Business Plan For Success - Part 6 - Tuesday Christian Teaching | The Rone Dolph Show

Business Plan For Success - Part 6 - Tuesday Christian Teaching | The Rone Dolph Show

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hi this is ron with the roandoll show and i have a great word from god for you today i believe it's going to change your life [Music] well good morning and welcome to the wrong doll show and today is part six of developing a business plan and for success in your spiritual walk um and today we're going to be talking about focus being the key to following the holy spirit and before we start that i'm going to tell you that i've had some very powerful dream last night it was like watching a movie every action of the characters that were in my dream uh the way they moved and threw you know money down and you know everything about it was you know like so vivid and clear it was just incredible and i'm going to talk about that in a minute i'm going to kind of back up a little bit over you know a business plan because i'm going to like all god talks to me and he tells me a bunch of different things and then i go and and uh so i'm i know that i'm supposed to speak on focus and and then i watch a minister and he's talking about focus and i'm just laughing to myself and and uh telling my wife young man this is amazing because he's talking about focus and and that's what i'm talking about and god's just confirming his word but it takes a little bit of meditation to fit everything in and to put it all together and sometimes i look and i go my goodness i don't know you know exactly how to fit all this stuff that he's telling me today and how to fit it all together now let's just kind of back up a little bit and talk about what we've been talked about and that is you know the first thing we talked about and the show is really about getting prepared to have an encounter with god getting prepared for what god has created us and yesterday i talked about this so maybe i'm going backwards but you know we are created to hear and follow god to have visions have dreams have encounters with god and also to influence him with our prayers because we see that things don't happen until we ask for them to happen we are co-laborers with him in other words this is funny okay this is really funny so my partner comes in and she says i had this dream and we were co-laborers and i grabbed a piece of paper up off my desk and i had co-labors written on it and it's underlined and i showed it to her so you see god has created us to have this relationship with him that's really beyond our imagination we can't even you know sometimes comprehend things the way we should so we have to focus our attention on the holy spirit to be able to follow him and recognize what he's doing in our life and it is so important for us to focus our attention on the holy spirit because we are created in his image and jesus set the pattern for us to to follow the holy spirit in other words jesus came as the son of man well we are too we're the son of mankind he was thoroughly god but yet he came and he didn't use his um strength as as god but he only did what his father told him to do the same as we are to do so the picture in our mind of being predestined to take on the nature and character of christ is far beyond our imagination most people just can't you know comprehend that that you know we're going to be like him and we're going to follow the holy spirit as he directs our path and so we're setting up a business plan in order for us to do that very that very thing and so in this business plan we have to recognize you know who we are and and then we talked about getting your imagination ready to think inside the word of god and so the business plan is really a it becomes it starts with a dream and it becomes a vision it grabs hold of us and it's a vision uh that is um directed by the holy spirit with our participation and that's why we are co-laborers so it's not god who's going to move the mountain it's us but we can't separate ourselves from god i can't say that you know that i'm moving the mountain okay but i'm moving the mountain with him but i have to speak to that mountain i have to believe in my heart that it's going to move okay he's not going to move it without me okay and i'm not gonna move it without him i can't be separated from him so we're gonna first of all we're gonna talk and so we have to start developing our imagination and we have to predetermine the way we're going to think about certain things in certain situations and we want that predetermined imagination to function automatically and so we create a vision plan and in that vision plan we then develop the vision that's measurable so we can actually go in and measure our progress it's so important for us to measure our progress but if we don't focus we're going to lose and and not see what we've accomplished and then we get distracted and then we get disinterested because we're not seeing the results and then all of a sudden we wake up and we're disappointed so we have to take this process but we have to focus we have to keep things in proper focus and there's work for us to do and the closer we get to god the more consequences there are to the people around us if we don't follow him in other words there's the closer we get to god the more casualties we're going to uh effect if we don't follow god and that's just that's just part of life but it's a serious part of life and it makes us really you know think so i'm gonna talk and i just feel like i'm supposed to do this and so i'm going to start start with this and then i'll get into my dream but a lot of times people focus on the wrong things and so i'm going to use a business plan as an example and i pulled this business plan off of the internet it's off the uh arizona site and it's it's uh this is what it looks like it's for starting a business and they say the first thing you got to do is identify what the product is and then you gotta identify in this particular example they're