College of Business Information Session

College of Business Information Session

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And they should say JC really wanted to be here, but unfortunately, she lost her voice. So varied. It looks like we have a couple of students here. So we'll wait to get started until few more join us.

But I'm Alyssa Morrison. I'm the Assistant Director for Strategic Communication and recruitment at the Carnegie Centre, Minnesota State University, Mankato. And, and our university.

We have about 15 thousand students who participate in over 130 undergraduate programs and over 85 graduate programs. Today we're so lucky to have faculty from our College of Business with us. The College of Business is one of the most popular colleges at the university or international students.

So the College of Science, Engineering, and Technology in the College of Business are probably the two most popular colleges for international students. We have just over one hundred, ten hundred, one hundred international students, over 95 different countries at Minnesota State this year. We hope next year we will have even more as embassies and consulates begin to open up. And then as far as our campus goes, we are a campus that has multiple research opportunities. We have different facilities on campus for you to use. And I'm sure the faculty today we'll talk about college of business specific opportunities for you as well.

Oh, I see hom D here. Comedy. Thanks for joining us. And thank you to everyone who's here already.

In just a couple of minutes, we will have our faculty begin. We have five faculty joining us today, all representing different College of Business IT programs. So you'll get to hear about a lot of different areas. And then we also have Samantha camp I here today. And she will talk about internships and different practical experiences you can have if you decide to go into one of these programs. Hurry. We have about nine participants.

Good morning and good evening to everyone who is here. And I think at this point we have enough that we should go ahead and get started so that we can get as much information across as possible. So we'll be going will have all of the faculty introduce themselves in their programs, and then there will be time for questions. So we'll go in alphabetical order because that's the easiest. So some AMPA would you like to begin, sir? Hello. Good morning and I guess good afternoon.

Whatever time of day it is where you are. I do work with internships and professional development opportunities for the college of business students. So we have in all of our different programs, we offer elective credit for internships. We also work with the Carney center to make sure that students can get CPT, which is permission to work off campus and work in these internships, we have about a 150 students earn credit for internships every year.

And we have over 500 industry partners. So these are employers. Some of them are very large employers based in, in Minnesota. Things like Target, United Health Group, Best Buy. And we also have some, some large employers right here and man Cato that hire our students. Taylor Center or

some of those big ones, they hire a lot of our students, including international students. And what I do and what my office does is we work to help you find internships. We help you with your application materials so that you can submit resumes, cover letters, and prepare for interviews with these companies. And we know that sometimes those there's cultural differences and how hiring happens from country to country.

And so we will help prepare you for how that's all done in the United States. And then we also work to help you prepare to be a professional in a workplace. And so we offer free training for all of our interns and all students in the College of Business on professional skills like how to participate in a meeting, how to send a professional email, how to engage in small talk or casual conversations with people that you work with and a whole lot more.

So we really want to make sure that you have the opportunity while you're a student in the College of Business to have a real-world learning. So to be able to go out and work in an employer here. And so we will support you if that's something that you want to do. And we do encourage all of our students to do that. So I, that's kind of all I have, but I look forward to answering any questions that you have about internships later on. Thank you.

Thank you, Samantha. She's a great resource, so look forward to like she adds later. And Wade, would you like to go next? Sure. Hello. My name is Wade Davis.

I'm an associate professor of business law. Unlike the other professors here, my program is a minor, which means that it's five classes in order to complete. And it's focused on the intersection between United States and international law and doing business. But like all of the entire college of business that is focused on real-world experiences, high-end, high-impact learning experiences. A couple of those that we do here in business law.

For example, we coach and have our field, a case competition team or two, in which students are presented with the business question that they then present at a competitive tournament. And we've, we've done really good work with that. And the other thing I'd like to mention is that I am the coordinator for Global Education for the College of Business. And we have approximately 200 international students every year that that study in this college and all of our majors. And they just add or an, and you would, if you were here, add an awful lot to the campus community that we get from them.

And hopefully we give that same kind of really good experience back to them. I'd be glad to answer any specific questions as we move along. And then I think Dr. LEN, it's your term. Yes, I'm Kevin Elliott. I'm a professor of Marketing and I'm going to share the screen gear with everybody.

