんたが動画見なきゃええやんwwwそして投稿主さんは言われなくても既にアメリカいるわ


the pokemon edition LOL

In my opinion, it doesn’t function from a point of view like ‘Japanese or foreigners’

dont know really why....but I'm loving the english videos

I'm also an American girl who lives in Japan and has been in serious relationships with Japanese guys before. I think... cultural differences do come out in dating but blaming things on cultural differences can go too far and end up turning into an excuse not to work through peoples" problems. Sometimes I hear foreign women saying things about their Japanese partners they don't like, but then summing it up with "Welp they're Japanese so it can't be helped!" when it sounded something more like an attribute of that person. I think when people date someone from a different culture they need more effort into communication and be more considerate of certain things.




それな、気にして守るものでもないし 価値観の違いだ


what eyelashes do you wear? ♥️

This is one of your most entertaining videos. Awesome

both are true, "his" problem as well as cultural problem... but i can easily imagine that international couple uses an excuse like "cuz culture is different." those who are thinking of marrying a foreign partner should watch this video!

Watching standup comedy is difficult too. They don’t get a lot of American slang so they wouldn’t understand the comedy. I would definitely date you. Love your personality, singing and you could help me with Japanese.

なっちゃんてむかしすげえあまえんぼだったんだな〜 今はイブが終わったらカレシいらんっていうから むかしとぜんぜんちがうんじゃん? 日本で仕事中に彼女にメールかえしたら… 「仕事中にあそぶだめなやつ」って思われる! でも学校行けとかふつうにはたらけって言うのは かなりまじめすぎる人かも オレはなっちゃん以外の外国人にまったくきょうみないぜ!

ただの自分の押し付けでしょ 人のことよく見て自分のこともよくみてお互いいいところで折り合いつけろ わがままなんじゃない

1.マリファナ 日本人の大多数は覚醒剤と同じと思ってると思う。そもそも日本の法律でマリファナ禁止では? 2.仕事中の電話 半数以上の男は嫌がるんじゃない? 電話してる=仕事してない=サボってるって周りから見られるし そもそも休憩時間以外電話触ってはいけないルールの職場もある 3.テレビ映画はネイティブの語学力と文化歴史の理解も必要だろうからしかたないね… 4.仕事 ユーチューバーしている事を仕事してると認める日本人は極少数じゃないかな?お金稼げるのはわかるけどアルバイトと一緒で日本社会ではキャリアとして認められないし。 俺は早稲田なんて良い大学行ってないし資格なんて大して持ってないし、資格なんて要らないんじゃんって思ってるけど、資格取得が好きな人が一定数いるのは知ってるし、就職に役立つのは間違いないよね。日本語能力検定二級合格おめでとう。日本人でも二級結構難しいしね! 5.結論でいうとなっちゃんも理解してるとおり文化じゃなくて性格が合わなかった感じだよね。俺もハデハデの女の子と付き合うのは抵抗感じる。周りからもギャバ嬢か風俗嬢か何かしらネガティブな目で見られちゃいそうだし…

The edits in this video *chefs kiss*

Are you caught up with “Shameless”?

bubble gum gang

I'm actually in a long distance relationship with a Japanese guy right now, for about 2 years. We started dating while I was studying abroad in Japan, and from there we have visited each other once per year. He's a year older than me so he's working at a company now too, while I'm still going to school. I can say when we fight he never brings up the fact that he's Japanese and I'm American. Even though I'm not much of the yelling type I do cry when I get angry, and he does much of the same when he's upset with me or at least makes it known to me he's upset. I think personally that's just a terrible way to dismiss someone, rather than hear them out and listen to what they have to say. A lot of the other things you mentioned I can really relate to, for example there was a moment in time where he was trying to be romantic and I was like ???? "Can you repeat what you said for me one more time?" and he was already sorta embarrassed cause he had worked up the courage to say it, he did however repeat it again. I can also really really relate to the Japanese English, he used to do that a lot at the beginning, but not so much anymore. There's also the thing with movies! There's so many times that even though we both have Netflix we both don't have the same titles available to watch due to the regional block an when looking up the names they are often changed completely when put into Japanese or English, we have though figured out to watch movies together by sharing each other's screens, which is kinda fun. I'd say we have a pretty decent personality match, and share the same ethics and morals which is important in my book,so it sucks that you guys didn't really work out. But I believe there's always someone else for you that fits your personality and understands you for who you are out there :) And if you don't need anyone that's ok too, cause being happy is what's most important.

