Cfds à risque limité versus Futures, le combat des champions. Que choisir pour trader ?

Cfds à risque limité versus Futures, le combat des champions. Que choisir pour trader ?

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no trading webinar on Sunday at 11 am here I go on to the fourth webinar of the weekend I like it so much that nora 5th here ends like that it says we will I go up quickly so I remind you that on Saturday at 10 am we binary highway to take stock of the stock market I invite you then to visualize his dislikes of morny very worthy very greatly improved we have time to take stock of the stock market analyze the markets I analyzed in particular the dynamics of the tesla face face share at renault at 11 a.m. where the webinars savings in particular focus on the increase in fuels between 1960 and 2020 and see if that represents a much heavier load in households or not therefore against and analyze whether what we say the head a week and true story i have a right to end on the crusades or the armed pilgrimage we have just liberated jerusalem and massacred everyone and then at 11 o'clock now we will see the binary trading trading we will be interested esser up on the right ways not well written on the difference between cfd and futures and see what is best suited to deal with depending on your profile the first thing I would like to say is that we will try to take take a step back and think a little bit and not be in the gifts level of football supporters because that's a little bit like cfds the futures you have the cfd pros you have and the future antis there had the future pros the west indies cfd and it's so cartoonish that it's often extremely extremely scary if you are a trader you don't listen you know your own opinion don't listen to what others may say encourages us to form your own opinion that is to say to test by yourself at times I have people who I see on twitter who ask questions but want to tell them my tests not ask the ten question is unknown that you do not know who will answer you or not you answer test if you don't know what it is that the cld opens a cfd demo account of the test if you do not know what it is the future open a future demo account are you testing and if you want to see the difference between the two beaten you account and you put yourself one graph is futures on the nasdaq100 futures on the nasdaq and you watch being active a being being proactive so in the gc not being in the caricature of being in one camp or another is not at all the objective of this chain which is for example for the webinars savings that you present the two theories we will say a current of left current of right to make a synthesis and then at the end I tell you I give you my opinion which only binds you So me to be quickly the cfd it is the sound of the instruments which were originally created for professionals to compensate for the lack of futures on futures if it is a sound of instruments which are very professional quotation marks which are issued by stock exchanges it is the cm which creates the quotation of the future nasdaq them it is euronext which creates the quotation of the future cac 40 and all the future traders in the whole world will quote the nasdaq they all have exactly the same short in front of them they all have exactly the same book orders in front of their eyes and they can evening a Japanese, a French or an American return to gold camer to exchange lots between them the advantage of the future also is that there is tea to secure I do not return at all in all details to clearing houses which constantly monitor there is sufficient liquidity which monitors that we can we can pay permanently and that is independent of the stock market places it is a kind of trusted third party between quotes here it is an instrument the futures are an instrument which are tested in time which are extremely reliable which are used by all the hedge funds the fundamental questions the companies the insurance companies and it is with no us to make us brief if I am a historian it is stronger than me a very small history of the futures for your general culture then what is a future in the end quite a very simple thing it is a contract that you go with someone for a fixed price at a determined deadline i.e. you tell me I will buy you a nasdaq lot at 15000 and you give me the booklet to give it to you in three months the quarterly deadline or in six months or in nine months and that's it allows to guarantee a price that is to say that if you buy the nasdaq at 15000 points for a maturity in December in you are sure that someone will have to give you an ace dacca due fifteen one thousand aisha at 15,000 due in December that's roughly why that brings the word future he had anticipations as they are calculated you have the stream simplifying to the extreme but you can come on the on the elite site on the forum the blog I have a complete page which e x explain how futures are calculated it would take an hour just to explain so it's not that's not the subject but roughly it's the current price plus interest rates and a little by little delta on possibly volatility etc. it gives you the price the price of the future so you have to understand it is that the futures is to centralize all the people who are on futures have exactly the same prices at the moment t and the island is traded, we are talking of the water of contract between them it is emitted by the places simply fixed