Colleen's House!

Colleen's House!

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Luke turns one, in october. So. These, two. Are both going to be one year old, together, in a couple of months. Like. This. Good morning everyone, today we're going to be going to my sister's house i'm very excited about it but before that we've got to eat breakfast. And do our online, church. You excited for the day. You excited for the day. You've already had your breakfast. Luke had a bunch of veggies. And peanut butter for breakfast. Pretty healthy. Sounds pretty. Good. All right, do you guys know what day it is today. Yeah. What day is it parker sunday. Sunday. What month are we in now. Duncan. Um, sunday. Oh. August. Good. And today, is sunday. August. 2nd. 2020. Okay. Let's sing our days of the week song. This one's fun cause sunday's right at the beginning. Sunday. Monday. Tuesday, wednesday, thursday. Friday. Saturday. Then we start again. Sunday. Monday. Tuesday, wednesday, thursday. Friday, every saturday. Then we start again. Okay now let's do mozzarella. Okay. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. Then we start, again. Good job boys, okay so today, is repeat after me. Sunday. Monday. August. 2nd. Last week jessica. Made all of these, magnets, they're really pretty, and we laminated, them and we put magnets on the back so they stick to our refrigerator. And we use them, every day, to, teach. Duncan. The days of the week and we all get to sing along, and. How do you like this game it's pretty fun, yeah, it's not games. Oh. It's dancing and things. No no, no. It's singing things. Yeah, it's not a game, serious, days of the week business, and then parker's, been working on a little project this morning he woke up and was like i want to make pancakes. And he wanted to do it by himself, i've only, helped him a little bit, in reading certain ingredients. But he's been following this book here. Which is for kids, and it teaches them how to make things what what book is just yeah. This is called pretend. Soup, by molly katzen. The recipe's, here. And then there's, a visual for kids to follow the recipe. And, they usually have little like safety tips for parents, we've had this since bailey and jacob were the only kids we had. I think we bought it used too it's, it's been around for a long time it's one of those good old books. That's like, got a really dirty, splattered, cover it's pretty, yeah. It's a dirty old cookbook, that means it's well loved and it's been used a lot i noticed. That because i haven't been guiding, any of this. Our popcorn, bucket was used for some of the. Some of the wet mix, oh you're adding bananas. Going off recipe, a little bit, making it your own i like that he's concentrating. Because he's cutting with a knife, how has it been cooking all by yourself. Yeah you guys want to see something really cool about this morning. Bailey's awake, look what time it is it's not even, it's not even nine yet. What. What, how's it feel to be up. And and seeing the morning hours. The same. The same. She's gonna have some tea i think. To help wake herself up but. We're excited that she's awake. Yay bailey. Yay, bailey. Yay, bailey. And we are visiting, family, today and going to colleen's house which we, i think have done, have we done it one time since quarantine or not at all not at all oh okay, we've done it not at all since february. Probably, and we have some thoughts and tips for you about visiting, people.

During The pandemic, because we are very passionate about protecting, others and doing things as safely as possible, and i'll talk at the end of the video about it because we have talked about it before so i don't want to like. Totally, overdo it but in case you're really missing other humans, and trying to follow. Guidelines. I want to give you our tips and our thoughts at the end of the video. Look where we are. We're at auntie panty's, house. You haven't been in another house for a long time. I haven't realized it but he's only been in our house. For like. Most of his life, after florida, you basically, just. Stayed at our house so one of my favorite fun facts. Is that, duncan here is three years old, and flynn is one, flynn turns, two in december. And, luke over here come here luke. Squish, in between them he's going that way. Luke turns, one, in october. So. These. Two. Are both going to be one year old, together, in a couple of months. They're both, going to be one. And we did not coordinate their outfits. Yeah this was a complete. They all ended up in red mickey mouse shirts because. Ballingers, that's how we do. I guess flynn is looking a little like what's going on because he hasn't had people in his house performance. And eric just went up to him he goes you get used to it. He's disgusted. You know he's just like. He's like just who come from his name nobody. We have several shy boys too who aren't used to humans, not being, just computer, people, in zoom. Are you so excited. But yes duncan, and flynn are. I think the same size, they're like an inch apart. And duncan, is, a couple years. Older. And and. I think flynn. Is. Uh gonna be taller than me by the time he's 10. it's not weird to think about, yeah, i don't want to think about it how do you know that, because he's so big, i don't know bailey's almost taller than me or maybe she is harder than me.

