CEOs Reveal the Spiritual Component of Running a Successful Business - Swedenborg & Life

CEOs Reveal the Spiritual Component of Running a Successful Business - Swedenborg & Life

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How do you run a successful business? Follow  spiritual principles. The government of   Canada just released this video, highlighting  companies who successfully pivoted during Covid,   and in it you have CEO Glenn Bostock talking  about how it's crucial to start with figuring out   how to be useful, which is a direct Swedenborgian  principle. His business, SnapCab, is a 20 million   dollar company with 120 employees doing work  with multiple fortune 500 companies, and their   corporate culture and even corporate structure is  based on elements of the Divine Design. Kendall,  

the organizational strategy manager at SnapCab,  found that it was worth prioritizing useful   impact over individual credit, and that doing that  freed her up into a new level of receptiveness and   collaboration with her team. But it's not just  confined to one organization. Carl Godlove,   head of Godlove Group, and 20 years CEO and author  of the medium post “My Delusional Hope for Love in   the Workplace,” has created a graphic map to show  businesses how having a higher purpose that flows   from divine principles can get the most out  of everyone involved. Okay, so what are these   principles? The ones we're going to focus on today  are: (1) any community of people, from a team   to a company, right up to a society of angels in  heaven, functions more and more perfectly the more   it's organized to mirror the human body; (2) ideas  and passions are incomplete without something   constructive to accomplish; (3) the desire for  individual credit is ultimately a mirage; and   (4) organizations can be at their best when they  unite the body of their members’ heads, hearts and   hands by serving a higher purpose that flows  from divine principles, the highest authority   and source of love and truth. If you want to  really explore the idea of a community of people   organized in the human form. see our episode “The Shape of Heaven.” Now there's a totally  

essential principle that this all collapses  without. When selfishness and materialism drive   business and business leadership, massive amounts  of harm can be inflicted, and have been inflicted   throughout history. Making money isn't a  problem. It can be great. But all resources   have to ultimately look to making a positive  impact on the world, with an enriching of   self and others in the organization as a means  to that end. To really drill down into that,   we have a five-minute clip on how a heavenly love  for the common good drives proper business ethics   called “The New Bottom Line.” The way businesses  are run has a huge impact on the human race,   from the products made and the services offered,  to the working experience of all of us who   participate, to the societal and environmental  ramifications. Just think about all the potential   of getting corporate philosophy saturated with  spiritual principles! Now that we're all set,   as we'll touch on later in this show, principles  don't mean anything unless you put them to use.  

So let's dig into how people can, and are,  bringing these ones to life right now. The human business. So here's a little bit more  from that clip that we referenced in the intro,   and in it you'll see Glenn, the CEO  at SnapCab, and you'll hear him use a   word two times. Try to pick out what that  is, because it's a very significant word. We had two choices. The initial  reaction was to hunker down.   We can stretch this out maybe four or maybe five  months before we go out of business. And the other  

way is to ask the question: what can we shift to?  I'm Glenn Bostock, CEO and founder of SnapCab.   Before the pandemic, we made a product line of  office pods designed to give you audio privacy.   As the situation was unfolding, we felt stuck.  We were making little conference rooms, and   everything we're being told is, “spread apart”. We  watched the prime minister on TV. In his address,   he said something about, “what can you do to  help?”. And that really sparked something in us.

We started thinking: what can we do with  our manufacturing capability to help people? The answer was right there in front of  us. By modifying our office pod system,   we were able to develop testing pods to keep health  care workers safe. Now we're helping to reinvent   the workplace of the future with private isolation  pods that allow for a safe return to work.   And luckily, we had help, too. Export  Development Canada ensured that we had   the financial security we needed to  invest and experiment with solutions. And they're with us every step of the way.  

One thing we've learned from this is, start  with trying to figure out how to be useful,   and do something to help. The energy around  that inspires people to want to work with you. At the end of the day, if I feel like we're  being as useful as we can to our customers,   and we're taking care of each other at work,  then I feel like I've had a really good day.   Useful. Useful. The CEO is talking about being  useful, wanting to try to be useful. I’ve got   to tell you something. Being useful, or doing  something of service to others, according to   Swedenborg, is actually the core of heaven — of  what it is to be in heaven. From Heaven and Hell   402: “All the pleasures of heaven are united  to forms of service.” So there's nothing fun,  

there's nothing that makes you happy in heaven,  if it isn't somehow connected to doing something   useful for someone else. And throughout his  books, everywhere Swedenborg uses this term   “usefulness”. And Glenn reads Swedenborg. I happen  to know this, and that's where he got that idea,   and he's using that idea in his business to do  good stuff. So what about other principles? Can   other things from spirituality work at, let's, say  SnapCab? Well, here's one. This is from Heaven and   Hell. This is a title. “The whole heaven grasped  as a single entity reflects a single individual.  

