Business continuity for your business running in IaaS

Business continuity for your business running in IaaS

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Hello. And welcome. To business continuity for. Your businesses, running, in Azure. My. Name is Vijay Tonto Sizzla and, I'm a program manager part. Of the Asha backup and site recovery team I'm happy, to see that a lot of customers, taking. The transformation. Of their digital, ité, to, the next level using, Azure. However. The. Impact, of data, loss in a digital transformation journey, could, be significant. Last. Year, when the ransomware wanna, cry hit the. Hospitals, in UK, there. Are a number of patients. Who are not able to access their records because. Of the wanna cry attack. So. The, impact. Of data loss could be on your business, it. Could impact your brand as, well as, your, career because you, as the IT administrator. Is responsible, to. Make sure that there is no impact, your data loss. So. Today I'm going, to show you how. Microsoft, allows, you, to keep your businesses, running, continuously. If. You think about business continuity it's, actually, a spectrum on the. Left hand side you, have the high, availability. For. Which you need to make sure your applications. Are running, 24x7. And 365, days, in a year. Secondly. If you have a regional, outage, then, you need a disaster, recovery solution. Which fails over your application, from one data center to, another data center and, third. If you have a loss of data because. Of corruption of a, Mis configuration. Or if, you have a deployment, challenge, where you need to roll back your application, you, also need, backup. So. It's critical, that you have all three, in your, environment to make sure you have the right business, continuity strategy. So. What does asher offer you, for. Single VM we, offer the ability to keep, your. VMs, running for 99.9%. Of, the time. If. You cluster, your virtual machines, you can actually put. Them in a veil ability, set and get, a higher level of availability. Let's. Say you had an outage of your data center, but. You still want your applications, to be running seamlessly. Then. You have the ability to turn on availability. Sets, which. Is a new capability that's. Available in preview. But. Let's say your entire region, had a major catastrophic, failure. Let's, say there was an earthquake or a fire storm, then. You need to failover your workloads from one. Region to another region and, for. That you have the azure site recovery. So. In today's presentation we're.

Going To talk about asher. Site recovery and as your backup so. Let me do a little bit of a demo to, show you how, as, your site recovery enables, you to do a disaster. Recovery between. Two azure, regions, so. Here I have the, azure portal. Which has my. Virtual machine configured. Right down. At the bottom I have the ability to, turn on disaster, recovery and, this, capability is, in preview right now so. Once I click on the disaster recovery tab, it presents. Me the option, to specify the target region. Note. That, I can replicate. My, virtual machines to any region. As. I desire so, in this particular clay, case I have, a virtual machine running in my. Southeast. Asia datacenter and I'm, replicating that data to East Asia and, then. I can specify, which. Resource, group I want my virtual machine to failover to. Also. Specify, what's, the availability, set that I want to configure and the. Virtual network to, which the virtual machine was connect at the event of a failover. All. Of these configurations are automatically. Done, as part of a site recovery but. You have the flexibility. To, specify. Any custom. Settings. As you, desire so. It's as simple as enabling, replication, for a single VM. Right. Here from a single button, but. Let's say I've already configured, disaster, recovery so. Here's how my dashboard looks like. Here. I see that my virtual, machine has, been replicating, successfully, and my. Replication, status is healthy, and I'm. Getting an RPO, of, one, minute which, means that the, data lost tolerance, that I'm able to achieve is I lose, at most. One, minute of data if I do a failover to another region. Then. It also shows me the settings if I drill down into my settings I can. See that, I've configured. My, virtual machine to. Another, region and I've, specified what. My size, of the virtual machine is so. In case the. Virtual machine is not available, the particular, size is not available, in that region as. Your site recovery. Automatically. Picks the right size. For your virtual machines it also. Allows. You to configure the, virtual network to. Which you want to connect your virtual machine but note. That, as your eighth site recovery is an active/passive. Configuration. Which. Means that when, you're actually performing, the replication, you're. Not, creating. A virtual machine on the target site you. Create the virtual machine only. At the time of a failover. So. If I want to do a failover it's as easy, as you. Know choosing the failover option, but. If I want to do a test failover which is actually, a requirement for. My, scenarios. Where I want to perform dr, compliance, drills, I can, choose test failover. Note. That, test failover is a non-invasive. Way of testing your dr drill, which. Means that while, the replication. Is going on you, can still perform a test failover without. Disrupting, your production, or disrupting. Your. Replication. And more. Importantly, I can failover. My virtual, machines to an isolator, network so that it does not disrupt, my production, virtual networks so, I can choose a target virtual, network, for, my failover, and I, can just choose that and go. From there so I've once I choose okay I'm done, and I can let the test fail over complete, once, the test failure is complete I can check my applications. Running just fine once, the applications. Working, fine, I can I can stop my test fail over drug. Now. Imagine. That I have an entire vault and I have let a lot. Of virtual machines in my environment. So. I can drill down into the recovery services, vault that I've created. And. Here, you see I have a number of virtual machines that are replicated, and, it. Also shows me the virtual machines that are running successfully. And the virtual machines that have a problem with it, so. If I drill down into one of those virtual machines. It. Tells me exactly what. Is the issue that I'm running into and what, are the, corrective.

