Cloud OnAir: How App Maker enhances the G Suite experience

Cloud OnAir: How App Maker enhances the G Suite experience

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You. Welcome. To caldron air live. Webinars, from Google cloud, we're. Hosting webinars every, Tuesday. My. Name is giver and today. I will be talking about app maker. You. Can ask questions anytime, on the platform, and, we have Googlers, on standby to answer them, let's. Get started. App. Maker, is a new G suite product for building web applications, to improve your work. In. Today's webinar, I'll introduce. App maker and its key features. Show. Some apps our customers, have built with app maker and. Are. Using to run their business and, show. You how to build apps with app maker in your own company. We'll. Have time for live Q&A at the end. Our. Work often, involves, multistage, processes. Several. User roles throughout the process for. Example, helpdesk. Ticket, filer. Versus a reviewer and respondent. Some. Work clothes typically, require data from war that more than one source, beyond. Just a single spreadsheet as. Well. As capabilities distributed. Across, two, or three different G, suite or other products. Customized. UIs and flows make our work faster, and less error-prone. To. Create those, we. Can build web apps with, app maker. App. Maker, lets employees, in companies, whether. There are business, or financial analysts. I to, developers. And just. Anyone, who's enthusiastic about, improving their team's work, build. Web applications that. Are specifically, addressing, their company's, unique, needs. Whatever. Vertical, your, business operates in whether, it's retail, finance. Communications. Entertainment. At, maker. Lets you build applications. By. Connecting. To the data you need to process wherever. It resides or and, however, it's collected. Design. You eyes that are useful and beautiful for, users to understand, their workflows and. Creating. Event triggers an internal logic, to. Take the actions needed to streamline, business processes, efficiently. Many. Companies, run their business, using well-known apps from leading vendors for. CRM, HR. Marketing. As, well as productivity, and collaboration. These. Apps have been deployed as SAS, in many companies, small. And large and are, used by millions worldwide.

However. Every. Company has a unique set of practices. Based. On their vertical, customer. Base and competitive. Advantage, built, over their time they are in business. These. Include automation, of processes, done manually, or, using. Sub ideal software, combinations, such. As email, and tables that have to be tracked separately, and, aligned. Many. Of these applications, have direct, impact on the business outcome. As we. Will see later in the webinar, the. Steps to build an app with AppMakr in your company, is relatively. Short and easy. When. Compared, to full software development, the flow is much shorter, it. Does not require extensive. Engineering, software, skills and, has. Several data model creation tools and visual, widgets, with which you can design the look and feel of your app. There. Are also many actions, that can be triggered on events such, as data entry. App. Maker is launched, as a G suite additional, service, last. Month while. We are still working to ensure that app maker meets the high standards required a Fuji suite core service, we. Launched it as an additional, service so, more customers, can take advantage, of the product right now. At. Maker. Is not available, to all G suite business, and enterprise customers. It's. Also available. To. G suite for education customers. We. Announced two significant, features at the launch. One. Cloud, Google set cloud Google, Cloud sequel is now supported, is the default database automatically. Created, for all Atma, crafts but. You can still bring your own database and connect, it using JDBC, or a REST API. 2g, suite admins now. Have oversight, on the activity, and usage, of all, F maker apps in their company. At Google we are committed to providing our best available, services, and principles, with AppMakr. That's. Why we are compliant, with iso and. We. Are also, up. To the standards, of google cloud with regards, to security and privacy, our. Product, supports, accessibility. So users with different. Abilities. In, abilities, can use it easily and, from. The G suite admin console, DS, with administrators. Now have visibility, over the apps running in the organization, including. Owners, usage, metrics and Roth, permissions. Expanded. OAuth whitelisting, controls, meaning. That administrators, will also be able to prevent apps from running, without their approval and. Distribution. Of, apps inside, the domain will be able using, will be able to be, run using the, G suite marketplace. Now. I'd like to move over to the second part of our talk where. We'll take a look at what customers, are building with AppMakr. Our. Customers. Typically build apps to support their line of business, across. Verticals, such as retail mobile operators, and gaming entertainment. We. Also see applications, that help, energy. Industry, vendors.

