CYBER MONDAY: 250k Business Card Stacking Hack to Fund And Grow Any Business

CYBER MONDAY: 250k Business Card Stacking Hack to Fund And Grow Any Business

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hello everybody and welcome to funding grows  black friday 2021 special we are so thankful   that you've joined us my name is ari page  and i'm excited to be talking about funding   and how to help you launch and grow any business  so let's go ahead and just jump right into it i   want to know what's the number one thing that  is holding you back if you're on the call right   now you're probably an entrepreneur a business  owner you're thinking about investing let me   know what's the number one thing holding you back  now we know from an economic standpoint that the   number one thing holding people back uh at least  82 percent of businesses which seems to be the   largest demographic is lack of funding and we are  here today to be able to help overcome this major   lack of funding that many small and medium-sized  businesses are experiencing in today's world   and so we're going to be talking the different  benefits that we'll be talking about today include   the zero percent funding that comes with the  business credit cards that we're talking about   and these business credit cards do not appear in  your personal credit report you can use it to buy   real estate you can ach or wire transfer directly  from one of these zero percent business cards   to your titling attorney uh in order to purchase  real estate you can uh what you're going to end   up learning is that the normal business that you  or your business is doing it for either investing   or your normal purchases even just paying your  facilities electric bill all of that can earn   you rewards and cash back thousands of dollars  of that per quarter like funding grow does all   of this doesn't report on your personal credit  now we're going to be getting into all of this   well how you you're not gonna need tax returns  you're not gonna need to uh to have income   verification for this form of funding uh not that  we're advocating that anyone is disingenuous and   that you do not need collateral or assets  so this is one of the most sought after and   preferred ways of funding but at the same time  it also ends up being a very inexpensive way   to fund your business for example let's take  a look at what i have here on the screen   so if you look at traditional ways of  funding you can see that uh traditional   ways of funding can lead to lots and lots of  different types of of extra fees so you have   origination fees you can have high interest  fees and this is just for a basic business   type of loan there's there's a lot of different  types of business loans out there but many of   them are going to have origination fees closing  costs high interest rates and other associated   fees for the sake of our uh example here we  just left it to a few fees being added which   could easily add up to 15 000 just on a basic  100 000 loan and as you know people are looking   for 500 they're looking for a lot of funding so  when you look at the the business credit card   and what the business credit card can provide to  the small business owner immediately you see that   the total cost is way lower and this cost right  here this 2800 is simply for the wire transfer   so this is so that you can send your money  directly from a unsecured business credit card   that doesn't even show up in your credit report to  a real estate transaction that you're completing   where you can just wire transfer the money just as  if it's coming out of a bank account and you can   get that uh you can get that that that purchase  completed so this type of funding can purchase   an asset but the great thing about it is that it's  not tied to an asset and you're not going to lose   any asset should you unfortunately be unable to  pay it and we're not advocating that people are   getting into anything over their head at all  but what we are advocating is that people use   safe funding you want to use the safest funding  available and this type of funding is unsecured   meaning that it's not secured to a home equity  line or in other words a house like a home equity   line of credit would be it's not secured to an  auto loan or any other type of secured loan for   like a piece of equipment at your business  or the way the sba loans are securitized   this type of funding is unsecured and so this is  the cream of the crop funding that you really need   and before you think that it's not going to work  for you just know that if you live in america you   have a social security uh social security  number and you have an address in america   then you can get this funding too and that's the  beautiful thing about our systems that you can use   opm other people's money or in this case other  banks money and they can you can use that money   to invest on your behalf and not even lose  equity within your deals and not lose uh your   uh you know not give up half of your business  for funding like a lot of people in shark tick   so let me ask you a question what are you going to  use the funding for come to the comments or or the   questions area and let us know what what do you  use the funding in your business what what are you   doing what industry are you in what would you use  the best the funding for so fund and grow we've   been around for a number of years and here you can  see a picture of us in front of our building there   were about 65 people all in all uh and so what we  are is a whole team of dedicated specialists that   have been getting funding for people for quite a  period of time so we've been doing this since 2006   2007 but since before the economic downturn and  we've really perfected our process in getting up   to 250 000 and how to get these types of business  credit cards using the card stacking process which   basically means that we're getting multiple of  these zero percent unsecured business credit cards   that don't report to your personal credit and  how to use that long term that's the rotating   balance part and so we have a lot of clients that  are doing this we have clients that have 300 000   we have clients that have gone through you  know one or two batches and they have 200   000 and everyone has that number they're looking  for some clients are just looking for 50 000 some   clients are looking for 300 000. the question is  how much money do you need to start or scale your   business come to the comments area let us know  are you looking for a quarter million are you   just looking for 50 000 let us know what how much  you're looking for and so one of the things that's   really important when it comes to getting  funding from the banks is having your entity   in other words your company set up properly and  so entity structuring is really important you   don't want to go to the bank in a risky industry  with a risky name with no seasoning and so the   industry that you're in is very important for  example real estate is a very lendable industry   business marketing is a very lendable industry  and so you have some industries that are highly   lendable and then you have others that aren't  and and they might be more risky from the bank's   perspective so for example if you have a uh an  investment company you know set up and the in the   industry of investing and the name of it is ari's  risky investment company and it's been set up for   one year how do you think the banks are going  to view that entity they're not going to view   it kind of obviously i'm being a bit hyperbole by  calling the aria's risk investment club but the   long and