Customer Keynote: Google Cloud Customer Innovation Series - Wednesday (Cloud Next '18)

Customer Keynote: Google Cloud Customer Innovation Series - Wednesday (Cloud Next '18)

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Thanks. For being with us today. So. As you've probably noticed, throughout. The conference there's, a huge. Shift happening. But. I contend the shift is not about cloud and the. Shift is enabled. By. The cloud, so. A lot of companies today are. Looking at transforming, themselves. By. Using cloud technology, to deliver magical. End-user experiences, but also to. Become more nimble. To. Become smarter. About their customer to. Go faster. If. You think about cloud technology today. It allows us to do at least two things that. Were not possible before. The. First thing is that it automates, a lot, of the complexity, out of our lives allows. Us to really focus on, what matters and, the. Second thing allows us to extract a lot of intelligence out of a world of data. Now. That's all great. But. You can't really transform, just with technology, you've probably heard it from many many of our customers. Because. You have to rely on people, you. Have to rely on culture, and a, shift of mindset, and so. I have to contend that these transformation, can't, happen unless. You're. Breaking the silos within your company and, also. You're putting the customer in. The, middle of everything. So. McKinsey, has been studying, transformation, for a long long time and they, came up with three traits, that. Companies, were, successful. At transformation, half, the. First one. Their. Line their corporate, strategies, with. Our digital strategies. The. Second one, they. Have leaders were, nurturing, a fast changing agile, culture. So. That it set up their own people to, maximize. The, potential of technology and. The. Last thing that those successful companies, do they focus on people, they focus talent, they, focus on process, structure. And. Systems. So. It, looks like if you're using cloud technology, right and you're focusing, on culture. You're, gonna be successful at your. Business transformation. But. Then there's a question from. A lot of customers. Does. It make sense financially. Right. Am I gonna get a good ROI out of moving to, the cloud, so. Just recently there's been a study by IDC. And Cisco, that came out and. Found. Out the following thing is that cloud based applications on, average, drive. 3. Million of its side in revenues and 1. Million in terms of cost, reduction said that a total of 4 million, our. Website. And. If you know that across. The world you know companies, go usually, between 50, applications to, running, more than a thousand, plus application. That. Makes hundred, millions, of dollars. That. Cloud. Can. Deliver, to the bottom line of a. Company so, it feels like that. If you are using cloud technology, and you. Are making. Sure that your culture is changing. You. Can come up with very successful transformation. And. Great. Impact. From the financials, performance, but. Instead of hearing it from me why, not hearing it from six of our customers. The. F Connie agreed to come in and share with all of you their. Journey to the cloud and how they've been transforming. Their, businesses. So with, no further ado I'd, like to welcome to the stage Kim. Banchs ed with the CIO of Nielsen and she's, going to share with you her, journey to the cloud. Good. Afternoon everyone, I'm thrilled, to be here today and, share with, you our incredible, story of Neilson, going Google, start. With a little bit of background on our company, Nielsen. Is a global, measurement. And data analytics, company. That. Serves. Our client, by providing, the most complete, view of consumers. We. Study what consumers, buy what. They watch and what they listen to in, over a hundred countries. Over. Our 95-year. History we've. Continuously. Evolved. What. We measure how. We measure, and, how. We can provide the most robust platforms. For rich data analytics, and meaningful. Insights, to, our clients, we have, over, 40,000. Associates, who, work on these solutions every day in. 2015. Our. Technology, team began to search for a. Enterprise. Platform, that, would enable, faster. Collaboration. More. Robust, innovation. And we, were looking for that kind of platform that would allow the teams to work together from all the various Nielsen locations. Real-time. Yesterday. I shared. That our six-month program, ended. With a very successful single. Weekend cut over for the company, today. I'd like to share a few of my favorite, examples from.

