Business Meeting K-time

Business Meeting K-time

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Dear distributors Good morning Dario Giordano commercial director Comprof on behalf of our group I am pleased and honored to welcome you to this first K-Time business meeting in live streaming mode, in truth it is an international business meeting because in addition to being present our historians Italian distributors we are pleased to have with us today also several foreign K-time partners so it is really a day of great importance let's discover together what is the lineup of this event which is very intense as in 90 minutes or so we will present several news in addition to what are obviously the strategic lines of branding development this year that we are going to live in this first part. We will make an overview of an overview of what 2020 was a turning point in many ways. Then there will be the presentation of the new stylistic team and the new K-Time Education Team. After

a small break with a virtual coffee break we will have the presentation of the new marketing team and then there will be a focus on what have been the trending situations the trends the cosmetic market in general and pK-time in particular in 2020. There will then be the very interesting inputs regarding the presentation of a new important enriching treatment product that integrates the K-Time family. But let's start. Let's start immediately with a slide with a slide that is very concise and explanatory 2020. A year of important challenges . A year of evolution and growth because K-Time but we cannot hide we are still in the midst of an event that has changed in some ways our Este existences. And what happened happened that all of our paradigms and our traditional ways of behaving and living and working have changed. What happens in these cases happens that when you change the external references, the external reference points change.

it is precisely that moment that we have the duty to refer to our internal points of reference. In several of my motivational courses over the years I have used a phrase that is very dear to me. A phrase whose authorship is attributed to the great reform, destiny is not what happens to us but the way in which we react to what happens to us. And it is just like that there are many events that we can not change we cannot condition happen because they are bigger than us and it happened precisely in 2020 with the coming. What we did with K-Time. We have taken note of a situation that has upset our way of life as I said before but also of working and we have concentrated and focused at best to try, albeit often in a virtual way, to be even closer to you as through a whole series of events . For example, we remember the very

first look down that unfortunately occurred in spite of ourselves in March 2020 we were unable to reach I saw being in contact with you and we have organized a whole series of live events then webinars or in recorded mode. So web cast regarding motivational sales training and product updates aimed both at you as a Partner distributor but also at your customers with an important effort also because of course the result of an unforeseen and sudden event. But it is precisely in those moments that our group made a block. When we talk about a group when I talk about a group I also talk about you all of us here are united we are linked even more and there has been a constant investment a constant desire to react to a situation that was inevitably stronger than us. So I leave the phrase that I said just now, fate is not what happens to us but the way we react to what happens to us. We reacted

in a strong cohesive, always proactive way, trying to build our future even though several references were lacking. In the second part of this past year 2020 we began to sow as they say in the jargon below deck for. Encourage the growth of the brand and therefore your commercial growth your distribution growth by making important investments both in the technological sector and therefore in innovation and therefore new platforms and in terms of new human resources. On this day this business meeting represents the fruit of this continuous sowing. I repeat below deck it is an important concept because it means that we must never stop and that is what we have basically done. In fact, it connects me to another

slide that I want to share with you, I read it with you and I explain and explain why this Mission slide is present. Our mission. The reason we exist experimenting innovative formulations designing high standard products with precious raw materials to reveal and spread the concept of space. Always following new paths but without losing sight of the power of the Italian cosmetic tradition. Because our marketing department has decided to publish this slide. Because I have chosen to read it with you. Obviously few will remember this slide is present from the first business meeting which was now organized five years ago at our academy. This slide is always for Mast

within each presentation. Do you know why. Because the mission of a company or specifically the mission of a brand. And this is the mission of K-Time represents its DNA its nature its very raison d'etre and regardless of the changes in some cases, as we have said, the upheavals of recent years. The mission must remain intact and absolutely must not be scratched. You know a brand's mission and a person's character . Indeed I will say more is its deeper identity. Regardless of what happens externally, your identity must be reliable, your compass must be your point of reference in moments of greatest criticality such as 2020 and this year's mission represents precisely this represents for you from one point from a commercial and professional point of view, a reference compass that can always point you in the right direction. And with this business meeting with this International Business

Meeting we want to reiterate this concept to represent for you together with Cheetah in a sort of compass a point of reference that together gives us the push, the strength and the motivation to continue to build and ensure that this 2021 is truly a turning point a year in which we feel enriched not only professionally but above all personally we are more aware we are also older we are more determined to carry on our development projects. And this is what we will aim to realize in this meeting that we are organizing here with you. Another very important aspect my break was absolutely wanted. Because.

