Building a Business - Ep. 2 - Firewalls | pfSense vs OPNsense

Building a Business - Ep. 2 -  Firewalls | pfSense vs OPNsense

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hi guys and welcome back to another ibra corp  video really appreciate you guys coming and   checking out today's video this is the next  episode in our series on starting a business   based on open source products and in this episode  we're looking at setting up some little advanced   networking which involves pfsense and opensense  as well this will work hand-in-hand with our last   episode where we've shown you now the setup of  proxmox and getting ready to get our business   server up and running now it's worth noting that  it's not essential for you to necessarily have to   use pfsense or opensense whatever you prefer  we'll go through all that stuff in the video   and you can make your mind up whether it's  something you want to use but we're going to   show you anyway because we do highly recommend  you guys look at some advanced firewalls but at   the same time this will actually make your life  easier when handling proxmox because we want the   firewall to be something independent at times and  that can make things a lot easier to manage also   a big thank you to brian from the awesome open  source channel thank you for covering me this week   for this video i was absent due to some family  issues and just needed some time off make sure   you check out the content from both our channels  if you're interested links in the description   there's plenty of content there i think all of  you guys really enjoy please don't forget to   like and subscribe with all that said let's just  jump into the video where brian will now show us   pf sense and open sense on our home lab and see  how we can get going with some advanced networking it's europa source advocate and i'm back with  another video and today we're continuing our   building of business on open source series now  today i wanted to talk about some networking   because the first video that evoke and i  did was really about setting up the backbone   of our infrastructure and in that case we're  using a server and we're running proxmox on it   now proxmox is terrific for several reasons i've  looked at some other open source virtualization   servers and there's some really great stuff out  there so there is xcpng with zen orchestra on   top of it that's awesome it's a really amazing  system but it doesn't support lx containers out   of the box now you could do that on a vm that you  set up inside of there but now you're setting up   a vm to set up virtual machines on top of and  it just kind of continues so in order to get   the best performance we're really going to use  the proxmox layer with lxc on top of it or we're   going to use the proxmox layer with a vm on top of  it but today building on that momentum of having   proxmox as our backbone for our infrastructure our  server our starting place of where we're going to   build our business and really take this as i'm not  trying to jump out and build a 700 person company   day one i'm starting off and it's me and maybe  me and two other people you know a small group   of people trying to accomplish something and  we expect that the company will grow over time   and we can grow our infrastructure with it we just  need to plan ahead it is so vital that we plan   ahead for what we want to do in the long run so  today i'm going to cover two things i'm going to   cover installing pf sense and just getting it up  and running at the basic level because we will add   vpns and we will add vlans and we'll add all kinds  of things to it as we go along in the series and   as those things become necessary again planning  ahead is really important so we know that we want   to do those things but first step is just get  it installed and get it to where you can use it   now i'm going to cover both pf sense and open  synths today because i know you guys are kind of   split on which one is better i have used both for  my purposes as a home user who just wants a little   bit of extra control they have both been terrific  tools they are both incredible tools there's just   not enough difference for me to be able to say  one is better than the other the only thing i   can say for sure is that open sense definitely  gets updates much more often much more frequently   and that's because that's how their model kind of  works they give you updates much more frequently   now pfsense will give you security updates if you  need them but as far as like new features and new   rollouts that's a very timed thing and they do it  on a very um i guess gradual pace it is definitely   not the same the same fast pace that open sense  does so with open sense you get a lot more   updates but that also leaves room for breakage  so you got to be a little bit careful about that   again planning ahead making sure you've got good  backups in case something goes wrong and then you   can pull that system back up to the way it was  right before you did the the upgrade things like   that are really important okay all that said we're  going to jump into the install right after this   all right first thing you want to do is actually  get a copy of pf sensor open sense now for our   purposes we're going to start with the open source  version that's fine they have other options where   you can definitely pay you can go and buy an  appliance from pfsense if you want to from netgate   really