It's a secret not yet known in this world that  heaven, taken in a single, all-inclusive grasp,   reflects a single individual. In heaven, though,  nothing is better known.” So all of it together   somehow seems like it's one person. "Knowing  this, knowing particulars and details about it,   is the hallmark of angelic intelligence there."  So that's like, you've got a deep perception. If   you can get: we all work together, just like all  the parts of a person work together. “Actually,   angels do not see heaven in a single overview in  this kind of form, since the entire heaven does   not lie within the scope of any angel's sight.  However, they do consistently see particular  

communities that are made up of many thousands  of angels as single units in this kind of form,   and from the community as a sample they  draw their inference about the totality   that is heaven. This is because in the most  perfect form the greater elements are arranged   like the parts, and the parts like the  greater elements.” So this human form,   all the parts working together like they do in  the body, it's ... it is heaven. And it is all the  

communities. They follow the same template. And  when something has a large scale and a small scale   that function with the same template, it actually  makes it more perfect, according to Swedenborg.   Kind of like the little cells are each kind  of like a big giant person in their own right.   Okay, that sounds like a lot of theory.  What would it look like to actually do  

a more earthbound community in this human form  template? Like let's say, a business? Well, Glenn,   who actually is an avid consumer of Swedenborg,  I happen to know, takes this principle and   applies it to his company, SnapCab. This  is from an internal video at SnapCab.   When I first started in business,  it was just me making the products.   I was all by myself in the shop. I did  the bookkeeping; I did the manufacturing;   I went out and did the sales; I did the  design work; I did the installs — I did   everything. But now we have lots of people.  So let's see how many people we have now.

We have about 120 employees right now. You can see that it's  exponentially more complicated.   Instead of having everything coordinated  in one single brain — that's so lean,   but not very scalable — we've  now scaled it up into 120 people   in two different companies in two different  countries. So let's just see what that looks like. We have a whole team of people now in  the head. You've got lots of people   in production. So you have lots of  people in operations. They're over here

running the show. You know there's all  kinds of parts of the company, where where people are doing things. You've got people,  well, you've got people here, doing strategic   planning and thinking about, what are we doing.  You have people in marketing, getting it so that  

they love the company, and they're getting  other people outside the company that love us. You've got people always breathing in new  inspiration, and new ideas for new products.   You've got people here in manufacturing  that are busy streamlining our processes.   You've got people supporting manufacturing.  We've got all kinds of people in shipping.  

You know, we've got people in sales. We've got  all kinds of people that make the company go,   and they're doing all parts of a company that,  you know, if you... if you ran a... if your kids   have a lemonade stand, they're doing all these  same things, but they're just by themselves.   You know? They're doing the manufacturing of  the lemonade. It's all the same thing,   so it's a fractal. But as the fractal gets bigger,  the company itself turns into, like, an organism.  

So this form can apply anywhere. It's like  a fractal. We saw in that Swedenborg quote   earlier that this thread runs not just through the  different scales of businesses — so, you can have   a small team on a business in the human form, then  a larger organization in the human form, then a   whole, like, conglomerate in the human form — but  all through all human communities and societies,   right up through to heaven, and then right up to  the Lord. This same form is operating in all of   them IF they're operating in the Divine Design,  if you have that uniting into a community. So  

what unites people into a community? The  essential element is a unity of focus. Instead of you, by yourself, doing your one  product, making lemonade or being a house painter   or a landscaper or a cabinet maker, now there's  120 people doing all the different parts,   and they all have one aim, one focus. So it's  a wide range of people that you want to be   focused together, and they're all different  people, with all different skills. So it is with angels. Heaven is heaven because  of their unity of focus. And what do angels focus  

on? Swedenborg talks about it in Secrets of Heaven  1316. “When the common good of all is what people   focus on…” And anybody, if any of us do this.  “...then no one ever usurps another's happiness,   or destroys another's freedom, but promotes and  increases it as much as possible. This is why   heavenly communities seem to form a unit, and this  is the effect of mutual love alone, which comes   from the Lord.” So that love brings everyone  together, and it's something you and I can  

