City Council Public Forum & Business Meeting : April 8, 2019

City Council Public Forum & Business Meeting : April 8, 2019

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Try. To stop people from taking selfies. And all of that. Good. Evening everyone thank, you for your patience, I promise. You that the time that we. Took. Was. Something, that we needed to do it was very important, to, accomplish. And I. Just want to say thank you for your patience, I know. There are many of you that are here tonight because you didn't want to watch The Virginian game. That's, why you can come and enjoy. She. Did bring it up. Julie's. Youngest, is at Virginia, and. So she gets, very. Tonight, she. Gets the privilege there so, I might like to call the June. April. April. 8th meeting, of our Charlotte City Council, to order and welcome. All of you and again say thank you for your patience. We're going to have. Introductions. We're gonna start with our city. Deputy, city clerk and go around the Dyess good, evening Emily, Quincy deputy city clerk good, evening Matt Newton district 5, Greg, Phipps district 4, good, evening the wanna make our district 3. Councilmember. At-large good. Evening James Mitchell at large, good evening I'm bylaws, and I serve as your mayor good, evening Julia isn't mayor pro-tem and serving you at-large East. Braxton Winston, I'm Edie Drake's district, sac. Good. Evening just in Harlow District two Clark. And I Coast in District one Marcus. Jones city manager, Patrick Baker City Attorney so. We begin our meeting with an invitation or an expression, of inspiration. Followed by our Pledge of Allegiance the. Invocation is, done, by a, councilmember, and it. Is to actually, help us work better together you, guys are fine we are the ones that need all of the work and support, we can get so, you're welcome to follow, miss Ashe Mira's, lead and it's immediately after, her. Expression. Or invocation. We will stand. For the Pledge of Allegiance. Thank. You madam mayor. So. If you me. Dear. Lord we, are thankful to, be here tonight to serve, this great city, we. Are grateful, for those who share the concerns, that, our city faces. Keep. Us in line with what you have called us to do which. Is to build each other up and not tear, each other down to. Be the servants, you've so graciously, appointed, us to be to. See, that. Every resident, is living, a prosperous, life and finally. That we find solutions, to, many issues that our city faces. Also. Please. Remember those. Charlatans. Who have been the victims of deadly. Violence this year this. Year alone, 37. Families, have lost loved. Ones in Charlotte, and that. Is totally unacceptable. Lord, please cover the rest of this meeting to be productive and peaceful. Amen. Stand. For the Pledge of Allegiance please. I. Cleverly. Visions. Of. The United States America. And, to the Republic for. Which it stands, one nation. I know. That we're running a little bit late but even, with a full agenda tonight, I'd like to actually take, a minute to address the situation that. We have before the public forum I, want. To dress the idea, and the thinking, that, this situation is becoming a real threat to our neighborhoods, and therefore. To our city. Too. Many of our people have been injured, or have died within. The last 10. Days. We've. Lost six people. We. Lost Kendall, crank a mother. Killed in a gang crossfire. Jonathan. Whitlow who was found, rolled. In a carpet. Santa. Avicii, a veto shot. By man who dated her daughter with, her husband still in the hospital. James. Scott Anderson, who was found in. A homeless camp. Derrick, chambers, killed in a parking lot. Tea. On Bates also. Killed in a parking lot. It. Goes without saying that we as mayor in the city council, but. More importantly, as a community, of people who want the absolute best, for. Ourselves and, our families, we. Cannot afford to sit idly, by and ignore the extreme, loss of life being. Suffered, in. Our community, right now and. Even. More than that we must not, point, fingers not. Look for places too lame to, place bank blame on others or shirk. Our own civic, responsibilities, by expecting, someone else to solve this problem someone, else has the answer. We. Must seek, to, get. Our community, back on track, we. Must come together now in a way perhaps unlike anything we've ever experienced.

Previously And, focus. Our energies, on what we we. Each of us can, do to build the best outcomes, for our community. Instead. Of focusing on the harm. We. Do to each other though. It is important, to acknowledge and, to be truthful, about the, various, sources of our pain, we. Need to work collaboratively, from. All corners of our community, to effectively, challenge and, overcome. This epidemic, of gun violence, that is spreading too quickly in our, streets, and across our neighborhoods. Like. My colleagues, I'm out in the community, we. Know that we aren't in charge of everything. But. We are in charge of is doing. Everything that we can possible. To. Be a part of a greater community of. Something. Greater than just. Living, here in Charlotte, we. Need to deal with this and we need to know what approach we should take and how we will make a difference in, our own neighborhoods, and not just in our own but, in neighborhoods. That belong to others, as. Civic, leaders, and community. Members an important that we advocate an inclusive approach, that. Enables, us to work across lines, and in some instances even, across. Ideologies. Because. We have to tackle this issue. But. Let us be clear the. Gun violence of any sort, cannot, become the norm in Charlotte. This, is our city. We. Cannot devolve into a culture, that so devalues, life and, the, lives of our neighbors that we willingly, allow it to continue, to be shot, down without us being doing. Anything. We. Must do everything in our power to correct course and reverse this damning. And disconcerting. Trend. We. Have to want more for, our communities, and ourselves, we. Have to do better and I know we can do better. Let. Us continue to keep people. Not. Just the six that I talked about in the last ten days but. The more than 30 people who have lost their lives in. Our. City and what. Are we going to do about it. Thank. You so much for allowing me to do this it pains me but it's. Been something, that I've been thinking about in the context, of the many issues that we have for the last few weeks. So. I appreciate, that, and I expect that we're going to hear more about it as we go forward as the. City and the City Council and, I hope all of you will continue to think what, can you do to do better. So. Right now we're going to have our public forum that. We have people signed up to speech and we, will have ten people speak. People. Speak at. Three, minutes each. Well. If we tell you it's 15 is 15 that's. Easy enough to fix, we, we have a motion. On our. Item. On our agenda to, make that a part of our procedure, so, we're going to go to that agenda item first help. Me remember.

