Business & Twin Flame Entrepreneurship Reading May 2019

Business & Twin Flame Entrepreneurship Reading May 2019

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Hi. Everyone this is Anna from, AMA car, I'd like to, do. A reading for you guys today thank you for, watching. My channel if you are interested. In tarot. Readings, about business, and entrepreneurship, and Twin Flames please don't forget to, like. This video and share and, subscribe because, I'd like to do, more readings for you guys to. Assist, you with. Creating. A business. That is inlined. Aligned, with your soul. And. If you're creating, with a twin flame these readings will be very helpful for you as well whether, you are in reunion, with your twin flame or not or you are just a, twin flame hoping. To create a business and embark. On an entrepreneurial, journey, these, readings will be very, helpful to you I hope so. I'm just going to pull a few, cards, about the general. Energies. And also, the, guidance. For the month of May, 2019. And. This. Will assist you with creating the business that you're seeking and. Income that you love doing what you love and more. Importantly. Something. That serves your heart and also serves the world also, so let. Me just, i've. Already prayed over these cards I'm just going to shuffle. And, let's. Get a few cards on the table. This. Is the Lumina tarot this is one of my favorite. Decks for doing readings. On entrepreneurship. So. Here we go. Okay. So. Let me just make sure that these cards, are in the, camera. View. I'm. Where I'm gonna zoom in to. Look. At the cards, more in depth. Okay. So let's zoom in right now so, the first card that we have is the. Hierophant. This. Is probably not one of my favorite cards for personal reasons but, the. Message of the Hierophant is to, really. Stand in your, power as a spiritual. Authority, normally. The card stands, for tradition. And conformity. In. The traditional, tarot decks this is a, pope. A, spiritual. Figure, and. Who. Was in charge of the. The. Domain, of the soul so, in, this case though. In. Terms of creating your business this. Is a message about being in your spiritual, authority, as you are creating your business because. We are entering an era where, we're, not just creating businesses, which make money we're. Trying to create businesses. That are also. Addressing. Some sort of spiritual. Crisis, in the world whether. That is lack, of love. And care for the others in the world whether. That is. Addressing. Some sort, of imbalance. In the world in terms of finance, food. Resources. This. Is a card that's about really. Embodying. The, authoritarian. That's, within you and a. Lot of us are. We. Know that we have to approach business from a non spiritual. Or not not spiritual, but non. Non. Conventional way, so. There. Are some struggles. And hurdles with. With. Translating. Our spiritual, vision into. The physical reality because, the majority of the physical world doesn't operate the. Way that we do not. In terms of. Let's say manifestation. Going, with the flow, these. Are all things that we can't really. Speak. Of in the material, world because the rest of the world doesn't operate this way so, this is a card about still. Acting. In your, spiritual, authority, even when you're going about the day-to-day, conventional. Business, practice. There. Are some. Struggles. With that because, it. Might take a little bit of time in patience, for us to communicate our, vision, to others who are not as awake as we are so.

It's. Okay to. It's. Okay, to. Not. Be. Able to get. Others on board immediately, it might take time it might take a little bit of. Getting. Other, people, to come around to see your point of view so, that's the message behind the, Hierophant card, the. Next card we have is the, eight of ones which. Is about speed, and communication. So, in the month of May, there's, going to be a lot of, let's. Say taking. Client, meetings investor, meetings there's. Going to be a lot of communication. Presenting. Your ideas to the world and, a, lot of it taking, hold in a very fast, pace way in a way that you may not imagine, so. If you are thinking, of. Pitching. Your business to others. Acquiring. New. Clients. Anything. That has to do with taking. Action and communication. May. Is a good time for that you're. Going to find, that you're going to be supported, by, the universe, and a, lot of things are going to have a momentum. Of their own so you might have to take, the initial action but you'll find that you will get carried by, the universal. Energies, that are at play. So. The. Next. Card, is a, it's, a major arcana card it's the Hermit card let's, see this you get the full view. So, the Hermit card is about spiritual, journey. It's, about inner reflection, it's, about going, within. So. There's, going to be a. Space. For you in May 2000. 19 for. You to go. Inside and, really. Connect. With the. Purpose that's within so. On the one hand you're taking action. With. The eight. Of Wands but. On the other hand you're going to be going. On a spiritual journey as, well it's. Also a message that is saying that you don't have to go at it alone a lot, of us are comfortable with, our. Ideas. Or our fantasies, about business. And. Incubating. But. This card is telling us that, it's. It's. Okay to not go at it alone to seek, financial. Not. Financial, spiritual, aid from, your, guidance team and, to. And, you'll find that if you go on an inward journey and. The. Very last card that we have is, the. King. Of Pentacles, which, is the a very masculine. Energy. That. Is akin. To a. World. Leader, or a CEO someone. Who is in charge of very. Very. Material. Domains. And. It. Reminds, us that. It. Reminds, us of what we're doing of our initial. Motivation. Our passion, which is to, be in charge of something. So. Whether that is a business whether that's a cause for you a. Some. Kind of charity or cause or, some kind of problem that you want to solve in the world it, really requires the energy, of a king of Pentacles. Because. That's the that's, the leadership that is the person who will, connect. With others who will manage the finances who, will manage the progression, of the business and the growth, the business and be able. To project, forward, in the future to. Kind. Of. Envision. The, outcome, of certain actions you're kind of a person, who is, able to harness. All. Of. The resources, at his or her disposal and, to bringing it forth. In the physical world so. For. Some people for some of you it's, probably. Your. Business, partner mail, business partner, or twin flame who. Is older, than you who is more experienced, than you and older male that, may come in to assist you with, your business so that is a very very, good sign as well for me 2018.

