Business strategies for leadership effectiveness and success.

Business strategies for leadership effectiveness and success.

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welcome to legal views with your host attorney sheila r steward [Music] well welcome and thank you for tuning in today to legal views with attorney sheila r stewart we are so excited to have with us on today the one and only this is paula hearn and she is going to share some interesting and some outstanding business strategic uh information with you to help you in your business matters but first and foremost we want to thank donald savage for savage foot solutions and we also want to thank daryl brett we are broadcasting live on cjoy network 365 live facebook and youtube and we are going to let you know some great tips that you can use to assist yourself in business i am your host attorney sheila r steward of the law office of attorney sheilar stewart and we are located at 231 south bemidston avenue clayton missouri and that number there is 314-854-1339 and you can see it on the screen welcome mrs paula hearn how are you doing today uh estoy begins i am wonderful thank you and we are excited to have you let's go right into our show we want to tell you some some interesting things about mrs hearn first and foremost i would like to congratulate you on being consecrated and elevated to the supervisor of spain yeah thank you thank you thank you outstanding accomplishment thank you leadership a bishop edwin bass that is great and outstanding we are so proud of you and all of your many many accomplishments mrs byrne is an executive from corporate america she has served in numerous prestigious roles in corporate america she's an executive coach that means she can coach people to matriculate through various levels in the organization to ascend to top leadership as vice presidents and presidents of the organization she holds an mba a master's and she has her sphr in human resources welcome mrs hearn how are you this evening i'm wonderful thank you and thank you for the invite i'm so happy to be here to share well we are excited to have you here to share and one of the things that we want to bring your attention to that to make this discussion relevant to what you are going through or what you are working on are numerous areas there are there's transferable information not-for-profit organizations corporate organizations legal organizations and the church this type of information that we're going to share will assist you in these areas now as we know today there is an exodus from the workforce many people are leaving the workforce under the uh the thought process that they're unsatisfied unfulfilled they're not happy and they're not advancing within the workforce now how can we get a person to become more effective in the workforce how can we get a person to uh move up and get the type of salary make the type of money that many of us want to make but we're going to share leadership strategies with you that will assist you in reaching and fulfilling those goals that you have now can you talk to us just briefly about i've been hearing this terminology this transformative leader everywhere i go we had a connection not too long ago and everyone was saying that they were a transformative leader now i tend not to think people are transformative leaders because they're big change agents okay explain to us in your opinion what a transformative leader looks like well a transformational leader simply as somebody that's focused more on engaging people engaging employees engaging people into a particular project a lot of these leaderships have been around for decades and somebody rewrote a refresh or whatever so people walk around saying i'm i'm a transformational leader when results show that they're a different another different type of leadership style but transformational leadership really is more about inspiring and motivating and engaging employees or people that work with you okay what do you think some of the in these we're just having a light discussion and so we're not i don't put any pressure on you to you know to just answer everything correctly but i think in the day and era that we're living in we need to understand uh the leaderships that is causing some people to excel and some people are being stagnated okay you have people that are not doing well whether they start their own business or whether they're working from somewhere working for someone else or if they're just morally uh in a church setting they're not being effective and you're off in your opinion what are the common leadership styles let's see you have uh the autocratic democratic laissez-faire transactional transformational coaching participative servant leader situational leader there are like so many leadership styles out there like i said sometimes people grab one because it becomes a new buzzword for the moment and that's what they think they are but again sometimes what you see in practice they are not that particular leadership style what do you think the type what do you think is the best type of leadership style to create an effective business in your opinion interesting um situational leadership style i believe is very very important that means that you will change your leadership style based on the person or the situation or the group that you're managing there are theories out there that basically says if you're forming a group you're gonna have to be just a little bit more directive or more authoritative versus if you have a high performing group when you can be more of a coach or a participative manager but then there's also the whole theory of a servant leader which i love so i call myself a a servant situational leader so that servant leader again is a very compassionate person they're interested in the person as a whole so you may be working but that person is also concerned about you and other areas i can give you a short story about a servant leader i worked for a phenomenal servant leader once and our company the parent company said that we could have a gym and so they were paying for all this expensive equipment i raised my hand i wanted it i facilitated it and here comes the day for the equipment to come the equipment gets there and they said man where's your floor and i'm like there and i go no this company uh requires you have a special floor for this equipment so i had them store the equipment mosey right up to my servant leader serving leaders will make you comfortable you don't want to disappoint them so i said you know what i made an error it's a 16 000 era but i have a solution for just take it off my line and put it into your line he looked at me and he said how did this happen