Clark County, Nevada, officials give an update on the election

Clark County, Nevada, officials give an update on the election

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Now we want to go. To clark county the registrar, there, and how that count is going clark county of course includes. Las vegas, overwhelmingly. The largest population. Center, in the state and how that ongoing, count is faring, uh nevada of course with the six electoral, votes, that too would be good enough for joe biden worry to win. To become the next president. States, let's, let's see. Secretary, of state's office. My staff isn't capable, of answering any questions, related to ballot tracks we do not use it, the secretary, of state who does. In my system on the website. Forward slash vote. We have registered, voter services. And in registered voter services, our voters can check to see the status of their ballot. As far as it being received, by my office. All voters should be aware. That. Vote history. Will not be posted, until, after the canvas. So if you're looking, on the secretary, of state site to see if your vote was posted as voted. You will not see that information. That information, is not posted until after the election. Now. I'm going to go through a series of information, here and then we're going to give you an opportunity, to ask questions. I have a change from yesterday. The expected, turnout, that i, reported, yesterday, was incorrect. The fifty one thousand votes. That i reported, would be, available, today. Is actually, a little over thirty thousand, and here's the reason why. When we process, ballots, on the counting board, our tracking mechanism. Change from precinct, based ballots. To page numbers. For the first time in clark county the ballot is so large, that, our ballot, is actually two pages long. And so, they have to track that, when we scan ballots. So that we can verify, that the count on those pages, is correct. My staffer, inadvertently. And mistakenly. Reported, to me, that there were 51, 000 precinct, ballots to count yesterday. And in actuality, it was 51, 000 pages. So that explains, why, when you saw the updates, today. You only saw thirty thousand. Instead of the fifty one, however. The universe, of ballots, that i communicated. Yesterday, is still accurate. The only thing you need to do is take it down, approximately, twenty thousand five hundred from the fifty one to the thirty thousand but the sixty three thousand ballots that i reported yesterday. Are in the state in the system in various stages. So those will still expected, to be report. Reported. Beginning, today. We will begin to re. Report our results. Two times a day. So you've already seen the update for this morning. In the afternoon. We will be putting up a fresh report. On the mail ballots that have been read into the system. Sometime, before, four o'clock. We're required to report to the secretary, of state first. Once they've ma. Indicated, to us that they've received it and it's verified, we'll be able to post on our end so. Rather than giving a specific, time i'll just tell you that, it'll be sometime before, 4 pm. Now. One more time i'd like to go through the ballots that are separate from that universe, that i reported. We still have the provisional, ballots all of our laptops, from election day have been downloaded. So all of that information, is available to my staff today we will start in earnest reviewing, provisional, ballots. There are sixty thousand of those to go through. Um in in various, categories. Now, i wanna remind you that we have to coordinate, with the secretary, of state. Because again we are not a top down registration. State we work from the bottom up so all 17, counties have to report to the secretary. They still have not given me the instructions, i know that they're on the way. But at some point they'll let us know when to send our report, up and that. Will be the tool that they use to match against the other 16, counties in nevada, to make sure that nobody's. Duplicated, a boat in one county to the next because we want to prevent that. Once we do that we can begin to release, the provisional, ballots. Into, count. However, that won't happen until the secretary, of state, verifies, that report. A reminder, that the id required, voters. Their deadline, is today. At 5 pm, for those who were required, to provide an id. That has to be sent to us by 5 pm, today. We have a cure line available, at. 702-455-6552. Where we have staff available. To assist, those. Individuals, with getting that into us. The u s mail update, for this, morning. We received 241. Ballots. In today's, mail. That will be added to that number that i'm calling my, my universal. Ballots to be counted. Uh it's. Looking pretty clear that the number of ballots is going to continue, to go down.