And, Now I'm going to pull some cards, from an Oracle, deck called, the, hero's, journey and dream Oracle and see. What. Other messages, are supporting, this. Reading right now let's. Do that. The, magic, zone. Attune. To the call and, breadcrumbs. Of bliss. So. Let's zoom in on these cards, a. Magic. Zone the exhilaration, of discombobulation. So. We, need to disintegrate, before we can create. Magic because. Magic comes, from a place of the unknown, it doesn't. Come from what you know it, doesn't, come from the mind it doesn't come from your. Knowledge of your past experiences. It really comes from an, unknown. Place where, alchemy. Happens. And that, is a mixture, of the, divine. Divine. Mystery, and part, of your soul your, soul blueprint, and all of those elements. So, you sort of have to. In. Order to create, the magic magic is also, sometimes. It might be disorganized, it, might be messy because. Sometimes. Parts, of the magic, will manifest. Before the entire thing so some, for, example if you, needed ten pieces to, create through the exact result that you want piece, one might come into view and manifest and you're waiting on the other nine but at the same time, piece. One could. Unleash, some. Sort of. Chaos. Chaos. That doesn't make sense to you at the time because. The whole thing is not in full view and. Magic. Will unfold, in its own timing and it's sometimes it can be messy and that's. Not for us to, really. Figure. Out with a mine so. Magic. Zone obviously. Is where all the magic occurs, for. Each of us we all have a different place for where the magic happens, some, of us do it while we are meditating, or, taking, some of us take action, some, of us for some of us magic happens when we're not doing anything it depends, on how you are, individually. Wired non. All magic, happens during taking action for some of us magic, happens when we're deliberately. Not doing anything and in receive mode some people have. To go out and create magic, and make it happen, others. Tend to receive it so find, out what your specific magic. Zone is let, me know in the comments, what. What. What. Are the right conditions, that. You find in your experience, that magic, happens, is it when you're actively, doing something is it, when you're passive, and receiving, and resting, or, is, it if you're working on something that you love and something totally. That's, not, directly. Correlated, happens, like, if you, take action in one area and another area happens, to gel together so. Find, out what that is I'd love to know in the comments, if you could share, with me and. I, would. Love to hear that so the. Next card that we have is. Where. You are is where it's at, stay still until until. Your divinely, moved so this sort of speaks to the. Message that was saying before some. Of us especially. Those who are very driven, by, taking. Action and doing doing doing all the time magic. Will happen things, will happen when we're not doing when. We are deliberately, passive. Receiving. In a, very open, mode. Where, we're, allowing what the divine wants to give to us to flow through us. Some, of us are wired, in a certain way we're nothing. We're. We're good. Things happen and the right things happen when. We only take action when, we're divinely, inspired so, something called the sacral, response, that I have learned through human design some. Of us have an open sacral, where. We. Generally. Encounter success, if we are responding. To something so, if we try to push ourselves, to, act. On an idea like for example you. Want to push yourself to open a business and you, have no idea whether it will succeed or not or even if anyone. If. Anyone would even resonate, with what you're offering there's. A difference between doing that versus. Allowing. Yourself to be inspired or. Maybe. Out of the blue hearing, someone mentioned. That they would love to have a service, that is exactly, what you're trying to offer so. You're acting based on divine, guidance and you being called at the, right time into, the right place versus, making it happen so. Find, out, which.

