Darmstadt Luisenplatz - Business zwischen Armut und Multikulti | doku | erlebnis hessen

Darmstadt Luisenplatz - Business zwischen Armut und Multikulti | doku | erlebnis hessen

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SUBTITLE: Hessischer Rundfunk SUBTITLE: Hessischer Rundfunk * quiet piano music * The heart of Darmstadt: Luisenplatz. * Music continues * * clock ticking * It has nice corners. It has strange corners. For me he is one of the most beautiful in Hessen.

For real? Hardly any green, everything paved. It's drafty in winter, hot in summer. And its reputation isn't the best either. People see this place here, the long Lui with the stairs, I think more as a meeting place for the anti-social people. But there are also other views.

* Violin playing * Luisenplatz is my front yard, so to speak, I always say. I can write a million songs there. This is a place where there is a lot of energy.

You just have to filter out the right one. Well, then there must be something to him. So I love it very much because of the diversity.

It's so diverse. The first person comes in in the morning , he had a baby at night and is full of happiness. Or the young man in love with Valentin. You don't need friends anymore, you have them here every day. * fast piano music * Jutta Herzing runs a flower shop on Luisenplatz. When her brother Bernd and employee Jessica open the shop at eight in the morning , she's already got a lot behind her.

Ms. Herzing, how long have you been on the road today? I've been on the road since 4 a.m. I got up at 2:40 am. The wholesale market I'm going to is in Frankfurt. It's a few miles from here.

And I have to be early so that my dear competitors don't snatch the most beautiful flowers from me . Well, you know, I'm not that much of a clearer. Because I can't lift anything anymore. Jessica, can you hang this up? Be so kind. They have to be cleaned up a bit. I got a bargain today.

The downside: there are a few yellow leaves on it. But you can do it. They need a little fresh air at the Luisenplatz.

It is hard to imagine this place without the flower shop. They make up to 200 bouquets here every day. Usually these childish arrangements go a lot. I could do a lot. It touches people's hearts. We also make many arrangements with small roses for the graves, for example.

Or when people are buried in the cemetery. You can't take flowers there, but something is always done. There is a need for people to express something with flowers. We keep seeing people sow flowers.

Is not allowed, but man wants to give flowers to the dead. Is that one reason you like your job so much? Yes. Because he goes from birth to death. It's just like that. It's fulfilling. This job is very fulfilling, but physically very demanding. You notice that as you get older. It is very hard.

If I am to make a bouquet of 60 red roses, that is quite an act of strength, that is difficult. Or a large bouquet of sunflowers. In terms of holding, people my age who are in the profession have great difficulty holding on to it.

Because of the osteoarthritis in my fingers. Because of all the cold water. The young people always have to play. So, Jessica, am I done? What do you think? Pretty? Hole? Well then. - I always find one. Always. She is a trained florist. She is responsible for the arts. And we are a good match too.

We all have a very nice relationship here. It's always funny. I think we've never had a row, have we? Did we have a row? Once or so. Yes, but that was ... You told me you need it now and then, that someone sets a limit for you.

Let's leave that in the room. We don't say why. So now it has to go outside. Dimitri Droukas has his shop just a few meters away. He is one of the first to open in the morning at Luisenplatz. At half past six in the morning.

I'll have a buttered pretzel. - With pleasure. Coffee to go with it? - an espresso. Espresso? With pleasure.

"Lui Lui fresh and fresh" is the name of Dimitri's shop. He only opened it a few months ago. The idea was to present something different from the usual colleagues at Luisenplatz and to start with different products. We make our sandwiches fresh every day.

They are ready in the ferdish sense that people can take them right away. At Luisenplatz it has to be quick when people come from the train or bus in the morning so that they can take something with them. The breads are the best sellers.

Yvonne, how far along are the avocado breads? The avocado breads are ready. - Great thank you. The avocado breads are your pride and joy. Why? What does "my whole pride" mean ...

It is a very good article that is very well received by the guests. In this day and age, avocado is a super popular food. Especially with the girls.

The avocado bread is based on cream cheese. Then we have sliced ​​avocado, a little cress, flaxseed and cranberries. What else do you have on offer? Those are unusual recipes. Definitely. It was also the aim to offer something different.

We have, for example, the Greek with cream cheese, goat cheese, tomato, olive and a few herbs on it. We have the camembert bread with fresh fig and honey. Add dried figs on top. Couple of nuts, walnuts.