Oh My goodness, cousins. All lined up hey, guys. How's your. Lunch. Guys talking. Trucks. Show these guys together they're such cuties, are you having so much fun with your, grandma. Oh yeah. Trucks, with your grandma. So cool duncan you having fun. Grandpa's, story. Time. To the bottom of the dumpster. We have had something called grandma, story time. And it's actually. Very equally grandma and grandpa story time. Um since this all started, the kids and their grandparents. And flynn, occasionally. Um get together on a zoom meeting, and they have story time and it, actually leads right into duncan's, nap and it's really sweet to see them all together with grandpa, and being able to do it in person, because it's, been a really. Fun thing that we've been doing with the kids and the grandparents, and i highly recommend it especially if you know somebody who's. Older, and who's having to isolate, right now it's nice for them to get to see their grandkids, every single day, and it's been just a really special thing that we've done and kept up with throughout this whole thing and i highly recommend it if you have kids, and then either grandparents, or just a neighbor, or somebody who's really isolating, right now, who'd want to read stories to a kid try setting that up because it's really awesome what are you making bailey. Cinnamon. Got my fancy, recipe, book. That is the fanciest, recipe book i think i've ever seen it wasn't meant to be a recipe because like i just wrote down one recipe in it and then another and then i just kept going and now it's become a recipe. Oh sorry. I might have made that happen. One cool thing about colleen's house is that she has a pool here so the kids get to go in a pool which they haven't been able to do all summer. You're going on the pool yep. Now i'm gonna wear this. Uh-oh. Go in, you gotta go under and swim it's amazing. Oh. You know what they say bailey, swimming, with fins you don't get too.

Far. Legs are required. For jumping. And dancing, duncan, fell asleep, right after, playing in the pool. And luki fell asleep. So i currently have two little ones. Napping. Which is. A big deal, kind of a miracle. Big deal, big deal in a new place, like. I don't know if they could do that anymore. All right so here's one, we'll do that in a second. Oh. Squishy. So what we're going to do here. Is make a little log can i shape it. Uh yeah you want to roll it, we got to roll it and then you roll it again and it's the most fun thing ever. All right. I hope you all have washed your hands mister just shoving your hands in your mouth with grapes. Wash your hands. I wash my fingers. Soaks that white bottle there parker. Okay let's do this one first. All right snacky smack. Okay thank you. Happy tuesday. No we don't want to do too much it's a thin layer. It's time to. Paint. Oh that reminds me of something called beaver tails. That they haven't seen in canada. This will be me and parker's you guys are gonna roll the other one okay so i'm gonna roll it like halfway. I'm gonna roll very. Gently. Huh. We're not going to smack it this one's had enough smackage. Can i. Smack it just once. She doesn't need any smacking. She's a. Girl. There's a, girl. Uh that's frederick. That's messy and freddie. That's, chocha. I like freddy, and missy. Did you see her uh. Our twitch, the other day, i know i don't have which i don't understand how it works but everyone should follow their twitch. Um. Well i did a sims. And. I named my guys, frittata. And oscars. Oh my. God. And they're gone. My advice. Is to not cook it, with the saran, wrap on it when you put it into the oven good advice. Have you done this i have, i've done that and then i ate it without realizing. So, that sounds delicious. I made cinnamon rolls, when i was pregnant with parker, and i put saran, wrap. On top of them to rise. And then. I don't know how but i missed that the saran wrap was still on there and i put it in the oven, and, i ate it and. Actually didn't realize there was any plastic, melted into it at all and then christopher ate some and was like what did you just do, how did you just eat a cinnamon, roll. His first bite, he could tell there was plastic i don't know i don't know what happened. So it's the second one. That's a good swirl.

