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hello everyone and this is the first episode of coaching you guys hopefully helping you improve and hopefully helping you to climb as well the rank we are going to review is silver 4 and name is low now one two three is a jungle main and we are gonna be reviewing this game from my understanding uh he's playing kane i would like to kindly ask you send me your requests as we didn't really find that many iron and bronze games so sealer 4 is the first rating we are going to review and why is it important to me is because i assume a lot of people can be stuck there and can believe that there's illo hell and can believe that they just can't climb up so if you kind of show me why do you think so and how you play i can maybe help you improve and how to get out of the illa hell let's go um so from what i see here i currently see runes but i can see that you are playing kane um with the blue smite uh i can also see that you want to start the red buff which makes sense maybe let's go okay i will just pause whenever he play press stop so i can see maybe the matchups and i will talk about if it's correct to start above here but yeah you get a leash you start the red buff that's fine you can take both v and uh w doesn't matter you take so you'll be more healthy that's fine you you take you know you keep farming with q i think in this game it makes sense to go red all blue cane but you did pick conquer and i think if you go conquer it is better to go that cane but just looking at the champions in game we have jinx akali gwen serafin i feel like assassin kane would do a lot here um i feel like assassin king will do a lot i think with assassinate we'll be able to answer the seraphine so one other thing i can he say is that you uh kind of kited the cracks to both sides i think you should be kidding them to top side because you are going to go top comes after right you are kiting them to the bot brush i don't think that's good i think you should guide them to top rush um i think they'll be much better for you uh what is next here you do this okay well the first auto should be always on the big one because you don't actually need to waste altos on the small ones and then the second queue should not be towards the wall it should be the other side of the wall so it should be kiting upwards first uh it's just to maximize the time right looking at lanes that's very very good making sure you know if lanes need something if they don't need anything um i think it's very good that you look at the lanes you're clear so far is pretty straightforward uh something to mention as well is i don't think kane is like the best champions at ganking so if you really want to climb i would also consider maybe playing more useful champions just because listen is ganking both as you can see that also means listen start at the top side okay you okay so first of all when lee sin shows both like that you should automatically hover your camera over him and you should check what kind of buffs he has and how much cs he has if he has 16 cs you can safely assume that he took red buff and his bot side comes maybe raptors if he has 12 or maybe 20 you will basically understand better what kind of cs he has and for example if somehow he has a red buff and only 12 cs maybe he skipped all the top side camps because he has blue as well and maybe then you can invade his top side you don't hover listen you don't get any information you don't even press tab so you you don't actually know anything but right now you could be invading right after the gramp and not using e to heal up but using your offensively so this is already a really big mistake here uh not using the five deletion show on the map to maybe try to counter jungle somehow you both gets a 2v2 kill um probably not very good for them they are very low you're hovering for a top gang which makes sense you have lens that's also really good i think if you would save your e you could go like from way way more behind but this gank should work out uh that was very bad but w usage uh i don't really know gwen sums i actually didn't check but you should always go for auto first so you're slow with the red buff um you still get the free kill but i i think you played it kind of properly i think here you just keep running uh you cancel two autos as well right just like right click come down uh the red valve will slow the gwen then you queue in you save w for later you don't uw first you save it for later if you out of first then queue you can gap close then you are next to her you can just keep altoing her if she flashes you flash or you dub you kill it right you'd got the kill so you know they didn't really punish it hard but still leasing gank bot now you see here at blue buff you still didn't check uh if he had okay now you can see he has 18 cs uh 18 cs means he didn't do both side crab 18 cs means that he could have taken four cams before gunking both unless he took the crap then he took only three comes which means maybe you can invade his top side right you also then save your smite for the crap it's something i would recommend definitely i think that saving the smile for crab is very important when you play uh junglers that don't have crowd control just because the club would be already dead for a long time and you'll be either pacing or you'll be invading his camps right also keep in mind that if um for all of you right uh when the game starts at 1 30 or the first uh buff spawns around like 150 right uh when you do the second camp you always do the first second camp around two minutes and ten to two two minutes ten is the second camp normally pretty much on every jungle second campus to 10 which means after 2 minutes and 15 seconds the second camp will spawn so around 4 20 425 for 30 maximum the second camp will be there so if kane would choose to invade instead of ganking top now he could take enemy raptors and cracks most likely both camps would be up instead you gank top again i think it makes sense if you get a free kill i think you should uh let's see what happens here you do get a free kill that's kind of well played i think now you should push the wave you should not care about cannon okay so first of all you should for sure push this wave why because when already tp top lane you should not you should get something it's a tax right um it's a product in polish you