However, I wanted to ensure the general public. We have been working very close with our regional, supervisor. At the us postal service. And they're doing an excellent, job of reviewing, all of the post stations, here in clark county. In fact they have them sweeping, regularly, more than once on a daily basis. And if they identify, anything that needs to be delivered to the office they get it to our office. Within three to four hours it doesn't even go to the process. Of uh. Having, set up for us to pick up they are physically, delivering, those so. We appreciate, their effort. Uh they're making sure just as we are that we're counting every ballot that's eligible, to be counted so our thanks to the u.s postal service locally. The cure process, is another group of ballots that we need to process. They have until, thursday. The 12th of november, to cure that. My staff will not leave this facility. Until we've counted all of those ballots that have been identified. As curable. Ab4. Was very clear in the legislative. Legislative, special session that we have to have all ballots, counted. By november, 12th. And with that i'll open it up for questions, remember you need to be at the mic. Good morning right there. Right there whoever's due yeah, yeah. Good afternoon, uh good morning uh mr register. Can you tell us the number of ballots, that you expect in this afternoon, dump so you said. The thirty one thousand was the total for this morning, it won't be your thirty thousand, it's not thirty. So. Let's just be clear here 30 000 403, was the increase 30 000 403. This afternoon. Before 4 pm how many do you expect, because we're starting to dump two reports a day i can't accurately, give you that number the only thing that i can tell you, is the numbers that i reported, as my universe, universal, ballots that need to be counted. Is still accurate so we know we're going to need to get. Approximately, 63, 000 ballots into the system, so still 63. I'm sorry, 63, 000 over the next couple of days will be entered into the system, okay so 63, 000 still outstanding. Uh 30, 000 this morning, and tbd, you don't know how many this afternoon. No i can't give you that that, number accurately, because we've changed to a two report in the day and so they're going to work as hard as they can, they're being very efficient back there in the way that they count through the icc. So. We'll get as many in as we can and then, we'll continue, to read after that report, and there will be another report tomorrow, morning, with whatever we read this afternoon and evening okay this is my colleague jolene kent, hello thank you jacob, i know we talked about the pace yesterday, but, there's increasing.

Pressure, On your county. To count faster. You have the capacity, to count 71. 000 ballots a day. Why not process, that number, joe, as i described, yesterday. The process, is very deliberate, in the way we process, here so through the agilis, which is our, mail ballot processing, system that's the first step. That agilis, machine, will verify, signatures. And then those that aren't verified, as a match, that has to go to a, manual, physical, process. And there are two steps in that process. Where we have staff running through those. We have to run those through those two steps. And then at that point it moves to our counting board. Our counting board then works to verify, those records. To make sure that our batches are matching, and that we're reconciling. Correctly. And they go through the process, of separating, the ballots and getting them over here for us to count so. There's no speeding up that process. As i indicated, yesterday, we're going to continue, to count and make sure that we're being accurate. We're anticipating. And hoping that, with the number of ballots that we see now we should, hopefully, be ready to have a final count on the majority, of mail ballots, by sunday at some time, by sunday, and what's your message, to all of the people out there watching, clark county. Who say. Come on let's go hurry it up. I think i mentioned yesterday, that our. Priority, here is to make sure that we're accurate in what we're doing. So we're not interested, in moving as fast as we can we want to be accurate. We're very fortunate, at this point that we've had staff working for many days and they're very efficient in what they're doing. So we're confident, that the work is being done accurately. And that's what our, our main goal. Is. Can you talk about the circumstances. That require. An id, what are those id, required, ballots because there's quite a lot of them and how are those different from the other ballots that need to be. Cured. The easiest, explanation, for the cure, is that, those voters who send back a mail ballot that is not signed at all.

