Chatting with and doing Kevin Woo's makeup - Edward Avila

Chatting with and doing Kevin Woo's makeup - Edward Avila

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Oh. Yes. Please, thank you sir, welcome back to my channel everyone I'm ever in this, is Kevin. Lu hello, oh. Well. We. Don't, wanna chairs spazzing, something here or. You. Know there's just a problem. Let's. Just like sit and chat why do you make up yeah, okay, or are you the type it's like no cover. My forehead no I don't mind really. But this certain way that I need to do it now. Jessa. What. You know. See, you answer Opie, chalk teacher. Oh haha. Its Quito yeah I, think it's a kechi wing which means kyo and Chuck are, you. Pretending to be cute. Karen, stuff yeah, I mean it's like every day. You. Know the, skin type essence, lotion. Sunscreen. That for. Or. For. Her I love the form 5 says, skincare. Every day so, what kind of makeup today, today I don't know yeah it's gonna be slightly, more colorful, not just like I'm. Pretty pretty basic bitch myself like, are. You calling me one too well, though I think like this must be like. Ok. So yeah, I mean it's, also spring, now so I think we. Can go bit color well I usually never go colorful, sounds, like a first for me, ever. Since like the mom on honey days I. Always. Tell you about that could we just now the video that we did was sort of like a kpop guessing game where, I had to kind of like do like short. Bits of choreography, and if to guess what song it's from yeah because they're in brain brothers company, all the songs I didn't bring the playlist work from, gravestown yes oh, honey. Oh yeah. Posing my honey blah I didn't, do out core I kind of just it's, just like, this cuz it literally, will Hodge oh my god I. Knew. It yeah, they're. Really like babies, they're a little one of them is polluted born in 2004. I was like offended, I was like get out of my face I mean I'm pretty flattered, at this point like what like five when Melanie came out probably. Probably. Right they were in the room. Oh are you putting green foundation, on me it's like. We're. In, looks look, it's green guys today. Is shrimping. She won't colorful makeup food. I'm. Usually like really pale but I went to Miami in January, no, good. Until noon are you to type that up even, if you tan we message you go back to Korea after like a week if I'm pili yes yeah. There's, something about American, Sun and Koreans that is just really different right yeah every time I go back to Cali I get, a little bit of color and then, I'm like oh I I look healthy now and then I met in Korea and stay, indoors for like two days and I'm back to like most. What, coast yeah when's the last time you were back in the States December. Oh yeah. I was back in the States in January I don't. Think we can go, back in a while right yeah I'm really confused by like what. The bands are yeah the, quarantine things my changes, like every day is they had to be updated all the travel bans so. I've been calling all my relatives cuz. You know all my family, my. Immediate family is in Korea but my relatives are in San Francisco, and, like, SF. Is pretty. Strict on the lockdown awesome. Yeah they can't find if you got a ticket, call, ordering. On the streets so. Then what have you been up to you. Know other than, staying. Indoors. Not, on complete. Lockdown I just feel like we're all being. Very you. Know careful, like, we're drinking. Literally. My neighborhood I know minority, really my neighborhood, like billion Poliquin. And. So I think people. Are, taking precautions but, it's just not as strict so like, today I was driving, around and there are a lot of people up today especially, with you want you know the weather getting warmer, yes I hope there's, no other like, outbreaks, because of that me personally I've, been going in the studio a lot just, making, music, while I can. Cooking. Up some music oh speaking of cooking up Kevin's. Kitchen, Kevin's, kitchen, which is like on Instagram yeah, oh yes yeah but it might be on YouTube where we can actually make money oh yeah so I've been making music cooking. At home. Watching. A lot of Netflix whoa, ah, I just finished eco, class open, I cried. Like. A bird are you but you can't rest as you know what after I came. Maybe. Your your cameras the clover Tim isn't. One a clover. We. Will my fan club name ah. Have. You ever had a fancy, Ned Wenger concerts, um, yes. Savvy. From like the excitement yeah John. Yeah it's, a very I, mean. Unfortunately but. In your own stage you're just like I.

