Charlotte City Council Business Meeting - May 28, 2019

Charlotte City Council Business Meeting - May 28, 2019

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Being. Here we are really. I think it's close to a starting, time as we usually make so but. I still know that most of you actually look at our agenda and it says that we're gonna start at 6:30 and you're, here so thank you for being here this evening for, our. May 28th, City Council, meeting I'm, sorry I call the meeting to order and we'll start with introductions. With our city, attorney. Patrick. Baker city attorney, Marcus. Jones city manager. Clark. And Egleston district one good, evening Justin, Harlow district 2 head, Driggs district, 7 happy, Tuesday Braxton. Winston at-large. Mayor. Pro Tem and serving at large, good, evening I'm Vilas, mayor of Charlotte. Dimple. As Mara at-large. Greg. Hips district or tart. Bakari district, 6, good evening Matt new clean district 5 good, evening Stephanie, Kelly city clerk. Thank. You everyone and we, have two council, members absent, and I know miss make the illness out of town and I'm. Sure that she's away, watching, this as. It's being live-streamed and. So miss, Mayfield will help you're having a great vacation, and. We're, glad you're taking it but please just be prepared on all the zoning items when you get back, ok. So. As we begin our, meetings. We. Often talk about having. A few words of, information. That can be of inspiration. It's, often, around, prayer, but we also realize, in our community, there's diversity in our, religious, community and fact they're people that actually, don't. Have a religious, affiliation, but. Today. I. Thought. About. How, we started. The weekend, on Friday. Getting, ready to celebrate Memorial. Day a Memorial. Day is important, to many of us especially, those of us who had family. Members the great generations. Of members, and even before that all of those folks, young. Primarily. Men at the time but now more men and women that have served our, country and, made. The ultimate sacrifice and. So we get to celebrate in, this country, a great, day and a great weekend. We. Often have to pause and think why are we given, this opportunity and, it's because, of the service of many people, that, have kept our democracy. I'm strong, and safe. But. You know safe is an interesting word we've. Been talking a lot about safety, and, a. Couple of weeks ago right after a young woman was shot and killed on Graham Street I talked. About safety. And the. Number of incidents that we were having. You. Know over this Memorial, holiday in our city, one. That we call. Strategic. A, great. Place to live great place to raise a family. We. Had a homicide on, the 8800, block of our in court. We. Had a number. Of incidents. Where people use. Knives to. Intimidate, rob harass. Others. All. Of these incidents. Leading. To Saturday, another homicide, on Katherine, Simmons Avenue, another. Loss of life. So. Sometimes, a, holiday. Is to express a sentiment, and. Often. Is one that we feel really proud of.

Memorial. Day. Well. Tonight let's think about those two people that died over, the weekend as a result of violence, in our community. And. How, they didn't get to celebrate and, will not get to celebrate, Memorial. Days, to come. And, to, those folks that believe that. An. Argument is, best served by. Resolution. With a gun or knife or at. Harms, and damages, our bodies. It's. More than our bodies, it. Harms, and damages, our neighborhoods, our. Families, our. Community. So. Today, I don't. Want to say anything except, we've, got to do better. We've. Got to learn to respect each other learn, how to have, a disagreement. But. We've got to learn at. Any loss of life. Causes. Great harm. Lots. Of sorrow. So. It's. Not just about that, one incident, it, is about all of us, so. Thank you for allowing me to talk about this again I think that. We've. Got a lot of work to do so thank you and. I'd like to recognize now. Councilmember. Tart, Bakari thank, you madam mayor can we get Scout, Troop 3 to come down as, they're coming down to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. I will, tell you briefly. About. ESA. Scouts, troop, 3, they're. Sponsored, by Myers Park United Methodist, Church the, troop was originally, started in. 1913. At, the st. Martin's Episcopal, Church and has been continuously. Chartered, at the, Meyers Park UMC, since. 1938. In, 2014. They celebrated. Their 75th. Consecutive. Year of service. To Scouts in Charlotte. And, gentlemen. And ladies I will allow you to, take it from here. Please. Stand if we stand for our Pledge of Allegiance. I. Know. That we just heard from troop, 3 at Myers Park United Methodist, Church but I see we have another troop upstairs, and what, is your 63. Is that correct, yes. Oh I love, that I love being called yes ma'am I appreciate it so much. It. Actually shows us a lot about why, your Scouts and why you're so successful so thank you very much now where it where, you where is your troop located. Hey. You. Know Reverend Jones is gonna be upset with me that I didn't recognize that. Thank. You for being here tonight. So. This. Is the time that we actually hold. A, public. Forum, and we. Do this because. We. Have speakers that can address the council on any item after we complete, the public forum we, will go into our business, agenda and then you can speak only to the items that are scheduled, to on, our agenda but today we start with our open, forum, and we. Have 15, speakers, and each speaker, will have two, minutes I have, three, people on a waiting list because our limit is 15. For. The time period. That we have and. If one of the 15, it's not available, to come and speak we'll go to those that are on the waiting list I'm, gonna call it down we have two speakers on either side so I'm going to ask for people to come down at a time two, on each side and that way we, can be prepared, so our and I want to apologize, if I mispronounce, your name no that it's because of the head not the heart.

And. My, bad southern accent, so. The. First step person, to speak is, Shaquanda. Mcbride. Baltimore. If, she would come down the. Second, Elijah Boyer. Kass. Oatley. And, Kyle Goodson, I. Have. Not seen. Cheek. Wanna. Make. Bride Baltimore, Elisha. Boyer. Cass Otley. So. Let's go ahead to the next three, people, Thomas, Vinson, a. Detail. But, loosen a bit Aditi. Aditi. Aditya. Balu. Sue okay. It's anyone. Here. Paulus. I seek how I'm gonna go Jatinder. Do, Dylan. Dylan. If. You'll come down so. Though it's so far I've cooked, and then, Frank Glynn Keithley. Okay. All. Right thank you, and. We'll. Start with cow, good to see you cow you. Too Thank You mayor Lyles good. Evening mayor Lyles and honourable members of City Council my. Name is Kyle Goodson, I am the chief visionary and, founder of. Not one more, we are an organization that was created for, to, prevent, unrelated. Deaths in Charlotte fourteen years ago my son Gregory, was shot and killed he was 16 years old he was, number 67, in 2005. It. Is May we are at 52. If, we keep going like this we'll be at a hundred by September, and not. One more would like to connect with you City, Council, and have, no more meetings so that we can voice, our ideas to you and we can bounce them off you and you on us and we, can find a common sense reasonable, action, plan to stop this violence at Charlotte. Thank. You very much we. Really, appreciate, you. I'm. So I'm gonna go again, Thomas Benson. Aditya. Volusia. Jitender. Dion usual. Yes please. You. Have two minutes. Okay. Are. You ready yep. Okay, I'm. Kidding me. Good. Evening concert members, and. Thank, you for giving me your valuable, time. My. Name is Dylan, and I'm. The owner of Charlotte. Expressive this, is a model of 99. Rooms located. On, 1240. Lucky Penny Street Charlotte. I, came. Before this. Meeting on. 25th. April. 2011. And. Discuss. Almost. The same problems, as. Given. In the letter which. Is attached. After. Eight years I come. Back again with. The councilmembers to, seek your help. My. Business is. Surrounded. By, massive. Fence. Broken. Undergrowth. And. Trash. All over I. Have. Eleven. Photographs. Which. Is I've got only one set, to. Give. You the evidence as to, how my, property, is. Photograph. One. Two four, indicates. Area. Starting, from Freedom. Drive till. Dead, end of twelve forty Lucky Penny Street this. Is approximately, 1100, feet and mine. Is the only business located, on this this. Fences. Broken. Massive. Trash, and undergrowth. Photograph. Five is the, dead, end of Lucky. Penny Street, this. Is a breeding, place for. Snakes. For. Possum and pets. Such, as dogs, and pets. Both. These areas is the responsibility. Of state. Next. One is photograph.

