College of Business and Economics Graduate and Undergraduate Ceremony

College of Business and Economics Graduate and Undergraduate Ceremony

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And. Now. Will. Everyone please rise for the academic, procession. You. You. Ladies. And gentlemen please, remain standing and welcome, Cal State LA student, desiree gonzalez, who, will sing the national anthem. Accompanied. By the Cal State LA brass, quintet. Oh. Say. Can, you. See, by. The, dawn's. I would. Soon. It's nice. Gleaming. Whose. Broad stripes and. Bright, stars. Right. Me. Streaming. To. Oh. Please. Be seated. Good, morning students on, their, family members and friends I'm. Ronnie may Sammy Dean of the College of Business and Economics. Welcome. To the 2018, commencement. Ceremonies. Over. The course of your academic career. Our faculty, administrator. Our faculty, our administration. And staff have. Focused, their expertise. On your success. They. Have become your mentors, and. For. Many of you your, colleagues. At. This time I would like to acknowledge and, thank the. Chair, of the Academic, Senate be, no problem. The. Member of faculty, emeriti. Faculty and. Staff. Representing. The university's. Six, colleges. As. Well. As the John F Kennedy Memorial, Library, and, the, administration. For assisting, our students, to excel, and achieve their, goals. Will. These members, of the university, community please. Stand, and be recognized. Thank. You you may be seated. Now. Please join me in welcoming in, welcoming the president of Cal State LA. William. A Covino. Congratulations. Class of 2018. That's. You. You've. Made it you've worked hard for, this accomplishment. You've. Persevered, you've. Excelled. And today. We're going to celebrate you and, all. That you've achieved and. All, that is yet, to come, in. This. In the story of your life, your. Time at Cal State LA is, is a pivotal, chapter. During. Your time here, we, witnessed. World-changing. Moments. Together. California. Became the world's, fifth largest economy. Expanding. Opportunities. That await you, as you, graduate. Political. Changes, on the, national, scene created, new priorities. And challenges, and the. Voices of students. Determined. To serve the public good became. An even more impactful. Force, for. Change. During. Your time here. Advances. In technology. Gave. Us new power new. Potential. New, business models. We. Heard national, discussions. About the use and abuse of our personal. Data we. Contended. With data breaches. And cyber, attacks our. Day to day life has. Become, more. Full of. Those. Kinds, of challenges as, well as possibilities. For personal. Growth. And more. Full of tools, to, solve, the, vexing. Problems, of our times. You. Class, of 2018, are, the creators, of those. New solutions. You're the creators. Tomorrow. And. During. Your time here you each, experienced. A personal, transformation. That. Is as profound as, the events we live through together. You're. Not the same person you, were when. You first set foot on campus you. Came here with a plan to. Learn more to. Focus your major on a career, path or, perhaps. To embark on a new one and you'll. Leave Cal State LA with, knowledge, and experiences. That will help propel, you forward into. Rewarding. Careers rewarding. Research, rewarding. Personal, and professional. Relationships. I hope. That you'll always, remember, the great. Faculty, who taught and mentored, you, and helped. You become, the accomplished, graduate. That, you are today. Along. With the friends, who encouraged, you and the community that embraced, you. You. Shared, in important. Events, in the life of the University community. Together. We celebrated. Cal State LA 70th. Anniversary, we. Launched, new initiatives, we. Stood in the spotlight, when. A study in the New York Times ranked. Cal, State LA number. One in the nation for the upward mobility of, our, students. That's. A pretty big deal and. It. Means. That the value of your degree has gone up right, and, that. A bright future awaits, you. Today. You become. Alumni, of Cal State LA, you. Will join the ranks of more than 245, thousand. Alumni of, Cal, State LA and 3, million, alumni, of the. California State. University system. Our. Outstanding. Alumni. Include, tennis legend, Billie Jean, King congresswoman. Maxine. Waters, congresswoman. Lucille. Roybal-allard. Astronaut. Samuel. T Durant's. The creator, of the, Bratz, dolls. Isaac. Larian. Somebody. Had Bratz dolls out there I can hear the chuckling, dr.. Su Monta Paul the, director, of the kidney, cancer. Program, and medical. Oncology. At City of Hope Hospital members. Of the family that owns, go. V Nia coffee and members. Of the family, that owns, Porto's. Bakery. Yeah. There's. Always a response, to Porto's there'll how to pour those people, out there now. All of these great people are your fellow alums. And. The. Class of 2018 includes. 106. Veterans, who have served our nation with. Valor and then returned to earn a degree I'd. Like to ask all, of the, veterans among our parents. Family. Friends and, students. All of the veterans here, today to, please stand and let us recognize you, everybody.