Oh, you're going to have to allow me to further screen. Okay, great. Okay. These are the faculty members in our department.

And you can see that we're a fairly diverse group of faculty members. Whoops. All right. Here are some careers that are marketing majors go into. You can see sales, marketing, research, advertising, social media. Supply chain. Made some big experiences that we, I repair to hear in marketing program or the Marketing Club.

We are involved in the integrated, this is experience where you can run your own business. We do the New York City steady tour. We have internship opportunities, and you can engage in some undergraduate research projects. Two, this is a little bit about the integrated. This is experienced, but basically you run your own business and you get your own loan.

And here's a couple of pictures of, of students. Who have participated in that program. New York City toured. You can take that as a marketing elective. And here are some pictures of us in New York City, Times Square, J crews and some other companies. So he visits a major New York City attractions.

And we also go to some well-known corporate headquarters in New York City. Here's a couple of students that have participated in our undergraduate research symposium. Here, a poster board presentation. Then finally, here are just some examples of the courses that you would take if you did major in marketing, selling, consumer behavior, product and pricing marketing research.

And then some electives down here, digital marketing, retail, business to business marketing, international marketing. So I know that's a lot that I threw at you in five minutes, but I'm here to do that. You may have about the program also.

Thank you. I rate moving along. Dr. Finland for so. I'll correct. Yeah, Allison, I am I'm not a doctor, but I am or if you're an honorary 1, then I definitely have that power rating. So I'm Sean Finland.

I am a certified public accountants and I am an assistant professor at men state in the Accounting and Business Law Department. But I essentially support are accounting majors. So our our program beyond the normal College of Business is you take a group of essentially courses from five different areas. Those being financial accounting, which is all about external reporting. So people were our investors, creditors who want information, accounting information, government.

They look to Financial Accounting for information. We talk about managerial accounting, which is, you know, you work for a company and you provide accounting for their actual books, for their analysis, for their decision-making, they're planning their budgeting, all that good stuff. We do that in our managerial accounting. We also cover tax accounting, which should make sense for both business and individuals. We talk about, we have courses in auditing that are required.

And so auditing is all about reviewing the accounting of others and making sure that companies have proper controls in place to make sure that they're preventing things like fraud. And then we also have some courses in business law that Dr. Davis could talk about at length. We learn about contracts and essentially professional responsibilities. So in accounting, there are countless opportunities.

The job market has been fantastic for the past 25 plus years. As long as I've been in the market, I am not a traditional Professor. I actually come from a background.

In public accounting in industry. So I, before coming to men state, I spent close to 20 years working in public accounting and for a large global manufacturer, Kraft Heinz, which I'm sure many of you, regardless of where you are, May have heard of one of the nice things about accounting with there being jobs, There's a lot of internship opportunities. Samantha could talk about those at length, but accounting generally has a very large pool of internship opportunities. In addition to just our Bachelor of accounting there, a bachelor. I'm not exactly sure what we call, But I'm a major in accounting.

We also have a master's program in accounting and a certificate in taxation. The master's program is an excellent way to help meet requirements for to be licensed account. So we provide that in house as well. So the last thing I just want to mentioned, I2 wasn't international student.

I am Canadian born, born and raised. So I went through and I did my master's degree at Missouri State in Springfield, missouri in the United States. So I went through the whole process of student visas and visas after after graduation and I'm actually analysis in the United States as well. So I've been I've been in your shoes trying to to come to come American College for school. Thank you.

Thank you. I know you definitely understand what students are going through. So great. Dr. Kim, I believe

you're still muted there. Dr. Kim, It looks like you're muted. Here we go. Okay. I was giving you a a a warning that the I'm getting a notice for an unstable Internet. So if I do cutoff, you guys would not.

And he spoke him from Department of Management and Professor and my management. And I'm pleased to share a bit of information on our department. And he said if I could share a screen.