Awesome video! I have been watching your videos since you lived in Japan and they are great. I like the style of this one, it was really entertaining and those were really good quality edits. The mic (or camera) you are using when you are talking has a bit of extra noise in it but ther than that, perfect. Thanks for the awesome content.


1:31 "male specimen"

リルブルーの前の彼氏ってことでしょ? リルブルーに関してはなっちゃんがまだ事件に巻き込まれる可能性を見込んでるから 画像など保存してあるけど なっちゃんがその前に日本人と付き合ってたなんて ちょっと信じられないんだけど妄想じゃないの?w

日本でshameless流行って欲しい☺️ shameless (us), the office(us) 両方好き❤️

日本人でもけっこう嫌なタイプ… ステレオタイプな方だね

6:30 Gochisou Shite Morau !

僕はアメリカ在住で、彼女アメリカ人です!! 外国の女性ってセクシーな体つきしてて良いですよね〜 でも言語の壁があって大変。。最初はお互い疲れました でもおかげで成長して英語力ついた〜!国際恋愛最高です!



あ、あの日のことかな それは秘密だったはず。と思う人手を上げて(笑)

I got here as fast as I could

Bubblegum gang ✌️


それは性格ってよりも、日本人男の気質な気がする。 日本人の男はプライドが高く女性を尊重しないので、女性に寄り添おうという考えがありません。

Take it from someone who has been married to a Japanese person for 15 years, cultural is personal. You can't separate the cultural indoctrination of the individual from the individual once it has taken hold. You are your culture.

Your editing skills is sooo cool


Go Shameless!!!!!!!!!

The editing is funny



Aw ur so funny


Where can I get Bubblegum Gang swag??

I love ur editing

That coffee mug was huge my guy!

I dated someone from empathylessemotionalbabystan and it did not go well


Cool story, bro !

Your last point: yes, yes, YES.

だから日本人男性と付き合えない 爆笑 元々大阪大学の学生で「あたまが良い女性と付き合うのはあかん」とか「就活した方が良い」とか 価値観が違いすぎる 結局本当に仲良くが出来る日本人は大体欧米に住んだことある日本人。ほんまに。 島国やから外の影響するのは遅いし「日本人に一般的」「日本人だから」ほんまにイライラした。北海道の人/沖縄の人/東京の人の立場/意見ほんまに喋られるんかいといつも思ってきた。


I have dated with foreign girls from other countries. So, I understand what you are saying, but judging your ex is not cool. なっちゃん!それはフェアじゃないよ. 元カレにも言い分はあると思う。 Also, don't say "a lot of Japanese guys". In my home town, most of Japanese guys don't say that they want to date with foreign girls. Also, they are more relaxed. Natalia, probably, you just only know Japanese people who are interested in foreign countries. You should go to country side or west side of Japan and try to make friends who are not interested in foreign countries. Then, you can tell how Japanese people are. なっちゃんが言ってる日本人って東京周辺に住んでる人たちじゃない?田舎の連中はもっとダラダラしてるよ。仕事もわりと、てきとーだし。一回行ってみ。まじで。俺も、俺の友達も全然違うから。普通に彼女に言い返すヤツ多いし。あと、俺の知ってる田舎に住んでる(or た)外国人は意外と満足してるよ。不満はそれなりにあるみたいだけどね。あと、海外の子(ヨーロッパ出身アメリカ在住)と付き合ったこともあるけど、基本割り勘だったから日本人の女の子と付き合うと、セコ!!って思う。

