Chicago mayor, police hold press conference after crime strikes downtown

Chicago mayor, police hold press conference after crime strikes downtown

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Morning. The seeds for the shameful, destruction. We saw last night. Were sown. In the 5700. Block of south racine, avenue. On sunday afternoon. Officers responded to a call. Of a man with a gun. A suspect, was spotted. And officers attempted. To interview the individual, who quickly, fled. As this person was running away. A gun. Held by this person was pointed, at our police officers who gave chase. And this person. Fired shots. At our officers. Officers, returned, fire. And struck the individual. Who was taken to the university of chicago hospital, and expected to survive. The shooter. Is a 20. Year old man. With four, previous, arrests for charges including burglary, child endangerment. And domestic, battery. I am relieved to say that none of our officers were hurt in this shooting. A gun was recovered. From the scene. After this shooting a crowd. Gathered. On the south side. Following, the police, action. Tempers, flared. Fueled, by misinformation. As the afternoon, turned into evening. Cpd. Became aware of several social media, posts, encouraging. Looting, downtown. Officers were dispatched. To our downtown, area once we got word of the social media post. 400. Officers, were dispatched. To our downtown. As the officers arrived. To our downtown, the first incident happened at a store near the 87th, and the dan ryan expressway. Soon. Car caravans. Were headed into the loop. This was not an organized, protest. Rather this was an incident, of pure. Criminality. This was an act of violence. Against our police officers, and against our. City. As of now chicago, police have made more than 100. Arrests. For looting, disorderly, conduct. Battery against police. Among other charges. A total of 13, officers. Have been injured. Throughout the night. Including a sergeant, who was struck, with the bottle. Another, officer had his nose broken as he fought with a group of looters. In the last seven days a total of nine. Officers have been shot at, in chicago. What we are seeing. Is violence. Against. Police. A security, guard. And a civilian, were struck by gunfire, doing, the melee, last night in our downtown. They were both taken to northwestern, hospital in critical condition. Five, guns. Were recovered. During these incidents, in fact, cpd, has recovered a total of 149. Guns, this, weekend. Another 164. Guns. Were handed in as part of a gun turning event, on the west side. The unarrests, in this city are up, 15. This year. Compared to 2019.. In one incident last night officers were arresting a looting suspect. At michigan avenue in lake street. This this person was carrying, a cash register he had, looted out of a store. As officers were making the arrest another vehicle passed by the officers. And fired shots at the officers. As their vehicle turned the corner resulting in an exchange, of gunfire, between our officers.

And These suspects. A bullet was found lodged, in the cage of the police vehicle. So far this year chicago police have covered. 6 thousand. 189. Guns. Each of these guns recoveries, as you. Can imagine. Has the potential to turn into a deadly force, encounter, with police. As for the weekend, figures. Officers made an outstanding, arrest, for murder. Eight outstanding arrests for criminal sexual assault and two outstanding, warning arrests for robbery. And five arrests for aggravated battery. Friday. Through. Sunday, 6 pm to 11, 59, there were 31, shootings throughout the city. Three of which were murders. These shooting incidents. And the looting we saw overnight, are completely. Unacceptable. Criminals, took to the streets. With confidence, that there would be no consequences. For their actions, let me say that again. Criminals took to the street. With the confidence. That there would be no. Confidence. Consequences. For their actions. And i for one refuse, to allow these cowardly, acts. To hold our city. Hostage. Tpd, will not stand by. As our beautiful downtown, becomes someplace, that people, fear. I have instructed, our detective, units to create a special, team. Of investigators, to look at the hours of pod camera. Footage from last night. We have high definition, video of suspects. And vehicles. If others have security. Video. Would you please forward them, to. I pledge. To pursue, these offenders. To the fullest. Extent. Of the law. A heavy police presence. Will continue throughout the downtown area today. And until further, notice. Officers will return to working 12-hour. Shifts. And all days off, have been canceled until further notice. We are also working with other city agencies, including streets and sanitations. The cta. The department of transportation. And the state police. And other, agencies. In a multi-layered. Plan which will be based on lessons we've learned. From earlier, this summer. Downtown, access. Will be restricted. From 8 pm. To 6 a.m. The department, also has his eyes in the neighborhoods. To ensure that luton does not spread based on our lessons learned. Officers would be will be deployed. To in a large measure. To our neighborhoods. To protect. The neighborhoods. This is a beautiful, city. And chicago, police officers will not allow this, selfish. Criminal, act. To destroy, what generations, of hard work. Have built. I would now like to, call the mayor, mayor lightfoot. To the podium. Mayor. Good morning everyone and thank you superintendent. I want to acknowledge. Aldermen, chris taliaferro. Our chairman. Of the. Public safety committee, and city council as well as rich guidas, and members of the command staff. Including first deputy. Eric carter. We are waking up. In shock this morning.