I said, thank you. Okay. So our department, which is premium, which is named Department of Management, however, starting in the fall, I believe her name was changed to Department of Management and Entrepreneurship. I think this title change really reflect and highlight strength of our department in terms of many of our faculty members, as well as the program that we offer.

We offer Bachelor of Science in Management in our department. We have to emphasis or two tracks, those being Business Management and Human Resource Management. Further, we have three minors that we offer.

One in human resources, another being, this is a relatively new minor, really were excited about this program, agribusiness and Food Innovation. In fact, this is this program. We'll move on and on its own. I offer a major and that area that's headed by faculty from our department. And also we have a minor in entrepreneurship and innovation. When I talk about this IB, our doctor Elliott has already spoke of that.

So I'll pass on down. Just so business management, that really is the Jakob hot tray, if you will, if you want to ask. But a quick definition of or how we would describe our management emphasis.

And then onto the second emphasis or major human resources management. K. And also, prior to today's meeting, I did check it through our international students. In our department. Our students present with 13 countries and approximately about 25 students.

This is specifically in our department. So you see we are very diverse. And when you join our, our department, you won't be alone in terms of the different students coming from different countries.

So with that, I'd be happy to answer any questions. All right, thank you so much. And then it's also really interesting to see how many countries are represented in one department. I think that this is actually fairly typical in the College of Business.

So our rate and last but definitely not least. And please correct me if I say in Dr. rising. All right. Thank you. Hi, I'm Joe rising and the department chairperson and Professor of Finance. We have eight faculty in the department coming from a range of different backgrounds. Finance is a very broad area.

It's growing very quickly and in a wide range of different places. So we offered different sets of electives to meet the needs of people going into different places. For instance, we have many electives in financial planning for those wishing to go into that area. We have multiple electives in investments for people wishing to pursue.

That more quantitative kind of area. Electives in analytics. And we'll talk a bit more about that as well in the finance context as well.

So we have a, a broad, broad coverage in our curriculum of the different topics people might wish to pursue. Depending on the kinds of careers that they might wish to follow. That curriculum is designed to help guide you to those different paths. It's not required that if you're in a particular path, that you go that route. But it is designed to help you progress with the skill sets knowledge base necessary to succeed in the positions that are associated with that area. And there are many positions associated with each area.

You'll see people getting into cash management and making corporate decisions and lending, and financial planners and stockbrokers and so forth. So there's a huge range of opportunities associated with finance. As an addition to our curriculum. We often also have students who are active in one of our three student groups that are faculty support. There is the finance club, and Dr. Choudhury supports the finance club.

And it involves bringing many guest speakers, sometimes doing some training in finance and helping you make those connections necessary to move forward. In addition to that, we have the Financial Planning club and the advisors Dan Hebert. And Dan helps those students develop contexts with the industry, determined the kinds of skill development that they need and help them develop as professionals in the financial planning area. I'm Dr. Lee is the adviser for the business analytics Club and we'll talk more about analytics again in just a second.

And she helps students who are interested in business analytics develop their skill sets and make those industry contexts necessary to really be successful in the industry. Indeed, later on this week, the financial or the, they call it bam, business analytics and modeling. Organization is having a guest speaker in to provide students skill, skill development in Geo Analytics. So very, very interesting area. And again, it's something that people can put on their resume and say, yes, I have experience in this area. In addition to the major.

And as we said, a very diverse set of approaches available to you in that nature. We also have a minor in financial planning for those who don't want to go the full major route. And we support the certificate in business analytics. Business analytics certificate is a multidisciplinary, brings in courses from management and marketing and finance and economics from outside the college.

And it helps students develop a skill set that's in high demand everywhere. Business analytics. And so, no matter what you decide to pursue, I would encourage you to think about pursuing that as well. One thing that we in Finance want to do is really emphasize not just the skills and the knowledge, but also really push the experience. So as some of the other faculty I mentioned, the integrated business experience.

Finance is definitely part of that. And one of our big and one of our very popular electives is the maverick fund. Students from any track can take the maverick fun course and it's the course. And in that course you learn more about advanced investments. And at the end you make recommendations for allocation of money. The university has set aside, well, they initially set aside 200 thousand.