its sides by the stock exchanges and it is supervised by the clearing houses the problem is that for some and 30 it is too rigid in the meaning that leverage is limited on futures by all clearing houses so at the end of the day the clearing houses make what are called calls i.e. they check that you have enough money on your account to maintain your position if you did not know If you have money in your account, your position is automatically liquidated a price that you do not control so it is sold automatically publication of condensation it is security there is no one who can have a lot of money it will sink a future market that can not go bankrupt it is constantly monitored and and compensate if you are at a loss and you do not have enough money and well boom your strength (s) automatically to take your loss neck in quotes you have then it is good but it is not good as for example you have a position which is winning which is protected by which is protected by a stop and all and that you are in that you are in full full leverage mode you cannot go further when you could wanting to return again to increase your position it goes back your father had raised your stop etc and so we had companies which allowed wise professionals to insist at the beginning the origin the cfd it was it is reserved for professionals to go a little further than the strict legislative framework for futures by proposing levers of the levers of the upper levers that is the first point then we had it worked very well it still works very good and we had a democratization of cfd which came from limited risk cfd then which came to absolutely everyone had huge drifts we had brokers in exotic islands who did everything and n 'no matter what we had we had the mafia we have to call the seals things as they are we had legal online poker organizations more or less of a furious one at the arjel who has put an end to that in the European Union and many of these companies at work that we will say from poker sites have turned into sites of its cfd brokers site because it is very easy in some countries to obtain the cfd brokers license makes you if the deposit send you a pe tit check is not even necessary to come on site and this country gave you give you the license instantly hesitated cfd brokers so there was a lot of not just manipulation as for as for the sites it is not ahead of a poker site where it is already cheating so they continued they recovered their same customer bases contacted them they also have the same system deposited 100 euros I give you 200 so here it is more completely illegal by the way they canvassed people by phone which is totally illegal too and it is therefore we had a large proportion of digital brokers that is to say totally rotten which gave the bad image of the packers brokers and and in tobacco you had a handful of 3 4 5 who was completely clean who had already been working for 30 years with professionals and god had absolutely nothing to do with his small brokers who what is created in two weeks on an exotic island ue with people people not at all clean at all but fortunately the European Union has done a little cleaning that's hard if cyprus got slapped on the fingers here and we had a lot of regulations stricter for the on the cfds which are united cfd with limited risk with the individuals much more controlled by the regulatory organizations and now we arrive at the kursaal of equity which are still there still so clean and now the rotten ones really must not have of pot really look for them for to fall on you have a blacklist of the mf that exists which identifies if you see the name of your broker on this blacklist could not even a single question to try to recover your money if you have the lucky to be able to get your money back but this is the story cannot be updated in real time by the mmf because once a site is blacklisted and well the next day they bet open a new website that takes it takes three seconds to do a make a new a new website a new temple is and then she keeps going for the new pigeons quite simply so i did i made a video that i believe this is one of the videos that has had the most views on youtube on my channel which explains how to spot bad brokers in illegal brokers who are not yet on the blacklist even though they will very very quickly become verifying authorizations check the approval numbers that have verified their age their existence to check if they are not hiding their data from theirs so that we cannot identify them here is this type of brokers there it is as if you have someone in the street that I did not know a virgin 2000 euros some videos which has no problem it is bar it's exactly the same thing except that as it is on the internet and well here people they see a web page more or less well done and then they have seen he we see their money and that of not even in fact all this by where his part really knows neither the people born the people he sees the belize not too much where it is good there all that if I explained it broadly not know it is not the point from this of this video so see that with regard to cfd it was first for professionals it has changed for the general public and that's hard 6.8 to all to all these abuses and it comes back