Six. To eight. Thank you I'm sorry that we won't be able to hear more from you but we have got your letter yep and we're going to ask our city manager. To. Read. Through this and look. At it and review every, portion of it and respond. To you as a result and the only thing is I would depress if we can have a telephone number or person, whom I can call okay you will, get a phone number in a contact, if you have someone work with you thank, thank you very thank you for your time. Okay. So. The, next speaker. Is. Mr.. Keatley followed. By an ago Lasky and Steve, Carlton. Next. Month you will vote on changes to the noise ordinance go be updates to the amplified sound permit which will create a 200-foot buffer around healthcare facilities, and limit amplified sound to 75, decibels at 85, decibels, however the new ordinance includes, absolutely, nothing to stop commercial, establishments, from sending noise at literally twice as loud into residential areas mr.. Phipps in, committee meetings you said you wanted to hear from residents, well our neighborhood sent five representatives I saw community leaders from Uptown University. Greenville neighborhood and Colonial, Village they, all talked about how commercial noise affected, their quality of life they, filled out surveys of the, 707. Respondents, those surveys and overwhelming, 75 percent said, they should have noise, buffers, in residential, areas less. Than half thought schools medical facilities, or churches should have buffers surrounding them yet, the new ordinance creates, buffer zones for everyone except, residential, areas the, public input was ignored, dr., Harlow you, have mentioned multiple times of committee meetings that you would have trouble practicing, dentistry if amplified, sound were played outside your practice at 75 decibels committee. Members have also mentioned, the psychological, and physiological effects. Of noise on patients and patient outcomes I agree. But how can you stand by these statements and not acknowledge, that noise at 85 decibels, which is literally twice as loud as the level you're talking about doesn't. Impact the quality of life of someone in their home, how. Can 75, decibels be too loud for a one hour dental cleaning but twice that amount of noise is okay outside, a single-family, residence for hours on end OSHA. Requires, hearing protection in the workplace at 85 decibels, the, ordinance chart in your new ordinance describes, 85, decibels, as being directly beside a lawnmower this, couldn't happen in Atlanta couldn't happen in LA couldn't, happen in Las Vegas and it couldn't even happen in New Orleans but, it happens here thank.

You Thank. You very much I think that that was a great analogy, for doctor Harlow to have to figure out. So. Our. Next. Speaker is. Anna. Galovski. Thank. You for being here two minutes. Good. Evening my, name is Anna glad I'll ski and I would like to begin with a statement from the nation's largest provider of communications. Infrastructure, crown. Castle international. We. Cannot guarantee that claims relating, to radiofrequency emissions. Will not arise in the future or that, the result of such studies will not be adverse to us, there. Are similar statements, in the annual reports of Verizon, t-mobile, and. Microsoft. Corporation, I'm. Here to share concerns, related. To a citywide rollout, of 5g. There. Have been no independent, studies done on the safety of 5g, technology. With, 24/7. Exposure. City. Council has jurisdiction over, our regulated, utility, poles. Scientists. And organizations, around the world have expressed, concern, about the unknown health, and environmental, impacts, on this technology. We. Can still focus on via being, a progressive smart. City without, 5g. Through fiber optic cable and the push for a circular economy which, we do know works I would. Like to share some words from Ashley Snyder, she's. From Myers Park she. Cannot be here with us tonight because she's firm currently, fighting for her life at, the top cancer hospital, in the country MD. Anderson, she. Shares, as. Part of my clinical, trial treatment, I was asked a series of questions concerning. My exposure, to radiation, chemicals. And high tension powerlines, these. Are questions asked, by the top cancer doctors in the country I will. Choose to limit my family's exposure going forward. With. A citywide rollout, of 5g, people, like Ashlee won't have this choice I'm, not, sure the FinTech mosh pit podcast, where a mockery, was made between cancer, and radiation, would go over well with Ashlee or a team, of doctors and researchers.

Do. We know if 5g, technology, is dangerous, no because the studies don't exist, but. We also know that it has not been proven, safe thank. You thank. You very much. Madam. Mayor and city council, and. Pastor, Steve Carlton I, mean. On behalf of Noelle's, ministry, and the constituents of, district. 2. And. The. Church had located. At the I 85. Quarter, exit. 34. Southbound. To. 800 a zip, code, 3700. Freedom Drive in Lucky Penny, the. 34, exit. Also, serves as a main quarter to downtown, Becca. Grant Bank of America, Stadium traveling north or south it's. One of the fastest-growing, ZIP codes in the city and the most one, of the most becoming, one of the most developed, the. Bushes and the Wiis located, at Freedom, Drive Lucky, Penny service, road or the worst of any on i-85, north-south, interstate, they're seldom ever cut i have. Personally, contacted, the, county and the state to. Have those leaves cut. Several. Times has never been done the. Fence facing our church has been torn down by Rick over. A year and needs to be repaired and the grass cut the. Fence on the premises, of elderman has holes in it there's. Holes cut in it by drug users prostitutes. And persons, that live in the hotel Lucky. Penny behind. Hanan along the fence has been a hangout for prostitution. Drug deals daily. Nightly, for years their, contraband, needles, contraceptives. Found, constantly, on our property, on our church property in public view we have our children, our. Parking lot has become a public highway shortcut. Through neighborhood, also, place where prostitutes, or picked up people. Pull into a fix their car sleep overnight on our church premises, this. Community, and area has been for years, what of apathy, and social, strata and affects. The members, in those, visiting our church and community have. Contacted. The office of, District, two representatives. For, meetings, or call. Back on several, occasions, to no avail, not. As much as they called. Tonight, to talk and I appreciate, you, your. Expressions. Around. This we know that oftentimes, when, highways. Like 85 were built they, came through communities, that perhaps did not get some of the opportunity. To rebuild, appropriately. So we can deal with some of those issues as best we can but we can, get back to you from the state and the city manager's, office will follow up with you and you'll have a name and a contact, thank. You so kindly thank you for your time. Our. City clerk I think that we, would very much appreciate it. The. Next speaker is Maureen, Kelly, Maureen. Kelly miss Kelly come down and Sheridan. Brown if Sheridan, Brown would like to come down to the other side of the podium. Or. Dana hey. Dana. Hey. Misskelley. Thank you hello. Good evening I come to speak with you today for help on changing, the picketing restrictions, at the Charlotte Douglas Airport, I know some of you may have been approached by the afl-cio. Or the International, Association of, Machinists and, Aerospace Workers as. We. Have been addressing these issues for some time now unfortunately, they.