The students have since grown it to above $650 thousand money. And that pool of money is controlled by the students. Within certain strictures, they make decisions about how the funds of the university are allocated. And it's very hands-on, very realistic. You're actually using $650 thousand the university's money.

And it's a tremendous experience. We also incorporate experiential learning to other parts of the curriculum, but I think we're looking at running out of time. So I'll just wrap this up by saying hello and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I'd love to answer them. Great. Thank you. So now everyone has

a basic understanding of the programs that are represented today. And don't forget that Samantha is here. She's the expert on internships along with the faculty. How we will go from here in a minute.

I will give just a couple minutes of information on how to apply to Minnesota state. We do have some questions prepared for our guess to answer, but there is the Q and a function here. So if you have a question, please feel free to write it in the Q and A's spot. I will be sure to ask it when we have time. And if you would like to be unmuted, you can always raise your hand and when we have time, we will unmute you to ask away. So before we get to questions, I will just talk one minute about admissions.

So if you would like to apply to Minnesota State University, Mankato, which you should, because it's great here. You can apply up until June 15th for the fall intake. So that means you have about two months left. We also have a spring intake. So if you are not quite ready to apply or you're still getting your financials, figure it out. You could apply for that spring intake and that deadline is October I'm sorry, November 8th.

If you are already in the United States studying at a different college or university, those deadlines are a little bit later and I'd be happy to talk to you personally about that. We are SAT and ACT optional. What does that mean? You do not need to take any standardized tests to come to Minnesota State University mean keto. You can take those if you would like to. But if you haven't and you would like to save your money, it will not hurt you in any way to not submit scores. The only sort of score we do need to admit you is an English proficiency score.

And so that would be TOEFL Duolingo aisles. And there are a few other options that I'd be happy to look at with students one-on-one. So to get you put in your application online, you get us that English proficiency score transcripts from your high school or college if you're in it. And then we also will need to see that you can afford at least one year and Minnesota State University. So we do require being statements be sent along with your application.

I'm happy to talk about that further at another time, but I really want to focus on our College of Business folks today. So we'll go ahead and get started. The first question I have, and again, you can all answer whatever you think is appropriate. We often hear from students about preparing for the university experience. So do any of you have suggestions on classes that students should take in high school to prepare for a college of business major.

Or even if they're at a community college, if you recommend any certain coursework for them. Well, I can definitely kick this off. College of Business has a large set of different skills and knowledge bases and we bring them altogether in different degrees. But one of the things that we do have in our curriculum is a lot of preparatory course is building up to those majors.

And those preparatory courses are in places like accounting, in business law. We have philosophy, preparatory courses, math and statistics. So any of those kinds of courses, regardless of level, would be good starting in jumping off point. Because you will need to take all those things to the next level in preparation for moving forward.

Let's say jumping off what you're saying. As far as English proficiency, I find that the students that are best equipped and are most comfortable, kind of working in English and writing in English. Do very well. And folks who are still working on their English, it, it takes more time and energy for them. So I would say take as many opportunities as you can to work on writing and speaking English.

And this is exactly what I would also say to my domestic students in part because of my profession. The law profession is one that's focused on building of arguments and making persuasive kind of presentations. And so I think that that skill set would do you well when you have chances to develop.

Due to previous speakers. Spoke about the prepping or the courses. If I could add to that, I'm just veer off a little bit, then I do have a bit of experience international students. When you come here and not only will you get highest level education, grade education, but also as an international student, you're going to have an opportunity to learn new culture. Not only will you, will you run into students from all different countries, but many great kids, students from Minnesota. What an opportunity to learn a culture.

And what I see with the international students are those who come prepared to take off and hit the ground running. And think of as an opportunity rather than a, an obstacle or a challenge, seem to do better. So my suggestion would be per, be prepared mentally to, to think of it as not only not as a challenge, or not only as a challenge perhaps, but isn't it great opportunity to learn many things beyond the academics that we offer. We offer here.

So that there will be my suggestion. I guess. I would definitely agree about the communication skills, both writing and oral communication skills. That's true for all students like this previously talked about. Also, I think any course that would help you in critical thinking, problem-solving, those types of skills I think are important, especially if you do go into the business area.