Like. One I. Think. The worst one, was in Mexico, when we were on tour in, Latin America, people and. Those countries are very passionate, very Asia, and. We, were so like stoked to perform and it was such an amazing, experience but. Like. They. Were pushing. Towards. The front to, get closer to us and their girls in the front row couldn't. Like breathe, whole, throughout. The whole concert, we were performing, while we saw the fans get pulled, out for, almost by security, guards that, was yeah very shocking but, we made sure everyone's, okay after and, like you, know when we're doing the high test and everything you made sure to like give them priority and, I've been yeah yeah yeah so, next, time you're at a concert make sure you faint so that you get, when. You go to a kpop, concert don't. Push, were. You really trillion, or. Any concert, yeah I feel, like there's not really that much of a difference between if you're right, behind the front people yeah, you. Can see yeah there, are people in the bath and cats and. And. Now it is with the whole like zoom feature. On cameras, you. Know the Samsung, Galaxy 20. Or something I've consumed it super super super like 100. So. Get, a Samsung. Sponsor. I had like first-hand, experience, at. Anaconda. Concert oh Lord. Like what this whole one yeah, so. I couldn't get tickets on the like with the seats are so, I had to get the one on the standing, and I've never been to a standing, concert before, sounds, like okay this might be fun. Little. Did he know. Don't. Shut. It was worth it cuz I got to see all right a little bit closer I think she. That's. Literally what everyone thinks if she looks in this direction feels like. She's. Saying to me she sang to me. Going. To concerts, and doing concerts, have, you thought about doing like a live. Sort of Finkel for the Internet oh yeah so. That's why I started doing the Kevin kitchen me where I cook for the fans over. But. They just say that you were done cooking huh me on so you're, like oh seeing, while cooking. It's. Like go live, request yeah, TRL. Live - I live on cooking how's, it been makeup on let, me your skin's really friggin night so I think yeah I don't have to do much to escape which probably takes the longest for me usually, for me it's the I. Know. Just in one eye oh, yeah. This, getting earlier off-camera. Mm-hmm. I tried, to put mm. Yeah, while, there was an effect it looked kind of funny. Once I would anymore naturally, but there was like no difference there's nothing really do it bigger than and then we did and he laughed.

At Me before I even saw my face and I'm like. Because, they you know there are people that get like double eyelid surgery but, then you're so used to seeing their bottle. Did face but wouldn't there they come out they're like. Yeah. There. Was a time when I was in my teenage, years before. Like my debut agencies. Were like suggested. But, I feel like no, I like my nose like, I like these eyes now I was just too scared honestly to do anything hmm. If I'm really honest to commit him that, she day was different than so she was guys cuz they would get the violent surgery yeowch. Um toaster all yeah, these things do what they want them more like with natural, guys especially they, usually like non double, eyelids yeah that's what I noticed and these, days with like makeup honestly, you can make your eye look bigger. Without having so yeah like plus surgery, without, getting it so yeah what. Are you doing. I want, to contour your fake nose too much because sometimes if you put too. Much contour, on the nose it will too dirty, cuz, I'm shading. Both on them but it's great yeah I would love it dirty nose. Right. With my brown bows. All. Right there. I got the Sailor, Moon, collection, from colour-pop so, I wanna try it I'm gonna try that I can you dizzy, wise Sailor Moon I try, to watch as much as I could but like, the time that you would Arab tsunami would. Always clash, at the time I get home from school so. Yeah. A basic back to home for school yeah the carpool a would always be so late, what, I remember crying cuz I missed it oh my god I was living my mom my grandma was like white cranked it. I was, like me with, like spongebob. I love. Spongebob. I want to love him reality. Shows chinchilla. Yeah like what like the real world, oh I. Never, watched that I was like my middle school days but it was like it's your asset for me yeah, because, I think when I was it came out when I was like an elementary someone I'll be like why the fuck would you go watching that. I'm. Like MTV, vh1. TRL. Oh my. Gosh. Remember. Making the video yeah look, like Janet Jackson, yeah Jessa everything, Britney Spears what is it lady mama LOD yeah. It's. Just sad, sometimes when I go to Spotify and look up old u-kiss music it's under old, kpop, Oh, everywhere. Looking for kpop, everyone making those playlists, y'all need up things I know. It's true though like. What ten years that's. What. Was your, favorite. Like air, I guess, okay, yeah, like what groups, were like your favorite, like was that brought you into kpop well the ones that got means came over so. Just shit Kevin. Yeah. Kiss me I think you kissed what's the perfect boy group that I like oh really. Kpop, was um would, you finish it in Cara, Oh. G-good. No that's not what I saw your video for uh was he oh. My. God I fucking love it let's. Break time you saw a. Conviction. Job like to me that son is not chumps roid one bit like I can listen to that shit all day she, and the music, wasn't bad it was just up the styling, and the music video the styling horrible, to come on Oh God lyrics, at the top court I could speak Korean I was like wow. Like. These are the worst lyrics oh thank, you it was very cringy. At the time to even sing those lyrics good, no one like, that it's basically like noona I'm not too young for you. Or. Like literally, babies yeah and. Then that's been like SHINee came out with like noon anthem we have. Didn't. Constitute two years or so there was definitely that time right she doesn't tend to like 14, where it's like supersonic. Bionic yeah, yeah and very rebellious, yeah. Cuz we had. Called, shut. Up, and. It's. Basically, saying like Scott like the whole song there is a song called like, what I go go. Go. Only. Like, the true Christmas would, know this song, you. Know you get the song with the company and y'all sitting down together listening to it you're just like or. Is it will be like some numbers and then yeah, there'll be a few members are like cuz, you all have different use cases yeah of course we, had seven members at that time like, it's, impossible for all, seven, of us to be like oh this is it so you've never had that kind of moment no. I don't think so, Lou, yeah and paid to copy please don't this yeah well. At that time you never have any power over the Bahji, times, of change and groups make their own songs, yeah but in our era there, are like this is your song. One. Song, 330. Oh is, ear three-30, disease, right I think that was a song that we all liked, but. Remember. That like it grew on them yeah, some. Of them wanted a dance song that's, look like genre. That represented. U-kiss yeah so they're like chunky. Like Alan, but the styling stuff was really good said no one no one really liked designed, it yeah but. My honey and try.

