CHAOS and CONFUSION? Flying KLM Business Class to Canada

CHAOS and CONFUSION? Flying KLM Business Class to Canada

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okay finally going one hour 20 minutes late i'm starting to worry a little bit about thank you perfect it was lovely thank you so much nice to be back you know last time i was here at schiphol in amsterdam may 2020 the place was deserted it was like an absolute ghost town there were no passengers and only a handful of flights a day um and now would you look at it things are getting busier again the world is opening one border at a time and today it's the turn of canada because about two hours ago canada opened their borders to vaccinated travelers from all around the world so guess where we're heading today now the flight i'm on today is one of the first ever flights from europe to canada after the borders have opened so i'm not entirely sure what's going to happen and how it's all going to go i'm expecting confusion and i'm expecting chaos but um hey what would this channel be without a little bit of chaos good morning hi do you need to see my ticket or something or are you skype we already our business class business class yes yes all right thank you thank you just found us the shortest queue thank you hello good morning checking in place for toronto and i think i have everything you need so unless it's changing the last ten minutes as it tends to do so yeah yeah but first go to f2 that's a extra check for your document okay f2 yeah f2 events all right perfect thank you very much thank you lovely thanks have a good day bye all right all checked in um and apparently we're boarding in 10 minutes we're like two hours before the flight but they're boarding already because obviously they have to go through all the new checks and everything for entering canada so we've got to go do that now that's a different gate and then figure out where we're going from there so who knows right through security through passport control interestingly this is the first time i've transited through a european airport since britain left the eu earlier on this year and i've got a stamp in my passport both ways in last night and out this morning the whole process really has been pretty seamless there's not really been any difference to before you just go through a slightly different lane at the passport control for non-eu and it there's never anybody there so actually it was probably quicker this morning going through that you know it was the other one but anyway never mind um i need to head to my gate which is i have no idea where it is such a big airport it's the fp but let's see if we can figure out where we need to go oh heavens above look at the queue for this gate hello hello sir are you a skype are you i am yeah uh did you download to your live camera i do have it on my phone you need to see it okay yes uh you may come forward yeah all right thank you thank you is this just canada flights here yes now it's all open for everybody i guess yeah yeah thank you hi good morning all right what do you need first okay so that's there my thank you very much cheers have a good day bye bye well that turned out to be pretty straightforward actually um so you basically now for the canada flights because they're opening the borders like today and everybody can now get in they've got an entire setup for canadian flights to get through um and get all their documents checked so you all line up and they basically go through the arrive can app that you've got to do and all the pcr test vaccines cards and all the rest of it and then you get a nice little sticker same pcr check complete so now off to the lounge coffee time almost forgot actually um to tell you guys but today we're riding on a klm boeing 787-10 dreamliner um not been on one of their seven eight in fact i've never flown a long haul with klm actually come to think of it that which is strange because they're only like on next door airline pretty much to the uk and it's um almost like our second airline i call them sometimes because they fly to all the regional airlines that even ba don't or the regional airports rather that even ba don't fly to so yeah it's cool to be flying them long haul and i'm looking forward to getting on this 787-10 it's going to be pretty cool um ride up in business class at the front can't wait to see what klm have to offer all right still an hour until the flight leaves but i'm going to head to the gate anyway because i don't know what it's going to be like in terms of getting on board for this long-haul flight across to toronto so let's head to gate f7 i think they said klm off to toronto so this is the line for the document check that i did earlier on now it now goes the entire length of the fp here at skip hole from right at the bottom end right down to this end here it's absolutely crazy now fortunately i got to skip most of it because in business class they give you sky priority which gives you access to like cutting lines and stuff like that which is really cool but if you're in economy i wouldn't fancy something in that line that's going to take you at least a couple of hours to get through you need to bear that in mind if you're heading to canada anytime soon uh from here at amsterdam i don't know what it's like anywhere else but it's a massive line um i'm heading down to the gate now i'm glad i got all that out of the way earlier to be honest um i fancy standing in that lot but um let's get to the gate so right just there the klm 787-10 that's going to take us over to toronto in canada today such a cool plane i love the dreamliner and um i love the dash 10 i've only been on one before with etihad so it's always nice to go ride on a dash 10. they're not very common compared to the eights and nines um but an eight or nine hour flight across to toronto today i think we're going to be getting on board this one very soon and getting on our way that's annoying all right let's go to toronto hello good morning how are you thank you thank you there's a welcome aboard the klm boeing 787-10 business class today we're heading to toronto in canada