Have Not been taking, no. Action has been taken. Sorry. As, an employee of American, Airlines who works at this Airport, I am a personally, affected. By the specific sections, of the ordinance, the first one is chapter, 4 of aviation. Article, 3 section 472. Subsection. C 2 it, reads no, more than 10 picketers, or demonstrators. Promoting, the same object, shall be permitted at the airport, at any one time, that. Is not only ludicrous, and biased against workers it truly infringes, on our constitutional. Rights of peaceful assembly we. Are nothing more than the small people. Of companies, going up against big forces, we, have only few means to express our frustration. And bring, awareness to the public for support we, need to be allowed to publicly, display to the corporate forces our discontent. Every. Citizen, should be equal as far as government is concerned, this, ordinance, and kibitz our voice is beyond reasonable, measures, we. The workers have no voice in this area as there is no labor or airport. Commissions for workers to participate in. The. Airport has the most union, workers in Charlotte yet we are denied the means to a proper, way of picketing, outside, our worksite as a, member, of local lodge 1725. Of the I am a W, which. Consists, of approximately three, thousand if not more in the Charlotte area, combined. With the southern Piedmont Central, Labor Council there, are a minimum of five. Probably. More labor union site at Charlotte, Douglas we, are all requesting, these changes. I am but one of many we. Are also asking, to amend under Chapter four of a thank. You very much if you'll give us your remarks, my, understanding, is that this is something that the council may be interested, in going further mr., Jones we can. Thank. You very much, all right Sheraton Brown. Dana. Pay. Caitli. Followed. By John Keating, John. Keating. Followed. By Peter I. Say. That correctly I will, get it close enough pass there father. Sorry Julie, I'm, Baptist, she's Catholic we'll get it right sooner or later. Okay. Okay. Good, evening i'm. Katie, with, march for our lives I know many of you recognized me the. Main. Thing that I would like to speak to the council about today is in. Partnership with the Charlotte n-double-a-cp, we've been working towards gun violence prevention strategies. We've met with you mayor miles and many people of the council, but, we are still waiting, for responses, for meetings from from certain members of the council and specifically. We're asking, that the. The City Council take a, more. Direct, approach to addressing, issues of gun violence in the community we're proposing it should be in either today or tomorrow a proposal. For an education, program that we're going to implement in the community and in schools and, so we're really looking for support for that but we're also looking. Forward to just working, with City Council to make sure that there's actually stances taken against gun violence because, right now you know we've had over, 50, homicides, this year and there's.

Been Very. Little, response, from any of City Council so we're really looking for people to actually you know do the jobs that they were elected to do and stand. Up and then, actually act to make sure that people in our community stop dying with gun violence thank. You very much. Looking. Forward to seeing the proposal. Thank. You. So. John, Keating. Good. Evening my name is John Keating thank you for allowing me the opportunity to address the council I don't. Presume that all the folks who work at the throat, of the Trobe clinic, have bad intentions, I think. That many of them genuinely care, for women, likewise. You should know that most sidewalk, counselors, and prayers have good - it. Is no surprise that the primary conflict, between the two groups is about choice. Most. Women who have abortions tell, us that they went through it because they felt desperate, they. Felt like they had no other choice and I. Think that the Latrobe workers will confirm that they hear this regularly, from. Their clients and folks. On both sides of the line wants to help these women in desperate times, when. A middle-aged woman who may well have had an abortion herself, stands. On the sidewalk and count and calls out ma'am, don't do this we can adopt your child or. Ma'am. Don't abort your baby we can help me of resources, she. Is offering to a woman who arrived feeling, like she had one choice, another. Two additional choices this. Is what true choice looks like we. Know this from the testimonials, of women who have heard these counselors, and walked. Out of the clinic and cannot. Now imagine, life without their son or daughter to continue to receive help from, the pro-life community on. Its surface the proposed changes, to the ordinance would not prevent the above interactions, right I, was. A college student in South Africa during the anti-apartheid, student. Protest movement at first. We are allowed to assemble, but when the government decided to shut us down they did two things they. Moved us a significant, distance away from the venue through, use of a buffer zone and then. They banned loud, noise, it, started. With banning megaphones. And then. They bound the band loud, noise of any kind and they. Got to decide what constituted. Loud noise of course and then. They banned gatherings, of any sort forgive. Me if I don't trust City Council's motives here I've, witnessed free, speech silencing, strategies, before and this, noise ordinance, looks eerily familiar. Thank. You mr. Keating. Good. Evening mayor Lyles members of the council my name is father Peter Isaac I serve, at st. Matthew Catholic Church in Charlotte and I'm here to also express my concerns about the proposed changes to the city sound ordinance, part. Of my ministry involves, prayer and outreach on the public sidewalk in front of abortion clinics we. Seek to reach out to the women and men who go and offer, them a better choice help, them to find a better choice than abortion. Now. Our ability to offer help depends, on the basic right to free speech and, this, free speech is threatened, by the proposed changes, to the sound ordinance, the. Language of the statute, is very vague, it, prohibits, loud or disturbing, noises but, gives us no objective, definition of, these, adjectives. Who. After all will get to decide whether, a noise is loud or disturbing, well, every police officer be, forced to be the judge here or well. The complaint of those who are disturbed even by, the sight of pro-lifers.

