Conversations with Business faculty

Conversations with Business faculty

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wonderful we're extremely excited to hear some conversations with our business faculty ladies and gentlemen please welcome mr henry young the department chair for our business administration mr brian quarles our business administration instructor and ms regina brown our business real estate instructor welcome well welcome thank you christopher we really appreciate it um and you help me out by introducing my faculty i'll do that again one thing i want to say is you know welcome to all the students that are on the call and and i'm really appreciative of of christopher and and tim all of those staff that have worked so hard to get this going i think this is going to be great for our institution and moreover for our students so again my name is professor young i'm the department chair of business economics and real estate i'm on the call as mentioned earlier i have brian quarles full-time faculty and also regina brown brian expertise is business administration and law my expertise as it were is economics accounting and business administration and then regina of course is our our resident expert in real estate so um the way i'd like we're going to do this is brian and i will present our battam related items first and then regina will come in and she'll present her items on the real estate side and then we'll have questions of course at the end as we have throughout the day so i want to say as you begin your academic journey this semester understand faculty are here for you our goal is to provide the highest quality in teaching academic support and career mentoring promoting student growth and academic success as the cova 19 pandemic has taken a toll on individuals mental spiritual and physical health learning provides students opportunities to continue building academic skills competencies and abilities for lifelong learning to pursue future academic and career goals also remember faculty were once students thus we have walked the educational path that you are navigating in your lives today but this being said whenever you feel you are alone during this your academic journey know we are here to support you bvc faculty are committed to providing curriculum pathways necessary to support student achievement and success using equitable policies and procedures that promote the development of our emerging intellectual thinkers within our community so with that being said i'd like to go ahead and start our our presentation so business administration economics and business real estate can you hear me okay yeah next slide please so the first thing i wanted to do is to introduce our adjunct faculty and i know that they're not here on the call this evening um just to give students the some advantage point of the instructors that are are the teach within our department i'm not going to go through all of the names but you can kind of preview we have um more or less you know seven to nine uh faculty that are on this particular slide and some that are not teaching in the spring um so if you ever need to contact an instructor fundamentally it's their name in my case henry.young um and we really feel we're fortunate and proud to have the experts uh that work within our department um these instructors teach various items that are related to the the um business administration economics account uh in in particular um and so i want to introduce just by virtue of a showing of their names next slide so of course the business administration department in of itself the program uh if i can speak for business administration is huge very important i mean in our society today every business that exists um is obviously under that that that auspices of a business organization and with that being said we offer uh several things and of course let me before i go on to and i do apologize i was supposed to allow my faculty to speak to you to kind of introduce themselves so before i do that because that's very important let me go back and we can stay right here at this slide um brian can you go ahead and introduce yourself if you would please thank you henry welcome brian j quarles i'm completing my second academic year here at bvc as a full-time faculty member thank you brian and regina hello i am regina brown and i teach business real estate at bvc and brian and i started at the same time so i am also um at the second year as well and thank you so much i do apologize for that i got a little bit ahead of myself um and so thank you so much i'm definitely honored and privileged to work with both brian and regina uh who have come on as regina mentioned the last year uh just to to increase the the quality um and expertise in our department so thank you too um so going back so the business admin program we have several uh so i say a degree um which is the business administration ast degree and we have several certificates a bookkeeping management certificate and upcoming in the in the near future uh we hope to uh start an entrepreneurship um certificate next slide so some of you students out there have probably already began your business administration or and or real estate academic careers of course this slide basically uh identifies all of those courses that are required for the business administration as degree and what we mean by that again this is the associate science and business admin business administration these courses uh will also prepare students obviously for transferring to the university to pursue a number of different degrees of course accounting is fundamental within the business curriculum economics legal environment of business or should i say legal violent business and business law introduction to statistics we have a computer course and also an intro to business course within this program students will also have to complete their electives and their general ed requirement and you say well why might i get a business administration's you know associates degree well you'll notice on the bottom there students can go into a plethora of different industry and or career paths from accounting to finance entrepreneurship human resource management international business operations management real estate marketing and even public administration and those are just um a couple of the areas that students might choose to to work in in their their career goals next slide the next thing is i've identified here is our management certificate and the items in blue are all of the classes that are actually will fulfill not only the management certificate but the business administration um associates degree so the items in blue if you take these you only have to take these courses once the reason i show this slide is that fundamentally students would have to they could start their program let's say you want to get a associate's degree in business administration but along the way you say well hey i want to maybe get a certificate