I'm. 14. Madam mayor we do two speakers, on 14, we have speakers, on 14, so we was, - I know. I see wait a minute I'm getting my new list from this. We. Have a revised list and we have two people signed up to speak on, item, 14. So, we will have I. Know. I said but we need. Okay. Item 14, is an action to approve an amendment to the Charlotte city council rules, of procedure, it, came, out of our budget, and effectiveness, committee, the council has talked about it several times, we've. Actually amended, our rules wants to do it which our city attorney did. Not think that was a good idea but, what we're doing is changing our rules to allow for, 10, people to speak. Up. To, 15, and if we have 15, we have people speak for two minutes and. Ten so today because we're going to have 15 speakers each, speaker will have two minutes to see, is that what we said on the phones thank you so, I'm gonna call up before, on item 14, the two people that wanted to discuss this rule change. We're joseph Margolis, and mr.. Flip Denham, so, mr.. Margolis, and mr. Benham would you please come down and address. Us on item, 14. Two. Minutes each. Okay. All. Right mr. Margolis, is good to see you. Good. Evening Council it's, good to be here. I noticed. This item on the agenda tonight, and I'm generally, supportive. Of it I like I really like the idea of allowing. Even, more people to come and be heard before. This dais before, these seats so thank. You very much for for your work on this issue, I do. Take. Exception, to a certain, aspect of your policy, that I hope you will consider as, you. Deliberate. On this I would, like you to what. I've noticed is that once. You did once you, get to speaker 11 what, will be triggered is that, the time limit will go down. Per speaker from two from three minutes to. Two minutes, at. 11:00. And I. Think, that this automatic. Trigger is a potential. Loss, to, the. Community this this type, of forum is a unique, opportunity for, a, speaker, to prepare. Prepare, talk on a broad, topic. And go maybe a little bit deeper than one. Might normally, go when you're just speaking on a specific issue, a specific, item on the agenda so. What. I'm asking for is, not. That you just say leave it at three you, guys probably have meet. A packed agenda swears you might need to have. Some flexibility, I would think to take. Away that additional some of that additional 15, minutes that's going to come if you, just allow. Five. More speakers on there right now it's ten. Speakers that's 30 minutes right five, more speakers that's forty five minutes, so what I propose is that you keep it at three but, allow yourselves, Lang amend, the language in there to give yourselves flexibility.

On A per form basis, to, take, it down incrementally. About 15 seconds down to two minutes like, two minutes in 45 seconds, two minutes in 30 seconds, two minutes and 15 seconds that way you're doing it it's, a show of good faith that you're doing everything you can to. Value. The. Input. Let. Me one, thing that we, were doing is if ten people or fewer have speaking there will be three minutes we will know if there is more than 10 and everybody. Gets two minutes so nobody gets three minutes if it's over ten people everybody, gets two at, that point so, that's the way it's written and recommend, it to us today. Ma'am. Clean a border just for a moment. Are. We only going to get two minutes that's. Correct, thank. You very much mr.. Mayor and council. I'm. Gonna read your scripture it says I also gave them over the statutes, that we're not good and laws they could not live by I let. Them be become. Defiled, through. Their gifts the sacrifice, of every firstborn, that. I might fill them with horror, so. That they would know that I am God what. Is happening in our streets blood coursing, down the quarters of our streets our workplaces, in our schools and we're, just sitting there looking at each other with awkward amazement, saying we've got to be inclusive and we're going to get together and we've got to be better than this. Order, you have to be speaking on the subject I. Am. Ma'am no. Just. A second please don't interrupt me I am going to get exactly there because I want, our voices to be heard and, unfortunately. They, are not being heard, by, you and you're making laws now, that. Will change and really, reduce our, opportunity. To speak you should have every time that this group, council. Meets an opportunity. For people to speak and address this council that would be don't make it one time a month that, you're going to do a citizen's, for them but, make it every, time you're here we are the people you are our servants and you need to hear from us now. Why, you changed. This. This. Rule number five why you changed, it from citizen, forum to public forum I began, to understand, I didn't realize because I looked, at what citizen, means here's what citizen, means according, to Webster's, dictionary. Citizen, is one who, enjoys freedom, and privilege in the city which he resides he, is a free man of the city and distinguished. From a foreigner, or one who is not entitled, to its franchises, as a citizen. One, has, the privileges, of exercising. Elective, franchise or, can vote listen. You, are limiting. Our speech in the name of I'm trying to broaden it you are limiting, it you're squeezing. Out every last breath of Liberty we have now you need to listen to the people because we're a government of the people by the people for the people the. First person that quoted that was not Abraham Lincoln it was John Wickliffe and it was in the preface of his Bible that the Bible, is for the government, of the people, by the people and, for the, people that was in 1381. These, are important, things and you have denied and are removing, God from the foundation, of this, country and, we need God if we're going to get this thing right if my people who are called by my name. Do. I have a motion before the City Council to remove. Yes. Well. It's. A mr. Pibbs question you know we, even allow not. Just citizens of Charlotte but all the public to come and speak to us even if they live in Concord. But. I would like to say I would like to say although, I agree with mr. Margolis as well that I think a little I would have liked to have 15, minutes 15 people at 3 minutes I understand, the, time crunch but madam. Mayor and, members. Of council I. Think, we need to add, some, language to this because what we ran into during the last public forum where we did have 50 people sign up but. 15. People didn't even show up I don't even think 10 people showed up so. They were given, only, two minutes, so.

People Actually lost, the. Ability to address us so, I think we should add some language, if possible. To. To. Make. Sure that everybody, on that list is present, at, the time that the the public forum starts, so we can determine whether. People are going to get two, minutes or three minutes because there was actually a deficit, of time during, the last public. Correct. But not, even because, 1015, people showed up 15, people signed up but not ten not even ten people showed up so we asked we. Had more it, was more than ten that showed up because I remember going that, we went over I went to the waiting list and started. Calling it yeah we started. Got. Up to 15. But. Everybody, that signed up they. Were in attendance or not or waiting on the waiting list we heard everyone. Has signed up was heard everybody. Got a chance I dunno we got a chance I still, do not believe we got up to that, threshold so I think, that we should have some type of where we can call everybody down and if, it's, determined that if, 15 people sign up for instance but, only nine people they hear those nine people should get three minutes and not two minutes. We. Can set a rule baby you have to be at the start of the public forum I mean that's that's, an additional. Additional, role in it. Late. And I always go back to the end of the list. It's. A compromise, that we you know if we have to make the rule if we have trying to give more liberty on one side and we have to tie it down on another with with, timeliness. And an attendance. I think that's fair because they're also the situations, like tonight where, we have business upstairs that needed to be taken care of and, we give that cushion, so I would, love this. Emotions right now I'd like to make this. A. Substitute. Motion I don't have the language right, now. But. If staff can if we can make a substitute, motion to. Have, a roll call prior. To the. Start of the public forum which, will determine the, time, limit, that speakers. Have pursuant. To what. Is in the current, proposal. Okay. I have, a second, to substitute.