great software really great hardware  working together that makes it really an amazing   product so definitely get over there and check out  their products as well we're gonna move over here   to the download link we're just gonna click it's  going to bring you to this page and it's going to   take the latest stable version in the community  edition so down here is 260 you're just going to   hit on select right here for the architecture  you need to pick whether it's a netgate adi   or amd 64-bit now this is expecting amd 64-bit  there is not an arm version for pf sense   next thing you want to do is get the type of  installer you want so if you're if you're going to   install this like i am on proxmox you're probably  going to want to get the dvd iso installer   if you're going to put it on usb stick and then  use that to boot up some hardware and i'll show   you a couple of different things that we could  use it on you get this one so just kind of know   what you're going to be putting it on ahead  of time and then click on the one you want   and then pick a place that's close to  you and click on the download button   that's going to start downloading the image  that you need and then just let it finish   now we're going to jump over to opensense it's  the same exact process same thing we're going   to go up here to the download in the upper menu  we're going to click we're just going to move   down here and you're going to again pick your  architecture they've got it defaulted to amd64   that's really the only architecture type they're  giving me now vga is a little bit confusing but   if you're going to do this off of like a usb  memory stick i think the vga is the one you want   if you're gonna do this off of a dvd where it's  an iso you're gonna pick dvd if you're gonna try   to do it through a serial port you'd do that so  you have a few different options here but so just   remember vga if you're gonna do a usb memory stick  or dvd if you're gonna do this on proxmox like we   are today pick your mirror location so again pick  a place that's close to you so this one kind of   picked one that's not too close to me so i'd go  here and pick something like leaseweb east coast   and then again click download and it's going to  start downloading that iso file that you need   now i've already got these  downloaded and set up but   once you get them downloaded you can go into  proxmox and we'll go into proxmox right here   and if you've set up proxmox the way that  we did last week what you're going to find   is that if you expand your your node you should  have a volume that says local if you didn't set   up a special folder to store your iso images or  your ct images your container images then you're   going to have this kind of local drive and you're  going to click over here and you'll see isos   now mine's empty right now but that's because i've  set up a special folder it doesn't really matter   how you do it as long as you have room to hold  the isos that you're going to be building from   that's the only thing so if you start seeing like  i've got 30 iso's in here and i'm running out of   drive space go and get rid of some of the isos  that you don't actually need anymore if you've   done the install you're not going to install it  again you're just going to use backups of the   one you did just get rid of those isos that  are that'll free up room it's not a big deal   but for us i'm going to go to my iso's collection  here here you can see i've got all my iso images   so some things that we're going to be working on  later some things that we're going to be working   on today but right here you can see i've got pf  sense and then right up here i've got open sense   so we're just going to do these installs today  so if you don't have them there yet if you're   on this local and you go to your iso images  and there's nothing there you just do upload   and then go select that file from your local  machine and then upload it it's really simple   it's going to upload right to here you'll see  it when it finishes and do the same thing with   your uh opensense iso as well just make sure  they're both uploaded right to where you need   them here on the isos area and then when you're  ready you're going to go back up to your node   now you can do this several ways you  can right click here and say create vm   you're going to want that first option that says  create vm or you can go over here and click this   button at the top that says create vm just click  on that button it's going to come up and start   asking you for some information now so i'm going  to start at 130. i haven't used 130 in the past   i'm going to call this pf sense really simple  i don't have to do anything else on this screen   i'm just going to click next the second screen  wants to know where do i get this iso from so it   automatically picks ct images because the first  thing in the list i'm just going to switch that   to my isos file i'm going to drop this down and  i'm just going to go down and find pf sense in   the list and i'm going to click it we're going  to leave it as linux and just leave it on the 5   4 kernel and click on next now once you get to  the graphics screen we're just going to leave   this alone we don't need to change anything  here so we can just click on next now it wants   to know where do you want to put this thing so  hopefully you've got your storage already set up   if you watched our first episode about installing  proxmox