It's always a little different. We often have "Bread of the Month" where we go completely crazy again. Lastly, for example, we also have bread with strawberries with it. So a couple of unusual things. A lot comes out of my head.

Is it a little bit due to the fact that you naturally travel around, see what's going on in world history? And we also have a couple of cooks. I come up with the idea, then you try to implement it together. With around 15,000 square meters, Luisenplatz is the largest square in Darmstadt. And he is the center of the city.

A shopping center, cafes, shops and the regional council attract hundreds of thousands here every day. * soft piano music * people of all nations and cultures. People who have arrived in life. And those who are still looking.

People who are successful. And those who are on the margins of society. A lively coexistence of all social classes. And in the middle of the square ...

he! Grand Duke Ludewig I, cast in bronze. Darmstadt citizens donated the honor column to honor their Grand Duke as a benefactor of the country and a great reformer. During his reign , the first Hessian constitution was passed in 1820. 24 years later there was the ceremonial opening of the monument.

Called "the Lange Lui" by the people of Darmstadt, it is still a landmark of the city today. What hardly anyone knows: Lange Ludwig has an inner life. And it is accessible. We're going up the ramp now. It has a lot of weight. It starts up hydraulically and it takes time.

Rüdiger Priegnitz and Andreas Schmidt are responsible for ensuring that Tall Lui is doing well. It's in very good condition. Except for the steps down here.

But the structure itself is in very good shape. What about the steps? You can see when you walk over it. All indentations. Joints are open. We also had severe rat infestation.

Have we been able to successfully close the holes. With the steps we have to think about something. An inspection is pending. Every half year we look at the tower at least.

You never know how the weather will play along. Is sandstone and sandstone is very sensitive to weather conditions. And he's mainly concerned with technology. Whether the lighting works inside, whether the hydraulics work.

And so on. Come on, let's see. The descent is new, from the 80s.

But from here it gets original. From 1842. Ah, look here. Our base from below.

We have to do something soon. - Yes. Then climb. Uh, I'm already broken. (laughs) It goes up 172 steps. Oh, Andi, I think I have to stop.

Sweat on your forehead already! How many levels do we have? - About 70, 70? Well 100 still. Let's slow down, otherwise we'll be exhausted up there. I already am. But now you must have done it right away. 150 we have! Great.

Andi, we're upstairs. - Thank God. The view makes up for the effort. It's huge when you stand here and look down the Rheinstrasse by yourself.

How high is the platform here now? Where we stand here are 30.04 m , but nobody comes up here uncontrollably. No. - Why? Because it's finished. - Why is it locked?

Already the danger that someone will end his life here. Has that already happened? - Yes, four times. And none survived. And after that it was no longer open to the public. That is now administered by the Red Cross. They have the key.

At certain events like the Hainerfest or the wine festival, a certain number of people are allowed to come up. For me, Luisenplatz is one of the most beautiful in Hessen. Because at first it is very spacious.

And when you look like this: We have a wonderful ... Yes, from up here it almost looks like a mosaic, the pavement, the fountains. Life in Darmstadt takes place here. And that can be varied. Donald is homeless. It seems that he is at peace with himself and his life.

I am free to do whatever I want. Still bound by certain rules, of course. If you screw up, you have to live with the consequences.

But it's just a more honest life, I think. Donald used to be here almost every day at the Lange Ludwig with the punk scene. Now he rarely comes. I just feel good now. A lot has changed in the last 15, 16, 17, 18 years. What has changed there? My scene is no longer there, my people stop.

That was a different scene than what's sitting here today? Yes, in any case. Punks stop. I don't think there is anything to be said. It's just a class of its own. The scene today: a lot of drug addicts, says Donald. We always say: the alks and the junk. Oh, the way they live is just not my thing.

How they talk to each other in places, how they treat themselves and others. to a large extent that is simply not for me. Today the Diakonie's breakfast bus is on Luisenplatz. Cheese. Like every Tuesday at half past ten. I would take a bun from you. - What? Cheese, salami?

Cheese. Everyone is allowed to come. There are drinks and sandwiches from the Darmstädter Tafel. Such sweet particles.

And bits donated by a bakery. We have a colorful mix of homeless people, drug addicts, old people who come to us, people at risk of old-age poverty. In principle it is thought like this: people who stay here on Luisenplatz, who spend their day here, the drug and homeless scene can come here.

