Creating Engaging Video Content for your Business

Creating Engaging Video Content for your Business

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hi friends how are you um we are trying something new today so give it up for the people who are willing to do it scared and do it awkward and do it wonky and do it broken so if you've ever been a position in your life in business where you're trying something new and you don't want to do it in further of in front of other people your girl is being awkward and doing it in front of other people so what we're doing right now that ain't new i have been going live on my facebook page for over two years every week showing up teaching answering questions but today we decided to like up level if i was emerald i'd be like boom boom okay so we are having a little bit of fun what i'm gonna do is we're going to talk about batching content but specifically we're going to talk about batching video content and before everybody's just like slow your roll videos not my jam if you would allow me a law school dropout to have a little bit of fun what i want to do is i want to lay a case for you and at the end oh mighty judge you can determine if this is going to be something you want to do okay so wear your robes bang that gavel and let's get this party started so i'm going to be sharing a present a presentation like we fancy i'm sharing just like some visuals we're going to be talking about creating engaging video content creating video is just not enough anymore we want to create content that's going to engage people so let's talk about how we are going to do this for your business so let's start with a question remember you're a judge i'm a lawyer and anybody shout out to tmz i'm a lawyer where who says that who says it leave it in the comments so what we're going to focus on right now is think and take a second when you are on social media when you're on instagram when you're on facebook when you're on pinterest what are you looking at that catches your eye and you find yourself spending a little bit more time there like leave a comment so that we can actually see that the proof is in the pudding so i'm a lawyer and what i want is the jury just like nod their head you're to nod your head by leaving a comment when you go to instagram when you are on facebook what is the thing that is catching your attention well if anybody had said oh when i'm scrolling and i see a video i kind of just stop and i pause or specifically the thing that has been proven statistically is that people are spending more and more time on stories and reels and tick tock is the fastest social growing the fastest growing social app at this point in time so here's the thing as a lawyer oh judge i'm laying out a case statistically that people spend the most time watching video and video is being consumed in very basic forms like stories and like reels and like tick tocks which means they don't have to be perfect they don't have to be glamorous you just got to get them done so if you've said you know what jasmine i am one of those people i do watch stories reels videos great you're not alone and if we then know that you aren't alone our task as business owners is to create this type of content to keep people engaged now this is where people will start saying oh no i can't do that that's not my jam i'm not comfortable you see jasmine you probably feel comfortable and i have to tell you before this camera turned on your girl is just like sweaty i am awkward i hate being on camera i started my career as a photographer i was squarely behind a camera never in front and then all of a sudden i had this coming to where i realized if i want my business to grow would it not make sense for me to do things that get the most attention so my question to you is christina can we go full can we go full camera away from the keynote because i feel like i'm going to be asking a question i want to i want to flip between the two let's keep it visually stimulating as i ask a question do you want your business to grow and get attention yes or no well let's have a conversation but let me just add on there do you want your business to grow and get attention for free because if you do then what i'm going to tell you is hey here's a shortcut and getting the things that you want okay stories reels video and this is where you're just like what do i value more my comfort or growing my business there's not a right or wrong if you value comfort and safety and security rock on you do you i'm not gonna be a judge but if given these two options when i am telling you i am visibly uncomfortable right now i do not like what i'm doing right now but i push aside how i'm feeling and i choose to do something new and uncomfortable to get different results so let's pop back into the keynote let's talk about the things that we need to do and we need to create things that followers want but creating video takes time and i get that and that's a pressure point now here's the thing even though i want to create video to get attention get in front of your eyes create conversations with you and even though i am uncomfortable oh okay but i'm going to get over that nothing will take away from the time that it takes to create video but my power play what i believe my superpower is as a business owner is i can look at a complex situation and break down what should be done in bite size forms so if you're on board with a bite-sized form of what you should be doing then let's get this party started so i want you to get a little bit unstuck i want you to tell yourself a different story that how you behaved in the past does not mean how you're going to behave as a business owner in the future we must change to get changes in our business so let's talk about two key tips to save time tip number one is to batch your content so we're gonna keep we're gonna peel away from the keynote and talk a little bit about what batching looks like now batching simply means that you are setting a set time aside every week every two weeks or even once a month to create the visual content that you need for your business because i don't know about you but i found that when i saw other businesses starting to create video my first thought was must be nice you can create video you see i don't have the time i don't have the budget i don't know how and so what is doing was i was giving myself excuses why it wouldn't work for me but i wasn't finding reasons why it would so i'm going to invite you to find reasons how and why you could find time to batch your content at the time of this recording we are setting aside time so that i can batch content for video i will be batching reels matching stories why the value of me showing up as a business owner is more valuable to me than having a slow and relaxing