Control. Their plant. Process. Eligibility, across the world and also, supervise, what's going on in those plants. We. Have mobile, operators, who are building their whole a whole go-to-market program. With. AppMakr, and. Retailers. Are using app maker to create price. Quotation, systems, that take into considerations, discounts. Volumes, and special, requirements, from their customers. Apps. To streamline, operations and, workflows are also popular in many companies. We. See customers building, applications, to do budget tracking. Project. Management, inside, their companies, build. Dashboards, for security, and, also. Use it for app. Migration. One, example to illustrate this, is enough, build by one of our customers, Electronic. Arts to. Streamline, a critical, business process, they had struggled optimizing, previously. Before. Using app maker, several. Sheets were used to track various, human resource types required. To create many of their games. These. Human resources include game designers, or studio. Managers, and by. Checking project, calendars, in parallel. Humans. Were allocating, the required resource, to, a scheduled project. It. Was tedious and quite difficult for EA to optimize, resource, allocation. To. Get the right person on, the right project, at the right time, after. Building, the app with AppMakr, the. Matching between a project need and available, human resources is done by an algorithm automatically. Reducing. Allocation, errors and achieving higher resource, efficiency, in. The. Future EA. Is thinking, about iterating. Based on, allocation. Optimization, learnings, from using this app and, introducing. It to future versions, of the app. Another. Example, comes from a TB. Financial. Institution, customer from Alberta, Canada at. 80, B there. Is a large number of processes that involve a customer, facing team member, sending. Information requests. To the operations, team for additional processing, at the back end at. The back office a. Leftover. From their Microsoft, days many of these requests. Involve filling a Word Excel, form that, gets emailed to assure the inbox, for.

Processing, It. Was this was time-consuming and, made it difficult for both the requester, and processor, to track their work. Some. Of these request types have now moved to a Google Form solution, but, for once it could benefit from having workflow, controls, and functionality. Such as request, status and assignments, or, ones, that need extra validation. Or calculation. Ad, be turned to a player and built apps like. The one we see. For. Foreign cash purchase, sale request the. App gives every bank teller an easy way to request, foreign, cash on behalf of customers and. Provides. A way to track all their requests. Additionally. The. App reads exchange, rates from the ATP website, to populate, the suggestion, box for currency, with the accurate exchange rate every, day. ATP's, using several other Atma craps for their loan management, process, the. Bankers loan limit check up a centralized. Way to review, and process loan applicants, questionnaire, and match the right product for them. While. Another app schedules, appointments with. The right bank representative. At, the closest, branch as. You. Can see the. App's our customers built are branded. With their logo and styles, so. They can look an integral, part of the corporate business. Fun. Fact app maker, started, out as an internal product at Google and today. We have hundreds, of app maker apps running internally, most. Googlers are not aware they're using an app built by app maker as it, as it looks and feels just like any other corporate, app. Globe. Telecom is, an international. Telecom, provider from the Philippines. That. Has 65. Million customers. They. Have built several internal. Operations. Apps. That. Streamline. Their workflow, and actually. Change. Their paper trail, processes. To be automated completely. One. Of these applications, is a travel, approval app that. Allows every, employee that needs to travel somewhere to, request their travel, itinerary. And get it approved through.