The Early morning hours of. Today. Dozens of individuals, came to our loop, mag mile, river north, and gold coast neighborhoods. As well as our commercial district around. North and clyborn. These individuals, engaged when it can only, be described. As brazen. And extensive, criminal looting and destruction. And to be clear. This had nothing. To do, with legitimate. Protected. First amendment. Expression. As the superintendent, said we are. Currently investigating, reports that this activity. Was connected. To a shooting, and resulting, activity that took place in inglewood yesterday. But, regardless. First amendment. Uh protected, speech. These were not, poor people engaged in petty theft to feed themselves. And their families, this was straight, up, felony. Criminal. Conduct. We have activated. A neighborhood, protection, plan as the superintendent. Alluded to, which involves city agencies like streets and sand, cdot. Aviation. Working coordination. With the chicago police department. These resources. Are being deployed. Throughout. Our city, to protect, our neighborhoods. And likewise. These, measures will be in place, for the foreseeing. Days, until we know, that our neighborhoods. Are safe. What happened in our city last night, and this morning. Of course is deeply painful, for every chicagoan. As the superintendent, said, this was an assault. On, our, city. It undermines. Public safety. And, breeds, a sense of insecurity. Among our residents. It also undermines. Our recovery, efforts these, same stores. That were hit last night were hit previously. Not just by, the looting, but by closures. Related, to, covet 19.. Stores that were targeted, were more than, just large, chain stores, they were all small businesses. And restaurants. Representing, our city's. Jobs. And livelihoods. All of which were in the process of recovering, or on the verge of recovering. And getting back, to work. And now this. I want to give my sincere, thanks. To the men and women of our police department. For their professionalism. Throughout these very, difficult, times, not just last night. To our residents. I want you to make sure that we are doing everything that we can, to secure, your homes and stores, and to allow you to return. To your daily activities.