morning one is not right one is not better i am just choosing to set time aside to build out marketing content for my business because i want my actions to map my aspirations and this is my invitation to you tip number one is there any time in the next 30 days that you could set aside a block of time for you to create something that you have not given yourself time to do before and let me tell you based on my experience is when you set aside that time all of a sudden you realize that time had always existed simply by shifting other things that were not as much of a priority let's get into tip number two and tip number two what we're gonna be focusing on is creating content that is value driven that gets people to stop read and then engage there is a distinct methodology to how we approach this and it is called the h i c formula we're going to talk about hook insights and call to action christina i don't see the hey thank you okay see paciencia okay patience i was like uh hello where's the keynote okay so hic formula we're talking about the hook insights and the call to action we want somebody to stop read and then engage this is where a lot of business owners get stuck they will say jasmine nobody's responding to my stories nobody's responding to my reels how do i get people to talk back to me and then when i go and i look at their accounts or i look at their content and i'm like oh but where did you ask them to respond to you like tag a friend what do you think leave a comment ask a question ask for a recommendation have a quiz what you need to do is to tell people how you want them to talk back to you so what we can do is dive into what this looks like from a video perspective so as ceo of social curator we provide distinct methodologies to work smarter and harder when it comes to marketing your business so this hic methodology it comes to writing captions how do you get somebody to stop your scroll but it also applies to when i create reels i'm going to show you examples of how i use the hic method in reals to what stop somebody's scroll have them learn two or three things about me or about my business and then have a call to action so let's dive into those examples right about now what you see on the screen is oh look at this we're batching reels on a day and this reel is what not to do on instagram that's my hook if anybody's scrolling instagram they're like oh wait you know what i want to know what not to do hook what's not to do on instagram then we go into our insights we had three insights three things what not to do on instagram and then we get to see call to action share one thing people should stop doing on instagram hook what not to do on instagram insights three things not to do on instagram and c what do you think i'm asking a question so people can respond now here's a beautiful tidbit in regards to this hang on hang on let me put a pin there i'm gonna move to the second example so i can show you the exact hic methodology and yet another real that was what batched on the same day so hook four things to remind yourself when you feel unqualified when somebody's scrolling instagram or they're in their discover tab i'm telling them immediately why they should stop and pay attention four things you should stop doing when you feel unqualified then we get into what four insights from my philosophy business ideas things of that idea and then c call to action do you have any reminders or affirmations to keep you grounded what am i doing i'm asking a question so people can respond and when people respond that's a comment and you want to know what a comment is engagement in the algorithm loves engagement what we're doing is we're following a very distinct pattern of how we get people to stop read and engage we're going to go full screen i want to talk a little bit about working smarter and not harder i had a powerful conversation yesterday with a pinterest marketing expert and she said jasmine there's a big gap you're missing in your pinterest marketing strategy and i said tell me she says right now pinterest has denoted what they're calling idea pins so you have a static pin which is what most of us are familiar with you have a video pin which most of us are familiar with and now what they're adding are idea pins so idea pins look very close to stories idea pins look very close to reels now the difference between an idea pin is that you're not linking out anywhere they just exist natively in pinterest but they don't disappear she said jasmine if you're creating a reel about your day it's probably not going to do all that great on pinterest if you're creating a real that is helpful impactful or highlights what your business does what you can do is you can take your reel from instagram upload it to pinterest as an idea pin and there it lives and as long as you're typing in the title of what your reel is four things to remind yourself when you feel unqualified three things not to do on instagram it becomes highly searchable because pinterest is one of the top rated search engines so imagine what it would look like for me to create this world y'all i got me some chills and they're multiplying john travolta is just like coming through me right now when we are making a piece of content and we're batching we're giving ourselves the opportunity to create a video that goes out on reels and then we could repurpose it on tick tock and guess what seconds later upload it to pinterest where it lives in perpetuity and is searchable i mean come on y'all i'm out here like just paving the way but the question is are you willing to do what it takes it is okay for you to say no in fact it's better it is better that you hear yourself say no i don't want to do that because then you can remind yourself of this moment when you decide to complain that you're not getting the results you didn't work for people say i'm not growing on instagram people aren't talking back to me well have you created the most attention-grabbing content because if you haven't i don't know girl you can't complain okay a little truth talk i haven't even had my second cup of coffee today just prepare your hearts for once we get some coffee okay christina let's go back into the keynote now remember friends i know i'm coming in real hard but we're going into q a ask me your hard questions please remember i am i'm a wannabe lawyer and you're the judge you ask me to prove my case and more than anything i want to lay out reasons for your success and not give you permission to give me excuses all right we're gonna move into what it means for us to do okay i'm gonna wait for that i'm gonna wait for our slides to catch up because see the slides are slower than how i talk oh we went away we came back in so we're going to have a little bit of a technical difficulty but what