Motion. Is. Proposing, essentially. A set amount of time then, we're going to identify and then divide. That by up to 15, speakers no that's not no no. We're. Saying what I'm saying is if call, a roll call if we have 10 and under 10, if we have 10 and under president, when. When all is said and done off the waiting list and everything and. They get three minutes if they there are 11 people 11 to, 15 they're, two minutes. All. Right we have a motion, and a second, mr. Phipps. I'm. Gonna come around I'm. Just gonna come around the dice I think dr. Harlow is next mr. Driggs was next I. Think. I got my clarity there I wasn't, I thought I thought I was understanding him to be proposing. Basically. A now, a true, time limit for public. Forums which is which. Is the cap regardless. Of how many speakers we have knowing, that we will go up to 15 speakers. I, guess. I'm just looking for clarity oh it's a good, formation. Alright so miss mayor, pro-tem, so what I understand. Mr. Winston to say is that if. There are only ten, speaker, ten. Speakers signed up it's, three minutes and no waitlist it's three minutes if it's 15, over ten up. To 15 it, goes to two minutes but we figured out at the beginning of the public forum saying raise your hand if you're here to speak and if, we know that it's more than. That then everybody's, got two minutes if, most, everybody, didn't show up because snowing. Out or whatever and there's only eight people out there then they have three minutes but. What we'd have to do then is that anybody who shows up after, that, up, to ten. Mr.. Driggs I think. To that point and. Anybody. Who shows up such that the number, was. With lower than ten before and, exceeds ten afterwards, can't speak because we will have established a, schedule, right, of three minutes per speaker. And. The, trouble is it gets a little tricky, and I wanted to clarify I think what I understood, mr. Margules to say was take, the number of people who are actually here, divide it by thirty minutes and give each of them that much time so, that we don't have a 22, minute hearing, if 11 people show up so. Unfortunately. This is a little slippery. I like the idea of seeing. Who's here at the beginning of the meeting so. I'm on board with that. So, at least because. We could have the situation, even if we haven't we're, because of people not showing up everybody, is limited to two minutes and then there were only eight of them so. I'm. Okay with that I think, the the other modifications. Are trickier. Like, to speak to the motion, well. I just I seconded, the substitute, I, know would you like to speak to it No. Thank, you very much so, just, so that I'm clear so. 30 minutes that, we currently have for the public forum for 10, speakers we'll still, they stay the same but, if there are additional speakers. And, up. To 5 more so that for. 2 minutes extra so we'll go up to the max 40 is that, what your motion is mr., Winston no ma'am. Again. We're not the, answer to this is not going to be perfect, right. This. Is under, the, idea, that we want to give as many people the ability to address us as possible so. It is. 10. And under speakers, present, three. Minutes apiece over. 10 over 10 speakers, 11. To 15 they get two minutes apiece. So. Is it a situation, we're. Going to be taken, like. What. Is the beginning is defined as when we come to the Dyess or when, it's the, public time.

Excuse. Me I'm. Trying to fill out the. Time when we say take. An inventory of who's here is that when we are at the Dyess or is, it the determinist, that's been published, for, the meeting it would be it would be at, the time when we start the public forum after we give, our introductions, we give the Pledge of Allegiance and our invocation. And then, the mayor opens. Up the public forum she would give a roll call and we would determine that way and we will proceed. After that roll call is done we would proceed with the the. Public forum. Can. People still, sign up just, walk up and stand up. The. Question was under, your motion, do people I think I think if so. Okay I think if it's, ten and under right. If it's if it's ten and under we've, determined that they can get three minutes so everybody gets three minutes so if there's up, to if there's, eight people that show up eight people get three minutes that means that leaves room, for two more people to sign up and that's it if. If, it's if, it's over eleven if it's over ten and they. Get two, minutes apiece we are allocated. We have the amount of time already allocated so. This. Was a committee. Discussions. Done a couple of times so, we're, just trying to figure it out give you. Patient okay with it so mr.. Phipps did you finish exactly I did it Claire not really but. Maybe. I can help okay. Okay. I'll be, a, little. More if at the time of the roll call there, are under ten, people present, you. Can and. You, get three, minutes apiece up to ten people period, if, at, the time of the roll call there are over ten people but not fifteen you. Get two minutes apiece and you can sign up to fifty two to the number fifteen. People. When, does our rule allow people to sign, up to speak you, can they sign up to speak during, the. Basically. What we're doing is going to eliminate the wait lists right because we're going to determine determine, at the beginning during the roll call who, is here. We. We go back around after everyone is individually had, a chance to speak mr., Newton has like, I passed. Your, proton would like to speak well. I mean this, is the problem when we decide, these things at the diets in this yes you know cuz it was discussed, in committee i motion. But it does seem like there's a lot of confusion and which, means i think we need to go back and, this. Was referred to committee and we discussed, it at. Committee, and we referred it to the whole council, yeah, and, now, we're back, full. Council we had discussing. It around the dies so we've got a lot to get to use we. Have 19 people signed, up on one agenda item so if you can I call the question because. Yeah. Okay. We every. One is spoken on the item, that was supposed to speak all in favor of the substitute, motion please raise your hands. Two. Three four. I believe, that passes. When. Are we doing. So. I'm. Gonna bring up with toughing for us on the same item here so don't don't be mad at me please I'm. Actually good, don't worry about me. You. Know these, forms, are for, us to hear from the. Citizens of Charlotte. Eight. Hundred seventy, nine thousand, citizens in our great city. Frustration. I have, we. Have someone, who don't live in Charlotte, go, on profit, in Charlotte, and use, your time to come, down here and speak to us so. We. As a council we, really need to look who we gonna allow to speak, to, gov and hold us accountable because. Please, hold us accountable but, the right people, should, hold us accountable and. So, part of this mara like to see a location. Provision. That. You need to only have a residence, in Charlotte North Carolina to, sit that that podium. The top fortuity. I'm. Gonna take that and refer that to the budget. And government, of effectiveness, committees, right, you. Know let's. See now we, are we. Have is that okay with you to refer to Committee so, we'll take a look at NASA so now we're going to go to our public, forum, and I'd like to.

