Cavuto on Business 02/10/18 11AM | February 10, 2018 Breaking News

Cavuto on Business 02/10/18 11AM | February 10, 2018 Breaking News

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With, a political, agenda to go away after a candidate, a couple, of key people at the FBI did not like did not want to see get anywhere close to the, White House that seems, to be an arguable, in the early stages now whether that was the sole means by. Which you know advisor court ruling acted. As it did we, don't know but, we do know played, a key part and, yet that gets sort of glossed over. Yeah. You know I I think it's it's, looking more and more nailed that that. The there, was some very very sloppy work there with the FISA Court in, fact there was a apparently. In a report written back in April that was, asked for by the NSA director to, do an accounting, of the fire, orders. As. To the appropriateness, and the accuracy of them and apparently. The report is extremely, scathing, I haven't read it but I heard reporting, on it so. I mean this is not a new issue and and. I you know I think they did present basically. Information. They knew to be false to. The FISA judge and that's a very serious serious. Event. Here in our intelligence. Community, all right back and forth both parties should be concerned at least about that aspect, James Kallstrom thank you very good hearing you again, yeah. Nice to be with you Neil all right you heard from Kentucky, Senator Rand Paul it was a hell no I'm not spending briefly, prompted, a government shutdown to force the issue I want, you to meet someone who was a hell yes on it recognize, fully the extra spending that was going into it but also recognize. That that was a hell of a lot better than limping, along from, continuing resolution, to continuing resolution, that he, argues was, making us look like a laughingstock meet. Him next. You're. Against, this why. Well. Because it spends too much money borrows, too much money and actually, we're gonna bring back Obama. Era deficits. Part, of the reason the markets are so jittery is they, worried about the long-term imbalance. Of government, debt we have a 20 trillion dollar debt and, we're going to be now adding, a trillion dollars to it this year because of the spending deal this is a rotten. Deal and not good for the any, of those of us who believe that you can get too much debt for our country to bear. Alright. And, he forced his point saying that what, Mitch McConnell, and Chuck Schumer cobbled, together, bipartisan. Dough it might have been it bought. Off a lot of credit as a result, and you're gonna pay for it for, two billion dollars worth over the next two years in. A year we're looking at a possible trian dollar deficit, the ranking member the house budget committee however, sees things a bit differently that it's a heck of a lot better than limping along from, continuing. Resolution to continuing resolution, which also offers its own, possible. Downfalls. There he is Democratic, Congress and from the beautiful state of Kentucky Rand Paul State John. Dartmouth congressman, very good to have you thanks. Neil good to be with you what do you make of what Brent, Paul was saying though that both. Sides were guilty of, exploding.