So any practical type real-world experiences that you can get in high school that where you're faced with some critical thinking problem-solving skills, I think would be helpful also. The last thing I'll add is just the all of our programs are, are, are very rigorous and require a significant commitment to succeed. So as you're going through the last few semesters of high school, I would say continue to focus on learning those multitasking skills to taking difficult courses that, that push you in order for you to succeed.

Because you will be pushed at, at the college level, whether it's with our university or almost any other university. And you need to prepare the students that I see that, that quite often don't succeed, lacked that skill, lack the skill to be able to manage 45 rigorous classes. At the same time, it's a, it's a skill that you need to build that. And thankfully, the way our university is structured, we take that first year, year and a half to really help you build that skill before you go into your, your major and then it becomes even more difficult. College isn't easy. But by any means, so really the preparation now it's time to start getting in the correct mindset that it isn't easy and you'll have to work to earn a degree. Work hard.

Yes. Thank you. This is good advice no matter what program you decide to go into. So thank you for sharing that. In many countries, students are required to apply to a specific program and be accepted into the program as well as the university. So at Minnesota State, how it works is we, you apply for the university and then you would choose which path you want to take from there.

Some of our majors do require an entrance exam or certain coursework to be admitted. Could the faculty today talk about what is required to be admitted to your program if there are any requirements. Think Joe or Caliban are probably the most.

Out of the third of them. I'll, I'll start and if I miss something, which I probably will, let me know. So we, we now allow and actually encourage students to apply early for the majors in the College of Business. So technically, you could do it at the end of your freshman year or even your sophomore year if you take the right courses for the prereq courses. And so we have, we have a computer science course and in my 100 level 101 course, there's an accounting course. And there is a math requirements of calculus type math course.

And I think those are the three basic type course has prereq courses. We also have a GPA requirement, two points, five GPA for admission. So that's, you know, you need to keep that in mind. It's, it's early to eat while not easy, but it is possible for you to come and then not get off to a good start, maybe the first semester, adjusting with different culture, different academic environment, and not put forth the effort that you need in your courses. And so your GPA might not get off to a good start. So I mean, that's a key thing for you to keep in mind.

You need to really be motivated, you know, when you first start. But the 2.5 GPA is a requirement to. If I could share my screen.

Okay. So hopefully it's showing up on the screen. This is the criteria for admission, as Dr. Elliott had said, GPA to 0.5.

And then you need at least a C in five different courses. The business to 95 is if you'd like, the last course before admission. And it's more of a preparation. It's not a it's a different course than these other four. It is really designed transition you into the majors. These others are focused on the topics appropriate to those classrooms.

All right. Thank you. So as you can all tell, most of it is based on coursework. So you will have access to advisors who help you through that process once you're on campus. So no need to worry too much trait.

Now, your main focus right now should be admission to the university. So internships are a large part of learning at Minnesota State University, Mankato. And the College of Business is very unique. They have an internship coordinator.

Samantha, I know that's not your title, but could you reiterate your title and then a little bit about what you do to help students find internships. Yes, So my actual title is talent program specialists. So that is how employers often think about hiring students. They referred to as students talent. Because you're bringing your skills and your talent and your knowledge width to their company. So that's why that's my title.

But yes, I work with students to help with internships. So I mentioned that we have 500 industry partners. These are companies that want to hire students and recent graduates from MSU from the College of Business. And I work with those bulk. So when they have an internship opportunity or a job opportunity, they let me know and then we share it with students. So we do that through emails.

We have a LinkedIn page that our students can be a part of where we share those opportunities. We also connect those speakers are employers to come as speakers and talk to clubs. That is a huge one. You heard all the faculty talking about joining clubs related to your major or your interests and business.

That is one of the best ways for students to find out about internship and job opportunities. So I highly encourage you to get involved in those. And then. We also meet one-on-one with students so you can make appointments with us. It's myself and then I have a teammate.