very serious for individuals tests at 2 it's always new it still exists for for professionals it changes it changes absolutely nothing then there are other advantages on cfd michel pattou detailed on his pass has not a lot of people you really be in the field a little professional it saves you for example paying the tax on la la la la ttf of 0 20% if you are trading in stock trading its part if it is not very well known including I still take 3 me to explain that to you when you are doing t rading cfd equities 99% of the cases you actually deal with the equity market, i.e. what you have in front of you is the order book of the share subcontracted in cfd the L'Oréal share because it is important that you have it is the L'Oréal share what is happening as an individual I pass you all the details of the ttf we may be subject to a tax of 0 20% voucher if you go through a additional broker in addition to your commissions if you go through a cfd brokers enough the cfd broker who will buy in his name what you ask him if you say on your account I gave 26 on to the real is to break fees of the twenty L'Oréal shares and which transforms the twenty L'Oréal shares which it will own in hard into CFD by telling you well, here you have bought 20 L'Oréal shares at the price and there you have 20 CFD shares in your account l'oréal at pri x and you can join them on the market that's why what is happening in fact the cfd brokers are taking it so n name and all financial institutions are exempt from financial transaction tax and that's how you avoid paying the 0.20 percent when there are detachments of dividends get them cfd check them it'll depend on the brokers but those who are honest and clean give you back the dividends received the only thing you lose is your voting rights at the general assembly where you will not be invited to the general assembly to retrieve a plastic pen so here it is always been Shareholder I have never seemed to us at general meetings what a mistake certainly but here it deprives you at least of those of this right there so be careful the actions in quotes these are real actions that you drag / / / cfd if I want say you have understood I hope the principle on the indices on the other hand these are indices which are what you buy that be created by the cfd brokers himself which you who gives them to you is contracts for difference he gives you a contract you bought the nasdaq at 15000 gives you the contract proof that you bought the nasdaq at 15000 and if they go up to 15000 30 you will then sell and he will tell you you have a contract purchase 15,000 you have a contract of sale at 15 thousand 30 the difference is 30 it is for you here it is made the difference but it is not futures a hatchet he can buy ten futures to cover himself against options for own hedging for the most powerful and most capitalized cfd brokers that's why you have about 4 5 cfd brokers which represents 80 90% of the market ddd cld and you have all the others cfd brokers who remain who must represent 10 20% of the market but they are hundreds of thousands of tens of thousands and it is they who suffer and who have difficulty in the green and who will seek between quotes people who do not do not have much money on the cons because the party regularity in relation to the future of dcf deaths that you can initiate yourself or trading with small sums to give you an idea for a very long time on futures you only had full lots or or mini water for example a mini the water on the future on the on the dax currently it is worth 75 thousand islands is at 5 euros the point we will say that by simplifying more access to 15000 admits to 75000 euros if you want to take it without any le keen on visits 75000 euros on your on your account then at while for for the cfd you can buy the same thing not 5 euros points but at 10 cents the point for example here is roughly the cfd if you are less capitalized you will be able between quotes trade is then on micro to micro to micro sum you are going to have in fact if you have to the thousand two thousand 5000 10,000 euros it is more suitable to make cfds than limited if you have more substantial sum if you have 20 30 40 5 0 hundred thousand and all that would be more suitable for trade and futures here is simply at the level of authorized leverage is ten men initial the only thing is that there has been a little big bang that has happened on futures lately we had the appearance of water microphones on the future because they said to each other but there is a whole audience who is who and who is on cfd who is dynamic who learns to take the bump who are traders in the making with maybe later very large sums and possibly proprietary traders or managers who go to work manage their assets dynamically and not leave it in life insurance all that and they leak them. passes the future pastors have also started to create water microphones and therefore it is the great novelty for approximately a year we have for example on the American indices of water microphones that is to say that you can currently very months I trade the nasda q at 20 dollars a point and there are the microphones the nasdaq so it is ten times less you can be helped at 2 dollars the point on futures the nasdaq then it remains even higher than what you can very disappointed received cv on that for I think you will struggle for 20 cents to twenty to twenty two there at 20 cents on the cFD on the lower size of the future that is worth of cccc still a gap of 1 and 1-10 of dollars that can be very very very very quickly sure sure sure future since nasa who hold a speech a lot he can take 30 40 points quickly not 30 40 points quickly if the states