Why do we have to reflect on these. On these concepts in recent years with the Education sector you know from experience how much the location is now a strategic asset for a company because it is functional to its commercial growth . The Education Team group in recent years has really achieved important results but in contravention of a saying that says team that wins cannot be touched. Instead, we believe that when you are winning that you need to make further improvements because this is how success is consolidated and so that certain levels of excellence become a standard for a brand. And it is with this objective that we have precisely the intention to present the new stylistic team today the new Education sector today with us here in this presentation we have physically present four protagonists are five virtually because the trainers of the diadema group with which we collaborate virtually follow us. for years with great satisfaction and with which we will continue to collaborate. I have the pleasure of illustrating here are the four

protagonists who are present here today in the room and who are Gianni Mairo the new art director, Monica dell'Angela our Ritual Expert, Angelo Simonelli Hair style Expert and Mario Capaldo Hair Color Expert we can see them from left to right on behalf of our group I give you a warm welcome and a good morning to all of you. Perfect perfect. What we will do. There are two consolidated historical faces in our Education sector. While we have two absolute new entries such as Gianni Mairo and Monica dell'Angela. I will ask some questions to try

to get to know them a little more closely and understand what their professional background is . Let's start with Gianni Mairo Good morning, I'm happy to be here with you. We are very happy Gianni can you show us a little what your path is, broadly your professional background path. Absolutely yes. So my background starts now more than 40 years ago. In the most important salons in Rome I then moved to follow my personal growth in England and then continue to Barcelona in the most important academies which are Sassoon longer Pass. This has meant that my

personal background has grown a lot and this has made me undertake a career as a trainer. -Perfect perfect then Gianni you have been selected among a myriad of people who have also spontaneously applied given the growing awareness of the importance and diffusion of the K-Time brand. What prompted you to choose this project. First of all I was very happy with your choice. The project is a stimulating

project, a challenge with an important international company. This means that our union can be something important to make the Education part of the company grow especially at this time. Absolutely we fully share what in your opinion are the cornerstones of training - today's show - the canons are definitely 3 and they are research because you have to look a little outside the box. Innovation in this historical moment is very important to work on an online platform where you can reach everyone through quality training and the monitoring of what comes from all the social channels in the now web world - which has really become very important. -We fully share one last question for Gianni why a salon professional today should choose the -K-Time training -because it will be a training of the highest quality a training of the highest quality leads professionals to grow and. certainly To increase a significant turnover in the salon.

very well very clear and exhaustive Gianni Mairo whom we thank and leave the word now . We now know another new entry another new entry in our GROUP Monica dell'Angela precisely Ritual Expert that we have the pleasure of meeting today. Hello Monica and welcome among us. Thank you honored. We are honored. Monica dell'Angela is a psycho pedagogist and a long-time professional who has worked for years in the Bioestetique group and just inside the Bioestetique group has introduced this figure of the Ritual Expert. Among other things, a very new figure in our

education segment. -Monica in such a particular period . What is the meaning of the ritual inside a hall. In this historical moment where we need to dedicate ourselves to ourselves and above all to be pampered and physical contact we say that it is fundamental and the inclusion of this ritual SPA in our salons for which K-Time offers us this great opportunity to contact being in direct contact with our customers and moreover we see it as growth also at a working level and - above all at an economic level. -Perfect perfect. Thank you so much Monica is - again welcome to our K-Time group - I thank you for this great - opportunity. -By referring precisely to

Monica's professional career, who is in fact an appreciated psycho pedagogist. Surely with the concept of the ritual it is borderline is a mix of technical skills but also skills in terms of empathy and knowledge of the customer. So let's make the new acquaintance because Angelo Simonelli is really a historical face of our Education sector Angelo in the new K-Time Team plays the role of Hair style Expert. Angelo Simonelli for the few who did not know has collected the important legacy of an international master the hairstyle of Lino Russo. What was the merit of Angelo One of his merits was the ability not to deny tradition but to rework and renew it to integrate it with the new international hair fashion trends in the field of hairdressing so we are very curious to know from Angelo which ones can be the new trends in the world of hairstyles in this important and challenging 2021.