And we will show you how to search for jobs. We will help you figure out the whole application process, will prepare you to interview with those companies. And then once you have found an internship and gotten an offer, will help you figure out what you need to do to legally work at those places. And then we'll also help you sign up to earn credit for your class or for your internship as well? I think Did that answer your question and you have more specific questions about that? No, I think that's good.

Students. If you have questions, please drop them in the chat box there and we will definitely answer that. Now has a great, oh, go ahead.

I can show the students very quickly that student clubs that we have, the organizations so that we get a sense of the different organizations. Yes. I just made you a co-host. So if you'd like to share your screen. So Samantha camp, I just spoke a little bit about the organizations and as you'll see, many of these are based within different departments.

Some of our largest organizations, the accounting club, Beta Alpha Psi, which deals is Honors Society for College of Business Finance Club as a large club that's focus with the finance department. We have financial planning club, what that grew. Some other more specific kind of clubs, international business organization. I should mention that we have not addressed or talked about our major and minor, that is international business, but we also have a fully develop curriculum and staff that teaches that area, Marketing Club, National Association of Black clowns. And so you can see it's a really robust group of core clubs. And just so you know that those clubs are specifically the clubs that are focused within the College of Business.

We also have a full host of student organizations and activities that run across the university to share something else with you. I don't need to share my screen, but we also haven't really mentioned the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, which is a really exciting thing that the College of Business has for students who are interested in entrepreneurship. So starting your own business or maybe you've already started a business. We actually have staff and programming to support students and grow their businesses. And one of those things is actually coming up and you probably could even sign up for this as a non-student.

We have the big ideas challenge. I think it's next Tuesday where students get to compete. Me get to give a presentation about their their business. And we actually award $19 thousand in prize money to support small businesses that our students are starting. So that's just another really cool opportunity that the College of Business offers.

If I could chime in a little bit on that. The big ideas challenge, the challenge from my observation. It is a program to encourage student and innovation. But additionally, for the interests of the audience here, I've observed many international student involvement there. So that's, that's exciting and for you guys to know.

Yeah. I just like to add to that on the internship site. Specifically in the accounting field, like I cannot speak all the other departments. While internships are very contented lives, there are an abundance at internships in, in the accounting fields.

So I have a large list of advisees that, that I support as they're going through the accounting program. And I've have advisees that had upwards of five or six offers for per intern internships. And in many cases, there are more internship opportunities in accounting, then there are students seeking internships. So there is an abundance of opportunity and they are good paint internships, typically in the 20 to 25 dollars per hour full-time and, you know, for a semester of timeframe. So it's a really great way internship wise to to get your foot in the door with accompany or at least get your foot in the door with within a field.

And, and, and gain valuable experience that will look wonderful on a resume regardless of where you plan to start your career location and have a good Absolutely. I just want to add like 90 percent of our internships are paid. So that's a very high percentage thing. Again, if I could jump in with one more, I mean, there are many, many internships across all the different fields. There's definitely lots of opportunities there.

And really to some degree in interns, ship is a first step toward a job. At that point. They're serious enough to consider you. And so they will be looking and seeing how you're doing.

And is this someone we want to bring on full time? And of course, this is your opportunity to interview them as well. Is this the place that I would like to work? Is this a job that I'd like to do? So it's enormously beneficial and finance and I believe the other departments to do incorporate internships as part of the curriculum. So you can treat that is part of your path to graduation.

I will just say from immigration point of view, we are approving internships all the time for College of Business students. So the resources that are available to you work, they help you find those experiences. And I've seen multiple students who've done an internship. And as everyone is mentioning, it has led to a full-time job after graduation. So if employment is what you're looking for, the great college to join. Hamdi, I saw your question.

I was not trying to ignore you. Soluble. That now. So Hamdi is a member of our recruitment staff in the Carney Center. He also does advising. So he would like to know a little bit more about the taxation certificates and the agribusiness and Food Innovation minor.