of dollars are immediately still 60 81 dollars which s ' flies there which may go up in smoke in losses Thursday always must always predict the worst on the stock market that's when you make your forecasts if you can assess the risk is not telling you like a super I'm at 2 dollars the point he takes 50 points I earn 100 dollars it's great da ns your head rather plan if you lose 100 dollars what is happening to you can you afford is your your maximum loss and is tolerable in relation to your capital etc so c what is interesting is that we have the deer which was my professional who came to the world of individuals we have the futures which have always been reserved in professional quotes given the size given the financial stakes that are necessary put in to process future lots and at the moment they are going down a little bit it is also leveling up with individuals a little more a little bit more fortunate however so that's why I marked that it was a boxing fight because who will win is what it is the futures is what it is the cfd then me what I think of way and I say it for about ten years it is not products that can be opposed are products that are complementary and I invite you you then this is the advertising moment I invite you to read my book become a pro trader which is there so here it is in my island dawn treader pro here I am making a comparison precisely in terms of cost between the cfd and the future and this is where it gets exciting is where we realize that we can't be pro cfd and anti future not being pro future and anti cfd it's totally ridiculous besides when you are too much in a camp it is necessarily cartoonish because you have to some it is obvious and which are much more interesting and as soon as futures for our wallet to us quite simply edit futures which are much more interesting to trade and that cfd I give quickly an example which is global will be able for the futures and for almost all the brokers all the brokers cfd for example you the traits of the cac40 on on cfd the round trip will cost you 1 simplifying 1.1 point it costs you a point so monday this calf

4600 you buy it 4006 i It has to go up to 4,601 so that you don't lose money there are four small ones are 2 you have gained a point and at 4115 you have gained 15 points - your your costs which are 1 point the returns of which you are going to earn 14 points it costs a simplification with the possibility of taking lots at 0.20 to 0.50 centimes to one euro and it is on futures you have the years order book and the particularity so you have between 0 if you put your limits art wrongs you are not sure of being executed you have no certainty of being executed if you want to be sure of being executed you have to place your order I was going to say to the markets tp + 1 compared to the price during the purchase price that allows us to enter a tick above to type in the order book so cfd it costs you 1 1 point on futures is a lot of zero centers and even a point sometimes two points because the order book is not fixed 3:10 pm can therefore move between zero and one point plus commissions e You have to look at what your type of trading is if you are ready to place orders on futures and not be executed because your order you put it at 4600 and then it goes down it stops at 4600 you have a pile in the order book he made 15 orders before you put your order you are the 16th at es6 on your level there are ten lots which are taken at prayssas marc from low the first ten are served the six others of which you who are the last you have no order you are not served and see the broker upset his mouth is generally not bad if you accept this risk there between 10 m of not being served on futures is more advantageous on futures because you will pay flatte or perret 0 plus commissions commissions which are generally less than one point if you are on futures and have cfd trading you are sure to pay a point good enough broker who does not does not increase the spread but v ou have cfd brokers who have fixed spreads at milan 99% of the cases from 9:20 am from 9 am to 5:30 pm during the opening day so there you are at 1 on the guarantees so there the question may arise what you are sure about soul and do the cac40 on cd or are you going to do the cac40 on futures there it depends the answer will depend on your type of trading if you enter the order book if you are careful cfds are more advantageous for you if you are ready not to be aggressive yesterday not to be executed on your buy and sell orders futures will earn you a little more money on it we'll take another example learn nasdaq nasdaq e on on cfd it is generally a point on futures the nasdaq that you will generally pay a quarter of a point plus the commissions so if you drag the nasdaq whatever it is on the jackpots of the mini water it is more interesting to drag them to futures on the other hand if you drag microphones the water it would be more interesting to drag them on cfd so that's why what I want to convey as a message is that there is no universal answer it will really depend on whether you will be using the same instruments such as the nasdaq for example eh well if you hang out in large batches in normal batches which is called the jackpot because we have we eliminate the water in large batch in mini the water it is more advantageous on the future but to make the thing more complex and yes ensure micro water it becomes more advantageous on cfd according to the brokers