Okay. I'd, like to call the. First four. People down we have two podiums the, first person, is Belinda, Lindsey calling the role now basically we just shouldn't. You be calling them all now based on what we just did. They. Were told something different, I don't want to I don't want to not change. It alright so if you want me to call roll all. Right I'm now calling the role of the speakers, that was signed up. Belinda. Mazique Joseph, Smarr garlis, they, have to sound here we have to here I. Don't. Know. The. Committee council, just made a decision that decision is moving forward but, tonight just continue. When I read the way you held out they not here don't go to the next so it has been suggested that, we just continue, with what the people. In that, were signed up and had the instructions, today, because. We made the changes they didn't so. First, person, I have is Belinda, Mazique are. You here miss Missy. Alright, joseph marr garlis if you would come down. Baxter, roar moe McCrory, Baxter. McCrory are, you here. And. Then following, mr., marquales. De. Lo hará. Please. Come down and, then. Yes. Michael. Norman, come. On down and there's, a podium over here and those are our first three speakers for the day for. This evening. All. Right. You. Have. Please. Start. On. March 25th, I stream. Your meeting just in time for a spirited, discussion on, the state's housing. Tax credit from program, I learned. Something from it yet, for the entire 50, minute back and forth. The. Word segregation. Was, mentioned, only once about, this topic and at. No point was. Any of this discussion framed, inside the city of Charlotte's, role in, implementing. And entrenching, structural, racism our city and the devastating, generational. Impact that's. Resulted, upon its black citizens, because of it, tonight. I'm asking, this body, to. Undergo a process where. You start, looking. Grappling. For. For language, to. Enable. Us as, your. Constituents. To join you in these types of discussions. My. Fear is that there are certain consequences. That we may not we. Might we may not, intend. But come upon us because of this this, morning I was in Lake. Arbor and. Had the privilege of. Attending. A bus stop community. Action, for, the kids they're giving, them snacks on the way to school and it, was a wonderful, event. But, what I learned there that they haven't had a mailbox, in that.

Apartment, Facility. For years they haven't been receiving mail I mean you may have already known that I don't know but that's and. To. Me I see. That as a the. The those, type of results. In our city I believe. They can, be drawn from our history, of, decisions. Made by racist. That, once sat in all of those seats at, the same time. And. I'm not saying y'all races I believe. Everybody has in. That seat, these those seats have the best intentions, for. This city, what. I am saying thank you thank. You, very much for calling that to our attention. Mr.. McCrory. And so. We'll go with Jennifer, de la Jara. Good. Evening first. I would like to say thank you for, the work that you've been doing over the past few weeks with the immigrant community I followed, online and I appreciate, that tonight. I come to you to speak about the ice raids as a charlotte business owner and, i'd like to frame my specific comments. Around my, principal, employee laura who. Is here with us tonight. You, see laura is on daca and you. May be sitting there thinking well why, would she have to worry about the ice raids because she is documented. Right but. You see that's just it she, too has, to be concerned, about the, ice raids because. What we know for sure is, that ice does not honor the, Fourth Amendment protections, that have, been extended to non-citizens. By the Supreme, Court in their racial profiling. Instead. They pick up people without warrants, and throw them in the detention center and let the courts figure it out later I have. Had a unique opportunity to, go into the ice detention, centers and interview detainees. And I can tell you from firsthand experience that. There are people sitting in there right now who, documentation, just, like Laura and in, fact there are even cases where US citizens, have, been unlawfully. Detained. So. What I'm asking you to do is to make a bold step as a city and not just consider it that it's not something under your purview I know that, there are things that you have been doing and I am appreciative, of it but, let's add it to the federal legislative, agenda, that we call for specific, immigration, reform, Laura, should not be living in a constant, state, of unknown, one, day excited that the court just blocked you, know is keeping her here in the next day wondering, if she's going to be kicked back to a country that she has not visited since. She's 2 years old being, forced to abandon her. American, Ward son and being, forced to forfeit, on the, Wells Fargo lien, on her, home and, finally. What about me, as a business, owner I don't, want to lose my best employee we. Need to do more of the city it's not just political it's, humanitarian. Issue and it's an economic, issue when, we think about the fallout very, much. This. Evening, the. Next person is, mr. Norman, Thank You mr. Norman. My. Name is Michael Norman found a global vocational, training center, and owner of international. Electrical, solutions, incorporated, thank. You for allowing me to speak to you today thank. You Matt for visiting, the school and your support, thank you miss Mayfield for, your support global vocational, training center is the NCCER, and national, center for construction, educational. Research, certified. Program, working with adolescents, recent. High school graduate. Ex-offenders. Unemployed. Underemployed, men, and women veterans, dislocated. Workers and anyone. Else who is reentering, the community, or struggling to find work in a sharp in metropolitan. Area I myself. Do, Bible study at jail central, on Sundays, during. Orientation I, was told that 95, percent of the jail population is, African. America, that, was one year ago I pray, that the percentages. Today, this. News blew, my mind to a point that it created, a driving, me to, do something about it this is my solution we. Are training in NCC our core curriculum, life, skills Electrical, one in electrical, - the, problem, is 6 months 4 days a week from the hours of 5:30, p.m. to, 9:00 p.m. global. Vocational, training center brings bankers, financial. Experts, business, owners to empower, our students, our, goal, is to create a, entrepreneurial. Mindset after. Students graduate, they will receive. A NCCER. Certificate. And $300. Worth of electrician. Tools in a, job we. Would like the city to work with us to educate and, power, and employ our community.

Mr.. Dicks reached out to me and we are having a meeting next, month we. Are committed, and passionate about. Helping, people transform their, lives we, are global, vocational, training center where we educate and, power, and employ, thank, you. Yes. And then. Following, mr. McGill is Beverly. Sanders. So. We'll, have mr. McGill first and the miss Sanders you we follow. Just. Spent about thirty dollars to get down here wait, about an hour and a half but you know that's my duty to do this speaking. For the black people in Charlotte, North Carolina, and, mayor. By Lyle specifically. About, your statement, two years ago before the election, when. You said that, Charlotte's problems, based on there wasn't enough focus on race and poverty, we, would really like to hear from you and see how much focus, has been put on in the last two years and your administration, in the RNC, excuse me racing poverty. Braxton, appreciate you man I appreciate what you did right there I understand, more what you deal with on a day-to-day basis, now. Mattnewton. I heard, you last week talking about marginalized. Communities. And working with communities, and I heard the mayor before this finding. A better way to do things three years I said in here and said we're gonna get rid of all, of the people that really wasn't with the community, and we got six new council. People now, we've got 40 of those organizations. Together in, the Charlotte East District this in the business district right in your district like I told you last year Matt and we're making great strides in doing that and I'm making sure I want everybody in Charlotte black do not act City Council, for anything that had to do with money or resources there's. 50 years 100, years of under development on the west side of town and it's not accidental. Sandurz. Good. Evening, my name is Beverly standards. And I'm vice president of, next level leadership inaugural. Class next. Level leadership is a nonprofit leadership, development organization. Created, to empower African, Americans, to lead the, program is intentional, in creating knowledgeable, african-american. Leaders for ever-changing futures, of our, communities, city county, and state as, a, charlotte native and city. Of charlotte employee next, level leadership is near to my heart, because it is helping me build the network and skills needed to lead the very community, that raised and shaped me into the woman I am today in an, effort to reduce the staggering statistics, that black males are nine times more likely to be suspended than other, students, in Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools and, make, up more than 79 percent of short term suspensions. Class, one hosted, a day of mindfulness this, past Saturday for over 40 African American males ranging. From ages 8 to, 18. The. Participants, were taught yoga meditation. Healthy. Expression, through a drawing exercise, and critical, thinking skills through board games after, the event the feedback received from participants, was that they felt focused, peaceful.

