Certification and training roadmap: Microsoft Business Applications | THR2209

Certification and training roadmap: Microsoft Business Applications | THR2209

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Good. Morning everyone. Welcome. To ignite, hope you'll enjoy yourselves. My. Name is Judy sharp I'm a solution. Architects, if a dynamic sweeties five of the Power Platform and I'm also more importantly a Microsoft, certified trainer and, I deliver, training, around dynamics, in the power platform and I'm here today to explain. All. The time that makes 365. Certifications. And the certification roadmap, for you so. Here hopefully. You'll get an idea of what's available and, what to do next, because there's an awful lot to cover so. Is. Anybody here taken, a done Avex 365. Certification. Exam. Anybody. Here else here planning, to take one or. Few more of you good yeah good excellence. I know where we are. So. Today's session I'm going to cover all the, certifications, that. We have for. Business applications, and hopefully. Show you the pass for them and, make. Sure you understand which exams or certifications, are right for you so you know where to go, and look. For them I. Wasn't. Trying to help you understand what, Microsoft is looking for when, you take their certification, exams, why. They've come up with those certification, roles why they've covered these exams and what is expected in each and every exam and, then, I'm going to give you some places to go get some information. Where do I start I've got to put your sub box off resources. So. This gets diving, into the certification. Now. You. May have seen this slide before he, may not have done this shows the four pillars, of the Microsoft, certification. Pathways, we've. Got Asia, which is the absent infrastructure, on the Left through. Today trader I, what. A workplace, and finally, business applications. So, that's what we're going to focus on awakens. It to see see it here's all the different roles that we have available to us and as you see biz apps we've, got far more than everybody else. It's. A good or bad thing. It's. Like it slightly confusing what, applies to me what what what do, I have to do so how am I going to try and clarify that, for you and. I'm. Also going to explain the five new roles that we've had, released, this week. Five. So. This. Slide here shows. The. Different levels that we have all role based certification. And Microsoft, Dynamics, 365, has followed Asha and the other pillars. In having, these switching. From being a product based certification. Where you had to know all the different features and, he needed to know all the different options it's. A much more being about the job role the day-to-day role that individual, people fulfill so, what they've done is identified, a number of different job roles and, an awful lot of work has gone into this, into. These role definitions. And. What. They've defensively come up with is three levels and these are the same three levels you'll see in absolutely, before and data. AI we, start off with a fundamentals. Level over, here on the left hand side and, I'll go more into this later especially, the fundamentals. Is aimed at people either due to a technology, or may. Be involved in buying or selling it has, taught two purposes, you're. There so, I would I be training people are we training often companies they're taking on dynamics, and I'll trade their whole team so, they get an idea of what the breadth of the, apps are, what's. Actually involved what's the difference for sales. And customer service all Field Service and Finance, you need to have an appreciator, watch each of the apps doesn't that the fundamentals approach aimed at, those. Basic. Understanding. Of what the apps do but also hanging, licensing. Because. That's important, and also, how you support it and wasn't actually involved it. Actually taking one of these applications on, what's. Involved it actually go through the implementation president. The focus is very focused, on that it's not they're not technical. But, you need to understand the end-to-end, lifecycle. So. If you're buying or selling or, just getting evolved, you have an appreciator, what's there. Probably. The most of. You, and look at most of the roles or what we call this associate, level and. We have I, think about diet those. Associate. Level certifications. Available, to, us and that's what most of you have been looking at, and. Finally we have an expert level this, is you released this week. And. I'll go more into that as we go through each of the areas. I'm. Good dive Dax that's not great so look, at this slide this, slides very much focus, on the. Model driven out so what used to be customer, engagement, what used to be CRM, so. It would look talked about education, this. All for this two halves the bond driven app side and the fire down is upside so let's look at the multitude, outside first and in here we have two fundamental.