Good Gina. I love dinner. I don't know who did what oh she's, they're my wallet. That's a good girl. That's a good girl missy. I remember, whoa. Look at that, guys that looks awesome you did so good right so you guys want a little. Sliver. That would take out investors. What do you think jake. Becky. Rocks. A. Duet. You guys playing. Hey duncan let him put it on your hand can you put your hand on the sand there you go, go flynn. Put it on duncan's hand. Where did duncan's, hand, go. Hey. He found it. Good finding. Plan. Wow. Zoom. So one of my goals today, was to get a picture, of, at least, flynn, and luke together, because they're the closest in age i thought it'd be really cute and then i thought it'd be really great if i could get flynn luke and duncan together, in a picture that was just super cute and sweet and cousin time. I just figured, i figured we'd try to get the cousin shot. Oh. Yeah. Where's. Mommy. Ah. This is the one that's the picture this is it. That's the shot. Oh wait wait wait, oh. Oh my gosh. Sorry my kid just. Made a lawn mower over your cage no he did good he stopped for the baby see he observed, oh no. Not frozen, but but duncan's, tough enough. Hello. Okay we'll just uh photoshop, flynn into this. So as promised, i just wanted to talk to you guys about, how, we are gathering with some, family. During this time, i read an article, not too long ago, about, quarantine. Pods, try searching it i'm sure the article's still floating around somewhere, but it basically, discussed. The, balance we need to have of protecting, ourselves, and our community. From spreading. This awful virus, but also protecting, our mental health, and, also our children's mental health. And, basically. It discussed, the concept, of quarantined. Pods, and what that means for example with our family. Is that we are fully quarantined, we have not, gone anywhere else we haven't gone to a grocery store we haven't gone to an outdoor restaurant, we have not done anything. For, two weeks, it's actually been a lot longer than two weeks at this point and colleen's, family. Is the same. And. Christopher's, parents gwen and tim are the same, so basically, we've made ourselves. Fully quarantined. Outside, of our homes. And now that we're in that quarantined, window. We feel safe, getting together so even if we did get it and spread it within, our pod. We wouldn't be spreading it to the greater community, so it still limits, the overall, community, spread, however. We really have taken all precautions. And we're very open. With, any potential, exposures, we have so like if jacob has to go for five minutes to the orthodontist. To get his, retainer, like. Reeve, set or whatever they do.

We're Out of quarantine, and we tell everybody in the family you know what we need two weeks again, reset the clock that's just how we've been doing things we've been able to gather. A couple times gwen and tim helped with some of the kids, um when christopher had shingles, so they actually came to the house, right before he came home, from the emergency, room. And they grabbed some kids, because we had reached our quarantine, like we'd finally gotten there and then he got sick so they did that and then we did some like, kids swappage. Because then christopher wasn't contacting, anybody, he kind of quarantined, himself from the kids because the shingle, and then we've also had colleen, and eric and flynn come to our house two times, total, in this whole, period, because, we are entering into that quarantined. Pod, time and the reason i wanted to bring it up is not to excuse. What we're doing, though i do hope it explains, it for some people who are kind of like, wait what now. But it's more so because i want to offer, up an option. If you are struggling. Mentally. With, the current situation, we're in because, this has been going on for a long time, there's a lot on the news on social media, that's. Back and forth, and very dramatic. And can be very, overwhelming. And, to go through that without, also having. Human, connection. Is really difficult, so i just wanted to give you an idea, of something that can work if you're really trying to respect, the, social distancing, and the guidelines, and the guidelines are different everywhere too so that's the other thing is you might be in a place where social distancing, is just not applicable. Or, you might be an essential worker, or you might be somebody who. The priority. To. Get. Food on the table for your family. Is higher and you're just like i can't even hear about social distancing, one more time because i don't i can't handle that stress. I just need to get to work and provide for my family like i totally understand, that, and i'm not judging you at all i'm just trying to also offer up a solution, to, other people who, are in the situation. That we're in where we're really doing our best to. Remain, socially. Isolated. And. Not contribute, to any community, spread, and also not to get it ourselves. We personally, can work from home, we personally. Home school. And, we, are at a place of privilege. Where. We can do those things we can socially, distance. And, um, it's not. As devastating, as it can be for other, homes, so i just wanted to share this solution, that we've come up with, where we still feel like we're doing our part for the community. But also. Managing, our own. Emotional, well-being, and the well-being, of the kids especially like flynn, and duncan, they're at an age where like they need to realize that other. Children, exist. And they do that online. But it's nice to have them see that in person. So, um, that's, that's our solution for, all of this right. Now. You.

2020-08-05 14:28

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