Empower, Courageous. And loved, officer. Joe Pendergrass, of C MPD said it was a phenomenal, program and that all students, of the targeted ages should, receive, this training the be mindful event, was a day to help students stop breathe, and think throughout. The program we have heard from dynamic leaders in the community a special, thank you to housing, and neighborhood services director. Pamela Whiteman fire, chief Reginald, Johnson and police chief kurt putney for speaking with our class about their duties and the great work they're doing in our community class. One of next level leadership is comprised of 22 amazing, people those, who are present please stand as. We. Did with the be mindful event classmen, will continue to implement the teachings and strategies learned to ensure that the future success of Charlotte and its residents on, behalf of next-level leadership thank you for your time thank you very much. The. Only reason mr. Mitchell. Has, the, stand is that he created along, with the number of us focus, on leadership years, ago so he had to go to the next level and that's a great thing thank you all, right miss Mack. And. Mr. Keene followed, by Miss Mack followed, by mr. Zimmerman. Good. Afternoon thank you, for allowing me the opportunity to speak, I'm. Here to speak about the intersectional, justice that's. Necessary, here in Charlotte, specific. To equity, and climate. Change. Over. A hundred, individuals. From Charlotte was sent to Atlanta. A few weeks ago with the n-double-a-cp to. Really learn what climate reality is, under. The guidance of former, Vice President Al Gore and he left, amazed. Shocked, and horrified, of. What climate reality. Is, I've. Learnt recently that here in Charlotte, the. The. Program that we had and, the communities we had has now been. Placed. Under a general. Program or a neighborhood, program, and what, we decided was it was more important for us to have an intentional. Move, deep-dive. Conversation. About how do we save this planet and how do we save our city and so, we believe that it's, necessary for us to have a separate. And set apart committee of, individuals. From the community who's. Been doing this work for over 10 years to ensure that we do the right thing by all citizen of Charlotte more. Importantly, when, we look at all of the, justices. We work for whether. Its equity educational. Homelessness. Creating. Housing the. Most important, thing is saving, this planet, you, may not know this but 92, scientists. All over the world have determined, that we have less than 12 years to save the earth the, earth will be here but.

It Will be uninhabitable. So. All the other things who work for up won't mean a thing if the earth is not safe clean. Water, clean. Energy. Clean. Air is a, human, right and in, Charlotte we, don't have that every single day we have students who are drinking. Water with lead in it right now please, if, you do nothing else set. Apart, a committee, to, specifically, deal with climate, climate, justice, climate. Reality thank you and god bless you. Mr.. Zimmerman. You're. Following, right and, then. Mr.. Cain thank you for being here, good, evening everyone. I'm. Dawn Keene. From. The North Carolina climate, solutions, coalition. We. Are indeed proud to be, involved in the City of Charlotte Environmental, Committee over the last two years. As. Part. Of a group which, included, our chairperson. Temple. As, we are along. With the city head of staff Rob, focus. It's. That and, all members of the stakeholders, group of. Citizens, members. Of the Environmental, Committee together. We. All manage to develop a strong. Resolution. That. Calls for zero carbon, in fuels for. The city-owned buildings and, fleets, by 2030. This. Is tangible, and, challenging. And has. Already made our city become recognized, by others as an environmental. Leader, an. Action. Plan or seep SC, AP, which. Was a product of months additional. Work. Together. Both, of these were. Approved unanimously. By. The City, Council thank, you very, much for that. And. Word. The basis, for. Being awarded a, grant. From the mayor. Greenberg, foundation. Of over two million dollars. Unfortunately. We. Just recently, were, informed, that, Environmental, Committee is, being folded into two. Other committees, and that. Depo our leader will not be the chair of that committee. What, success, so, far in, our work why. Why. Would. We change horses. The beginning, of implementation. Of such a vital, action, plan. There. Is much follow-up, to be done and. People already involved. Thank. You very much mr. king. The. Committee please. Thanks. Mr. Keene I'm here to mirror, mr. Keynes and remarks, in a slightly different way, I also, am a member of the, sharp. MEC climate, leaders group I want, to apologize, to, the two. Chair persons, who have lost the other chair, of, the other committees, I'm not as well informed on the other committees as I am about the environmental committee and I've, really, been focusing totally uneventful, committee. In. Terms of the climate change crisis, that were all, going through now. Very, briefly I just wanted to address my remarks to. The, Honorable mayor that. On. A personal, level we've. We've, we've interacted, many. Times over the last seven years or, so especially, in, regard to your. Leadership of the planning, and transportation, committee. I. Have found you to be always. Deliberative. Always, responding, to almost, always responding, to my emails. At. One point you. Thanked me for being kind of your conscience, on one, of the issues that came up I was. Especially proud, of your. Vigorous support, of, affordable, housing and getting the funds set up and I sent you an email right away as soon as I found out about that, so. Obviously, it. Knowing. Not, only our relationship. But your your, reputation for, being. Collaborative. And working in partnerships, and listening, to people I was. Really quite surprised, by this decision, all. I'm asking, is you take, take, sometimes, take this you know take a step or two back think. About it think about the future two. Years four years six years into the future. And not regret, the decision, that you've been making to combine, the committee's that's, all I'm asking, thank you again for your support support. Would. Be Mary. Ellis, Stephens. Good. To see you always, good to be an elected official on the other side because your, term is over. So. I sympathize, don't, regret. Good. Evening there should be a little invitation being passed around right now for. Those of you who don't know me I'm Edna Chirico, Regional. Director for out teach, you. May have known as as green teacher network or real school gardens, in the past, I'm. Here with an invitation, for you to join us on May, the 10th for. Our fifth outdoor. Learning laboratory. Transformation. It's, also known as the Big Dig this. Is sponsored, by Duke Energy and will, engage over 100. Of their employees, in building.