because most students are going to work while they're with going to college and so to get the certificate you would need to take those classes that are not itemized in the blue which are principles of management of course introduction to business business math and then you would have to take one of the items on the bottom uh tier there so keep in mind that as you're going through your your program and as you as you look to see you know how you're doing in your courses it's very important to be mindful of the fact that you may be able to obtain a certificate before you actually finish your degree and i think this can help those students that may not necessarily have the goal of transferring to the university but maybe working at updating their skills competencies and abilities for workplace readiness next slide and then the last uh certificate uh before i turn over to professor or brian quarles um is our bookkeeping certificate uh this is a certificate that students can um actually complete after taking 16 units and again the items in the blue are classes that a student might have already taken that if they have a academic path for either the business administration associates degree and or the management certificate um and so those are those are just a a general view of the degree and certificates that we have currently again i mentioned that brian and i are working on the entrepreneurial shift certificate that should be on board next year all right and we'll go unbrand you're up next next slide well as henry mentioned i'm happy to announce that we plan to offer two new courses in the upcoming fall semester those two courses include developing an entrepreneurial mindset entrepreneurship and innovation we hope that these will be two of many courses that will be offered in our entrepreneurship program which will include not only entrepreneurship certificates or a degree as well so please stay tuned for more information in the next few months as we unveil our program next slide please as a former student and lifelong learner i fully recognize the financial commitment necessary to both attend college and earn a degree based on information and statistics from the bureau of labor and statistics that was put out last year july 2020 we see that education actually pays as a student i would refer to it like this make a financial investment today or a salary that you plan to earn later this slide reflects that there is a direct relationship between the level of degree earned and your average salary for example let's assume that you earn only a high school diploma expect a salary in the average of 38 000 compare that to obtaining a two years associates degree the average salary is an increase of eight thousand dollars more the other idea i'd like to reflect from the slide is that there appears to be a direct relationship between unemployment and the level of degree earned for example if you earn less than a high school diploma you're at the greatest risk of being unemployed at 5.4 percent compare that to earning a doctorate or professional degree you're least likely to be unemployed at about one percent keep these ideas in mind as financial commitments seem very burdensome and overwhelming and keeping in mind that this is an advance on a salary that you hope to earn later next slide please there are other benefits and advantages of completing your academic pursuits by earning a degree or even a certificate i've mentioned the idea of economic empowerment in terms of increased earning potential another advantage is greater employment marketability in other words you're more attractive you're more appealing to a prospective employer in fact you then have greater control and autonomy over where you decide to work in addition to the idea of economic empowerment it also prepares you for the workforce many employers now refer to these skills as soft skills or 21st century skills they include problem solving thinking critically certainly oral and written communication is important and team building also known as interpersonal competence the one value of taking classes here at bvc is that when you're assigned a group project or assignment then you expect to work with people from different backgrounds cultural different life experiences this is important because this deepens your multicultural understanding makes you more competent and appealing in a very diverse workforce the last idea applies to actualizing or bringing about pathways in different areas of course you're probably aware of after obtaining a degree even a certificate that it puts in a pathway within transferring to a four-year college or institution in addition by obtaining and completing a degree or certificate here at vvc it increases the likelihood of your success at being a small business owner finally as we've discussed as we plan to unveil our new entrepreneurship program it heightens the spirit of entrepreneurism with that i'll let henry take over the next slide thank you brian uh excellent information i mean that relationship in terms of the cost of college and the ultimate benefit lifelong learning potential earnings i mean i just just amazing slides so i really appreciate your elucidation there um lastly before i get to regina um but of course um i want to also just talk about student success tips again as i mentioned in my opening um statement earlier to you students we're here for you of course as you embody and or you know go about your academics for this semester uh keep in mind that desire is important um as you navigate this journey which is sometimes uncertain you know maintaining the desire to be better um to grow into is important effort and then support i do believe that if you're on this call for others you'll see for other departments you'll see that victor valley college definitely has the support all the students really need to do is to reach out of course some resources that i've identified at the bottom of this slide um are our library resources and of course our illustrious amy azul and the tutoring department i've also in indicated the information there um from time to time students might need tutoring and again it is okay to reach out that's what her that's what the tutoring system is there for a process is there for and as well as those of you uh there is an access link in case you have to get some special support as you're going through your academic careers next slide all right so that will conclude the business admin and economics portion i'd like to turn it over to regina i think she has a different slide deck yes i do i can just share my screen if that's okay i mean share the slides on my screen okay let's see if i can let me do it okay let's see if it work if i can get it to work regina why are you doing that i thought i saw chris's hand up chris are you still there okay maybe not okay can everybody see my screen about why start your real estate career okay wonderful thank you dr young and dr quarles for that wonderful information about the business department as you know real estate is part of the business department and we go hand in hand our our courses go hand in hand with business because when you're learning about real estate you are learning about business and becoming a business person so let's see if i can get this to move forward so welcome your future starts now our real estate program today we're going to talk about the freedom flexibility and financial benefits of your new real estate career and my one motto that i always keep in mind it's never too late to start and it's never too late to finish and i think i've heard that already a couple of times today did you know in 2019 the finance real estate insurance rental and leasing industry added the most value to gdp which is gross domestic product in the real estate economy i'm sorry in the u.s