short of it is is we have to make sure  that the entity itself looks appealing to the bank   and when it comes to the industry you control  it when it comes to the name you control it and   interestingly enough even when it comes to the  seasoning you can control that and the the reason   for that is is that we're able to help you set  up an entity that's going to match your years   of industry experience so if you have five years  of industry experience you can actually set up an   entity that matches that and we're going to show  you how to do that and we're not talking about   back dating and and buying an entity that's  set up we're not talking about doing this   a disingenuous way we're talking about doing it  the right way so if you've been in business for   five years for ten years then you're able to take  that and incorporate it into an entity that will   then reflect five or ten years depending on your  industry experience and then you're able to take   that to the bank and use your industry seasoning  and when you have a company that has the right   name that you're in a safe industry then you have  the security that the bank is looking for and   that is the entity side of that so the entity  side of that is very important you have to have   the entity side straightened out but you also need  to have the credit side straightened out there's a   few links in the chain in this process of getting  access to unsecured business credit cards that are   this lucrative and so what one of the ways that  we approach this is by giving each of our clients   a individualized consulting plan and what that  plan entails is exactly where they are at where   their credit is at and what would take them to  getting huge amounts of these unsecured cards   so some clients their first cards are only ten  thousand five thousand you know even four or five   of those of a ten thousand fifty thousand dollars  is pretty decent but we have other clients who on   their first batch they're getting 70 80 90 100 120  000 because they're getting larger cards if you   get four or five cards and each one's at 20 30 000  that's a lot different than getting uh four cards   at five or ten thousand and this is what clients  are getting access to now the reason why we're   able to get the larger amounts is because we're  credit experts we understand exactly what we're   looking at and so we also have the ability to look  directly at the consumer's report to be able to   give them a weighted score to be able to really  understand the way the bank would look at them   because the way that the average person looks  at your consumer at your credit report is a lot   different than the way the bank is going to look  at what's called a weighted score and that is   the way that a your score would be if they were  to approve you for a loan so a weighted score   is based off of you actually gaining access to a  loan so if they were to give you access to 100 000   what would your score be that's a weighted score  and so we need to be very aware of if are we using   the beacon scoring module and that's what equifax  uses a lot are we using the fico classic are we   using the fair isaac which is just a version two  which is a different version of fico the fico is   the fair isaac company and so we need to be very  aware of the scoring modules that are being used   because we want to know exactly what the banks  are thinking about you we don't want to know   we don't want to just be spinning our wheels and  looking at uh you know something that we think   is a credit report but it's not actually  the same way the bank would be thinking   about you and so ergo if we can look at you  the exact same way the bank can then we can   have a much larger insight into getting you  approved for more funding and so it's really   important that we understand what these codes  mean for example here equifax gives it 0 0 0 30   for time since most recent account opening the  fico classic version 4 has that as code 030 and so   these different codes pop up routinely and  our team is very expert at understanding what   they're looking at now just for comparison  i want to bring up a consumer credit report   a consumer credit report doesn't even give us  half of the data that a business like ours can get   when we run your credit report so when an actual  bank or when a lender that can extend you credit   runs your credit report they're getting a  weighted score they're not getting one of   these consumer credit scores and so i'm going  to point out a few things about this first of   all do you guys know that most consumer credit  reports in fact there's not a single one that you   guys can go online and buy right now that would  give you more than a 24 month payment snapshot   you have to either go to a mortgage company auto  company or a company like ours to pull your credit   in order to see a full credit report otherwise all  the consumer places that you subscribe to that on   credit monitoring they only give you a 24-month  payment history so if this account had happened to   have a late payment that was more than 24 months  in the rears it wouldn't even show up here but   yet when you go to if i were to go to a bank  and they run my credit they're going to see it   so my consumer credit report in many cases doesn't  show me things that are actually on my report   that a full bank credit report is going to show  me and you can see how how large these are they   they have very few overall fields you have just  you know maybe a dozen fields here or less of   information and they're just not giving us much  information at all and this is what the average   consumer report shows us this right here is a usaa  card they're showing us experian the equifax the   transunion part of this usa card up here this is  a target card so what these are is two different   accounts that shows up on someone's credit report  but you can see how confusing they make it and let   me show you just some of the uh in in detail just  some of the problems that that we experience on   credit reports so in front of you what i've done  is i've pulled up a credit report i've taken all   the sensitive information of the client off of  it so what you're seeing in front of you going   from the left hand side to the right hand side  is different credit accounts so the first credit   account here is the first bank of colorado and you  can see that it goes from the left-hand side to   the right-hand side just so that people understand  what they're looking at here that this is a credit   report with all of these different lines so we  have trade line a trade line b trade line c so   on and so forth going the whole way down and  then the trade line goes across here we have   these different columns that tell us the different  statuses for example the date reported the date   opened the high credit amount and so so that's  what we're looking at here is a full credit report   now what i wanted to show you guys on this credit  report let's start first with this chase card so we're gonna start first with this with this  uh chase card so notice how this chase card shows   under the high credit field it shows a zero so  there's no limit being reported into this field   but yet this client under the balance column has a  five thousand dollar balance on a card that has no   limit now this is really important to understand  that whenever you're using a credit card that   reports to your personal credit and the credit  we set up doesn't report to your personal but   whenever you have a credit card that does report  your personal credit it's important to know that   you can only use 35 of that card before