Be, Allowed to determine what. We can say there. Are those who oppose our efforts to help for, them they, do not want any type of discussion, or debate they simply want a silenced, and unfortunately. The, proposed ordinance with its vagueness seems. To simply offer them a tool to, silence us, now. Many women who have heard our outreach, efforts have, accepted, our offers of help on the sidewalk and have, even thanked us for our presence, and outreach their. Response demonstrates, that many who come to these clinics do, not find our presence on the sidewalk offering, help loud, or disturbing, they. Do not share the opinion that this speech is problematic, and should, be suppressed if this. Ordinance is passed, I am concerns that will become a de facto weapon. To suppress the free speech of one, side of this difficult, debate and it, will deprive many women in need of a life-saving message I urge, the council to vote against it thank you thank, you very much Linda, Mooney, followed, by jasmine Pitts pitch, nur. Linda. Mone. Followed. By. Jasmine. Pitcher. Alright, I'm not sure miss Mooney I'm. Linda, Mooney all right thank you yeah. May I just ask can. You hold on. Thank. You please, yes, and if we could just ask that the music not play while someone. Is speaking during the public forum would you really appreciate that. I'm. Sorry. Sure. That's a long time for a phone to ring. Noise. I'm. Here to shed actually, some light, on the bias involved, with, the proposed changes to the noise ordinance and, to. Lay some Bratt groundwork, I just want to make sure that everybody here knows that in 2016, and 17 at. Least for members of this elected, body received, campaign contributions. From local. And national, abortion. Providers. And their employees and, then. In December of 2017, WSOC. Air two piece revealing, the former mayors four-point. Plan for. Shutting down pro-life, activities, at abortion clinics including, using. The city's noise ordinance, you can view that online, the. City Council, actually was already working that plan in early. 2017, the, city proposed, parking, fans, on the, public streets of to Charlotte, abortion clinics for, supposed safety. Reasons although I'm sure there's plenty of less, safe, streets, in Charlotte, at. One location it was successful, at the, other it failed, then. The council moved on to the noise ordinance, while. The stated, reason for updating, the noise ordinance. Is the very vague city, growth. Several. Members are on record discussing. How pro-life, activities, could be stopped, through it and, admitting. The revision, actually began because see MPD, asked, for help at Latrobe. Despite. The obvious bias, the, city plowed ahead designing. Conducting, a survey on, noise, for community input. The. Results of the city's survey, overwhelmingly. Said. No changes, were needed around medical facilities, but.

The Neighborhood Development Committee. Had, a goal so. The results. Were, misrepresented. To show support for changes. This. Misrepresentation, and. Bias was pointed out to them rather. Nicely by. Eadie Driggs a council, member at the April 17th, meeting however, his comments, fell on deaf ears, and all of the other members voted, to push it forward. The. City Council, needs to stop this political, politically, motivated effort, miss Mooney thank you very much. Thank. You, good. Evening mayor council good, evening my, name is Jasmine pitcher, and I'm a student at UNC Charlotte on April. 30th just before 6 o'clock I was practicing, calculus, on a whiteboard in Colvard just, like any other Tuesday on April. 30th just, before 6 o'clock a classroom, full of students, sat across the courtyard in Kennedy like, any other Tuesday on. April. 30th just after 6 o'clock I sat, under a table in the dark trying, to imagine what it would feel like to die on. April. 30th just after 6 o'clock. Reed, Parlier was dead. Riley. Howell was dead and the. Lives of four other students who had just been shot hung, in the balance I. Am. Ashamed to be here not. To stand before you because. I've waited so long to do so gun. Violence in the city is not a new phenomenon, according. To the latest available CDC, statistics North. Carolina is hitting a rising mark of, around, 1,400. Firearm related deaths, each year this. Is not acceptable. We. Are foolish if we assume that gun control alone can adequately address this issue however. We. Are equally misled if we think that revision, and enforcement, of laws governing, access to firearms is of, little immediate significance, in this conversation. Every. Day in America risk, is assessed, and managed on an individual, organizational. And legislative. Basis for. Example driving. Is one of the deadliest activities, we engage in as a nation. Legislative. Action cannot single-handedly, eliminate, traffic related accident, accidents, or associated, deaths even. So we. Have elected to mitigate this risk through, the implementation of an enforcement of laws designed to protect individuals. On and around our roads these. Laws are put in place, to safeguard human, life in light, of its intrinsic value how. Then does this logic fail to apply to firearms, we. Stand united not, just as Niner nation put, together with all those who, have been in this fight for decades calling, for substantive, reasonable. Change to, the laws that govern access to and use of firearms. In this state it is, well within your power thank, you if, you'll give, us your remarks we'll, have the clerk distribute, them to every member of Council and.

We. Certainly continue. To. Understand. The trauma that occurred on the campus of UNC Charlotte. I actually, think. That the student, body the faculty, and the, staff they've, been. Exceptionally. Resilient. Going. Through all of this so thank you for coming down and talking with us thank you, alright. That is the end of our citizens, hearing. And. Now, we will begin our. Business, meeting, with. Adoption. Of consent, items consent, items are those I wait, a few minutes for. All. Right so if you can be as quiet as possible we can get our startup. Business, meeting, and. Can begin with our consent agenda consent, agenda items, are those which are implementing. Councils, adopted, policies, and are, included, in the council's, budget with, appropriate. Act for the pro for the action that is on the agenda for tonight tonight. We like, we have I'd like to ask for a motion to approve agenda item. 16, through 47. And. Can. I have a motion it with the exception, of item. 16, as, a correction. Where the public hearing is being set for the 17th, not the, 24th. And on item, 18, the. Staff is continuing. To have property. Discussions. And negotiations and. So that will be on, the agenda when they are prepared, to come back to the council for action. Motion. And approval, we have on item 25, massage, mirror would like to make a comment. So. Item number 25. Is, for approval, of the, purchase of electric, buses. For. Our Airport, I, want. To highlight this. Line. Item because it's further. Meets our CF goals which, is our city's, transition. To low-carbon, future. And. Scats. Has also applied for the FTA grant, to, follow the lead of transitioning. To, low-carbon, future. And. I hope that my. Colleagues will also support. This. Transition, thank you, we. Have a motion and a second all in favor say aye, opposed. Thank, you, so the consent agenda is completed, so, the next thing that we will have is we. Will move to, our. Business. The. First item on our agenda is, item. Number. Nine the. Public hearing for airport. 2019. General airport, revenue bonds and 2019. Bond anticipation. Notes the, first item is to hold in public. Hearing relate it to the issuance of these general airport bonds and revenue. Bond notes. In. Order. To. Provide permanent financing for, projects, that we have at the airport which, includes, expenses, fund it with short term construction. Period financing. I think, we're getting a mortgage right now so this is pretty cool I. Don't have any speakers, so can I have a motion do, I have any speakers miss without. Any speakers can I have a motion to open and close the public hearing second. We, have a motion to open and close the public hearing all in favor say aye, any, opposed. So, the next item of that agenda is to adopt a resolution authorizing and approving the issuance of up to two hundred and thirty five million in general. Airport, revenue, bonds and up to 145. Million in Airport. Revenue bond anticipation, notes, calling. For the execution, and delivery of said documents. Drive, emotion. Any. Opposed. So. The. Next item is our city manager's, report earlier. This evening we were to have a report, on the. Housing. Applications. For use with the city, and the private, sector funding from Liss because. We didn't have a chance to do that mr.. Jones I know, that you have your memo that we have here and I, think whenever you're ready to introduce this topic as, well. As any, other comments, that you may have mr. manager your Thank You mayor Norm's. The council before, I turn it over to Pam, Weidman, to, provide, you an update of where we are with the, latest, round of. Housing, Trust Fund requests I do have the 30-day memo in front of you and we're trying, something a little different this time on the back we. Will also have what, we consider some. Of the upcoming. Events, over the next 30 days whether. Or not you would like those to be a part of your calendar or not I'm.

