Covid-19 lessons: operational continuity and business growth in international settings

Covid-19 lessons: operational continuity and business growth in international settings

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Kovach. 19 has revealed gaps in most of our disaster, recovery and, business continuity plans. As you. Navigate your way through and, out of kovat you'll, need to maintain a robust, and comprehensive. Operational. Continuity and, emergency. Response, plan, bring. Your business back up to speed and accelerating. Post crisis, growth is, going to prove challenging especially when considering. Global, markets. Iron. Mountain's, amia senior, vice-president entourage. Zakone. Ye will, share with us what he's learned from partnering, with our customers, and what, Iron Mountain expects, to see in. Order to advise businesses, on how they can fill gaps in their policies, and programs. As they transform to, a more resilient automated. Digital way of working including. Using artificial, intelligence tools. So. Andris. Recently. We've. Been reading that McKenzie is it identified, five stages of crisis. Response I, think. We've been through the first two, addressing. The immediate challenges. And near-term. Cash management issues. We're. Continuing, to tackle, stages, three and four, which are resolved in resilience. At. The same time we're. Entering the fifth return, stage which. Has a need to focus on developing plans. And strategies, to get businesses, back on track before. A vaccine or therapy, exists. And all the, while again, ensuring, operational. Resilience, for now and the future, so. I'm, curious, Santosh what, what area should businesses be, focusing. On now as they. Are, reopening. And. Returning. To scale. Thanks. To I mean definitely, be the, most, important, thing to focus on first is recovering, the revenue obviously. All businesses. Have to understand, customer behaviors. And needs which. Need to be taken, into account and, address such, as Neifi increased, digital, business, and read what workers. It's. Really important. To get back on track, organizations. Need to think about their. Business models structure, and value proposition, I think. Another thing which is really important, is identifying. The new competitive, advantage, especially. Of different, countries and businesses, within. Them are opening, at different, rates with different, guidelines, so. That's really the revenue, part you, know obviously, all businesses, have to rebuild their operations. So you know they halted operations. Bostic. Countries, so, it's really you. Know essential. That in the next 12 to 18 months we, are back to work but, there's not going to be a vaccine. So we have to manage that as we. Rebuild our operations. We need, to be prepared, and we, need to plan ahead in, terms of operational. Efficiencies. Both. Of these areas, also should draw leaders, attention. To accelerating. The adoption of, digital solution. And that's where, we have a big plate and we, have a big rights to play as I don't want a, majority. Of the new customer, behaviors, move to online so. If you want to regain your revenue, rebuild, your operations. And build competitive, advantage, you need to enable a digital. First approach, so. When everything goes digital as you can imagine after. These. 10 weeks of, quarantine. For, most countries from. The perspective, of your own operations. Or some of the processes. Needs to evolve to enable the remote staff and become. More efficient, and secure. Obviously. Workflow, automation comes. As a consideration, of for example that really is a key and also. We'll talk about digital products. I want, them develop to cope in the situation, and help help our customer, needs. So. We. Mentioned earlier, remote, workforces, and. You. Know there's been just a, tremendous. Shift to people working from home in fact, Gartner, reports, that 41. Percent of people, who are currently remote. Workers, are likely, to remain remote, after, the pandemic and we've, heard how Twitter is saying their offices could be closed, forever.

So. Business. Operations, really do need to adopt, and adapt. To that. New model so. Entourage. What impact, do you think that you. Know this this new way of working will have on, businesses. Yeah. I mean it's a great question so I think businesses. Need to change the way of managing, information, and their evaluate. The work force, you know we have to address, who, can stay home who. Can stay who can work remotely and, who, must be present on site, obviously. This, committee distributed. Remote workers, across the wider geographic. Footprint, and be more varied, on ours, I mean, someone, is gonna have to work from home somebody's, gonna have to come to the office I, mean, for those who are reward I mean how do you enable, them to access all. The information I, mean what do you do on be on there security on the cybersecurity, front, audio you. Know differentiate. Between physical. Digital paper. Data, film, you, know how do you reply. To customer, needs related, to co 819, like storing. Cash surveillance. Records, sanitization. Records, reporting. To authorities. You, know helping hospitals store, PDEs. And other, equipment. Which are essential, for their operations. I think. Digitization. Comes, as a necessity, for, records. Including, mail to, ensure operational. Continuity, I, mean. Coming back to the change in customer, behavior or less communication and. Processes. Is, expected. To be physical, the demand for digital, processing. Of information and, in inquiries. So, understanding. What information. You need and how you can leverage. Digitization. Of paper lifesaver, for continuity, I think that's really key to understand, for businesses. You. Know it's it's interesting that, you know whether whether, information is. Born digital or, it's been digitized. I was. Reading something recently that said not only has, Coppa 19 made. Aware to all of us a healthcare crisis, but also an, information. Crisis. Globally, so, how, should businesses think, about their, data their records, their information.