you'll have heard the part where i said   make sure you have your storage in place before  you install proxmox it just makes it easier   because proxmox just finds that storage that's  in place when you're doing the install so i'm   going to go and pick a different location because  ct images where i store my container images isos   is where i can store my isos so as i go down the  list here i can see different places where i have   storage and i know that some of the storage is ssd  and some of the storage is regular spinning drive   so i want to use something that's an ssd and in  this case i've named them so it's easy to find   so i've got one called vms and i've got one called  vm clones now i don't really use vm clones for   the clones right now but i will in the future  so right now i'm just going to start with vms   and then you can see here that it allocates a  little bit of space i'm going to set this to 40.   i don't think there's anything else that we need  to do here so just click next now here they want   to know how many cores and how many sockets do  you want to use so my my server has two sockets   so two different cpus and then it has 12 cores  per cpu which is really 24 threads so it sees that   it's 24 cores per cpu i don't need all of that  for psense to run so i'm just going to give it   four cores now kind of you can run this on two  cores with two gigs of ram i think you don't have   to have four cores just do what makes sense for  the hardware that you have i'm gonna give it four   cores because i've got enough space to do that now  all this stuff if you don't see this it's because   i have the advanced checkbox checked if you if you  uncheck it this is what it looks like so this may   be what you're seeing but if you just check the  advanced checkbox you'd see all this stuff down   below there's nothing that we need to change on  the screen from the advanced checkbox so just   set your course and click next now also know how  we want to allocate memory so remember i said it   could use 2 gigs you could just leave it at  2 gigs i'm going to do 40 96 that's 4 gigs   and then i'm going to click on next the next thing  it wants to know is our network setup now this is   the reason we're installing pf sense so you need  to understand what you have for network hardware   on the server if you're going to run this on  proxmox so i'm going to uncheck this because i   actually have so this is the back of my server and  if you look right here it says 10 gigabit these   two ports are 10 gigabit ports now this is my my  bridge my my actual internet coming in right now   but then you can see these are one gigabit  so i've got two 10 gigabit ports and two one   gigabit ports on the back of this server that  i can choose from to actually set up proxmox   so what are actually set up pf sense so what i'm  going to do is set up these two ports for psense   and i'll use the same two ports for the open sense  install just so you can see what we're going to do   to set those up and you just need to figure out  which one is which now when we set up the wan and   the lan i'll show you in the interface you can  just switch the ports if you get them set wrong   you can just switch the wires literally because  these are so close but if you're setting this   up on other hardware it may make a difference on  how you set it up the other hardware that i have   that i'm going to run this on is actually an  hp um thing that i bought online it was pretty   cheap and it's it comes with a four port one  gigabit each each one of these is one gigabit   and then i've got this one up here that's built  in that's a one gigabit so i've got this card   plus this one so i've got five ports here so i can  use one for the wan and one for the land or i can   have multiple lands i can set up separate vlans  off these different ports if i want to so there's   a lot of options you can do with this little  kind of mini sized hp box so i've got actually   two pieces of hardware and it depends on what  you're running as to how you'll do it but just   know what you have for your network hardware and  how you want to run that and that'll really help   you out in the long run all right so we're going  to say no network on the proxmox install for now   we're going to click on next so we're just going  to double check that everything here looks good   and if it does you're just going to click on  finish and it's going to go ahead and allocate   that space and kind of create that starting  virtual machine for us and if you look we   have 130 right here that's psense now before we  start it we're going to click on it we're going   to click over here on the hardware section and  we're going to kind of check out the hardware   section you'll notice we don't have any network  stuff here that's because we didn't create any   so we're going to do is we're going to click on  add and now my network card in this in this server   is a pci e pci express card so i'm going to go  down here to pci i'm going to click on it now i'm   going to expand this drop down and this is going  to show me all of my pci devices let me let me   make this a little bit bigger for you guys on the  on the mobile devices if i scroll down i'm going   to see here's one that says ethernet controller  10 gigabit ethernet controller 10 gigabit and   then it's going to have a blank space and then  i have my two one gigabit ethernet controllers   so these are the ones that i want to allocate