College Student's Thrifting Talent Sparks Vintage Fashion Sewing Business | @JackSews

College Student's Thrifting Talent Sparks Vintage Fashion Sewing Business | @JackSews

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we're about to meet a really  inspiring creative young man who sews   and has been really shaking up the world  of upcycling and turned it into a business welcome to the Sewing Report i'm jennifer moore  this channel is all about making sewing crafts   fun and approachable for everyone and i'm really  excited because we have a guest in this episode   i am welcoming @jacksews. jack  welcome to the sewing report   hello thank you for having me so the reason i'm  having you on the show today is because i found   your instagram account last week and i was really  blown away by what you're doing during covid you   that kind of really changed your life so can  you explain like what you you know how you   got into sewing and also how how you decided  to start a business during covet and and all   that that transpired sure yeah so i mean i started  sewing back when i was like 15 or 16 and that was   uh a while ago so but i've been i think i've been  sewing for about like seven or eight years now so   it just started off as a as a hobby just just  for fun just it all started because i wanted   to um make my pants fit better because they  were too like clownish and balloony so i uh   started off with with that and then i eventually  went on to start making stuff for people um like   hoodies and stuff like that and that was about  two years ago where i started selling it to   just my my friends mostly and then right when  covid started like a little over a year ago   i had two jobs i was working part-time at both of  them i was a writing tutor and i was also a server   at a cafe and i wasn't really having a good time  doing either those jobs but um yeah so then COVID   kind of canceled those two jobs so i was forced to  start uh selling a lot more and making a lot more   in in order to make money and to pay pay my bills  and stuff so that's how i got started and selling   more and the whole business thing i think it's  kind of interesting what you've created here on   instagram and i'll pull up your instagram is you  kind of have like a cult following now so you have   over 4 000 followers and i like how you you  show what you're doing how you're making things   and then you have a drop so it's a little bit  mysterious but does it also kind of gives off this   air of a little bit of exclusivity like there's  only one of these and i think it's a really   interesting business model can you explain how you  came up with it and you know why you decided to to   go this route well it was it's mostly just there's  just one of me and i can just make one so i mean i   just make one and then i sell it and i've been  dabbling in setting up a website and selling   items on there because as i continue to get more  more followers um it gets a little more difficult   to field all the all the messages about wanting  to buy stuff so i'm starting to phase more of my   for sale items onto the website so that i don't  have to be getting all these messages saying oh   can i buy it can i buy it and like trying to  figure out who was first because that's kind   of like stressful so um yeah but it started off  just i mean just like when i had like three 000   followers it was pretty uh easy just to like say  it's for sale dm me if if you want it and then i'd   get like five people who asked me if they could  buy it and then i just pick the first one and just   go down the list until someone buys it it can be  a little scary going out on your own and doing   something that you've never done before were  you surprised at the response you've gotten at   at your um upcycling products i think it's been  a little bit of a surprise because i've always   felt like oh i just make this stuff and like i i  really think it's cool but then like as i continue   to grow and to reach more more people i can see  that there's a much wider appeal for what i make   and also i mean there's plenty of other more um  more more popular uh people that are on instagram   and on tick tock too who are making clothes  just like me with upcycled vintage uh garments   and such that have thousands and thousands more  followers than i do so there's definitely a vast   market for these items now jack i know i feel like  you're a little bit younger than i am but i think   it's so nostalgic i was an 80s and 90s kid that a  lot of the upcycling items you've been working on   they have a lot of like really iconic characters  and tv shows like you've got goose bumps you've   got polka i saw something with pocahontas on it i  saw a couple rugrats item which was a show i used   to watch are you getting a lot of people like  maybe my age like what's your typical you know   age range that you've got with customers because  like i know a lot of people in their 30s and 40s   would totally go for all the star wars stuff and  all of the things because they remember it from   their childhood so i think it's awesome that  you found a way to one give these items new life   uh two create a sustainable fashion business and  three really offer a lot of these people like   it just sort of feels like a like a warm memory  like you're like oh my gosh i totally remember um   he-man or you know whatever else like though  also the wolf blankets like those are awesome   so i think it's really cool that a lot of  that stuff from the 80s and 90s seems to be   back it's weird but it's also really cool yeah i i  totally um yeah i i definitely agree that like the   the cycle of of fashion is kind of like bringing  