and this is a really comfortable seat actually it's the it's like it seems like it's a sort of super diamond seat or something but it's got kind of slightly different controls um there's these really cool sort of touch things here which are pretty cool nice big tv screen up here we've got some storage sort of over here a bottle of water what else we've got headphones power and everything down here an amenity kit knee janta minion giant mignolet or something i don't know and we'll go through that in a little while um kill them kill them um plenty of room as well put your feet out and of course it's a full flatbed as well um a little bit at the front here very nice indeed i've never flown klm long haul before i've flown on them short haul loads connecting through europe but never actually done long haul so it's actually going to be really cool to see what they're like here in business class it's one i've been meaning to try for the longest time um so it's good to be on board and especially on this aircraft this 787 dreamliner dash 10 you cannot beat that view can you just incredible getting on our way pretty soon and in the sky he's heading to canada all right we're now like half an hour after our scheduled departure time um and still no sign of us going anywhere i'm just gonna watch some tv but look at this um for this the headset um that you get it's a noise canceling headset i was like how does that work this is the connector but watch this this is so cool that's where it lives what oh magnetic that's pretty cool isn't it i like that right so it seems that the reason for the delay is because of all of those checks all those document checks they were doing um no surprise there really i think we're just waiting for another six passengers now we're about 45 minutes after departure time waiting for about the six passengers they've just said so we should be getting going pretty soon uh hopefully we'll make up some of that time on the way as well um try to think what it's going to be like at the other end though yeah finally going one hour 20 minutes late we're pushing back so so our route today then took us out of amsterdam crossing the uk and ireland before coasting out into the atlantic ocean we crossed the southern tip of greenland before coasting in over quebec and dropping down into toronto flight time today was seven hours and seven minutes cruising at 34 and 37 000 feet so then airborne finally from amsterdam on our way to toronto canada over the north sea at the moment um look yeah i'm still looking forward to this flight it's delayed massively but anyway it doesn't really matter i think it i guess really it's because of all those extra chicks so they had to do loads of passengers that got to the gate and not realize that they had to go and do all of that so they had to go and join that line literally at boarding time so that's why we were waiting for those but um i'm sure it will get easier as things move on and everybody sort of learns what they have to do now part of the reason i don't often think about taking klm for flights is because their flights literally take us if you're going to um to america or canada from amsterdam right back over our house you see we're flying them out over northern england now we um see the klm flights in and out of amsterdam all day every day flying over our house and now i'm actually on board one of them for once and we're about to coast in overhaul actually um which i can see just down there there's sperm head down there in east yorkshire some of the beaches that we like down there in that part of the world as well so um yeah it's so cool to be flying over home on our way to the states or not to the states to canada i need to get my countries right so we just left um england behind we flew from the hole across leeds and over just coasted out over morgan bay towards the isle of man now so pretty cool like no more than five or ten minutes and we've crossed the entire of england from the east coast to west coal so cool well i can see scotland up there as well very pretty so there we go then saying bye-bye to europe as we fly over donegal in ireland and make our journey out into the north atlantic the table set for dinner for lunch rather and i've chosen the fish for the starter and there's like a lasagna reveal lasagna for my main course i have to say so far the crew on this flight are just absolutely incredible um klm have always impressed me in the past with their crew and the service on board so i don't know why i thought that the long-haul service might have been any different but i always just didn't really think of using klm to go anywhere i'll be honest i'd be using them a lot more because their service on this flight has just been absolutely astounded so far um as we make our way across the atlantic looking forward to getting some food inside because i'm starving i'm not eating today yet so the food has arrived starter at least and we've got fish today um for the starter with a bit of a salad and everything else like bread and stuff and a nice glass of wine this sauvignon blanc is really nice actually very impressed with that oh so let's try this fish that is really nice really delicious as well so the main course has arrived it's via lasagna what i went for today it was quite nice let's give it a go that is absolutely delicious oh and also look at the little clogs that the sultan pepper come in look at that so it is that time of the flight that i like to call amenity kit time mainly because i'm not very original and not very creative but um we're going to go through the immunity kit and what an immunity kit it is on the klm 787 it's a jam tom minio amina ticket instructions say pull here to open so that's exactly what i'm going to do and that's not opened it at all brilliant oh hang on it has there we go oh exciting times as we open the junty journey kit whatever it's called um oh look lovely stripy socks hey they're fancy aren't they they're very smart uh what else do we have we have an eye mask and a nice eye mask as well it's not branded it's a bit of a shame um face moisturizer for moisturizing your face um earbuds