using a wooden grain toy and then the problem is parents and grandparents are looking for high quality durable toys and then the solution then is that their handcrafted toys are made of solid hardwood and you know etc the target market is the grandparents and you got to understand this is just an outline it's this you know it's fine you you know it's we're not picking on them for what they're putting in here we're just using this as an example then they have their target market as parents and grandparents and then the completion the wooden toys are part of a niche market with companies of all sizes large companies etc the revenue stream is going to come from sales and it's direct to the customers either through craft fairs or online and then marketing the wood grain uh will be communicated with customers through emails and targeted you know etc again we're not blaming them for what they're putting in here expenses they're looking at you know the cost of the craft fairs and the cost of making the product the team and key key roles then they have their you know the names of people are going to be working for them and then milestones eventually when they start selling enough then they'll start advertising now i don't have a problem with this but it's often time it's it's wrong oftentimes you're going to hear successful people talk about finding a problem first not pro finding a product but finding a problem and then they zero in on that problem and they find the answer to it so a lot of times the focus is actually wrong but there's one important aspect to this business plan that so many people in business miss and that is marketing and the marketing has to be determined right from the very beginning okay if you have a product or you find a problem and you have something that you think is is going to be successful the first thing you have to do is you have to identify the market not the product you have to identify you know how you're going to solve the problem how you're going to market that solution before anything happens you have to figure out how it's going to be marketed that's the first step you have to take and like a business plan so many people try to get to the point of you know they're going to make some money and then they're going to start marketing it does it just doesn't work that way and so the focus in the business plan is completely wrong and what happens then is all they're doing is creating a job for themselves instead of a business they're just cr instead of working for somebody else they're not working for themselves and they think that that's a freedom but they get into the point where they're going to be just selling at craft fairs and that's going to be the end of their of their business they're not going to be able to duplicate themselves they're going to have very very few employees and so their um marketing was left out and the focus of the business plan really um you know was misplaced okay and that's what happens a lot of times in our spiritual walk in other words we get to focus well we don't focus on anything we just think well there's no plan i'm i'm a christian now i got to learn about the you know about jesus so i got to go to the word i got to read the word well of course you do you you know i got to go to church okay yes you got to go to church and you're going to learn and or you've got to do certain things in your life yeah i'm going to clean up my life and you know do different things like that but you really haven't set a real a real marketing plan and part of that marketing plan is what we're doing where we are devising a a plan of action that is sustainable and you can recognize it and you can realize or find measurements in it now god told me this and i remember distinctly that i was sitting on the couch and i and god said you need to have markers in your life in your spiritual growth and it when it hit me it hit me like a like a sledgehammer i mean i jump to my feet and i go what how come nobody's told me this the understanding of it came when god told it to me how come i haven't looked at setting down markers in my life and how to plan and focus on those things and achieve those and recognize them and then move from that marker to the next one how come nobody told me about that i was so i was so miffed that that had never been talked to me okay and so now at this particular time we're talking about that very same thing and about now how we have to focus you we have to go back and ask ourselves have we predetermined how our imagination is going to work has have we has it worked in our life how can we measure it or is it not working okay are we still reacting with our imagination the way we used to are we still thinking that well if this problem happens or that problem happens and what am i going to do and i'm gosh i'm going to have to cut back in my business i'm going to have to cut back in this you know we start thinking like that you know i'm going to uh i'm just not having any kind of focus i'm going to church i enjoy it i enjoy the the worship and stuff but you know how are the fruit of the spirit operating in my life now how is something that comes to me as a challenge how am i thinking about that challenge am i thinking about it from the word of god or am i thinking about it from my natural resources my abilities in my own natural power am i basing my strength on my own abilities my own self-control or am i allowing the holy spirit to come in and give me that that self-control am i walking in love when i see people or am i getting angry with people am i am i looking for improvements in my life and setting standards for myself and watching those things and say okay i've got to this point i'm going to firmly keep that in my mind that i'm going to move forward from that position or am i falling back and doing what i used to do okay am i trying to to hurry in what i'm doing thinking that i got to get to some place really fast because i don't know why um you know maybe and like i said you know god said to me you know why