Also Asking, that if you could work with your council support to see if any of these items. Are something that you would like to be to. Have on your calendar but that's what we have for the 30. Day memo, as well as, upcoming. Events, so I like to test that with the council, to see whether or not there's something useful going forward one, of the things that, we. Have tonight as Pam makes her way to the, lectern is that, as, you may recall we. Hit. A bit of a pause, with. The housing trust fund request, and we, asked, earlier this year that. All of the 4%. Deals. Wait. Until, we had an opportunity to, see how the Housing. Trust Fund dollars could, work with. Some of the private, fund dollars that have been raised, so. We're at that point in time where, we'd like to just, give, council a quick overview of where, we are with the concept of having you have the, opportunity, to, touch this three times before, you have an eventual vote, on Housing. Trust Fund dollars later in, July and, we thought it would be good if Pam, also, provide. You with a bit of an overview of many, of the different, programs outside. Of the, housing trust fund it, also helped, us with our issues, related. To affordable, housing so Pam the show us yours, thank you manager Jones I'm good evening madam mayor and city council it's. My privilege to be in front of you today to talk about your housing programs. We, also have has been said we're joined by our list, team Ralphy, and Caldwell and Albert, Mills as well. So. I'm going to spend a few minutes going over all, of your housing programs, we have a total, of about 12 that we're going to talk about tonight, one, of which is the Housing Trust Fund these. Programs, are consistent. With HUD, the US Department, of Housing and Urban Development meaning, that they serve households. Earning 80%. And below the area of median income, I would, also point out that our house Charlotte, downpayment, assistance program. With, some local funding, we, go further, than that we, serve up to 120. Percent of the area median income and one of the goals is to continue. To create mixed, income neighborhoods. And to, promote home ownership. In. Terms of our federal programs, just a little bit of background on all of these you, all approve, our annual, action, plan that, is the application that, we submit, to HUD every. Year, that. Gets us about twelve million, dollars, of federal, funding, and it's based on a formula, grant, is that, formula, is a is. Consistent. With the size of our population, we. Have Community. Development, Block Grant, Program this. Program addresses. Housing, rehabilitation. Public. Facilities, infrastructure. Job, creation, and public services, some, of the examples, of how you all have used that here is obviously our rehabilitation we. Do public facilities, we, help fund those one. Recent, funding was, we've, helped the some, shelter funding, we, also do job creation, as noted through project, piece and then public service activities, like your out-of-school-time, partners. We, do home that. Is primarily, used in. A collaboration. With our Community, Development, Corporation's, some, of your local CDC's. The. Primary, use of that is for building new and doing, your downpayment, assistance and, I'll show you that the Community. Development Block Grant and the home those are your two largest, federal funding, sources, emergency.

Solutions, Grant that funding, is used to assist our homeless, households, and, individuals and, then housing, for persons with AIDS and HIV it. Provides, housing assistance and supportive, services for individuals and, families living, with AIDS I will, tell you that the. Funding that we are anticipating receiving. This year is on par with what we received, last year the, CDBG. Is slightly down from last year we. Saw a slight decrease. In home a slight, increase, in the emergency, solution, grant and a slight increase in the Hope, while funding. How. Charlotte, that's your primary downpayment. Assistance program. I, want, to point out here that we provide, assistance to our public sector employees, they can receive up to, $17,000. In downpayment. Assistance, you. Can see the funding sources and the allocations. There so this year in 2020, we received 2.4. Million you're. A safe home rehab, program, this, provides. Funding. To low-income, homeowners, to address need at home repairs, some, look at this also is how we've helped folks age in place seniors. Are the primary, users of this fund and the allocation there is 3 million dollars. The. TLC by, CLT. That's our targeted, rehab program, we, recognize, that while the safe home is more about one-off, rehabilitates. And that's really good but, in order to do holistic. Neighborhood, right revitalization. We wanted to target specific, neighborhoods, where we could do streets, of rehab, to really, turn the neighborhoods, around so, we started with two neighborhoods, historic, Camp Green and. LaSalle, at Lincoln Heights this, year we're gonna be moving to two new neighborhoods, Washington. Heights and. Revolution. Park so, you have 1 million dollars allocated for that that, funding, we. Continue, to partner, with Habitat, for Humanity, they. Do critical, home repair, we. Have. Three hundred and seventy-five thousand, dollars allocated. This year to continue to help them as they help us with, critical, critical, home, repair, we. Have our safe home or a emergency, repair, this, is funded with local dollars. And it's funded with local dollars, we primarily use this program, where we see the highest use of this program in our winter months and it's, just, what it is it is used to make, emergency, repairs, that we typically, see in the winter months for people. In that that enables, them to remain, in their homes. Aging. In Place is one of our newer programs, it provides. Grants, to low-income seniors, and the grants, are used to offset the, city's, portion, of the tax increases, and so that's really important, the city's portion of the tax increases. We. Have tenant, based rental, assistance and, that is exactly what, what it says there's a misnomer that many people who live in our shelters, don't work they, do many, of them do work they just don't make enough money to make the ends meet and so we partner with some with agencies, to provide, tenant. Based rental assistance. Voluntary. Relocation, that. Program. Is run by community link, and the, way that program, works is when we go out and we do, code enforcement, and we find that a house, is unsafe for human habitation. We offer voluntary. Relocation. To. A similar, housing, situation. Emergency. Rental, and utility, assistance we, partner, with crisis, assistance ministry, to. Help, folks with, who. Might be late on their rent or with, overdue, utilities, you know in in, order to avoid, cut-offs. And, evictions. That's that's a form of prevention, helping, folks stay in their homes and avoid eviction. The. Hope of grant is just what it is just what we said it is it provides low-income assistance. To low-income residents, and. Supportive, services to those living with AIDS and HIV. Um Carolinas. Care is our partner there and they administer, our funding, for us the. Away home endowment. We talked about this program, a number of times we've, made our full 10 million dollar commitment to that that, is leveraged with a 10 million dollar pledge, by, the private, sector and again, those are short-term. Rental. Assistance, 2 to 3 years to help people. Find. Suitable housing, and, give them short-term rental assistance. So. I'll pause right there I know that's a lot but I think it's important, for you all to to, remember, and give yourselves credit, we have about 12 to 13 million, dollars every year so we do a number of housing, programs, on an ongoing basis.