You can take care of yourself and get in touch with social workers through the contact point . And if you can't do it in a facility because you're inhibited, you can still get social work and advice here. Daniel Rottach is a street worker. The breakfast mobile is a welcome aid for many of his clients .

Stop, stop, stop! - Sorry. May I ask, do you always come here? If it's there, the bus, yes. When I see him, yes. Why are you coming here First of all, I know him. He has often helped me out of emergencies. Then it makes sense if you have no more money at the end of the month and someone is there distributing food, to go there, to take advantage of it. Eh master, gude how? Daniel and Donald have known each other forever.

How long have you known each other? - 9, 10 years. 11. I don't know. Something like that. - well. I've been in the city center for a bit longer. Thanks to you, big guy. - With pleasure. How long have you been on the street? With the interruptions billed 7, 8 years in total. How did that happen? I was 16 then and started squatting houses.

And at one point it was my life. You finance yourself by scrounging. Does that work fine? Sometimes like this; sometimes like that. - How do you do that?

That is different. Normally I try to use a line that makes people laugh or at least brings out a smiling reaction. I've been fishing for almost two weeks. I have a fishing rod. There's a string on it with a mug. So I sit on my duffel bag and try to fish the people. * Laughter * That's an idea that I took from Braunschweig.

In other words: Despite all the misery, you haven't lost your sense of humor? Nope. Why? Giving up is not an option. On the fringes of society and yet they are simply part of Luisenplatz. You see pictures like this a lot here. * melancholy music * It has become more and it is also sometimes very pathetic. It is sad when people wash in the fountain. I think there are also a lot of mentally problematic people who are simply not taken care of.

Jutta Herzing notices a lot here. She has been selling flowers on Luisenplatz for 40 years. Everyone needs flowers. For example we have an old lady who always likes to buy flowers for her fellow men.

She has almost no money. She doesn't get any flowers either. She once said that. She is so happy when she buys a bouquet.

We gave him a bouquet two years ago. I realize that flowers have to replace a great deal of what should not be said. The flowers should do everything. We are often asked about the colors. A young man has received orange roses from a woman and asks what that means. You can't gloss over it.

An orange rose is an orange rose. This is junk. * Laughter * The history of Luisenplatz goes back a long way, to the 17th century. Landgrave Ernst Ludwig wants a more representative and larger residence town.

He lets Darmstadt expand. Where the Lange Ludwig stands today, there is still a city gate. But a first place arises.

It was expanded almost 100 years later and became a political center. The ministries get their seat of government here. In 1806 Napoleon appointed Landgrave Ludewig X as Grand Duke. Darmstadt becomes the capital of the Grand Duchy of Hesse and is expanded to the west.

The square gets its cross-shaped shape , which is still recognizable today, and is named after the wife of the Grand Duke Luisenplatz. It looked like this until World War II. The political center of Luisenplatz is still today.

If there is a demonstration in Darmstadt, it is often here. * Demonstration calls * Whoever produces on this square wants to show himself. Because that's the main square here. Don't forget: 80 to 120,000 people walk around here every day. Bernd, please give me some sunflowers that are a little open. How much? A? - Three.

Herzing, that's a whole "family of flowers". They have two other stores in Frankfurt. Who is working with everything? - The whole family. We are 8. Except for the little one, everyone is actually there. The little one is already in the starting blocks at the age of six. He's already bullied by selling flowers.

But my brother is the main force here. He has the regiment. My niece is an avid jumper, or a jumper. It comes wherever there is a fire.

So, the rose has to be dipped every now and then. Originally I wanted to be a teacher. But then came love. My origin was actually more in the seed trade. We switched from economic hardship to cut flowers. We didn't expect a hardware store to make so much.

People went there first. They only plant once a year, not all the time. Two seasons have completely broken us. And believe me, there were tough times, before and not after. The flower trade somehow suited me.

That fit like a fist on the eye. Next door in "Lui Lui" is now in operation. It's lunchtime. There are three warm dishes a day for a small price. Then it will be 5.95 please. We have a Moroccan chicken ragout for lunch today. And we have a zucchini vegetable with rice.