12, To 14, outdoor, learning features kind. Of like an HGTV event. Apt. Each does two things, which. Support, your. Upward mobility, environmental. And community engagement goals, first. We train teachers at. Our title, 1 schools on how, to take their classes outside and, use, the outdoors, as, a three-dimensional. Classroom. Making. Learning real and relevant. This, improves, teacher's effectiveness and, student engagement key. Indicators. Of academic, improvement, while. The teachers learn how to focus, on their science, math and literacy we. Also infuse, nutrition. Education. Environmental. Literacy. And. All. Other aspects, of the whole child initiative. We've. Been a partner of Mecklenburg public health for the past four years now supporting, the research that connects improved nutrition. With improved academics, the. Second, thing we do is build, dynamic, outdoor. Learning, gardens safe, outdoor, spaces, inviting. For parents, and community, members as. I mentioned, this is our fifth big, dig event to date we, have brought over, $400,000. In corporate money, to our schools, our title one schools and nearly, 400 volunteers. Many. Of whom regularly, engage with, these schools. Thank. You for those of you and I think there's about half of you who've, already engaged, with us at various events hope. To see you May 10 thank you very much for the invitation. All. Right. Stevens. My, name is Mariela Stevens, I just turned 14, this, Friday April 12th will mark week seven of my school strike for climate I strike. As part of the International, Friday's for future movement founded by 16 year old Swedish. Climate activists Greta Sundberg, who was recently nominated for, a Nobel Peace Prize on, Fridays. Thousands, of kids worldwide. Skipped school in protest in front of local Parliament I have, been right outside this building, for. The past six weeks and. We. Demand climate, action and climate justice on March, 15th, 1.5, million students. Worldwide strikes. I am. Here regarding, the mayor's decision to merge the Environmental, Committee and, two others into a joint neighborhood, committee the, environment, will now receive one third of the time and attention that it used to and one, thousandth, of a percent of the time and attention it deserves, the.

SE, Ap, is an extremely ambitious plan, that is crucial to the future of Charlotte, as a sustainable, city and there, is no question that it requires a committee to oversee its implementation. Please. Restore the Environment Committee you, owe it to your children your, grandchildren your. Constituents, now and your constituents, in the future if, that is too abstract you owe it to me. Let. Me close by saying that. If the environment, is important enough for me to sit alone for, five hours every week for the past six weeks and then spend another five hours making up the work I missed the environment, is important enough for it to have its own committee thank, you. And see Alison, Nancy. Allison, and, Gary Paige. Nancy, Allison. Is. Nancy, here, Allison. Gary. Paige. Gary. Paige are you here. Ronald. Ross Ron Ross so. I saw, Ron somewhere, yeah. And. Not, to run down those steps finally. Anyway. And. Councilmembers, my name is Ronald Ross I'm president, of Northwood, estates community, organization. And also. A member. Of the historic, West End err keepers. With. Clean air Carolina. We. Just completed, a two-year, study. Collecting. Data in, regards, to the air quality, that. Is on, the, babies for Road corridor and, I. Think. You just received, that recently, uh the. Report, of that. If. You can see over here you guys know, we've seen that but I'm sure we'll find it okay please do. And. What. We need to do as. Far as what what we're looking at is a issue of environmental justice that, arises when certain communities, do know follow their own are, more impacted, than others. By the sources, of pollution it's located near. Where they live work, and play and, so. We've started an initiative on the base board Road corridor to to. Address these issues. By. Obtaining. The data with the air quality information. Getting. Our residents, involved in advocacy and training, and. Throughout. The. Corridor. And, we. Need. Your support to Kenya to continue, this work and, continue. To reduce, the air pollution that's prevalent, in our communities, and also, to improve the air quality and. Also make it better for the rest of the city of Charlotte and. Very. Briefly I want to. Express. My opposition to, the elimination of the Environmental. Committee and. I. Would, like to request, a, formal explanation of, why that decision. Was made thank, you thank you it's always, important, mr., Ross just made the point that I was trying to make around, our committees, is that, when we have our neighborhoods, involved, in this work and as, we talk about building strength, of a neighborhood that that means a lot but. I know that several of you have questioned. What, business, structure for our council. Committees. And I want you to know this wasn't done I always tell people that you may not agree with my rationale, but you'll know my rationale, so I'm gonna give you my rationale, to it right now you. Know what's. Important, is, not how, we. Do the work but that we get the work done and, it's, not the specific, name or a composition, of a committee that drives, the work of this council, what. It is is that we, work together and. Really think about what we're doing collectively. To, advance equity and opportunity for everyone you. Know I was at Clark Atlanta University when. Environmental. Justice was not a word. That everybody knew so. My idea, around, this is always built around the idea of, where, do those highways, go and tear, up african-american. Neighborhoods, where, do we put plants, that did not really matter because of industrial zoning, because. Of african-american. Neighborhoods that's my life I know that it. Is my core so.