it starts  to bring your current your credit scores down   now that's a huge thing to to be aware  of because if you're just using regular   spending on credit cards uh month to month  that could make your credit scores dip   massively and so if i have a ten thousand dollar  card i can't put more than 3 500 on that card   without it bringing my scores down so i need  to have big cards and just only use the 35 when   using a personal card now in this case with this  particular client this client had five thousand   dollars on a card with no limit so it thinks the  computer thinks that you are five thousand dollars   over limit now that's why this client's scores  were so low is he actually over limit no this   client was given a card this chase card is  called the chase card's fair and flexible card   where they don't report a credit limit and when  they don't report a credit limit what it does is   it actually brings the score this client's score  down when he uses the card which he's allowed to   he's been given the card it actually brings  his scores down so what we help clients do   in an instance like this is we help them impose a  limit so on this card we happen to get the client   updated to a 20 dollar limit so now he has five  thousand dollars on a twenty thousand dollar card   and his ratios completely changed his scores  went up now chase isn't the only bank to do this   bank of america does it all of the big banks do  this they they'll call it the no limit card or the   fair and flexible card i think american express  calls it the open card the reality of the matter   is it's the card to screw you that's what it's  called it's a screw you card it's the card where   they don't report a limit so that even if you  put one dollar on that card you're now a dollar   over limit so they give this card to people that  have good credit and it brings their scores down   this is the game that the banks play and this is  what we do we position you differently let's take   a look at this gmac mortgage so i'm going to go  ahead and point out a few things here now on this   mortgage so this mortgage this gmac mortgage  is in this red box here and you can see that   this account was opened in 2005 right the date  opened column says 2005. but if you look over here   we see a one a one in the historical status column  now what does that mean historical status column   is actually the column they use to determine the  seasoning of the account in other words how long   the account has been open now why wouldn't they  just use the date open if this account was open   here then shouldn't that be the seasoning yeah  well the banks don't want to do that because   you have access to this and your consumer  credit so on your consumer credit report   you have access to this to this field here  but you do not have access to this field   so they can manipulate and change this field  all they want they can have a one in there they   can bring your seasoning down they can make it  look like you just opened an account last month   for example here time since most recent account  opening is too short they can make this code pop   up on your score this code 30 simply by doing that  simply by resetting this the month reviewed to a   one and guess what you as a consumer you'll never  see that you don't ever see this column they don't   show that on your consumer credit report they only  show you they opened so they show you the date   opened on your credit report they show you this  field but this feels wrong they already don't base   your seasoning off of that these are the games  the banks play and there's actually many examples   of this down here even on this closed account  american express removed their their seasoning   this client had it open since 2000 and  they only got one month of seasoning   on a closed account because the seasoning even  on your closed accounts go into your overall   uh you know the overall calculation of what your  score is and so the banks are going to play these   games to try and minimize your worthiness so that  they can charge you more and there's different   parts of your credit that that impact your score  uh with a different percentage and so our team is   going to look at you as a whole and they're going  to say how can we get this client's scores up   to the highest possible given their current  situation and there's so many things that we   can do now one of the things that you need to know  is you first need to look at your credit so if you   want to look at what your credit is right now  and get a snapshot of what's going on you can   go to fund and grow credit services dot com and  that's fund and grow credit and then   you can take a look at all three of your bureaus  but that's only a small tool to help people in the   case that they need to take a look at what's  going on in their credit now in the case of   someone has something bad on their credit that's  not something that fund negro can help you with   so bad credit is something that we would refer  out and we would recommend that you go to this   company kdmk-a-y-d-e-m if you have negative items  now these guys have a really cool dispute process   whereby they instead of just disputing things  by sending in a letter like you know a lot of   these companies you pay them a arm and a leg and  then they send in a letter for you the same thing   you really could have done but of course we do  know that a lot of times they're going to have   it worded better and it's written by attorneys  et cetera et cetera but the cool thing about this   particular company is that they don't just send in  letters they actually have taught us that there's   four ways to dispute with the credit bureaus you  guys take note of this write this down you can   send in a letter to send in a dispute you can call  in and verbally give a dispute and the people that   are that are behind the phone are trained to deal  with irate clients they can literally delete stuff   right off your cut we've had clients call in and  just get all their items that were negative that   they needed to remove to get them deleted off  of a phone call and we've had that where where   where katom the company that we work with that we  refer clients to where they've gotten everything   removed to that same process and so you can send  in a letter you can verbally call it and the   people that open the letters is a completely  different department than the people that   are answering the phones and that's a completely  different department than the geek department that   the internet department when you're initiating  the dispute online that's a third way of doing   it and the fourth way is through facts some of  the bureaus allow disputes through facts and so   again it's like you're switching gears it's a  completely different department different people   and what we can't get off through one department  it's amazing how uh you can get it off through   another department by using this multi-channel  dispute process not just doing the same thing   over and over and expecting different results  but actually trying something different   and getting different results because there's  four different ways to dispute things off your   credit ktm's really good at that and we thank them  for all the clients of ours that they've helped   with because when we're sending clients over we  need that client to come back to get some funding   because we guarantee it for our clients so we need  that fund that credit repair company to really get   those derogatorys those items deleted asap so that  our clients can move forward and get the funding   so there's another way of getting funding