Spending, And no one is getting a handle on it yeah. Well I you know there's a lot of validity to what Rand said but it's a little bit disingenuous since, he voted for the the, tax cut bill that added. One at least one and a half trillion dollars to the debt but, yeah, I mean what there's no question that we're on a trajectory that's, problematic, the. Question is what. Do we do with it while we're trying to maintain the the essential, functions of government and. Since. A. Few, years ago with. Simpson. And Bowles, we've. Never really had a thoughtful. Discussion, about how we how. We handle our long term trends. And we need to have that discussion, good luck every. Time those guys were coming out with their ID and we're going to talk to one of the co-authors of that later, on in the show sir I'm no, one really acted on it but, that was then I see we're worried about now but, I do find it interesting and others have mentioned this as well I know you were worried about the cost of the the tax cut the one and a half tree on the diet ads and saying it's hypocritical for. Senator Rand Paul to say what he's saying but, I don't hear anyone talking about the additional, 10 trillion. And, added spending, part of that same budget in the next 10 years in other words it makes the one-and-a-half trillion in the tax, cut pale by comparison why, is that overlooked. Well. You know that's a good question I think one of the things you have to realize and this was very, very a complicated, piece of legislation, that we passed early. Yesterday morning the. The, numbers that you hear the four hundred billion dollars over two years our, authorization, numbers. They're not appropriation. Numbers so even though we talk about eighty billion dollars next year for defense and 80 plus, billion dollars the following year those, are those are ceilings, so, the Appropriations, Committee still, has to get together in. Both the House and Senate over, the next six weeks and actually figure out how much they're going to spend so you, know I would hope that they at least that 300, or 400 billion right the only devil is in the details of how it's spent right it's not knocked up that's not not. Necessarily because. It's. Likely but, but that's their responsibility, and, you know we with, the the Pentagon's, never been audited, even, though it was it. Was obligated by law to be honored that they started, the first audit ever, in July, in January, they've. Already found billions, of dollars that they can't account for so I'm, think, the appropriators will look at that and say okay the president asks for sixty billion dollars more, not, eighty billion dollars more maybe that's a more judicious way, to approach it. Government. Spend I mean I've heard this before about the defense let's take a good, look at where all this money is going apply, the same to Medicare, Medicaid Social Security whatever, because I would bet you sir that, you, could unearth a lot of remarkable. Revelations. Here and I'm, wondering if part of the cell if we've been seeing in the markets, not exclusively, but partially. Has, to do with. The the markets, collectively, just. Stunned. That, Washington. In this environment would would, willy-nilly add, to. Its debt willy-nilly, forget, that even hat caps and just. You know go right into oblivion on all, of the spending, well. I think that's certainly a factor. In the markets and you've got interest rates inching up and of course that compounds. The problem of longer-term debt, because that. Adds to our deficit. If the interest rates go up so yeah, you, know I think we ought to be auditing, every aspect of government and and I actually wrote a piece last. Year saying that's, what Democrats ought, to be insisting. On because, if, we're the party of government and, I accept that that, label then, we ought to be the ones that want to make sure that it runs as efficiently, as possible because if, we lose money through waste fraud whatever, it is then, we're taking away certain, money from services, that for people who actually need, it I totally. Agree we ought to be doing that throughout the government do, you worry now the markets, are gonna take up a sort of momentum of their own and all of a sudden compound. Your problems, and compounding, the debt I mean, obviously it, doesn't have to be razor-sharp to know that if you got 21 trillion in debt and. And, you've got more than half of it expiring, and. Has to be rolled into something, in the next what, I think 16, months then, you you it, would behoove you to know that even the slightest backup in rates is, going to be hundreds of millions of dollars right. Well. Absolutely, you've already got about I, think. Seven. Basis. Points increase. In ten-year Treasuries over the last six months you get you get another increase, like that and it.

Becomes A real serious, problem and I, think that's more probable, than it is unlikely, so. You. To cut back on spending right looking at done well. You. Would think so but again what. We've done over the last seven, years has, been dramatically. Cut. The amount, of money that the, amount of services, because we haven't increased any domestic, spending over that time our, big challenges, with mandatory, spending because we have 10,000 people a day turning. 65 and, and being eligible for Medicare, and. That's. Going to be a big dancer. Myself. Retire, boy oh boy I'm going to cost you dearly all right congressman real challenge thank you very much sir very good having, you here balance we like to hear from both side. Thanks. You, know in the mean I should, stress one of the things they are looking at is how these interest rates hold you've heard a lot about it's, gonna be to 83 to 85 he's gonna go up to 290 still, very very historically, low someone. Who's not playing this day today tick by tick movement is Mark Cuban the, the billionaire, in the Dallas Mavericks owner, he, just plunked some money down into something that might seem odd but when you step back way, back it's, not hot at all how. That, ball is bouncing, of the reaction, to what he's doing and to this. Cotton. Holler you're gonna win back the house. All. Right it was that I dropped the mic moment from the former Vice President Joe Biden who was telling Democrats, it's, sort of a pep rally here, you know you guys are on fire you're gonna win back the house things, look good for us do that and does this latest market. Downdraft, actually, propel, that let's. Go to Democratic strategist Capri Cafaro, what, are you making bet I think, it's a bit short-lived. As far as the concerns surrounding the economy, and how it impacts the, political outcomes in 2018, I love Joe Biden I think is an incredible. He's running isn't he I think he is gonna run I think that it would be great actually for the party as much as we need new and young leadership, Joe, Biden is the kind of Democrat we need in my humble opinion somebody, that I would have you. Know supported, had he run in 2016. But, as. We were saying actually during the break one, of the things that I think you know it's too early to tell because it's February, right now you. Know it's a long way in, in political dog years to November, and back in 2008. When they had some problems, with that the tarp vote the, too-big-to-fail stuff, that occurred at the time the markets dropped was 777. Points and I was in leadership at the time in the Ohio Senate and I remember just, thinking the world was ending and. I think that. It. Happened in September and it I believe had a direct impact on the victory for then. President. Barack Obama over John, McCain so, you, know I think that at this point you know particularly the market volatilities in the stock market which aren't always seen on Main Street people, like I worked for for 10 years in Ohio I don't. Necessarily think it's gonna have a direct political impact, but I think there are a lot of other factors that could actually help the Democrats in November all right let's look at something that could help the Republicans, and this is this tax cut some Democrats, are concerned, that. It's gotten more popular and had, a more of a pay it forward, nominal. That even the White House didn't envision these companies that are handing out bonuses and, all the rest right and that on. The economy, it's the first time the president has, had a majority people giving. Him credit for you, know giving him high marks for, it his overall approval numbers are up rivaling, those of Barack Obama at the time at, the midterm election which you know. In. Itself, right, but, let me get a sense of that that this is sort of like the wild card development, here these tax cuts and the, fact that people are seeing it now more. And more are in their thinking like wait a min i heard of all the democrats bashing, them right and i'm doing ok buying well, I think that the Democrats had a very large miscalculation. That was I think based. On historic, trends, that a you know major, multinational.