The Success, story. First. Real-time. Collaboration, is a must we. Found that with Google Drive. Have. You ever had one of those long nights where, you've worked tirelessly for. A couple of hours on that presentation. Or document, that was due the next day, only. To end in frustration when, you saw the blue screen of death and you lost all of your work or have. You ever waited hours, for a colleague, to, send you the latest version of a document so, you could spend just two minutes adding, the final touch that. Simply, doesn't happen with Google Drive we. No longer have, time to waste and we can't lose any work, we've. Also seen great, collaboration. And other ways that G suite has helped throughout our company, in teams, like finance, where. We have a rockstar team led, by nate in our geneva office, that, fully embraced Google and was excited to change the way they work today. They use Google, sheets and Google Data studio to. Enhance the transparency and. Provide, better reporting, capability, to their accounting, process, they. Also use G+, that, allows them to better communicate. And engage with their employees, in. HR. Our teams are using app maker to, develop custom surveys, for. Individual, unique, personas. For the new hires, they. Feed this into Google student, data studio and they. Use the reporting, to help them make better decisions, during that onboarding, process. Our. Next success came, with Google, Sites so. We knew it was time to. Make a change in our company, intranet, we. Wanted to have a site, that was easier to maintain and manage and, most importantly, we wanted to give our employees a fresh, digital. Experience. For how they access information about Neilson we, did that with Google Sites, when. We started, we found that there are a few capabilities. That were known not yet available so, we partnered with the Google product team and we, were thrilled when we were successfully, able to launch with, enhanced, search a G+. Feed, an enhanced. Corporate branding, that made our deployment, a complete success. Within, the first 24, hours of go live we, saw thousands, of associates, that were on our company, brand new company intranet, from. Their mobile and and laptop, devices, in the, first 24 hours from 74. Countries it, was absolutely fabulous I, would. Say the biggest change. And for me the biggest win was. How our teams connected. And developed, deeper relationships. High. Quality, video is an absolute, must. With, today's workforce. Our, team's use Google meet to. Discuss ideas, to. Collaborate, our most challenging, problems and to, give each other face feedback, face to face. Paired. With the Google Jam board we, finally, have, all the benefits of in-person, collaboration. Without, asking, our employees to, travel all around the world our, tablet. Expenses, have decreased, and the, best part is that at the time for our employees, that they spend with their family and friends has, increased, because they're not sitting in airports, I could. Go on and talk for quite some time about G suite and the features but, I want to spend a minute and talk about the, second half of our success, story which is equally important, and that's, the world-class partnership.

That We have with Google I talked. Yesterday about. That cut over weekend and how, day one we went live with, 56,000. Accounts at Nielsen, on G suite that. Day over, a hundred, Googlers, came, into our Nielsen offices around the world to. Help us with that transition, to, answer questions, and to celebrate with us these. Googlers, were not part of the professional, services, team, their. Job was not customer, support they. Were simply, Googlers, that volunteered. To step away from their day job because they were as excited about our big day as everyone at Nielsen was I knew. At that moment that. I had a partner, in technology, that was deeply, invested into Nielsen's success. Since. That time we've. Provided feedback, to, the Google product engineers, and they've, developed hundreds. Of features, on G suite that. Make our work more efficient, and a lot more fun. We've. Given feedback through, the trusted, tester and, early, adopters, program, it's, a phenomenal, way for our associates, to provide, feedback on those product, features I, can't. Tell you how amazing it is when, I see the buzz whether, it's on G+, or within, hangout chat when. An employee realizes. That their feedback has, just become part of a Google feature, for. All the successful technologies, leaders in the room you. Know that the best way to manage, change is, to. Empower your users, and have, them make have their voice into, the change and that's, what we get with Google. Finally. We've heard a lot this week about Google's, incredible, technology, and their open platforms. Google, has also provided, us with a great open, client, community, where. We can talk amongst ourselves as, clients, and help, with the product, roadmaps, share. Best practices. In a, way that is extremely, valuable as. Members. Of Google's. Technical. Advisory, board we've. Benefited, from those relationships, with our peers, it's. An incredible, opportunity for, the community to come together make. The Google products, better and to, truly transform the, way we work. In. Summary. Our, transition. To Google has been an amazing, success. We. Have had challenges. Along the way but. In every way have, come out with a stronger platform, the. Cultural, alignment that we wanted in terms of a more engaged, robust. Collaborative, environment, and it's, been a wonderful way to get, to work with such a great partner, like Google and to bring smiles to all of our associates faces. Thank, you. Please. Welcome Shree, Shabana. Graph. None at. PayPal, we've. Been able to move 15%. Of our infrastructure, flee into, the Google cloud and we. Are just getting started, today. I want to walk you through the journey that will be nan but. Before I do that I, want, to tell, you a bit about PayPal, most of you know us but. We, are a group, of companies, PayPal. Core venmo. Braintree. Zoom. And most, recently, I settle, together. What we are attempting to do is to make sure that we can connect, the world with, payments. We. Are a two sided network, on the, one hand we have more than 200 million consumers, and on. The other hand we have about. 18, million merchants. And. For a total of 237. Million, active, users last. Year we. Did about four hundred and fifty six billion dollars in payments and our. Mission on the one hand is to. Power digital, and mobile commerce and on. The other hand to, democratize, financial, services around the world. Let. Me walk you quickly through the technology, stack we have at the company at. The bottom most is our infrastructure, layer what we do internally in terms of building our data centers or network.