Ur cling wrap clip really made me laugh. I’m rly clingy with my boyfriend and he doesn’t care. Sometimes I try not to call him (because I call 10 times a day and I live with him lol) and he ends up calling. Also fun fact I’ve been with him for 5 years Hahahah so u can make it work even if u are clingy

I assume you guys' personalities just didn't match? There also can be stressful moments when you date a person from your own culture obviously so… For the fact that there are people who just want to date a foreigner, that can be annoying I agree lol Where the person you date from can be what's attractive about them for some people at first but that's not what's most important. You want to have something about their personality that attracts you or that you like, not their nationality, race or cultural background cause that feelings just don't last as long lol I am a guy from Japan and moved to the US years ago. Pretty surprising amount of people here have approached me when they got to know where I'm from. I've dated or befriended some of them and I've found out those who are still in a good friendship with me have a personality that gets along with mine, so my "Japanese brand thingy" doesn't exist and isn't even important at all between us. We just keep interesting each other just as a person and a person. So in my case those who want to be friends/date me JUST because I'm japanese just keep appearing and leave right away cause I be like bro just go find someone else I ain't that kind of person lol. I don't personally feel good when someone I talk to always thinks that I'm japanese, I mean it's true but you know what I mean? haha Also stereotypes are everywhere, and I know there are definitely tendencies or facts that create those assumptions. But don't forget that's not everyone

Dang, I wrote a long ass comment. Well thanks for reading and I really am a huge fan of your editing lmao

16:45からの内容本当に共感できます。 俺の彼女はイギリス人ですけど、 「イギリス人だから付き合ってるんでしょ?」とよく周りから言われます。 まるで俺がその彼女自身を好きじゃない。って言われてるみたいで腹が立ちますね。 そもそも他人の恋愛事情にそういう、人を国籍や外観だけでしか判断できない目で見れるお前がやばいよ、って言いますけど

living hooman bean なっちゃんは日本人が何言っても崇めてくれるマヌケって分かってるから見下してるんだよ。いい加減気づかない?

@mimo o  mimo o  いや、通用するよ。SNSでもどこでも、目に入る情報が全部自分の好みに合わせられて作られてるとでも思ってんのか? 好き嫌いがあるのは当然のことだし、あなたの趣味自体を否定しようとは思ってません。しかし、嫌ならそれを非表示にするなり何なりできるし、逆に日本に対して肯定的な日本すごい(笑)系の動画いっぱいあるしそっち見ればいい話じゃないですか?

living hooman bean 嫌なら見るな、は今さらYouTubeで通用しないよ。 自分がドMだろうがドSだろうがなんでも良いし、そうやって侮辱してまで他人に指図するのは奇妙だよ。 海外と日本の違いなどに興味ある人はけっこう見てると思うのに。 なっちゃんを守りたいのかもしれないけどやり方間違ってるよ。 片方だけの意見を潰そうとするなんておかしいこと。 良い事悪い事言う動画の中でも、やけに悪い事ばかりを取り上げるような動画が挙げてたら、日本人が気分を害す事くらいなっちゃんだって分かってやってると思うよ。

@mimo o だから嫌なら見なきゃ良くね?あんた嫌なコンテンツわざわざ見てるとかよっぽどのドMだな。 個人的には、表面上の良い部分だけじゃなく、日本の悪い側面も含めてこうやって取り上げてる人の方が日本をちゃんと見てて好きですね。

@百舌鳥 嫌ならわざわざ見てコメントしなくて良くない?日本持ち上げ・日本すげえとか言ってる愛国系の動画死ぬほどあるんだからそっち一生見ればええやん笑 言論の自由述べてるけど別にこういう動画投稿しようが自由でしょ そもそも日本の全てが悪いって言ってる訳でもないし

Individuals are imbued with their culture. It's a big part of who they are.