Or That has a signature, that doesn't match all of our history of signatures, in the system. They enter into the cure process. That's statutorily. Required, and we have to mail a notice, to the voter. And if the voter has given us an email. Or a phone number we also contact, them, through an automated, message, with that as well those are the cures. The id required, can come from many different areas. In the state of nevada, now we've implemented, same-day, registration. The online, registrations. That go through the secretary, of state's nova site. State law requires, that those voters show up to vote. Our system indicates, that they registered. Online. They are required to show an id. So they showed up to vote in person either early voting or election, day. And they didn't have their id so they're required to provide that by today at 5 pm in order for those votes to count. We also have a large number of mail ballots, everybody's, well aware that we've sent a mail ballot to all active registered, voters in clark county. So there's. Not as much familiarity. From the general public on what to do with the mail ballot, we very clearly, indicate. On the mailing, envelope. Those voters who need to send in an id. Because in their registration. We were unable to match correctly. With our check with dmv, or social security. And so they must provide an idea another order for us to hold up the integrity, of the process. So in those two groups that's the majority, of the ids that are required. Next question. Joe a new federal lawsuit, has, uh, the from the trump campaign, has requested, that, the use of the agility system, be stopped, completely. And that instead, all ballots be. Verified, by hand the signatures, be verified by hand, what would that do to the counting process, if. Your access to agilis, is. Lost. If they were successful. I will mention that that's already been heard in court and that request was denied, so. We're hoping that that stays consistent, however, if we were unable to use the agilis, machine. We're working hard to get everything through now so we won't have to worry about that but that would slow down our process tremendously. Because we've geared our process. To count on the agility, machine so we'd have to go completely, manual, at that point. And so yeah it would slow down our process without a doubt next question. Um so the nevada gop, uh has confirmed this morning that they have dropped. Or have come into an agreement with the county, on the lawsuit that was issued yesterday, can you comment on that. Your question was that the nevada, gop, has. They've confirmed, that the campaign, has dropped the federal lawsuit, that was issued out yesterday. Well i may be incorrect, but i think they've reinstituted. That so i'm. I don't know if you have the current information. From last. Week. Hi uh mr gloria, just to be completely, clear yesterday you said there were. 63. 262. Outstanding, ballots correct. Today we have those 30, 000. Uh that new batch and then, so the outstanding, balance would be. Around 30, no sir no that's 33, 000.. You're confu, you're confusing, the two numbers that i reported, so yesterday. What i stated, that was that we expected, to see 51. 000, ballots, read yesterday. Correct because, the page numbers were reported, mistakenly. Instead of the precinct, count, that count went down from 51, to 30., right so the 16th. Let me finish. So the 63. 000. Are still, in process, and need to be counted. So bottom line i mean outstanding, ballots right now. Out of that number of 63. 000 still. Three 63. Twenty four hours later, that is correct. Sixty three. Thousand. I wish you'd come to the mic so that i could hear you well anybody who wants to answer ask a question. Please take the time to come up front we're going to go right here. Um mr gloria you mentioned uh receiving, i think 241. Ballots their postal service today. How many do you know have you received, since election, day. Oh i'm sorry i'm not prepared with the entire. Total. I i have today's, yesterday in yesterday's, press conference, i believe that i mentioned, that. Oh no i do have it here. So for election, day and wednesday, the mail intake was four thousand two hundred and eight. Next question. Good morning in the lawsuit that was filed today. In addition to acting for the agilis machine. To be, stopped again they also, allege that there were 3, 000 plus instances. Of ineligible. Ballots which were cast, do you have any evidence of that that has been given to you and do you have any knowledge of those 3 000 ballots, that the nevada gop is alleging.