Now. That we're in a new kind, of. Operational. World, yeah. I mean I think businesses, need to identify what. Information you. Have and birthday addict, so it's really the what, and the where is really. Important, then, you know it's really essential to understand, it Cobie 19, related, data because. You need to report at all authorities, Public Health finance. Etc. Data. For potential, litigation, processing. What also, analysis. Purposes, I mean. Also, how do you dispose, of it, what should you keep to remain compliant, and what should you destroy, I think, it's always a big question what can you destroy, but even more in this kind of situation. And then. Building your competitive. Advantage, in the return, face of responding. To the crisis, and beyond should, focus on gaining more value, for what you have and making. Your processes. More efficient, to ensure operational. Continuity, and, respond, to the changing, demands of the market, I think, here operational. Continuity, is. A key word because we'll, talk about this later but it's it's really important, to understand, how you can, manage, your operations. In these difficult times, well. And I and one certainly, one portion, of operational. Continuity. Or, resilience, has, got to address security. Especially. With so many people working from home and potentially, continuing. To work from home now there's been a 37. Percent increase. Of cyberattacks month, over months and an astounding. Statistic. That I read from IBM, that since, February, there's been a forty-three hundred percent, increase in spam. Everyone. Taking advantage, of all of these people working at, home so. What. What do you what are your thoughts about. Security. And and and you know it's it's hyper, importance. For how we do work in a digital world. Yeah. I think look we have to cope with the new situation, I think and, everybody's, sitting at home eight. Hours in front of their computer, is a, is. Making people's, data, exposed. To cyberattacks so we have to ensure, you. Know secure, access to information for, your for, the remote workers, but you know you. Need to make sure that it, is, with an endpoint, protection or. A cloud backup, it, can be multiple options. But, also securing. The physical, records, documents, assets, that you have which ties or. Do not need access to on a daily basis, you may want to consider, you, know moving those to, secure, off-site location. Which obvious the Iron Mountain can help in which. Also enables, all obtaining.

More Space in the office place to, address some. Of the new regulations, social. Distancing, etc I think. Security. Goes, all. The way to the end of the life of the information, whereas. A disposing. Of your paper and IT and, media assets, need to be managed, compliantly. And I want to scrape layering, that and can help customers doing that. That's. A really good point I mean we we always need to be aware of information. Lifecycle management, right, I mean it follows, a it. Follows a cycle you create, it you use it you store it and eventually you, have to dispose of it so, thank you for that we've. Been talking about operational. Continuity and. There's. Another. Talk. Track around operational, resilience, and you've mentioned that earlier in. Our, conversation, it's. Really interesting because if. That seems to be more. Of a chain of activity, and one that includes, cyber security business. Continuity as, well as making sure that your your vendor, can. Manage the risk as well as as you can so. It, sounds, like this is truly a requirement. For the return, phase that. We're in and. Beyond so practically. Speaking, who should be responsible, for really. Getting, in there and helping develop it, develop, that kind of plan that has. Legs, and can, go beyond where we are today especially. When. We're looking at so many different regions, at once entourage. And with with everyone opening, at different speeds and opening different businesses, so if you could help us address. That I think. It would be very helpful for our audience, yeah. I think look, collaboration. Is key it's a joint effort so, it's basically, operation. ELISA and resilience, is a shared responsibility of. Senior leadership and it goes you, know internally. And externally so. You have to you, know collaborate, internally. And, externally, with, your customers, with your vendors, with your shareholders, etc it's. Really a joint effort, in. Terms of regions I mean email. Is, a huge, region 24. Countries very, diverse. Environment. And, every country has a different strategy, how. They manage. The pandemic and how they come, to the return phase, I mean, thankfully, most of the countries, are actually already, the opening.