back things that were vintagey and stuff that was   back way before my time but um like definitely  things that even now today are becoming more   popular because i think there's there's a  certain section of the culture today that is   kind of looking towards the to the past for like  entertainment and such and finding that really   that nostalgic feeling that they get from  like 80s and 90s stuff and even in younger   audiences like gen z and and such who weren't  even alive back when the rugrats actually was   was on on television they they also have that  feeling of like oh this is like this like   vintage and like nostalgic piece and um even if  they weren't alive during that time i think that   still holds that's some sort of sentimental  feeling and value just because it is vintage   and it is you you it's unique and i mean you  can't get it at the store so i mean that adds to   the the value that people feel towards the  items so can we talk a little bit about your   your design and making process because you've  posted some videos of you behind the scenes   and what i've noticed is that when you're making a  piece you really take the existing design elements   of the does the pattern and also with the physical  design like if a hoodie has a pocket or a certain   aspect you'll really work that into the finished  piece um can you talk a little bit about what goes   through your head when you're trying to figure out  what to do with all of these projects sure yeah   so one that i did recently that comes to  mind was this star wars fleece that i made   and um it was based off of the um episode  3 of star wars about and it was about um   like looking like the the mustafar  duel that anakin and obi-wan have and   um so i kind of decided to take those like the  elements of like fire and like the lava stream   with and also like when they're dueling  there's like the little rocks and stuff   that are in the river and they're like fighting  on them and such so i kind of wanted to have that   to take all of the fire lava looking type of  material and kind of weave it around the front   and then have that neck part kind of look like a  rock or something that's in the lava river so just   to kind of pay homage to the to that scene that  you can see there on the front just the dueling   on the river and just kind of having that lava  flowing type of look but um most of my projects i   don't put that much thought in uh into the design  but that's one that comes to the forefront of my   mind when uh i think about something that i  put a little bit more like special thought   into the design of no i think that's awesome and i  know you've kind of talked about how some of your   decisions are more practical too so like the that  one with the pocket you kind of wanted to keep the   pocket and by just working it in you didn't have  to make a pocket so it's sort of like be taking a   blanket and using the edge of that for him so you  kind of save yourself a little bit of work now how   did you i'm sure you've gone through some trial  and error through your sewing projects and whatnot   what kind of advice would you have to someone who  maybe is interested in doing some of this type of   upcycling sewing like how do you get better at  it and how do you figure out like i'm i don't   do a lot of upcycling because admittedly i'm  not even sure where to start and i feel like   it's a little bit overwhelming but where where do  you get started and how do you get better at it   right so i mean i tell people all all the  time to just just get their machine or if   they don't have a machine just get  like a nice starter one and i mean   i pretty much just taught my myself how to do  it i mean i learned all of the like basic um   uh like starter type of techniques from  kenandrewdaily who's on youtube and he's   been making clothes on youtube for for years  and years and he's uh kind of his videos gave   me the the the foundation to build on to which  i've just kind of taught my myself the more um   advanced things that i do now but um but if you're  starting out i mean just just start sewing and uh   just like doing your own thing don't try to copy  someone else or make something like someone else   just kind of just get all your garments and you  can just go to the go to your your local thrift   store and just pick some stuff out that you want  to just cut apart and then put it back together   again and just in any way that that that you want  to i mean there's really no there's no rules to   fashion and that's what makes it so so so much  fun that is a really good point there really is no   wrong way to do things and if you do something  that works for you it's it's not wrong just keep   doing it so i gotta ask what what sewing machines  are currently in your arsenal like what do you   what do you like to sew on okay so i have  been using a um singer heavy duty for the past   six or seven years now and that's been  uh that has served me well but i i have   now retired that sewing machine for a um it just  came in the mail and i believe it's a janome 3000   so i'm gonna uh pull that out and start working  on on that for my sewing machine but for my serger   which i actually use way way more than  my than my sewing one is uh a brother 10   34 d oh yeah that's the one i've got too  it's great for the price it's so great it yes   it definitely is i use the surgery way way more  because i mean i've as i've been learning how to   sew more quickly and efficiently i've figured  out how to do lots of things that i used to   think i could only do with the with the sewing  one but i can now do it with the with a serger   and i just i just like to use the surgery