in addition you see we enter a world of complexity me my position is extremely simple I trade on cfd that we know more than advantageous for me and I deal on future advisers more advantageous for me the second thing which is extremely interesting is the security and this at a time whatever happens if you want to make money on the stock market you have to become professional and the security done part of the thing that's why I have I re order I recommend if you want serious especially not I was going to say above all it's a lot of money not even if you have little money you have to be serious here you have to really put yourself in this order of state of mind it is to have account I explain to you why and that is what I tell you that and if it happens every year you are sure in the future you will have a long position for example on the nasdaq very well and then the cme has a problem there is no more quotation on futures it moves more here it is useless to call the broker is to insult the broker the broker it is for nothing on futures it years but what the cm gives him as price and if the senate is a plantade here then you have to be right on the American side it happens very very rarely it happens less than once a year on the European side euronext if you drag the 42 future framework for example it happens once per year or even 2 1 some years we are lucky we even have three times that v to say that you have more lessons you have your closed 4.40 it is very good and you can sell it it is nice it is blocked it could not do anything without mans done well the failure can last three minutes like 6 hours we have rolex breakdowns that lasted several hours and there during that time believe me you are not what can happen whatever you are buying imagine that bad news that an attack that has something like that all the prices will collapse and you can do nothing you can not go out and your stop does not exist there are more courses and then when the computers are restarted they have corrected the bug and all that at euronext your future curve it will start to reappear only you bought it we will say 4006 it will reappear at 4400 and there is no point in saying I put my stop at 4990 astonishing you executed I said you are liquidated at 4400 and there you will take your fist for example in the head you were sure you are future so at 10 euros the point on the on a 40 cac lot you are going to take 2000 in the head and in quotes I know life is particularly unfair it's not your fault here but you can always try to turn against against the cme against rex against euronext good luck and you have little ones anyway go to a line that tells you that well here it is they do what they can to the maximum and that can happen to have a problem and if you are therefore not separate before taking legal action in the United States it is very complicated to recover the slightest thing on the other hand that we did this incident rather than doing you a cancer an anguish all that you have your cfd account you have always opened the advice side by side and if you are buying on futures and it is blocked you take a sell position on cfd and then voila and it is fine balance and therefore no matter what happens little does not matter if you are in peace no matter if euronext record in three minutes or in 3:06 rockot 200 points lower you take minus 200 in the head on futures and you gain censorship on cfd when it rests boom you liquidate your position on futures boom you liquidate your position on that of you made less 200 more than 100 is over you have you are not in huge difficulty so just for that it is ultra ultra ultra security to have both and therefore really tried to bad stopped twice I see things I am devastated by the level of intellectual statements I have the impression chips and supporters of the psg against supporters of Marseille and my instrument is better and blah blah and blah blah no you are trader you are a pro you take the best of both worlds some times it will be advantageous to you to trédi on that of the sands cost less there are products of appeal also on this d1 it is like it is c As we say the supermarkets that sell a lead product the baguettes here are therefore also give them away they have products are the lead products you are going it is more advantageous for you very neglected as soon as on the futures on futures c 'It is more advantageous to deal than low cfd it's good you have accounts and everything and everything and everything but I insist because it is always dramas this drama you do not risk you can get away if you have a cutoff and it works exactly the same way if you are on cfd as cfd banker votes who has who has a shit that is rated more with thing gadule bamba you have your future broker and you make the compensation and you are in peace and whatever happens you don't take immeasurable risks how on abl because here are the stream cuts pretty tits on futures it's every year every year every year every year i made special videos you think it's called e how to survive a cut to a failure on the rex as on the ipad euros euronext it happens when we are heavily so there are for some who for some you are not positioned at that time all is well thoughts the day you are positioned with a beautiful position well supported in wicker and that for three hours when you do not know at all how it is, the chip is more aside and then especially if I tell you three hours no it's not at all at all so there at