that  we haven't discussed yet on this call so far so   we're going to go ahead and open a new chapter  it's called dun and bradstreet and we're going   to talk about another forum of funding so far  we've talked about unsecured business credit cards   now we're going to talk a little bit about about  non-recourse funding and non-recourse funding is   really the cream of the crop and and right here  you can see two of the office buildings that i've   purchased and that i have not needed to use my  credit i didn't have to use myself as a guarantee   i was guarantor no one within my company had to be  used as a guarantor these buildings are bought on   non-recourse funding just like any person who  goes through our program is eventually going to be   able to do by utilizing their done in bradstreet  non-recourse credit which is their paydex score   and so once you get good uh done in bradstreet  once you get a good paydex score with down to   bradstreet that's going to open up a lot of  doors with a whole nother type of funding i   mean you guys don't really think that bill  gates and jeff bezos are using business   credit cards and personally guaranteeing  things they're not they're using uh they're   using corporate credit and we're going to teach  you about corporate credit so that you can buy   office buildings or whatever it is you know a  fleet of vehicles whatever it is that you need   for your company corporate credit is definitely  one of the great options to use now one of the   reasons why our team is so successful at getting  super high amounts of this type of funding   is because we do this process that we call  negotiations and we've pretty much pioneered this   process i don't know of any other companies that  are doing this negotiation process and what that   process is is after we have received our clients  power of attorney which would give us a limited   uh permission to work to work on their credit to  apply for them to to do this work for them and so   that gives us the legal predicate and basis to be  able to do this once we've received the power of   attorney we're then able to apply and negotiate  and get do all of it for the client so we are   actually interacting with the bank on behalf of  our clients we're doing all the work for them   there's no way that someone who uh you know owns  a pizzeria or the person that owns the hair salon   or the part-time bitcoin investor there's no way  that all of them know the best way to communicate   with the banks they don't they're good at what  they do they're good at running their businesses   and they're good at investing but they aren't  necessarily good at everything and they're not   good at knowing exactly what's the best way to get  funding so our negotiators we're taking incoming   approvals that could be a 5 000 and getting it  overturned to a 15 because they know how to talk   to the negotiator there's approvals we get that  are 15 and 20. we get them overturned to a 60 000   approval because we know how to talk to  them to the underwriters and we know how to   properly and legally exemplify your business  so that the underwriter can feel confident and   they can approve you for a higher amount and this  is the way that the underwriting process within   these banks work it's based off of your personal  credit and it's based off of your business credit   score and we're going to build both of those  to the maximum to get you the maximum amount of   approval and then once the credit's been granted  it reports to the ein number not to the personal   credit it reports to the ein number the only  time it would show up on your personal credit is   if you default for three months in a row so it is  personally guaranteed so if you were to completely   not pay the credit then it will come back on you  and that's why of course we want to move clients   up into using the non-recourse funding which is  that second form of funding that we spoke about   so here's some examples of credit cards coming in  15 000 card twenty thousand dollar card uh here's   more examples thirty seven thousand dollar card  uh twenty five thousand dollar card these we have   these cards coming in all day so here we have  a client who in one batch they received a fifty   thousand ten thousand fifteen and a fifteen so  that right there is a decent amount was that 30 40   uh 90 000 in funding that oh yeah 90 000 in  funding on four different business credit cards   yeah th this is this is what we do folks  and do you think this card started at a 50   000 no it started at a 5 000 and then we got it  built up so joe talks about how he's received 140   000 in credit and how it's been a rocket fuel for  his business and i'm not sure which batch he's   in if that's his first or second batch but either  way when you go back for your second batch or your   third batch one of the things that you're going  to need to do is you're going to need to remove   the inquiries from the business credit cards so  if we've applied for a business credit card for   you and you've been approved for that business  credit card that is no longer a personal inquiry   and you can get that removed completely legally  why because they can't hold a bank cannot hold   a business inquiry against you personally they're  not legally allowed to and so some inquiries are   super easy to remove for example the inquiry is  created by us applying for business credit cards   we're not only uh is that something that  we're gonna teach you how to do that's   gonna a technology you're gonna walk away with  you're gonna know how to remove credit inquiries   from now on and that process of being able to  remove credit increase allows us to continue   the card stacking process over and over and over  again to build up the aggregate amount of funding   so we talked about kdm and how they can help  you if you have derogatories on your on your   personal credit they can also help you if you  need inquiries removed that's one of the things   that they do they've actually pioneered  a process specific to removing inquiries   so now why should you trust us i'm  not sure if you're just tuning in now   or if you've been on the webinar for the  whole thing so far but why should you trust   us well as you'll find out you can google us and  you can see there's a lot of big names in the   industry that trust us with their students and  so we have a lot of students that are a lot of   affiliates that we work with who their  students are in real estate or are in a   variety of different business entrepreneurial uh  on endeavors and what they trust us with their   clients because we always come through we want  to work hard for our clients and do everything   possible to get them the maximum amount of funding  and if we can't help you then we're going to give   you your money back that's just that's the end of  the story we are here to do legitimate business   so that we can continue to grow just like all of  these big names like les brown and so many others   have uh have told their their um audiences about  and we are very proud to have those affiliates   uh you know on board with us and we we encourage  you to check us out go to the better business   bureau you're going to see that we have hundreds  and hundreds we have like over 800 uh reviews   on the better business bureau of clients that  have come to us and left us a positive review   it's literally 4.93 out of 5 star check us out on  trustpilot check us out on sotelus or on facebook   or on google we have literally thousands or  over a thousand reviews just on google alone   and if you put it all together we have thousands  and thousands of reviews from happy