Alternatively, we also have the pumpkin soup to match the season. The french fries are not run-of-the-mill either. That’s the pulled porc fries. French fries made from sweet potatoes, with chili cheese or guacamole. The ingredients preferably from the region. Avocados don't grow here now, and neither do mangoes.

These are articles that of course do not come from the region. But we get the rest of it regionally. It is sold in biodegradable disposable trays made from renewable raw materials.

A concept with which the young man from Darmstadt is trendy and which obviously works. But Dimitri Droukas is not really satisfied. Corona already hurts. You can clearly see that a lot of the people who are normally in the offices in the city are currently missing. They are in the home office. And of course we are still relatively at the beginning.

We are now almost a year old. You have to fight for your place first. Thank you very much. Nice afternoon!

Jürgen Herold has his shop on the other side of the square: "FairG'nugt". * Singing bowl hums * This singing bowl comes from Nepal and has been produced under fair working conditions. What is fair about the working conditions is that the employees themselves determine their working hours and their working environment and, of course, are paid very fairly. This is one of our essential points, that people can live well from what is given here.

Jürgen Herold also recognized the signs of the times. FairG'isufficient, that means 50 square meters of fair trade products. Everything is handmade and sustainable, mostly from Nepal.

The material itself is waste. These are bags of chips, soup bags, as we know it too. Is cut into slices and then wrapped with grass and then made tight with raffia.

This makes it very robust and can also keep water out. Jürgen Herold is actually a business economist and business IT specialist . Has worked as a managing director in the banking sector and made a lot of money. The sense of purpose was missing. If you look at that closely, you always look for meaning in life. Always jumping faster, richer, further, higher doesn't make you satisfied.

I made a trip to Nepal with my wife, saw many beautiful things. Then I said: "Now you're going to jump in the deep end and start a new company. Import things from the country that fascinate you."

In the beginning I had to take on debts and took a lot of my own money. We also had big problems with our suppliers. Nepal is a poor country. It's structured differently than we are.

In Asian countries you like to get a yes, although a no would be better. You think now the goods will come and then they will not come. I was naive too, of course. I think that's part of it, otherwise you won't do it. You think you can manage that and then there will be a lot of resistance that you don't expect.

It's good that you don't know beforehand. But I haven't regretted it for a day. That was just 5 years ago. The small one-man business has now grown into a flourishing wholesale business. Does that go with the scarves? - That's the way it is. Goes well? - Yes. - Okay. With eleven employees, Jürgen Herold supplies world shops in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

He travels to Nepal twice a year to take a look at the factories. The blankets are woven by hand on an old loom or a classic loom. 100 percent new wool.

It's a very soft, great material that is explicitly made for us in a small weaving mill in Nepal. There is a widow who, which is very unusual for Nepal, took over her husband's company after he suddenly died. * quiet music * Jürgen Herold also buys from other middlemen, like this silver jewelry from Mexico or the figures from Africa.

* calm music * We know from all suppliers where they have their products produced, according to certain criteria that we can also check. Bags made of nylon otherwise used for fishing nets. This is also something very special for me, so the material is crazy. The backpack now costs 79 euros. Conventional retail says yes, it buys as cheaply as possible, sets a price and for that you have to produce.

With us it is exactly the opposite. I am given a price and accept it. Then I calculate with a slightly lower margin than others. Jürgen Herold actually has enough to do with wholesaling. Still the shop on Luisenplatz? In general, I want to show that fair trade works and that everyone can make a living from it, including retailers who are struggling: we pay high rents here and have employed staff. That works in a prominent location.

That's my goal to prove it. Hope lies in time. And time heals wounds. The resurgence of Germany is only a matter of a few days. It is obvious that the National Socialists also used Darmstadt's political center for their own purposes.

Election rally of the NSDAP in 1933. On Luisenplatz, which is now called Adolf-Hitler-Platz. Then September 11, 1944.

* Alarm sirens and explosions * 78 percent of the city center destroyed in just one night. Only Tall Ludwig withstood the hail of British bombs. Almost in spite of it. Rebuilding the city is a feat that will take decades. In 1950 you are quite far at Luisenplatz. Most of it is built in the new style.

Simple facades, strictly structured. Uniformity due to the lack of money and yet with a sense of aesthetics. Only one building was rebuilt in the old style. Today the seat of the regional council is popularly known as RP Darmstadt for short. The fact that the regional council is currently being scaffolded doesn't bother him at all. This new skin now stands in front of the old facade.