Level. Certifications. The. Dynamics 3 6 5 fundamentals. That speed around for a little while thinking, about early this year and what's new as of this week is the power platform, fundamentals, the PL 900. So. We actually have two fundamentals, with the only air which has to, and. You, could these are optional and you can take either or that they're, not a prerequisite, for any of the other certifications. But. They're there to help you if as I said if you're getting started or if, you want just know a little bit more I'd. Also recommend them, if you've not taken any, of the new exams, because. They get you used to the way the exams are written and the way the. Questions are phrased and I think they're caught they're there they're little bit easier especially. For being involved in dynamics, requires some time. Then. Unfortunately. You can't really see the screen this. This, has been to be the greaves but. There's a different shades here and he can't see them so the, significant certifications. And exams so, what we're seeing here this. Is the core example, the. Core exam the nv200 is required. For. All associate. Certifications. So. All the different certification, roles I just showed you for associate level there five of them you need that mb 200 core what the mb 200, is about it's. About customizing. It configuring. The common data service, so, that's creating entities. It's, integrating. With email it's. Writing. Work flight, creating. Forms it's a classic thing you might have done when your as a good as a consultant, implementing. Solutions. Then. We, have four. Functional. Exams. The, mb 210 sorry, every two twenty to, ten to twenty to thirty to forty four sales customer. Service marketing. And field service, so. Each of the main apps has, its own example, they're very much focused, on the functionality. With that app, they're not involved on how you customize it or how you integrate, it that's, all handled in the core so. They're very much focused, around the. Individual apps built. Out of the box functionality, and. You need both the core and the. Relevant. Functional. Exam. To get the, functional, certification, so you need two exams for. The functional, associate. What's. New as of this week is this, one they've. Added in a new MB to four hundred developer. Exam was released this week in beta, now. This we have type of developer exam for this is 2013. And. For. Me this is this is great this this opens up certification. To a lot of people who possibly. Doing things that interested, they don't need to do sales and. I know there's a lot of discussion, when it came to this exam whether they needed the core as well because. There is a bit of an overlap between them, but. I think they made the right decision, in the end that we actually a developer. Needs to know those core. Customization. Skills. So. This is new story now five associate, levels and.

Then What's new again announced this week is, the. Solutions. Expert certification. And exam, the MB 600, now. This isn't going to be available till the end of the year but it's been announced today or announced on Monday and. For. This the. Prerequisites, are the. Associate. Level any one of the associate level so you could be a solution architect if you a developer or you to be a solution architect if you're a function consultant we're not saying you have to be a dev to be a solution architect, you. Can come at it from the functional consultant, pathway. So. We, have two functional, exams. Actually. Happy times we have turtle there once it's 78. It's. An eight exams the head exams. It's. Yeah, we have loads of exams, yeah. Question. Okay. I do okay couple of questions I know I'm going to come up Talent, there's. A still exam for talent I think it's the MB six eight nine eight or. Something like that. Also, the NB to seven one six the customization, example, as though both those exams have been extended down to the end of June twenty twenty. Thousand. Al's about a week ago. So. I'm. Not sure what's happening with talent hopefully, you talent will come in here but talents or fools in a bit of an odd place it falls between the mantra of adapts and the, finance apps and. There's a lot of change going on there you'll. Also notice that project, service automation isn't there I. Don't. Think anything's happening with that because PSA. Is being we've now got the new project, based on CD s and that's going to be taking over next year. Let's. Dive a little bit deeper into. The. Sales just. To show you as, an example, what. You need to know so this is the skills required to gain the sales associate, because. All sales folks look so to associate, the certification, shows. You need both every two hundred core and the, MB to ten sales and. Just. Let me clear it doesn't actually matter which or do you take these exams, in you. Do the 201st, or the two tempers it doesn't matter it's getting, both is what matters and what, we see on here the skills measured, now. Tomorrow. Warning I'm doing the exam prep session for the nv200 so I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on it here but, essentially it's, creating. Your CD, s ed season schema, it's creating, your user, interface your. Views your forms your apps it's, doing integration which is he which is email. And share for integration. Solution. Deploys testing, is your application lifestyle it includes other things as well such, as how do. I do regression testing, and. There's this little thing here at the beginning discovery, planting and ask us this role is all about your day to day job as a folks for consulted it's all about taking a system, from requirements. All the, way through to, a working system and actually be opted into supported system that's what we mean by a job role we've. Got away from product. Features into understand what you do day to day across. An entire lifecycle. In. Sales we've got three areas. Configuration. That. Means setting. Of currencies. Languages. Territories. Competitors. Or sales, literature all those things that will go around the outside of a, sales application. The. Core sales entities awry counts my, contacts, my leads my opportunities, and. The. Sales entities, so the, sales, entities, our product. Catalog quotes orders and invoices essentially. Borders. Will have a little bit deeper look at this sorted a bit, show. You what's available there we get to look for actually what's ending actual, exams. This. Is a little infographic, if you, want to see this we've. Got these over of the lure booth but. So see what we have at the top or the instructor-led. Training courses, are available for. The MB 200, in. The middle we've got the, various courses in Microsoft Word Microsoft, learn is Microsoft's online learning. Environment. Way can go just, go to a browser, take. Little, bits of learning in bite-sized chunks and track your progress, and here we've got some, examples of, what's available for, this now I will be perfectly, honest with you Microsoft alert does not have a great deal of information right now relevant, to, the core example, to the NB 200, and, it has some things around sales and. But. It's, coming and, then down the bottom we've, got links to the sales courses it's actually a one day course on sales. There. Are the links here you'll.

