Business & Management Library Research

Business & Management Library Research

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Hello. And welcome, to, this, library. Presentation. On business. And management research. My. Name is Marianne Berwyn and I am the business and management librarian. Here, at Webster. University, Library, on our home campus, in st. Louis Missouri, but. I serve, business. And management faculty, and, students, and staff across. The world of Webster. Tonight. We're. Going to look at how, to get, a strong. Start. By. Selecting the, best business, and management databases, for your major or program or. Information. Needs we'll. Look at some of my favorite. Databases. To fun to see how to find articles from, business, news, magazines. Trade publications and. Scholarly academic. Journals. Using the, business source complete database. We'll. See how to find company information from. Business, insights, global, and, financials. From. Morningstar. And Bek tiba and finally. We'll, look at Ibis world which, provides, a broader. Macroeconomic. View. Of industries. In the United States and most. Importantly, we'll see how to get help when, you need it. As a. Matter. Of fact let's first talk about how to get assistance from, a librarian if you have questions, while doing. Your research in, the. Middle of the homepage which. Is located, at library, webster. Edu. You, will see a large blue button that says, contact. A librarian. If, we. Click it on the. Left you. Will see all the ways to, contact us, call. Or email what, university. Libraries, librarians. During, the day evenings. And, weekends. Our. Research. Services, desk is, staffed almost, a hundred hours per week during the semester and, our. Chat, service is, staffed, by professional librarians. 24. Hours a day, seven. Days a week except. For thousand federal holidays. On the. Right of this page we also feature, a searchable, database of, answers. To frequently asked, questions like. How, do I find my ID number, or. How. Do I find an article in Harvard. Business Review. One. Of our most important. Research, tools, is our research, guides which. Bring, together in, one place different kinds, of resources. Databases. And search tips for, programs, majors.

Or Individual. Classes. Research. Guides, offer ideas. About how to get started. Let's. Click on the blue research. Guides button. There. Is a research, guide for most academic, departments, and programs as, an. Example let's, take a quick, look at the business and management, research, guide. Our. Subject. Research, guides have tabs, on the left for finding different kinds, of information, for. Example there, are tabs on the business and management guide for, articles, books, and eBooks company. And industry information and, other, business. And management resources. The. Same is true for the, program, guides as well on. The. Left menu you, will see the contact, information for the subject librarian. Assigned to. The. Department, or program in, this case mean. Contact. Our research, librarians. If, you, have a quick question, about, getting. Started with your research if, you, need more in-depth, help set. Up an appointment with me by phone or in person or. Email. Me a detailed, description of your research, questions. Or needs. Next. Let's talk about how to find some specific. Sources, of information. Here's. The research guide, for, the programmer, major management, and leadership and, I've. Opened it to the articles. Page. First. We. List. Periodicals. By, type. Journals. Which. Are often called scholarly, or academic are. Written. By practitioners. Theorists. And educators. They. Report. Experimental. And/or, themed, theoretical. Research, other. Peers. May review, articles. Before publication. Which. Is why they're, often, called peer-reviewed. Publications. Another. Category of. Periodicals. Are trade publications. Sometimes, called trade journals, though they're not really journals. They. Are often, written by and for specialists. In an industry. Or business. Activity. For example, procurement. Accounting. Or Human Resources. They. Often, report trends. Or offer, practical. Applications. Our tips, for those in the. Field. Magazines. And newspapers. Are called, popular. Periodicals. They. Are written by staff writers, and report. Current, events and news for, general, business, readers. If. You are in doubt, be sure to ask your professor what. Kinds, of periodicals. They expect, you to use for. Your assignments. Farther. Down on the management and leadership resource. Research. Guide you, may find a list of databases to, find articles on.