Good morning D'Angelo is my day midnight Dario. Goodmorning everyone. So in the meantime, thanks to a Russian Linen Master who passed on his system to create quick hairstyles but my passion is to research new cutting-edge systems to be able to blend them together in order to always create beautiful avant-garde hairstyles but above all in a quick way. In fact, the 2021 trend will surely see minimal hairstyles made as if it were the customer who does the hairstyle herself but behind there is a system. Then we will see the bride, the romantic bride who

embellished with retro style waves with fashion accessories because the bride wants to be romantic but is always attentive to what fashion tells. As for the summer we will certainly see the wet style assert itself loose hairstyles that can be well-defined curls or tied with well- defined shiny weaves . My message is this training training is important but above all training. The key to success for a hairdresser is

- training and training - perfect perfect thanks to you too Angelo. Thanks for the clear and very very direct answer. We have known Angelo for years and in fact one of his main advantages is precisely the ability to continuously train himself so this is really very very important and it is also a message that is always transmitted during the training courses. As the British say . Last but not the least is the last only in order. Chronological Mario Capaldo. Mario Capaldo and trainer for four years. As for the K-Time brand, he is a professional who has been able to be appreciated by all for his personal skills even before professional ones. Person of great spirit of collaboration, serious professional, constantly self-sacrificing towards the students who follow the courses that K-Time but also in this case I give a warm welcome to Mario. Mario you are a long-time professional

. You have worked with groups like L'Oreal as Indola and you are an expert colorist in fact your job is that of Hair Color Expert. According to your experience and the studies you are doing. What will be the predominant color trends in this 2021. -Yes Dario Buongiorno tutti. Let's say that creating the most suitable color for each client has always been my challenge . My goal. For 2021, smokey hair was a must have. For this technique. we took a cue from eye make-up in fact we have seen in recent years the evolution of smokey eyes shades on the eyes from the darkest to the lightest. In fact, this smokey hair technique provides shades

with cold tones with two / three different shades in order to create a more performing and deeper color giving light to the customer's face, without forgetting that fashion, Yes, but we have to stay behind to the needs of the face of each of our customers. So as we said before, as Angelo Simonelli said before, training is very important and therefore we need to update. You have to keep up with the times, always paying attention to the advice of one of our customers - perfect perfect. Thanks Mario thanks to you too. Good continuation in this really important challenge that we are going

to face. These people are united these professionals are just united by one aspect the constant desire to improve themselves and this is very important is just a sort of compass. It is no coincidence that I am using this term again for our location.

Training is important . It is important to train but training begins in the classroom perhaps begins on a screen referring to the new remote training delivery platforms but continues at home continues in your own salon continues perhaps when your client has the salon closed. It is therefore very important to carry out a constant study. I would also like to start by placing a stake and

marking a pillar of training in 2021. One of the questions that has been asked the most in recent months. When would he have resumed live training if we would have continued with distance training. The answer is this here we must treasure precisely what happened in 2020 we have said so as soon as it is possible, obviously based on what are all the general situations Dpcm the safety regulations we will resume classroom training and training in the classroom we know it remains irreplaceable precisely because there is an empathic contact that is physical contact there is an interactivity that is in fact not replaceable. But we must treasure, we want to treasure the experience of these 12 months we have invested as I said before in the opening phase precisely in new technologies and new digital learning platforms. And this has allowed us to acquire additional skills that we want to make available to you and your customers. Then the distance learning will continue. You know that when we talk

about training we are talking about both training for you and your salespeople, therefore the motivational sales and product updating but also at the salons there will be two tracks two tracks that must operate in parallel without overlapping each other but also in synergistic. So you will be able to your advantage. Customers obviously refer not only to our Italian distributors but also and above all to foreign distributors. To take advantage of a strong no that we have not only acquired over the years because our training comes from afar but that we have corroborated and strengthened over 2020 obviously from an operational point of view. Then we will give you all the communications on specific live and distance learning projects. So here we are