the beginning well it's going for two three four five minutes we wait until they have started to see the other clues them who were starting to shift us we can not go out we can do nothing I assure you that some minutes it becomes hours that devient très très très très longtemps que vous n'avez pas vécu sage vous les gens ne prennent pas ne prête pas de compte par sécurité un sur cfd risque limité et un sur futures pour essayer entre guillemets de compenser ces problèmes techniques qui peuvent qui peuvent exis ter soit les places boursières que ce soit le broker qui est un point ça fait partie des réflexes à avoir en permanence tout comme avoir une double connexion internet voilà là là là j'ai ma connexion fibre est bien quand je traite j'ai mal j'ai ma connexion fibre et j'ai toujours ma connexion 4g à côté bientôt cinq juges espérant en andorre au relais c'est pas on dort à télécom peut avoir un problème sur la fibre je n'ai pu passer mes ordres d'un boom j'appuie sur le bouton je passais mes ordres singe est donc toujours avoir une solution de sécurité pensez aussi à avoir à avoir des onduleurs pour en cas de coupures d'électricité ont dû leur sur votre ordinateur bien entendu onduleurs sur votre box si votre ordinateur il passe sur batterie c'est bien mais si votre box allait aller couper vous avez pu avoir de connexion internet aussi on essaie des petits détails pensez vraiment la sécurité en cas de coupure d'électricité qu'est ce que je fais en cas de coupure de mon flux futurs qu'est ce que je fais en cas de coupure en cas de problème de mon brokers cfd qu'est ce que je fais est donc le bon sens fait que on a des sécurité comme cela et moi ça me paraît évident d'avoir à la fois un broker futur et un brokers cfd l'un des deux vous l'utiliserez aimé peut-être jamais parce que ça correspond pas mais le jour où vous utilisez c'est une situation d'urgence et même si utilisé une fois ou deux dans l'année ça peut vous permettre de vous sortir d'une situation très complexe si des places boursières si le flux est interrompue pendant ce temps il ce temps j'ai connu j'ai connu et ça je vous le dis je vous le dis c'est comme c'est comme les gens on leur dit mettez une alarme dans votre maison à y mettre une alarme une fois qu'ils sont fait cambrioler quoi c'est faut penser avant faut être proactif et donc là c'est la même chose ne devrait pas un deuxième compte quand vous aurez vécu cette malle cette malle aventure et que vous serez pris 2000 3000 4000 euros de pertes vous dit es mais c'est pas vrai quoi j'aurais pu tout de suite compenser et j'aurais pas perdu stupidement autant autant d'argent donc voilà c'est un peu le message que je voulais faire passer c'est pas des frères ennemis ils se cherchent et se faire très très clairement pas même les futures qui ont sorti des micros et c'est de chercher un plus grand public je ferai une vidéo de la semaine prochaine sur justement tous les micros futur voir ce qui est intéressant notamment sur les indices américains ils sont très intéressants et sur aussi on a la grande révolution à la personne en a parlé c'est passé complètement à l'as la grande révolution des micros sur bitcoins libre aux futures sur le beatles avant ça je fais une vidéo ce sera le webinaire spéciale de semaine prochaine future micro bitcoins voilà c'est si vous traînez le beatles ainsi une révolution 2 c'est une méga sécurité et 3 vous allez diminuer vos frais par pour certains par par cinq à dix ans et le carnet d'ordres est quand même beauc oup plus serré que ce qu'on peut trouver sur des plateformes dans des pays exotiques dont classe et voilà on rentre enfin dans le monde professionnel sur sur ebitda de serre c'est nouveau les microbes il contient que quelques mois avant c'était les hommes était astronomique 1 c'était c'était 5 buts en c1 systématiquement donc sa dette tout de suite on est tout de suite parti sur du des petites des petites des petites somme de 300 mille trois cent mille dollars à sortir pour se prendre un lot entre guillemets beacon ça allait c'est allé assez vite là maintenant voilà ça a complètement été divisées diminué il sera accessible à tout le monde voilà c'était pour vous montrer qu' il ya de la complexité dans toute chose et que cfd et futur c'est complémentaire il faut que vous analysé de manière très précise ce que vous traitez quel est votre avantage financier à traiter ou sur cfd ou sur futures et plus que si possible fortement conseillé fortement recommandé d'avoir de protection en cas de problèmes de coupure d'un flux vous avez l'autre tout comme avoir de connexion internet une 4g singer une une filière et avoir aussi protection en cas de coupure d'électricité ou autre et là vous commencez à rentrer c'est important c'est un état d'esprit commencé à rentrer dans un état d'esprit aussi de professionnels où rien n'est négligé et pas amateur dilettante qui s'amusent et puis bon bah finalement si une coupure d'électricité bâton pichon position on verra bien ce qui se passe non non on va pas ce qui se passe on sait ce qui se passe voilà on est non on essaie d'avoir une maîtrise maximum de notre de notre environnement puisque la bourse est un environnement qui est x inconnu quand même au moins ce qu'on peut maîtriser on maîtrise au maximum voilà j'espère que ça vous a intéressé on se revoit à la semaine prochaine pour tous les webinaires dès demain matin pour le good morning trading

2021-10-26 14:04

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