Your, Topic. You'll. Also find a section a how-to, section, which. Offers a tip, sheet for searching, business, source complete which. Is our largest business, article, database, and. Also. Help. For finding, an article in a specific magazine. Like, Harvard, Business Review. Let's. Click, the link for, the business source complete database. And, search, for articles, on a topic. In. Each. New browser session. You may be prompted to login when. Accessing, a library database or, electronic. Resource, type. Your last name and your Webster ID number, into the boxes. If. You do not know your ID number, on the right of the login pop-up box there, is a link to help you with finding your ID number from your connections, account, a. Good. Way to start, an article. Search is to ask a question. We'll. Use, how. Can, leaders, impact. Organizational. Change, or organization. Change we, should be organizational, change. Next. Select, one, or two keywords or phrases that. You would expect, to find in, articles, about your topic. Will. Use leaders. And organizational. Change in. Business. Source complete type, these into, the search boxes, one, concept. On each, search, line, and. Means. Both terms must appear. In all, the articles retrieved. Click. Search and the database, will return, results, sometimes. Quite a lot of articles in this. Case. Over. 10,000. Articles, over. 1,000, articles were retrieved. While. You're getting acquainted, with the database, and your topic scan, through the first 1 or 2 pages of results to. See if your search results, are on track. If. It is too broad or you, found too much look for ways to focus. The search, you. Can do this by, limiting, the, search results, by publication date. Or. By. Source, type perhaps. Suggest, academic. Journals or magazines. Or. Trade publications if, your professor, has a preference. These. Limits, are found, on the menu to the left of the search results. You. Can also focus, or find. Less. By. Adding, another keyword. Or. Phrase to. Your search in. This. Example. I've added the phrase corporate, culture, in the third search box. Which. Brings our search results, down to less than a hundred. You. May expand, your results by looking for variant, endings of a keyword do. This by adding the AppStore, risk or star character, to. The end of, a, series, of letters. Adding. The asterisk, to leader will, expand, our search to find almost 200. Articles that, have either. Leader. Or. Leadership. In them. Many. Articles will, have the full-text available. From within the database. If. Not, click, the article, linker button below, the citation, to. See if the full-text is available in. Another library, database. Or in print here, in the library. From. The result list clips, click, the article, titles to see the record, which. Often, includes, a brief, abstract, or summary of, the article. If. You, need to cite the article the. Tools menu on the right has a cite button, that, will pop up a box that displays, the article, citation, in several, styles including. APA. MLA. And more. You. May. Be happy to learn that most article, databases, that. The library, provides. Have, a citation. Feature, however. You, should also, beware. You. Will need to, make, sure that. The, the. Citations. Are formatted properly. It'll. Make the, database, will try but, it's not always successful. Most. Library, databases also. Have a way to mark items. Ed's cohost, the producer, of business source complete. Calls. This add to folder, however. Beware. Again, your. Folder, and your searches are active, for this browser, session. Only, if you. Want to save them sign. In using, the link on the upper right, of the menu bar. To. Create your own my. EBSCOhost account. Then. You, can save this information, to the EBSCO host cloud. Note. That your is that if you are having trouble finding what you need you, may chat 24/7.

With, The librarian. Using, the library chat box, on the. Right or return. To the library homepage and use our contact, a librarian, button for. Help in person or via phone or, email. Now. Let's, take a look at how to find company. And industry. Information. We're. Going to look at these databases. For finding company, information, including. Financials. And industry. Reports. And. Let's. See some more ways to access databases. For. Example from, the library, home page you, may select the link for articles. And, databases. From. This page you. May choose a database, from, the alphabetical. List if, you know the database you won let's. Select business. Insights, global, and look for company, information. Business. Insights global, provides. Detail company, and industry, profiles, including, SWOT reports market. Share reports, and some basic financial, reports, and it. Provides access to, thousands, of company, histories, and Industry. Essays, from, Gayle's core business, collection. I'll. Search, Nike, in the company, name or ticker symbol box. From. The company information, screen, from Nike seen, at the bottom of this screen, you. Can see general information. Including, the company hierarchy their. Website, basic. Financials, and the Naik's or North American, industry, classification codes. For, Nikes primary, business lines if we. Click the Footwear. Manufacturing. Industry. We, can link to root industry, reports. About. That. Industry. Besides. Company, directory, information and, officers, for, publicly, traded companies. One, can usually link, to Gales. International. Directory, of company, histories. Investment. Reports, curated, by Thomson, Reuters. Reports. From gales market, share reporter, and business, rankings, annual. Publications. And SWOT, reports that. Detail Nikes, strengths, weaknesses. Weaknesses. Opportunities, and. Threats all, of. This information is, written. By. Gale analysts. Next. What, if you need financial, statements. From. The articles, and databases page. You, might select the business category. Under Business and Technology section. Oh. I'm. Sorry we have a. We. Have a question um. Can. Can I. Kindly, review how to get citations, again, let me go back. Oops. That's the ways I'm sorry I've missed that. Okay. So, you, click on the title, of the, article and, this. Works pretty much, the same way in most of our databases you, click on the title of the article to. Open. The record and then, from, the Tools menu on the right you. Can click on the little cite button, and that will open this. Pop up citation. Format. And, then, you can scroll down and you can see, the. Different, citations. Like this one's APA, and this one's chicago, turabian, so. Thanks, for asking, i'm, going to move forward rather quickly here. Back. To our. Information. About. Financials. Whoops and I went too far. From. Analyst', okay so, if. You, go to, the articles, and database page and, select. The business, category. Under Business and Technology section. You. Will see a list, of over 50, business, databases. You. Can select, financials. From the all databases, types. To, narrow the databases. To 15. Factiva. And Morningstar. Are both both. Best bets because. Each has its own strengths. Let's. Take a quick look at each beginning.