at what is our first virtual Coffee Break yes even if we are at a distance it is right to keep indeed above all for the fact that we are at a distance it is right to keep your attention high. So after this first very intense roundup and we are sure very profitable for you we allow ourselves 10 minutes 10. We will be very precise and respectful of the times. A virtual Coffee Break is calling the plug a bit. We begin to metabolize the new information we have shared and will meet again in just ten minutes to continue with this presentation with this business meeting. Thanks in a little while. Here we are together again after this virtual Coffee Break as we have nicely defined it before. We hope that you have all gathered

in front of your smartphone tablet. In front of your computer. Also because the second part will be just as rich and intense with new communication and projects, so we really recommend you the utmost attention to this second part of our business meeting and let's start the second part with the presentation of another equally important work team. strategic for the group with profs you notice in marketing. As you know, in these 15 years I have taken on the role of marketing director

with pleasure but also with pride and great commitment. My new figure as commercial director with prof allows me today to allow me to be even closer to you also in the area to develop new and effective commercial strategies. As the great Michael Jordan says , games are won with talent, but championships are won with intelligence and teamwork . We are talking about the team of a brilliant new cooperative team that for several months, as I said before below deck, also in this case has begun to develop new strategies that will be functional to the growth of the K-Time brand. I have been very attached to this role and I am also tied to team play so it will be a pleasure for me as it has already been done in recent months to collaborate with these new professionals who still played an important role in our development strategies.

I look at the slide with you. We have Antonio De Bellis sales marketing director Francesca Passaro Digital Marketing Manager Iole Santagata product marketing manager Paolo Brandi head of International Education and product development You can just watch them re-present them in order to become more and more familiar with these new faces. Antonio De Bellis sales marketing director Francesca Passaro Digital Marketing Manager Iole Santagata product marketing manager Paolo Brandi international head of Education product development . Hello to you too and welcome Welcome. This is what it means to work in a team means to work in synergy. It means actively working in the same direction in the same direction. When I speak of a team, I

also speak of the essential collaboration and interaction that must be continued with all of you who are listening to us. In a while I will leave the floor to our sales marketing director Antonio De Bellis but with pleasure I would like to illustrate some passages some concepts that highlight his long professional career Antonio De Bellis in fact is a long-experienced professional who worked for 15 years in the multinational group Wella dealing with marketing and customer services both from a B2B and a B2C perspective. In the last ten years, always dealing with marketing, he has worked in the food and beverage sector and in the sector therefore brings a person with extensive experience with whom I have already started to collaborate I must say in a synergistic and very profitable way and with whom to continue and we will continue to collaborate certainly proactively in the coming months. I gladly give the floor to Dr. De Bellis and I wish you a splendid continuation thanks. -Thanks Dario for the introduction of the introduction team what will be my task for the next few minutes will be to

guide you to the knowledge of product news and communication marketing support that we will put at your disposal to seize opportunities because even in difficult times companies companies that manage to seize opportunities are companies that achieve growth. A growth that becomes even more important when the whole world around always seems to fall a little before starting to outline what the news and marketing support are. I want to give an over view of the market so as to better contextualize the data and news that we will see. The first figure I intend to present is the trend of Italy 's GDP in comparison with the rest of the world. As we can see from this table, Italy is expected to close at almost minus 10 per cent of GDP of GDP practically the national wealth of a country is a very negative figure, especially if compared with that of the world average which is -4.6 but also with that

of the average of other developed economies. Next year, that is, this year it is expected that it will grow by +6.5 per cent will have a rebound but it will not be enough to cover the loss of 2020. Focusing on the industry on the cosmetics industry we note that here the decrease is even greater and -11.6

percent. Therefore, the cosmetic industry also retreats more than the Italian economy which is the channel that has driven this growth downwards . And it is precisely the professional part, therefore, that both the hairdressing salons and the beauty salons have undergone a decrease of almost 30 percent also due to the forced closures that were carried out in two three months. Another interesting part of this slide is the export figure. Exports also fell by 15 per cent and this is due to the closures that were also carried out in other countries. To better contextualize the discourse on export, we see in this table the Italian cosmetics export as it compares with other markets. On a national level