we're going to do so chris i don't see it praise be okay this is the first time we're doing this you are seeing us in all of our awkward glory and i'm not going to turn around because i probably have like niagara falls dripping down my back let's just pray and thank god that this broadcast does not smell low vision because you'd be like girl get some deodorant like my 24 hour deodorant like expired like 24 minutes ago with these tips tips number one create time to batch your content and then tip number two to follow the hic method so that you're driving people to engage strategically so with these two tips you are going to get what you want engagement and it's going to take you less time and that is the thing that we all want we want more time so as we move in is there any way that you can paginate manually christina because i my my clicker doesn't seem to be clicking so what we're gonna do is once we know that we can save time the next yeah i don't actually know what okay here we go speaking of saving time y'all this is some technical difficulties and we're just learning along the way if people want to save time and if you know that my skill set is to coach and guide people to do that very thing christina let's get to the next page the idea would be for us to do this together in a community to get us to where we want to go so we are going to be doing a challenge as ceo of social curator there are thousands of business owners who are committing to creating a challenge and doing it together it's not enough to know what to do and guess what it's not enough even to know how to do it the only way it works is if you actually vocalize and make a commitment and that's what we want to do on the inside of this challenge christina i'll get the next page we're going to be swapping out some batteries on this little baby and then we're going to having fun along the way so you can go to forward slash join because this month's issue is our three-step plan to batching and creating stories in reals so if you want a three-step plan because i just walked you through what you should be doing this issue walks you out entirely how you should be doing it and gives you a behind-the-scenes video of me batching stories and reels forward slash join because on the inside what we provide every single month is community caption templates story templates our goal for you is to not get stressed out showing up on stories every single day our goal is for you to have accountability with a group of people to be making reals you have a gallery of images you have group coaching with yours truly social forward slash join y'all i show up every single week just to have conversations with you so what we're going to do is we're going to get to the next slide we're going to go into uh q a so please at the time of this recording it is live y'all we are we're alive and in charge leave your questions here i will answer them in real time if anybody is feeling like that tension of i don't know what to do or that tension of jasmine you don't really seem to understand like my situation okay no problem if you are here and saying i've tried it and it didn't work leave the questions so we can workshop them and then have you on your merry way to go and deploy lastly before we get into live q a i know that sometimes i can talk about this content and it makes people feel a certain way it makes people feel like they're behind it makes people feel like they're not doing enough it makes people feel that other people are ahead of them it makes them feel that they're not going at the pace that they should and i just want to stop here and stop that narrative we can choose how we feel about learning things everything is a decision in a choice you can choose to think that i hear jasmine inviting me to a challenge and i am stressed and i am overwhelmed and i feel resentful and i'm not where i want to be or you can hear me invite you into a challenge and you could say that's great now is not my time and you can just as much say i don't know if that will work for me but i'm willing to try because i'm tired of being tired and tired of not getting the things that i want every single one is a choice and a decision today will you just choose number one to give yourself grace and then number two to own your decision defend your decision and then move on the only thing i want to do is help you move along the way to marketing your business because if you aren't talking about your business nobody else will either all right let's get into q a so uh awesome great so i just wanted to say thank you to the team who's like everybody's behind the scenes we're like running around we're like oh my god okay so um roxanne mays i ask questions and still find it hard to get people to answer so roxanne without knowing the questions that you're asking my first piece of advice would be to please ask the easiest questions first if you're asking questions around what was your best childhood memory if you're asking questions of like what fears do you have about your children growing up if you're asking questions about like the things that are standing in the way of your monumental success chances are you're not going to get people to respond they're not used to spending that much time conversing with you without knowing or trusting that you will respond in an affirming and timely way if you want people to first start answering questions my advice to you would be to ask a simple question coffee or tea pizza or salad like which do you prefer and then whenever whenever when anybody answers you take time to answer them so if they're going to test the water every follower tests the water if you get somebody to engage with your comment and then you don't respond they're probably not gonna they're not gonna take the time to engage again if somebody answers a very simple question and you take time to respond there's a higher likelihood the next time that you ask them a question that takes a little bit more time to respond they will so varvara with all the lives real life webinars what are your tips to batch it is it even possible you can't batch live content i mean there are some people there are some people that will like record something and then they stream it live and they're like oh look it's live i don't want to do that i really want to walk in integrity i will tell you if you're going to be watching a video on demand and i will tell you when we're live at the time of this recording i'll show my phone 10 23 west coast best goes baby i want to make sure that it's number one the content that i can badge does get batched and the content that i do live i do live but i have a plan for it i didn't wake up and all of a sudden i was like you want to know what i want to do i want to go live today i could have done it but it would