clients that   have gone through our process and why am i saying  that i'm not saying that to brag i'm saying that   because essentially we're applying for a job  at the moment right now we're applying we would   like you to hire us to get this for you so it's  important that i exemplify the different things   that that funding girl has done and our different  accolades because we're actually respectfully   applying for a job right now with you guys so  that's why we don't mean to be braggadocious in   any way but we do need you to know our bona fidas  and our credentials and so here we have another   client who is talking specifically al talking  about his second batch so he got 60 000 on his   first batch and now he's up to 125 on the second  batch and this is just the process guys this is   the way that it works when you're in our program  we're going to be putting you through multiple   batches in order to build up to the aggregate  amount of a quarter million and we have clients   that are getting above that getting 300 000  plus and all of that is possible because of   every link of the chain which is all the different  departments within funding grow and the way that   all of them how you were taken from intake to the  applications process to the negotiations process   to the inquiry removal all of that where we can  just build this amount of credit for you over and   over and over and this is something you could do  you could do if if you did this full-time we do it   full-time and we're generating 19 to 20 million  dollars a month last month we got 21 million   in funding it's not quite our average yet because  we haven't averaged above 20 million we've hit 21   million last month and this month we're going to  probably be hitting around the same and that's   the amount of funding that we're generating  for our clients so that's the total amount of   funding we're bringing in for all of our clients  and we'd like you to become part of that client   pool receiving that type of funding and so we have  a free gift for everyone that's joined us so far   and um so let's get into that and we also have two  bonuses so the first of it is a partner upgrade   so generally our membership is a four thousand  dollar cost and we're not anywhere close to that   today we got this black friday special that  we're quite excited about but we got these   bonuses for you so not only are you get a partner  upgrade your guys are getting a buy one get one   so we're doing a buy one get one and we're not  even doing it at the full price of four grand so   a buy one get one of four grand would be eight  thousand dollars and we're you guys are going   to get an awesome hookup today because this is  the lowest price that we do this throughout the   entire year is today and today only black friday  and this has been become a uh an annual event   for funding growth like many other companies but  what we found is this is the only time of the year   that we're going to drop the price down this low  and we do it one time per year and so the second   bonus that we have is our prosperity pulse  newsletter and so we're gonna give everyone   access to the entire newsletter database at  no charge and this is a fifty dollar per month   uh uh premium membership that all of our clients  are involved with and in this particular uh uh in   the prosperity pulse in the newsletter what we do  is we show how we built fund and growth to where   funder grow is today and so funding grow is now  doing millions of dollars in revenue every month   we're generating uh tens of millions in funding  every month and we went from being a very small   company to a very large company and we're we're  getting ready to push 100 employees and so   what we do is we detailed how funding grow built  everything from from our marketing to our teams to   how we get all of our negotiators to work together  to how we create cohesion and love within the team   and within the office all of that is covered  in our newsletter and we highly recommend   that you stay subscribed to the newsletter and  especially in your first month where you get it   for free look at all of our past articles so you  can start to determine how is it that you can do   what funding grow has done and go from 100 000 a  year in revenue to 20 million a year in revenue   so what's all included in the fund and grow  membership as we've discussed so far is the 250   000 of funding the fact that we're going to do it  for you which is the one-on-one coaching uh we're   going to set up the entity for you that's going to  match your years of industry experience the how to   utilize the credit as cash how to get the funding  off how to if you're buying real estate how to do   that how to get the the funding off of a business  credit card so the fact that it's a credit card   it's not going to be a problem we're going to show  you how to access it like cash and everything that   else that we've talked about which is the credit  code coaching package and the corporate credit and   we say a hundred thousand in d b corporate credit  but remember we've bought buildings that were the   building that we're in right now is over a million  dollars that we bought on corporate credit and if   we can do it you can do it too plus we have the  extra two bonuses that that we spoke about which   is the prosperity pulse newsletter and the 4 000  partner upgrade so all of that is today and by now   you can see that this is something that we're  really good at you can see that this is something   that we do all day long we have a team of 14 15  people just in negotiations we have a team of   salespeople we have a team of account managers  and uh client relations people and all of that   we're about 70 people where 65 to 70 people were  and and we're constantly hiring we're going to   be 100 people before you know it and so this is  something that you can see we are very good at   um we're constantly growing we have testimonials  coming in like you wouldn't believe now do we have   some clients that have said some some mean things  about us we're dealing with people's personal   credit and their funding and their money and so  obviously sometimes people can be a little bit   tense and touchy but suffice it to say that  you'll see that we stand behind our word we   stand behind our product and we want to get you a  lot of funding so today we're bringing this to you   at the lowest price of the year 32.97 and in  order to take advantage of this offer browse  

to fund and with a forward slash now it's  really important that you put in the forward slash   save 700. because otherwise if you go to directly  to it's going to you're not going   to get the bonuses and it's going to charge you  the full 4 grand so go to 7 save 700 funding grow   dot com forward slash save 700 and you will be  able to gain access to 32 97 special and that's   going to cover not just you but your business  partner as well this is a buy one get one folks   so this is not just going to cover you this is and  you don't have to pay anything extra for the buy   one for the for the for the bogo you don't have  to pay anything extra 3297 will cover partner a   and partner b partner a could be your  husband wife could be your business   partner could be your brother sister could  be a friend that is working together with you   they you can even have a separate login for them  either way it doesn't matter you're going to get   a secondary for free for free so you might as  well add somebody on to that you can even split   the cost with them we have clients doing that  all the time at forward slash   save 700. now for those who want to call in we do  you can call us you can call us at 800-996-0270