Be Able to get these slides afterwards I'm gonna put the link up at the end. Now. I just want to show you the finance, apps now, you'll see it follows the same pattern. We have the fundamentals. The first thing I'm going to say about this is it's, the same fundamentals. Of all driven out so. The fundamentals, exam actually, covers everything, it, actually covers, 37. Different, dynamics, after if you go into topics, on microsoft car we do count the number of apps and egg to the or da apps the virtual reality apps and. Actually, counting talent history is, 37, so. It goes into all of those you need to understand all the apps does it goes into things such as GDP. Our capabilities. And, support. The, licensing, so, it's the same fundamentals. Covers rather than I if you think even if you're just doing you. Think if you just do mob driven out I think you should do this because I've learnt a lot just about father's love finance, and supply, chain dam at a factory in retail stroke commerce just. By doing this exam. Similarly. There, is a core. Covering. The. Non-functional part so data migration. The data X data, management, standard. Processes, transactions. It covers at those common, areas across that, this definers apps, and. Then we have three, separate, functional, apps for finance. Supply. Chain and marketing and supply chain and, as. Of this week a. Developer. MB. 500, that's now again, out in beta. So. We have similar. Levels associate. Levels exactly, the same as the one that drove us and, also. Announced this week for. Release at the end of the year is the solution architect, the MB 700, so again you will need to get an associate, level doesn't. Matter which one which associate level as a prerequisite. To the expert level the solution architect. Again. This shows you there's, a similar, model. For the finance, function. Of associate, associate shows what the skills measured are you. See yes, for finance and each of their accounts payable I need to know how to set up my account structure, on either there have certainly glad says that sort of thing there are things they're common across your, fire dad's manufacturing. Systems and. Again it doesn't matter which order you take the exams in. Again. There's an infographic showing. The course now that's actually more courses, available the, finance, outside the course got three courses. But it's about five day set of courses, some, of these are two-day courses and, actually. We have an awful lot I'd learn for finance I've, been told they're, everything you need to pass the core exam is, on here. So. Learn great resource if you come into the fire downside, right. Now. So. Why. Should you get certified. What's. The, that's. Detail why should why should we get certified well we've. Got all these different roles this switch to be a role based certification, I think makes the exams, much more relevant the days of just being able to go read a book read. The course we're passed the exam are over. We. Have moved from just understanding, and regurgitating, into actually having to do the job day to day and understanding, what the job actually involves, that, doesn't mean the, ins and outs every single, part of the application that's already there and. You. Can collect badges I love collecting badges um I've, collected at least one badge this week but I've taken some of yours at BT yet so I'd donor the result but I passed the exam yesterday I've got the Emmis 900 so I've got yet another badge, badges. Are good just. Like stickers. Right. So. Just to reiterate on these these, exams what you need you need a mixture of knowledge, of the application knowledge. Of the business as well as actually.