G 13 へーまじか

以下一般論で、もちろんその人次第だけど… 束縛は、少なくとも米国では、アメリカ人の方がすごい。 理由は、他の男どもがちょっかいかけて来るから。このちょっかいが、想像以上。で、ぼーっとしてたらほんとに奪われる。 日本の男の束縛は、彼女(Partner)をというより自分のオモチャ(彼女、母親の代わり)を、って感じ。

@M. M. In behavioural psychology it's referred to as nurture while nature refers to our innate personality traits.

Gordon Graham that's actually true, it is what-is-called nature...

まあ、良かったんじゃないかなあ? お互い色々と学べた筈だからね。 でも一つ。 海外の人は日本人を勘違いしてるよ。 日本人は決して真面目では無いよ。 真面目なふりをしてるだけだから。 じゃないと日本では社会から追い出されるからね。



なっちゃんが昔の思い出話をしている動画で視聴者が必死になって怒る意味がわからない… 「へぇーそうだったんだ」じゃダメなのかな?


i'm a swiss living in japan, together with a Taiwanese since 4 years. we are soon getting married. we don't have cultural difference problem.


なぜ 日本人男性が外国人女性 カップルいるの?

Chan Bocco she’s not judging him she’s just talking about her past relationship how is that judging ?


以下一般論で、もちろんその人次第だけど… 束縛は、少なくとも米国では、アメリカ人の方がすごい。 理由は、他の男どもがちょっかいかけて来るから。このちょっかいが、想像以上。で、ぼーっとしてたらほんとに奪われる。 日本の男の束縛は、彼女(Partner)をというより自分のオモチャ(彼女&世話する母親の代わり)を、って感じ。

じゃ最終的に 日本人女性が恋しくなった とか言わないでね??(笑)



9:46 bruh this really is my boyfriend, bUT heS AMerICaN . we're working on it :)

yn Lisa いや性格やろ。 お前は固定概念の塊で日本人にも外国人にもモテない哀れな奴なんやろな

なぜ 日本人男性が外国人女性 カップルいるの?

Alias a お前が1番恥ずかしいな

随分悪意が有る攻撃的な動画やな 何処の国でも恋愛は個人によるやろ

There’s way too much editing and it’s actually really annoying Don’t come at me with “don’t watch then” cus I watch her a lot and just this one video is annoying holy

So I have to ask.... which JLPT level did you take

You can be my sugar mommy


なんで日本に来て日本人の男と付き合ってるのに、その男性が日本人のメンタリティや特性を持ってることに文句言ってんの?とんでもないメリケン精神やね。そのスタンスや精神年齢では文化の違いは絶対に乗り越えれないよね。そりゃ上手くいかないよね。 I don't understand why she is complaining about him being a jp man or having jp characteristics tho she is the one who decided to make her life in Japan and pick a guy there. And he was even trying to speak English and everything for her while she speaks no jp. All she is saying is basically he sucks he should change not me. I doubt if she even knows what culture is. No wonder the relationship didn't go well with her immature mentality. And I'm pretty sure that he thinks she sucks as much as she does to him.

mimo o そればりおもた

@Saiz im definitely not hating. If you think she did a great job,good for you. Idk if any of my criticism is in anyway rude or negative. i never intended any of my points to hurt her or any of her fans at all. I could even give you every single timestamp where I think the meme is not necessary . If any of my point offend any of you feel free to tell me I'll edit them out.

@School Sucks i think she does a great job and she is hilarious. Its difficult to tell whether you are giving positive criticism or whether you are just a hater. Id say 20 likes out of the number of veiws is quite miniscule in retrospect.

@KH I'm talking about the meme/joke . Idk if it's her comedy style or something but 20 people that like my comment think so too. I love meme but it seems like she just throw a bunch of meme in the video and i couldn't focus. It's like watching a 20min tiktok meme except it's not a compilation. Seems like she put a bunch of tiktok memes in the video but it didn't work. Why? Because there is too much of it. The reason why tiktok meme work is simply because it's a short clip of video with one joke only but this video is like 20 minutes with 10000 tiktok comedy (which is barely even funny) I don't hate her or anything it's just that I couldn't watch the video even if I wanted to.

that's her style. like being extra.