Corporations, Usually, you know reinvested. In their shareholders, etc not necessarily, giving that money in, the form of bonuses, or increasing, wages and so, I you. Know couched this in in Congress at least as you, know this handout to the rich and that's not what happened, and I think that surprised everybody and as a result of that I think that the Democrats, are now scrambling because, you, know they pretty much universally, pan to this tax bill all the sudden everybody from you, know Tyson, Foods to CBS to. Walmart. Which actually, probably wasn't necessarily. A reaction, to the tax cut but nonetheless you're, seeing all across the board because now when, one company is increasing, wages everybody, else. Below. These are gonna having a chance to talk to you about this who referred to the thousand dollar bonuses, as crumbs, or, joke, or whatever do, you think that was a mistake to characterize. It that I I do and, I've said this publicly before, and I have a lot of her leader. Pelosi who's a fellow Italian American, but, if you come to places like Ohio guess what we're not San Francisco, a thousand, dollars goes a long, way for, people in my communities, that you know the the places that I'm from that. Is a significant. Impact in different so you know the economic tie-ins. I think you know on balance. Could, be you, know plus on the Republican, side because, of what's happening but, because of retirements. And other people running for office you, have 35 open. Seats in Congress that are, Republicans, 17, open seats they're Democrats, many, of them. Many, of them are in swing districts in places like Pennsylvania Florida, and then, Democrats, have made significant, gains at the state legislative level so you don't think any of those markets don't which would probably calm you hope but Novell not, the Roland. Are. Going to have an impact by. November, I don't think that the market fluctuations, well that's, just my humble opinion but guess what I'm not an economist, so you know you have a better track record than one Dupree, thank you thank you very very much here the president meanwhile has been touting the markets, all the way up I want, you to meet the millionaire says you know now that they're going down it is time for you to shut up after. This. No. I'm not really nervous I think it was necessary, I still. Think there's uncertainty about, what the market does next, but you, know when you have a run-up. Like we've had since the election, you. Know markets don't go, in a straight line forever and so if something had to happen it was just a question of of what, when and how much all. Right now there, are a lot of folks are saying trying. To find a buying opportunity as, akin to trying to catch a falling knife would. You be dabbling in any sector, stocks, groups. Even aggregates. Based on today, yeah, I bought, some SPX, my. Two biggest holdings are Netflix, and Amazon and. They've. Obviously done really well and and so if they fall anymore I'll probably buy call, but. I'm a long-term holder and so you said STX you talking about Seagate.