you take the tax uh because uh well i mean you know the government just wants some money and you as the jungle wants some money right you should push this way fully and let the next wave bounce if he's pinging you off you can give him cs but you should at least push this wave you will get a really really good xp lead and gwen would lose way more cs kennen now is for some reason scared to push out and uh he well yeah i mean that's really bad you should just push out okay that's really really bad that you didn't push out this was really really bad now you see leasing ganking mid lane you see us 27 cs right last time you saw him here at 18 cs which means he took around three camps which basically means and he also didn't base right as you can see hidden base he has no items so that means if you fight now you cannot lose well why because you have items he doesn't you can do raptors and then you could do drake not smiting the big raptor because i think it's useless uh and i think you could do drake here because well lee sin has didn't base yet or or you can also invade his camps i think both plays are good why uh because first of all um i think the worst place you can do is actually do cracks because that just doesn't give you anything i think what you should look look to do is you should invade both side because you know his wolves or ground will be up or you should maybe hover mid for a push out so catalina can bounce the wave and maybe still check his raptors and then do your top side keep in mind if you invade they can still collapse on you they can give up cs and they can still collapse on you in that situation you don't use urea offensively use your either defensively that he uses usage is to you know be faster mid but again i mean listen just gotta clean gank off and you are doing cracks right so i mean i do think i mean i think you are just wasting so much time and you just i actually don't know what to do right and you are pinging listen because you are frustrated he's getting ganks off but first of all his champion well is more proactive than yours and you are also sure you got two kills but you are like not really doing anything you are not punishing lee sin for being slower at clearing and you are not punishing listen foreign you tried to help me but you didn't look at me before so then you go like you you lost that kill there and you didn't do cracks and now you are doing cracks after a minute but now like lisa is still but he still didn't base you can still take the fight you can even go board and force the fight you can tell you're bottling to baited you can go bottle into lane and you can force a fight but you are not really doing anything so what i would have done in this situation is like i mentioned i would take raptors and i would straight up run into his jungle run at him even fight him because you have items he doesn't you will win you are also maxing q which is good for you because you are strong in one one and then uh well you know your katarina is safe then you can push out top should be winning so if top lane loses somehow that's the solo queue he's in think so this is good uh but you have to have done it like way more like way just long time ago right i mean you you don't even get a gun go because i think that you cannot re-gank this lane it's it's like too hard you know uh maybe vlax plays more upright i think like should be like playing more when you're trying to gank maybe you get a flash uh but yeah it is hard to gank their bot lane right so this white thing doing drag or invading leasing would be better now leasing hank's boat and it will probably work out uh for him no it doesn't um i don't even know if this is gonna base yet he seems so weak so again if if you don't want to go bot now i think you should go top side and you should do um crab and top side comes that at least that way you will get ahead in xp you choose to go both uh because you're almost six but they should never take this fight and if they do take this fight it's because they have advantage uh maybe lags is low or something if they dive i think it makes sense to hover right and especially that top should be winning but like this is over force right you're over forcing a gank what i would do in the situation i would go top i would ping my bottling to back off i would make sure that they should be able to catch this wave i think they will because katarina is here but you should not force this gank because i mean i don't think this gun could work you know i mean listen mises like i really so you're just in there right you just straight up round it down like that's really bad i think your first four minutes was clean play i think your minute from minute five to seven is really bad from five to eight even is really really bad okay now you should go top side and still do the crab because you died so you can still be faster that you ignore the crab you don't do the crab if they do drake you should also ignore it why because you are winning top lane you use your early game time to help top lane they use the rally game time to help botlane the airport is stronger your top lane is stronger sure listen to the base but he has ruled and you just died you could go top side get the club get his red buff get raptors do head out you can do so many things but what you choose to do is you choose to go to drake and even i tell you even if you steal the strike i don't even know if you steal this right yet even if you do it's useless you could get so much more one trey completely useless oh no oh no so yeah jinx will die here um i mean it's good that you guys got a kill but i think this whole sequence was really bad and um i really don't think you should care about this drake i think if you have gotten top side earlier um around the the the the dev timer you had you would get at least like three comes extra and even if you don't do herald you could at least steal his red buff do the crab do raptors and if he comes you just e out right you don't care they cannot catch you they have no crowd control you just e out listen with level five he can't get level six out of nowhere so i think as a cane you should be thinking more in a more selfish way and you should be playing for far more and i think that a lot of things that happened so far were like kind of bad if i'm honest with you and you're still not going top side and the club is still up and the