不快ならこのチャンネルを視聴しない方が良いと思うで 俺は登録解除したので二度と来ないわ

Dat Miyachi soundbyte tho

Japanese girl here. 1) yes we are taught weed is bad as meth 2) most guys don’t text you when they are at work because if you have your phone at the desk it’s very bad

わたしも外国人の彼女いるけど 白人だからとかブロンドだから付き合ったんでしょとかよー言われるよ〜。 勝手に思っとけって

Racist ass

We don't have gas lights.

It really resonated with me when you said you were unsure whether the differences were cultural or personal - I'm ethnically Japanese, but I grew up in UK, so when I was seeing a girl who grew up in Japan, she didn't know whether to point some things out to me because she was unsure in the same way. I don't think I ever used our cultural differences as an excuse, but I can understand how this ambiguity can get in the way of open discussion. I can also relate to your desire to share a common binge watch. I consider myself a bilingual, but in some ways this makes things worse because my ideal partner would be someone who shares interest in BOTH English and Japanese popular culture! I know it's a lot to ask for, but I wonder if you might want your partner to have at least some appreciation of both cultures?

I wanna date with you

@Amm '日本に来てるのに、日本語できなくてコミュニケーションとれないのは彼氏の責任でしょうか?彼氏がアメリカにいて、なっちゃんと付き合って状態ならなっちゃんの言い分も分かります。でもなっちゃん日本にいたんでしょ?英語が原因でコミュニケーションが取れないとしたら、なっちゃんが言葉を選ぶべきなのは当然です。私の職場にも外国人大勢いますが、当然のように、私も言葉を選びます。ミスコミュニケーションが起きても、私は絶対に相手を責めることはしません。自分自身の言葉の選択に問題があったと反省をします。これらは、第一言語を話す側が考慮すべき事項。だいたい、日本人が英語できないのはかなりコンプレックスに感じている人多いのに、そこ指摘したらダメでしょ。それ完全に侮辱ですよ。元彼が見たらショック受けるんじゃないでしょうか?元彼が本当にかわいそうだ。あー、かわいそう。

marijuana is prohibited cause of it make Japanese not productive . that led to topic of office worker why they take up so long for replying you felt . yeah Japanese make their character separately for each situations what’s going around . they has too much awareness for it . humm in conclusion. what’s in it for you if you can go out with Japanese i wonder .


Alias a くそ的外れで草

Lord I can relate so much. I was also wondering if that was just my ex personality but after talking to other girls who dated Japanese guys and watching your video I realise that many things are cultural. Like the ´guessing game´- that was driving me mad. Arguing - ´wakarimasen lol´. My ex would just constantly avoid talking about any problems and when I wanted to solve them he would just pretend like he doesn´t understand even if I told him in Japanese. But funny was that he kept braging about how he is good at English but he would never admit that he doesn´t understand when someone speaks at a normal speed. It took me a while to realise that he barely ever understood what I was saying to him. He was so good at giving neutral answers so he would hide the fact that he had no idea what was going on. After half year I realised that he wasn´t interested in what I am saying in the first place. He just wanted to practice HIS English and brag about having a foreigner girlfriend. He didn´t care that my first language is actually not English and I am not even from England because he thought that all Europeans speak English as a first language. Never made any effort to learn at least a word in my language. I broke up with him after he literally told me that he didn´t expect me to actually ´make it to Japan´and meet him there when I told him I bought my ticket. He had to pick me up at the airport which he offered to me himself...and the he was so bothered to actually take a day off and pick me up. He even chagred me 100$ for it so I was so mad at him. In the end he started ignoring me and I just gave him goodbye throug message. Really that was the biggest mistake of my life. But I still think there is many decent Japanese guys out there. Just better chose the one who doesn't treat foreigner girls as some weird exotic souvenir.