Sorry. I apologize. 500. That's, companies, in the United States right as a reflection, of that you want to buy that that, entire average yeah. And so I you, know I didn't make a big didn't, take a big position but it's, there look you know the market could go down a lot more I don't, know but over the long haul I think, we'll be okay. The. White House of course has attached, much of its success to the markets you can't blame them they've argued I know you might slightly disagree that the. Media, doesn't give them a fair shake when it comes to this market run-up. Now. The, argument, is if you talk about on the way up you own it on the way down do you agree with that no because they should have owned it on the way up and they don't own it on the way down. All. Right so Mark Cuban a couple of things not, a fan of the president talking up the markets when he had nothing to do with it he says nor. They're going down, he has nothing to do with that again he says and. Investing. In DTF that merits of performance, of the. S&P 500 uh now of course he, would still be down technically, since, that investment, but he again I must stress he's not a typical investor, he is a billionaire, all right Fox News correspondent Molly. Edinburgh on how all of this is sorting out with the president I did state say Molly hi. Neil the stock market can take a breather this weekend after a wild, up-and-down ride today. The president, is focused on some good economic, news this, week unemployment. Numbers this, morning the president tweeted quote jobless. Claims have, dropped to a forty five year low meaning. The number of people filing for unemployment benefits, has fallen again to levels not seen since the 1970s. Still, the White House has been watching the highs and lows of the markets and here's the president's press secretary earlier. This week, the. Economy, has obviously, been a big focus, for the administration. And it's something we're going to continue to talk about we. Have a very strong economy we, feel, very confident. In the. Direction that we're moving and certainly the focus on the long-term economic. Fundamentals. That this administration, has been advocating, for. Meanwhile. The White House is expected to release the president's, 1.5, trillion, dollar infrastructure. Plan possibly, on Monday, today, and their weekly radio address Democrats. Are trying to get ahead of that release calling, the plan quote another, scam, Oregon. Democratic, congressman, peter defazio went, on to say quote that, this plan quote places, the burden on the 50 states territories. And local governments, to raise almost, all the funds and encouraging. Them to sell off our roads bridges transit systems, and water systems, to Wall Street and foreign corporations. Neil. Alright, thank you very very much Molly, or when you step back from this market a lot of people say is it sue reg is it not rich enough it, really depends on your perspective here, keep in mind when we look at the S&P 500 that big investment, vehicle for, Mark Cuban the fact of the matter is that almost, 100, of the stocks within that index or in their market territory in other words they have declined, 20%. From their highs so. So many stocks are experiencing, this that, is it time for a rebound Charles, Schwab chief investment strategist Liz Ann sonders on, that, then the former defense secretary leon panetta says do not be fooled.

By All this kumbaya between the north and the south at, the Olympics, and a Republican, senator Alan Simpson remember, one was dancing, he's not dancing now. All, right so what is gonna happen Monday. Morning and a lot depends on what happens Sunday night when we see Asia trade and begin our own futures kickoff a couple. Of interesting developments, I want to pass along to you a number of brokerage houses that's, when banks whatever you want to call them from a, fidelity. TD. Ameritrade. Some others are now, talking about suspending, trading, in these so-called exotic. Investments. These creative, vehicles. That, are alternative, to the VIX the fear index on the CBOE. Because a lot of people lost their shirts now some. Of them of course which are counter a way to arbitrage, or hedge if you will an, investment, in the fear index way over my head this, much is not people were losing their shirts a couple, of investments, there went quickly from $90. On Friday, to, for a while on Monday $4 so, the better part of valor is for fidelity, and some of these others to say we're, disbanding it, we're not into it and. We don't want to certainly, on margin to, touch it I don't, know whether that is Charles swabs a position, but a number of houses, there have been urging their clients to, be a little bit conservative to step back not to get too fancy smancy Liz Ann sonders is their, chief investment strategist Leslie, I'm very good to have you back with us hi, Neil thank you what do you think of that I don't know what your lab, recommends, but you as an individual, and pretty darn good investor, think, of that and that these things are sort. Of compounding. The volatility, and that's not to touch well, it's interesting. Our financial consultants, actually are not even allowed to recommend, any, of these inverse, or leveraged. Exchange-traded. Products, and in fact we have actively since, the inception of many of these have, told our clients you probably want to stay away from them because the risk associated with it then we sent a letter, in December, out to, those, investors, that we saw had exposure, to some of these things highlighting. The warnings, that unfortunately, in many of these funds were you know page 195 in the prospectus, so.