so  i'm going to click on this first one in the list   and then i'm just going to let it kind of be  there and i'm going to click on all functions   and we're just going to click on add so i've now  added that 10 gigabit ethernet card i'm going to   go add the second one because i want to have  at least two for pf sense i want one to be wan   that's the internet coming in and i want  one to be the land which is going out to   my local area network so i'm going to go back  to pci and i'm going to drop this down i'm just   going to go find that second one gigabit  a card right here that one gigabit slot   i'm going to click on it and again i'm going to  click on all functions and then i'm going to click   on add so now i've got these two pci cards set  up right here that's what we're wanting now from   here we can start the virtual machine and actually  get it running um so i'm going to do that and then   i'll go and we'll do open synths and we'll do the  exact same process honestly if you're following   along and you're already got open sense there  you're going to go through the exact same process   that we just went through for psense except  you're gonna pick the open sense iso at step two okay so to set up opensense as a virtual  machine inside of your proxmox box we're   going to do the same exact process that we  did for pfsense we're just going to either   right click here and say create vm or we  can go over here and click on the button   for create vm it's kind of up to you how you  do that but if we click and we do create vm   we're going through the same process we're going  to give this a number that's not already been used and then we're going to give it a name that we  can identify it with so open sense should work   fine we're going to hit next we're going to tell  it where the image is for open sense so you pick   your images file and we're going to go down  here to open sense right there we're going to   click next here we're just going to leave the  default graphics card nothing there to change   and then here we're going to tell it where we  wanted to create this vm so we'll do it on vms   we're going to give it 40 gigabytes we're going to  hit next here we're going to do again four cores   i have i have the head space for four cores you  can do what you need to for whatever you're going   to want to install and then on the ram again i'm  going to do 4096 i think you only need like 512   to run these things but two gigs should be  plenty i'm gonna do four gigs just in case   but network so you can check no network  for now and then hit next double check   your settings and then you're gonna click  on finish so just like before i'm going in   and setting up my network and i've picked the 10  gigabit network device this time so i don't have   a conflict with the pf sense box that i just  created but make sure you go in again and if   you're going to do this pick the network cards  uh nics that you want and then set those up the other thing i didn't show you on open sense  or on pfsense but that you want to do is you want   to go to options you want to go here where it  says start at boot and you want to double click   where it says no check the box click ok and  you'll see it turns to yes because you do want   this to start it boot whenever you boot up your  server if you have to reboot it for some reason   because you won't have any any  local area network when you do that   unless you have redundancy with another  server that's handling that job for you   until this one comes back up so you definitely  want this to start up whenever the server starts now that we've got our virtual machine set up  we can just right click on the virtual machine   and click on start you can you'll want to have  the console highlighted here in the second panel   or you can click on start over here we're going  to click on start now this is going to start up   our virtual machine and it should connect us  to the console and we'll see the proxmox logo   i'll go ahead and make this full screen and  this is going to start logging us in now here   you get some options but it's going to just  auto start into the boot multi-user which is   what we really want so option one there if you  don't do anything it's just gonna start there   so just let that run this is gonna do a bit of  a startup process so it may take a minute be   patient but this should bring us to a wizard that  will run us through the installation of pfsense   again this is going to be a very similar process  for when we do open sense so we'll get to that one   here in a minute once you get to this screen  you want to check out the terms of service   of course if you're going to accept that just  go ahead and hit enter for accept next we do   want to install psense if you have some other  reason later to rerun this installer or this iso   you can launch a shell so that if you're trying  to do some kind of recovery a rescue shell you   could do a record you know recover a config.xml so  basically if anything happens that's where those   backups come into play again we're doing this in  a virtualized way so we can have a full backup and   just bring that back up if we need to but for now  we're going to choose install psense and hit ok   if you need to change your keyboard layout or your  language for any reason this is where you're going   to do that so just arrow down until you find the  one that you want so we'd come down let's just   say we're going to do kha'zik we