In Addition, to the 50 million dollars, in our housing trust fund so those range from helping. To create new homeownership, opportunities, to. Rental assistance. So. Do you have any questions, for Pam about our existing, operations. And that have been going on since, CBD. G has been approved I think it's although it the funding has gone, probably. Down, 66%. Or more. They. Still have, the programs mr.. Newton it's, me I'm madam mayor Pam, thank you so much for the presentation thus far this is very very important, work that, counseling. Staff. Are undertaking. Here I'm, seeing that a lot of these programs, are funded by Pago, money. And, I, was wondering, you, know in our recent budget talks a lot of the pay-go money we were discussing were one-time. Expenditures. Is, this Pago recurring. Or is this one-time these. Are recurring expenditures, mr., Newton within, your housing and neighborhood services, departments, budget. I've. Said, this in, the past I think we have a lot of numbers here, especially. With dollar amounts, and we often compare, dollar. Amounts, year to year but. As we move forward. It, sometimes it's difficult to translate with, the impact, that money is just having. Especially. Absent. A kind. Of a plan to move forward to to, bridge those gaps so, as we look, forward to presenting these numbers. I'd. Like to know. Month-over-month. Year-over-year. How. That is actually impacting, the situation. On the ground and. We. Don't. That. Sag rate point Minister Winston and we do, track those numbers, in internally. To talk about how many rehabs were doing how many households, were assisting, through downpayment assistance and, the like so we could provide the, performance, for each of these programs, I think it would be important, for the next budget, the. Next budget process, for the, next City Council to be able to, look at how these numbers. Not. Only add up to, get, to a balanced. Budget but, how we. Might gate. Adjusting. Or spending in the future to get different types. Of outcomes that we want to get sure. Move. On to our, most. Yes. Ma'am thank you so. I just want to remind you all that earlier, this year we. Promised that we were revamping, the process, and that you would have multiple touchpoints. Before. We were in front of you all. With. Requests, or doing an action review and so I would just highlight that we promised you guys after. We'd issued a request for proposals, that you would be notified of, the submissions, and so that is what we are here to do today. So. We told you several. Months ago that the RFP, would be issued in early April, that was done we, said the submission, deadline would be late April, it was we've. Done that and, so we're here tonight notifying. You of, the proposals, that we've received we're. Gonna present you a project summary, in late June we'll be back before you with an action, briefing, in early July and then we'll finally be before you and late July, requesting. Your approval of the proposals, that have been presented, to us, by way of a reminder you, hide the $50,000,000. In your in your housing, trust fund you've, approved, to. 4%. Deals, and one Noah development. We, are still waiting to be notified of, the. Award of 9%, housing, tax credit so that number may fluctuate based. On how many we receive we, anticipate, knowing that in mid to late August and so, as things stand today you have, a thirty thirty million dollar balance, there again, that number will change subject, to the awards, that, are made by the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency. In August, so, just a little bit about the proposals, and the intent tonight is high level, to be true to our process, and our funding partners we. Received, a total of 14, proposals. Of, those 14, proposals. 12 or requesting. Housing Trust Fund dollars three. Of those are with city request. City land and let me preface this by saying all, of this is being evaluated in, concert. With your housing framework. Your Charlotte Housing framework, that you approved, in August.

I Believe it was of last, year. It's. A city land overlap, with the trust fund money so are they asking for both money and land in some cases mayor it does not an ought not in each case yes. Ma'am, you also have ten of those 14, requested. Charlotte Housing Opportunity, investment. Fund and/or, low interest, debt funding. Question. And I shouldn't have interrupted you go, through this on the city land transactions. We looked at some situations where, the developer, was going to buy the land from us at market and others, where we would contribute, so are these ones where our donation, of land is part of our subsidy, for the entire project it, is a combination mr., Driggs and we'll have that detail for, you when we come back to you in late, June with, each, each. Transaction. I'll. Try not to interrupt, you and get you let you get through this presentation I, violated. My own rule. Really okay. Those. 10, of those as I said I'm of the 14, have. Choice as we're calling it and low-interest, loan interest debt if. You look at the leverage, ratio just, at a glance you, have a one, to ten leverage ratio, and that leverage, ratio, is based, on the total development cost, and, also. At a glance we have one thousand, six hundred and sixty nine units. Within those fourteen proposals. And. So. Just to break it down I know this has been a big concern to you into many of our community, members if you look at the unit. Area. Median income breakdown. You'll see that 20%, of, what, we received, is serving. Households, earning 30%, of the area median income two, percent of serving households, earning fifty, percent forty, seven, forty. Seven. Percent are serving households, earning sixty percent twenty. Seven twenty. Seven percent of serving households at 80 percent and then four percent, are serving, households, earning above, eighty percent, and again all of this goes to help us on our quest to continue, to create mixed income, neighborhoods.