Actions That I need to take in order to fix my application, health. Now. I also, have the ability to drill. Down into the, test failover status, so. Here I have number. Of virtual machines that have been configured for ASR. But. Nine. Of those virtual machines have, never done a test failover recently, which. Means that you, are not, ready for Dr compliance, right, so, I can just, walk up to this dashboard, click, on the virtual machine that I want to do a test fail over and initiate. A test failover right there from the UI. Not. Only that I have the ability to monitor. My entire network, of. My virtual machines it gives me a topology diagram at the bottom it. Shows me where my Stu cache storage accounts are where, my target storage, accounts are where, my site recovery vault, is running from and as, you notice this. Experience. Is not limited, for just a sure is SVM's but also have, a very symmetric, experience. If I want to configure my VMware. Environment, or a hyper-v, environment but. In this case I have not configured VMware, or hyper-v, because, I am focused, on. Providing. The workload. Continuity, for my eius workloads, I am. NOT configured. But, then if I see I have the entire. Setup. Of my virtual machines my, application. My failover, status, all available, from a single world which I can manage my entire environment. But. Remember many, applications. Are not confined, to virtual machines. Several. Times we come across workloads. That have sequel, server databases, or something. Like ashes, Active, Directory. In. Those, environments. We'd like to leverage, the, technologies, that are natively, available. In all, of these solutions. For. Example in, this particular, scenario I have a SharePoint, H a farm but. Notice, at the bottom I have a sequel. Always on cluster, with, two nodes in it one. Being a primary second. One being the replicas and the third node is acting, as a witness node, that is making, sure that the application, can failover, from primary two replicas if the primary is down. Similarly. I might, have application. Tears and web tears above. That and I, might also have, load, balancers. That, are acting, on top of these applications. Tiers so that if one instance of the applications down the, load balancer, automatically. Routes my connections, to the secondary, node. In my configuration. This. Is an example, of a complex workload. And if, I need to configure, a, site, recovery, for this I can do that right here for the same UI. So. Here the application, aware. Recovery, if you notice the first step is to configure replication, for. My virtual machines that are not protected yet, but. Let's say I have my H, a cluster, of. An active, directory I can, turn on active, directory application right. And that, pretty much uses the native, capability, of active, directory to do the replication I do not need to use the virtual machine replication, in this environment. Similarly. If I have a sequel, server always-on, environment, I can configure, my replicas, to be on a dr site and i can replicate my, sequel, environment, from my primary to my replicas once, I'm done with that I can, do what is called a test drill, or a test failover drill where, if the site, is down. I can, click. The failover button, and I'll show that in a demo in just a minute when, I do the failover, what happens, is the. Recovery. Plan that is created, for this aichi application. Can. Be triggered. And as part of the recovery plan which I'm going to show you in a minute I can, do a failover, of each tier, of my application, so, first I can bring up my sequel, workloads. Second. I can bring up my application, tier and then. I can bring up my web tier and then. Last but not least if I have any load balancers, I can bring up all of those load balancers, in a stacked manner so, here in this environment, I have, the recovery plans to find. What. A recovery plan is nothing but a scripted. Way of performing, my failover, if I, have multiple, steps involved, in my failover so, here I have a SharePoint, hitch a recovery, recovery, plan created. And. I. Can specify, that I, know I can go ahead and customize that, recovery. Plan and in, this recovery plan you can notice that I have several, groups created, these. Groups enable, me to perform. Failover, in a staged fashion, so, it makes sure that only, when, this step. One on the group one is completed. That the next step in the second group actually starts, taking, place so. First I have a. Script, that performs. The failover of my sequel.