would highlight  kazak and then hit select in my case i'm going to   go right back to the top i just need to go with  the default key map so i'm just going to do that   and then if you tab you'll see it goes to cancel  if you tab again it goes back to select we're just   going to hit select now this part is really  something for you to make a decision on and   for you to understand how your system is set  up i'm going to go with ufs bios which is the   guided disk setup you could do guided route on  zfs if you understand zfs really well and you   want to use zfs for that you could also go with  guided disk setup using uefi boot it's kind of   up to you how you're going to set this up but  it also depends on how you have your vm set up   for me i'm just going to do bios and  i'm just going to go ahead and hit ok   so it's going to basically unpack the stuff that  it needs it's going to go over and grab some   some information that it needs so it's going  to go through this kind of install process here   just give it a few minutes to let that run so  once that's completed it's going to say the   installation is now finished and it says before  exiting the installer would you like to open a   shell in the new system to make any final manual  modifications right now we're just going to say   no if you do want to do that you can just tab to  go to yes and hit enter and it would bring you to   the shell so you can make changes we're going  to do no and then it's going to ask us to go   ahead and reboot the system and once we reboot  the system we should come up into our regular   install pf sense but one thing we might want to  do is actually shut down the system versus reboot   so you still have an option to get to the shell  if you want to um so we're going to reboot and i'm   going to escape out of this full screen and you'll  see that it's going to shut down here very quickly   there we go we want to go to our hardware  list so you'll see that we have two drives   we have our hard disk which is where we just  installed pfsense and then we have our iso dvd   so we just want to go ahead and click  on that iso dvd we're going to click on   remove and then just say yes so we remove  the dvd now we can start psense again and again you get this similar selection  menu again it starts on its own it'll   always go into multi-user unless you tell it  to do something different whenever it starts   up like that but let it run to the startup  and again i'll bring this up full screen   all right so you can see that my lan has gotten my wan does not have a cable connected  

so your lan always is going to land on this 1.1  if everything is set up correctly you can change   this whenever you're ready now the first thing  you want to do is make sure you have the correct   output ports set for your wan and your lan so i've  got igb0 and igb1 set for my wan and for my lan so i can go to my actual hardware and plug in a  cable and see if that comes up on my wan with an   ip address all right i've plugged in my cable  i'm going to try to get this view to refresh   i don't see anything for igb0 yet   let's go to one so we can see here we've got  the we've got the bridge and then we've got igb0   uh we don't want to set up vlans right now so  that's what it's asking about we will want to set   up vlans eventually but for now we're going to say  no so i'm going to leave our wan on igb 0 for now and our lan on igb1 and then i'm going to hit enter i'm  going to say yes i'm just going to   see if it pulls an ip address for  this thing after it reconfigures it so it did not pull an ip address so we have kind  of two options i can go physically switch the wire   and see if that makes a difference to see if it's  in a different port or i can switch which cable   or which port is set up as the lan  and the lan here in the interface   it's kind of up to you how you do that but you'd  go through the same process you would hit one   you would hit no for vlan right  now and then we would put igb1   as our wan and igb0 as our lan and then hit  enter again and then say yes i want to proceed   so this is just switching it through the software  we'll see if that gets it i've got four ports i   could be using just the wrong port completely  but i think i'm on one of the right ones   there we go so yes i switched it and i just  had my ports backwards so yeah i've got my   wand set now so this is my home ip address uh  range so i know that i'm on the right port and   now this is handing out 1.1 the way my home's  set up i don't have the ability to connect my   modem directly to the back of my box here in the  office my server but i can see that i am pulling   the address which is good that's what i want and  this is the address that we're signing out now i   can go to the web interface and configure my ip  address for my lan if i want to but i can also   do it here so i want to go through that for you  guys as well and this is the same process for   open sense just so you know so we're going to  do two we're going to set interface ip address   and we're going to set our lan  so we're going to enter 2 again   and now we're going to enter the new ipv4  address so if i wanted to go with uh i can press enter and also know  the subnet masks uh enters as bit   counts so as in the cider notation  so we're gonna do 24 because we want   these three this is the subnet mask that we're  looking for now if you want to do something   a little bit bigger on your network you can  