Safely, And securely. And to our businesses. We will continue. Our efforts working with you and redoubling, our efforts, to support, you, in your efforts, to reopen. And recover. And to those who engage in this criminal behavior. Let's be clear. We are coming. For you. We are already, at work and finding you, and we will intend to hold you accountable. For your actions. I don't care. I do not care, whatever, justification. Was given for this, there, is, no, justification. For criminal. Behavior. Ever. You have no right. No right, to take, and destroy. The property, of others. Our residents. Deserve. To be. Safe. Our businesses. Deserve. To understand. And enjoy. Safety, and security. Of their property, and in our employees. And our police, officers. Deserve. To be able to do their job, without having to worry about, shots being fired. Being. Projectiles. Being thrown. And being maced. This, is not. Anywhere. Near. Acceptable. And i call upon, our state's attorney. And our courts, to make sure that these individuals. Who are arrested. And those to come, are held, accountable. Put your best people on this, we have made the case, we have the video, we have the officer, testimony. These people need to be held accountable. And not cycle through, the system, and judges, that are holding. These these cases, you need to step up and be responsible. We can't continue. To allow. This to happen, and as the superintendent. Said, for people to believe, that there is no, accountability. Through our criminal justice system. No one, wants to hold people, in jail, because they are poor. But people who engage in this kind of criminal activity. They need to be held, accountable. And we can't do it alone. We need the prosecution. And we need the courts, to step up and do their part, as well, and that is certainly, my hope, and my expectation. The gains that we have been able to make as a city. Through all these challenges. The pandemic. The, righteous uprising. In the wake of the murder of george floyd. The other things that we have done, to demonstrate. That chicago. Is back, and resilient. We may be able to do this, because we stood together. Shoulder to shoulder. Neighborhood to neighborhood. Neighbor, to neighbor. And we can't, abandon. That which has served us, well, over this most difficult, time. But part of that. Part of that means, that we have to also step up in a time of challenge, like this one and give no shelter, to the criminals, you've heard me say this before. The people who are the shooters. As well as the people who are the looters. People in neighborhoods know who these folks are. This is your time to step up, and demonstrate. Your allegiance. And your loyalty. To this city. And report, these people, who are engaged, in criminal activity. We cannot, do this without, you, and we need. Every single person, with knowledge or information. To step up you can do that, anonymously. By calling, the tip line. But we need people, to step up. We are not going to let our city, be taken over, by criminals. And vigilantes. No matter who they are, what they're doing. This is a time, for us all, to step up and we will do, just, that. At this time i'd invite, aldermen, talia pharaoh, to see if he works say a few words, and then we'll. Be joined by. Director guidas from oemc. Alderman, thank you. Thank you madam mayor, superintendent. But also let me thank the men and women of the chicago, police department. For doing such a great job last night. As the mayor mentioned. A lot of our, looters. Were very violent. There's reports of those being shot. And those being injured as a result of the lawless actions last night. But chicago, still, is a world-class, city. We stand on a foundation, of great builders. And we will continue. To build this city. Chicago. Is, and will always be. A world-class. City. We are still faced with. Social, and. Racial. Injustices, and inequalities. In this city. But we are facing those head on. We will continue to build on this city but let me be very clear. Those that acted last night and in the early mornings. Were not acting on bait on the basis of social or racial inequalities. Or injustices. That we face not only in this city but throughout this country. They were acting on mere opportunity. And that's opportunity, of gain. But despite, that. We're still going to bring you a city, that we could all be very proud of. I echo. Everything that our mayor and our superintendent, have said. Those that are responsible. Need to be held accountable. For their actions. And there will be. There will be accountability. We saw you. And we will come after you. Because we cannot, tolerate. Lawlessness. In the city of chicago. As we continue to build, thank you mayor thank you. Superintendent. Thank you mr alderman. Now chicago, is a world-class, city and we're going to make sure that it stays that way. Uh yesterday, we had significant, amount of resources, that are, that were already deployed throughout the city.