We've. Always been against, leveraged. And an inverse. Exchange-traded, products, let's step back from there's a little bit of course in six trading days we, we got our 10% correction and we've had big. Corrections in a single day October. 19th 1987 when, the Dow lost a quarter value so, we have a history of obscene, some startling, developments, but this was, noteworthy. And that this was a market, I believe over its full duration almost nine years has. Had only for such 10, percent correction so, maybe, we were overdue what do you thought well, we went the longest ban in history without even a three percent drop the longest span in history without a five percent drop two. Years since we had the last 10 percent correction, you normally get a 10%, correction about, once a year so, this. Is possibly, a when. All said and done to, some degree a healthy reminder to investors, that markets, don't go up forever and I think that the, sentiment, environment, in the month, or two leading, up to the peak in the market had had, gone from skepticism. Really the entire bull market until a couple of months ago and it was like somebody just flipped a switch and that, turned into not just optimism. But a bit, of froth so. If there's one benefit, in. This environment is I think, we might actually allow, this bull market to go on a little bit longer because we were sort of in melt up mode not, just in the market but in the attitudes. And enthusiasm, of investors, which tends to be a contrarian indicator you, know a lot of people, have been freaking, out and and selling out in the latest period, 30 billion, withdrawn, from mutual funds, from the same investors, who were presumably. Plowing, 100, into. Such funds prior, what, do you make of that and whether, they're overreacting. On. Either on other side you know it depends. On who is doing the, the, selling you know one, of the fears is that we went from and, I will, explain, the the acronyms, but you kind of went from maybe, FOMO, to LIFO, meaning, you know there was sort of the fear of missing out and, frenzy, that accompanied, the all-time highs in January, you sought in things like fund, flows but, what we may have seen happen in the past week is last in first out, you, may have already washed out some of that more. Speculative, money that came in in, the market I think though that panic, as we often say is should. Never be an investment strategy and, and panic can happen both on the upside and the downside and, we probably saw, a bit of both in. The last couple of weeks so lose an how do you clients, who look presumably, when they're selling. They're. Still selling, some, big gains right I mean they're still gonna take a tax it on unless they're since. Bashed. And they're the losses across the board but, they're still going to pay a tax on that so, they've got to calculate, that into whether it's worthwhile now thinking.

That Well if I don't get out now it's, actually going to be worse than the tax that I'm experiencing, now so how do you coach them on that well obviously. People are in different tax brackets, and and it's also, a function of what the overall portfolio looks, like all, of these things should send a couple of messages one, investors should have a plan they should never just be winging it on. The by side on the sell side and. There should be a structure, and a discipline around that plan, diversification. Rebalancing. Rebalancing. That takes into consideration turnover. Costs, and transaction. Costs as well as tax. Implications. And that's why many, investors, do well if the, discipline, is sort of forced on them by virtue of having some, sort of advised. Strategy. Having somebody, help them work through that setting, up of a plan but more importantly, maintaining, the discipline, around it I think we are sort of going back to back, to basics, and that's not a bad thing for investors no it's not you know every. Market, has its sort of signature metaphor, I guess for one of a better term for. Me and this market might be Bitcoin, and, given. The sheer craziness. Is just over the last six. Trading, days I could go back further and it could really be a rollercoaster ride. Some. Have used it as a metaphor in the markets in general that if people are pouncing on that it was this mark it's a internet. Bubble or however you want to define it what, do you think a Bitcoin what do you think of the, craziness, that was associated with it some wise I don't not, smart enough to know what. Do you think about our, message, to investors. Around. Bitcoin, has been be. Mindful, of the fact that it's not a currency, it is doesn't. Have any intrinsic value, it's not backed. By anything, including, a central bank it's not regulated, and you know the believers, would. Say that we don't we don't trust in fiat currencies, and the system around it we trust the you, know community, around Bitcoin, I think one, of the things that sort of maybe caused the bloom to come off the rose a little it was some. Of the hacking thefts, that occur and I, think that that. Unleashed, some of the quote, fundamental, problems with this thing our end. Message to investors, on this had always been if, you want to make, this speculative investment, have at it just make sure you don't have any more money in it then you're willing to lose that's, not bad advice Liz, Ann sonders very, good seeing again Charles Schwab chief and doesn´t strategist, at, Stanford Connecticut good sing again Roseanne thank you you too Neal thank you all right then there are developments, which can keep either a sell-off going, or prompt. A rally don't. Count on the latter from what the government's been doing lately this is a two-year. Budget accord, with all the edits pending could, present a lot of problems here keep in mind that just a slight uptick in rates for all that trillions. Upon trillions of dollars in debt a lot of which matures and has to be rolled over within just. The next couple of years. Invites, some real, big, expensive, possibilities, that don't look good what, our panelists, think of that let's say a scary cow pop my, buddy Charles Payne and Adrian Elrod, Charles that's, the wild card here of course you don't know how far it rates back up you do know they have to be kind, of refinanced, here and they're gonna be refinanced at higher levels and you and I are gonna pay the bill buddies taxpayers. Right, on that you're, right you, know but listen the ekend the reality, the political, reality, is that there is no will in Washington DC to. Curb spending I mean, this is a reality we're dealing with so now we have a president who on the campaign, trail said he loves that and that he knows how to work with it he's going to have his opportunity, and. And you know what we. Had 10 trillion added to our national debt under President, Obama but we had a whole lot at it under Republicans, as well even Ronald Reagan said his greatest regret was that our debt went up during, his presidency, so. It's gonna be interesting to see if we can at least use this extra money in a constructive way to grow, the economy and, such, were you know we can actually maybe filled. Its coffers of Treasury of the Treasury Department you, know with, lower with lower taxes, but greater velocity, in our economy and greater velocity, of money because that's the handle we've been dealt.