Availability. Set. Second. I perform. The failover. Of my virtual machine the, app tier, and, then. Once that is done I can specify that I want to bring up the load balancer, as part of my recovery. Plan, and. The. Next step is to bring up the word web virtual machines, then. The last step I have the ability to bring. Up the load balancer, associated, with the web tier if. You notice these scripts if I drill down into these scripts, these, are nothing but. Our automation. Steps that. Are pre created and. As. Part, of the you. Know specification. I can, create an azure automation, account and specify. What is the specific. Script that I want to run as part of my recovery plan, and. With. That I have, the entire, failover. Script and, I, with a simple, click of performing. A test failover I can, initiate the failover of my entire. SharePoint. H a farm in just a few clicks so. If you notice that in. The, recovery. Plan I showed, you, had the ability to fail, over an entire, SharePoint. Farm, notice. That I have, recovery. Plants not just with virtual machines but, I also have, native. Replication, of my sequel server database, or if. I have load balancers, I can specify custom. Scripts, for. The convenience, of the customers, we have added, several of these as your, automation, run books as part, of the recovery plants and these are available in, github last. But not least as part, of your failover drill very. Common, questions that most, customers, have is how. Do I make sure that my, client, is able to connect, to the secondary. Site when, the replication you, know the application failover, from, one region to another region so. You have two options right there you can retain your IP addresses, from your primary to the secondary right, so that you have the same IP address on your primary and secondary no, matter where the application. Is running on the. Second option is to specify, that. You, want to change your IP let's say you want to have a different IP address for, your application, on the secondary, side you can do that as well and. Then. Coming. To the client connectivity, how is the client able, to connect to the primary or the secondary let's. Say the application IP, address is different. Thankfully. We have the technology, called ash or Traffic Manager, which, allows, you to specify, two, different. URLs, or, endpoints. As part, of your traffic, probe manager profile. And with the traffic manager, it'll try to connect to the primary site if the primary is available, and if, it's not able to respond. To, the to the ping request for that traffic manager, it'll automatically. Redirect, your calls. To the secondary site so. This is something that's natively, available, in Azure so, all you have to do is create a new as, your, traffic manager, profile, and specify. The two URLs, you want to connect to. With. That you, are now able, to connect your client, application, maybe that's maybe running on on-premises. To, your primary, site or to your secondary site that's. Your choice the. Last but not least is failback. So, many customers, ask the question about hey, I've done the failover but, how do I make sure I can bring the application back, to, the to, the primary. Site it's. Actually quite simple. Let. Me show, you how so. Now, if I go to the virtual. Machines. Let. Me go drill down into the replicated. Items. Replicated. Items I have a virtual machine that has failed. Over to, the secondary, site all. I need, to do is right-click, and. Specify. A repro TechEd, when. I perform, a repro Tech what it does is sets. Up replication, in the reverse direction so, from the secondary site to the primary site and the. Key thing to note is sin, if the primary site is still available and the data is still available the. Replication, of a show site recovery only sends. The deltas, from, secondary, back to the primary site once. The reproduction, is enabled, you can failover, back, to the primary site and get, your application, running back on the primary site it's, actually a two-step process so you. Fail, over r-e. Protect, and failover, so, let me just summarize what you just saw with Azure site recovery and I as VMs it's. A no dr infrastructure. Solution, and. It. Has the ability to, perform, automated. You. Know protection. And replication. With the help of recovery, plants it. Gives you the best RPO, as you just saw we do continuous, replication every. Five minutes and you you just saw in the UI that, we were getting an RPO of one minute and you. Also have the best-in-class RTO, the, reason you have a good RTO, is because, you. Are. Creating. A recovery, plan and as part of the recovery plan you have exact, steps, that you need to perform and so you can cut down you. Know any manual, processes, and pretty much automate, your recovery. Plan. You. Can also perform a no impact Deirdre I showed, you the ability for test, failover which, is non-invasive, non-disruptive.