Or, Hardware. Engineering teams or storage, databases. And ops, teams. On. Top, of that we. Have a layer of technology services that we use internally, within the company to. Help subsidize software. Development across paper, but. At the same time creates some level of homogeneity. And standardization. As we, build applications and, services. Up. From, there is the payments, operating system this. Includes identity. Payments. Risk. Compliance. And credit, and finally. The heart of PayPal which. Is the experiences. And these, experience, are the ones for merchants, on the one hand and for, consumers on the other side the. Most important, thing we do at PayPal is of. Course security. This. Is the number, one thing we're in the business of trust and security, is the number. One thing that we need to build for, to. Give you an idea of the scale as, I. Mentioned, we did, 456. Billion dollars in payments last year we. Operate in about 200, different markets, about. Hundred currencies, and last. Year the peak day was about twenty, nine million payments, on a single day this. Translates, to about fourteen, thousand, four hundred and fifty dollars per second, on average, just, imagine. The peaks to. Power. All of this we have, 2700. Different application, services, which. Are built, and maintained, by about 4,500. Engineers across, the world, last. Year in 2017 we did 17,000. Software releases our. Internal infrastructure, is about, two hundred thousand, servers about. 27, megawatts and we, have 238. Petabytes, of data all, growing. At about, 30 percent year-over-year. The. Cloud opportunity, for us to begin with was all about the developer, and test environments, in. 2015, we made the decision that we want to move to the public cloud and start to leverage what is now a 10 year old industry, in doing. So we, wanted to first learn from, pilots, and we, picked the developer, and test environment, as our first pilot. The. Reasons. That, we moved to the public cloud for are as follows number. One is scale. As I, mentioned to you the number of transactions, we take across the number of countries we have and the number of customers that we serve is very, large and the. Number of payments at PayPal is growing at about 25. Percent every single year second. We wanted to make sure that. We were accessible. And present for our customers, in, their, locale in their geography, and region for. This we. Couldn't go and build data centers all over the place we needed a partner that could do it with do this with us second. Was flexibility, we. Have we, are payments business, and we, are available. Everywhere around the world and with. Mobile commerce. There is huge, variations, in the amount of payments that you get at any point time of the day or any, day of the week or any week, of the year.

To. Work with this we needed a flexible, infrastructure, that could scale up and down to. Our demands, and our needs. Third. Was. The, fact that we had to meet regulatory, obligations. We. Are in 200, different markets, each. One of these markets, is a jurisdiction. These. Jurisdictions, have laws and money and we need to be compliant, with all of those in. Some cases we, need to process and store data locally across. Various countries. In the world and finally. In terms of efficiency, one, to, understand, what, kind of a fleet we have number. Two to continuously, optimize how, much we are using and number, three to ensure that we. Burst off when we need something and we. Don't have, Hardware. On premises, that, is not going to get used for a long time to give you an example our. Peak. Days for payments are in December once. We capacities, for those payments, we, don't need that capacity, till, later, in the first quarter of the year, with. A public cloud we have the ability to flex up and down and finally. The, rate of innovation, public. Cloud gave us the ability for us to get. Started on the modernization, journey and to ensure, that we are using the latest and greatest feature set that is available to. Make sure that our services. Are of. The highest reliability. The. Highest security and are. Providing, the. Layton, sees that, our customers, need around the world. The. Reason this, is what I start with Rose it was important, that as we went into the transformation, we, had to convince all the people internally within the company on the, reason why we are doing this, this. Is the main reason why we moved to the public cloud. So. Our journey, like I mentioned started, in 2015, with discovering and, through. 2016, we, picked for cloud environments, and ran a bunch of pilots, to actually compare them side-by-side, at. The end of that test we picked the Google, cloud to, host our applications, in. We. Then, started, our journey in the beginning of 2017, January, of 2017 is when we started, the project to take all of the Devan test environment, and mode, into the Google Google, flood through. That journey in six months we had an amazing partner with Google and we, learned iteratively, through, every sprint we went through and, on. June. 28th, of, 2017. We. Cut our dev, and test or a weekend, to, the Google cloud this. Was about 15% of, our infrastructure, fee. Now. When, we did this cut over it was, not all rainbows. And unicorns we, had some challenges and I want to share that with you as well and, those. Challenges number one with Rivera with respect to security as a, company, that is focused on trust our biggest. Need was to make sure that we were as secure, as we were on Prem, in. Doing so one. We wanted to ensure through tests that we, had. The risk mitigation and the controls, required, in, the Google cloud platform and, with, the partnership with Google we got comfortable with this and started. To move in that direction, second. And most important thing was culture, in any, transformation. There, are three pillars there. Is a change, in mindset a change, in the tool set and the change in skill set. Most. People start with the tool set in this case the Google cloud was a tool set but if. You don't, change how, you work every day and how, you think of your application, services, in its structure, those. Tools will not help you in the long term. Third. Was architecture, lift and shift was not going to work we. Had to change our applications, to make sure that they were ready for the public cloud so. We went through a process of ensuring that, as we were making this migration we, were using the best of what the public cloud had to offer and not, rely only on the. Paradigms. That we had built on in the past, we. Also had a few challenges of the features even. Though public cloud is a 10-year old industry, Google, was still building many of the features but. Through the partnership we, award the various, bridge, technologies. To help with our journey. And that weight was well worth it and since. Then Google has built those features for us and we've incorporated that into our system so. Taking. You back to the journey I mentioned, how in the mid of 2017. 2017, we, moved the Devon test environment, into the public cloud and with, that 15% and, since, then we've had a ton of new learnings we have now run this environment, for a whole year and in. Doing so we, have now qualified, many other use cases that we can start to move to, to. Production as. We, built the build out beginning, to build out of the production zones, we. Now have a intake. Process, for the use cases we. Are allowing for the development. Teams across the company to, bring in the use cases that they want to migrate qualifying. That those use cases both. From. A security perspective a. Technical. Reliability. Perspective, and also from an efficiency perspective and. We. Intend, in the next year, to take a reasonable, amount or a far web and mid year and move, that to the Google cloud as well. In. Doing all this we've.