and i explained it he said you know next time just ask all your questions and say what question do i need to ask you that i don't know to ask i use that to this day in business situations all the time he never got upset he was very compassionate two weeks later he gave me another project it was a two hundred thousand dollar deal it's like how do you trust me with that but that's how he he develops you certainly develop people they develop um environments of trust where people are not afraid to take the risk because you know you make a sound decision if you make a mistake that manager is going to support you encourage you and pull you right along what what is the difference between uh a servant leader and a traditional leader because when i look at the church and when i look at business organizations i see a lot of traditional leadership styles and i tend to think they can be a little more ineffective and boring and what what's what's your ex your definition of a traditional leader the traditional leaders tend to focus on the leader and so there's the leader the the whole top the structure the tiers and everything in organization and the people are started at the bottom they are very focused on processes procedure organizational structure which is important the servant leader sort of the flip side of that the servant leader serves so their focus is on the people building the people they still have organizational objectives but they're more interested in in the people and then the process procedures the leadership is sort of underneath that undergirding the people do you think that the uh traditional leadership style is effective in the 21st century in business organisms or do you think it's kind of you know antiquated i think it can be effective again if it's situational there are times when you definitely need to be authoritative and there are times depending on the group that you manage you may need to be democratic if you have a very high performance proficient team there are moments when you can be a laissez faire manager that may be you may have a primary leadership style but you can't manage that way all the time so as a leader you have to be flexible enough to use the leadership style that affects that situation that person that committee that group what have you okay let's talk about traits for a moment you know because i'm interested in in the traits i think uh it's the leader's responsibility to create somewhat a level of inspiration many times what the leader will do they would be uninspiring boring they don't come up with anything that's creative and innovative thinking or anything it's just the same process thinking all the time and then they can get upset when there's when the interest is not there i mean how do you get that type of a leader leaders that come out of that uh that way of thinking how do you get them to become more inspirational what advice would you give for those types of leaders that that's that's a good one i think one of the things that leaders have to do is create leadership development plans for themselves and that's for the leader as well as anybody that want to become a leader so if you want to be a good leader you're going to have to read it might mean you don't have to go to a college and matriculate but maybe you're going to one of those school district community classes maybe you decide to get a leadership development a certificate or a management certificate you have to do something to grow yourself you might want to get a mentor get a higher level mentor one inside the organization one outside the organization with mentors i believe mentors should be very successful in whatever their expertise is but they also need to be successful in great achievers in every area of their life or at least major areas in their life so for example if accountant if you wanted to be accountant yourself you don't want somebody who's just a successful account accountant they want to be successful accountant as well as successful in other areas of their life and i also encourage people in order to develop further fine volunteer or just part-time jobs or whatever where you can get more experience as a leader so if you're a boring leader and you're not creative go join an organization and try to get up into leadership go to toastmasters toastmasters has a a learning track you might want to find out in your hoa can you get into hoa in the school setting where can you go to volunteer to develop your leadership skills and specifically if you if it's innovation look for things but that are creative for you so so if i want to start my own business i have my own business so many people today they're like like i said beginning it's this huge exodus where people are leaving the workforce and even in the church you see people leaving churches and becoming non-denominational and starting their own movements and so forth and i think lots of times that's because people are they're not pleased with the system of the business the system of how things operate and so forth if an individual is starting their business what are some of the traits and some of the information can you share to help that individual that's kind of like fed up and they're moving into some they want to move into something interesting what what would you share with that individual to help them to be effective i i would say goals first of all what what is the goal and i know vision boarding is popular and i'm like let's do some goal boarding because a vision without a plan without legs and arms it becomes a dream over time so if you create some goals and again you're going to have to learn whatever that business is you want to go into you need to learn as much as you can find somebody that's in that business already that's successful what are they reading what seminars do they go to what actions do they do go to make themselves better so again it's going to be your goals it's going to be learning you can go to like saint louis community college here in this area has a program that's about 100 bucks six weeks that teaches you how to start a business from wing to wing the state of missouri also has programs like that i think it's called most source link and they have sometimes free classes they have classes that really don't cost so much again that will take you from beginning to end how to do a business plan how to do a marketing plan what are the legal things you need to do to set your business up or you can take the easy route out and call somebody like uh attorney sheila and have paid them and have them do it for you [Laughter] i like that idea okay so since you brought up money so people are saying okay all of this sounds good it sounds good on paper it looks good