Which, Means your production, can still continue to work your replications. On but, you can still perform your test failover, you. Also saw, the ability to centrally, monitor, all of your application, and your test failover health from. The azure site recovery dashboard, which is the recovery services model. You. Can perform an orchestrated recovery, using, a recovery. Plan and last. But not least you have the ability, to do a fail back from, your secondary, site to primary. Site with just two clicks. The. Capability. For azure site recovery dr. For, your is workloads, is currently, in public preview and. Here. Is a, screen. Which shows you all the capabilities, that we have enabled as part of the azure site, recovery is dr. Now. This. Capability is also available globally. Across. Several. Regions in azure and we. Are constantly, you. Know increasing. Our capacity and, expanding, to more regions as we, expand. The entire as your footprint. Now. Let. Me switch to Azure backup, we talked about dr let me talk about Asha backup. In. Terms of Asha backup, a lot. Of customers, start their journey for Azure back, up in sort. Of two ways. First. Thing is they look, at backup, or ash or as a storage. Target. So. With the journey of digital, transformation they. Start creating, their workloads on-premises, but saving. Their backups, in a offsite location in, Azure as its storage target this. Is completely, in 100%, supported, by Ashur. Second. Scenario is that customers. Move their workloads. Directly. Into Azure and want. To protect their workloads in Azure, using. Some kind of technology. Again. There are several traditional, software, solutions, that are out there that, allows you to perform backup, of your workloads running in, Azure is. So. These are two capabilities, that are already available through. You, know DPM. As well, as several, third-party solutions. Out, there in the market. But. One. Of the things that we, look, at as a very, key differentiator with, respect to Azure backup, is the, ability to, perform these two sort, of scenarios, whether it is backup from on Prem to cloud or protecting. Your Azure workloads is to do that without, having any, infrastructure. In your environment. So. What that means to you so. If, you think about your application architecture, you, may have your virtual machines you. May have sequel server databases, or you, may be using several to pass services, running, in Azure like as your files, so. You, as the IT administrator, is responsible. To, increase. The footprint, of your application, scale. That and you. Know deploy more stamps of your application. While. You do that the. Azure technology. Should, be able to scale without, you thinking about the scale for as your backup so. With Azure backup, we take care of scaling the storage that you need, scaling. The, applications. Job scheduling, taking. Care of the garbage, collection processes. Creating. Incremental, backups without. Having, to require any infrastructure. So. That while you focus on scaling, your application, we're, able to scale our infrastructure. The Azure backup infrastructure, not, for just for one customer but. For n customers, and. This. Gives you the ability to, have an enterprise, wide-scale, at the, same time you have the ability with no, infrastructure, to. Back up without any infrastructure, needed. So. What's the benefit here obviously. You. Have the ability to not. Deploy any infrastructure there's complete, freedom you do not need any agents, you do not even need any servers, you, do not need to deploy any any sort of backup VMs second, it allows. You to have the you, know leverage. The economy of scale for instance, as you increase your virtual machine capacity, the, backup.