, what we notice is that there are some markets that are growing as exports grow, for example in the food market, especially pasta, which even increases by two figures but there are other markets in which made in Italy is important abroad that suffer strong contractions among these. Among these markets , I would call it goldsmithing, footwear, furniture, clothing and leather goods, decreases to an even greater extent than cosmetics. It means that the cosmetic market, however, has its own intrinsic quality that resists even in a period of great great contraction. And here is a slide that actually shows the trend of the distribution channels. As we had already anticipated, the hairstyle and aesthetics are the channels that lose the most almost 30%. In all this sea of ​​negative numbers we notice a very

positive one that commercial commerce grows by + 35%. This figure relating to the cosmetic market is very similar to the boom in online sales and in many other markets that characterize our distribution. When we return to normal Cosmetica Italia, the association that brings together more than 580 companies that produce cosmetics in Italy has carried out a survey and the output of this survey shows that apart from a small part of very pessimistic operators, there is a 37 percent who believe that the recovery will take place in early 2022. But a good majority 60 percent believe that

already at the first signs we will start to see them this year. What will be the elements that characterize this recovery will certainly be the recovery of the GDP economy at the beginning already started at the beginning of this year. There will be the appeal of Made in Italy because it has an intrinsic value that, as we said before, will be increasingly important even in the months to come. And then

there will be the whole digital world that travels in two directions both in terms of sales channels for which ecommerce will continue to increase and be important and also in terms of. Communication because social communication and the role of the influencers of these characters who manage to influence the consumption of hundreds and thousands of followers will be of increasing importance . What are the opportunities that the cosmetics industry will be able to welcome after the pandemic. There will certainly be greater attention linked to the issues of safety, well-being and health. Then digitization and automation will continue as we have already seen in remote work which has had a boom in the past year and will continue for a long time to come. For a long time and then also

distance learning we are also experimenting with our children who in many cases are continuing to follow lessons from home. Another very important phenomenon will be the phenomenon of the green. So ecology is attention to ecology which means yes Attention to waste and that it is also attention to those brands and companies that are capable of creating ecological packs for example or of studying ingredients that are as natural as possible . And then focusing attention in the salon we will notice a return of the consumer of the final consumer because he is attracted by the desire to dedicate more time to himself by the desire for pampering that an expert and specialized operator can give him and also by that to that phenomenon that is called Revenge spending . The purchase of vengeance which is a phenomenon that has occurred has been

noticed in the countries of the far east. A few years ago as a result of their escape from another epidemic that they had suffered from Sars for quite a long time. Here, after the end of the epidemic , sociologists have noticed an attention to a desire to consume consumer goods directed towards luxury goods and directed towards goods for the care of oneself towards travel to frequenting the premises. Here is this desire to take back this desire to take back the time that has been stolen will be one of the conditions that will characterize the near future. Resale will improve or increase because the consumer will want to spend more time for themselves but also continue at home. The excellent treatments she has received in the salon there will be a better client profiling which will be tracked by everything from all online activities. As we go

a communication that becomes more and more digital everything we do online. All marketing and communication activities are all tracked so having more seeing more data on the final consumer for those who will be able to read these data it will be much easier to be able to implement effective loyalty mechanisms . Well, after this over view on the market, let's see how K-time is seizing this opportunity and what the news will be shortly. K-Time in the world currently has 52 Italian distributors 24 foreign distributors is present in all five continents and in 18 countries. In this

slide we can see the trend of K-Time. In the year just ended in 2020 and comparing it with the economy with the trend of the tanners market both in Italy and abroad we note that in the first half of the year Italy has suffered as everyone has decreased its turnover has decreased of -18 8% but compares with a hairdressing market which decreased by more than -47%. This means, in other words, that in its decrease in turnover it has in any case gained share because it has taken what has been most lost by others from other competitors. In the second half of 2020, K-Time

even grew by 6.2 percent. And all the more reason it has still increased its market share in Italy in a market that continues to decline but where K-time has achieved a great exploit it has been abroad that both in the first and in the second half of 2020 has increased by + 51% and + 40%. Conquering new markets and new shares here, great honor and merit goes both to the Italian distributors who have done an excellent job in their sales activity in Italy but also to the colleagues of inspiration who have also worked hard despite a pandemic period . Well now we come to the first big product news . The new product is GeLée and I introduce it with a video.