but i don't have any money i have any money to start my plan i don't have any money to start my business how how do people get started in business without money the library of networking contacts who has money out there are they programs for minorities for money are there programs for women or is there a special need for what you're trying to get into you can go to the library and begin to research for yourself and sometimes that's hard there's things we want to do but you have to put work into that thing that you're trying to get started so starting your own business it's going to take work to do it but to keep it going and to build it it's also going to take work networking getting mentors that is critical so once you start researching and you get mentors it's amazing you will find that there are some doors there's some opportunities you may find some money you just have to start you can't say i don't have any money because there's some free things you could do google the library the mentors books that's the first place to start if you don't have any money when i started my uh my law practice uh several years ago i was i was talking to this gentleman about it and uh he was saying how he was you know just pleased with his job and he didn't care for his job and i asked well why don't you start your own law your law office you have you know so many years of experience to start your own business and you told me that it would cost me uh hundreds of thousands of dollars to start a law firm or a hundred thousand dollars i said really when i started my law firm was like a hundred bucks i had i didn't i didn't have hardly anyone when i started it you know i just i had my laptop internet and i put my name out there you know put some cards out there you know it took a while you know you are building a brand new car building a presence but you want to get started and i think if you have uh access to the internet and you have you know a computer you can do some marketing get some content and you can take advantage of the other free marketing through social media that's your start that's how you get started and that's my new facebook page instagram page and let people know that you're open for business and then start taking business and then the most important thing is when you start taking business and taking people money to do a good job yes yes yes that's why networking is so important so when you say you don't have money you have friends you have associates or you have friends that have friends that will help you and so take advantage of that but that that's great what do you think are our pivotal traits very important traits that a leader has okay so if our people could have that they should have okay so i'll answer that question based on some great leaders that have the opportunity to work with across uh 27 companies here in the states i'ma tell you the ones that are affected on the top of the list integrity and fairness integrity fairness critical thinking being effective communicators they are visionaries but they also know how to effectively communicate that vision so people know how to fuel it sound decision making people builders relationship building they are they lead by examples let's see they are lifelong learners and they're strategists now what's the strategies i have my definition um two things that you honed in with three things that you that you stated that i think is very critical you said a lifelong learner who said integrity strategies i wonder can you just highlight those three things because that's one of the things that i see a lack of today is integrity integrity needs to be a core value that everyone embraces because before you become a great leader you have to first embrace these uh these core values can you talk to us a little bit about uh integrity that may sound basic i know but it's when you deal with you know so many people today they change who they are on who they talk who they speak with so if i speak to one group i say something uh-huh a i speak to another group i say b and i speak to another group i say c that's an integrity issue for me yes yes yes uh your word should stand it should be something that represent you one of the reasons people leave their job a lot of time is because of integrity if the people that work for you can't trust you can't believe what you say can't believe what you do they're not going to work as hard there's not going to be a loyalty there uh the same thing with your customer base or you just made the reference when you do a job do a good job for people what you say and what you do it has to be consistent so if you're not honest with people and you say something in your abc scenario people will not stay with you they will leave you uh gallup did a survey i think it's 2015 and they talked about how when people left their jobs 75 of the people that left their job they didn't leave the organization they left their boss because the bosses were not showing that level of integrity they were not showing creativity wow so the other lifelong learner i think was the other one you said lifelong learner that's important so the lifelong learners the successful they're looking at what's coming out what are the books that's coming up that most of the leaders are reading sometimes they have abstract they may not have time to read an entire book but the newest bestseller in business it might be an abstract what are they reading they also take seminars they do webinars they they learn from any and everybody so they may be reading two three books a week so those leaders that are successful they are learning also they learn from other people right now we have about four or five generations in the workplace at the same time a successful leader is learning from the generational z that's just coming into the workplace they're learning from the millennials they're learning how to keep up with technology they're always learning they're never saying that's too much i don't want another password right they continue to learn the strategies sometimes you have to find different way to do things and i think one of the best tools that a leader can use is strategic planning because it puts your vision right back in your face there's your vision there's your mission uh there is your values how we do things there's your strengths weaknesses opportunities your threat long-term goals short-term goals we evaluate we monitor we evaluate we we celebrate so being strategic in the organization and having that plan to me it shares with everybody here's the vision here's where we're going here's what we're going to do here's how we're going to do it and it just gives you an opportunity to bring your people together it's a great