Infrastructure, Automatically, scales and you. Know you just pay for what you you use in case. Of traditional. Backup. Solutions, if, you scale your applications. You, may need to increase the capacity of your virtual, machine and if you do, not use the entire capacity, of your virtual machine you're. Paying, for you know you. Know compute that you're not going to use but. In case of azure backup, because there's the infrastructure is taking care by the service, it's a complete past service, you. Do not need to worry about that, another. Key thing that we've noticed a lot of large, enterprise customers is, that while, they move their workloads to cloud we, also notice, that the. You. Know what we call as the role of the application, admin is now, significant. So. The application, admins are now much. More empowered, than in, the traditional world which. Means that they, can enable. Self-service. Backup they, can perform self-service. Restore, there, is no need for a IT. Admin, to provision storage, manage, that and any you know gonna perform any of those IT operations and, pretty much the, application. Admin can perform, all of his application management, backup, restore on his own and, what. This means for the IT admins, is that the IT admins, can graduate, to a higher level function. Where, they, are now focused. On governance. Cost. Control, and making. Sure that the entire, infrastructure. Is compliant. Rather. Than focusing. On day-to-day, operations. Of backup so. This is a key differentiator. And, a, mental shift in how, we think about you, know back up as you move your workloads, to cloud so. Let me start with the demo of how to enable Azure be and backup. So. Here I have a very. Similar experience. Like a show site recovery if, I walk up to a virtual machine I have, the ability to turn on backup right, here in the, VM settings blade and, here. All I need, to do is to, specify but. I want to use the existing. Vault, to backup all my virtual machines or I want. To create a new word and the, secondly I need to specify the backup, policy backup. Policy defines two things one. Is the schedule, of your backups second. Is your retention range, with. I as VMs we have the ability to not just retain, your backups for short term but, you can even rate in there for several years like seven years or ten years with. The azure backup, policy so. Here I have the ability to, create, a new backup. Policy I can, specify the policy, name it's a test policy let's say and I, can specify the schedule, I want the backups to be and I can retain my backups, not just for you. Know a few, days but I can retain them for several. Several, months, let's. Say I want to retain, that for 60 months I can do that right here from the backup. Policy UI. Once. The backups are enabled. Let. Me just show you an. Instance, of a virtual. Machine that's enabled, for backup. Here, I see the UI, that allows me to look. At all the recovery points that are pertinent, to that VM. I, can, even perform ad hoc VM, backup let's say I want and I've done my application, rollout but, before I do the application rollout, I want to do an ad hoc backup I can do that from right here I can. Perform a restore restore I could do two kinds of restore either restore entire virtual machine or restore. Specific. Discs I, could. Even do a file recovery a file recovery is an important, and interesting feature which, allows you to perform, this, tour of individual. Files from, a virtual machine I'll show you the demo. A little later and then. Here, I have all the you. Know recovery, points showing here and one, of the new, capability, that we have previewed is, the. Ability to retain, snapshots, and the customer storage account what. This allows you to do is to perform a very fast backup. And recovery from. The data, that's already there the customer storage, account this, way the, data is retained, in the customer storage account for seven days and then, we will also replicate. That data to the vault so that even, if the production, virtual, machine is deleted, or destroyed, you have a copy of the data in the world and the vault data can be retained for several, years so. As you may wonder whether, the VM backup, is only for Windows virtual machines the. Answer is no we, support, both Windows virtual machines and Linux. Virtual machines, and more, importantly, with, Linux we also added, the ability to. Perform application. Consistent, backups, for your Linux virtual machines, how. Is that possible, you. May wonder how in. Windows. You have the ability to, you. Know acquiesce. Your workloads, using, the VSS. Service, but. In Linux the, you. Know you you need to create your workloads, but you have the ability, to specify a, pre, script and a post script and. The pre script what it does is allows.