They Provided us with a list. We'll have to begin to look through that however. Their lawsuit. Is based on something that happens regularly. You don't have to live here in order to be eligible, to vote here, this is a military, town. We have nellis air force base, we also have several students. That travel outside of the state to go to school, those folks are eligible, to vote, here in nevada. We also have. A, local representative. Congressmen. Senators. They're up in washington. Working, but they live here they vote here. So, we'll have to look through those numbers but it's not out of the ordinary, at all for somebody, not to live here, but be eligible, to vote here so we will look at that and we'll review it. You need mike, sorry, just to quickly follow up on the number of military, ballots. Um sort of related, but separate you it also said the other day that's part of what you're going through in addition to provisional ballots, how many outstanding, military, ballots are there do you know. The military, ballots have been read into the. System. Sorry. Can i just clarify, the math. Yes. Total, number of outstanding, ballots, including, the provisional. Is what the provisional, are beginning to be looked at in earnest today because all of the data, remember, i'll answer the question. The provisional, account will be 60, 000., okay, mail ballots that still need to be run through the system and are expected to run through for count. Is 63. 262. Approximately. Okay and are we subtracting, 30 000 from that 63, or not no. So none of the 63, have been counted. No sir so where where's that 30 000 number that you mentioned this when you send your report today check the website clark county Forward slash vote, okay but so that, why doesn't why isn't that coming out of the 63. Because i mentioned, yesterday. That we had 51, 000 ballots to count that was incorrect. Because i was given. The number of pages, right 30 000. Is in the system, and reported, this morning. So, thirty thousand. So there's still sixty three thousand and the sixty thousand beyond the thirty thousand, don't mumble. So thirty thousand were counted yesterday. That is correct, there are still sixty three thousand mail ballots, to be counted. That is correct and sixty thousand provisional. Those won't all be counted. Don't won't meet the requirements, for them to be registered but they need to be reviewed, okay and what are the hours of the counting. The hours of whatsapp, what are the hours that your people are working on the count i can have a member of my staff make that available. And how many people, roughly are involved in this process. At least 300. Really, okay. Thank you you're. Welcome. Mr gloria, at the risk of going back to math. From 51. 000. We reported. 30, 000, does that leave, 21. 000, no sir, okay. And, i, i started out by explaining, that. Uh, the numbers i reported, yesterday, were incorrect. And i gave an explanation, as to why. Our staff at the accounting board. Incorrectly. Mistakenly. Provided, me with the number of pages. That they sent over to be read however that was not the number of precinct, ballots. Every ballot in nevada that sent to the voters, represents, two pages. And so there were actually only thirty thousand ballots that were read so i've corrected, that, and explained to you why that occurred. So. The. Sixty three two sixty two. And no more than that. No. There could be more we still have cures, we still have ids that need to be. And we still have provisionals, and then those are all outside, of the universe that i've been reporting. And then the final. Are the 241. That you. Said you received by the minute that's today sir included, through. And that will continue, to be received through next tuesday are they included, in 63, 260 no sure, those are outside of that and thank you. Joe i think the, most. All of the confusion, lays in why hasn't that number gone down. What happened between. Not with the misreporting. Of the number but the why hasn't the number, of ballots that were counted. Gone. They're reading them into the system some of those so it is going down, it's just not in this morning's report. This morning's report only goes up to the end of day, yesterday. And so, they're now processing. Those. We'll have some numbers to report, just before four o'clock, on that 63. 000, and we'll continue to do so until we're finished, with all of those. Ballots. Joke right here so um. And i'm staying on the math, sorry i'm right here, staying on the mats was it 63. 000, and then the, additional, 60 000 provisional, ballots does that mean is it a, 123. 000, or am i confusing. Sixty thousand provisional, ballots need to be reviewed. They won't all be eligible, to be cast.

But Yes they do still need to be reviewed, but i can't tell you, how many of those will be moved forward to, count. The gop, has. Asked the department of justice, to, investigate. Of. And i'm just wondering if you received, the uh, the list. Of the voters names, that um, they're looking into. And what's your, i need you to be more specific, with what list you're referring, to is it in the lawsuit, that they recently, provided or to their list that i'm not aware of, uh regarding, the the. They're asking the department of justice to investigate. I don't know anything about that i can't answer that question. A deal was struck allowing more, firs, um, to come in uh can you go into detail about that deal. I can't hear you. There was a deal, uh. Observers. Have any, information, regarding that deal. As part of that lawsuit from last week that was cleared. I believe that we agreed to provide some more observer, locations. In our accounting, boards, location. Okay. But they've rescinded, that so i'd, i'll have to talk to my civil d.a. Okay i'm sorry i wasn't a good math student. I'm trying to get, like a final, tally what we're expecting so there's 63. 000 provisional, ballots that need to be reviewed. Correct, correct. In addition to that there's another 60, 000 ballots that aren't provisional. That need to be that are provisional, but there's. Those won't all be qualified, to vote they need to be reviewed i understand the ballpark. For me what. So are we looking at 120. 000 ballots need to be reviewed, and are audited and counted or is it. 63, 000 and change that let's make sure and clarify, that there's two types of tally types that you're referring, to provisional, is electronic. Those are voted on the in-person, voting machines. The mail that i'm referring, to, is separate that's a different tally type. So that's the sixty three thousand, so there's some electronic, ballots that were voted. Provisionally. That all need to be reviewed, they're held in queue. So they won't actually be counted until my staff. Correctly, identifies. Whether they were eligible, to be counted. So that's separate but there's 60, 000, plus the 63. 000, that i've been referring to so there's roughly, so.