Yeah We're nervous obviously, at some point that's not unrealistic to believe we'll be paying a trillion dollars a year just on the interest of that debt incredible, but I'm hoping, that perhaps since. We've gone down path we've been down this path we can't get off of it for a variety of reasons, mostly, political will that, we, can find a way to make the best of it well, you know Adrian we're not going to try to make the best of it in election year I think that's a safety right, yeah yeah, I mean look I the Charles is exactly, right I mean I worked for a number of Blue Dog, Democrats. Back in my time on Capitol Hill and it's so disappointing to see frankly. Both Republicans, and Democrats I'm, voting, for this budget because it does raise the debt so much I mean, we are 20 trillion and Counting in, the hole in this country that is absolutely. Insane. And, there was a time where I think both parties were talking about let's. Restore fiscal discipline, in our house let's make sure that we don't pass a budget budget, of course President Clinton had the you know had a balanced budget during. His presidency it, seems that both parties don't really care about that anymore and it's really disappointing what I was made possible Gary, and I'm a little too remember that when he and, Newt, Gingrich locked arms and came to you, know welfare to work in a way to at least slow. The growth of that particular. In. Entitlement. And, that's, I think what would make a dramatic difference to, taxpayers, and investors in general if you could just slow the growth but. We can't even do that. Neal. Back. When Bush was president. I did a radio show, from the White House right, after he was re-elected it was all about doing. Something, about Social, Security a week, later I get a phone call stop, talking, about it they obviously pulled, trying to do something about welfare and it, didn't work very well so that was the end of that that, is the big, matzo. Ball going forward we have a trillion. Dollars a year being, spent on that and I have to tell you there, is no political, will and I, deal in numbers, every. Day that, goes by now, three billion dollars, is added, to our debt, and this, coming year, 400. Billion the first 400. Billion of taxpayer, dollars is, going, to interest, not, to roads, and bridges and. Bridges and the poor and all that it's going to interest in four years it's 700. Billion and in eight years it's a trillion, we cannot continue, this trajectory I don't care if the economy, grows 5%, there's no way you're covering this you can't, go yeah. Those, numbers are with low rates what if rates back up out. You know by the way in Charles he mentioned something interesting, about what, undid that the Social Security reformed.