more for  stuff because i feel a lot more confident in the   seams and stuff because it's overlocked and i just  have a lot less a lot fewer doubts about them like   coming apart later with the customer and so i just  always want to make sure that all of my products   have like a zero chance of like coming apart or  something later because that would stress me out   i hear you there no that's awesome that serger is  great i do recommend that a lot too especially for   someone without a big budget because it's  under three it's usually under 300 bucks   it's great i've had mine for like six years  i've had no issues and i'm glad you mentioned   the janome hd 3000 because a lot of people have  been asking me about heavy duty sewing machines   and i don't personally do a lot of heavy duty duty  sewing but that model does seem really popular   have you tried it out yet what's your okay so yeah  that i would love to hear what your thoughts are   after you've been using a while because a lot of  people have been asking what do you use for jeans   or for heavier material a lot of your your drops  like go pretty immediately are you comfortable   sharing like kind of a window for what you've  been charging for some of your custom pieces   yeah sure so um the the ones that i  just normally drop like just like oh   i've made this this is just you can buy it now  if you want to those range from about like 125   to 200 like if it's just like a simple fleece  that's probably like 125 to 150 but if it's more   com complex with like a vintage sweater and like  like another vintage blanket like slashed through   it or something like that and i also have to like  take into consideration how much i paid for the   the material and such like those will be like  more around like 180 or 200 but if you want to   like custom order one that's gonna be like that's  gonna be more so yeah you know that those prices   actually i'm i'm sure they're they're definitely  giving you a pretty healthy profit margin   i feel like those prices for custom sewn pieces  are still pretty reasonable especially when you   look at um like i was telling you your fashion  reminds me a lot of bts the korean k-pop group   yes you guys know i'm a fan and a lot of your  pieces remind me of stuff that j-hope wears   j-hope kind of has an adventurous fashion style  and you'll look up his clothes and his shirt costs   1200 bucks wow or his his pants will be 800  that he sleeps in so i feel like charging 200   bucks for a custom piece compared to your designer  fashion which isn't made of sustainable materials   and you know is more considered high-end like i  still feel like you doing that type of business   still is even to the average person still pretty  pretty reasonable you know when i know people   that have paid 300 for a t-shirt so i mean that  doesn't that still seems pretty good and as far   as the business is going so far has has that made  up for the income that you lost with the tutoring   job and with the your server job is it been pretty  good yeah um i've i've definitely uh i am happy   that i am where i am now than than when i was back  back then with those two part-time jobs i i it has   been paying better than both those jobs so  i'm really really thankful for it yeah not   to mention you get to work from home you're not  really answering to anybody so i mean there's i i   feel like you i work for myself too and there's a  lot of freedom that comes with it and i think it's   really cool that you took the leap and decided to  do that although you were sort of forced into that   situation i know covet has been terrible for for  the whole world but there have been some things   where it's created opportunities for people  like you so i think that's really interesting   that that this business grew out of a pandemic i  mean that's crazy yeah there's been lots of lots   of different people on instagram and all across  different social medias that um during covid   during the the lockdown part there's just been  all sorts of creative people or entrepreneurial   minded uh people who have just been popping up all  over and so there's there's so many more um people   out there selling stuff that they make or selling  their intellectual property now than there used to   be back before the the lockdowns so you told me  you're you're currently in school is that right   and what do you when you graduate what do you want  to do after that like do you want to keep growing   this business or what what else do you hope to  try to get into yeah so um i'm currently studying   finance and um i used to think like back before i  was doing all this business stuff on my own that   i'm just gonna work at a firm somewhere and maybe  be a personal financial um advisor or something   like like you sound too cool for that kind of job  i'm just gonna put that out there you're too like   you seem too like hip for that i don't know it  just seems yeah i mean i always thought like i'll   just figure that out once once i get there but now  that i've been seeing so much um uh success and   also just the the expanding market for the stuff  that i make and just the ideas that i have about   like fashion and stuff and just seeing that  there's a wider market for it i feel like i   can still continue to have this be part of my  um my occupation post my graduation and um i'm   learning learning plenty of stuff at school in the  business school about how to run my business more   efficiently and especially like the learning  about the the finance stuff i mean i feel like   if you're gonna be a business owner that you  should definitely be able to keep track of your   finances because if anything's gonna go