And the flat light from the sun combined with these scaffolding rods now results in very interesting shapes and lines and shadows. Thomas Ott sees the world with different eyes, including Luisenplatz. The exciting thing about the square and its setting is the heterogeneity of the buildings.

That they are very different in construction time, epochs and architectural styles. Thomas Ott is an architecture photographer. * calm music * I find the motifs by walking. I have to move around a lot, have to compare perspectives and always see which visual relationships arise. And then I mark the edge of the photo and think about whether it will also be a composition.

I'm interested in the space between ... the post office building on the left and the RP on the right and in connection with this tunnel entrance. And that is a topic that interests me too: what influence this access has on the square.

His work benefits from being an architect himself. The ability to design things, to structure spaces, also means for me today that I understand spaces very differently. When I see a room, I not only see four walls, I see the structure. The clients: mostly architects or engineering firms who want to present their work for tenders.

The demands are high there. * quiet music * the city theater in Heidelberg. The state parliament in Wiesbaden. The Maintower in Frankfurt or the entrance to the EXPO 2010 in Shanghai. Just a small selection of his work.

That's the view out of the window here. When you were shooting outside, I made and edited this recording here. But as a photographer you are always looking for a subject with your eyes, right? Yes, it is an occupational disease.

So one-eyed vision is simply innate. The "LuiLui" is a special place for Thomas Ott. Because when you sit on the square, you are right in the middle of the action. But in here you are onlookers and that was not there before. You perceive the square very differently from this perspective. It's a bit like the cinema here.

* melancholy violin music: Bedrich Smetana - "Die Moldau" * I was in the city center the whole time. There are stations where I play. And now in the end, before I go home, I come here and then I just play here for the atmosphere.

Because when I play it touches the heart. That's nice, everything gets a little better. * Violin playing continues. *

Outside the "LuiLui" the tables are well occupied in the afternoon. But to sit down here? Some have a problem with that. Why are they just scared? No idea. Because we are human. We live here.

Usually we can talk, we can talk. We are ... The main thing and more important is peace, there must be peace.

For them, the "LuiLui" is a meeting place. We always meet because we are friends with everything. And after work, when I come home, example, I have to ... I need an hour or two hours to chat with our people and so: What's new? Then everyone goes home and tomorrow, as always, work.

OK. But always here at Luisenplatz, at "LuiLui"? Yes, mostly we meet here. Only: After a lot of sales, that doesn't exactly look like. Even if it's just a coffee every day. This is a regular customer and we don't like to lose it.

There is certainly a ... Yes, how should you put it nicely: reservations about it. Where you say: Okay, but he could, or, or, or. But I can only say at this point that we really haven't had any problems and that is fine.

Dimitri Droukas is himself the grandson of an immigrant from Greece. My grandfather actually came to Darmstadt to study. And the student days are known to be a good time.

He exaggerated it a bit, I'll tell you, and then somehow got stuck in the restaurant business. became self-employed there. The first shop he opened was a Greek restaurant in the late 1960s.

Yes, that's how it started. Today they have a total of 13 catering establishments. Dimitri runs the company together with his father.

I actually studied International Hospitality Management in Germany and America, then went to China to work. But then in the end I went back to my "father's business" and said that this is where I can best achieve something and make a difference. When his grandfather came to Darmstadt, traffic was still rolling on Luisenplatz. Then, at the end of the 1970s, major changes.

(Speaker) This square will be completely redesigned in about two years and, hardly imaginable, closed to car traffic. The traffic flow will later flow through here, deeply hidden. A huge feat and a logistical masterpiece for the city . Cranes, cranes, cranes turned for more than a year in front of the unmoved Tall Ludwig.

The whole Luisenplatz was tunneled under, with one-way streets and 2000 parking spaces. * fast drum music * * music builds up. * * Music dies away. * A large pedestrian zone has emerged where road traffic has prevailed .

And the last vacant lot of the post-war period was filled with a shopping center, the Luisencenter. Jutta Herzing has been a tenant from the very beginning. So for the very first hour we are fine, but we are ... it feels like we live in this house. I think I can say that I am one of the last few self-employed. We used to be 49 self-employed, now four, five are said too much and the rest was chain.

And now we're one or two or three self-employed. Center rents are also very, very high. You have to generate that first. So now my brother comes. Now is cleared.