herald is way better head out i tell you is way better than drake and on top of that keep in mind that cannon is winning so if you go top again if you get head out and you kill the gwen you ganked when you kill her i think you easily easily get two tower top as well because you see canon is killing they went 24 7. if you do head out you can just get the gwen you can just get the gwen kill um and then you can just uh push the tower top you get five plates you get mythic item carrying cosmetic item you guys just you know play team fights you guys win you know you guys are carrying but what is this you are over forcing ganks you are frustrated that bot lane died before and you're just trying to go about randomly you have three comes up top side this is like you know likes if if your support is leona i think it makes sense or if enemy bot lane is low on hp i think it makes sense but then botany is high hp and you support this lakhs so you are just wasting time and well i mean this is like a silver lease in so i doubt the kill will happen here but you know if he actually uses his giga better before that maybe they can kill you know so i feel like yeah and again you are going both and you you really want to make this gank work but i don't know why you are level 6 at minute 11 you should be level 8 by now you know you could be you could be level 9 honestly if you would play the game well so i think this is really bad you know i mean i don't even know if there's a point of watching because i'm so frustrated with what i see i mean i'm sorry i'm sorry i don't wanna i don't wanna be negative i just think that you could play so much better you know and even right now when the the this i mean i assume i assume that um hello sorry that club is dead but look there are hp both of them cannon is one between them you can just literally go and hit herald they cannot do anything like akali is basing you can literally go and hit harold well now cannon is dead so now it's more awkward and now we are actually not helping hennan too so i also think that it's fine to go top now you know now i mean before you went bot lane i mean okay but i think even now it's time to go top and push out because as you can see lee sin is stopped to true lane and he's just oinking i think you can just go top push the wave top make sure that cannon goes with you to head out and you two of you do herald then you base right but now we are doing blue when catalina is trying to gank top i think that's fine you know i don't think you have to like go top because i don't think katarina needs you and now you do the crab which is like so late because your boat side camps are up and now you are doing top side camps which means if listen is smart you could invade your boat side but if he doesn't know he will not ride and again you are ignoring herald completely you can still do herald right now you can still hit harold now you can still do herald you can still hit harold now you can go into herald and you still have time to use the top or mid you can still get like extra kilo of gold because keep in mind two plates is 320 gold if you get five i don't even want to count it's amazing amount of gold okay so i think if you just play for herald more if you realize how important it's held them up instead of the the stupid rate i think you win this game by by now you know i think the game is over if you if you play well um this was good play well ulted yeah getting a double kill so this is good catalina tp you did punish them now bot um i still think if you get cut out and you get top tier with five plates you probably get way more gold still but i mean it payoff right now you also got a lot of xp because you got two kills so now yeah still stronger than leeson um when do you smile okay you smite at the seraphin i think uh when you are in scenario where you think that enemy team can con so normally i think akali should never jump in because he won v3 but i think you should save your w for akali instead of winging for damage you should save your w to knock a kali up and your q as the execute so i think if i'm you i would w the other way to knock up akali up then out out of drake one more time then out q over drake and then i would just e out um you still got the drake and akali should die okay she will not she had flash but i think you also i mean you can't just play the better right so now you got tabi's and gore drinker i think in this game honestly it's probably better to go mercs why their bot lane is seraphine their top lane is gwen so so magic grazies from cc and then on top of that they have akali so i i mean i i think at least magic is good for you okay like so at least maybe it could be a spirit visage instead of black cleaver i think tabbies are maybe fine but at least then you should build more um more materials again you don't do any camps right you do red buff and you go bot um i think you should wait for likes to be there at least i guess lee sin is there so it's it's kind of awkward because affiliates dies beforehand right um i mean i just think that like even when your bottling is dying um in in such a weird way i still think that you should think more about yourself because if you go you went bot lane i mean i didn't really count but if i have to guess you and botlane like 500 times this game and i believe if you just play for yourself and you play for your own camps and you keep snowballing top you get top tower you get head out you get really yourself ahead you get canon ahead you'll be two levels ahead of leasing maybe three surely your body will be slightly behind but then you have a chance of carrying but instead you are trying to hard help a lane that is losing and i don't really like it even doing i mean now you do have a right six at 16 30 and now they are four men bought they will kill your bot lane i think when you could have done head out at you know eight nine minutes i think at that point they couldn't actually kill bot lane because you're so easy with no base and they were doing drag and all of this so i mean i do think that this hero timer is way worse and i think at this time if you take second herald and you get second top tier that's good because second top tier is also worth a lot of gold but first head out this time it's kind of ox you know because i mean you you will get fair star but that's not a lot of gold in this situation keep in mind to always