and again it's eight hundred nine nine six zero  two seven zero and again this is the only time of   the year that we dropped down by seven hundred  dollars and so if you've hit this part of the   website then you're at the payment page now you  could either pay the one-time fee of 32.97 or   you could pay 17.74 for two months now notice  that is a bit more than 32.97 because you're   paying payments as two payments or you could pay  three payments of 12.66 and again this is a little   bit more than 32.97 because you're paying it in  payments that's the whole point of financing guys   that's the way that it works so if you would  like to get started for a thousand and change   1266 you can get started with three payments of  1266 payment number one today second payment in   30 days the last payment 30 days from then and  this the same is true with the with the to pay you   pay 17.74 today and then and then you pay 17.74 30  days from now and that way you can pay in payments   either way you're going to get started with  the full program even if you decide to use the   payments you're going to get access to the entire  program right away so that's that  

forward slash save 700. so here we have brenda  exemplifying her her uh journey with thunder girl   and how she's received 128 000 and this she just  finished her second batch so if she's at 128 000   in her second batch then she probably started with  a limited profile and now she's got access to a   lot of credit and not only does he have access to  a lot of credit but guess what where's her credit   scores going to be super high and so the byproduct  the default byproduct of going through our program   is that you will have really high personal credit  scores and we're not going to even uh request we   we don't want you to lean on your personal we  don't want you to we want you to use business   business credit we want you to use business credit  cards and other types of business loans you're   going to be able to get access to a more premium  form of funding once you get these business credit   cards so within the membership we're of course  going to be positioning you for applications   and doing the negotiations and if you need  help with ways to utilize the funding that's   also another thing that we can help you with so  most of the clients are going to receive funding   within 30 to 45 days there are some clients that  that are just ready to go right away and they   they're literally receiving funding in the second  week of working with us it's not all the time of   course it's probably going to be pretty rare  most of the time there's things that we can do   for your credit that again have nothing to do  with credit repair but that have to do with   boosting the ratios like we talked about earlier  and once we uh tweak these ratios on your scores   and we make sure that nothing's ill reporting and  and tweaking your score in a negative way then   we can move forward and apply now sometimes  it takes 30 days for that when you sign up   we make some changes on your report takes 30 days  to update that with the credit bureaus then we can   start the application process and we don't want  to walk uphill with a broken leg so we do want to   fix those issues prior to applying it four or five  places because otherwise we're just establishing   with those accounts that you have that problem  we want to fix the problem before we apply before   they are aware that you have that problem that  way it's not on the credit report when we apply   and then we're just able to get you approvals and  that's one of the ways that we're able to get the   most amount of funding so we have clients  that are using this type of funding for all   forms of different businesses from from doing  network marketing to doing online e-commerce   we even have people that are that are in uh real  estate a lot of fix and flips and and wholesaling   we have a lot of people that are just doing basic  contracting and we even have people that are doing   money lending so there's all types of things  of course branding and marketing that's huge   we have so many clients that will use the credit  card simply for their pay-per-click campaigns   you know you get a hundred thousand two hundred  thousand dollars of funding how you know a lot of   companies are spending fifty to a hundred thousand  dollars a month on their marketing and so the the   business credit card is a there's a great place to  place that that expense while you're earning cash   back on it so you're spending and then you get  one and a half cash back on everything that you're   spending you might as well do it that way so i'm  gonna i would like to play you a short clip a   short uh 40-second clip from one of our affiliates  nick perry and he details how he went from 40 000   a month to over 400 000 a month from gaining  access to funding now of course i don't know if   he's doing that every single month but i do know  that once he gained access once he got access to   funding he was able to do a lot more he was able  to buy sell he was able to flip more properties   and as an educator he was even able to help more  of his students and so with us being a company   that wants to educate and help our students  we want to also uh share nick's experience   and then after that i'm going to have our chief  operations officer jason alonso come on and   he's he's our director of operations he is uh in  charge of all the different departments within the   building uh that are getting access to funding the  affiliate relations i'm sorry the client relations   the negotiators jason is uh he's he's actually  helped pioneer the process in how we do what we   do so i'm going to have jason come on after i play  you this short clip so that you can hear from the   operations side and you can hear you know from the  from the negotiation side he's going to tell you   a little bit about the negotiations team and the  client relations people and the fun that we have   here uh competing to see who can get the most  credit for their client because we a lot of our   uh our employees are actually paid based off of  their the gains that they get for the client so of   course they get they get like a base rate but then  depending on what they negotiate for the client   is how they get their pay it's kind of like a  sales position the negotiators so these guys   are only making money if they get money for you so  jason's gonna come on after that and talk a little   bit about how that process works in the meantime  let's go ahead and listen to uh nick perry so yeah last month and you know  as the recording right now it's uh   april 14 2020 march was a record month for us  we did just over 400 so now yeah a few years ago   correct i mean you know without  without having that liquidity   and runway it would have been it would have been  a real grind to make that happen that's awesome awesome guys okay sorry i think i think the  end of that video got cut off a little bit but   here we have as promised we have jason on and so  jason is going to go ahead and take it from here   and we're let's go ahead and get this fixed right   here real quick but jason's gonna go ahead and  take it away from here and uh and uh help everyone   understand the uh the funding growth process  even better sorry guys we're not we're not   technological geniuses so we had a little tech  issue we're good we're good i think we're good   to go ari i appreciate it i'm so excited to talk  to you guys today uh talk about all the operations   uh how we were able to get nick perry over a half  a million dollars now uh we're we're so