We do have a lot of students now interested in those fields. So could, could someone speak a little bit more to that? So I can talk a little bit about the taxations. Not, not a lot. It is a target

that is typically done in coordinate, quite often done in coordination that doing a masters in accounting, it's a, it's a graduate level certificate. And it's really taking a wide variety of cats courses that will expand upon your, your knowledge in tax. So you'll take it. If you were to do an accounting major, you would take two courses in taxation and there might be some other options, but the certificate and taxes Canada, that next level, if you want to be a tax professional or if you just want to have a, a, an expanded knowledge in the arena of tax that the certificate of taxation is something that we offer. It's quite often our master students will, will take it almost like a minor to, to add to their masters, Master's degree.

In respect to innovation and entrepreneurship minor. We've spoken a particularly Dr. Elliott in IDE or integrated business experience in that program. For a semester, you go, you go through the program as a cohort. But upon finishing that really you're left with. So fulfilling that requirement for IPE, you will receive a certificate for the app or not.

Along with that, couple of additional courses will lead you to minor in innovation and entrepreneurship. And really that's the only way to receive the minor at this time because that minor does require IB practicum. Could you speak a little bit more to the IB? I know when I talk to students, when I'm recruiting, they get very excited about this course. So maybe giving some more information with how I have a short film clip that they have put together.

Can I share that with you? Yeah. Absolutely. Hours. And I'm just going to tell you in case you weren't aware there's two boxes when you share a clip that you want to check to make sure that it comes to clean shot. I'm not sure if this is going to work then so it's when you share. There should be two boxes, check boxes at the bottom.

Is it coming through when it's sharing your screen, but still the PowerPoint. So if I want to share your screen again and then put it on the video this time. A boy with somebody. You could put the link into the chat.

We could probably yeah, let me let me do that. Let me go ahead and do that. That sounds good. While he's doing that, I'll just give a brief description of the IB experience From a bit of an outsider. This is a chance for students come together.

They take three classes together where they actually come up with a business concept. They figure out a business plan. They go to a bank, get an actual alone. They then order the actual equipment. And so they're dealing with all steps of the business.

And finally, they sell their product. And every year the students are doing this, it's through their lived experience as well as three classes that they share with the same set of students. And then the money that they earn with what those sales, those proceeds after they pay back the loan from the bank are contributed to a local non-profit. And so it's really that chance to NC entire business cycle from beginning to end in a controlled environment with really talented faculty advisors in professional bankers that you worked with at that time.

And so it's one of those experiences that I think that we do better than just about anything, anybody. And it really sets us apart as a college and university. And it's something that's been very successful for quite some time. It's an excellent summary. I just wanted one or two more things. One is those three courses that you take are courses that are required of everyone in the college of business.

So you, strictly speaking, not taking three more courses in order to do this program, you're just taking the courses differently. And there is a fourth course called the practicum. When you are doing this whole process, it is heavily student-driven. Faculty are there. If you have problems, they're there if you have questions.

But the students are in charge from step one through step end for this whole thing. So it allows you to develop a lot of those business skills. Working with teams, leadership, interacting, practice, the marketing practice, doing financial preparation, practice, making tea, managing others, and so forth. So really, it is a heavily student driven process as well. Yes. And I have to say

I have bought some of the products that students have either had produced or created for the IVE. So it's a really neat experience, unless I've got the video up, if you want to just give me the Bureau teamwork here some. Yep. Alright. You should be able to you. All right. We weren't producing storage class with Minnesota State University. You're really excited and proud to be part of a program where students learn how to put together a market quantity.

So the quantity I company was Minnesota comfort where we solve constraints in some ways. I wanted to participate in a program that makes up our criteria is really challenge myself and give myself a real-world experience. What does it take counting and they come with us, can help me with what you need for that.

I'll be in class. And how they've used in real-world was running. We also donated over $4,500 to charity of our choice.

Now, only the divey help me accomplish things, but also how gain the skills to get me to be found. Financing the big ideas challenge, and then traded agency. I've always wanted to work for you guys, even thinking about just taking this program, I highly recommend doing so as it really helped shape me afterwards. So there you go. As far as a video summary of what that is.

And I think that's also a really nice video because it shows you what our campus looks like. It shows you what our entrepreneurship center looks like, gives you a sense of the modern feel in the open spaces of our campus. Yeah, I want to join.