tool to communicate on how you're going to meet your goals wow can you share i guess you're saying i'm asking you a lot of questions i'm taking all of this i'm taking all of this in for my business and for my success because i will be putting together a business plan goals strategies outcomes buyers that i am going to write out for the law office of sheilar stewart for 2022. all right and i have to evaluate my strengths and i have to evaluate my weaknesses i have to evaluate what i've done right and what i've done wrong and then i have to fill the gaps in with how to get to the next tier now the struggles how do you get to the next level and you are an individual that people hire across the country not just in one particular city to they hire you across the country to coach them to move to the next level so so if you're taking on a client and this client is saying my business is stagnated i am stagnated in this position how do i move to the next level what how do you get that person to move to the next level but that that's assessment sometimes it's the individual they are missing one of those traits or they're missing some kind of skill set or they don't realize their value they don't know how to use it so sometimes it's individually assessing that person helping them create a development plan other times is they're not selecting the right people they're not selecting people with a skill they're selecting friends they're selecting family when they really need to begin to hire people to have the skill set that they need that also has leadership traits because they're not going to stay in that same position sometimes it's a lack of redundancy so if you have a couple people working for you you need to figure out if susie doesn't come to work for a week and she gets sick get man she walk up the job who's gonna cover her so that requires a lot of assessment i mean to look at that individual to see how that individual is is leading to also look at their team and why can't they go so what is the the organizational barrier finding what their barrier is and then coming up with a plan to help them get to the next level that's excellent advice we have a question on the screen it says uh what do you say what do you say or how do you have to be consistent i guess the person is asking how do you become consistent you know that's a good question a lot of times uh leaders are not consistent not because they don't want to be but because somebody didn't create a a policy or procedure policies and procedures we don't want to be bothered with them until all of a sudden we have an agency in our face or some attorney calls us then it's like they're asking us what's your policy on this what's your employee handbook and so i would say get together with your leadership team and maybe have a couple people that's not on the leadership team create an employee handbook or create some kind of policy if it's not employee but create policies and procedures distribute them so that people have access to them maybe have them on a electronically where they can access them print some paper give them a hard copy if they want to but you just want to make sure that there is a policy and then treat people fairly according to whatever your policy is okay i hope this answers your question uh miss daniels and thank you so much for tuning in and for all of the individuals that are uh asking questions and placing this let's read what this one states oh it says soak it up paula hearn is a wealth of knowledge okay that's good thank you it's great thank you so much for tuning in and if you have questions while we have this wealth of knowledge in front of us please feel free to continue to send any questions that you may have out so we can take a look at them and get them answered for you okay now let's get back to the wealth of knowledge that's here if if a person if a person is in a company and the loss that they have is ineffective okay ineffective and they can't seem to move they can't seem to excel and the boss is kind of in a way that's keeping them from excelling what advice do you have for that individual they're trapped almost oh okay let me preface that that that's a hard question to answer in a general sense so my hr background my od background my training development would say assess it success so i need to know what's going on with that individual what's the climate leadership climate of that organization and something about their leadership but i don't know that so let me try general to my millennial friends i would say be a little patient bad bosses don't last forever they just don't bad bosses don't last forever bad bosses can also be a blessing they can inspire you so let's go back to our goals sometimes when you're in that situation you need to focus on what what's your goal that that job is not your end-all be-all so what's your goal for the next year for the next two years for the next three years perhaps you're not planning to stay there long so if that's the case is it going back to school is it one of the certification programs is it just taking a class so you want to be ready when that opportunity comes let me share another quick personal story i had a horrible block terrible my boss had several addictions not one or two several but he was able to come to work and perform we did some outstanding things our numbers were wonderful but he was horrible i literally felt like mentally emotionally i was brawling to work and sometimes it wasn't just me i was looking how he treat other people it bothered me and my husband's like well you know you just stay home my thing was i knew there was something about that job that would affect my destiny i knew it i felt it but i didn't like going to work so i decided to go do something outside i went to dale carnegie del carney is an organization that helped people communicate effectively and they also help people speak better i was a wallflower i hated speaking to people i would never do what you asked me to do by the way i would hate doing this so i went and i became a dale carnegie instructor i was the only certified del carney instructor in my organization wow and while i was doing that i also got certification so a whole lot of places center for creative leadership i got certified in how to be an executive coach because i was sort of not happy at work so then i had to decide am i going to have a career with dale carnegie or am i going to go back to my job well by the time i decide i was going to go with the jail carnegie route my job call i got all these great uh projects and i got promoted now let me say this i wanted my goal was to be a leadership development executive an hr executive or training and development executive i