excited   about that we're so excited to see nick's journey  among everybody else we've had plenty of clients   that have that have had the success like nick um  nick has been with us for about three memberships   so this isn't just a membership that it's 12  months then you're done you know we continuously   have clients come back and work with us over  and over and over again so that we can continue   to build the capital on their business side so  we're definitely excited about it my goal today   is to answer any questions that you may have you  know what were you hoping to learn today uh were   you hoping to learn how to start up about your  credit about what it takes to get business credit   whatever the question is that you may have  go ahead and send them through the question   area whether you're on youtube go to webinar  wherever you're at let me know so i can help   you out and answer some of your questions  before i get started i want to go through and   answer some questions that were sent in before  just give me just one second looking through there was a question can i transfer some already  spent business related expenses to the line to   release from personal expenses absolutely we  have clients do that all the time uh we're   really excited to see when when clients come to us  and they have a 700 score or even the high sixes   the main reason why their scores are lower are  because of the debt that is on their personal   reports and and nine nine times out of ten  they let us know because they're using their   personal credit to fund their business so what  we do is we help them with a consolidation loan   we get some of that stuff off of the personal  report onto one loan then we go after business   credit once we get the business credit we  teach them how to balance transfer over to   the business side which immediately brings their  personal scores up but it doesn't affect the   business credit doesn't affect the personal  so they can max out their business side and   it's keeping their personal scores at about  800 so absolutely that is definitely possible there was a question when when ari was  talking about the credit reports uh why   would the bank knowingly play such games how does  it benefit to intentionally make your score lower   a lot of times it's not intentional they're  not reporting it correctly there's an error   in the system so whatever the bank sends over  to the credit bureau the credit bureau is going   to excuse me they're going to display  that on the report people make mistakes   systems make mistakes that's what  we're here to catch those mistakes   so that they don't hurt you so a lot of the  times it's not intentional but it does happen   what is the best credentials needed to  get up to 250 000 in the first round i'll   go over that a little bit later but i do  want to answer your question very quickly   the credit score isn't everything but we do look  for about a 720 or over on on that side but a lot   of it is having each individual revolving account  which is all your credit cards and things like   that below 30 to 35 percent on your personal  side we do want to have some revolving accounts   on there that are seasoned for over two years so  that means that they need to be open for two years   having a mixture of installment loans which are  mortgages auto loans things of that nature and   then also your relationships with the lenders  who do you bank with there's a lot of things   that we can play off of there uh to get you the  business credit the other thing about that on   your revolving account your credit cards is how  high are your limits if you've got limits that are   down into the you know two thousand dollar range  one thousand dollar range we're going to look to   establish something else on your personal report  to really boost your your lendability position   so if you only have a thousand dollars  uh your highest limit on your personal   personal credit reports a thousand dollars the  banks are gonna look at that and they're gonna   wonder if they can actually lend you 10 15 20 000  are you going to be able to manage it because on   your personal side you're only able to manage a  thousand dollars are they comfortable lending to   20 000 we're going to get you there we're going  to get you in the best lendable position before   we move you forward with business funding that's  our goal our goal is to get you up to that 250 000   but also get your personal credit to where  it needs to be in the 800 club so the only   thing that you have to use it for is if you  go for a personal mortgage or an auto loan   or anything like that but that's going to give  you the lowest interest rates from that lender has anyone received up to 250 or has  anybody received 250 000 on the first round   yes i have seen that it doesn't happen all the  time but that person was in great shape they   actually listened to us and removed some accounts  some authorized user accounts paid some accounts   down removed some inquiries and then they went  into funding and they were able to get in there   i believe they got about 260 000 or 280 000 in  one round of funding so it's definitely possible   uh daniel allman i love this comment i have  sent clients to fund and grow for over 10 years   in the last year fund and grow has obtained  over 1.7 million for my referred clients   they are awesome daniel thank you we everything  that's here is 100 truthful all of the reviews   that you see online 100 truthful we know what it  takes to get the funding we know what it takes   to get us there so let's start moving on a little  bit i know the questions are popping in i'll jump   right back into this in just a little bit but i  want to talk about the funding journey hopefully   a lot of you are signing up with us today i kind  of want to go through what to expect over the 12   months and the departments that you're going to  deal with and how our customer service is and   and give some props to some people out there but  this is the basic journey that you're gonna flow   that you're gonna go through starting here  obviously and then working your way around   so the day that you sign up you sign up today take  advantage of the discount take advantage of our of   our black friday sale you're going to get welcome  to fund and grow so you're going to get an email   a lot of our communication especially in the  beginning is done via email so keep an eye   on the email that you used to sign up so if  you talk to one of our business development   managers if you signed up to them  or if you sign up through the link   make sure that you keep an eye on  the email that you used to sign   up because you're going to get a link in the mail  in the email that's going to allow you to access   access your client portal now there you're going  to start to submit the necessary information when   you get the link to access your client portal  you're going to be asked to reset your password   and you're going to be asked to log in there  so go ahead and do that follow the steps   but then once you get in you're going to need to  start submitting your personal and your business   information all of this information needs to  be filled out correctly so that we can start   moving forward with your process the longer  it takes for you to fill this information out   the longer it's going to take you to get funding  we want to get you funding as quickly as possible   you're signing up with us to get you funding as  quickly as possible so as soon as you sign up   go ahead and access your portal and start to fill  out the necessary information like your personal   your business your home address your