It doesn't get any easier. Now they close their flower shop an hour before closing time in the mall. Because of Corona. That turned out to be difficult. People don't buy well in the evenings.

I don't want to endanger my employees either. We have had many dangerous situations with knife fights , bad fights at six or seven in the morning. I am happy when my brother comes safely in the evening. It has become difficult with the rabble. I'm sorry too, but it just goes to waste.

We have urine stains every morning in front of the store, behind the store. Does it have to be that way? But you still don't want to leave? No way! And this despite the fact that their shop is so tiny that they have to put everything up and down every day outside. That's a lot of work. * quiet piano music * So, now it's awesome.

So: bye! Take care. * fast rock music * rush hour traffic. It is now very busy on Luisenplatz.

* fast rock music * It is the city's central transportation hub. Eight tram and 21 bus routes cross the square, around 990 trams and 1100 buses every day. An estimated 65,000 people getting on and off every day. The special thing about it : there are no boundaries, no pedestrian paths. Always a challenge for bus and train drivers.

* quiet engine noise * Yes, you have to keep an eye on everything, so actually anticipate what people are doing. You can do that with experience. So if you drive past a bus in the opposite direction, you have to keep an eye on whether a pedestrian or cyclist is coming behind the bus.

And who may step or drive on the tracks. Is there a lot going on here? - Nope. So compared to the amount of traffic we have here in the pedestrian zone, it's actually a miracle that so little happens. * Tram rings. * Despite the many trains and buses that pass by: The "Mini Café" has been a popular after-work meeting for over 40 years .

And that although you can actually only sit outside here. No space for tables and chairs. The name is program.

Okay, Elena, fame per favore un mini macchiato, un latte macchiato e un espresso. A little piece of Italy in the middle of Luisenplatz. We usually have a mixed crowd, but there are also a lot of Italians.

We have a very good espresso, at least that's what my guests say. And the Aperol Spritz is even making history here. The old owner of the "Mini Café" came from Veneto. And there it was practically ...

the spray was born. And we had been drinking here with a couple of friends in the 70s. And then guests kept asking: "What are you drinking there?" Then there was more and more and today everyone drinks Spritz. What hardly anyone suspects: world hits were created in the "Mini Café". What are you drinking, Gerd? * Music: Culture Beat - "Mr. Vain" * # Call him Mr. Vain. #

Nosie Katzmann wrote it. # Call him Mr. Raider ... # # ... call him Mr. Wrong. Call him insane. # The recording studio was just around the corner. "Mini Cafe" was an inexhaustible source of inspiration because I sat here so often . Du siehst so viele Geschichten, so viele Schicksale, so viele Menschen, die dir as zu erzählen haben.

Da könnt ich Millionen Lieder schreiben. # I want you, cause I'm Mr. Vain. # Mr. Vain von "Culture Beat": in den 1990er-Jahren Platz eins der Musikcharts in elf Ländern. Die Idee zu Mr. Vain kam hier, ja. Ich saß hier mit 'nem Freund, der auch Musiker ist und der hatte 'ne neue Flamme und meinte zu ihr: Übrigens, das ist der Nosie, der macht auch Musik.

Da schaute sie mich an und meinte: "Du siehst aber gar nicht aus wie 'n Musiker." Das hat mich gestochen in dem Augenblick und dann hab ich gesagt: Ruf mich heut' Abend an. Wenn du meine Stimme hörst, verliebst du dich in mich. Dann meinte sie zu ihm: "Ist der nicht etwas unmöglich?" Und so kam Mr. Vain. Das heißt so viel wie "Herr eingebildet".

Wusste Lorenzo Gamba eigentlich, dass Mr. Vain hier entstanden ist? Yeah of course. Ich hab damals da gearbeitet. Der war Stammgast, mit Torsten damals. Ja, klar. Da war schon mit Promi in Darmstadt gewesen.

Hast du hier viele Lieder komponiert? Einige, einige Hits, "Sumemr Summer" zum Beispiel. "Summer Summer", "Love Is All Around", DJ Bobo. Und das ganze "Serenety"-Album, was wir dann aufgenommen haben.

was das weit meistverkaufteste Dance-Album aller Zeiten ist. Im "Mini Café" fings sogar an mit seiner Karriere. Durch Zufall lernte er Torsten Fenslau kennen, damals angehender DJ-Star. Der bat Katzmann, für einen Song den Text zu schreiben. Hab ich getan, wurde 'n Erfolg. Dann wollten sie 'n zweiten haben.