absolutely do a 16 you get into a little bit   more complex networking whenever you do this  but for now if we just say again it's it's   me two other people and some services we're gonna  run this should give us plenty of space and plenty   of headroom to grow a little before we have to  switch out our networking at some later point so   i'm going to say 24 for now then it says for when  enter the new lan ipv4 upstream gateway address   for a lan press enter for none so basically  we're setting the lan this is really going to   be our upstream gateway so we don't need to set  an upstream gateway address that's why it says   if this is if this is for your lan just print it  press enter now if you're going to do ipv6 you are   welcome to set this up i am not an ipv6 expert  i do understand a little bit about how ipv6 is   intended to work so right now i'm just going to  leave this alone i'm just going to press enter   and then do we want to enable dhcp server on the  lan yes we do um a lot of times you want to have   static addresses for a lot of things but you want  to leave a little bit of room for some dhcp just   because it makes things simpler sometimes  especially when you're first starting out   so we're going to say yes and it's going to  ask us what do we want for the start address   in the client address range so  we're going to do

and then we're going to do that'll give us 50 addresses  or i think 50 yeah 51 addresses   basically for dhcp and this is basically from  our start to our end range and then we have   all the rest of that for static addresses if we  want to set those up and it says do you want to   revert to http as the web no we want to use https  for sure so don't always hit no on this question it's going to reset some things and it looks like  everything took so we're just going to hit enter   and you can see now instead of we've got   as long as you fall in a private ip range for  your lan you're fine so just just realize that   you need to to make sure you have this set up  correctly but this is pulling an address from my   from my local network which means my wan is  working correctly it's it's doing what i expect   if it was connected to my um modem it would  pull an address from my isp that's what i want okay i plugged in a cable to my system and i got  an ip address so i am now on my wired  

connection and then i went to the  address and basically had to go through the   prompt of a of a non-certified certificate so when  you get to that you do have to go through that   and then you'll log in with admin as the username  and pf sends all lowercase as the password   and when you come here it's going to tell  you hey your psense password is it needs to   be changed because the admin password is not  secure so go ahead and click here it's going   to bring you to the page where you're going to  change the password and right here you can put   in a more strong password and we should be set and  it says let's see if you decide to purchase a net   gate so they give you a little bit of information  here but down here you can see that we've got our   wan and it's in an upstate and we can check out  our dashboard later but there we go we've got   psense basically up and running that's great now  we just need to get our open sense system set up all right we've set up our open sense the same way  as we had our pfsense setup so i'm just going to   click on start and again we'll just go full screen  here and you'll notice it's very much similar menu   it's just going to say open sense instead of pf  sense and again it's going to kick into number one   automatically unless you stop it and tell it to  do something different so just let it run it's   going to go out and try to find all the things  that it needs as far as cables connections things   like that just just like on psense it's going to  run through some startup stuff and then we'll get   into the actual installation wizard so the  difference between pf sense and open sense   is that it kind of runs through a setup that you  can run it off of the iso um so if you look here   it's already got uh it's it picked these things as  the lan and it picked the wan because   it was able to detect a signal and already set it  so it's actually got them set correctly igb0 igb1   but we want to install this we don't want to be  running it off of a live iso all the time we don't   have it installed so we can make changes and those  changes are kept and so on so whenever you do an   open sense installation you need to set it to you  basically need to log in as the installer user   and so there's a special login for that that  basically tells it when you log in as that user to   start the installation so if you look here it says  you can log in as root to continue in live mode so   that's what we're in now or you can log in as  installer to start the installation so that's   what we want to do so we want to do installer and  then the password i believe is just o p n s e n   s e yes so you're just going to use  installer as the username and then   o-p-n-s-e-n-s-e open sense as the password it's  opn not o-p-e-n so detected my keyboard is us   this is the same exact thing as we had on pf sense  so if your if your keyboard is detected correctly   hit enter if not move down and then make sure  that you get the right one and then hit enter again the installation is kind of up to  you you do ufs zfs extended local config   it just kind of depends or load configuration file  