financial  information and it doesn't have to be exact   give us a guesstimate but get it as close as  you possibly can especially for the finances once you've filled all of that out you're  going to be asked to sign three documents   the documents one is is the power of attorney the  power of attorney allows us to negotiate on your   behalf to apply on your behalf it is a limited  power of attorney we're going to do nothing but   submit applications and negotiate on your behalf  the second one is the credit authorization that   one allows us to pull your credit all the credit  uh that that funding growth holds that we pull   are soft inquiries not a hard inquiry that's the  difference a soft inquiry isn't going to affect   your score or even show up on your personal credit  report a hard inquiry is when you actually apply   for a loan or a credit card or anything like that  the bank the lender they pull your personal credit   report and actually submit a hard inquiry fund and  grow does not do that the third one is our terms   of service that you're gonna need to read and  sign as well so once you fill out that information   one of our credit experts is going to go ahead and  review your personal credit profile they're going   to check your personal reports they're going to  make sure that everything is in order if there's   anything that needs to be fixed they're going  to send you a link to schedule a call with one   of our consultants that call they're going to go  over everything that you need to get into the best   lendable position the lendable position is what  matters the most when we go into funding we don't   want to apply just to apply it doesn't make sense  we want you to get the most out of your 12 months   so we want you to be able to apply with round one  at the best possible position that you can be in   and we're going to make sure that you're  there but here's the big thing you have to   follow our recommendations i can't tell you  how many times we get clients that come in   and they've got 650 scores and they say  no i want to apply now i want to apply now   we're not going to tell them no but we are going  to tell them it's not a good idea you're going   to see limited results we need to do this  this and this before you can move forward   they continue to push forward and then we end  up with poor results so then we have to go back   and we have to restart and start from scratch  and get everything to where they need to be   then they start to understand that yeah maybe i  should start to listen to these guys we really   do know what it takes to get the business  credit so any kind of advice that we give you   and tell you and show you how to do it we'll  walk you through the whole process we're going   to hold your hand the whole way through and make  sure that you are in the best lendable position   to move forward once we get there that's  when the fun begins that's when we're gonna   start to submit applications and negotiations  i see a ton of questions coming through i   appreciate it give me just a little bit let me  finish this one i'll jump right back into it   but the applications and negotiations once you're  in the best position possible to move forward   you're going to get an email with a date that  your account manager is going to reach out to you   we are not going to apply for anything until the  account manager speaks with you that is going to   be on the day of applications the account manager  is going to go over what lenders we're going to   what your round's going to look like what your  batch is going to look like whether we're going   for all business do we need to do a little bit of  mix between personal and business to boost your   personal report or if you're just starting  out with personal credit do we need to go   only personal our main focus is business credit we  want to go for only business credit but there are   times and there are situations where we do need  to build somebody's personal credit report to   get them in that lendable position right we just  talked about it that is included in this step some   of it you know but if you've got if you've got a  lot of inquiries and you've got high debt on your   personal or late payments collections charge-offs  bankruptcies things like that there are different   avenues that we're going to take you down to get  you in to step 6 where we can apply and negotiate   once we get there the day comes of your  applications and negotiations the account   manager is going to call you they're going to walk  you through what to do over the next 30 to 45 days   this process here does take 30 to 45 days so  we submit applications the account managers are   going to follow up with you every week once a week  they're going to give you an update of okay these   ones are approved here we're going for higher here  this one was initially declined i'm working with   the underwriter to get this thing approved so  on so forth whatever whatever's happening the   account manager is gonna keep you informed so  that you're aware of what's going on you know   when when cards are gonna show up in the mail  if you're gonna get a letter in the mail that's   the easy part you just sit back and you relax  and you wait for the cards to come in the mail   once the cards come in the mail once the  letters come into mail no matter what   send those over to your account manager so that  we can use it to access your por your profile   with the lender so we can continuously get  higher and higher amounts of funding all right   let's jump back in here and answer some questions  really quick and then i'll jump into number seven um i have good credit but some lines have more  than 30 percent will i not qualify unless this is   balanced it all depends and and that that question  came from debbie debbie it all depends we have to   look at your whole profile because it isn't the  overall utilization but there are some some things   that we can do to get that account down that you  have over 30 percent we can get those down we can   balance transfer we can get you a consolidation  loan some of them if they're just a little bit   over 30 percent we can move forward as is but we  do want to look at your personal profile first and   then go from there but we can give you different  tips and tricks to pay those accounts down   right at the last minute so that they'll reflect  on the next reporting date so if you don't know   the banks they only report to the credit bureaus  once a month and it's not on the due date a lot   of people get confused they're saying okay as  long as i pay this by the due date the next   month it's going to reflect to where the balance  is that's not so true it's not true all the time   a lot of them if the due date is today the  the reporting date could be a week a week ago   not after before so we always teach our  clients to pay the the um the account down   before the reporting date not on the due date it  makes a world of difference i'm not sure why the   banks do it but they want to one one thing  that they definitely do it for is they want   to see how you're managing the accounts if you're  just making minimum payments when the due date is   it's kind of risky to them they want to make sure  that you're able to pay this this back as quickly   as possible higher than the minimum payment so  debbie to answer your question really quick it's   not going to affect you too much we'll show you  how to get those things paid down pretty quick   uh what if what if it is a new entity you want  you have excellent credit but want to start a   new re

2021-12-01 07:28

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