With, Morningstar. Morningstar. Is one of the few databases that. Has a limited, number of, simultaneous. Users in, this, case six, people can be online at a time. Usually. Not a problem. Morningstar. Covers. Large to. Mid-size, US public, companies, or those heavily, traded in the United, States in, addition. To stock funds. And. Exchange-traded. Funds. Screening. Tools and their, portfolio. Tools, Morningstar. Provides, a great wealth of health, and education. About. Both. The Morningstar database, and investment. Topics in general, to. Search, enter. Either a ticker or a company, name in the search box, let's. Look at Nike. Here's. The quote route I'm, sorry we're looking at nestle here here's. The quote. Report, for Nestle. In. Addition. To financials. Which you can see on the tabs at the top. You. Can access, Morningstar's premium. Content, including. Their proprietary star. Ratings, and their, analysts. Reports, with buy/sell recommendations. And fair. Value, estimates. That's. In addition to their screening, tools. You. Can click on the tabs across the top to see. Financials. Key. Company, and industry, ratios to. Name just a few of, the reports, available, to you. Morningstar. Provides, financials. For up to ten years of income. Statements, balance sheets and cash, flow, in annual. Or quarterly. Periods. Extensive. Company, ratios, are available for, profitability. Growth. Cash. Flow, financial. Health and efficiency. Under, the, key ratios tab. And. If. You, click, the industry. Peers, tab, you. Can compare, Nestle's, company, ratios, to, other companies, in the same industry and. Get. An industry. Average. One. Of my favorites, databases. For company, information in, financials. Is Factiva. From dow Joe's it is. Especially, helpful for finding information, on public, international. Or, multi, net. International. Or multinational. Or, highly, diversified companies. To. Search open Factiva. And click. On the company's, market, tab on the top menu. Then. Enter. The name of the company you seek will.

Use Nestle, again. Once. We, create. A search the, discovery, pane on the right allows. One to link to news reports about the company, so, you can get a broader, sense, of the company, and the industry, in which it competes, on the. Right menu, one. Can see other links we'll. Click on financial. Results. Change. The segment, type to create financial torts. By, business. And, geographic. Segments. So. Here I've got two reports. The. The, one on the left is the business, segment, break down, showing, total. Revenue, for. Nestle. Based. On its product lines like powder and liquid beverages. Nutrition. And Health Sciences. Pet. Care etc and, on the right we have the financial, results showing. The geographic. Breakdown, for. Switzerland. Which is where Nestle is headquartered. Europe. Middle, East and North Africa. United. States etc. And. Finally. If you, want to study, the. U.s. operating. Conditions, for an industry, in this, world industry market, research can help, you. May search by industry. Keyword. Or. By. Makes, code, if you know what it is I'm. Going to search for pet. Food as. Keywords. Here's. The Ibis report, for pet food, production. Notice. The, supply, chain, which. Lists, supply, demand. And related. Industries, and links. To those and also, links to reports, for key economic. Drivers, for. This industry, for example the. Number of pets and the, agricultural. Price index. The. Industry, at a glance section. Tab, charts. And graphs. Tab. Provides, charts, and graphs on such topics as products, and services. Segmentation. From. Here you, can see that the largest reported, segment. In the. Pet food, production. Industry. Is for natural, and organic pet, food at 33%. The. Industry. Outlook tab, provides. A, five-year, analyst, projection. For, the industry. To. 2023. There. Are other, tabs. That you might be interested in. Including. The. Top competitors. And. Key. Financials. The. Reports, are generally, about. 40. Pages long and provide. Both, graphical. And text-based. Information. So. That's what. We have for you during this presentation, and thank, you for joining me. Remember. You can always reach out for help, happy. Researching.

2018-09-10 07:07

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