You. Know and some of the countries have not even locked, up you know like the Swedish model was a separate, model you, know because, they had not really restricted, a lot of the things they kept restaurants, open businesses, and schools were open so, in Sweden, you know they they took an approach which was very much a part of alaric. Goal and and and managed as it goes approach, obviously. Other. Countries, like, Italy, and France and Spain who. Have been impacted very very largely by their pandemic. I had, to do a different, strategy and, they really logged on and their stuff some of them still in the lockdown like, the UK and France but you. Know others are opening, up so you can see Italy's opening up, actually, Italy is opening up their borders, you. Know the v4, countries the Central European four. Countries. Czech, Republic Slovakia Hungary, and Poland are, considering, to open up together on June, 15th, all the borders so you can already travel. Germany. Austria and, Switzerland you, already had the borders, open most. Of the countries. Aren't thinking, about that it's not really when you open the borders it's been do you lift the, sanction. Of having, to be in quarantine, for two weeks after your trip that's the QE question, and that's what countries. Are trying to cope is I think you know we see on some, real optimistic, steps, and signs most. Of the European countries are, starting. To open up process, coming back to work, I mean. It's, it's really a good thing to do but we have to be obviously, very, careful, and very conservative, how, we do that there's, gonna be a lot of new regulation. Coming, in I'm sure, because. Of the co-ed. Pandemic. You're, gonna have to keep. Records, for a life of the crisis, you know also. Some relaxation of, privacy law related, to health information shared, obviously. Because of contract, tracing, there's. Gonna be a lot of testing, obviously. So employers, are gonna do testing, you know in the office you have to store those records, as well and you. Know you have to really be involved as senior leaders in your organization across. The. Clusters, and the countries because every, country has a different a different, approach. To the pandemic. Also. Our organization. Should also be prepared to keep control, over their supply, chains, I think supply chains is a key. Factor. In the pandemic key. Emergency. Stock and inventory, in, case of another phase of lock downs comes in so. That's really important, I mean I don't want as a company, order huge, stock, of BP's we are shipping them to countries, that, we have to make sure we have a reasonable. Stock so if there's, a second, wave of the pandemic, that's in, october/november. We can respond, to that accordingly. And. That's that's that's really a fantastic. Vital, service, that that Iron Mountain is performing. And. We're collecting more data for, more sources every day like you mentioned, health surveillance, the screenings. Annotation, records, in fact UNESCO, is saying that we need to be really, hyper aware now, of not, losing data. That. We could use, going. Forward so how. Should businesses be thinking, about information, differently. Now on Josh than they did pre-pandemic. As, we. Again. Move. Or shift into, to this return, stage and begin to scale. Business, again yes, that's. A great question so I think you. Know we, have to realize the value of the information actually it's, even more. Than ever because of the pandemic to. Uncover, the, potential, your, information, you need to understand, its scale at scale big data analysis. You, know there's there's a lot of studies around this McKenzie brings up an improved data-driven decision, making and, data. Availability. As. Well it's. A key area for, the organization. To understand, and develop new, competitive, advantage, and inform, the strategic, decision-making, I. Think. In terms of Cobie 19, data modeling, and increased speed. Of decision making the. More information you have the better you understand, it the easier and the quicker you. Can can. Your decision-making, be, processed, so that's that's that's, really good and then, you know you can talk about data mining. Leveraging. Insights, through. Technology. Physical. Information, is difficult to navigate and, analyze. Digitizing. Enable, smart and analytics, and leveraging, technology. To build efficiencies and, you. Know the hearing we, can we can talk about our product iowa's and insight which, is also helping, customers you. Know access. Information. Digitally, and also, analyze, information visually.