The Chain of approval, within. Less than two days whereas, previously, it took over a week and involved. A lot of paper, email. Mailing, inside, the company. Another. App that they've built is the memo app which. Is pattern. From the memo routing template an app maker and used, by all their employees to standardize. The memo content, and also. Contribute, to paperless environment in their company. They. Have thousands, of employees using, app maker apps currently and they are looking to expand, and build even more apps using the product. Now. Let's take a look at how we build an app with AppMakr. I'll. Show how we do this in five easy stages. The. First one is to define your data model and connect. To data sources, this. Means that we have to define what data our app is going to be working with and the, most popular, way to do this is to import, a table, from spreadsheet. Which. Can be done easily and that creates. A table in the sequel database that is created. Automatically, for every app that we start building. If. You don't have a sheet with the table ready you can define your data model. Manually. By defining the fields one by one. The. Second stage is to design the UI of the web application. Here. Anyone, can choose from a palette of widgets. What. The web pages will, look like, for. Both data entry, using forms, and to. Present data to, the users of the application in. Tables. And other widgets, like maps. You. Can also change the styling, here by. Formatting. The spaces, on the page and what, the overall, layout will look and you, can also adjust it to be good for mobile devices. You. Can also apply your brand identity as, we saw for our customers, with HTML, and CSS code, that will run on the browser. The. Next phase is to bind the data to, the UI elements, and trigger in-app events. This. Is the stage where you actually, outline. The flow of the application you decide what happens once somebody, enters, data for example and, also. Invoke. Automatic. Actions like sending an email or just, stitching. The flow of the internal logic of the workflow that you're automating. Once. This stage is done. We. Move over to defining, the user role as I, mentioned earlier, users. Of the app can be different, and can have different. Permissions. To do different actions in the app some people enter, data into the app some people view reports, some other people take actions, so. We can define all these roles inside. The app and. Once. This phase is done we. Can preview, our app to see what it will look like in, reality and, once it looks fine to us we. Can publish it into the domain and then other users can start using it. To. Start building f maker apps in your company, please check out Google's developer site, on the. App maker section. Now please state to you into the live Q&A we, will be back in less than a minute. You. I'll now, take a few questions from the audience first, one is when will app maker be FedRAMP, certified. FedRAMP. Is a certification, for. US. Government institutions. And we. Are right, now in the process of possibly, getting this next. Year the. Process, of getting FedRAMP, certification is. Usually, pipelined. Into an agency, that does that for different software, products, and AppMakr, is in, the queue to be, certified. Sometime, in 2019. Next. Question can I publish apps outside, of my domain, right. Now this, is not possible the. Reason is that we. Follow strict, security policies, with, Google, Cloud and G suite the, way that we are going to approach this is to extend, the, reach of app, maker both to users and domains, in, several. Stages and the. One. Of the first ones would be to share applications, across domain, the, way to do that right now is let's say between two different companies, you can, package.

Your Application, in the first domain and send it over to the second domain, offline. And then deploy that application in. That domain. One. Of the other areas that we are looking to expand. Is to allow users outside of the GCP domain to use the app maker apps but we still don't have an ETA for this feature, so. Stay tuned in the following quarters to hear when we do that. Next. Question can you build mobile applications with, AppMakr so. The answer is yes and we have various customers, that have already deployed, mobile, applications, the, way they did it is that they designed, the web pages to. Fit. Mobile. Screens, and. Tested. Them and they're already using them in production we. Do not have ways, to. Have. To, support complete responsive, design in app maker right now but. What we are going to do in the following quarters, is to provide interim, stages, where you can, have. Different. Viewports. And also, design, the breakpoints, in your, screens so that. Applications. Look, better on mobile devices, in, the future we'll also have mobile. Specific, widgets but, these will probably come sometime, in 2019. Next. Question, besides, cloud sequel, can, you connect to other databases as I. Mentioned, during the presentation, we support, any database. That can be. Accessed. Through JDBC. Or a REST API that. Covers a lot of databases in the market and you. Can connect. To those databases by coding, as part. Of the app, service. That, will access that API so. You can add, access. To any database, that you have either, already. Working. In your company or that you want to deploy with an ad maker app it, will involve coding, though so, if you don't, want to have any, coding. Involved with accessing a database we, recommend. Using the default cloud sequel, that, can. Accommodate. Any, data imported, from various. Sources. Is. It. Possible, to build workflow, apps with AppMakr. Yes. I think. We. Try, to like demo here an, application built, by Globe, Telecom for example, that showed how a travel. Approval process which is a workflow starting. From an employee. Asking. For a travel, itinerary. To be approved, mentioning. The reasons for the travel the business need for that that goes on to a second, person that. Calculates. The, cost of, the travel. Suggested. And also. Sees whether it's in cap or out of cap requires, specific. Approval. From the financial, point of view once, this is approved a manager, has to approve this and finally, someone. From the operations, that does, all the travel. Like. Bookings, so. All this process, is being built in a single app maker app there are different types of users there are people that file our approval. Requests. And people that review it and approve. It and, that's. An example of a workflow that you can build with AppMakr, there are many more and you, can also, check. Out some of our templates, inside. The product to see other workflows, that can be supported by the product. To. Summarize I'd, like to remind that app maker is in ug suite product, that. Allows to build web applications with easy access to G suite api's and. In. Built-in. Cloud sequel, database over which you can build line of business applications and. Workflow. Operations, in your company, pretty easily and to. Check those out and try them themselves please. Refer to our developers, side under, app maker section. Thank. You so much for watching please tune in next Tuesday for the next cloud on-air. You.

2018-09-09 16:33

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