economy as you can see which you know real estate as a part of that finance 4.49 trillion dollars were added to the u.s economy in 2019 which was the biggest sector of growth so there is high demand for jobs and careers in real estate finance insurance and leasing also according to the bureau of labor statistics the occupational outlook for real estate careers is very strong you can see there the salaries for real estate agents and brokers and again these are averages appraisers and assessors property managers and hoa managers financial careers so you can see between fifty four thousand to eighty seven thousand dollars per year why real estate well first of all real estate is a basic human need when we talk about food shelter and clothing right shelters number two so real estate housing will always be something that people need we all need a home to live in whether we rent or lease real estate investing by buying your own home is been shown to be the greatest way to build generational family wealth from generation to generation and as you can see in the slide before the real estate industry and all the related things like home building and you know financing and mortgages contributes positively to the u.s economy also personally for real estate it could be an income opportunity for yourself and there is high career demand for the industry as we already talked about so many students start out their real estate career and they want to become a real estate sales person or real estate broker which is fabulous and the main reasons that they cite are the time freedom the flexible schedule and unlimited earning potential so those are great reasons to start your real estate career some people don't want to be have the kind of career where they're sitting behind a desk all day they want to be out helping people working in the field communicating with people and you know crunching numbers and negotiating deals painting houses or rehabbing houses so this really suits their their schedule and their career goals and as we said before there is a high opportunity for earning potential according to a houston chronicle article real estate agents earn between 39 000 to 96 000 a year or could be higher so real estate careers i want to talk about three basic types of real estate careers because as i mentioned real estate sales with eight being an agent or a broker that's what people typically think of but the world of real estate is so much more than just that we typically think of residential sales like buying and selling a house but there's also commercial sales which is buying and selling commercial buildings like warehouses industrial manufacturing restaurants retail medical plazas shopping malls and all those types of things you could also become a real estate brokerage owner after you become a real estate agent you can work in the industry get your experience take more classes of course at bbc you need three real estate classes to become a real estate sales person and you need eight real estate classes to become a real estate broker and that's the first step to becoming a brokerage owner is earning your broker's license you could also be a property manager either on the residential side or on the commercial side and on the commercial side we call it either an asset manager or a leasing agent you could be a real estate assistant in an office another new job is a transaction coordinator which has really blossomed in the last few years and there's huge demand for somebody to become a real estate transaction coordinator most of them are licensed you can become a mortgage lender a loan broker an appraiser hoa community manager and these are some of the fields for those who go on to earn their real estate license or formal education that requires some kind of a state exam there are also other careers that require courses but not necessarily an exam or a license or a degree such as working as an escrow officer being a corporate employee home inspector investor tax assessor that's a good county job is tax assessor and those are always in need title officers and then there are other related industries in the real estate field that are don't require any type of special license or exam at least not from our real estate program but they are fields that are related such as an attorney paralegal marketing photography construction staging architecture urban planning and lots of other things so you can see why real estate contributes so much to our national u.s economy because there are so many different types of jobs created in the industry so how do you get started on your new real estate career well at vbc we offer real estate certificates we have two currently we also have a real estate as degree and the other thing you can do after you complete all your courses at vbc is you can transfer to a csu or a four-year college now at vbc to get started we do have something called guided pathways as you've been hearing about in the past couple of days it helps you to make sure you're staying completing the right courses staying on track finishing in the quickest amount of time it's a a good way to know plan your classes in advance and know what your path is to be able to graduate or to earn your classes for your certificate our classes and for real estate are online and remote for this spring and we do have when we resume hopefully in the fall we will be having face-to-face classes again and those are mostly in the evening and i just point out this schedule because it's very convenient for those people who do have a job and work during the day enroll today your future self will thank you and that's a big thing is looking back and seeing what you did in the past that led to your success today so today do something that you can look back on later and say i was successful because i enrolled at bbc i completed my courses and that was the start of a great career as a matter of fact i am a community college graduate i graduated in 1988 with degree in real estate and business administration and it was the best thing that i could have ever done although at the time i didn't really know what i was going to do with it