literally mastered all of those and my father was being on you know don't be a jack-of-all-trade master of none be a jack-of-all-trade and master three so i actually mastered four there has not been a year that has not passed but i have not said lord i thank you for that bad boss had i not had that bad boss i would not have gone back to school i would not have gone to del carnegie i would not have done the nba and i probably would not have said yes to ministry so a bad boss can be a blessing okay i was hearing something from uh c joy network so you took the fact that you had a bad boss you took that bad experience and used it to develop other areas of expertise in your life so from that bad experience became a more developed a more expert and a more focused individual i think that is amazing um i get calls all the time from individuals that want to sue uh a bad boss and the first thing i tell them it is not against the law right to have a bad boss they have not broken the law right you don't understand i do understand i don't understand that in order to file a lawsuit you have to present a promo facial case of discrimination or wrongful determination and it has to be based on those protected classes right right you can't just fire somebody because uh i mean you can't sue somebody because they're a bad boss right right some people don't understand the distinction between having a bad employer versus the employer breaking the law right right right when and when i try to explain the distinction to them they often get upset with me you know they get very upset you don't understand i said i do understand that's why they help you this may seem very patty or very um uh elementary but you just help people to understand the difference between a bad boss and discrimination okay so so let me say this and remind me because you know sometimes i can slip um when i started this on a preface with this question the other thing is the why let's look at why do you have a bad boss every boss doesn't want to be bad let's face it let's be real for a moment across every industry oftentimes people are promoted because they were the hard worker in a particular job or they were somebody's favorite somebody's nephew what have you we promoted them but we did not train them to be leaders and they didn't have leadership experience and now two or three years have passed they're your boss they did not take it upon themselves to go get the leadership training so now they're bad but they're not bad because they want to be bad they just don't know so i i was working with an employment employment attorney once and here's what she said to me and i tell people this all the time okay so your boss is bad as long as he's being a consistent bad boss to everybody and they call them a jerk you know as long as they're being that to everybody they haven't violated your civil rights there's no case and so what you can do is sit down with your boss sometimes people don't know they're coming across to where they are so sometimes you can sit down with your boss and say hey on this particular day this is what happened this is how it made me feel that doesn't work you can always go up to the next level if you have a strong hr department perhaps that hr department could help that manager develop i mean if somebody comes to me and told me i had this great weakness and i'm trying to be an executive i'm going to fix it but you know you you can't just go filing lawsuits are calling agencies over things that uh they're not violations of the law right right and i get those kind of calls and and i have to walk individuals through you know the distinction between violating your human rights under you know being under a protected class versus this person just being crummy to everyone right right and and you you can't file a lawsuit when because of companies you can only file a lawsuit when they have broken uh a law that under a protected class a title vii violation right let's let's move into uh work uh this whole idea of executive coaching okay exactly so how can that executive coaching skill be transferred over to my personal development how can you how can you use your advice how can you take your advice i may not be framing a question right now let me try it again so you are an executive coach how can you for those that's listening how can you give them advice on that executive coaching to help them to move over the next i don't know 30 days i know you talking about writing goals my setting goals and i talk about what i plan to do at the beginning of the year but to get that individual moving as an executive coach what do you think those barriers are that's keeping them from moving and what can they do between now and the first of the year to start moving in the right direction so so my niche in executive coaching has been executives and people that are in middle level management and helping them get to the next level i'm also a certified professional coach so i'm a maxwell coach as well so i do coaching outside of that my executive coaching is really if i had to use that line and help somebody it's more about helping them to identify where their weaknesses are so it's what are your strengths i'm going to find out what their strengths are i want to know what their weaknesses are sometimes we could do a 360 survey with them to help them realize where they are parallax so between how i see myself and how others around me see myself how do i close those gaps and that's normally a really nice instrument that will help you because if i'm evaluating you on a 360 on communication and you say on a scale of one to four i'm a four and everybody else is saying you are one or two then we need to take a look at what's going on in the class and have that perception and perception is reality until there's a paradigm shift and so once i'm able to go through an assessment like that i'm normally able to help people create the plan that get them to the next level it requires assessment lots of questions asking people how they feel about things what they've done about things what they want to do sometimes people do not have the mental capacity to go to the next level because they're in a situation where there is a bad boss so i help people through that as well can you explain exactly what a um the dale carnegie classes are for individuals that's once those certifications and the cpc coach how do what does that consist of exactly and how does one go about getting those type of certifications so i haven't dealt with dell carnegie in a while so it might be just go and google and make a telephone call but they have programs that will help you with public speaking they also have leadership programs that will help you develop