wrong  that's where it's going to go go wrong is with   your with your finances so you definitely have to  be able to keep an eye on that um yourself and i   would feel more more more comfortable if i were  to ever own a larger business that i want to be   directly watching the the finance side of of it  and i can hire the rest of the responsibilities   out at that at that point all right so let's  talk a little bit about the fashion industry   because so you kind of call your style street  style or hype beast fashion now i'm kind of   old and i'm still trying to figure out what  hypebeast fashion is how would you describe it   um well i would say the more like height b stuff  would be more like things that are associated with   like sports where brands like nike and um  i mean i don't i can't afford to source   like supreme like towels or anything like that  sort of thing i'm still so confused on what it   is i see the hashtag everywhere and i just wonder  what is included with hypebeast is it vape hoodies   i don't know right yeah that that kind of stuff  you know i don't know but i think it's cool that   you're incorporating like a very it's a like that  stuff is so trendy right now and i it seems like   a lot of your followers are younger too so it's  cool to see you're kind of introducing sewing to   gen z which is something you know a lot of the  quilting and sewing industry is worried about   the future of people getting into sewing because  like nobody hardly anyone my age and i'm 38 hardly   anyone in my age group sews and when i would tell  them about it they'd be like well my grandma does   it and i'm like that they're like that's great  do you like as far as your age like the people   you know in your friend group how do they see your  sewing like are they like that's cool do they ask   questions like what's the response um well outside  of the people i know who are like actually going   to school for fashion or make clothes everyone  else they're just like wow that's really cool   and um i'm not really sure what they think beyond  that they think it's cool but i think that like   like as you said that it's kind of like it's dying  out like this actual skill of sewing um but um   i hope that more people get uh hooked on it just  like i have and whenever someone messages me   and they're like oh i kind of like want to start  sewing but i don't really know like how to start   or i don't have like the the confidence to do  it i'm like oh just do it just do it because   i mean just once once you get started with with it  you mean you probably will keep going because it's   so much fun no absolutely and i was surprised  i never thought i would be like a sewing person   like i started kind of late probably after 30 and  it's just amazing how fun it was and i wanted to   share it with people but yeah when you talk  to people about it they just have so many   misconceptions on what it is or then they ask you  to hem their genes or something yeah it can get a   little frustrating and i want to ask you as a guy  it's obviously men are still a bit of a minority   in the sewing circles unless you're like a tailor  or fashion designer but what do you do you have   any thoughts on what the industry can do to try  to make sewing seem more appealing to to men um   i'm not 100 sure about how the sewing industry  could be more appealing in any way because i feel   like the sewing industry as a whole just  is like to anyone younger than than like   40 like i don't feel like it's really like  targeting them in any way but um i feel like   as like custom clothing and like repurposed  clothing and kind of this whole surge of like the   the popularity of vintage um i feel like that  will encourage more younger people to get involved   with with sewing because with that whole culture  shift in fashion like with vintage and repurposed   comes with you either have to buy it from someone  like me who's making it or you have to make it all   yourself you know absolutely no those are some  really good thoughts i totally agree it does   seem like the industry not only i will say the  marketing tends to look a little bit more feminine   you know like pink things machines with hello  kitty or flowers on it or something like that   but it also seems a little bit in i  would say intimidating to younger people   in general and uh and the other thing maybe  there's something with the sustainable fashion   angle that could get younger people because  you're very passionate about sustainable fashion   and you don't use new materials do you feel like  the gen z crowd is really on board with uh with   being uh on this sustainable fashion train it does  seem like there's a lot more awareness about how   clothing is made yeah i definitely think that um  that younger people feel more passionately about   the environment and sustainability as a whole  so i mean the whole sustainable fashion movement   is centered around like you don't need to go  buy like brand new clothes when there's so many   out there that are that are cool and they're used  or you can take two used things and make something   cool out of both of them like i think we've just  come to a place as a i mean even across the whole   world that i mean there's been enough clothing  made at this point where you really don't have to   buy anything new but that's just the way i i look  at it i mean but i mean there's plenty of purposes   for for new clothing and plenty of people that are  out buying new clothing and i don't think they're   wrong for that or anything like that but it's just  like i feel like there's so much out there that's   cool it's already made so you don't you don't  have to go buy something