Now, maybe I'll go back to school. So we have just about three minutes left. I know some of our guests need to get to class.

It is my last question, and this is always the most popular. Are there any scholarships for students who study in the College of Business? I know we don't want to have OK, there are a ton of scholarships. Yeah. And that's the answers. Like with accounting, I don't know what the number is. 55 scholarships.

And the scholarships that go to the college and their scholarships that are specific, what people are studying, their scholarships for each of the majors. And and so we, every year in February of people apply, there's over $2 million in scholarships that are given across the University. And the College of Business has more proportions scholarships in any other college that I know. Your colleges, the one who has a scholarship Clay cracked or dead when there was not a pandemic. Yeah.

So if scholarships or something you're looking for it, these would be great programs to go into. Well, that brings us right up to nine o'clock. Does anyone have any final words they would like to share with our audience today? I do.

I saw you had a question about the agribusiness and Food Program. We didn't quite get time for that, but I'm just posting a link. It's a new program. But there are so many agribusiness and food companies and farms and organizations in this part of the state, in this region of the country. And so it is a hugely growing opportunity.

Lots of jobs, lots of finding, lots of cool ways to get involved. So I just wanted to share that too. Thank you. And I get this screen really quick. So I had one quick thing I want to share.

Yeah, you should stop again. We have approximately 200 international students every year that study in the College of Business. This is a list of our largest students.

And this is a list of last year of all the different countries that were represented and how many students were coming in. Just so you know, from what I hear from the International Center is that our applications are up and we're expecting more numbers this year. And I hope what I what I hope to get to tell you when you see those numbers is that You're not alone.

That if you come here, there's a large community of international students. And the faculty had been working with international students, both in their classes and in an advising role for a long time. And it's something we really we really think we do well. One word I wanted to get in on that scholarships are depart from it and I coded it right before coming in. We do offer specific in addition to the scholarships off or by the college or department as ten scholarships specifically for management students. But what did that I'd like to add? There are number of international students that do receive scholarships.

So that it just be sure that it's not simply limited to the domestics, is that I also posted the list for this past year of scholarships are rewarded by the College of Business. So you can certainly go and see and see who was awarded in company awards and so forth. But also circling back to the, you're not alone. Many of our faculty, our former international students as well as Sean mentioned. And so we have a very diverse faculty member, set of faculty members across our different departments, coming from many different countries, many different backgrounds. So don't expect that everyone was born and raised in Minnesota, went to Minnesota schools and then started teaching here, although I did.

But yeah, we have a wide range of faculty with lots of, lots of diverse backgrounds. Now, the last thing I'd like to point out is just in general, with the College of Business, with all our programs. Your education can kind of be two-fold.

It can be to expound you, expand your experiences and make you more well-rounded person. But in the end, all ultimately you hope that it does lead to a job. And in the College of Business, in our departments and programs that we offer, we lead to we lead to jobs and and is I can can't speak for all the departments, but for our department specific week, we can have people that because of their internships and and Dr. Rising mentioned this. Because of internships, they could spend the last year of college already knowing what their job is going to be upon graduation.

And that's a pretty good feeling that you can't get across, across every campus across the United States. It's very dependent on the program that you're in. So as you're considering programs, keep keep that in mind. Jobs DO, DO matter. Not, not all degrees. Lend themselves very easily to two jobs at the end.

In our programs, we do. Yes, I have seen that firsthand with our students, so thank you, everyone. We're right at a little after nine.

This is all really great information and I really appreciate our guests who came in today to speak about their experiences and their programs aren't. Faculty are very accessible. So if you do have questions later on, I'm sure if you've emailed them, they would get back to you when they had time, please. I always allow at least 4872 hours for that response because it is a very busy time of year right now. So thank you again to all of our guests and thank you to our audience members.

This has been recorded and I will send the recording out to all of our registered guest, and I will also send it out to all of our speakers today. So again, thank you and enjoy your Wednesday or your evening in some parts of the world. So thank you and have a good day, everyone. Thank you.

2021-04-18 00:00

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