are you hurrying do you think i'm not going to be there when you get there did i fall back into my whole pattern or am i setting that as a marker and move moving forward okay everything's gonna work out everything's gonna be okay god's gonna be there when i need him i'm going to get there on time okay i'm going to not be lazy and leave late but i'm not going to hurry when i'm early okay in other words am i going to trust god am i going to believe that god is going to be there and he's going to be able to answer the questions and the things that i need done okay when god gives me all these ideas is god going to give me the ability to put them all together you see we need to have markers we need to recognize those things and we need to write them down and say no this is this is how i'm going to respond this is how i'm going to use my imagination and that process of that is now going to move from being predetermined to being automatic okay and if it's not yet predetermined okay then you know you haven't met your mark and you can't go into the position where you are automatically thinking of god's word now am i going to get into you know having dreams and visions has that happened yet okay so you have to focus because if you don't focus on that then you don't get those dreams and visions pretty soon you're busy with work again and you don't think well you know um you get disinterested okay we have to and then when you get this interested then one day you wake up and you go wait i'm still not having dreams and visions okay what's going on okay now you're disappointed because you got distracted you got disinterested and then now you're disappointed okay so we have to think about this is what the enemy is going to try to do he's going to try to pull us away from the mark that god has set for us and that mark that god has set for us is to walk as jesus walked on this earth and not have the world around us controlling us and determining what we're going to do and how we're going to do it and everything else the world is supposed to be revolving around us just like it revolved around jesus well you know he had taxes they you know peter said well you know he has taxes to pay like everybody else and jesus said what are you doing you know i'm the son of the king but nevertheless so we don't offend anybody go out there and grab that fish and pull a pull the silver corn out of his mouth or the gold coin out of his mouth and pay my taxes too you see he wasn't worried about the situation around him he wasn't um deflected from his goal and what his focus was he wasn't worried about the cares of the world he wasn't worried about the deceitfulness of riches he wasn't tempted he was actually tempted in every way just like us but he didn't he didn't fall into it okay he wasn't bothered by it he wasn't pushed by it he wasn't attracted to it okay so this is the position that we're supposed to be in we're supposed to gain in our understanding of the authority that's been given to us through the name of jesus we're supposed to gain in the power that we've been given through the name of jesus we're supposed to understand the leading of the holy spirit and gain in our knowledge and we're supposed to take steps into that direction and the closer we get to him the more casualties we have around us by not following the holy spirit so i'm going to tell you my dream seem like i'm running through this a little bit fast tony so i had this dream it was so visual it was so um uh impact it it really impacted me and i was i was going to mexico and i was somebody had sent me there to find somebody who was in human trafficking and i went down there and i found somebody who could help me and we went in and we got her out and i brought her back to the united states and i'm this is going very very quickly through the stream but i mean this was very vivid uh the person i contacted had the pace of money the way he threw it down adam was characteristic of you know of everything i mean it was just it was amazing and when we got back she was here for a little while but she decided to go back into her own lifestyle and it was really sad and again i i went after uh and the other people that were involved in the human uh trafficking they were in bondage you could see that they were in bondage now my dreams are are weird okay so you know the pictures that i get in my mind are not going to be the pictures that you get in your mind but they were in bondage and not only were they in bondage but they wanted to stay where they were where they were at even though there was a way to get out they wanted to stay where they were they didn't want to get out and because of that bondage they couldn't get out okay so we have to understand that there needs to be something more that happens than just moving somebody from one place to another and that's what i'm going to talk about right now so in your business plan you have to you have to help people get free because people are in bondage to sin and it says in john 8 31 and i'm going to read this to you let me find where i was john come on john 8 there it goes okay no what's this yeah okay here it is so john is talking i mean jesus is talking and he says that uh he is the light of the world and um uh he says i am the light of the world the one who follows me will never walk in darkness and they they start trying to argue with him because they they you know they say that your testimony is not true and he's explaining that testimony to him and and then down farther he says he says you're going to be set free and they argue and say that we are abraham's seed and we're not going to be uh we don't need to be to be uh set free because we've never been in anybody's been anybody's slaves and he says no you're going to be set free because you are slaves because of sin anybody who is following sin is a slave to sin anybody who's doing sin is a slave to sin and that's what my dream was about it was about becoming a slave to sin and even though she was pulled out away from where she was before this