That was a very fun video. I guess your personalities didn’t match. Are you still interested in dating a Japanese guy after that?

なっちゃんまだ日本のこと全然しらねーな笑 まだ、やばいやついるぜー

... And the "J-dating" was the point when I HAD TO smash the subscribe button




ひろひろ 珍しくても日本人女性に魅力感じてない男もいるらしいです。


kasumikat don’t say that! There will always be someone who likes you :) be more confident!





Yoo thats crazy


自分は日本人だから、女だから、 こういういう考え(他の女もみんなそう思ってる)。 男だからこういう考え(みんなもそう!)という人は本当に苦手だな。 自分というものがないのだろうか。 自分はこう思う、あなたはどう?ってのじゃ駄目なのかな…? みんな他人だ、違うのが当たり前で、 共感されたらラッキー! 仕事中のメールは、男の人は苦手な人が多いというイメージが私にはある。 休憩時間も仕事のことをしてるみたいで、うちの旦那さんは帰宅する時しか連絡をくれない。 マルチタスクが苦手だとか。 これも、みんながみんなそうじゃないんだろうけど。

So I have one Japanese ex and my current boyfriend is Japanese. My ex was alright, although very stalker like when like 5 months after we broke up he decided he still liked me a lot(finally got him off my back recently?? I think). He was 12 years older than me and all he would talk about was earning money which I wasn't that bothered about, so it made us clash a lot. He kept telling me I should start a business or whatever and I really wasn't interested. Also he had ridiculously unrealistic ideas about stuff like where we would live (something like, live in Japan half the year, the UK the other half the year and half the week he'd do work in New york and come home at the weekends, which I was completely baffled by that and rejected the idea). In the end his obsession with me not having male friends and all the little things ended up making us break up, but he definitely was better than my first boyfriend from college(who ghosted me after 2 1/2 years of dating rather than breaking up). Then fast forward about 5 months and I found my current boyfriend. He is honestly so refreshing. I never feel constantly anxious like my past boyfriends, he relaxes me. We're able to communicate and understand each other well, even if sometimes there's a few words we can't understand from each other. He clearly states when he's angry which is great for me because I hate trying to guess it, and I'm always able to talk to him about if he did anything to upset me and explain my feelings without him getting angry or defensive. My head to toe dressing in Liz lisa gets his compliments of me being cute, we share a love for Precure which my first ex used to make fun of me for every day. I don't feel like a sexual object to him like I did in the past, he's kind, intelligent, honestly such a lovely person. For the first time in years I actually trust somebody. We both have a clear goal of where we want to go and what we want our future to be together, and it motivates me to become a better person and work hard to get there. Its hard to explain but, yes he's Japanese but he's not just that. He is him, and that's why I like him. Honestly I could go on for hours but I feel really safe and supported in what I want to do with him. He's great. I think my favourite story regarding him recently is, how I was hanging out with one of my Japanese friends (male) who is from Sendai (my bf is from Osaka btw). I was telling him all these things about my boyfriend because I'm the sort of person who can't shut up about things they like, but I was worrying he maybe found it boring. But no, he kept asking for more stories about my bf. And kept saying he was his fan, and wanted to watch videos I'd taken of him and told me to remember to post stuff about him on my social media so he could see more in the future. Honestly I thought the whole thing was really funny and cute. He's too embarrassed to talk to him but I need to get them to meet someday despite the distance lol.