Up There. Over. Here, among. Our students. Thank. You very much thank, you for your service, a. College, of Business Economics is, a nationally. Renowned. College. Ranked. Among the top ten in California. By, US News and World Report. Our. Expert. Distinguished. Faculty. Has taught you to bring new perspectives, fresh, ideas, and high ambitions. To. Your future endeavors, they've. Prepared, you for 21st. Century careers in, global. Business and in, the local business, economy. This. College, is home to the Center for Entrepreneurship. And, innovation. Which. Hosts, Entrepreneurship. Week and the annual fast, pitch. Competition. Which, helps Cal State LA startups. And, businesses. Get off the ground and it's. Home to a career, placement. Center that's, provided. You with rewarding, internships. And employment, with. Partners, that include the Creative, Artists Agency. Jet. Propulsion lab. Boeing, Disney, Southern. California. Edison, and. Pepsi. Among, others as a. Student. Ruchi. Singh held. An internship, as, a, global, information. Security, analyst. Intern with, the Walt Disney Company, in another. Internship, she implemented. A training. Tutorial. For. Cloud-based, big, data comfort. The cloud-based Big, Data company, data. Bricks. Ruchi. Excelled, in, her studies, at Cal State LA and she presented her research at, international, and state, conferences. Including, the, 19th, international conference on. Electronic. Commerce, in South, Korea the. 2017. Women, in data science, conference. And the, 26th. Annual Cal. State LA student. Symposium. On research. Scholarship. And creative activities. She. Was also a member of the high-performance. Information. Computing. Center at Cal, State LA Ruchi. Received a scholarship to, participate, in the, 2017. Tara, data partners, conference offered. By the leading data, and analytics. Company, for, visionaries. For, change agents. And for, industry leaders. Ruchi. Created, an app to. Help children. Become more inquisitive, and, productive. Which. Is now being considered by, Amazon. For. Alexa. We, all know Alexa. Don't we, today. Ruchi, graduates. With honors with, a Master, of Science in, Information. Systems, Ruchi, where are you. Yes yes congratulations. So. Graduates. Like Russia, you are headed, to. Communities, that you will energize that. You will empower, with, all that you've learned, with. The Cal State, LA values. That you carry with. Your experiences. As a part, of this rich, intellectual. Community, that's. Why today's, commencement, is, such a, monumental. Day for, communities, across, Los, Angeles, and for, wherever you call home. When. You walk across this. Stage you're, not just walking for, yourself, you're, walking, for the places you, love and, one. Of the places we love or the place we love is Los, Angeles right, and with, that in mind last, month we, launched, the greatest, fundraising. Effort in the university's. History we. Call it we, are. LA. The, campaign, for Cal State LA. We. Chose that name because. The graduates, of Cal State LA, represent. The best of Los Angeles because. Of the dedication, and knowledge you're, carrying, with you wherever. You're. Headed wherever. You, will live and work those. Places. And the, people who. Live there can. Look forward, to an even better, future, because. Of, you. So. You're walking today, for the places, you love and, you're also, walking. For. The, people, you, love you. Didn't accomplish this important, goal alone, those. That. You love inspired. And motivated you. With. Them in mind I'd. Like to ask all, the mothers, and fathers of our graduates. To stand, please. And let, us congratulate, you. Alright, stay standing now, let's add the grandmothers. And grandfathers grandmothers. And. Grandfathers to, everybody, stay standing we want you all to stay standing. Uncles. And aunts. Sisters. And brothers. Nieces. And nephews. Spouses. Children. And. All. The friends of the class of 2018. All. Right. Thank. You all very much. Thank you for the many ways in which you make, this day possible for. Your graduate. So. Graduates, in the, story, of your life, today. Is an. Unforgettable, chapter, today, you stand, on the peak. Of a great mountain, it's the mountain that you climbed, looking. At the world looking. At your future, and. From. That peak you see other mountains, around you, and they represent, other goals and challenges. Along. With you. Along. With, your, own goals, and challenges. There. Are those daunting. Heights that, you have yet. To climb. My. Advice is don't be daunted by the, heights of your dreams and challenges. During, your time here you learned, how, to, reach, the top. Always. Remember, you, are a, golden. Eagle and you.