Well after this very engaging video which is the introductory spot for Gelée, I leave the floor to Paolo who will show us the characteristics of this innovation from a technical point of view and we will meet again later. Good morning everyone from me too. As for the new product with Gelée, we introduce the concept of dual Colors System in K-Time as we will see shortly through the slides that we will present the possibility of creating even more by the hairdressers who will use this product a more color service. even more personalized and tailored. Let's immediately see what Gelée is is the permanent Demi coloring without ammonia, it has this dynamic gel oil formulation that allows you to gently color white hair and therefore to carry out a gray hair coverage service and for tone-on-tone coloring techniques. tone. Using Gelée we can obtain a natural effect on the regrowth and the intensity of reflection and shine.

The lightening lasts up to three tones and coverage as I said of white hair equal to 80% we have 37 shades available and two very important functional active ingredients of plant origin that give precisely this enormous cosmetic ethics on the hair. We are talking about avocado oil which is a concentrate of vitamins A, D and E for an antioxidant effect on the hair and the red vine rich in flavonoids reconstitutes the stem and gives light to the color. This will allow us to work even more on exploited and certainly very porous hair. Let's see how we use it for the two services for the coverage service as you can see from the slide The mixing ratio will be 1 to 1 a part of color a part of oxidizing emulsion as for all K-Time colors currently present to be used naturally with Yoox oxidizing emotion from 20 volumes up to 40 volumes. The shutter speed will be 30/40 minutes. On the other hand, for the tone-on-tone service and the mixing ratio doubles therefore for each part of color we will add two parts of oxidizing emotions then one by two to be used with always the Yoox oxidizing emotion at 5 10 volumes. Processing time up to 20 minutes. This introduces a very important concept

because we will have two colors able to clearly satisfy more needs. In this case I renew the invitation that my colleagues have previously given, the technical support is always active and we naturally await your requests. I review the floor to colleagues who will conclude the presentation. Thanks again and good luck to all. Thanks to Paolo. Geléè will be accompanied by

two video tutorials that will show the step by step both in the toning service and also in the coloring service. Alongside these two materials, the spot we have previously seen will also have both online and offline supports as offline supports. We will have a brochure and a technical dossier that will allow customers to make the most of the product in the salon and also to be able to offer it to their customers and as online support we will have a series of dedicated social contents and a series of blog articles. Now let's go to the vision of all the strategic communication of K-time and therefore to the whole K-time brand so that we can see how we will support the activity, the launch not only of Geléè but also of products in the future. The new site is already active today . We have restructured, We have carried out an important restyling of the K-Time site to optimize navigation. Now it is a lot and the contents

are much faster to reach and are organized in such a way as to be easily usable considering that people have less and less time available so the speed in being able to read in being able to use the contents is a very important variable. We have also renewed the ecommerce the e-commerce site is now perfectly optimized for an experience to be enjoyed on the smartphone because the smartphone is the main vehicle to be able to get information about the products and to be able to buy them . We have a number of visual support materials in the salon. We have created poster banners and app roms with images from the K-Time collection and these are available because they are also customizable so a hairdresser customer can order any Visual in any format and can customize it with his or her name and name of his salon. We then created an innovative and very important tool

called Brand Book is practically a condensation of the guidelines to better communicate that K-Time. This manual shows the philosophy of that K-Time reports the Mission and the Vision but also of the more technical parameters such as the width of the fonts and the color palette that are used to make sure that anyone who wants to talk about K -Time do it consistently. Consistency in communication is absolutely important that it is effective and the more we are able to spread a communication in line with what are the parameters and dictates of the brand and the more we are able to better reach the final customer. Another very easy and fast communication tool are social cards which are practically short instructions to bring hairdressers who start using K-Time back into the world of K- Time . Inside there are brief instructions on what to take back on how to tag on which hashtags to use and on which channels are to be conveyed in such a way that the halo we say the amount of information on can extend in the best way. Surely we will give a big boost as already specified Dario first to all the distance learning so our main investments will be in the next few weeks on webinars. Our goal is to return as soon as possible