go drinker before you okay so mechanically you played it poorly you out of here now you're out of hair out of here now you q you just wait for q you q then you go drinker with q you can queue and go thinking at the same time you press q and then go drinker and then you fight her a bit and then you hold you are just buying time right you wanna die as slow as possible so cannon can join and help you okay you still lift which is really good but i think you played it poorly mechanically you also then check your potions which is co-op this is not your fault this is katarina anything you can keep farming you can just take three cams right uh oh yeah invading is even better um if you can track listen i mean i also lost track of lee sin right because i'm just watching so i'm not really paying attention i mean i just you don't press tab a lot so i just don't know what comes he took and of course every camp is worth c for cs but you can kind of guess in the end of the game where he starts and where he should be again this is silver so it's different because people just gank bot lane i guess both junglers but i mean you can still kind of take these camps then and you can time them and so now you are taking the top tier but now there's no place right so this gold is not that good you both you have no wool so i would be very careful i think she does have uldo so i think you guys win this yeah that's pretty good that's pretty good you guys can get a kill push this out very good uh bass i think you should base now or to crab i think bob is fine uh cannon can also the club now we are moving to drake this is good right you killed beforehand so this is good um you should try ping your team more like mid lane to either back off or to help you and this is good you just farm now yeah do red buff after they are pushing mid but you shouldn't care that much i mean just keep an eye on your team and use pink side you can be like be careful with be careful mid and and you can do that then and then you can go mid if you wanna air them uh i think going era makes sense i think if you i'm canon i would probably just go both side and canister oh this is a very good peak actually um i think you should have dabby a bit sooner there uh in this situation in insta w and if she uses her w that sucks you know that's just her champion being broken but i think that was fine you probably don't get anything here i mean i think in this situation adam 5v5 they are better because they have seraphine now they don't have seraphine old but they had seraphin at some point uh and i think the situation is like it's just very awkward you know uh because you are not farming and you guys are a-ramping and i know it's silver but keep in mind the enemy goes nash they cannot really do it and someone should probably push out top so i think you can pick team to go back for example like honestly playing dual queue would be like the best because if you have two players that understand the game it will be much easier so i do think that would make sense for like someone to go top now and just ignore this mid thingy you know and um i think it's fine to sometimes adam because maybe anna makes a mistake right but like going mid by default this is not good i think in this game because you have strong cannon you should make sure that they are with cannon a lot because you and ken can kill everyone and because is so fed i think it's hard to do anything with likes and affiliates because i think akali will always kill them and i mean as you can see right i mean they just got one up kevin has tp and you're pinging it but i don't think hank could do anything i think if kntp is that it doesn't make it like the thing is that you are in pace so even if kenneth p is there it doesn't do anything canada will just die so i honestly think taking this fight would be really bad right and now you guys go mid again i think this scenario uh you should queue first because um they will always run together so if you queue first here i think they will run either bot or i mean they will run left of course right because they have four people met and then you will just w them uh in this like this this spot here i'm not sure if you can see my mouse but it's around the brush you know here they cannot juke you just have you um but yeah i think you also didn't buy magic you didn't buy any magic resist i do like spirit visage black cleaver i think that's the distance is okay as well but i really like black cleaver in this champ i think black tea will be better than distance in this game you already had tabbies i don't think you need more armor i think black cleaver would be like pretty good so this is a decent play but you you should be more in their body why you should be more in their body is because you wait for your cooldowns to be up you instantly press ult but you will never kill him and you have no cooldowns if you wait like two more seconds you get w almost up and q instantly up and you can like keep chasing even you know so uh sure i mean you you didn't really w them so you know they just run in games like that when it's adam and when you don't know what to do just wait for drake's and ping your team to back off and and even you like an ultra like please be patient like please be patient right you know because i think this is what you guys are doing is losing you the game because you are you guys are under enemy tier one tower and you cannot dive them and you are just literally fk here and i know somehow they die i mean this is just disgusting to watch you know i feel like i'm watching an alcs you know it's really bad it's like really really bad now i think yeah checking for jungle camp is good in the situation but i also think you should have based uh you should be basic now okay you have 45 seconds to drake i think you should have based before but now this is the last call to base and buy a stopwatch for a fight or buy anything really i just think that you should based use your gold yeah this is fine you can go with your team if enemy has control like that you can try to ping your team to go from right side from thai bush because i think face checking them is very hard you could also go to national style to start nash so you get one shot because you want to contest the drake but your team based very light you see your team is better so for for a team game if this is a team game always be a drake like