Effort Was the president wanted to take five percent put, in the market, torpedo. Any, chances, it was a fine idea for young people with. What would kill the Medicare reform act, that that Paul Ryan done was working on was, trying, to slow Medicare's, Grover, from about eight percent right, to six percent and then he was portrayed, as pushing. Granny off a cliff so we know where the will exist. In watching what I'm asking you do you think this and what's, going on and watching and has, the potential to continue. Roiling, the markets or is it kind of factored in I, think, it has the potential, but near-term, again, our. Historic, growth was 3.1 percent we haven't done that in a decade so right now we're three trillion dollars less than we would have had in a normal American. Economy, for a variety of reasons if we can bring that back sure it's hard to grow yourself out of this but if you can have supercharged, growth the kind of growths we haven't seen in a long time in this nation it goes a long, way so again. You, know I think they're a whole lot of other factors in this market I do wish they would have put, Social Security money in the stock market and I do hate when professionals, come on TV and they call individual, investors dumb for, vesting in the market in January you. Know or, speculative. It's, so funny because they'll eat pick up a Forbes 400 and see how many of those people are rich because of the. Are wealthy because of the stock market I'll give you a hint 400. So. The. Elites, stay. In the market and be in the market every time the average of Bressler gets in it and they shake them out they're dumb right now and they scare them from dealing these kind of schemes that ultimately could kind of right, this ship real quickly guys are we through the worst of this or more to go I, think, we're through the worst but I think volatility, is here to stay Hadrian I. Your. Guess is as good as mine I hope were through there were worse but I'm not optimistic all. Right Gary. Short. A term I think we hit a low Friday but I, will tell you a bearish. Phase is usually have three legs down I think we just hit the first I think there's probably more to go no, it involved two more legs I guess alright guys thank you all right there, I can do the math in my head all, right what. About this latest Democratic, memo that the president's rejected, releasing, over security concerns we've, got former, Clinton strategies mark Penn on where, all of this is going and yeah the, possibility, that this could move markets as well yeah a memo, that could, move markets not. So crazy after the week we've had it looks fine after, this all. Right, that. Is not out the president defending his decision to delay its release, right now but it's cause you, know what storm on Capitol Hill saying oh sure you'll release the Republican, one you won't believe the Democratic, one and back of what backerboard white what are, you i former clinton campaign strategist, mark Penn this guy's a brilliant. Guy just steps back from all this always enjoy hearing. Him but mark. Its, next time he played politics, on both sides with this but. The, president is saying that. Can't. Release it the way it is right now Republicans. Are saying well. This. Was a booby trap on the part of Democrats what, would be wrong then with the President, and redacting, some names or something to. At least you. Know throw. It back at Democrats, faces that that's not what's going on here or is it too late for them well.

I Never thought I'd see a week in which Democrats. And Republicans, would be bipartisan, on the budget but, breakdown, I think so severely. On. Trying, to agree to some basic facts in. This investigation, and, I think what we're seeing is the result of that breakdown I, think. The the Democrats voted against, releasing. The Republican, memo I think, Trump is now tweaking. Them a bit by. Holding up the memo and suggesting, they have to make changes, I think, the Democrats, either could, leak it which I think would be a mistake or, make some changes in which case they have to acknowledge that, their memo had. Some things that shouldn't have been there which they don't want to do and I think I think the Trump. Is trying to squeeze, play on them unbalanced I think he might have been a little bit better just getting it out there but. We are where we are we, are you, know you mentioned, an important. Dichotomy, here mark and I thought - they. Did agree to, keep. The government lights on for another couple of years the first time we've had a two year. Budget agreement on the part of both parties uh you know there must connect, on some level when both sides are also complaining, about it but, it is what it is they did show sort of bipartisanship, there again, those against, it as you've heard on this very show on the Democratic, and the Republican side, have. The reasons, that it was not worth the effort but it was done so it can be done bipartisanship, can, happen. But. Then the memo so what's, gonna win out the remainder this year in this back and forth well, but but I think fundamentally the. Grassley, Graham memo, is, the, fundamental. I opening, memo in this thing I mean really, Lindsey, Graham no, friend of President Trump, that. Memo I think is much stronger than the noonas memo and. It says pretty clearly that that you. Know the steel dossier, is what was heavily relied upon for. These Pfizer warrants, I don't, really understand, why Democrats and Republicans, can't agree to a basic set of facts clearly. The, fact that this was paid paid. For by the DNC, and the Hillary campaign was, not given to the court and also, interestingly when. FBI. Director, called they weren't aware of the source of this material, that it was a political. You. Know agenda, here no, no there was apparently a footnote, but it wasn't disclosed and also when Kony's met with President Trump he, didn't tell him that, it came from the from the Clinton campaign and that might have ended the whole thing right then and there in, in in January, because, Trump would obviously, have have, spilled the beans on that one pretty quickly and so, this fact was concealed for a very long time until, really the Republicans, went to court on that and, it's a basic fundamental, fact I mean that's the whole problem with this why, is there a partisan. Fight over the basic, facts here there should be agreement, on these facts that what, was used who paid for it you know what went into this you, know what was the Papadopoulos, role everybody. Should agree so that all Americans can really understand, what is happening here you know finally, the president was commenting, on this you, know this tweet on the US spies. Quoting. Here a Russian sold, phony secrets, on Trump to the u.s. asking, price 10 million brought, down to 1 million to be paid over time I hope people are now seeing and understanding what's, going on here, it is all now starting, to come out drain, the swamp and out the words continuing, theme that. There's an agenda to get him. Well. Look what, what, do I think you, know if I look at the evidence that's come out so far and particularly, that about the, Grassley memo I say go look probably, steal. Went. To everyone and created, an echo chamber that, everyone wanted to believe they. Thought it would it was true and they created this whole Mirage based. On a story that reverberating, throughout all the members of the press and, I think that's what we're seeing here all right my sorry to jump on you the heartbreak comes with I'm chatting with you or not the. Repercussions of, what Mark just said and what the president just tweeted right after this I. Think. That'll be a problem higher interest rates are never good I think I'm gonna pull an IRA just a deal with. The interest rate on a loan small, loan that we have I'm not changing anything I've going on because, but I worry about it in terms of my kids I think it's, inevitable that. Interest, rates and. Hopefully. Interest rates won't jump often and screw up everybody's. Mortgages. And keep the our economy, can stay strong we, think that it, probably should. Go up a little bit not a lot don't. Don't let. The Fed get out of hand.