The Customer, or the application. Vendor to specify, how, he wants, to quiesce his workloads so. In case of my sequel, he could take my sequel dumps. Before we perform the VM snapshots, and once. The dumps are taken he can delete them or if. You have an application where, you need to quiesce your workloads let's say you want to freeze your application. I or you can do that then, we can take the VM snapshots, and when that is done we, can perform a postscript. Okay. So, this allows an application to, be run, in a application. Consistent, mode with, the backups all you. Know application, consistent, let, me just show you how, this is done so, here I have a JSON, file which, is stored, in my ATC, as a folder, inside my virtual machine and, in. That you. Know particular, script I can specify what, I want to do as part of my pre script so, in this particular example I, am, using my, sequel database and I'm quiescing, my my sequel database and taking. Our database dump before I take the VM snapshots, and once. I have, specified that I can just go back to my demo I'll show you how I can perform a restore here. So. I've logged onto my Linux. Environment. Here and, I. Have logged on to the you. Know as an administrator, and I'm, connected to the Azure cloud to, my demo. Subscription. So. Here I can see that I'm. Using the, azure CLI. Which. Is the command line interface available. For customers. Using, either Windows or Linux and I'm. Performing, a list of all the Asha backup, vaults and here, I have several walls as part of my configuration, but. I don't need to look at the entire. Walls all I need is the. Ability to. Perform. A restore of a single, file. So, for that what, I can do is perform. A restore action and I. Can specify that I want to mount the RP what, mount RP does I'll explain, that in a minute and then, I can, specify the specific. Virtual, machine which is called the container name and then. I can, also specify, the recovery. Point name as part, of my restore operation, let, the restore operation. Kick, off while. That is going on let me explain how this works so, as. Part of my Asha, backup, my data is stored in the vault or as snapshots, but. What we're doing here is. Presenting. This, recovery, point as a nice cozy target, once. I have a nice cozy target, now. I'm downloading a, script, which, allows me, to connect, from, my client machine that laptop, right here to, my I scuzzy, target, that is running in the cloud. Let. Me do that. So. The benefit, of this approach maybe. I need to give a passbook password, here. The. Benefit of this approach is that since. I am directly. Connecting, my laptop, or my client machine to, the azure cloud. I am, not restoring. Or downloading, my entire recovery, point of my entire virtual machine I can. Simply. Browse. What, files are part, of that recovery point. And I, could restore, exactly. The files that I need so. In this particular case, since, I have my. My sequel database dumps, I can, take, one of those dump files and restore. It back onto my my sequel environment, I do not need to download my entire virtual machine. From cloud, to on-premises. So this may be just a few maenge or a few gig so. All my files. Are. Right here as, part. Of this backup, so. This is mounting. My. Recovery. Point as part of a local volume, on my machine. So. If I do a dir it, shows me all the files. That are part of my recovery. Point, and I, could you. Know change. To any folder here, and. If. I have any file that is interesting, as part, of this backup, and i, could copy any one single file or set of files from, this recovery, point on to my production environment without.

Downloading. The entire virtual machine, so here we. Talked about backing, up virtual machines whether, it's Windows or Linux virtual machines, how. About encryption, as part. Of best, practices, in Azure we, recommend, that all customers. Turn, on a short disk encryption this. Allows, the. Azure, virtual. Machine to be encrypted using the BitLocker, keys and. With. That you, your virtual machine is encrypted not, only that your virtual machine is encrypted but also your backups are encrypted as part of that and by. Default the vault is also using, a storage account that, is encrypted. With the storage side, encryption, so, you have complete encryption, end to end with. Backup and I as VMs, but. The key thing I want you to take away here is not. Only are we storing the. Disk. Data as part of the Virtual Machine backup, we're, also storing, the configuration. And all. Of, your you. Know the key material, of the key information needed. To restore, your virtual machine to a particular. Point in time, if. You keep your backups for like ten years you. Always know that you have the ability. To roll. Over your keys as part of your you know best, practices you and enterprise, IT but. If you need to restore to a particular point in time you. Need to make sure that, not only is your data consistent. To that point in time but also your key material, is also consistent to. That point in time. Without your backup you, can be rest assured because, we, keep the, particular, key material, the version of that key when, it was at that point in time as part, of the backup, so when we restore we, can get you back to the same exact, point in time with respect to the VHDs configuration. And your. Key material. Okay. So we talked about virtual machines but what about if. I have a database or something that is running inside a virtual machine you. Saw the demo where I I could, you, know restore, my sequel database from my virtual. Machine but. If I have something native. Let's say a sequel, server that is part of my virtual machine we, have the ability to backup, your, sequel. Server inside well as VM, as well let. Me show you how. So. As part of configuration. I go. To plus backup in my recovery services vault and you. Notice that I have the option. To choose virtual. Machines or if I have a sequel server and inside my ass VM I could, choose that as well and, in. Case of sequel, server it's a two-step process because, first, you, pick the virtual machine you want. That. Has sequel, server in it second. It also needs, to discover, what, are the specific, databases, that are part of that virtual machine because. Sometimes. Believe, it or not you do not want to backup all your databases there, may be databases, that are temporary there. Are databases that are you know critical to your business so. You want to backup your, database. That are critical to your business so you have the capability. To specify. Exact. Set. Of databases that you want as product backup so, this discovery, process going through there, are no virtual machines here which means that all my virtual machine is already discovered, I.