So. The next steps, include. City. And lists staff, finalizing. And reviewing the proposals, to make funding recommendations to you all as we said, to you several months ago you. Will which you will, received a project, summary, in your packet. The Thursday, before we are in front of you for the action, review so that'll be another touch, point that you'll have with it we'll do a presentation during. An action, review, and then we'll come to you at a subsequent, City, Council, meeting requesting. Your consideration. And a vote to move proposals. Forward, I know, I've said a lot in a relatively, short period of time so I'll stop there and see what questions you have I have dr. Harlow. Thank. You mayor makes. Miss Wyman. Appreciative. Of the early. Breakdown, of you know ami schedules. And then knowing that we'll we'll get a deeper look at each individual, of the 14, -. Questions, really quickly we, will we, be asked to vote on these one by one or in a package, you. Traditionally. Mr. Harlow dr. Harlow have been asked. To vote as a package, and that's what we were that's how we would present them to you, what is your prerogative as. Councils, have formally done to, deviate, from that. Usually. They someone. Would ask for an exception of one that they wanted to see a separate, vote on and that's just a matter of yeah. I know we broke out the four percents last year and I just didn't know if there was gonna come in that same for max I know we've had a lot of discussions, about those before. Second. Question. You. Say we've got thirty thirty million remaining, in the trust fund is, it safe to say we really only have about twenty two if we take out next. Year's nine percent as well. That. You could do that maths or if we if we looked at the same amount, because and the reason that I safe to say that dr. Harlow, is we've had earlier discussions, about how, the investment. Fund that set up does not work for nine percent, of deals, yes sir well, I. Guess, a third question just sitting from that thank you. When. We get these in our packet, is it, gonna be just the traditional hey, here's the location here's. The ask here's, the unit breakdown, or and. Or, will we get you. Know the, matrix. And stuff and all of that as well the scorecard. What. What will be new mister dr., Harlow is that you'll get the location, you'll get the district, you'll get the the total, HTF, or choice or land, you, get the total development, costs you'll get a leverage, ratio based on that you, will get the scoring tool and I. Think I said the unit the the am, eyes that are be serving, and, the rents there thank. You all. Right mrs. Mehra, thank, you madam e so. I have, question on, first. Presentation, that you had done on. CDBG. And Pagal funding. So. The programs, around voluntary. Relocation. Emergency. Rent assistance, house, Charlotte's, safe home emergency. Repair. The. Funding, for those. Viji and Pagal has it been consistent. Or has, there been changes. From. Prior year's funding so, the city be the federal funding, mrs.. Admiral as I said it is a formula. It is based on the size of Charlotte's, population. So as our population, grows. That. Formula, changes and so from year to year we've gotten more it is also dependent on the, mood at the federal level and so some years that has been less what, I will tell you is that our Pago, funding, has pretty much been, consistent. For. Those programs so. Has there been an ask from some of this programs to increase the pay-go funding, for, some of these programs. So. So this, year. In. Your budget. Get. Back there, so. I know there was. So. I'll, just go back with if, you'll allow me how to do dyslexic, moment so we had, some orcs we got an increase, for emergency, repair. Program. Habitat. Has pretty much remained. The same I will say where the increases. Have. Occurred is the, rehabilitation. Programs. The safe home and the targeted, rehab programs, if I'm remembering, that correctly mr., manager if. I can add I got we, have a list of what the county is budgeted, this year I think it went out to everybody today, and the, county went at I think put in several. I want to say three hundred and some thousand, for, habitat repairs, so, they did overall, get an increase, but I'm gonna assume that they do those in both, and, throughout, the county correct.

So. That answers my first set. Of questions second. For, the RFP just. For, the Housing Trust Fund. Is. That, for both 9%. And 4% combined, no, ma'am 9%, you, you've already done, that and you only get to do that one time per year so these are primarily just for 4%. Okay, and, does. This include any noise. Yes. So. For those. Watching noise is naturally, occurring affordable. Housing, units okay, so you said yes yes, thank. You. Yes. Ma'am so. So. I'm clear on that the 14 there, those are 4% deals and Noah's so. So so with I want, to be true to our process, and we're really, trying to keep this high level tonight. And so the intent is not to. Drill. Down tonight. Into the individual, 14 proposals, but what you all should know is that we'll. Have more detail, for you when we send out that project, summary and we'll we bring these to you at your action, review, I appreciate. This first opportunity, to see this having, said that. Understanding. That we're looking at the possibility of all four percent Noah in the 14, I think that that can get, and. We know that those are a little bit more there's. More of a public ask on those rather than our 9%, and I'm looking at the possibility. Of remaining. Housing. Trust fund balance, of arounds, believe, councilmember, Harlow touched on this maybe around 22 million is. There a real scenario here where we can be presented with a full package, that would exceed, potentially. Even well exceed that, 22, million and what. Efforts if, that's the case what efforts upfront. Might be taken by staff or or is that on us so. To be more discerning. So. Customer, Newton, in Pam, I'll take the first shot at this okay. So. If you start to think about the four percent the. Council. Hasn't done a bunch, of 4% deals I think last year may have been the first year that we really, got into it and, in. A big, pace because we have to also remember that, until, the last, bond. That, was passed you had about 15 million dollars to spread over two years so. What. The 4% it's, going to be your call how, much you want, to fund, and, I would say to dark - Harlow asked the right question, early on is, that, what's going to be left for calendar. Year 20. I. Believe, if we didn't take this pause, you. Would have gone deeper, into, this, 38, million dollars, because you would not have had the opportunity to, use the. Private. And philanthropic dollars. And, the list dollars also so. I will, admit something I push stamp to make this presentation tonight, which. Is probably. Weeks prior, to what they would have liked to have done but. For me I thought it's very important, to just get, this out in front of Council to let you know that the process has started, the. Different. Proposals, are being vetted and, I would almost work backwards, from your. Last meeting, in July, which. Would be an opportunity, for you to vote on the. Proposals. And, I. Would back, up two weeks from that to, another. Business meeting, where there. Will be a presentation not. Back up the Thursday, before that which, which you would get a packet. In your Thursday packet, so, again what. I guess Pam is trying to not do tonight is get into the, details, of any deal because.

