Chechnya Isn't What You'd Expect! | Thai-Canadian REACTION!!

Chechnya Isn't What You'd Expect! | Thai-Canadian REACTION!!

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It's another chitchat river look at it though how beautiful it is. Wow. It's dangerous. From canada. Welcome, to our channel today we are ready to boat, and bankrupt. Again it's amazing. It went to chechnya. It's not what you'd expect. Yes it's near georgia, it's near where khabib, is from. Dagestan. It's near afghanistan, i think, it's where uh near where calibe is from not exactly, but in that place here near, georgia alberta. It's so beautiful near the caspian sea it's near a lot of thing and it looks so amazing, with a lot of mountain. Life, so bald and bankrupt, went there. Again because you go everywhere people don't go yeah any vlog is now our favorite vlogger, is amazing. If you want to suggest us something. Especially, music, there's a streamlab, link in the description. For a small donation, we can do one of your suggestions. Yes. Okay. Let's get started, let's go. What a night, he took the train for going there we did not react to it but i saw it. Oh he looked really tired. Yeah. Oh, winter, a little bit. Oh my god. Yeah the one we saw we keep it, here. Well. On the internet it said it would be 18 degrees in grozny. This ain't no 18. Degrees. Welcome to chechnya. Oh it's quite nice actually. Why it's so like bucky. Yeah kind of. This is europe. But this is the very distant, edge of europe. In the europe that we know back in england. Belgium, czech republic. It's not really the europe i know in russia. Anyway. Let's go find a place to stay. What a place. And what a road check out the pavements. Oh my god this is russia. These pavements, confirm it see. This is what i don't like when it's not cold enough it's like that in canada, right when it's not cold enough so it's a mix between ice and and. Rain and it becomes really slushy, and you become dirty really quickly. So this is the temperature. Here it's probably, like. Plus five to minus five probably, here right. So. It's not melting completely, and it creates some kind of really, disgusting, on your body. Maybe the end of winter i'm not sure but, like. And it created a lot of oil in the street also this is grossly. On a, tuesday, morning. Bloody, hell it's a little bit grim. My google maps don't seem to be working so i'm going to head in this direction, hopefully hit the center. We'll see oh it's chilly. Man. Yeah not sure what to say. I don't want to make any jokes about chechnya. Normally i like taking the piss out places. But today i'm going to keep my opinions to myself. Because it's not a place to make enemies. So i'm going to be super respectful, to this place. Russia, biggest mosque. It's the biggest one. About an hour later. In the bloody cold. Morning. Why it's dark see i'll get to my place. Jump into my bed, and show the hell out for a few hours before we start exploring, chechnya, bloody health. What is this place. There's not a lot of people. Let's just hope that somehow we can find it down here we'll see if we find it or not. Salam. A few moments later. Wow. What a difference a couple of hours makes. Google was right. It is 18 degrees here, ah. The snow's, gone, oh god look at the sky, it's different. Because it was early in the afternoon, had a little sleep. I want to get out of town go to the bus station and just jump on some random bus going somewhere, let's check out some village or something, see what we can't find in chechnya. I wanted. Let's have a little adventure for a few hours. What else are we going to do. This could be a small canadian, village, actually, yeah it doesn't look that, different. Wow but the car, is so. Yeah guys. People are muslim, there. All right we're going to the western bus station. I'm just going to jump as i said on some random bus going somewhere. Hopefully i can make it there and back by night, we shall. See.