it kind of depends i'm just going to do the ufs   gpt uefi hybrid is fine it's not something where i  really have to have anything zfs wise so i'm just   going to hit enter and now this is going to ask  you which drive is your hard drive that you want   to install on so if you're using like a 32 gig usb  stick to put this on a different piece of physical   hardware then i would suggest try to find a usb  stick that's a different size from your internal   hard drive so you can easily tell so in this  case it shows one gig which is our dvd rom and   it tells you it's dvd rom sometimes it doesn't  tell you sometimes it says hard disk hard disk   if you're using a usb drive so just just know  that if it if it's not easy for you to tell try   to use the size of the drive over here to help  so in my case i made it a 40 gig drive so that's   that's what i want to use for my installation  media so i'm going to select that one and hit ok   it says continue with a recommended swap partition  size of 8 gigs yeah that's fine and then it says   last chance are you sure you want to destroy  the current contents so this is going to destroy   whatever drive you're about to put it on so make  sure and then use the left arrow to move over to   yes or tab and then hit enter and it's basically  going to go through the same thing as you saw with   pf sends where it's going to extract some stuff  it's going to do some installations and then   it'll come up and it'll be ready so it says set  up your open system is nearly complete and they   have the root password change here so instead  of going to the web gui you would do it here so   we're just going to say change root password we're  going to go ahead and say uh yeah let's do that   and we'll type in whatever we want for our root  password so make a nice long strong password   and then you're going to retype it  make sure it's the same both times   and once you're done you can arrow down to  complete the install and that'll exit and   reboot and then press enter and it should reboot  the system now again once it does the reboot   you want to stop it here real quick  if it's a if it's a virtual machine   otherwise just pull your physical media real  quick in between the reboot once it powers   down you just want to go to your hardware  tab find that cd iso and just do remove   confirm it and then you can go right back to  your console and start it back up so it's going   to boot from the hard disk that's what we want  again you can just let it go into the multi-user   that's what we want so again a little difference  from pf sense pss just loads right up to the menu   on the attached monitor you're not really  expected to run it with a attached monitor   expected to run it headless but a little extra  security here is nice so you do have to log in   so if you ever start typing you don't see it  typing in the window or if this thing minimizes   again you need to click on the window just to get  it active and then you can enter your password and now we've got basically the same options  that we had in pf sense so we can do our   interface assignments but you can see that  our interface assignments are already good   but if we need to change our assignments  we can do it the same way we did by using   number one and going in and telling  it which interfaces should be what   um the interface ip address stuff again we  can we can change that so let's do that let's   do number two and then we're going to do the  interface which is the lan that's number one   and it says configure ipv4 address lan interface  via dhcp no we want to make it a static address and we want to give this one so the last one we  did was 10.100.0 so i'm going to do and then again we're going to give it the 24. we  want this this top one if you if you really know   what you're doing you want to set a little bit  bigger thing you could do a 16 but for now we're   going to do 24 because again we're considering  ourselves starting out as a small business so   again if if this was going to be something where  we're setting up the win we would enter the lan   ipv4 upstream but we don't need to do that we're  just going to go ahead and hit enter here because   it's the lan and configure ipv6 again um via wan  tracking you can say yes or no we could say yes and do you want to enable dhcp  dhcp server on the lan yes we do   and then we're going to set up our range  again so we're going to do

and remember you want to use the same ip range  that you set up here now if you're doing this   you shouldn't be doing both don't do psense  and open sense for now you should be picking   one i'm just showing you that it's almost the  same process no matter which one you choose   and then we're going to do which gives us 50 or 51 dhcp addresses   and do we want to change that to http uh  from https no we want to leave it https   and we don't need a new certificate that's  fine they're self-signed no matter what you do   and then restore the web gui access  defaults no we'll just keep it the way it is   it's going to reset up our interfaces and we  should be back at this menu so if you want   to reset your root password you can do that from  here you can reset this thing to factory defaults   if you mess something up you can always come here  and use number four to reset the factory defaults   and just try to start your configuration again so  you've got room to make errors without having to   just completely reinstall the system again five  powers