So That's that's really important, and. You know, very. Important, that you know for return on investment, on data mining input. Must be accurate and authentic, that's really important, so. In terms of you know how, to build competitive, advantage, by leveraging information, I, think you need to scale. Your business by making the data-driven, decisions. One. Market, across borders, you, need to serve your customers more efficient, effectively. By better understanding their. Needs I think. You know, Kovac, gave us great, examples. In terms of online, buying behaviors. Customer service requests, etc so. I think these. Are the most important. Data, points, we have to assess, when. Returning to the business. Well. Thank you entourage for sharing. Your thoughts and, and your experience, with us certainly. New. Challenges, are rising, every day and we, all have to be flexible, and agile and, I think, most, importantly, responsible. About. The decisions, were making around. Employees. And, data, and, just, making sure that you. Are compliant, and and good good, public, citizens. As well so again, thank you entourage, for for. Joining us today and, thank you. So, much to our audience for spending. The time with us as, you. Noted some offices, are opening up but, some businesses will unfortunately. Closed permanently, how. Can I remember. A lot, of their businesses, are gonna come back to work on a step-by-step, basis. In a couple, of phases, item. On 10 is supporting. This process, from multiple, perspective. One. Is providing. Physical. Storage. For. Essential. Documents. And also for PPE equipment. If needed the. Other one is a digital, process. Where we are actually providing. Digital, storage, and digital. Access to, documents. For businesses, coming back to work, we, provide digital mailroom, solutions, for customers and, also. We provide. Product. Called inside, essential. Which is a digital, repository of. Documents. Where, customers, can access their images. Online. Through. Our database. Thank, You entourage for answering, this question about transition. I also, wanted to mention that Iron, Mountain, has a, program. Called clean. Start which. Can help. Organizations. Who have to close or reconfigure. Offices. Through. That program you can determine what to keep where. To keep it if you need to digitize, any, records, so. It's really a great way to take. A look at what, is in an office for whatever purpose, through, this transition.

And Manage. Those records, in a compliant way we're. A small legal practice, and we, operate only within a single office, we store a lot of documents, on-site the co bid 19 has pushed us to terminate, our lease and move, to fully remote working how. Would you suggest we progress to keep, access. To information that we used to have on hand. Yeah. I think a lot of businesses. Are in a similar situation, like. Your business a lot of the office spaces will, be actually, terminated. And going, hundred percent remote. We. Can provide. Definitely. Physical, storage capabilities. For your documents. To be stored, off-site in, our you know you know a record, sellers and give, you access physically. Or digitally, but ever you want it so we can actually ship, documents. To, your employees. Homes to the home office as well you, can alter a certain, employees, to, access. Data and we, can provide it physically, if needed we. Can also provide, you with a digital, product called, insight essentials, like I mentioned, earlier which. Is a digital repository, and your, colleagues, can access, it from home from. Remote working and, can. See and write and add. Digital. Images, to the database, and use digital images from the database an. Entourage. In your personal, view which, country, or countries, in amia could we learn from on how to safely, re-enter, work. And stimulate, business. Yeah. I think. The different, countries in, Mao are in a different phase of the pandemic, some. Countries, are still in, a logged-on or smart. Lockdown like the UK, even, France are still. You know people, are are locked, in their homes in. Other countries, you know where their pandemic, is already in a different phase or they. Are already, in the return phase and reopening. I think. The. Dog countries, are doing a great job in the reopening, process. Germany. Austria, and Switzerland are, pretty. Much ahead. Of the game they. Have restarted, schools they have, restarted. Offices, and they, are doing a great job of, reentering. The business on a step by step very cautious, way while. Making. Sure there the. Physical. The. Health of their employees is safe our, business. Is based in Russia which. Is only at the peak of the pandemic and we, expect, the country to follow a similar trajectory as other countries, what. Do you think the Russian market can learn from other countries and how does Iron Mountain support Russian customers, based on the experience, of other customers across amia, I think. It's a great question especially, that, Dino Mountain has made. A significant. Acquisition. In January, this. Year by. Buying osg records management, who is the largest player on the Russian market so, we, are there we, are market. Leaders our, business is very significant. They are present in about 15, cities so it's a huge job roughly, as you can imagine and you're. Right the dynamic is at its peak but. The Russian government, has introduced, very strict actions, to contain, the virus they're, still logged. On in, the major cities especially Moscow. And, our. Employees, are partly. Working, from home where our customers, are mainly working from home.

As. The, logged on is very strict in Moscow, at, the same time though we see huge opportunities. As we can help our customers, with, physical. And digital storage, capabilities. During. These difficult times as, well we. Are doing digital. Mail, rooms and we are doing digital, repositories. As well a product. Insight essential, is not yet available on, the Russian market but, we have an alternative, product, product, which. We bought video. Hg and we, can provide what, was the same features, to our customers, so. We are there we, are helping. Our customers and we really feel that the. Pandemic is gonna, really. Get, over the, peak and you know the curve is gonna flatten, out very. Soon so we expect the Russian business to go back to like, post. Naoko in normal, operation. In, a second half this summer.

2020-06-07 18:55

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