just happens to be in mexico i'm not picking on mexico or anything like that it's just you know that's just part of my dream pulling her from one place to another but the sin was still inner it wasn't it wasn't let go and so because of that she was a slave to sin and what happened was i brought her out from the human trafficking but i didn't i didn't get her free from sin okay so the the consequence i i didn't feel like i was you know guilty of anything it was just a dream but i realize that these people that are in the human trafficking and being trafficked they are in bondage as slaves to sin now you think well a lot of these people want to get out of it yeah they do but they also have to be set free from sin and jesus is the only one who can do that now there's another aspect to this and and that was the problem with the people who were enslaving them see it's not just the people who were in the human trafficking and this this dream really applies to a lot of things it's not just specific to this to this characteristic so i'm going to try to tell you everything about it when jesus when jesus when they wanted to stone the woman okay and jesus wrote on the ground and then he said you know who has no sin cast the first stone and they all left starting with the older and then finally the the younger and then jesus says to the to the prostitute and he says where are your you know your accusers and she goes i don't have any and he goes i don't i don't judge you either you know don't go and sin no more. see he was setting her free from sin and then you know he was he was uh he had mary come in and she and with her tears and hair washed his feet and anointed his feet in oil and he said you know to somebody who has a lot of debt and their debt is forgiven they're more happy than somebody who doesn't have a lot of debt in other words the story is that she had a lot of sin and he said go and sin no more he had set her free and the bible teaches us that she was the brother to lazarus who um you know jesus loved so she continued and she was free from sin i hope i'm explaining this to you right but here's what happened in the dream there's a there's a lot of things going on in our world today it's really more about where you're at where you're supposed to be and the consequences of you not getting there and how you're going to affect other people if you don't get there and that was the heaviness that was on me and not only the heaviness of setting those people free from sin but the heaviness from setting the captives who are also slaves to sin now there are some people who have made that choice they have made the choice that they are going to be a slave to sin but that doesn't mean that the power of god can't change their life that doesn't mean that the anointing of god or the good news the power of the gospel can't set them free as well you see sometimes we think that there are certain limitations to what the power of god is able to do but there is no limitations god is able to set those people free not only the people that are are uh in bondage okay and in bondage to other people you see today we have things that are going on that we have people that want to control other people okay and they've made a choice that they want to do that okay that's their choice but they're still in bondage because you see in the background of everything that we are looking at there is a satan okay and jesus said i saw him fall from heaven okay there is an enemy out there who wants to influence our lives and he wants to make us a slave because he is the father of all liars he's he wants to have control over the people of this of this planet okay he said i will set myself above god okay so he wants he can't do that every form of sin is in him and he wants to control people and some people have agreed to be controlled they have agreed to be in and be slaves to that the love of money is the root of all evil okay so they want to be in control how do i say this father i need your help right now there are certain things i can't say because if i do it will just we'll lose our ability to market we'll lose our ability to to be able to push the roandoll show so there are certain things that i can't say but there is a big push right now to control people whether you want to believe it or not the same the same problem that we have with human trafficking is we have the people who were involved in human trafficking and now our slaves they're slaves to sin but they're also slaves to the people that have have that's over them but they actually choose to be under them okay because they're slaves this the the other person okay who is over them is also a slave to sin but it's the love of money that's got him into that position okay now he's a slave and and uh the other person who is uh in the human trafficking and now today there's you know uh as many boys as there are women okay it's it's crazy but they're also slaves of sin but it's not just them it's anybody out there who is you know craving money at any cost that they will do anything to make a dollar and they don't care about their customers they don't care about you know being truthful they don't care about their business plan being something that's right and just they don't care about following the holy spirit they will do anything for money and so what our job is is to be the light of the world like christ was and we can never take away the focus that we have that god's put inside of us to set people free it's not just we can't just look at one side we have to look at both sides okay in the business plan that we have we have to look at both sides we have to look at the the pain of not following god and the pleasure in following god we have to look at the pain and the consequences of what happened if we don't follow god and the blessings that come when we do follow god in psalms 21 he says that he gives us the desires of our heart when we follow god we're going to find out we have desires that we never knew were there we thought desires were having a new