at least 30 seconds before it spawns you know right now in this situation at drake you are what i mean the drag is spawning in 15 seconds i feel is going to top the strike you should give it up i mean sure is not your fault maybe because i i mean it's also your fault but i think like i think your team should base now i think now they should base and then you can contest drake but since their base got cancelled i think now it's very difficult because anything you have control over drake so i think right now you should not do drake and you should go top if a video is going to you are pinging assistance but as you can see they are full control even taking mid tower for this drag is worth it because this is second rate for enemy team is second break for i think third rake for you but it doesn't really matter i think face checking into them is how you lose the fight and you don't have any flying you see there is no flying katarina and kind of have to flank so you by running in like that you just die and you cannot do anything and your team cannot help you just run it down is your mistake you should just go mid or top you should just not fight this drake anything you do you should not buy this drake i mean you have katarina and cannon so maybe i guess your team can like do it without you somehow it just seems like your team maybe kind of did it without you and you still get a drake but i i think it should be impossible i don't know i i think listen can just kick cannon out and it's a free fight or a set up in wolfe but it's fine you know um what did you do here yeah okay i'm not looking at your champion you're just running into traps okay i mean here i mean you just kind of in right there's like i mean you honestly like all of your dads are like kind of ant you know like all of your dads are kinda and i think um your canon is smurfing though he did not play them low-key right uh you have three drakes now but next drake is a dragon soul um so yeah keep farming right now this is good i wanna fast forward a bit because i think this is like the early game is the most important because you cannot micromanage people in solo queue so it's not always that simple to win the game for your team but yeah again in this situation you guys are running in for no reason just wait drake affiliates is bot lane you are in the jungle i mean i know that you are not alone but be smarter than your team you you guys say you are in nilo hell so you so you don't make mistakes you do this is terrible why are you here affiliates is bought he has no tp this is 5v4 they will just kill you and get notched this is really bad really really bad you should never be here you should never be so deep you should never fight this you should never win this fight i don't know if you do but you should never win this fight okay i mean you kind of honestly okay i'd say you won this fight because you got so many kills being sober there you shall have debbie first if you dub you first w now akali will get w then you queue into hell but w you you could w two people and i think you actually won't be two of them here but i mean again i feel this is both you guys died before drake you'll be really late to drake again so many mistakes you know you'll try to steal it do you steal it close you don't steal it the fight is very awkward because kenny has no flash you also are you know going for the steal and not for the fight appears i mean aphelios is not grouping with you guys but when appearance is not grouping with you guys you have to respect it and just like sure i think going for steel is fine but just e over the wall and smite it and if you don't smite you just back off you know i think in this game you are honestly outscaled i think seraphine is like way too strong but uh i mean enemy team is hinting as well flashing on selfie that's fine i think killing setup it makes sense uh you shall vote though you don't have a reason to like i mean you are kind of like when akali jump on you you can just hold seraphin to not die you know basically um because it's pretty obvious akali will burst you there they get flanked they die again i mean this is so this is so silver um and uh i mean i'll see this this game is just like super super chaotic i think i don't really care about who wins this game because this is just disgusting to watch i think that what you should take away from this game is for like early game is the most important okay before i before i give you my points i think you know if you like the video please subscribe to the channel and leave a comment and of course leave a thumbs up as well uh so that i know i can continue with the series and please send me some bronze and silver lip bronze iron replace down there uh besides that i think deadline was the most important i think that you should have farmed way more i think you should have punished leasing for ganking bot too much i think you should ignore drake get head out snowball with plates know about gold player and cannon more be more mindful about resets realize that if you are not as five you don't want to take fight at least if they are uh as five and you are not as five right if it's 44 i don't care but if it's 45 i think you should just be mindful of not taking stupid fights and then in that situation just make sure team knows about it and make sure they back off just ping them back off group for drake's better and be also slightly more mindful about side waves because uh if no one wants to go boat like katarina you can go boat and push right just bring your team to not die i mean of course again because you say elohel and you die and what could i do better but i mean you were overflowing so many bot gangs and you didn't actually know what to do on the map so i think there are a lot of mistakes you don't and a lot of things you have done better so this is my take on it i hope you guys enjoyed it i hope you guys learned something from it um and yeah next video we will see if we will rank up or rank down but uh i will try to help you i will try to help you get out of hilo hell i think a lot of you will do a lot of macro mistakes i didn't even focus that much on micro but i mean there's maker mistakes of course a lot as well right but i mean it happens so thank you very much for watching i hope you enjoyed it and see you next time bye [Music] uh

2021-08-01 16:43

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