Just Clarify for me we're looking at roughly 123. 000. Ballots, that still have to be reviewed, audited, and or accounted, is that correct, that's what i'm reporting but you need to keep in mind that we still have no id voters that can show up we still have cures that can still show up, and we also have u.s mail, okay so, i'd love to make it, easier, for you but it's a complicated. Process, i think we all appreciate what i'm trying to do is give you the numbers on the large, sure i think, we all need a ballpark, to be able to actually report. 60 000. i think it's fair to say that the 63. 000 mail and the 60, 000 provisional. Are the largest, chunks left that we have turned into and, and, again not to misquote, you i hope i didn't misunderstand, but you anticipate. Having. Those completed, counted by sunday is that exactly what i said. The mail. So we're hoping to have the mail done by sunday if all goes well and that number again is what i'm sorry. Sixty thousand. Sixty, three thousand okay. Okay so you're anticipating. Sixty three more thousand ballots being completed, counted by sunday and then there's the other sixty thousand. That's right to be reviewed which we'll go through next week, you've got it thank you next question. Can i change. Away from math for a moment. How's your security. We've been. We've been reading about, uh situation, in philadelphia. Have there been any credible threats to your knowledge. To the voting. Uh, count or your facilities. In, in around las vegas. I i really can't release any of the reports, on anything that would be credible, we keep that within our law enforcement, group and they are dealing with it, i can tell you that they're monitoring, social media. For any threatening, type of messages. As you can see when you came today we we have a, a relatively, large force of law enforcement, plus our county. Uh security, that's here in place. So i i feel that the response, has been, excellent, from the community, from the commissioners, who called to make sure that we had. Um. That support. Um. But i i, it's, just troubling for my employees i have employees who are nervous leaving the building. Um. And right rightfully, so they worked late into the night. So we strongly encourage, all of them not to leave by themselves. They can also request an, escort. From our security, people or law enforcement. So we're doing everything we can to protect, our, employees, and i, i think the response from local law enforcement. And the assistant, we received, from our, county commission. Has, helped to make sure that that happens so we're doing the best we can, folks we have two more questions. How about yesterday, that you, plus these numbers, to yesterday we have 40, 44. 000, id requiring ballots, and 2. 100, ballots in the cube process, it's the same number today. You know what i was looking for you can you do that again, i didn't see you i'm sorry, she's just saying again. Yesterday, we're talking about, four thousand four hundred. Forty four thousand. Id requirements, ballot and today, and yesterday, we have two thousand, one hundred ballots in the queue process.

Is The same number today. I would have to run that report for you i did not come prepared with those numbers. But those were accurate yesterday. We still have, 40, 40, 40 000, as i mentioned. Outside, of that universe, of numbers the mail. And the provisional, we still have the id required. We still have the cures. And we still have the u.s, mail that still has to come through. So yes the answer to your question is, those people are still eligible, if they bring us an id. To have their ballot counted. One more question, where is it. Last question right here, last question right here. Joe can you talk about the settlement, that came with the lawsuit, going into last week the reason behind, it and just anything moving forward. Uh brief i can just briefly, say that the republicans, had communicated. To our legal team. That they were willing to drop their suit if we would provide. Some additional. Locations. In an area that we were providing, it as a courtesy. Again i remind, all of you. The only thing that is statutorily. Required, for observers, is we allow them to watch us cap, count and tally votes which is happening right behind, us. Everything, else that we've provided. Is provided, as a courtesy, we're not we're not required by law to do so but, that that's what the settlement dealt with but, they've rescinded, it so i'll have to talk to my civil d.a to see, where we're at with that, thank you all very much we'll see you tomorrow. At 10 a.m.

2020-11-12 06:36

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