motorcycle or having a new car or you know having uh you know a jet ski and a motorcycle and you know all these other toys that people you know run after but we find out that we have a desire that we didn't know we had and god wants to give us that desire and part of that desire that god wants to give us is to set people free and the joy that comes when we set people free is you know beyond our imagination a lot of times we don't realize how how how great that that is but if we don't follow the whole the uh the spirit of god if we don't plan to follow and plan to focus on following god then we're going to miss out on what god has for us okay and then that's what happens then if we don't follow god even in the things that we're doing that we think that we're doing right okay we can do something right like get that person you know out of mexico out of that situation but if we don't truly set them free they're going to go back into the situation that they were in okay so what does that mean that means that we have to we have to hear from the holy spirit because we may think that we're doing something good but we're not doing it the right way we're not doing it god's way and that's what having a plan is for is for us to constantly push ourselves to watch our focus and see what god is telling us to do that's the that's the dream that god gave me and it was very uh it was very it was like a movie but it was much much more than that because it was like god downloading all this information on me at one time and there was so many pieces to it and the focus is always to follow the holy spirit because then i realized that i've had this dream several times where i was actually out looking for people in different countries so it it was really another aspect of this dream is probably part of my ministry is to go after and help people okay so we don't know the full example or the full understanding of everything but we do know that we're supposed to have dreams and we do know that we're supposed to have visions and we do know that we have to focus on our walk with god and we have to set uh measures of accomplishment recognize when we've had that and move forward from that point to another so going into the fruit of the spirit when we notice that we have you know love for other people we need to focus on that and continue to move forward in that direction that god has given us i hope today's message is is impacting you the way it's impacted me i hope that it is having an impact on you that you don't want to stay in one spot that you don't want to be distracted where you lose interest and you lose your focus that so that one day you don't wake up and be disappointed because that's the enemy the bible says we're to lay hands on the sick it doesn't tell us that we're to lay hands on the sick if we feel the anointing if we feel that we are worthy of that if there's any kind of feeling that we should get to a certain point before we lay hands on the sick the bible doesn't say that the bible doesn't say that if we were to lay hands on the sick and if we see them recover then we're to lay hands on more sick it just says the word lay hands on the sick if we don't see him recover we're supposed to go to jesus and ask him why we're not supposed to set a doctrine around it we're not supposed to set a a uh you know something around it we're supposed to go to him and have communication we're supposed to be focused on what he's doing if we don't pray in tongues and we want to pray in tongues we're not supposed to create a doctrine and say hey some people aren't going to get that okay we're supposed to go to jesus and ask a question okay we're supposed to go to jesus and focus on him all the time if we say to this mountain be moved and we don't see it moved we're to go back to jesus and say jesus you know what's going on give me wisdom in this okay because we need the wisdom of god but we need to be in communication with him at all times if we're not we're not going to get where we want to go because we lose our focus okay we start focusing on other things and the closer we get to him the more consequences we have for not following him with the people around us if i lose my focus then in this dream i'm not going to find this person and bring them out but if i lose my focus and don't hear from god then i'm not going to know that the job wasn't done until i got her free from sin the job has to be finished and so that's what we need to do is we need to finish that job all right so today i'm going to end early um just feel like i should end early and should end right there um we have to mark our our progress in everything and we have to we have to keep our focus on what's important to not lose uh track of what's not important we have to hear from god and not hear from other people that are going to try to tell us what they think is important okay because if we listen to them we're going to miss god and it's just like that you know just like the business plan if we set up a business plan we can focus on the wrong things if we're not careful so in our business plan for focusing on what god is doing we have to keep our focus on following the holy spirit we have to hear from him we need to write things down we need to read and the other thing the last thing we need to do is we need to start giving out what god gives us okay and i said that yesterday but part of what you're going to be doing in your business plan is you're going to be setting people free from the power that sin has over people and you are going to have more responsibility in that the closer you get to god and that has to be part of your business plan all right father i just pray for everybody out there today i pray that they will get a revelation of this of what they're called to do and they will they will start putting their focus on what god is calling them to do and being partakers with christ in this life that we have that's in him in jesus name amen [Music] you

2021-08-07 06:08

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