形式にこだわりすぎるんだよねぇ。日本って。あと最近よく思うのが自己顕示欲強いのが多すぎて、病的に「人によく思われたい」っていうのが多すぎ。 結果他人の気持ちがわからない、本当の自分もわからないっていう病人だらけ。「おもてなし」も過剰すぎて芝居っぽくて気持ち悪い時がある。 嫉妬させるのに快感を感じはじめたら、人間終了ってうちの嫁がよく言ってる。

It's my second time watching your videos, and you are so charismatic! On the topic, can't agree more with the last reason you named. I'm from Belarus and have been living in Japan (Tokyo) for 4+ years now, and I guess I'm just unlucky, but my experience with guys here is just... well, awful. I've never dated a Japanese guy, just met some people who approached me, chatted on the Internet, and luckily they exposed how gross they are before it grew into relationship. I've been told so many times "I've always wanted to date/marry a foreign girl", some of them just got stalkerish, telling me right away they want "half" babies and bs like that. One guy even asked me "Are you really Belarusian? Because your hair is dark... I thought all Slavs were blond. I think you should dye your hair blond anyway, Japanese guys would like you a lot more that way" Of course I told him I think he should gtfo of my life, I would like it a lot more that way, and now I'm at the point where I just gave up on the whole idea of dating in this country ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Of course I don't want to generalize and I do believe there are decent Japanese guys out there somewhere, it's just that I'm too tired of trying to find them and can't find my glass of care anymore

sumima 1000 本質なんかとっくの昔に見えてるよ、この子。 最近動画でやたら日本下げを続けてるってだけ。


kato ryu それは戦前から言われてたみたいだね 真逆なんだって、なにもかもw いまはまだマシな方らしいぞ どうせなら真逆の方がオモロイのに

When I was in middle school a Japanese exchange student literally LAID DOWN ON THE FLOOR in the hallway between classes just to ask me out. It was so awkward I almost cried. Middle school was a nightmare, add cultural differences and the awkwardness levels are off the goddamn charts.

the editing in this had a HUGE chaotic energy and I LOVE IT!!

The relationship with the opposite sex, in which someone imposes his/her own values on their partner, whether an American or a foreigner will soon end.

Clicked on this video thinking oh story time yes! Only got through 8 minutes not understanding a single thing you said. so many over the top memes I don’t understand how anyone doesn’t have a headache because I do. I would say calm it down with the memes.


アジア人の男と付き合いたい人っているんですね、、 なっちゃんマリファナ OG kush

benkyou_babe n2

@Belgianchoco 悪口のつもりわけではりませんので、ただ可哀想だと思います。

@Belgianchoco 日本人の男性の友達から何回聞いたことがある。「可愛いだと思ったのに/いい性格だったのに、付き合い始めたら、別人になった」という声が少なくはない。個人的に、結構日本人の女性にある欠点の一つだと思います、本当の自分ではなく、自分が作った自分のイメージで男性を溺れさせる女性が多いだと気づきました。精神力と体力の無駄、要は勿体無い人生だな~って感じ。


ive been following her for a long long long long long time (like from when she came back as natalia natchan) and i think she's exploring with her style of humour but i agree with you. Some jokes are completely fine but a joke every 10 seconds may feel overwhelming). Well as she likes it and it works its fine!

I wasn't in Japan for long, but I did encounter a few declarations of love while in Shibuya......? Not sure if it was a culture thing or I just happened to befriend some randos who needed to express their undying love but I feel it was a lot different than in the midwest where boys r like "u suk lmao". Now im really wondering if this is actually a thing plz let me know ;;~;;

So what are the good things about dating Japanese guy? They were all negative

I feel like my bf only likes me because I’m Spanish :(

15:33 my boyfriend... i thought a he wanted a gothic girlfriend? So? Like why would I dress more “normal” & dye more hair natural or only the colors he likes...

That was very heart warming to read, I wish you happiness my dear !

Kagerou 私も日本人男性です。めちゃくちゃ同意します。日本人女性は付き合い始める前の性格と変わる人が多いです。実際、元カノには「付き合う前は自分を演じていた」と言われました。特に、自分をかわいく見せようとしている人ほどその傾向にあると思います。男性側から見ても、付き合ってからじゃないと本当の女性の性格が分からないので精神力と体力の無駄ですよ。だから日本人女性と恋愛することをやめて海外に目を向けてみるようになりました。自分が付き合ってきた女性だけかもしれませんが笑

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