Had Amazing learnings. And Google. Cloud has been a tremendous, partner we. Have challenged, each other and I think we have learned from each other in this process but, we feel like the journey is just getting started and we, are continue to make progress towards, putting more workloads, in the Google cloud thank. You. Please. Welcome Mohammad. Hamid II. Good. Afternoon everyone, and thank, you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you today at this prestigious, event, I'm, Muhammad Hammadi the chief technology officer of Sky, UK. Sky. Is the largest entertainment, company, in Europe we, served 22, million customers, we, employ, 31,000. Colleagues and we, invest close, to 8 billion, dollars, per, year on content, that. Our. Customers. Enjoy to watch from, the comfort of their homes or while. On the move a, major. Part of this investment is. Buying sports, rights, the. Crown jewel, of those, rights is. The. Broadcasting. Rights of English, Premier League matches, in, the UK, we. Call them soccer. In it in the US, let. Me give you a taste of what. Our customers, love us for. New. Channel, dedicated to, the Premier, League with. 126. Live games, throughout the season. Rewatch. Key moments, of live games with a timeline, feature on the sky sports app and join. The conversation, with a new Premier, League debate show. Three. Little with, Sky Sports Premier, League. It. Is costing us 1.6. Billion dollars, per year to, get the rights for one hundred and twenty, six matches, which. Equates, almost, twelve, point seven million dollars, per match this. Is premium content, which, we know our customers value, and. Part. Of the reason they subscribe, to Sky, Sports. The. Way it works is that, sky. Gets money from, our customers, in the form of subscription. Or time passes, we. Get money from advertisers, who. Buy advertising, slots. We. Pay the Premier League who, then pays the clubs to invest in, players. Coaching. Stadiums. And the. Development, of the sport of, course. Big. Clubs can have other sources of revenue like. Sponsorships. Ticketing. Merchandising. But. Still, broadcasting. Rights, represents. A pillar, an important. Pillar of their investment, model. Smaller. Clubs. It is. Vital, for them, this. Model has worked well and has allowed the football, and other sports to, develop to the great level, that we are enjoying today.

Unfortunately. Like. In any industry, there. Are bad guys who. Are trying to illegally, stream, football. Matches without. Owning or, paying for the corresponding. Broadcasting. Rights. This. Can harm the sport industry and, cannot. Be tolerated. So. As an industry we, had to find ways to, defend our rights the, Premier. League went. To court in the UK and obtained. A historical, ruling. Obliging. Major ISPs. In the UK to, disconnect, the pirate streaming sites while, the matches are being played. But. This represented, a huge technical, challenge as we needed to quickly identify and. Disconnect, the pirate sites while. The match was, being played. This. Is a problem, for security, a problem, for legal. But, technology. Had to play an important, role here. The. Team came. Up with a smart alternative solution. Which relied, on the power of Google Cloud. Sky. Being. Itself, the second largest ISP, in the UK we. Used NetFlow, to sample, all the traffic, we have on our core network which. Carries, nine terabit, per second, of traffic, at peak. This. Has produced a huge file which, in one year reached the size of 500. Billion, data, records that, needed to be processed, using. Bigquery. And, an. In-house. Alvarez. Which, costed, around. $10,000. To develop. We. Are now able to continuously. Study traffic patterns, and produce. And always, up-to-date left. Of suspect. Pirate sites, those. Are then checked and once, confirmed, to be illegal, or shut down the. Time needed to run the query on Google Cloud is less. Than 30 seconds, and it. Costs, 23. Cents, for every run, these. Are the 23, cents of my, P&L that I am most proud to spend. The. Result is a phenomenal. Reduction, in premier league pirate. Sites accessible, from the UK with. All the corresponding, benefit, to, the football industry. This. Success, has opened. The door for. A wider collaboration. Between sky, and Google, cloud as. We have decided to build our data, Lake on Google. Cloud platform, this. Is a key component of, our internal, data factory transformation. Program one. Of the deliverables, of this program which. Is a very ambitious program is to, join up all available. Data in, a customer-centric, way, this. Will allow us to progressively. Personalize. Every. Customer, interaction. To, make it quicker and. More relevant, to the individual. Customer needs as it, is invited. By, the history, and the, context. This. Ranges, from content, recommendation. To offer management, to troubleshooting, journeys during a service code and. This. Across, all channels and. The. Sky is the limit. Thank. You for your attention. Please. Welcome Justin, Agha. Afternoon. Any. Canadians, in the audience. There. We go who's. Heard of Scotiabank. So. For those of you that haven't Scotiabank. Is based in Canada but. We're in 55 countries across, the world, we've. Got 90,000. Employees. About. 24, million customers, that's about the same number of people as there are in Canada, as a whole I've got big, markets, in Mexico, Peru Chile, Colombia, and I'd. Like to think that we are. The. Most technological. Bank you've never heard of so. I'd like to share some of our experiences, on our cloud. Journey and reflect. On some, of the practices, that we have found that actually work we, call this the cloud method, but, if there's something that you, take away and you forget everything else from my conversation. With you today it's this. Cloud. Is a. Method. Not. A location. We. Need to stop thinking about cloud, in terms of where. Where. Are we putting our data where, are we deploying our applications. And we need to start thinking about how, we. Develop applications.