participate in, if we just focus on  what's really loving for other people.   Useful impact over individual credit. I’ve  got two principles to lay out for you here,   and the first one came directly out of the  mouth of an angel, as recorded by Swedenborg,   in Revelation Unveiled. The angel said, “Love  and wisdom, without useful endeavor, are nothing   real.” Ah! “They are only theoretical entities  and do not become real until they find expression  

in useful endeavor.” You can have all the love  and knowledge, but if you're not doing something,   it's nothing. Okay, that's principle one. The  second: there's a little thing that we're pretty   interested in as human beings, which I will  call here “getting credit”. Angels are entirely   uninterested, believe it or not, in getting  credit for things. What angels are interested in,   instead, is giving credit to the Lord. They don't  actually even get any joy from personal praise.   What they get joy from is good being done, and  their knowledge that, yep, that is really helping   someone. That's a cool frame of mind. How could we  put these principles into practice in a human way,  

in a human environment? So let's go back to  SnapCab, and let's see what the experience   has been for their organizational  strategy manager Kendall Hyatt. Something that has really thrown me  for a loop at the company where I work   is that I am asked to produce  a bad plan for my ideas.   And to me, intuitively, a bad plan means  bad results. Why would I offer that for  

other people's review? And SnapCab leadership  is interested in pencil sketches, prototypes,   and, you know, I'm in this pod with white boards  so that I can write down ideas, and capture   images and text pictures to people, and  it's all very rough. And my whole self   has been invested in putting time into a paper  at school, or putting time into a whole story   so that I can share it in an articulate way. And  it is a total reversal of my impulse to offer for   someone else's review a pencil sketch or a marker  board image. And I've come to like it a lot,   because there's freedom in doing it imperfectly,  and that the whole point is to invite other people   into what I'm doing at an early stage, so  that there is a possibility for collaboration,   and possibility for improvement, and that the  point is to put a good idea to use immediately   so that it doesn't languish in its polish in  my notebook. And that has certainly been my  

experience, especially in my academic life before  my work life, is spend 15 hours on a paper, get an   A plus, and move on to the next assignment. And  this world of work at SnapCab is very much about   making use of ideas. Because as  Swedenborg says, the real use   of love and wisdom is animating them in life, and  doing something with it. Usefulness is in doing. And there's part of me that is deeply  uncomfortable with that, given my   comfort in a polished, private idea. And  my work challenges me to bring to the table   more vulnerable ideas, so that  they can actually do some good for   the people in my SnapCab community,  and also eventually for our customers.

So here you have bad plans, and taking ideas  before they're fully baked and putting them   into this stream, so that we can use these  two spiritual principles. Because you have...   the opportunity for individual credit decreases,  but the output of usefulness to the people that   are going to receive, you know, whatever  comes of those ideas increases. So overall,   this system makes it so that we're less obsessed  with, you know, am I cooler than my co-workers, and   more obsessed with: what have we done for the  world today? Higher purpose driven. So we've got   the human ego, or self-interest — what Swedenborg  might call the outer self. I know we... it's okay,  

you can admit it. We all have it. We've also got  the higher purpose, or this is the divine will,   to call us to something greater — to this love  for the human race, to doing something for the   common good. And, so we've got that. Then we've  got these two primary vessels in each of us,   what Swedenborg calls volition and discernment,  and these are the receptors or repositories   for what we believe and what we love. So how does  all this fit together in the Divine Design? And  

how can applying these principles go wrong in  an organization, or how can it go very right?   This is Carl Godlove, 20-year CEO and head  of Godlove Group LLC, to explain it to us. Without a reason to tend to, something else  humans will tend to is their own survival,   and will go to great lengths, out of  fear, to protect themselves and stay safe,   even at others’ expense. But these same people,  when feeling safe and secure, can be recruited   to a purpose greater than themselves, and  be passionately focused on it. How? Well,  

that's the topic. We'll start by asking: how do  we discover our organization's higher purpose?   Then we'll trace its path to the  useful work of those who carry it out.   Let's begin by exploring what stands  between a purpose and its adoption.   Well, a purpose is a concept, an idea, and  all new ideas have two freewill gatekeepers:   what we believe in the mind,  and what we value in the heart.   Both are strong, and resist forceful change.  The harder we push, the harder they push back.  