in leadership it is extremely expensive but it's highly effective and sometimes if you're in a leadership a middle level middle middle level management leadership in the organization some organizations will pay for it so as far as being certified to be a trainer that that takes a while so normally people get certification to train if that's the area that they want to go into but if you don't want to be certified to train and you just want to become a better effective communicator or a better leader that's a place that you can go the other one uh is toastmaster is not as expensive it gives you consistency it gives you opportunity to speak in front of other people and again there is a leadership track one of the things i like about toastmaster and and dale carnegie is it brings you in a room with other people that don't look like you don't think like you don't act like you so you have this diversity of thoughts you have different ways of life it gives you the opportunity to learn and grow from them so that that's one of the things i think that people can do uh in a consistent way to help build their communication skills as well as their leadership skills diversity diversity is a huge issue for business many businesses lack diversity and many individuals do not know how to work and matriculate in environments that are are homogeneous so if the environment is all white or important is all black you know if it's not a diverse environment you know individuals tend to struggle even more what advice do you give to the individual that's in an environment that's homogeneous and opposite to what their race is wow let me tell a story so um i think i was 24 just entering leadership um i was i was young i was a female and i was black and so i worked in an environment that was male dominated and they call it the good old boy theory basically so you were young you didn't know anything because you're young and you haven't had the experience but i did have a degree and other people really didn't that i worked with i was a female well females were not welcome to the table so you know there were a lot of laws coming out about minorities or whatever they were not enforced to the extent that they are today and then i didn't look like everybody else i you know everybody look i was not treated with the same parody again your job is not your end-all be-all and so i had to put together a plan for my life i mean we my husband we were 20 years old buying the land that we're going to build our retirement home on so i had a one-year plan a five-year plan a 10-year plan a 15-year plan a 30-year plan so what i'm doing today actually was on paper 25-30 years ago are you serious yes i'm very serious every year we have family plans uh every five years i have a plan i have a 10-year 15-year plan of course uh i can cut that down a little bit now because i i'm in my senior moment but yeah i'm telling you when you have a vision and you add goals to it the bible is right it comes to pass it will surely come to pass so my father taught us not to make excuses and so i would go home and i said dad you just don't understand he would say no no if you can't go around it if you can't go over it because under it if you can't drill through it you need to sit down and understand that if you ask god he certainly will direct your past he will and god always gave me somebody or something or some plan to work with so this is not specific reality so what what was your training or your background that caused you to to start writing these plans down at you know at 20 your 10 i mean what motivated you to do probably uh probably my dad and i had a power group i remember being 12 years old and my father every saturday would would drive us way out uh to go grocery shopping and i always wondered why and my sister and i would be in the back because that's my house that's my car that's my car that's my house and so one day i said dad uh why all these houses are like this and he said well a lot of these people went to good schools and they got educated and they made good money and i said i'm going to be a businesswoman i'm going to be way up top and executive but i'm going to make a lot of money i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do that and for some reason that stuck with me and my father and my mother they they pushed me and so my father my mother my sister my five brothers if something comes up and i was nervous they said you can do it and it's like you know why i gotta be the one to do it if a door is gonna oh you just walk through that door you girl we got your back walk through the door so my family pushed me they encouraged me and my father encouraged me also to get mentors so i had my three pastors i've only had three in my lifetime all three of my pastors were phenomenal leaders and i had great business moxie i had a a a real estate buddy that's at the top of his game i had a real estate attorney wait a second let me can you pause for one second i want to give a shout out to my pastor he's a great pastor and a great he is i mean businessman and his wife they are awesome bishop kelvin j smith and lady jacqueline smith they are phenomenal i get excited when i mean you know i get excited about it because it's coming together for me yeah yeah spiritual and the business and then it needs to come together yeah you need a holistic experience yes and see that that's what's so neat about this so my pastor was pastor nathaniel smith my daddy uh my second pastor was bishop dwight mcdaniel he didn't play and my current passion dwight mcdaniels was your pastor oh yes bishop i would leave the late night shift and literally go i had a bad boss i would literally go to his office at 8 30 and he would coach me and counsel me through that and so when you talked about the whole person my father helped me develop this wheel and and i later saw it in life it's just every major area in my life that i want to deal with with god in the center and then the spokes became my brothers my sister uh and my husband so outside of that though were these it's like six people so i had these three pastors i had a real estate guru i had a financial guru because i didn't like numbers so i had a financial guru and then i have a a world-renowned motivational speaker and i have a female executive and they help me through all of that female being black being young being stuck burnout getting tired and so their job was to help me become a balanced person when i became balanced i found myself saying yes to ministry and that's something wow we're going to talk about this supervisor of spain before we we let you go but i mean you were destined i mean you took on ownership yeah success yes man you took on you you wore the