The. Deals we, hope will get better as. They, become, better. So. It sounds like we're gonna have some. Possibly. Have some tough decisions to make here particularly, if we want to keep something in the hopper for. Our 9%, deals in 2020. With. The scoring breakdown, so when you say the scoring breakdown Pam, you mean the two four categories, so we'll see the four categories within, locational. Policy so. Right. So remember if I go back mr. Newton the housing locational, policy, was intended. For 4%, deals, and so, with that you will see that is one component. Additionally. We look at the developer, experience the, developer, track record, we look at the affordability, and we look at the unit mix so that is one, component, one. Lens that we look through and and. At, in bringing, the deals forward for a funding recommendation. In, my last question I want to make sure that the community at some point has not opportunity to, weigh in on on some of this I'm, assuming that the opportunity, would be at our City, Council vote, so this would be a an item on the business agenda and then there would be a public. Associated. With so this this will be like in years past mr. Newton it's always been on your business agenda in terms, of the community, way in each, of the developments, they either have already, had or they will have a, public. Meeting we, enhance, the criteria. For those public for the public meeting based, on the last discussion that we had when we did a 9%, so, if you'll remember that discussion, we included, that language, in the RFP, so the public would have had plenty of time to weigh. In on on, on these I think, what we've seen is, oftentimes, weighing, in what the developer, is one thing it's another thing to weigh in with us and it sounds like we will have that opportunity for. The community to weigh in with us before. We make, any. And. It's -, it's, my understanding that, developers. Are already making, the rounds, - to, some, of the City Council members or have already made and I'm sure the public will do that as well. All. Right. I. Thought. When we first, talked, about the community engagement piece that. You. All and liske was really going to. Focus. On a community. Engagement, model, so. That if, that. Has, been taken care of we're. Not negotiating, every. Single deal when it comes before, council. And. Sort of takes. It out of. You. Know the deal-making on every single deal when a group that lives right there doesn't want it so is is there a community piece, of this that so. I don't want to speak for miss, Caldwell she's. Just a list they're putting together a. Grassroots. I believe it's called. Group. And she can talk more to that but but what I will tell you is in, your housing, framework, you had some stipulations right, you said 20%. 20%. Of the units should be for 30% in below we kind of heard from the different community groups that. We're, checking to make sure that happens we're having, the community, meetings, for each development. We. Did the 7 the, 7, community, engagement, sessions around the housing, locational, policy, guidelines, that you guys approved, we heard from the community about, what, they thought about the scoring tool so, there are various, and, there have been various. Instances, of, community. Engagement, through, this process and, we've we've, incorporated that, into our review, and into. Our proposals, so I mean, the community engagement, is is immature, it iterative. Okay. Yeah. I think and I I'm sorry I keep asking the question I'm just really trying to understand, where that falls in the process, because, I think we do want to get to a point where, we've said the community advocates, have looked at this strategy, this, is the right go, and not have to negotiate all these things I think where we get challenged, mayor pro-tem is, who, are they I mean it we've got lots of community, advocates, right and so, we. We, we. We've tried to we've, tried to engage as, many as we know about or who wants to talk to us so like again I said we had the seven housing. Locational, policy, meetings, to make that policy we. List. They're doing their grassroots thing, we, have a community, a mandatory, community meeting, for each each. Of the developments. And so again, we continue. As we go along this process to try, to hear as much community.

Engagement. As we can during this process but, at some point we we bring to you kind. Of the best deals based on kind of what we've heard from you what, we've heard from the community and what your policy, said. To. Me there's neighborhood. Engagement and there's, housing. Advocate. Engagement, and and. You, know we I think we really want to get to a place where we're focused on strategy, or, overall. Housing. Trust Fund use money having. Said that, you know just looking at some of these numbers. I. Just. Want to say how, thinking. Back four years ago to. My first year on council and we were proving these deals to look at a 1 to 10 rate leverage. Ratio is really phenomenal, because. It used to be we were looking at one to four one to six so we've. Really come a long way which is fantastic. It's awesome I'm sure we're still gonna have questions on the process but, it's. Um you know it's it's. A it's, a price, that we're sort of taking on that a lot of cities haven't quite figured out so it one, thing that I was saying is Mayor. Pro Tim to to your point, earlier about community, engagement I mean this very step, that we're doing tonight I mean to show. You. Know down here in the chamber on the Gulf Channel although. It wasn't initially playing, this way somebody. Knew better than we did that the the the the community. I mean this is the first glance at what we're looking at or this is another glance, my. Last question if I may and the. County just, announced, that they're, going to get, involved in housing are, you what's, the interaction. At. The staff level between, you, all and the county so, that the strategy, is that well, so. That hopefully there would be a strategy that, we said hey, you know we'll, take this you take that because as we know especially at the 30% below level there's a lot of services that the county has, traditionally, provided that have to go with. Right. So because the the, county this is the this is the first time they've taken such, a robust, approach.

To Affordable housing and we're thankful for that previously. We've. Collaborated, around. The emergency. Solution, grant program, that's the four million dollars, that comes into this community, so we serve we collaborate, with them in providing T breh assistance. To the homeless shelter in the slide that I showed you there. Is still. What's. Called the charlotte-mecklenburg. Housing. Advisory. Board that we're that is evolving. So that's been a place where we've been involved with them also as the mayor mentioned earlier. Around. That. Doing, habits. Have with habitat, we've, been in conversations with them in previous years so, discussing. Within the County habitat, and the city to, discuss with them how we could, possibly. As, they, foreclose. On properties. Due to non property, tax payments how, we could, work in partnership, to have those houses. Rollover. To habitat, to be rehabbed, and then, reused. As affordable, housing so, there's been some conversations. With the, county in those three areas and we, we are looking, forward to having more conversations with, them as they, ramp up the, evictions, and the other work that they're going to do okay, thank you mr.. Weston. Mr.. Genomes when. A. A. Bond. The. Bond that we, the. Citizens voted, for in November, is. Voted for when does that money kind of hit the, books does it have to go, to the next. Fiscal. Year is it immediately. So council remember Winston if I understand, your question so, the bond. That was approved. Last. November. One. Of the things I think this. Body, will recall is. That after. It, was passed there. Was already a dipping, into it yeah and so we really didn't start off with with 50 so. Going, back to dr., Harlow, and also, council. Member a Newton. At some point. There. Will be few. Dollars, remaining. From. The 20. From. The 2018, bond right and, hopefully. But, some of the funds that are in, the budget that, hopefully. You will prove on. June. 10th, which. Includes. Funds, for, like Noah's so. We're trying to think about some. Alternatives. And, maybe alternatives, aren't the right word but, if. We get ratios, like this it's. Spreading, the dollars, much, more than they would have been spread back in January, so that's a great positive there. Are a few some stopgap, measures, by still, having, funds in the innovative housing pots. That we have in panco but. Ultimately what happens, in, I. Guess, such a lot of timeframe if these are great deals that. Are good, for what, the council is attempting. To do and. I, just think that you're in a very good position to. Approve. What's in front of you it's at some level and then, when. 2020. Comes about what's proposed, is another fifty million dollar bond, and, the. Budget. That I introduce or hands over to the council and, I'm. Not sure that you, would repeat what happened, to last year but, I think. As Pam sorted, through this it was, working, with the developers, who are doing the affordable, housing with. Some understanding, of if, you went beyond that any. Project, would be contingent, upon the, 2020. Bond being passed. Yeah. But. It wasn't really that it's, two quick questions, so yeah there was a lot for yeah there was a lot it was good stuff there public, votes right, at what point in time can we start selling bonds and see cash. The. Public. Approves. That we work immediately. All. Right but. They don't necessarily sell, the bonds right yeah, and. I, kind of asked that question just to get, of like. Like dr.. Hollow and mr., Newton or alluding to is that, we have to be pretty, strategic. And. How we allocate these, dollars, or, we. Are going to be making decisions for. Future councils. Or. Or. We. The. Worst case scenario, we won't be effective. In. Kind of achieving.

The. Goals and that is making. Sure less people are housing insecure everybody is how secure. And. Dealing. With those inequity. Issues and I'm looking at these these, numbers. Again this I might sound like a broken record and. I might sound like that f

2019-05-31 13:03

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