To Jealous you, can look at number one with me yes, on the charts, yes I mean never, one number one unlike a music show yeah. But it was the first song that brought us to the church yeah. Honey. Thanks. Yeah, I think we saying that like a couple, hundred thousand, times that was good song Wayne Ranney song yeah, driver, slow camera rehearsal my goodness I, remember, doing, the dry rehearsals, at like, five. Six an award. And we. Were like rookies then so we'd have to do the hair makeup before we go to rehearsals, the. Company was like how dare you show your bare face, caromed, and to the people Oh TV, station cook about it oh not, like that but you. Have to look good before, you guys like you. Know even enter so we'd be waking up at like 2:00 a.m. 3:00, a.m.. Sometimes. We don't even remember doing the first rehearsals, we would like wake up after, the rehearsals like. Yeah. Take. Each fun to get more thing we're, just like sitting and doing nothing yeah it's, mostly sleeping, or, and. Wait if you're gonna be sleeping that's when you're sleeping yeah yeah that's crazy I mean I think it's, like modern. Day like, torture. Yeah. Honestly. If I were to be born again I don't know if I want to do that again, I uh. The. Other day where else with other people but if, you could get the chance again to be a night I don't but. You, wonder percent, sure worgen again like Thai they're number, one is some would you do it again. Now. That's never story, oh. They're. Like to, be on it. Was. Guaranteed, I think. It, would be worth it, but. To. Be honest back in the day there weren't that many groups, but. In this like, new generation, kpop there's a good new group debuting every week yeah so. That like lowers. The chance of like, everyone getting, to, shine you know get in their own spotlight yeah, and I already know the effort that they put in and the companies you know all that work that goes behind the scenes so. I'm just like when, I see these kids it's just like. Make, sure these darn kids yeah. Getting. Educated, well. On the torture sure. You have a back-up plan. You're hurting here ladies. Like. I feel like you, know with like YouTube it's tough these days, yeah even yeah. Yeah, yeah a lot of groups that they, can use hand upon yeah, I was, like shocked, when that's of idyllic day that they're handling I think, you don't like together just get number one oh no nowadays is different and, I, would need like, phone, phones for, Instagram. They, could just have Wi-Fi, and all, that's your a tablet, or anything back then was there a thing like some people would secretly have iPads or eyelashes, no download, with the Wi-Fi. When. We first day we'd even have like twitter twitter, came like a year - after we debuted on Joe, yeah so, I think the only way to like, communicate, with fans there, was a fan cafe, like. Oh really. The town fan, can kill. Everywhere. Like tell the fans where we would like do a chatting, before. Be life yeah, oh there. Are gonna be be live all right this is the war were you yeah, this would be was just like chat. Like. Aim and, then the server would be down because there are too many fans, trying, to like.

Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. That's what they all say go, home. Well, your. Glitter. On your face sometimes so an extended yeah the packaging so cute there's two colors one clearly. It's too hot pink for you though so I'm gonna use this one couldn't it this one has so, much shimmer and sparkle in it it is for my eyes or my this was refined cheeks couldn't, bad because of all the sparkle I'm gonna in there. What. Would you name this type, of makeup actually, the makeup of Julian now actually did make up I did on myself when I I was, filming this show with Coco and I happen, to do I was like yeah I do cute, makeup so I did, that okay I do the same thing on you but needs to run you because your face is different, obviously. The. Same. Every. Time you make sailboats I think, you don't watch RuPaul's. Drag Race right no but you've heard of it I heard of this there's, one Queen, that whatever, someone. Does something dog or like they, make a decision, that she thinks is not a good one yeah like choices. Yeah. Real shady there's this body Cooter's that they said. They're. Pro keep. Talking quickly. Oh say. Something hurry I'm thirsty. Thank. You Ryan. I used to have an obsession with riots, of literally my everything that oh who's right oh, my. God some guy yeah. Right. Brian. Secrets, where can i oh. The. Fact that your skin is good you could actually do this no, what is it cuz when I did it like putting the glitter on your cheeks uh-huh, when, I did it I was like oh great. Now all my scars are highlighted in my, pores oh no I. Think. The last time I put it on my face was at Coachella. What sure well. I guess we're doing it I look okay, have. You ever been to Coachella I have, in actually, yeah, have you yeah. Once I was looking forward to this year but what do you. What. Do I like well your favorite part about it oh. Just. The. Whole atmosphere. Deshielding. Yeah, it, gets exhausting, a so exhausting, like at the end of the day you, just at home and then you're blowing your nose and this is all dust oh it's disgusting. We should close up when I did. You. Get. Really dry skin. You're. In the desert in the Sun the holding the, music of course like just discovering. New artists. And, like just getting to hear different types of genres and. The whole by weave with their friends, the Kevin reminds me how much you like a kindergarten. Teacher that actually likes their job. Why. Or not even that but like someone that would be like Barney, what. Maybe. I don't know. A. First, man you thought you'd be like really mean. Go, ahead good day you're like literally the same as you are like just like your No what, would you think I mean no, people or things like hey welcome to item, and, then. There's. People like that or. Like oh oh yeah. And, then they go did it properly. America. Care, if you bow down to me or you, at.

Least Say hi but I don't care about the angle, of the greeting. You. Think really yes to like actually like bow, to. Yeah. Like like a folder phone yeah. It's. Easy, flip oh. Yeah. Thank, you for that I get that a lot sing and, when I meet fans in person I get, a lot of feedback saying like oh you're, here so down, to earth and, when, they meet other stars in person you, know sometimes, they get like disappointed, when they meet Edward to be allowed at this point exactly. That was. Where. Your, most. Memorable. Moments, at kcon thanks me we did meet at kcon right yeah yeah that's. How we met I'll just be able to hang out with like all. The viewers. And stuff oh yeah, sometimes. We can read comments, but then yeah the. Person yeah cuz sometimes we are you to burn you get hate comments or whatever you get scared mean in person but everyone. Looks so nice yeah. And. Then I love hearing stories their. Life, stories, about how they got introduced to me work and how they've overcame. Something because. Of me so, basically he's a quantum, she's gonna go. When. The parents come with the kids and. They're. Like because of my kid like even I became a fan watch and they drove like five hours from, Sun City. New York and. That's just so heartwarming you know yeah or like they helped you, guys helped me through depression or, like bullying. At school or. Like really, like you know serious, topics, and like, I'm, just like really touched. Yeah I really tough so I. Hope. You're. Welcome know. Sometimes. We can you do stuff like you know what we do you don't realize yeah it affects people you don't get, to like feel, it in our skin good you cuz, you know we're in Korea and a lot of her fans will be overseas, mmm. Okay. Don't know yeah, I get it, looks. Like what. Thank you. Time, to me yeah like sound comes and comes in kasanga books. Except to me though like, a person that's thanking me oh. All. Right we thought about do something like that teaching.

Korean Like, serious, no, but. No no pants. My. Single so like, I mean you're good-looking. Anyway. By like thank. You to get Tarot real you. Why, are my lips burning. Beauty. Standards, wow. I never had like. This kind of colorful makeup before my, can you mention this but this, is actually our second time filming this yeah the first video was all, let's say. Any. Upcoming. Plans for the year um well, basically we're, all. Yeah. We're, all I'm gonna be at home this year I'm taking this time to my advantage and working. On some music, I've. Never like produced anything on my own so I'm using this time to learn to, write music and, you. Know write my own lyrics and. Producing. My own songs so that'd be really exciting, to release new, content hopefully. By, the end of this year and yeah. I want to do more concerts. And tours yeah. Around the world hopefully, don't faint yeah. Please, don't, faint social, distancing, within the air over everyone was at 68, wasn't it six feet 60, yeah. Or. I'll just see one of those virtual, concerts, oh. Go. Ahead like get a studio or something and then like, set it up in it yeah, I'm really considering it. Very nice alright, well we'll see you around I guess, thank you guys thank you Edward for making me look no, problem. Beautiful. It's fun to do makeup who's late I've been doing non makeup videos we don't have her with other idols so they. Spoke because usually I use they like they don't want their Sigma on camera, your, title line there's cuz. Yeah. A lot of companies don't want their artist have you know so, well my company's nice oh. No. It was so much fun because like I've never done a video like this before I've. Never been on your channel before so this is the first and, I. Look like. Well. Not like what are those new. Idol groups like, you, just want to want or something let's thank. You for making me feel good again thank. You for bring breathing, youth into me.

2020-04-26 01:31

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