when i was a student but eventually found my path and it's been a wonderful career i will share some success tips in my classes as well as the book knowledge and what you need to know to pass your exam which is what many students are concerned about so to start you off we have bre 100 real estate principles we're offering in the spring in two different formats eight week and 16 week format and next we have bre 101 which is again both formats they run back to back so you can either take them concurrently or you can take first one and then the other and then also this spring we have real estate finance we're going to learn all about mortgage loans we have real estate office administration we're going to pretend that we're opening our own real estate brokerage and we'll be looking at it from a brokerage owner point of view and then real estate marketing how do you get out there and generate leads and make money in the business and then don't forget we always have co-op and work study with julia wendt which is for students who want to work in the field and earn college credit as they're working as we've been learning about the past couple of days victor valley college has wonderful support and resources i have just a few of them listed here but i am just amazed at all the help and support for our many students here we were hearing today about two different programs to help foster youth succeed which is really awesome we have a tutoring center writing center math success center communication center we have esl classes access accommodation military support center and so much more all designed to help you succeed and again these are at no cost to you the vbc student this is just some fun pictures of our classroom we've had guest speakers and um just have a lot of fun in our classes learning this is a little vision board project that we did before kovid which we weren't able to do last year and you know meet in person last year but hopefully we will again soon and victor valley college is a high quality community college with a beautiful campus many support services available to you top quality instructors and a pathway for you to get from point a to point b in your life and i know that's what most of us are looking to do when we enroll at community college we don't necessarily maybe even know what that empath the end goal is but we know it we need a path to get from where we are now to somewhere better in our future and vbc is that vehicle to get you there so bring your best join us in success so what do you have dreams check we got you goals check we got you future check you got this start your real estate career today you're on the right track just catch the bbc spirit thank you everybody any questions about our real estate program wonderful thank you so much thank you so much regina you know i i have to take a moment at night and i have to to commend you the vision board project i love that what a great opportunity to to teach some students a great lesson and help them to start to visualize the future and what they're going to to really achieve i love that um i also do want to brag just a little bit of course it always comes back to scholarships um but i want to i want to commend and thank this brown because she refers students over not only of course for our on-campus bbc scholarship thrive but she also frequently refers very well qualified students for the um california community college foundation real estate scholarship endowment scholarship so it's another opportunity for students who are pursuing a degree and a career in real estate to get that little bit of extra boost that little bit of extra help that they need to get their business off the ground right yeah you bet you go to bed for our students that's right that's right so actually um while we have the three of you here still with us i wanted to ask everybody needs everybody needs good fuel and when you are running your business when you are going out there and you're trying to make your own thing happen you need good fuel whether it's in business or still as a student so i wanted to ask you three as daunting as business can be especially when it's sales where do you go for good energy where do you go for your goods youtube well i'll start in in my mind i think it really aligns with the goals that you set um you know what i've experienced in my life being a business owner um at one time and then of course i do believe inherently i'm a business owner as i pursue my career i mean each project that i undertake um is something that's related to my my business my career but i think the goal is is very important i mean the energy i believe is aligned with the fact that if you can see it you can achieve it right so and again i realize that that is not always easy to to capture when you have you know the litany of things that are going on in your life like covid as we know um different family issues different uh financial things but i believe that goal is really important to really hold on to that um in terms of if you dream you can achieve it if you if you desire it so i think that's very important wonderful thank you thank you brian brown how about you or squirrels or go ahead regina if you like oh sure um yeah i think i'm a pretty high energy person and our students are as well i guess it comes with the real estate territory but i get very energized by my students they're always presenting some new scenario asking great questions thinking about it um and sharing uh their stories so that always energizes me as well you know vbc has been a really great resource and so i am very excited about all that vbc has to offer to the students outside of work i really try to stay grounded and stay plugged into our weekly church and all of our our church family and they give me a lot of inspiration and my faith keeps me going too so wonderful thank you thank you for sharing mr quarles how about you uh i read a quote recently that said if you know why you're doing something you'll always find find a how and so it goes back to the purpose for which you create a business if you remain grounded in the purpose and know why you're doing it it's less likely you'll diverge from that particular purpose and always find the how to accomplish it the other thing is i think i'll ditto certainly what regina said about fellowshipping only within the church but with like-minded people in a particular industry i was fortunate enough when i had created a business there were others that were were within the same industry and they served as a de facto support group and go to them with problems and just concerns that came up and most of the time they're very supportive in helping me resolve them that's wonderful that's wonderful well we've really appreciated the information that you've shared with us and your insights i know for me it's always important to know where to get that next fill up on on good positive energy

2021-03-10 01:20

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