to live events safely. But in the meantime we will enhance this training activity which will become increasingly essential and then we will implement a very important social campaign that will be bivalent on the one hand with support posts in the various social channels. But on the other hand we will also begin to involve important influencers to communicate the brand in a different way, considering precisely characters who have followers who are able to engage and to. To entice you to consume or try an innovative product like K-time. So here is if

we make a small summary of the tools we make available. We talked about a new site of a new e-commerce that are already operational from today. Visual support, therefore, poster banners and customizable roll ups, a Brand Book that represents the manual in order to better communicate that K-Time social cards in order to have practical suggestions on how to communicate the brand on social channels. The webinars and all the remote training that we will carry out and all the social influencer campaigns that we will start in the coming days. Before closing I wanted to underline an important aspect. Tomorrow we will send you a newsletter in which there will be the possibility to download the Brand Book. There will be there will be a link to the new site and the link to the live broadcast that we have

resumed today is also the possibility of being able to download the presentation the slides we have just seen in this newsletter there will be a request for feedback and a questionnaire that assumes for us a considerable importance because we ask you for support in order to improve. There will be some questions in which we will try to understand your expectations if they have been met in the training activity of in the communication activity that is carried out today. But there will also be questions that will try to deepen your wishes. What would you like what would you expect from an

important and innovative brand like K-time. We therefore emphasize the importance of this tool. It will only take a few minutes but for us it will take on a really fundamental importance for us. Well I greet you now I leave the floor to Dario for the conclusion and final greetings. Thanks.

Here we are at the last part of this meeting we were as we promised very intense on the piece so it is very important to focus on some passages. First of all we thank you every time you would grant us your attention. As for the time we ask you, in fact, up to a couple of weeks ago we asked you two parameters that are very important to us: the number of agents with whom you sell the K-Time brand, the number of salons you serve on average because this information is important because they allow us not only to get to know them better but above all to be able to develop a series of marketing communication strategies and materials suitable for your territory. In fact, Antonio previously spoke of the importance of the feedback form in compiling this questionnaire we ask you for time but considered as an investment this time represents an investment in your knowledge allows us to profile your business in the best possible way always to support them in an even more personalized way. Among other things, someone has already asked this is a live video will remain on YouTube also because we talked about many things about an important product novelty that will be a driving force in the development of the brand in this 2021 and not only as the Gelée permanent coloring. Naturally, in the coming days and in the next few days we will provide a whole series of information and materials also for the provision of distance learning activities in this phase. And then of course when it is possible,

as we have said live, I would like to specify or give a small service communication . How many received the newsletter to download invitation links to this business meeting. The newsletter will represent an increasingly frequent form of communication for us so it is essential that you are receptive to newsletters because it will be one of the ways in which we will communicate more frequently with you a way of communication that obviously does not exclude the other methods groups WhatsApp traditional emails phone calls are more tools that we will put at your disposal. I spoke precisely

of the importance of time that you will know us and it is true because especially when the direct sales activity to the hairdresser is resuming. We are all a bit in a hurry, but the concept of partnership presupposes that sometimes it is important, indeed fundamental, to stop a little to reflect on what we need to do about what we can do. So make some reasoning in fact both Paolo and Antonio showed us how you could see so many tools here is the support through Digital the optimization of the e-commerce site behind all these activities obviously there is a great great job but this is obvious to say there is a team work a design work. What do we expect in the coming months. Even more

your collaboration, even more your inputs vs stimuli because as far as we can be present and close to you. As far as we can do projections and what cast jargon says, it is right that it is you, being the sentinels on the territory who know your specific sales territory better than anyone else, to give us indications to provide us with suggestions. On February 7 a certain gentleman named Tom Brady 43 years old will face another major challenge the tenth Super Bowl of his career. Maybe not everyone knows American football. Not everyone knows Mr. Brady but he represents a world sports icon. Because we often refer to these