Uh, Overnight we brought in, many more departments, uh to oemc. Uh that's gonna take place, today we're gonna be coordinating, for the rest of the day today, uh mobilizing. Infrastructure, equipment throughout the city. And wherever, uh, uh wherever, it's needed. I was also out there last night, um. A, good part of the early morning till late later in the morning, and witnessed, a lot of, hard-working, chicago, policemen working hard, doing the best they can to. Defend against. What happened last night. So. Mayor hand it back over to you. Craig we can uh, we'll take some uh on top of questions. Um, i think you know that we're doing a stand up at, uh here shortly so we'll, have opportunity, for, additional questions at that point. Go. Ahead. One of the things that i emphasize, in my comments, is where we we start this. With the shooting, in. The seventh district in englewood. The inglewood neighborhood. And. From that police involved shooting. Of the 20-year-old, who shot at the officers, first. A crowd, began to grow. And become. Very intense. Interaction between the police on the scene as we process the crime scene and and the. Officers there to. Make sure the crowd stayed. Out of the crime scene so that that grew, and grew into the late. Uh night hours. On yesterday. And then almost immediately, as that crowd, dissipates, and, you know, wanes, in its size. We are monitoring. Social media. Um. In our sepic. Uh division, and we, uh, come across us a, post, on social media that. A caravan, of cars, being prompted, to go to our downtown. To loot. Within 15 minutes we. Respond. And. Almost immediately, the caravan. Is. In our downtown, area. So this is a 15, 30 minute window. Of. Intelligent, information. About potential, looting. With caravans, of cars going downtown, and our. Response, to sending. 400, plus officers, and i just want to emphasize we made 400, arrests i'm sorry 100 arrests. Of looters. For disarmed, conduct, battery to officers and, and theft. Along with several officers being injured. Cell losses being shot at, so when you talk about. Being overwhelmed. Uh i'm not sure. I can digest, when officers are doing. Their job making arrests. And being. Under the threat of being shot at. I would do nothing but applaud, the efforts of the, chicago police officers. In response, to. A social media post. And almost immediately, caravans, of cars going to our downtown. Area. So again. I made this point in my comments. These leaders act as as if, there are no consequences, to their behavior. And they based, that on. What happened previously, that we made a lot of arrests. During may and june. And not many of those cases were prosecuted, to the fullest extent. And i think that's my point in the mayor's point. We have to have consequences. For the arrests that chicago, police officers, make. Through great threat to their own safety, they're being shot at to make these arrests. And these. Looters, these thieves, these criminals, are emboldened. By. No consequences. In the criminal system. They get released. Many charges get, dropped. And so they feel emboldened to do it more do it more, that is not. A. You know a consequence, of the officers, not making the arrest the officers are making the arrest the consequences. Are. Once, prosecution. And, sentencing, comes up, there's no consequence, so we would. We would argue that. Let's. Have the criminal justice system here. Deliver, a strong, message. To these criminals, that there will be consequences, for your behavior. It almost sounds as though, you're saying. This, is. The reason we happened, is because, the courts and the prosecutors, were not doing, their job that they were going too easy. On the looters from the last time around him. Don't take it from me just go by what's. Been done. For you but just go about what's been done there was there were no consequences. For, the people arrested, greg let's be clear, i mean don't bait us okay.

I Was asking, do not bait us don't do not bait us, this is a serious situation. People are concerned, about their safety. Officers, are concerned about their safety, so don't bait us what we're saying is. As a result of what happened last night there have to be consequences. We've got teams of people, that are aggressively. Out there. Identifying. The people responsible. Looking at the, the plates. And we're going to bring them to justice, but when we do, and we do make those arrests, our expectation. Is that this is going to be treated, with the level of seriousness. That it should be, period, don't try to bait us mischaracterize. Pit one against the other we're not playing that, we are in a serious situation, here, and we need a serious. Response. That's, what we're saying, period. Not trying to debate your mail i'm just asking a question that that seems. Interesting, you have another question yes i do. You, talked a little bit about it but several questions have come in you know how do you convince. People, uh and businesses, downtown, that it's safe to be here. So we explained, that. We're committing. Uh. Our off days of our offices are canceled. Officers, are committing, to working 12-hour, shifts. To not only protect the downtown, which is important. But just as important are our neighborhoods, so we can have enough resources, to. Obviously anticipate. What happened before, once we. Take care of downtown. Then the looters, before, back in may and june went to the neighborhood. Retail areas. To commit, uh looting so we're. Anticipating, all that and committing, enough resources, to our downtown and to our neighborhood. Areas to protect, both. Because both are important. Is there intelligence, to suggest, that the neighborhoods, are. Being targeted, or will be targeted. The precursor. To what happened before, happened, last night that that's the intelligence. Last question. Let me look through here i got about, 60 of them here. I said i have. Another. We can do that if you want mayor thanks appreciate it thank you very. Much. What's, what's this other availability. Is there another availability. Somewhere. I. I gotta figure out what they're talking.

2020-08-18 16:03

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