Das war dann der "Erdbeermund". # Ich bin so wild nach deinem Erdbeermund. # Von Culture Beat. Das tollste Gefühl war, dass ich die Miete zahlen konnte für die nächsten drei Monate. Anfang der 90er: ein Welthit folgt dem nächsten, wie "More and More" von Captain Hollywood.

* Musik: Captain Hollywood - "More and More" * Nosie Katzmann mischt kräftig in der Eurodance-Szene mit. Mit bis zu zwölf Titeln gleichzeitig in den weltweiten Charts. Eigentlich war ich froh, nicht mehr arm zu sein. Ich war froh, von Musik leben zu können und das machen zu können, wozu ich Lust hatte. Ich habs als ganz großes Privileg angesehen, jeden Tag im Studio aufzunehmen, was ich selber will. Das find ich ein ganz großes Geschenk des Lebens.

Da bin ich jeden Tag froh und dankbar. Wie viel goldene Platten hast du jetzt? Ziemlich viele. Also ich habs nicht mehr gezählt. Bei 40, 50 hab ich aufgehört zu zählen. Es waren aber immer andere, die den Ruhm geerntet haben. Hat ihn das nicht geärgert? Im Gegenteil, es ist super.

Ich war der erste am Buffet und wurde mehr in Ruhe gelassen als die Leute, die auf der Bühne waren. Es ist nicht schön, berühmt zu sein, von Leuten ständig angequatscht zu werden. Nach Darmstadt kommt Nosie Katzmann nur noch ab und zu.

Mein Lieblingslied? Aber das "Mini Café" ist und bleibt für ihn ein besonderer Ort. * Gitarrenspiel * # It's knowing that your door is always open # and your path is free to walk. # Ich hab hier ganz viele schöne Momente gehabt. Ganz viele tiefgehende Gespräche, ganz viele Entscheidungen für die Zukunft. Was machen wir, wie machen wir es und so weiter.

Es berührt mich, wenn ich hier bin. # ... makes me tend to leave my sleeping bag rolled up and stashed behind your couch. #

* dramatische Klänge * Es geht auf den Abend zu. Noch herrscht auf dem Luisenplatz Geschäftigkeit und Betrieb. Aber nach Ladenschluss wird es merklich ruhiger. Wer nicht gerade mit Bus oder Bahn fahren muss, hält sich hier nicht mehr auf. So gefährlich, wie das in viele Köpfen der Leute ist, ist es glaub ich nicht. Vielleicht war es das früher mal. Kann ich nicht ganz beurteilen.

Aber was wir hier so mitbekommen ist eigentlich relativ entspannt. Das Lui Lui ist einer der letzten Orte, die auf dem Luisenplatz spät abends noch offen haben. Imbiss und Mini-Markt in einem, ein "Späti". Das heißt von morgens früh bis spät in die Nacht frisches Essen oder, falls nötig, auch mal eine Zahnbürste oder Kondome.

Das war die Idee. Ist denn die Rechnung aufgegangen? - Sagen wir mal so: Ich glaube, man hat immer 'ne gewisse Vorstellung, wie es wird. Und die Realität holt einen dann doch ein Stück weit ein. Und wir haben schon viel verändert, muss man dazu sagen, also anders, als wir es uns eigentlich vorgestellt haben. Diese Non-Food-Artikel waren nicht so 'ne krasse Nachfrage.

Das haben wir dann größtenteils aus dem Sortiment rausgeschmissen. Und was geht am besten? Kann man euch helfen? - Na, was wohl! Bier ist genug da. Pungi ist da, Braustübel ist da, Andechser, Desperados, Corona ... Hast du schon mal ans aufgeben gedacht? Klar. So Gedankengänge hat man immer.

Aber gerade in der Anfangsphase ist es sehr schwer. Aber wir beißen uns aktuell noch durch. Sicher ist es noch schwerer durch Corona. Aber wir geben unser Bestes.

Ganz sicher ist der Luisenplatz kein Wohlfühlort. Aber er ist ein Platz, der voller Überraschungen und Geschichten steckt und irgendwie auch liebenswert ist. Man muss sich nur auf ihn einlassen.


2021-01-17 22:57

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