How We modernize, the organizations. That we work with using. The cloud and some other technologies, and so. One of the critical ideas, that I, think. We have become aware of is, to, try and avoid something, that I call the - Island problem, and, maybe you have this -, do. Any of you have a cloud program. Yes. If. You don't you may be at the wrong conference by the way. But. If you have a cloud program, that cloud program, is getting applications. Into. The cloud. But. What's it modernizing, and what. Is that cloud program, doing to, solve some of the inherent. Essentially. Systemic. Problems, that you have within your organization, so in a financial services, organization, this means things like highly. Fragmented data. Probably. Years and years of legacy many, layers of api's, creating, chaos and confusion. How. Do your cloud projects. Help that how, do you modernize, your organization. Because in the end if you, have one, island, of fantastic. 12 fact the cloud apps on one side and you then have a whole bunch of other stuff whose codebase, is older. Than I am right. Not. That old but old yeah. What. Have you actually done to your organization. And so. For us the. Critical finding, is when we are doing cloud, programs, where, we are taking, our. Resources. In our projects and applying them across. Our major markets, such as Mexico Peru Chile, Colombia. How. Can we be using those projects, to modernize, and solve inherent, problems, within the organization. And so. You can think of this metaphorically, I suppose as building a bridge building. A bridge between these two islands the islands of the old and the the, legacy kind of technologies, that you need to be modernizing, and then the islands of the new the. Highly scalable, dynamic, elastic. Environment. That we that. We invest in when we invest in cloud so how do we do this well, one of the things that we've developed, and we're. Going to be making an exciting announcement about it today as well is a, product called accelerator, what. Accelerator, is is essentially, a software, development pipeline and, with, this software development pipeline does, is it, takes all of the steps that you need to safely, deliver. And deploy. A code, to production and, it. Creates, this. Abstraction. Layer and this interface to all of the tools such. As source code repositories. Artifact. Repositories. Security. Scanning tools which is super important in our business and all. Of the other tools that you need but, it's the single pipeline that we use for both cloud native apps as well as non. Cloud native apps so. This convergence. To a single, pipeline a single. Way of actually. Getting to, production, means. That what we can also do is we can achieve what. I believe is the fundamental. Benefit, of cloud and that. Is being able to deliver change faster. Because. If you buy the premise, that clouds, should be modernizing. Your organization. And if. You buy the premise that. Just putting stuff on the cloud because it happens to be shiny and Google. Gives out great swag. What. Are we achieving if, we, are not using that opportunity to. Continually. Use every single opportunity, we push code to production to, also be solving and modernizing, the rest of the organization, and so. What. This accelerator, pipeline, really does is it allows us to push change, and, pushing. Change means new features for our customers, it means, a continual. Rolling, improvement, to, the. Continual, enforcement, of security, policies across the whole organization, but it also means that with every single project that we are rolling out we. Are continually, refactoring. And improving our API landscape, and our mesh we're, continually, moving and migrating, our databases, why. Because, we have this single way of controlling, that so, the control, plane of cloud is the, development, pipeline you use to get to cloud and, this. Has been a key lesson for us so cloud is a method, this. Is the method we're talking about how, are you getting to cloud how, are you pushing the changes, continually, in at high speed and so. Something. That is really important, though about. This pipeline is actually that. People. Are hard and. Then. Driving change in a large organization. There. Are some engineering, challenges, that we are all facing and we all have to work on but. There's so much cultural, change. There's. So much cultural, change that we have to think about a new way of organizing a, new way of creating, teams a new. Kind of trust in a relationship between.