Will. Soar. Congratulations. Class, of 2018. Thank, You president, Covino. Among. The students, earning baccalaureate degrees. Are those, who will, graduate with academic. Honors, dr.. Angela, young our, associate. Dean in the College of Business and Economics will acknowledge these, students, dr. young. The. University. Grants, the baccalaureate degree. With. Latin designations. Summa. Laude magna. Laude or. Laude to students, who, maintain an, outstanding. Academic record. While, earning their degrees. These. Students, wear gold braids, draped. On their black gowns, to. Mark their outstanding, academic. Achievements. Will. The candidates, for, graduation with honors please. Rise and, be recognized. Thank. You. Now. It is my pleasure to introduce the chief academic, officer. Of the university, dr. Lynn. Mahoney provost. And vice, president for, academic affairs, dr.. Mahoney. President. Covino I, present to, you the candidates, for degrees in the College of, Business and Economics, they, have met all of the, requirements for. Their respective degrees, and, have, been recommended by the university, faculty who, taught them. The. Recipients, for Master, of Arts Master. Of Science and the Master of Business Administration from. The College of Business and, Economics, will. Now be honored on stage. Masters. Of Arts in economics. John. John Wayne ly. Gregory. Stewart Baxter. Amber. Rene Chalmers. Wesley. Hall. Syed. Ali Shah. Keller. Vino Italia. Abdullah. Yousuf, as Allah Almighty. Peter. Fowler Breslin. MARY. POPPINS. Master. Of Business Administration. Michael. Lee Rogers. Marcos. Lopez. Raphael. Or Todd Oh jr.. Alyssa. Marie Morales. Scott, Tracy Griffin, oh. Hey. Nia Yvette tail. Sugata. Debe. Poonam. Kalra. Monica. Lisbeth Alfaro. Ruben. Cardenas, junior. Gordon. Man tat. Rosemarie. The, accompanying. Kenneth. Harold Ramirez. Miguel. Noches. Flora. Wiress le. Eli. Chavez. Rodney. Lee Braxton. And. The. Alex, Ferguson. Louis. Denilla. Semana. De, on. Daniel. Roz Mizzou. Danielle. Just said Mullen. Shekhar. Jane. Chervil. A lock of idea. Ashley. Michelle Thompson. Michael. Cam do, wrong. Raj. Shaker. Kevin. Girl. Juan. Carlos Romano. Gilbert. Rios. Rebecca. Shots Ronnie Pereira. Mary. It is sherry Shaku. When. Jihu. Yazoo. Fang. Lucina, hooks up en. Ronnie. Castro. Junior. Master. Of Science accountancy. Melina. Chuang. Michael. Terrell shorter. Tamara. Be lon. Carey. Z, ciao. Benny. Lou. Rebecca. Soon. Wage. In. Canada. Is hunt. Master. Of science, health care management. Daniel. V. Whitney. Chung. Devon, Tang trend. Janet. Win. Christine. Chang. Roseanne. You. Samar. Begadi. West. Segovia, no. Cliff. Matsushima. Susan. Booty AB. Ana. Rosa and y'know. Jessica. Marisol, Chacon. Patricia. Aurora Gonzalez. Julia. A folly. Evelyn. Robles. Rina. Chanel, Florida, rodeo. Nicole. A Semyon. Edgar. Urbina. Haley. Alexis, Victor. Thomas. Nolan Giddens. Rakeesha. Johnson. Sachiko. Larisa, Jackson. Janice. Inez Stallings. Chloe. Tang. Janelle, towpath a. CC. Song. Mariana. Santos. Master. Of Science Information. Systems. He. Was recal, I serve on. Priyanka. Purushu. Prison. Anna to Train. Kanishka. Sanim. Like. Yeah I do bozhe, upon cata. Anusha. Man japa. Pratibha. Goobie Prakash. Nyama. Brahmana, Holly venkata. Ramana PAH. Valerie. Bianca, charisma. Constance. Lorraine events. Julia. Java Kosta - Skyy. Katia, car moyen. Be. Ron Lee. Show. Each on. Ddong. New. Dinging. Line. Tangy. Ding. Narendra. Molly. But. Jazz rearming, Jia. Zi. Xiao foo. Ishita. Diksha. Mittal. Vittala. Yulin. She. Allen. Chan. Russia. Sing. Upma. Kumar. Ashima. Ashima. Ro. Heat Tiwari. Abhishek. Rajendra. Ha. Not. Yes renovation. Lakshmi. Sundar, Allen again. Pallavi. A-team, Akula. Archer. Dixit. Karan. Korra. Asaf. Malpani. Costume. Pod yeah. Lawsy, Gunnison. Hema. Malini, Madan guru. Michonne. Sister, Dodge. Bhagyashree. Bhagwat. Himani. Batra. Surah. He thought Savannah, Gauri. He. Shot me Anand. Go. In there Tower. Maria. Bettina. Manali. Joshi. Nnamani. Shalosh Kumar Patel. Shall. Achieve a bow. Masada, here for a honey. Okay. Okay. Congratulations. Again. The. Candidates, for baccalaureate degrees. Will now be presented, on stage. Bachelor, of Arts economics. Daniel. Angeles. Nancy. Segreto. Diego. Flores. Bachelor. Of Science computer, information systems. Every. Nice we Garcia, Guzman. Jose. Carlos hernandez. Andreas. Salazar. Andre. Alejandra, Rodriguez, Blanco. Sam. Ching Ming Cheng. Tamara. Armida. Gustavo. Adolfo, Gallegos. Angel. Valenzuela, jr. Anthony. Acosta. Jose. Enrique Cabrera. Gabrielle. Galvez. Erik. Davidian. Osman. Agus Arian. Antonio. Bernardo. Jose. Roberto Martinez, Lara. Irving, Christopher, what is. Joanne. Christina, Canizales. Raymond. Cole. Juan. Antonio Carillo, juniors. Marla. Michelle Martinez. Kevin, durand Arguello. Tanya's. House he Mendoza. Emmanuel. Salvador, Velasco. DJing. 10.