clothes of success before they came before again yes laying the foundation putting together a strategy uh and making it come to pass as you went through life now somebody that's 40 someone that's 50 or even 60 years old that's watching this it's not too late for them why you know it's never too late as long as you have breath in your body and one of the things i always say is ask god for direction he knows how long you're going to be here he knows your path already the bible says in a multitude of council plans are established so you could be 50 you could be 60. i was ready to go back to law school and your pastor i think i was 58 years of the time your pastor said you can do it i'll help you you know so if you have a desire and you want to do it and it's going to help fulfill you it's going to help other people it's going to broaden your ministry get you on your destiny go do it call me i'll help you do it find some people that will mentor you and encourage you to get it done you're just not too late if you're breathing and you can read and you can write do it if you can't read and you can't write we'll figure out how to help you get through a ged program or something that's excellent that is excellent it's not too late it's not too late you have goals and there are great things you want to do it is not too late for you to get them done execute a plan lay out your goals lay out your vision and execute and start simple you know have internet connectivity use yeah social media make people aware of who you are and what it is you want to do and then find a support group some people will laugh at you and and say little negative things behind your back and you will hear about it and you feel really bad but that's okay keep moving in the direction of your success because she's laying out um paul is laying out information let me take you there this is an individual that have been you have been incredibly successful but it's just amazing that you start writing these plans oh yeah yeah 30 years ago so let me add to um sheila that when you were talking about just go ahead and do it it's never too late i think sometimes that sounds easy uh to some people who've done it but if you're just starting it's harder i also encourage people to grab a millennial you know if you 40 50 that there's an age different they talk different whatever i have so many millennial friends some of them i helped and it just evolved into friendship i'm also going to the z generation now i learn so much from them that's how i keep up with my technology and so don't be afraid to broaden that we talk about diversity the diversity is also diversity of thought it's not the colors or what have you but but go and get some people on your team that can help you that are from different generations other than yours you will be amazed how fast you will learn from them right and so if they're saying well i don't you know my group is not diverse you know i don't have these uh these individuals from these different places that i could actually learn from how do they find these individuals so sometimes church sometimes you can go to the boys home or the girls home and volunteers award you can go let's say you want to go take a class you can take a class at the community college or through one of the the school district community classes and find people that may be younger than you they're over you just have to be on the lookout for you'd be surprised you walk up to a young person i was at a seminar one time and my phone wouldn't act right and i walked right over to somebody who was about 18 years old i said you know what i'm up in about 10 minutes i don't have no idea what's going on with this phone please fix my phone they grab the phone to this day that person still calls me they say you're different i'm not different i just allow them to be part of my life i learn from them they learn from me we synergize well together so that's it i need young people to synergize with me to help me uh continue to grow and we all need to continue to grow because we're live long learners yes and being a lifelong learner is not necessarily going back to school and getting a degree all right i would love to go back to school again right i'm looking into my schedule to see how i can make that happen right now i'm not saying i'm going to make it happen but i do i would like to do that but without even without a degree we're still lifelong learned yes yeah and we need to be reading listening and just getting information and data in every day to become better at what we do that's so true that's so true now you were recently elevated to the supervisor of spain yes congratulations thank you thank you thank you so much what was that training experience like for you i i just mother lewis's team did a phenomenal job the mother gatlin is the dean of the school i i think it was like three or four weeks we had orientation that we had training we had a test that scared it scared us but we did well but the training was phenomenal they did an outstanding job mother lewis wanted to make sure that we got rid of some of the jitters and the assimilation process was good for us it was a great experience i would like to also recognize barbara mccool lewis she's an outstanding leader yes and uh mother vanessa gatlin they do a tremendous job and many many others that's on that team they do a phenomenal job and wonderful if you say that the training was outstanding then i know it it had to be it was outstanding because i said again i'm sorry it was slightly different to some of the other trainings i've attended but you can tell they put the work into it they put the research into it the people that presented knew their stuff they were good the leadership section was wonderful oh wow and so how how do you think that training that you receive is transferable in the business that you do as well sure because some of the things that they talked about they talked about some of the different types of leadership styles of course they may have been different names uh different titles of the leadership style but it's pretty much the same people get another leadership and they call it something else but we know what it is but the way they presented it and explained it and helped other people understand it that this is not the kind of leader you want to be you want to be this kind of leader and really explaining truth and encouraging us it was great the just the whole experience of you know you're new in this role you're probably wondering what you're going to do you're probably nervous and we want to help you so that whole foundation of taking away the jitters and i think most of us left thinking i can do this i'm excited i'm ready so they