prominent leading figures. Because we identify in the DNA of K-Time the distinctive traits of these champions and champions you know why they are such as we mistakenly think that people who reach people and companies that pursue excellent results. They are extraordinary people or companies that do extraordinary things. The truth is a little different. These are people, they are companies that daily put together a whole series of small actions such as to obtain important and significant results over time. And this is the work we try to do. In fact, your presence on this day is also

a choice. You have just decided to invest 90 minutes of your time in a start of the week that is certainly intense for each of you in listening to us in seeing the many news we have presented. it is a choice and a choice that represents a small brick in your working day says the great Anthony Robbins that many people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in a day. It is true we started the year we are already on January 25 full

of expectations and intentions many among us, many or few but this is always subjective, they have given themselves objectives what happens. Unfortunately, it happens that 80% of people are already in mid-February to the end of February and the problem is that sometimes even companies that have set themselves strategic objectives to be achieved by the end of the year abandon them. Do you know why? Because the immediate result is expected, the great response is expected in the short term but it does not work this way life rewards those who are constant who recognize in the day and therefore in the single day a goal to be achieved. A series of small habits to consolidate and it is another very important aspect because the first step is to make a decision when you have become business partners both in Italy and abroad. K-Time. You made a choice. It is clear that a two-way choice was a two-way choice in the sense that the company that considered you valid because Vate responds to certain structural organizational parameters but above all attention to mentality. You had the right mentality and you have

the right mentality to embrace the philosophy that K-Time, however, one thing must be considered, the mentality is never something static and must be constantly renewed with daily habits that pursue excellence. What are the habits we ask of you. We ask you to follow us constantly. We ask you to embrace our philosophy of we require you to pursue our projects even when sometimes you don't see an immediate result. This is

perhaps the most difficult step. I often reiterate and not see a short term result that leads us to abandon a long term goal. But this is not a negative fact related to our nature. The human being precisely in his development for thousands of years now has been created to see a result in immediate terms while instead to achieve greater results, greater goals need to have that sense of perspective. And this is what we ask of you. To acquire more and more and to maintain this sense of perspective. We are listening to professionals who have been

following us for years and who have seen a constant path of growth with us. The same professionals have constantly grown and expanded their sales network, they have improved the quality of their sales, they have perfected the quality of their communication, it is never easy. In recent months I have also personally confronted each of you with each seller. And one of the first observations was this. It is not easy but it really is. It is precisely

where things are not easy and precisely where the challenges are impervious that you have to show the emotional muscles, even the professional muscles to melt the maximum effort. Behind this live broadcast that we hope will be pleasing to each of you there has been a long team effort where everyone has put their piece and return to the previous step. Michael Jordan's quote where is the team that allows you to win a championship. You are part of this precious piece and we reiterate when we turn to you we turn to our entire audience as my colleagues claimed, just today they listen to us from different continents that was present in the five continents. Truly a great result that comes from the work of those who believed in it in the first hour and also from those who did not believe in it from the first hour and who perhaps today look at these goals with a little repentance and remorse.

we are reaching but it is always a matter of choices so we do what we are used to doing. The action culture is the call to action in the sense that every time we finish a course every time we aim for a business meeting we must give an action plan because remember that a meeting without an action plan makes no sense is a combination of a whole of many beautiful words but which then become dusty meetings and meetings are fully realized when we then define operational steps. What are the operational steps we require from you . The first step is precisely as my colleague Antonio De Bellis said to

provide feedback on this event to fill in the questionnaire that will allow us to further profile to follow all the initiatives that we are going to develop both in offline communication and in online communication to continue to follow us in what is the distance training activity webinar web cast and on-the-job training the colleagues in the marketing department have selected from a few phrases this one that is really impactful and that once again seems to best photograph this period when it blows the wind of change. Some build walls, others build windmills . So it's always a matter of choice. And let's always remember that however positive and proactive inputs may come from the outside, the last choice is always up to you to follow us to pursue and to be I like to end we like to end with this concept of feeling ambassadors anywhere in the world of the brand K-time. Thanks for your attention. Thanks for your participation. We look forward to seeing each other live as soon as possible in the next K-Time business meeting.

2021-01-31 15:43

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