Christopher. Mauricio, Vargas. Jonathan. Matthew Wang. Christopher. Tang. Bonita. Nasi, Nefarian. Hector. David, Hernandez. David. R Gomez, Tagle. Nettie. Agadez a Simpson. Jimmy. Van tie. Hello. John, Bernardo. Galicia. Raymond. Oscar hope. David. Martin. Zone. Air Nadine. Robin. Celine. Paul. Anthony Campos. Robert. Anthony salario. Say. See em Calderon. Keith. Say go Kashima. Alejandro. Lasagna. Angel. Albert, Valencia. Cameron. Sin. Ryan. Lewis, Meza. Jermaine. Vedado Camacho. Eric. Patrick we. Say. Sarcoma, uber jr.. Todd. A Bogosian. William. Earl Boyer. Tracy. Truong. Jose. A Smith. Erickson. Angeles. Randy. Ha. Ha. Wind tunnel. Karina. Barajas. Chelsea. Our Salama Soriano. Ryan. Trend. Steven. Alexander Lopez. Jane. Hazel. Bryan. Reyes. George. But I am. Under. SK, Cheng, Cheng. Jesse. Kelvin, Robinson. Victor. Alfonso Guerrero Galvan. Brenda. Estevez. Gilberto. Montes. Richard. Vinieron. David. Jean wrong. Coffey. Hey Avila. Zoras, our jury. Henry. Chalukyan. Albert. Freeland, Dabney, jr.. Timothy. Hong. Jin. Couch and. Henry. William Navarro the second. Samuelson. Socorro. Batista, Santiago. William. Robert, Gallagher. Jennifer. Renee stinking. Petrol. Arisa. Fred. Bowie Frederick, my boob Isaiah. Hector. Santiago Chile aria. Mrs.. Castillo Vega. Gustavo. Koran Sicario. Lance. Jean soup on. Ice. Hawkman. Alibi. O'Donnell aje. Been. Fun. Course. A few dents your knock around. Daniel. Hector, Martinez. Jose. Antonio Aransas. You jr.. Carina. Flores. Deanna. Patricia, Rodriguez. Patina. Hunt. Rigoberto. Maciel jr.. Daniel. Steven Mendes. -. Al Kitani. New. Jude Al Qahtani. Well. Let's. Make this official shall, we. Will. The candidates, for, master's, degrees please. Rise. By. The authority, vested in. Me by, the state of California. And by the trustees of, the California State University I. Hereby. Confer. Upon you, the. Master's degree. For which you qualify with. All the rights, privileges. And. Honors, pertaining. Thereto. Congratulations. And. Now. You'll be seated and the bachelors, degree. Recipients. Will rise. By. The authority. Vested in, me by the state of California. And by the California. State University, I hereby. Confer. Upon you, the, baccalaureate degree, for. Which you qualify, with. All the rights privileges. And. Honors, pertaining. Thereto. Now, you. May move your tassel, from the right to. The left. Congratulations. Okay. You. Can sit down now we have another couple minutes right that. Was just a dress rehearsal we're, going to we're gonna try it all again no. Just. A joke. Thank. You I. Would. Like to thank all of the university staff, faculty. Students. And volunteers who. Were involved in organizing. The 2018, commencement. Ceremony, and, acknowledge. The members of the Honors Convocation and. Commencement advisory. Committees, please give them a round of applause. At. This time the university hymn will be. Performed. By Cal, State LA student, desiree gonzalez who. Will be accompanied, by the Cal State LA brass, quintet, the, lyrics, may be found in the program. See. No. It's to truth, and me. Listen. Right to. Do. Oh. The, torch. Slide. You.

2018-05-23 15:00

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