did a wonderful job with that what challenges do you think you may uh foresee uh working with uh women in spain at this point i don't know so i've been working with bishop ass he's putting together his you know leadership team and some strategies and what have you so i guess the first challenge would be spanish i i took like three years in high school so i'm in a process now of refreshing brushing up on my spanish so that's gonna be my first thing you get my spanish back up to par but um culture i'm sure there's a culture difference so the onus is on me to learn as much as i can about the culture of spain um the culture of women the challenges that women face there so i can go in with some knowledge and of course going in and establishing the network so i can learn from the women of spain as well this is very interesting this is a very interesting uh period of time in your life yeah when you were writing out your 10-year goals and 15-year goals did you foresee this type of opportunity i wrote out the play in the semi retired and so i was resting doing my thing and let me share this with you sometimes when you're elevated people say the strangest things to you but you have to know how to just keep it moving you know and um somebody walked up to me and they said you know i have to walk up the steps to get to where i am you just went to the elevator push the button and boom you were gone and i uh you know just sort of made a little comment i got a revelation from that i walked away and i said nobody knows your story like you there were times remember i said i had to crawl to work mentally physically there were times when i had to crawl in there were times where i got to walk up the steps but i had to take two steps back down i went up three step i had to come down five steps then there were times allowed the lord just allowed me to run up the steps to my next level then there was a period of time where i was like two years on escalator i was going smooth sailing well now when the elevator door came i didn't call off the elevator i didn't even push the button the door opened and there were all these people that were very smart and they were high level people and people behind me were saying giddy and get in the elevator to get in and of course i'm afraid so i got an elevator but but here's what happened when it comes to other things that happened in my life sometimes the lord just beamed me into position so i didn't go up the steps i didn't go to escalator i didn't go to the elevator he just beamed me to where he wanted me to be and i believe that comes from being ready always on that learning path always understanding that that one thing that you do is not just all of you and so i i think about my dad boss i think that all that worked together even for this day so i am grateful that i had that bad boss i didn't like it then but i know i didn't see this one coming but uh supervisor marie brown prophesied this day and i laughed like sarah and you know it wasn't that god couldn't do it i just didn't have that in my plan i had planned on doing something else but i always want to be available to god to serve so i'm excited about spain i'm excited i'm excited i am very excited for you and it's just kind of strange that someone would say that you don't your life to that level of achievement and doing the type of work you have done without putting your time in to do that yeah yeah that you've done in corporate america and i think uh the work that you have uh done in corporate america is is you you are to be saluted for that and for your accomplishments you've done a phenomenal job and you are to be congratulated for the work that you have done and you have worked you did not walk up get on an elevator right school mba or mma yeah okay and then all of the numerous certifications all right that's putting the work in there that's putting the work in and that's that's my opinion on that people are entitled to their opinions but that's how i see it okay we are out of time i would love for you to have the last word don't go away once we get off we'll just click off the uh the live but i would love for you to have the last few words to to wrap it up and to give anyone any last uh minute advice um to help them in their business their entrepreneurship what would that word be so first let me say y'all to you that means i appreciate you thank you your sound is going out a little bit it's a little different does that matter yes a little better thank you okay so i sent to you yote agna disco and that means i appreciate you uh you know that's a little finished update so i would encourage people to listen to just be aware and just understand that the job that you're doing today it's just that it's the job that you're doing today you might be going for a career which is fine but look at your entire life you know you have your your family you've got your career you've got your finances you've got the spiritual side of you develop your entire life and surround yourself with people that can give you good advice the advice and they can encourage you and again you don't want to be around people who are just good at their job they want to be good at everything and when you think about i think attorney sheila talks about her pastor my passion the same way it's somebody that's a good spiritual leader that they're good at their homes that they're good and their finances they're just good in their professional life you want people that are well-rounded and the onus is on you as a individual to create that vision and to create goals not just a vision board but create some goals with a milestone so that you can see your progress and there's nothing wrong with doing it every year doing a five-year plan doing a 10-year plan so you can look and see you can put it in a book if you want and set a date where you can go back and take a look at the goals that you have and there's a study on that too about writing your goals down they tend to come to fruition when you write them down so i just want to encourage everybody just don't forget you know to work on building yourself and always ask god for direction but he will surely give you some directions and some guidance thank you again attorney sheila i appreciate you i love you sis i love you too and thank you for being with us thank you audience we have been listening to legal views with attorney sheila r stewart we will not be with you on next weekend because of the thanksgiving holiday but we will be back the first saturday in december thank you for tuning in and have a wonderful evening thank you to our guest mrs paula hearn thank you and have a wonderful evening

2021-11-22 11:59

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