When We talk about this and we start thinking about what are we doing it's. Something that every one of us just like I talked about the violence in this community that we have to do, individually. And collectively, how. We do it is more, important, for everyone around this Dyess you. Know when I met Mayor Bloomberg, and his late leadership, class that I'm still attending, still trying to learn to do my very best by, everyone, in the city. He. Then invited me to the women for climate change and, his. Philanthropy, did, that for me and that. Climate. Change Conference. Reinforced. What this council had approved in January that. We need to stop talking in silos, and begin, to work on a collaborative, approach. So. I spoke, at that conference, and I. And, reiterated. My, conviction. That, we have to innovate through. Sustainability. Now. This new committee. Structure, isn't just about the Environmental, Committee but. It is about every, neighborhood, in this community, having. Sustainability. Economic. Justice, economic, development, good, roads good sidewalks, you, have heard me say over and over again we can put a house on a neighborhood but, that neighborhood, doesn't exist until we put sidewalks, trees. Clean. Air clean, water. Because. It is not one segment of anything, that we do that doesn't impact the other, so. You know when I think about that healthy. Neighborhoods, and the work that we're doing around that is having, a safe street, knowing. That you can go outside and walk without, feeling, your personal, safety being violated. It's. Where we protect people from dirty. Water and dirty air. And. If we're going to do that and pursue. The new job opportunities. Present it we have to do it on a neighborhood focus, now, the council had a long discussion about this at their council, retreat and, we made, a decision they have three priorities. And the committee's work under, those priorities. And when, you talk about what's, important, around this it's, actually, that if we can break down the silos between, our, engineering, department, and our neighborhood, department, by, having them work together on, a team that. That. Council, committee can actually encourage. Them to, be innovative, to put more resources in, it now. We can have housing, all day long you know that's my heart. But. I know it's not enough because. I grew up on the street where I saw life everyday and valued it people went to work they, had jobs they supported, each other and that's, what this committee structure, is about it, is about getting people to think holistically. About how we improve our city and it's. Not something that I came up with on my own I'm, not, that smart all the time just a little bit but not all the time but. This was a collective. Conversation, among a group of people that serve you all. Now. The other thing that I always say about myself let's, try it if it doesn't work we fix it but. If we don't try it we're gonna end up with these same silos, that we've had in fact every member of this council has come, to me and said well, you know you're doing housing, but what about this, and. I. Think that was the impetus for our change and I. Commit to you that we're gonna try this and, if, it doesn't work then we'll try something better. But. This city has got to be able to pivot a lot, more than just having the traditions. Now. All of that to say I believe, in the work of this council, I believe this work is structured. In a way that we can deliver it and, I hope that you'll give enough, patience. And time to, see if it works so, thank you for my rational, explanation. Mayor Pro Taylor in there. Thank. You madam Eric I just want to offer perspective, on this on behalf. Of a council member who, was never on the environmental committee and that. Doesn't mean that I don't have an interest in the environmental committee I was very involved, in the. Sustainability, barn. Which. Our, council has under, the new leadership of, I'm. Sorry that all the people that spoke are leaving because.

I. Also. Like to say that I ran, for office on Community Safety and I said that my number one issue, was. Community, safety but that there are two basic, rights that we all as citizens have clean, water and safe, streets and, just be, cut and nobody has mentioned haven't gotten a single email, to point out that community safety has been eliminated too that's also been rolled into this committee but, I don't think there's a council, member here who will tell you that we have any less of a commitment to community safety we. Talked about 33. Murders that we've had this, this, it's paint any murder any loss of life have a Community Safety Committee, either doesn't. Mean. It, has any less of a community, of a commitment to making our city safe or to keeping our water clean and I just want people to know that that, you can certainly reach out to me with environmental. Concerns I'm sure every other council, member feels the same way. I have no less of a commitment to those issues than I did before as a council, member thank you mrs., dr. Harlow Thank, You mayor and I, want, to say thanks to everyone who's who's, here today those, that are tuning in that that, share and what I believe still exists as a strong priority for this council, that's. Being reflected by the members of the community as well, as. The, chair, this new combined committee Neighborhood. Development Committee, I want to assure everybody. That. Will, never consider a policy, not as long as I'm chair without. Understanding its. Impacts on the environment I think. What you're getting here through. The mayor's decisions, and employments, is going, to eventually, will, come out to be a more well-managed, government I, share. The belief that by. Building safer neighborhoods, we always have to have healthy. Infrastructure, involved trees energy, efficiency, waste mitigation, I live, in the West End community, that mr. Ross spoke. Of and we talked about the legacy of pollution, and vehicle, emissions and construction. Sites that have left long lasting, ramifications. On on, disinvested. Communities, so. I as, this, new chair have. No doubt that with. Every conversation we have we're. Gonna have those equitable, justice conversations, as a relates to the environment but we're also gonna have them in relation to public safety we're, also gonna have them in relation to housing and neighborhood development, too. Often we heard from you you, all I'm, talking about how we speak in these, instances, about our priorities, in silos, this. Is a way to unstylish.

Initiative. Akari's absence he always talks about verticals, and horizontals, this. Is a way for us to help connect some of those dots in in, a more horizontal fashion. Any. Policy, has. Been referred or policy. Question. That's been referred to environment, committee will, still be a part of this committee no. Different for housing, and neighborhood development and, no different for Community, Safety this. Is an opportunity I think for you all to get more out of your, council I think, so often we and. I'll throw i'll throw us under the bus a little bit here I think too often we have charged staff to bring us back slide, decks of a hundred slides to fit into an hour lunch committee meeting and. We wasted your time, we. Wasted your resources, when doing that, and, so. To, get to, quicker. Policy, implications, policy, decisions. Policy. Impact that we all want that we all share. I. Think. This is an opportunity to be more, structured in, a way that gets us to answering. Those policy, questions faster, so that we can impact these committees I do ask you to give this a chance. Not. Because I'm chairing it but. Give this a chance because. We. We. Want to serve you better I. Supported. The CF I respect. All the work that the hundreds, of stakeholders, and mrs., mera led, in, in the efforts to get that before us and get that pass and we're committed to implementing, everything. That's in that's yet. We're. Committed to preserving, our tree canopy, we're. Committed to those things those. Things don't go away just because a committee changes, its name so. Again I urge and I are I'm, hopeful. And. I know that, you all are passionate. I'm passionate with you that, you give this a chance allowed. Us to work still, join us at our community, meetings, I'll. Continue to work. On. All the initiatives that were in the various committees that have now been come on combined, I hope. That mrs. Mira and others and the staff and you all as. Community, stakeholders, will continue to, hold. And will continue to meet and have stakeholder, sessions none. Of these things will change none. Of these things will change this, is on the record so hold me to it hold. Us to it but, give this a chance please thank, you thank. You mrs.. Mira thank, you madam mayor, says. A former, chair of the committee I think I should I should also Wayne to this. Obviously. It was indeed, a privilege to, serve many of you as the chair of the Environment, Committee and, this.