Day-to-day, Skills, it's a mixture of knowledge and skills, you, cannot. Take, these exams without having, hands-on, experience, and having done run. Through some processes, you will get asked how do I. I don't. Have to do this without breaking bread da how. Would I. Post. A addendum. Of the transaction, you need to have actually done it not. Just read about it you'll, need to experience the user interface. So. Where we say day to day is some. Of you will work on projects where you won't do the the whole lifecycle. You. Won't be involved at the beginning the middle and the end but that's what we behold awesome so it's day today across all of us so, if you if, you like a lot of people you only end up doing the middle of projects we doing the bill did not involve post go live the support process you'll need to read up on that and understand what goes on on support, or what we have upgrades, and we have twice she'll do great how do you handle that he, says that if you're, somebody's. Not involved at the front end of a project capturing, requirements, building proof of concepts, you'll. Need to understand, that and, what's involved in that so. That's why we buy day to day the. Other side is the questions of change from, being much more sake just understanding. It to be able to taking that knowledge and, allies in the scenario, and applying my knowledge it. Basically little tricky actually basically much more valuable so if you take it one these role based exams knew what you have seed that and. This. Is my mantra never I do would do training hash get hands on it's, the most important, thing experience, it, don't. Just read it, for. Me that that's the most important, thing you can do to, practice for any of these exams get access to the product especially. Because. They if you don't just practice on your own sis which might be heavily customized practice, something out at the box system start a trial, because. They'll, ask about they, weren't ask about your system they'll, ask about what. Comes out of the box for Microsoft, so. How do we prepare what we got available to us. Well. Microsoft gives us a very aligned. Learning, experience we talked about our motivation, learn Microsoft learn vitals online, free. Training. You. Could go trip, in it out I've already poured to you that we, running events such as this also can I talk to where there's gonna be exam prep sessions, and other. Events I I teach, in Sweden, we run exam prep sessions for the ever be 900 I know people do the AC 900. Course is what they call to go along just get. Some trading. You. Hooked your classroom trading, with somebody like myself we're not ID trading, all over the world and. Then you can go take the exams out there a test center or from home I take, my from home. So. How do I prepare I. Go. To the exam page. And, on the exam page you'll see the skills measured. Make. Sure you scroll down this is a mistake a lot of people mentioned that, it's crawdads actually, lists out what's actually expected, each exam it breaks it down so we're to look at sales it'll say something like, yeah.

The. Court the sales, entity it's just like quotes orders, invoices product, catalog it mentions it you need to make sure you learned it so, look at the exam page used. Microsoft learn, why. Isn't classroom trading and we have practice tests now the MB Dodd wrote the fundamentals, and the MB 200 core there, are practice, tests available or, the NB 200 is very close to being released so, if you go to the hands-on loved area you can go practice the NB 900, for free while you're here this week. And. If. You didn't know already you all get a free exam either, here, or for, up to six months afterwards, link. There a quiz, if you go to the right off the site. We've got this QR. Code up on a big big, screen, you go take it all and go to aka.ms/offweb. It. Will. Take you to how you actually qualify that I'll have a faith from Sweden you don't for, some reason you don't get it while you're here so. Go, to that. Come. Visit us at the booth I'm there or, happy there for a bit. Go. Get your exam whether here or afterwards, get. A practice test if you CAD or just. If not if anything, just look at what certification, I always say pick, a certification. Choose. It and then go do it, book. It ed go do it if. You don't go book it in you'll never do it it's always I'll do it next week or next month go ahead give, it a try you've got free exam you've got nothing to lose now. Help some exam prep sessions. There's. Libera these been running through the week he watched the recordings, for these if you got them I'm dude the NB 200, tomorrow morning at 10:30 I know we'll all be a bit tired after the celebration, tonight. So. There's a full list there I think some of them already go but you can watch the recordings. So. I'll say thank you for your attention. Oh and. Please. Evaluate, the session. Through. The mobile app we do look at the feedback it is important, so please do that and here's, the link to go download, this session you download, my slides you've just seen and they'll, be recorded there I think within a few days so, thank you very much.

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