Is. Well, i've arrived at the bus station. I don't know if it's the right bus station, so i think there might be a couple of our stations here in korozmi. We're going to go and see, if we can't get on a, bus going somewhere, around the corner. Maybe it's the right, one. Wow. I don't think there's any buses, here. Going to where i want to go to. I think we've come to a wrong bloody bus station. Which means i need to jump in a taxi. And go to another one. What an absolute, nightmare. Is. Right, let's get to the right bus station. Where does it look like thai bus station. Yeah. It's a. Where. Foreign. Small public. Bus. You know you know it's it's, the it's the reality of a foreigner living in italian, right. You have a prize in thailand for the local and the prize for the foreigner. They look at you. If you are from if you are black, or or a middle eastern they will think that you're poor if you're. White people think that you're rich in thailand yeah automatic, yeah, you cannot be poor because you're from you're from that country, it's the same stereotype, that they have in italian, true, you really think the same, yeah it's not very bad it's just that this is what they are presented, right. Um. He says it's the best place in chechnya. He brow beat me i didn't want to joke but he's convinced, me, so you go, he buys a hard bargain. Yeah. For 3 000.. Do you say 2000. Oh. Oh, like. I don't i don't know i i don't think it's happened like this before. In like reality. I don't know but it's just. Me i even gonna be scared, you know but, maybe he's gonna be quite good i'm not sure i don't i don't know the feeling of like what's going on. Those times with him you know yeah, oh my god. Check out this beautiful, road wow i think we're gonna dump him. Wow. Wow. I said it earlier but it just looked like canada. The craziest drivers in russia, and that's saying something. We're heading into the mountains of chechnya they're up ahead look at them smoke covered. Plus the bloody sun's going down, hopefully we get them for nightfall. Let's check it out. Do you know i said it earlier, but. Um russian, countryside, look like canada. But the big city like moscow, doesn't look like canada. It's the country the more countryside, the more it looks like where i'm from yeah stranger a little bit. Well maybe it's not. Strange. I think at the beginning of this trip, i should show you. A chechen, bus stop. Uh look at it. It's not very soviet, but it's very chechen. Let's have a look at the artistic. Endeavors. Of chechen, bus stop makers. Look at it it's got the towers, on the edge to signify, the. Cars, towers. Scared the life out of me, and what i like about this bus stop. It's got a random. Gate. I don't know why they did that. But it has got a random, gate. Here, i think um. Thailand. Choose coffee, store. Why. I hate. Our bus stop a lot especially. In the local. You can't cover anything. Sometimes, i will show the picture here oh if it rain, yeah it's so funny. There even like a new making friend of the government, like long time ago. Where did they take the money, like where did the money go. Really this is bus stop, something like that, yeah it cannot cover, anything but this one you can't even sleep in there. Just i suppose, so you just can't run out onto the street, and look at the graffiti, they're very polite with their graffiti, here, it's nothing like moldova. Khalid. And. Islam. Oh they're still together. We stopped at a hat shop the way that's more to muslim. Ah. We actually people saw uh, saw this in georgia. Yes um, the dance right. The ballet dancing, where i think your hair like this yeah. But it's very close from georgia.

It's Also to protect from the cold right. My new. House. That the driver told him to do. Yeah. Foreign. I just pulled off the road to show you here is a picture of ahmad, khadirov. This was the, previous, president, of chechnya, but he was blown up at the stadium, and his son, ramzan, khadirov, who is a picture we'll probably see later, took over. He said he was blown up in a stadium. Someone killed him in the stadium. That's what it mean right, blown up like an explosion. Um, it's really the cult of akhma khadirov, here that they um. Took over africa. Oh he has no document, on him. Here comes the kitchen. The soldiers said we're very ghost of premier, here in chechnya, so we're going to let you pass without your documents. Because the premier means very. Hospitable. Okay, good he said the next time bring your documents. He said the area was dangerous, before but not now. Over there you see it. They're the stone towers that they used to build in the villages and the caucus mountains. And then when their villages are invaded, they'd run up the towers. And then hide and chuck rocks onto the invading. Whoever. Absolutely stinks let's have a look over the side of this mountain, oh look at this. The mountains of chechnya, oh imagine falling in here, oh look at the river down there oh. Scary, oh it's cold, knowledgeable, and tell you which river that is. I have no idea, it's not the terrick. I know that much it's another chechen river look at it though how beautiful it is. It's dangery. Right. Thumbnail. Thumbnail. Onwards, into the mountains, of chechnya, which don't seem to be as dangerous, as you would think. It seems everything's under control, really, i feel quite safe here, ah with old dressland. You want me to say. Also. Give. Oh. Oh my god. Basically. The road's deteriorated. So i don't know if we're going to make it. I want to show you the stunning towers of the caucasus. Wow so many checkpoints. And i don't have my passport, again so let's see if we can get through god, this used to be to be a. Contested, area, right if there's so many soldiers, there. But they're not far from the border though. All right, so. No i didn't need to shake a lot. Wow look at the mountain, behind, it's so pretty. That mountain looks like what. I don't. Think. What's going on. Finally we at the tower. We failed i think, what can he see, it's. Already. Ancient, stone towers that chechen, people used to run up and hide in, when they were under attack. Look at them both. They've probably been there for a long time. Well. I wish it wasn't [ __ ] dark so you can see something. We've come all the way up here for nothing. That's probably the end of the video. That's the end of the adventure. We stopped off at a restaurant on the way home check this out he's eating. Driver, with some kind of testicle, in it testicle. We've got, salad. Hummingbird. Wow look at it the. This is the real chechnya. I can't wait to tuck in. That's it that's the end of the film finally we're going to eat some food. It's going to get better than this i hope. Let's see, see you guys later. Oh you seem to like the driver, though. Yeah. After that like, he did not even want to go at the beginning but at the end he seemed to like him, and. Seriously, i just feel bad that i want to see that tower i could not see anything, maybe the next time it's really. My five six video or something. So there's more coming but the sawyer said yeah you know i'll up here in five minutes. You're gonna go back, you will find a way sometimes. Yeah, his video will be like adventure, you know um they're not like oh, i mean, it's, different, from a lot of vlogger, because, i feel like it feels real, like yeah yeah it should very well happen to him, we can see it with him something yeah, there's no like uh it's not staged he doesn't write a script yeah yeah. It's amazing. Thank you for the amazing suggestion, yeah. Please suggest, us more, and, see you very soon. Bye bye.

2020-09-28 21:46

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