Our, Business stakeholders, and the technology, teams now, what, this, single consolidated. Pipeline. Really does is it, removes the. Easy to, automate the obvious, tasks, that, we require every single team to get right it removes, that from the conversation, and it. Allows us to focus and allows, our engineers, to focus, on. Delivering. Real value and it allows us to, also then focus, more time on helping. Our engineers, operate. And organize, in an agile manner and so. We've, made a huge amount of investment in, this kind of techno. And, as. I, said the accelerator. Product. Is what has been the result of this now. We're also committed, to being more. Like a software company the. Organization that, I run at Scotiabank, it's called the platform organization. We're. Like a little, software. Company inside Scotiabank, and, we're hiring by the way and, it's. Not that cold in Canada. But. This little software company. A. Hundred, percent believes, in, the. Brains and the talents in this room and other rooms like it which, is why we're, announcing today the open sourcing, of a component of the accelerator, framework, this, is just the start you. Will see continual. Improvement, and far, more pushers of open-source software within the accelerator, framework, going forward, we. Would love for you to participate with us help, us make this, better. Because. Truly if we get this right if we build this bridge between the two islands we. All win, so. I invite you to check. It out on github and. Come. And work with us thank. You. Please. Welcome miguel, campo. Good, afternoon how. Is your day going so. The. Film industry, is based on the ability to work, with talented, artists, and the, ability of the studios to bring audiences. So, what today what I'm going to do is I'm going to tell you about some of the work that we've done with, the Google Cloud to marry, stories. And audiences, so, we've seen for some time now that it's getting more expensive to bring customers. And, to attract talent, as an industry we are moving, from the bottom. Left to the upper right quadrant and, this move is building up, tension, between. Tectonic. Plates on the one hand the. Inertial. Forces, embedded, in the old ways of doing things on the other hand they. What, I'm calling a I enable. Capabilities. What. Is discovery, Hardy's discovery, provides crucial information to executives, and filmmakers. Especially. And critically, for films, that are non, sequels. Now. Audience discovery is intimately. Related to, the process of storytelling. When, making a movie filmmakers, on the studio executives they need to know and articulate. Why. Does the movie need to be made what is new about the movie and also who is this movie being made for these. Questions are hard to answer precisely. And, here's. The key inside the story on the audience are not set, on a stone, they. Alignment. Between the story and the audience doesn't. Just occur, it's the outcome of a process its. Studios. And filmmakers, have actually, many knobs that they cannot just adjust. To, achieve this alignment, it's, a complex, problem, and it's a problem that benefits, from data-driven. Insights, which is why Studios have, been busy. Collecting data, and building, tools so today I'm going to tell you about two, of the tools that we've built at Fox. The. First one is called Marilyn. And Marilyn. Answers the question of, what. Type of movie, are we trying to make. Marilyn. Looks at a bunch of data it looks at the trailer of the movie through. Computer vision, it, looks at the plot of through, NLP, and then, it outputs a report, that, describes the, likely DNA, of the movie based on the data. The. Second tool that we've built is called night. Crawler, and it, basically answers, the question of is. This the movie that we were trying to make and to, answer the question the tool does. Massive. Parallel, multi test sampling. Hundreds, of different audiences and it outputs a sophisticated. Report, that helped us describe, with. Unprecedented, level. Of detail, who, are the core fans for this movie who are the persuadable, of audiences. And who are the no-shows. So. Now I'm going to tell you about the greatest showman, because. This was the first movie in which in which we actually applied the data some. Paper this movie was set to be bringing, similar audiences, to, the movie la-la-land, which was another musical, that, opened, the previous year.

Our. Initial, rate of online, chatter in social media were, in fact pointing in the direction of, young female, demos, which, was consistent. With the hypothesis, of la-la-land, the. Surprise, came when we started to use the tool when we analyzed the trailer we, discover, a broader, audience that, wasn't necessarily, Center, on younger demos it was centered on family, movies it was centered on Disney, musicals, and feel-good. Empowerment. Dramas, this, was very, important, because it suggested, changes, in our marketing, strategy. Changes. That we think ended. Up having, a big impact on the, success of the movie so fortunately, for us the movie did pretty well girls. In north of 400. Million dollars worldwide. So. Studios, are learning, to learn they are learning to compete for stories, and audiences, in, a world of incomplete. But multi-dimensional. Data and they, are also putting in place the processes, to measure the alignment. Between, stories, and audiences. Which is going to be key, for rapid. Reallocation. Finally. They are building they, are building AI, powered. Tools, not, to delude. But to amplify, the. Work of talented bright. Filmmakers. And to produce more, relevant, and urgent, movie experiences. Thank, you very much. Please. Welcome Michael, lyse it. About. 15 years ago I was on the phone to my sister and I happened to mention to her that as, I was approaching 30. Things. Had changed, I could. No longer eat, and drink whatever. I want us without, putting on weight. She. Asked me if I'd heard Weight Watchers which. I had and that, kick-started. A conversation. Where, she told me to fund a month fundamentals. Of the program she. Told me that, you were assigned the daily and weekly pints, total and every, food was assigned a pints value as you. Ate food you. Ate into your pints allowance. It. Seemed interesting and most importantly, of what I lost, the 15 or so pounds that, had been troubling me in subsequent. Years I would, find myself having. To actively, work to keep on top of my weight and would, lean on the Weight Watchers principles. That I had learned, but. I needed some other motivators, I found. Challenging. My friends would push me to work harder, primarily. To avoid being the victim of their brutal sense of humour but I. Discovered that, key was the, key was, community. On my journey, so. Much so that several years later when, I wanted to learn the fundamentals of, a new programming, language as an, evening hack project, I decided, to explore an, idea that, would let friends lose weight together. In a fun way a, key. Personal thing that I learned from that project was I was far better buried deep in the backend code than I was at the front end visual design, but. Then. Four years ago when. I was having fun building out one of the world's first, Bitcoin funds I was, approached, for. The role of head of engineering at Weight Watchers. Even. Though I felt that. Weight Watchers had. Lost some relevance I decided it was worth the conversation. The. Night before my, first interview, I've, gone to bathe and then, realized I should check out their website before.