We. Generally, like to catch up with average folks on busy streets and. God, forbid they should get hit you. Know it's good that's what we do we go out on these busy streets and just say sorry, anyway. You can see there's a collective angst, about how, high do we go whether it's gonna affect lending. Whether people are inclined to borrow as much spend as much of, the read on something we really can't get a gauge, on because we don't know where it ends we do know that 30-year mortgages, a lot of borrowing weights have, it going up up up up but, they've not been going up to the degree a lot, of old fogies like myself can remember when, those were the per day costs on for, example my first mortgage but anyway that was then we're told a very different environment now let's go to Fox Business networks, there's, a wicked nagato day. That I'm a genius husband. And last but not least financial. Analyst extraordinaire. Heather moraga, David, let me go to you on this expectation. That higher rates are built into the cake I accept, that but what what the conundrum, is is figure out how hot right how high did I go well you went out you were mentioning, our memory goes back I remember when. My, brother, had, a, mortgage. Rate of 17%. So I mean 17%. And and, he bought a house at 17% so, you can you, can get things done brothers. Rates, go up yeah but. The point is is that you can get things done if rates are a little higher the question is how much is it going to slow down economic, growth the key to this president's. Policy. Is with, tax cuts and deregulations. Getting, economic, growth going so, fast, and so far that it can it can cure, other ills like rising interest, rates and like a rising, deficit, because of these crazy, spending bills they have in Congress so if it, really affects growth we're in trouble if it doesn't if if the the, overwhelming, power of the American economy overwhelms. All of. The other problems we're going to be ok you know I can't understand, Lizzie the president's, frustration about. Good news being interpreted the way it is but. He's right to the, is good news a lot of this is built on and it all started, with, the employment report last, Friday right where we, were suddenly up to 1,000 jobs we, had a 2.9, percent wage clip which was celebrated finally, the common man, and woman not getting. The raises, the desert and all. Of a sudden we'd, sold off crazy on it yeah, the. Market, is so weird, right now we keep hearing that from traders what is going, on Neil we've wiped, out and you just reported, market. Wealth in. Just two weeks time it evil - what we lost more than what we lost the dot-com, blow out right we, lost, 1.8 trillion and wealth so what is going on I think when we Davis, has done this reporting - we, try to get a handle on what is a market reacting, to now there's really no inflation, there really isn't we're gonna get an inflation report from the feds, yet yes yeah yeah, yep, you're right because 3m McDonald's, and whirl, whirl they're saying inflation, coming in and their inputs.

But, What we're seeing is a government. Bond market. Crack up in other words it's like a soap box derby crack, up right when, you see the US, 10-year yield. Higher. Than Italy higher, than France higher, than the UK you got to say something is weirdly, going, on with government, debt and that is is that the Fed is selling off its balance, sheet right now since a very crowded but, trade. President, Trump wants to do infrastructure, spending we're, now going to have trillion-dollar, annual deficits. I know on an annual basis in terms of the hole.

2018-02-11 23:33

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