new that's generating   more waste into the waterways or into the into  the environment as a whole yeah no i i agree with   you and it does seem like i think a lot of what  contributes to this is definitely social media and   even on youtube you'll go on there and you'll see  a gazillion forever 21 halls zara halls you know   i went to old navy and you know i was talking to  a friend of mine who was an environmental reporter   and it's not just like she felt that a lot of  it wasn't just buying green items but it was   just about buying less stuff like in whatever  you buying just use as many times as you can   so i still have clothing i literally have stuff  from 15 or 20 years ago that i wear regularly   i'm that old i have shoes that are 15 years old so  and i know it's a little hard for people that are   very preachy about like don't buy anything made  in china like i get that and i'm on that but it's   so it's almost impossible to live that way and i  understand that so i feel like it's got to be a   good maybe a healthy medium like you kind of try  to buy american when you can earn by sustainable   but i wouldn't beat myself up because you can't  you just can't possibly switch over your entire   life to being sustainable you know i mean i'm sure  there are some people that that can like if you're   living off the grid or whatever right it is really  hard to escape the the fast fashion and all of the   you know those type of manufacturing practices  it's just very hard but i think you're definitely   taking a lot of really good steps towards that  by offering all of these sustainable fashion   pieces and and tell me a little bit about um that  you the fact that you donate some of your proceeds   to human trafficking which i think is really  neat yeah so i mean i'm definitely um passionate   about a lot of different things but that's one  thing that i feel like kind of gets overlooked   by the media and by our modern culture i just feel  like it's not really mentioned as much as that   as much as that it should be so um i just feel  like that's something that's that's really   terrible and definitely needs to be addressed  more than it is now and so just by me giving   um my contribution towards the towards the cause  then i mean i feel like that's that's better than   than nothing and also just having that little  blurb there on my page is making anyone who   who sees it maybe they'll spark a thought in their  mind to look into it and to try to uh to be active   in in stopping that um along with me and the many  others around the globe who are trying to stop   human trafficking and i also want to talk a  little bit about your um social media presence too   you've been i've noticed your following has  really been growing on instagram and tick tock   so i'll bring up your tick tock how um can you  kind of talk a little bit about how you started   uh growing those accounts and what kind of  tips you would offer maybe to people that   are also trying to do the same sure  thing um so what i've found is that   i mean if you have a creator um account  and also i think they have it with business   accounts for instagram and on tiktok that you  can look at the the analytics or the like uh   the little button that says like your information  about the people who are visiting you and visiting   your pages and stuff and just look at those and  figure out when people are viewing your page the   most and like what days and what hours and then  just post during those times and you'll definitely   get a lot more um traction on your videos or your  posts if you post during those high traffic times   so i mean on tic tac i think my  like good time is like at seven on   like thursdays and fridays and then on sunday so i  just like put stuff up then and um like i just uh   pay more attention to the videos that do  well because obviously something of um   about those videos um intrigued my audience and so  i'll definitely try to like read you those types   of more popular things like i've realized now  that um like videos that have me like wearing it   right at the beginning kind of have that  like grab your attention moment instead of   starting off with like the raw materials laid  out because i think a lot of people like see   see that on tick tock and then think uh i don't  really care about this just this blanket but   if they see me wearing it first and think  oh he made that then they'll keep watching   through the whole video no i agree i know a lot  of people think that you need to um not give away   the visuals but you need to give away the visuals  right off the bat to get somebody's attention   especially on tick tock where the attention span  tends to be so short so i feel like you're doing   a lot of good things on social media and a lot of  as we've kind of seen through this pandemic that   a lot of physical sewing and quilting businesses  have really suffered and i feel like a lot of them   if they stepped it up with the online  presence i feel like that could help them   and i yeah i mean you're you don't live in a  like a big metro epicenter or anything like that   and you've literally found a way to create an  online business kind of in the middle of nowhere   and i feel like that should be a testament to what  one what you can do and also the fact that there's   so many opportunities online and i think a lot of  people are overlooking a lot of possibilities can   do you have any maybe some advice or words of  wisdom for someone that wants to find a way to   make money with their sewing or with their craft  but maybe doesn't doesn't know where to start or   you know like what have you what have you learned  through this because