The Meeting so. At 11:00 p.m. I got, up to take a look and this. Is what I got on the homepage. Needless. To say I went into the interview very cynical, thinking, that this was a company, was ripe for disruption by. Technology, competitors. During. That interview I discovered. That, the way I looked at wave Watchers was, the way that the management, team looked at Weight Watchers I. Realized. Here is this iconic. 50-plus. Year old company, with. An inspiring, mission, and. This. Credible. Opportunity. To. Disrupt it from what in I. Became. Obsessed now. Things, were obviously not perfect that. Message to members was up for seven hours while, the site was down to do an upgrade I can. Never say that I went in to this job without my eyes being wide open but. This, told me a lot I was. Pretty sure there was a legacy, monolithic. Architecture, with. Legacy, engineering, practices, and a, culture that needed to evolve it. Was, an interesting time in haltech, the. Proliferation. Of apps, and hardware, in this space was, not insignificant and people. Were exposed excited. To try different things. When. It comes to health awareness there. Is no shortage, of opinion, on what's good and what's, bad resulting. In consumer, confusion. People. Want. To get healthier, they're. Just not sure the best way to do it just. Have. A look at these actual, headlines, which, highlight, the amount of opinion, out there some. Based on science some, not and how. Overwhelming, it is, people. Have, become lost in a wellness fog. There. Is a tremendous, need, for an. Effective. Science-based. Program, combined. With community, to. Provide inspiration, and, connection. Delivering. That program, via the best technology, not only makes it relevant to today's consumers, it makes. It accessible to everyone, scaling. World casts, behavior, change to millions of people around the world, so. When I started, at Weight Watchers on, the technology. Team we started to work on three fundamental, areas. One. Of the key components of getting, any transformation. Rice is culture. And culture, shows up in many different ways. When I joined we. Were relying heavily on external partners, to help us build our experiences, in fact. We didn't have a mobile engineering, team in-house. Organizationally. We, were very siloed. And not very collaborative, and our, engineering practices, technologies. And processes were. Data as I. Had guessed our technology, wasn't these monolithic. And had been incrementally, added to over the previous decade or, more.

One. By one we started to take on these problems, we. Started to hire more. Of our own engineers we. Started to use modern, technologies. We, embraced modern, engineering practices, we. Sat with our teams and not our function and we became agile. When. I started we were parting with a consulting, company to help us with this but, we decided to do it ourselves adding. People who had worked in these types of environments to our team on, the. Tech front we, embrace a modern, micro service API, driven cloud-based architecture. We. Reward many of our key web, and mobile experiences, partnering. Closely with. Our friends in the product and design team to create intuitive, user experiences, and. Finally. We became human centric, as we. Looked at the root of why wave Watchers was successful, it was, based primarily, on two things, first. A science, based program that worked and was. Livable, second. Our passionate. Community where. People find inspiration. And solidarity, both. Were equally, important, in. 1963. Weight, Watchers is founded by Jean Irish in her living room and we actually like to say that we were the first social network but. The. Truth of it is that, communities, existed, from the earliest days of civilization. And our core to our of social, fabric, it. Is then no surprise that an, individual's, personal, transformative, journey, that. They would be more successful in a community at. That time our, meetings, represented. Our community, but, as the world was changing, and adopting. More digital, solutions, we needed to bring our community, to life digitally, our mobile. App introduced. In 2009, at. Proven, functional functionality. For, tracking foods activity. And weight, but. Not the community that was so fundamental, to the in-person, experience, at Weight Watchers, bringing. This to our digital experience, would help us meet people where they are and offer, a more personalized, solution. One. Of this out, sorry, out of this our community. Which we call connect was born, it. Is a digital community, for our members which captures, support. And physical. The, strong, physical, sorry, captures, the support that strong physical communities provide with. A 99%. Positive. Comments. On on all our posts we. Created a safe space for, people. On their, transformative, journeys, where, they could get on judge support, and inspiration from their community.