and a klm sort of packet we have a toothbrush we have a little baby klm pen look how cute that pen is look um and we have lip balm and toothpaste yeah i'm honest a little bit underwhelming um but again who uses immunity kids saying well i do my drawers at home are full of them but this will be a nice addition to the drawers full of amenity kits that we've got at home um so there you go that's what you get in the klm jun jun i'm not even going to try and pronounce the klm mini ticket you may remember a couple of weeks ago i asked if you still wanted to see my lou reviews literally handfuls of you responded and i soon had my answer so without further ado it's time for the no philips new review it's lou review time here on the klm dreamliner and um very nice klm bathroom you get some pieces down here look at this wallpaper behind me look very fancy very fancy there's no window though which is a bit annoying um a lot of dreamliners have the windows but this one this is the front one but there isn't a bad one in business so i don't really understand why um but it's a nice bathroom to be honest a little bit pokey was the only issue um yeah if you've got the ones at the back of the business class cabin going then it would probably have been a bit bigger because they usually are on the window and stuff but here at the front obviously the aircraft sort of squeezes in and we're left with this unfortunately but it's not bad tulips from amsterdam dutch um on the wall and um it's quite nice it's quite pleasant that was the noel phillips blue review all right so the flatbed on the klmg liner it's pretty comfy i'm sort of laid flat out these pillows are really nice by the way as well it's nice to get an actual fluffy pillow on um a business class flight plenty of room for me to lay down i can see let me get in a good couple of hours rest on here um obviously the middle of the day fly but i've been up since crazy o'clock this morning fretting over everything that we'd have to do up in um amsterdam so i'm gonna try and get my head down for a little bit as we sort of cruise across the atlantic ocean the boring blue bit in the middle um and hopefully we're not long off arriving into canadian airspace and seeing some beautiful scenery below if the weather's not too bad fingers crossed and i just woke up from a bit of a nap actually i had about an hour or so just resting looked out the window and what should i see but an emirates triple seven right outside the window that is cool so time for a snack um about an hour and a half now until we land and there was a choice basically of a burger or this chicken empanada but the burger was a vegetarian burger and i didn't really fancy the plant burger um i've gone for the chicken empanada which was a little bit bland it looks like a bit like a cornish pasty but i'm expecting it not to taste like a cornish pasty it's like a greg's spicy mexican pasty and i'm not complaining about craigs also amazing they can bring me another one of these in a minute i have heard about these before and i've always wanted to get one and now i've flown klm and i have got one these are like little porcelain delft blue houses that they give out to business class passengers on every klm long-haul flight and it's actually like you can collect them there's loads of different ones and you can build like a little street scene out of them on your shelf at home this one's number 14. um and inside it contains like a local gin or something like a dutch gin um which is very exciting for me but the fact they give these little things out on every flight is so cool isn't it and if that isn't a reason to want to fly klm more often then i don't know what is so starter daddy sent down into toronto airport we'll be on the ground in about 10 minutes now i'm starting to worry a little bit about this connection i've got it was a four-hour connection it's now a three-hour connection with this delay and it's the first day that a calendar of borders have been open to the rest of the world if you're fully vaccinated so i've read reports of three hours plus being spouted about for getting through passport control and doing all the health checks when you land into toronto so i am keeping my fingers tightly crossed that we might be able to make this connection i mean a three-hour three-hour connection normally you think is noticeable but in the environment we're in at the moment who knows if we're gonna make it so we'll figure out when we get down there just how bad the passport lines are at toronto but in the meantime we are oh just descending through 7 000 feet my flight to toronto cost me just over 2 100 pounds working out at a price of 58 pence per mile now this was incredibly pricey for a transatlantic flight but it's worth pointing out that i did book it just a couple of days out after my original flight with royal air mark was cancelled due to the canadians banning flights from morocco so i'd landed in canada now it was just time to see just how bad those passport queues at immigration would be and crucially whether i'd make my connecting flight there was nothing left to do but join the queue and check my watch and after just 25 minutes i was through immigration and officially in canada what a result all right made it into toronto yay it's great to be back here in canada so cool literally one of the very first flights to arrive back into canada after the whole entrance ban was lifted this morning to vaccinated people and we're here ready to explore what canada has in store for the next couple of weeks um and yeah we're in canada yay um and who knows what excitement and falling games is gonna wait is over the next sort of couple of weeks when well obviously i know because i booked it all but you don't know and the only way you're gonna find out is to subscribe to find that out so hit that subscribe button so that you don't miss anything from this amazing next couple of weeks i've got here in canada in the meantime as always thank you so much for watching take care and i'll see you on the next one bye for now

2021-10-11 18:17

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