again you know i make all my   money online you make money online there's a lot  of stuff you can do online that's not being done   right i totally uh agree with with  that is that there's just such an   untapped market of just really anything that is  online or works through social media i mean like   i have started all this and thought like how am  i gonna get like a larger following and like how   am i gonna know if people actually care about the  stuff that i make or if i'll get any traction with   this but i mean if you just get you just start  and just be consistent like that's one of the   main things you have to do is like you can't post  or you can't do something on social media like   once a week you have to like be more consistent  than that but i mean you can accomplish so much   on social media and on and online and way way  way more than like most people would ever think   and so i mean i really think that even if you  don't live in the big city or don't have a really   awesome camera to take awesome pictures with love  of your stuff there's so much market out out there   online that is just untapped and if you have a  skill that you feel like isn't being represented   or if you have intellectual property that you  feel like isn't really out there then definitely   get online make an account somewhere and just  start posting about it and just putting your stuff   out there and eventually you'll  definitely have a large following   yeah no and you've really been able to accomplish  a lot and again i think that just speaks to your   to your own talent and creativity which  is certainly a few levels above mine   and i want to ask you more about your do you have  any particular project that sticks out as one of   your fav like favorite like i know you liked  the uh some of your star wars projects what do   you think is uh if you had to if you had to put  one at the top of the list which one would it be   wow the one at the top that's definitely  hard um i would say that one that comes   to mind is a jacket that i made out of a  quilt for the christian singer corey asbury um   he asked me to make that for him and it  took me a while to make because i've never   i had never made anything out of a quilt and  i'd also never made like an open face jacket   because normally i just make hoodies so it  was diff it was it was a different thing to do   a jacket like like this that i'm wearing except it  didn't have any buttons and didn't have a zipper   it was just open-faced and had trim along the the  opening and had like little pockets on the sides   and stuff and that took a while but it was a it  was a learning process and definitely was was fun   to learn some new techniques all along the way but  that was definitely one that came out and at the   end i i looked at it and thought this is something  special here so that's definitely one that i put   definitely in my top three and you've done a  couple quilted items right like i saw another   i think another one um and is there any type  of sewing that you or project that you really   want to do maybe this year like do you have  anything on your bucket list for sewing um   i'd say i want to do more projects that um have  like zippers and like like doing like zip up stuff   like i've i'm not talented at all like doing  zippers or anything like yeah and especially   anything lined with a zipper that can be a little  hard to figure out now that's i think that's   really cool in your wildest dreams what do you  want to what do you want to happen with jack sews   uh i would like to um eventually get to a point  where i could kind of have some uh people working   for me who are helping me sew and just helping  me with the with with the whole process and just   continue to grow like i really don't i don't have  like a specific like end goal but i would just   like to continue to to grow this because i feel  like there's plenty of market for it and people   really like it and hopefully i can just like  keep riding this this wave absolutely well jack   thank you so so much for joining me on the this  show and i also want to put it out there for you   how for the people watching how can they support  you like what do you what do you want them to do   go to your instagram go to your tick tock how  can people support your mission and your sewing   just follow me on instagram and on tick tock  and you can find both of those just under the   the title of jack sews j-a-c-k-s-e-w-s and just  give me a follow and that's really all i all i   really want i just uh want your follow so you  can see all the cool stuff that i am making   well very cool and i i'm already following jack  and all those places and i i feel like jack also   needs to have a youtube so if you have a youtube i  will also link it in i will link everything below   jack thank you so much for for joining  us this has been an awesome conversation   and for everybody watching let us know what what  do you think in the comments what's your favorite   after scrolling through jack's instagram what's  your favorite piece and is this inspiring to you   because this is super inspiring to me i kind of  want to go try to find some fruits and stuff now   and and try to see what i can do but follow jack  everywhere and also you know it would also help   me out if you like this video and if you enjoyed  conversations like this also let me know below in   the comments and subscribe to the sewing report  where we really try to make sewing and crafting   fun and approachable jack thank you so much  well thank you so much for having me on   all right guys we'll see you next time

2021-03-07 23:03

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