Type You are and, be. More of that do more of that so that you're not overworking, yourself and, spending, too, much energy doing the doing. Things that, that are not fully. In alignment with the way you manifest. Individually. So. The next card is called attune to the call tune in and turn on I feel like these messages, are laying. One on top of the other tune in and turn on so, tune, into the call I mean this message clearly is for. Well. It's for all of us because we're either tuned, into our intuition. And to. The divine messages, and acting accordingly, or we're tuning into the, desires and needs of the individual, market that we're trying to. Sell. Our products, and services to. Instead. Of doing. Very traditional, 3d things like. Focus. Groups and market research and, figuring, out the demographics. Of your particular product, or business simply. Tune in to the, energy, of your business and the blueprint, of your business and ask your business where it wants to go because. Your business has a. Blueprint. Of its own has a life, of its own and intelligence, of its own so. Communicate. With that aspect of your business and, find. Out instead, of you imposing your will on the business turn. It around and, have your business impose, its desires, and its blueprint, on you and you, therefore, become, a servant. Or a steward, of your business versus, the other way around, and in. That sense you will always be serving. Your. Purpose. And. Everyone's, high is good in your own highest good without. Allowing. Your mind to run the show. So, that's the message of that card and the last card is breadcrumbs. Of bliss he's, your pleasure. Principle. And that's funny because I, was just doing a reading on myself and one, of the things that I need. To to. Indulge, in is pleasure this month this, is also, number 11 which is the Twin Flame number. So. Bread crumbs of bliss. It's. I, think. For us as, conscious. Entrepreneurs. It's. More than bread crumbs of bliss I think it's full. Meals, of bliss it's like a whole. Seven-course. Dinner full. Banquette. Full. Buffet. Buffets. Of bliss I would, actually. Change. This car to two buffet of bliss. And. This, is something that I am a, tuning, myself to too is that in, order to really, create. A. Powerful. Business when one, that serves, the, world it really first has to serve yourself, in your heart because if you don't give to yourself first, you. Will be depleted and you're not gonna be able to give to anyone else so. I would say for, the month of May. Not. Bread crumbs of bliss but a buffet, of bliss and allow. Yourself to have fun to, indulge, in, the. Small and simple pleasures, of life it doesn't have to be extravagant. It's. Not, frivolous. So. That, if you can, make this process. And. Entrepreneurship. Journey, pleasurable. For you then. You, will be able to experience. This. Work. As not really as work but as a. Big. Calling, a, fun, adventure I always. Like to equate, entrepreneurship. With adventure, and it, doesn't feel like a. Like. Hauling or. Rock. What. He called it an uphill climb up, a rock, so. Definitely pay, attention to what. You're giving to yourself, at. The same time as what you're giving to your business, so. Let's, pull, a couple of their other cards I'm gonna use a deck that I love. It's. An, independent deck it's an Oracle that called. Okay. Okay. Wow. Okay. So. Let. Me zoom in, so. The first card is risk May. 2019. Is a lot. About taking, risks risks. That, you haven't taken before, and not, necessarily. Meaning danger, but. A risk, meaning, stepping. Into your, divine calling, so. This. Card will doesn't want to be straight so, taking. Risk is about doing. Something that you're called to do by. Your, divine guidance team, and it's, something that might be it. Might actually be risky, or it could just be something, that's unusual. Something. That you normally, wouldn't, do maybe. Approaching. Clients. Or. An. Area, of, maybe. A community that, you haven't thought of or, or, maybe. Launching, a product that you would have never have. Guessed or maybe. Creating. A service that you don't feel 100% feel, like you are. That. You don't feel you're ready for it but you actually are so there's an element of risk here and it sort of speaks to. This. Eight, of Wands it's. A spark it's a spark of God, creation. You. See all these sparks. Here going in in, very, coherent, directions. Even though they're, going. In an eighth up in in opposite, directions but, it's a it's a god spark it's a it's, a cop got a card, of God spark and taking. Divine, risk not just restless, reckless. Risk but. Divine risk so tune into your intuition, and ask.

Your Guidance team what is a small risk that I can take. Justy, whatever, comfort, level that is. That. You are okay with it might be a teeny tiny risk but you can get used to the. Energy of being in risk, and risk, is nothing more than. Taking. The chance into the unknown so. Ask, for an opportunity. For you to do that for you to. To. Comfortably. Take, a small risk and then, celebrate. Celebrate how, that feels. Okay. So the, next card is. Sixth. Chakra third, eye again. This is about using your intuition. Tuning. Into the blueprint, of your business. Talking, to your. Guidance. Team, about, things, that you are, needing to do. Having. Your business guide you instead, of imposing your own personal, well on to the business, and. The, last card is love, I feel like this is a message for Twin Flames. Eat. Whether you are in union with your twin or not that. Love that you have for each other for, yourselves, and for the world is that. Energy, that's going to carry you, through, for. All of your creations. For, all of your missions. Passions. Purposes. And, it's. The one, thing that holds. The world together and. And. Love. Is. It. Love is, something that you communicate, to on. Your website to your clients, to your potential clients, to everyone. Around you. We're creating, businesses, founded. On love it's. Not founded, on. Money. Supply, and demand. Targeting. Demographics. And and. Profit. Margins and, blah blah blah, we, were founding, businesses, based on love, and that. Is going to change the world it's going to change all. Of us and so. This is the one thing to, keep in mind, in May 2009. Teen so, overall overall, I think this month is a lot about going. Within self. Development, taking, risk communication. Standing. In your authority being, a leader. So. That. Is. Basically the. Message for this month let me know if this was helpful I'm, gonna try to do more videos specifically. For, entrepreneurs. And twin flame entrepreneurs. I'd. Love to connect with you so drop me a line in the comments and I. Hope you have a an. Excellent month. Tell. Me also in your comments, in the comments what you do for a business because I would love to. Take. A part in your, journey and hear. About some of the successes. And, some of the challenges, that you are. Meeting. And facing, so that we can share. And learn, from each other so. That's all for now thank you so much for watching don't forget to like share or subscribe and, I, will talk to you soon thank, you so much bye now.

2019-05-04 01:36

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