Swedenborg knew this. He speaks like he's  addressing modern-day employee engagement.   “Anything planted in our mind in freedom stays  with us, but anything planted in our mind under   compulsion does not last.” Things we do under  compulsion do not come from our own motivation,   but from the motivation of whoever is forcing us  to do them. So what exactly happens to a new idea?   First, discernment plays with it until  it's either believed or rejected.   Then, if believed, it travels  to the heart, which asks:   “do you value this belief?” The heart  then answers in the language of emotion.  

If the idea resonates in the heart, volition — our  impulse to act — will show up. If it doesn't, it   won't. Swedenborg says this about the responsive  relationship between the heart and volition.   “Love and wisdom, and therefore our volition  and discernment, are that entity that we call   the soul, and the soul's impulses affect the body  and make everything in it work.” In other words,  

our will to act responds to the heart, not  the mind. It responds to emotion. When a   belief inspires you to act out of love, your head,  heart and hands are connected to your purpose.   When a shared belief inspires an  entire organization to act out of love,   all heads, hearts and hands are connected to their  common purpose. And that is powerful alignment!   This parallels Swedenborg's universal human —  heaven in the human form, its members in service   to the whole. This Divine Design can yield a  very high-performing workplace. People working   toward common goals, inspired by a higher purpose  that is powered by shared values and beliefs.  

Yeah, that sounds great! But is it practical  in business? Emphatically, yes! I spend my days   helping CEOs and their leaders create  this alignment and bring it to life.   First, we uncover their higher purpose by  centering on their competencies and exploring   two things: what they care about most deeply,  and what they believe to be true about that.   Then they choose their vision for the  reputation they wish to own in their markets,   the authority they wish to command  that's aligned with a higher purpose.   Next, they determine their mission, the  overarching achievement they believe will bring   about their vision. This is their organization’s  purpose. Advancing the mission is progressive,   and accomplished through what I call strategic  imperatives. To stay focused and agile,  

these move forward operationally under agile  management and rolling planning. The strategic   and routine work now advance together, connected  by their common purpose. That's the flow. But   what exactly is flowing, and what role in this  flow does the Divine higher authority play from   its ruling position at the top of this model? I've witnessed organizations neck deep in fear.   I've suffered through it myself. But you won't  find a solution to this in any business book.   The cure lives in the hearts of people who have  touched the Divine and lived to tell about it.  

Yes, near-death experiencers, now numbering  in the millions, corroborate Swedenborg's   declaration of Divine Love. He put it this  way: “God cannot even look at us with a frown.”   So my answer is very simple. I equate the  Divine with Love. When love has authority   over an organization, love flows.  And when it doesn't, fear flows,   and it will fill every space devoid of love until  it has choked off every pathway to alignment.   Nothing but love can flow from the Divine's pure  goodness. So call it what you will. I call it  

God is Love. Nothing is more relevant in life  and business than the essence of what created   us. The DNA between us, the common thread that  runs through every human being. That's what I   believe to be true, and that's what I attribute to  the Divine, my term for the Source of all that is.  

So my bottom line is this: whatever we do, when  we do it with love, we are connected and aligned.   If reaching for this happens to bring heaven  to the workplace, bring it on! In the meantime,   while we're on this journey, love in  the workplace is a pretty sweet benefit.   So we're learning these spiritual  principles, and how they can help   guide the way that business is done on planet  Earth. And what are they again? First of all,   focus on usefulness — that doing something is the  key to... should be the key to business, just like  

it's the key to heaven, and the key to a happy  human race. The human form — that organizations   of all sizes function better when they approach  the human form. So when... just like there's this   total interdependence and cooperation between  your different organs and muscles and things,   that's the way we should be partnering together,  in all our different forms, to get something done.   Good done over credit, or as some people like to  say, “done is better than perfect”. It's not about  

who came up with it; it's about what's the end  net impact. And finally, higher-purpose-driven.   Can we keep the main thing the main thing, rather  than being guided by little, self-serving agendas.   Let's tap into the divine agenda for the  human race. If we all do that — in our lives,  

in our businesses — I'm sure that we could  make just a very cool world to live in. Intrigued by what you heard? We pack every week  with love-powered programming for you to enjoy.   Check out our website to learn about  all our resources. While you're there,  

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2021-01-13 11:12

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