The. Evolution, of our offerings to, our members was very visible and we. Could also see the engagement of our members increase as we. Became we're becoming human, centric, we. Also identified, some other things that our members want us weight. Loss was, no longer enough, people. Want us to feel healthier. And well. Weightless. On its own was, less relevant, and while, people. Where. People wanted to lose weight they. Wanted to get there in a way that was more about what you gained which. Is strength confidence energy. And happiness than what you lost, and. We're all not alike so, we need to be able to understand, people better guide. Them on their journey in a personalized, way so. We actually reimagined. Our mission. Today. Our mission, is to inspire healthy, habits for real life for. People for, families, communities. The, world for. Everyone. To. Do that we, need to know you and meet you where you are GCP. And a suite of data tools are crucial. On this front as we, aggregate, data from disparate parts, of our organization, to. Power personalized, experiences. We. Also need to enable you to find and create inspired, communities, which Connect is uniquely suited to do and. We need to help you build powerful, it's ruses and science. When. I look back at my first experience, with wave watchers it was a science-based approach. That. Is, the world's, most liveable, and successful, program, combined. With. The, community. And my, friends, that, helped me lose those 15 pounds. But. That, overall, feeling, of health, and wellness is what I remember most and, that still rings true to me today, over. The years I have picked up many healthy habits I have modified things like my normal breakfast and my normal lunch these, were some of the things I needed to work on the. Opportunity, we have going forward is to personalize, that experience, even more so. Every individual, can get the support they need on their journey. Tackling. The best of takes, re taking the base of behavioral, science and, leveraging. The best of technology is a, key, evolution, for, us so. We can anticipate our, members. Needs and provide them with the tools and inspiration they need before they ask for it. Helping. Members to, find and inform. Communities around life stages like, new parents, or recent college grads as well, as their passions, from food and fitness to fashion and travel, we. Have a vision of growing, our community of more than 4 million, globally. Into. A much larger, more. Powerful movement. That helps each individual. Define, and achieve, their, version, of healthy, thank.

You. Okay. What. A great, set of stories, right I was, blown away so. While. I'm back I took some notes I worked for you, and. I thought it would just basically summarize. What we heard in. A couple of key takeaways and again you, can do what, you want with it but the first thing is that what I heard is that again, cloud-enabled magical. Experiences. That are not. Imaginable, today, or could, not be imaginable. Before, and. The. One thing that I thought was really fun. Is the story from Mohammed of Sky, Broadcasting know where he, really had, to fight a massive, fraud problem and he. Had to think about like how am I gonna analyze 9 terabyte, of you. Know data per second, and he started to use bigquery and, with that with, a fraction, of the cost he was able to detect. Piracy. Sites, and take them down. Michael. At weight, watcher by the way check, the stock for the past year it's gone up big-time so if you doubt that cloud is adding, value this. Is a great example. You know he's. View that, with. Cloud you can bring the power of the physical, location. To the app and really. Create a community of users right. That, can interact in a safe way was, mind-boggling. For me and I really, like big, wall at 20th, Century. Fox. You know his notion. That every new, release is now is influenced, by data, and models. This is just striking. So really, with bigquery you can determine what, you guys like in terms of new, movies the, second big bucket for me is that cloud allows, companies. To be, nimble, to. Be smart and to operate, at speed and scale. The. One thing that I thought was, mind-boggling. As well was PayPal, if. You think about it tree has, built up in architecture. That, allows him to go from a couple of updates a, year. To seventeen thousand, all. That scale. And I. Don't know if you've noticed but he said because of that this is increasing. The rate of innovation, at, paper which is really what we're, after. Just. In Scaccia Bank the. Move to the cloud if I was summarizing, it and I was really well well put he said. The. Cloud is not where, we go the. Cloud is a methodology. To. Modernize, your, IT it is the how I thought it was really profound and then, key Matt Nielsen you, know using GSP, to really improve. The productivity, of. Their. Employees streamlining, the way they work but also helping. Their employees to innovate. By. Introducing. New usage. Like, jam, board or. Meet, and. Then the final bucket for me is how. The. Shift of mindset, is so important. If you want to succeed in your transformation, and, here. I think again, Justine said that. What's. The most important, thing right, is, the, shift in the mindset of the engineers, not so much the. Technology planning, which is kind, of easy. Kim, talked about how. Just. Using, G suite has helped, her, team to become world-class, partners, with Google I thought it was also kind of an interesting thing we never think that way and, then, finally Shri, Michael, and MIG, well as well emphasize, that they're entering, team had to embrace modern. Technology, and they. Had to really learn from coding. To DevOps. To. Really. Have. An impact and, B be. Really useful to the transformation, and I have to applaud, Scotiabank. And just. In for coming up with, an open, sourced. Code called. Accelerator so thank you very much. The. Canadians, are in the room so. So. Anyway this, is the gist of it I hope you enjoyed those. Presentation. I want to thank, again our customers, big round of applause to all of, them. And. These. Concludes, this customer session thank you very much and I have a good, rest of the day.

2018-08-02 08:46

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