have impacted the rest of my business task tasks do and then as a result make me feel left behind see this is why i hate doing lives because they make me feel so behind no the live didn't make you feel behind honey you not scheduling it made you feel behind i just said honey that was rude and diminutive unless i really like honey the thing is this particular week we did a lot of lives we did a lot of live videos we did a ton of live videos in the community we did a ton of cus industry specific live trainings we're doing this particular live training speaking candidly if you would ask me if i ever want to do this week over again i would tell you no it was a lot but the reason why i'm standing before you on a friday morning raring to go is because we had a plan and we stuck to the plan somebody actually varvara there was somebody in the group who had asked me a question this week and said jasmine i would like to do what you do make a big impact and have a big business but i don't want to have to teach seven live classes in one day is it possible to get what i want and i said is it possible of course anything is possible is it likely i don't know everybody that i have seen who has a business the size and making the impact that i see is working it's a discipline they show up daily and they do the work now they're not like grinding to the grave they're not like come hell or high water i'm gonna kill myself to do it no but they're working and they're showing up but i encourage this person inside of the group i said define your big because you just said i want to make a big impact and a big and have a big business and if your version of big is to make 1.2 million dollars and have three full-time employees i'm like heck yeah you do it you do it but i will tell you to have a 1.2 million business and three full-time employees there's a good chance you don't have to go live seven times in one day go live multiple times a week there's a good chance but let me just tell you that my version of big what i define big it's requiring me to do different things to get to where i want to go so for people who are like how do i batch how do i go live how about this how about you determine what you want to do this year and if you what you want to do is 10 million dollars great i'm going to show up in a different way but if what you want is a hundred thousand dollars what would it look like for you to say i think that i can engage these many people convert these many people use social media as a funnel of attention and trust building to get them on a net on a list nurture them give them a powerful offer and i then have my first two hundred thousand dollar a year your actions must map your aspirations we're talking about batching content why i work in working smarter not harder but at the same time i'm not asking you to do things that i am doing because we have different size dreams uh okay so melinda jasmine who do you recommend to help us getting our content out onto social media or a platform where you can use to plan an entire month of content so melinda on the inside of social curator immediately when you walk in you will see a button a feature called quick drafts what we do is we guide you every day using the hic formula i just talked about the hic formula this past week we had industry specific trainings let's just say you're in the hair industry or you're a photographer or perhaps you're a course creator then what we do is we help you follow the hic formula not just for your captions but for your reals so now what we're giving you is an easy way to plan your content and when you're ready to post it you know what you're doing for the month okay so as you guys have extra questions please feel free to leave them in the chat the chat is actually popping up for me i know mar i'm gonna move a little i might get out of screen um okay so i actually can't even read it okay roxanne said we love the word honey okay honey i actually it's not like honey if i were to say honey h-o-n-e-y probably a little diminutive but i say honey h-u-n-n-a a that's mid with love okay so uh let's go into i need a scheduling and automation of doing them daily scheduling and automation we would heavily recommend using an app to do that now i am going i want you to hear me clear and say i would recommend using a scheduling app like planarly or like plan those are cool if you absolutely need to schedule your post we recommend using those however i heavily heavily recommend that if you have the ability to post in real time there's something different about posting in real time i am not saying that scheduling apps don't work or they're not effective they are and they're helpful however i've noticed that when i have a scheduling app or if i've ever used it which is just a few times it's not on the top of my mind so i'm not engaging when the content is at its hottest the algorithm wants content creators like you and me to post something and then immediately engage so if it's scheduled you're kind of like oh three hours four hours later you're like oh yeah i should probably go back and respond to comments or maybe the next day you're like oh yeah i should probably go back so that time that in between from when it was scheduled to post and when you engage i feel like is a lost opportunity and as platforms like facebook and instagram become bigger what we're going to have to focus on is quick deliverability of engagement to increase our odds of being seen okay so um annalisa says can you tell us where the industry specific training is yes analisa you can email help at and we'll send you the

link also in the lower right hand corner of you will see a blue icon that's our messenger we have real humans answering your questions simply ask i'm looking for the industry specific training can you send it to me and they will send it your way so every week i spend about 30 minutes going live i like to teach i like to ask questions we are going to make this a weekly thing i don't know like do you guys like this setup or do you guys prefer when i'm in front of my laptop some people are going to be like i really like that just like homegirl homie kind of feeling in front of your laptop let me know we're only testing and trying new things if you would like to see more consistent content with the framework of teaching q a journal let us know but like always friends it is an honor and a privilege to co-create what we just did your questions helped us framework how people can move from excuses to reasons why they will actually do something it is an honor and a privilege i am so happy to stand before you as a representation of a social curator and i'm here to push you along the way i hope you have a beautiful day my friends

2021-09-12 08:58

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