Can. Go to the configure, tab and here, there are two virtual, machines that are you, know waiting to be backed up and as, I told you you, can drill down and see what databases, are there as part of my virtual machine so. It has done a second-level inquiry, into my virtual machine to find out what, are the databases. That are connected, to this what, so. Let's say I want to back up my MSD, B. And. As. Part, of my backup, specification. The policy specification. In, the case of virtual machine you are allowed, to backup, every F once every day but, in case of sequel. You. Can choose. Full backups, you, can perform differential, backups or you, can even perform large backups, and you. Can specify a much tighter. RPO, of say, 15 minutes so. Every 15 minutes will create a log back up and transfer, that to the vault and you. Can specify different retention. Periods, for your log backups and your full backups as part, of your backup, policy specification. And. Once. I'm done with that I can. Choose that I want, a sequel. Compression. To be turned on which, means that if I have a large database with, a sequel, backup encryption, which is natively available, in sequel, I'm getting, a much better, you. Know a compression, of data on my target storage and I. Can say ok and. That's. About it so I can enable backup, I can, choose a virtual, machine and specify, specific. Databases, as part of my backup. Enablement. Similarly. Let me just show you how I can do as your files share backup as well so. In Azure file share backup first, thing I need to do is. Look. For the storage accounts that are part of my ashes subscription. So. I pick my, azure. Storage account. That. I need to backup and here, I have some file, shares, as. Part of that storage account that I can choose and. Again. I have a backup policy. So. This capability was, just announced. A couple of days ago, in. You. Know in February and we have, the ability to backup. You. Know retain your backups for like 120, days. And. As. Part, of the you. Know broad. Availability will, increase. The retention. Range for a much higher value. Let's. As simple as that so you walk up to the UI you, can specify your virtual machine or your. Sequel, database or your file share that you want to backup specify. The backup policy and off you go. So. Here I have configured several, you. Know backup, items here and I. Have for. Sequel, databases. I have, three, file shares one. Virtual machine and some. Backups, coming from on-premises, using the azure backup agent and as, your backup server. Let's. Say I want to restore. A database. I. Can. Drill down to the database backups, I, can. Perform a restore as. Part. Of restore I can create a copy of the restore, database or if, I have a corruption and I want to be rectify, that corruption I can, specify override.