Past Year has been historic, for council we, passed historic, strategic. Energy action plan to. Transition, to low-carbon, future followed. By American. Cities climate challenge, which. We. Received over 2 million dollars in resources to, fight the climate, change. Certainly. We became a global leader in sustainability. And resiliency. Let. Me assure you that my work will not end here. The. Impact of climate change is, truly, something that keeps me awake at night, and. I, recognize, that many. Of you share the same passion. And. I'll continue to listen to you and be your voice till we meet our resiliency. And see. Up goals and continue to work with. The new chair to. Meet our 2030. Internal. 20, internal. 2030, City goals and community-wide. 2050. Goals so, stay tuned as we. Host. More, stakeholder. Engagement sessions. And I'll continue to include our new, chair, of the committee and collaborate. On those goals so again thank you for giving me an opportunity to, serve you all let, let's, make 2019. Another historic, year for all of us. With. That. We. Have we're, going to use, mr., Winston I think our rules if if. You're excused then, it's. Neutral, to the vote and so we're going to excuse mr. Winston, for, the remainder of this agenda and so. The next item on our agenda is. The consent, items. And. I have a one. Two we had one consent. Item. This. May feel remind me which one that you want to just. 23. We will have a separate, vote on 23, and I, don't have any four comments and then the item, nine was, full. Item. 24, was pulled by staff okay. So. Can I have a motion. For. Consent items, 21, through 35, with. The exception, of 24. Which was pulled by ask to be read, by. Staff and 23. For a separate, vote may, have a motion to move. Any. Opposed, we're. There so, the next item on our agenda is 20, item, 23. Shamrock. Drive upgrades to, improve a contract, an amount, of six hundred sixteen, thousand with STV, engineers. For engineering, design services. For the shamrock, drive upgrades project. Miss, Mayfield. Miss. I, asked. Miss Harris. To provide, information, I, asked. The. Question that we, ought to ask why, is such, a low percent. In minority. Participation, this is a six hundred and sixteen thousand. $127,000. A, war. With. A eleven point one five percent minority. Participation. Which was a total, of less than $70,000. Out of six hundred thousand, and. Miss. Harris, did. Share. That. The. Initial, goal, was in. By two to three percent but I, really, hope, that. Managed. The. City manager, can express, to our, staff. The. Expectation. Because it's great when we sit around the diets and say how much we care about upward, mobility and Economic, Opportunity, but, when minority, businesses, out of a $600,000. Grant still, have very little to no participation. Or, are. Regulated. As the, mws ve or the sub opposed, to possibly. Being identified, as, the. Following. For. Housing, and. So. Then this will come back to us. Okay. The. Next item is a public hearing on a resolution to close an open alleyway. Off of Drummond, Avenue. And Catawba, Avenue, first. We need a public, hearing and then, there'll be a second action to a dr. resolution, to close a none open this is an open alleyway, do, we have any speakers signed up close. The public hearing. The. Next item is a public hearing on a resolution to close the not an open alleyway off of North McDowell, in North Meyer Street and is. There anyone signed up to speak. To. Adopt a resolution of closed I don't open an alleyway all in favor say aye any.

Opposed. The, next item on our agenda is the city manager's, report, mayor. Members of council you, have my, 30-day memo in front of you here only a change, is the CRV a update, that would have happened tonight we've moved that to the 22nd. And, F. As well the council I'd like to use remaining, time for the city manager's report that. Federico, rios, come up and give us an update on some of the ant hoc committee work this occurred for the past few, weeks. Good. Evening madam mayor members of council. Thank. You so, I, did, want to take the opportunity to thank the members of the committee and all the members of council for their support during our. Immigrant, community committee process and especially considering, the passing, of my father during that process. I'm, exceptionally grateful to have been a part of this process and, more. Than I can ever say I'm thankful for Emily Fe the other half of the office of international relations. And her work during. My absence so. We're. Gonna start by going straight to straight, into this presentation. Madam. Mayor you gave us a charge on February, 14th, to. Listen to the immigrant community, and. To identify strategies and, actions that we could take. We. Can move the slides I don't have a. Thank. You. So. These were our charges, we'll move on to the next slide. We. Took on a bit, of a different approach with these conversations, we didn't want to just hear from community members who wanted to take the opportunity to, educate first, and, so we spent some time at the beginning of each one of these sessions walking, through the differences between the. Different forms of government federal state county, and city and then. We were. Able to go through a participatory, policymaking. Process where, we actually walk people through how, to craft policy. Regarding, the challenges, that they've expressed that they were facing and, regards to these different forms of government we, had nine meetings total seven them southern, of those meetings with district meetings again, thank you for all the council members that were able to come out to their individual district meetings especially at.

One District, in particular we had 250, members attend 250. Individuals, attend so that 484. Attendee. Total is incredibly, large but at one meeting we had a great, deal of attendance, we also had two ancillary, sessions, one ran by CBI where we talked, with business, members. Of our community, individuals. That own businesses or we're looking to be entrepreneurs, and, got some input from them and we also met with immigration. Attorneys, next. Slide. So. In these meetings again we catalogued. What were the different challenges that community, members stated that they were facing and. The. Way we categorize this is really almost by order of importance, you'll see that, the. Top the. Top piece. That we have here is multilingual communication, over, and over again in these meetings what we heard from community members was that we. Weren't needing to do a better job of communicating in, language of origin and language of comfort with, community, members we. Were incredibly proactive. In the, in the, methodology that we implemented for these meetings and that we offered simultaneous, translation, in both English and Spanish and we're able to do some unique things through. Our government channel to offer translation. In other languages, as well we. Also continually, heard about the feeling, that residents had about being invisible sensing. That they were living in the shadows and we're not being heard. And that. They were experiencing. Discrimination, even when attempting to access municipal. Resources, next. Slide. Again. Concerned. Considering. Some of the other concerns, that were coming up health concerns especially, we. Heard from community members that mental health needs were a large. Part of what they felt needed to be addressed the, stress that they were facing in. Regards to living in the shadows and one. Of the things that persistently, again came up was the need for more. Reporting. From our city in, regards, to the positive, impact that immigrants were having and the diversity, of our staff and how well equipped we are to address their particular needs, not. Just from a linguistic complex. Context, but also from. A cultural context. So. Again we took a participatory, policymaking, approach, and in so doing we were able to get some input from community, members in. Regards, to what they felt were areas that they, would like us to begin to look to address so. First and foremost they, mentioned the need to understand, see MPD its policies, and practices. They. Also stated that they would like to have a standing, statement. Of support for. Them as a community. Improving. Information, sharing goes along with the statements that we said earlier around showing up into community with, the language of origin being focused upon and. The. Desire for universal, representation. Especially in immigration court proceedings, was also expressed. One. Of the other so again. We were mindful as we were going through this practice to. Clearly. Denote, what was in our purview and what was not we. Stated that the things that did not fall in our purview would, be considered, by, council members as things that they could proactively. Look. To address in regards, to their individual, sphere of influence but not something that they would necessarily be able to address there's a governmental body and so, these were some of the items that came up and referenced to that again.

Policies, Regarding CMS, and some of the ID requirements, that have come up ID, also came up in regards to state. The. Need for

2019-04-11 07:32

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