And. Here. It allows me to choose whether I want to restore a full backup or a log backup, the. Log backups as you see we have been doing continuous. 15-minute. Log backups, so you can specify an exact, point in time that you want to restore your database, to and, choose. Okay and. Then. It gives me the option to perform a further, recovery or do I want to stop the recovery after I'm done with this process, right so, with that I can you know restore, my, databases, to a particular, point in time. Similarly. I have the, azure. Files server. Let. Me just drill down to that. And. I. Could either perform, a full-share recovery, or a individual. File recovery, for. Full shell recovery, I can drill down, specify. The particular recovery, point I have, and. Then. Specify. That, I want, originals. Storage, location, or an alternate location in. Case of original, storage location, I can choose whether I want to overwrite. The existing files, or skip them. That. It's as simple as that so you walk up to the UI, walk. Up to the particular, file share and perform. Your restores. And same. Thing with databases, or virtual, machines so. What, did you just see here, so. With all of these configurations whether it's virtual machines sequel. Servers as your files you, have the exact same experience, where. You, have no infrastructure, that you need to deploy as part of your backup. Your. Cost it's actually a very low cost solution, or a cost effective solution because, you, do not need to deploy any infrastructure, to, perform your backup you just specify the intent, and pretty, much the backup service takes care of all of the plumbing, needed, for you it. Provides central management as you saw that, inside my vault I have a. Several. Set of applications, that I want to perform backup, that sequel servers virtual. Machines all in one place, last. But not least it also, has, the ability to store, my backups, for not just for short term but as well as my long term retention, so. You may be wondering how do I perform, monitoring. If I want to monitor, my entire infrastructure. Whether I have virtual. Machines in, a single vault if I have multiple walls or several subscriptions, I could. Do that it's actually quite simple I can. Walk up to the the, same portal here and, under. The backup reports tab I have. Specification. Of my diagnostic settings. So. Once I drilled around into the diagnostic, settings I. Can. Send, all my monitoring. Data the. Backup, jobs the schedules, all of the metadata about my backup infrastructure, can, be sent to a storage account where I can perform further analysis, or I. Could send it to log analytics. With. Log analytics, if I have an existing workspace. I could send all of this data to an existing workspace, or if. I want I could create a new workspace and send, all of this data there and within. The log analytics workspace, I can perform joins using, my, cousteau kql, queries. Joining. The data from, different words across, different subscriptions, and I, have a single dashboard to monitor all my you know backup operations, but. Let's say I want to do trending, of my data and I want to perform you. Know see how my backups. Are working, for the last three months I might, be using something, much, more sophisticated let's, say I want to send. My reports. To my CTO. So. In that case I could turn on something, called, as a shebang of, reports and this, reports, the, what, you do is simply, send, all of this monitoring, data to a Asha storage, account once. You've sent all of this data to Asha storage account you, can sign up to power bi and. Power, bi is a free tool that allows, you to you. Know suck, all of this data from the azure storage account and what. We've done is created a Asha, content, pack which, allows, you to suck all of that data from your ashes storage account into. The power bi account, and perform. All of these you. Know reports, so. Here I've, already done that previously. And here, is a dashboard, that I've created which. Is a default, dashboard that comes as part of the azure backup content pack which. Shows me the, number of protected instances. How. Much cloud storage I'm using, how. Many active alerts are there how. Many backup, items are there what. Is the distribution of my cloud storage across my work workloads. Across. The, GRS. And LRS various, redundancy. Options that I have and, shows. Me all the alerts where. Are the alerts happening and then, I can, drill down into each of these specific. Tabs like storage backup items, job, health and job duration, if I, want to customize, my report I can do that too so. Here I could, create a new tab and let's, say I want to trend. My storage. Over. A period of time. So, here I have my cloud storage, but. Let's say I want to see this trending. Over a period of time. So. Here it shows me that my storage has, gone up from September, to October so. This kind of trend analysis, can be performed as part, of your Asha backup, reports and the. Best part is since. This is. Sucking. Data from multiple storage. Accounts it's, it's a one consolidated report across your subscriptions.

Secondly. The, entire. Schema. For your you. Know the Asha backup reports are readily available so. You can pretty much drag and drop any piece, of information that, you need and last, but not least it has some, very useful aggregations. As part of this for, example it has a count of all the backup items or the sum of all the storage. Used you. Know all of these aggregations, are pre created for you so that you do not need to calculate how much you. Know backup, items you have across your you know entire, environment. So. That's the way you create, a backup. Our be a report so you push all of the data to Ash's storage account once. You send that data to Azure storage account you can push, all of that data to the power bi reports, and the power bi reports have built in reports, or you can customize them and again. The benefit is there is no infrastructure, you need to deploy there, is no you. Know you can perform all of these operations across your subscriptions. And across your walls and you, can even customize them, as per, your needs. So. Here are a summary, of all the capabilities, we've. Added the last year, and some. Of them that I showed just now like the sequel server and is VM as, your files these, are currently in preview and then we have an exciting road map of capabilities. In the next three to six months. With. That I'm going, to end the presentation. Thank. You and you. Know hope, you have a good day.

2018-05-14 17:52

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