off the system six will reboot the system   so so for some reason you can't reach the web ui  and you need to reboot the system to see if that   fixes it six okay um you can ping a host with  seven you can get to the shell with eight which   is a little bit different than what we're doing  here this is a an interactive prompt set up here   if you want to get to the main shell you can use  number eight and get to the show and use commands   if you want to do pf top from nine you can if  you want to do the firewall log you can from 10   and and so on so you've got all these options  of things that you can do here in the cli if   you need to so if you ever need to connect a  monitor and a keyboard to your system you can   it's not really something you should have to  do but in in this case we're running a proxmox   that the nice thing is we've got this ability  to kind of get to this setup without having to   really mess with doing all of the other things  that go along with really trying to get get to   a head on a headless system so we can just come  into this console and really kind of get to it so we should be able to open up  the browser and go to and we're going to get this warning again  about the certificate so just whatever browser   you use use the method to get through this  and then accept it and here instead of   psense you use admin as the login here you  use root and the password that you created and the interface just looks a little bit  different so you'll see that the starting   in the initial configuration you know welcome  to open sense and again they want to run us   through a wizard that's fine we didn't  go through the one on psense because we   wouldn't change the user password and added  a new user they have a few things they want   to ask you but pfsense has the wizard as  well so don't don't think that it doesn't   so setting up your domain setting up the host name  you know everything like that you can do those   things it's important to kind of do those things  so thinking of what your business is going to be   and what you're going to call yourself could help  you come up with what you want your domain to be   um so if you want to call this opensense  you can if you want to call it firewall   you can that's fine i'm here on the domain we  might want to call this let's just call this tech tech consult dot loc you shouldn't use local this  is a windows type domain you could use like home   if you want to things like that that aren't normal  outside domains are probably better than using you   don't want to use net unless you actually own this  domain so you know you could use something like   loc i think is fine english is my language if  it's not your language or you're not your primary   language you can change the language here your  primary dns server in my case is just going to be   some servers on my regular lan so i  can do that 214 and for you you would want to use whatever you're  you're going to have but in my case i've got   some pi holes set up that that would be  the great dns setting here i'm override   dns so allow dns servers to be overridden  by dhcp ppp or wan no i don't want that   now if you don't mind your your wide area network  telling you what the dhcp server should be   you can leave that check just fine it's kind  of up to you how you set that up if you have   unbound dns you can set that up as well so we're  just going to hit next so this is talking about   your time servers really nothing here for me to  change except for my time zone so i want to go to   america and i'm in america chicago  so that's what i'm looking for   should be close past it right there and then we'll  do next make sure you set your time zone correctly   finally ipv4 configuration type dhcp we've  already kind of set this up there's really   nothing for us to change in this case so we can  just kind of move through this and just hit next and then here's our lan ip address we already  set that we can just go to next so we did a   lot of this stuff in the command line so that  makes it a little bit easier to run through this   again root password we've  already changed we're good and now we're just going to reload it so it's  going to reload everything in the background   all of our configurations and our setup wizard  reload is in progress so now we can click on our   dashboard and we're going to see a very similar  dashboard as to what we get with psense so i'm   going to zoom this back out a little bit you guys  will be able to see what's going on here so you   get a lot of a lot of very similar information  and again you can see your lan and your wan and   and you can reconfigure this dashboard i've gone  over this in other videos this is not something   that's really pertinent to what we need to do  today but right now as this sits with the setup   that we've done we've got a firewall that we can  use to connect to our modem and get our incoming   information from our isp and connect out to our  network and we can start actually adding devices   and we can start adding things like that that  we want to have on our network and we can start   actually doing some stuff with our applications  that we want to set up to support our business so   we've really gone a long way here even though  it may not seem like that you're actually set   already now there's other things that we're going  to want to do with our networking at some point   we're going to want to set up a vpn for sure we  want to set up a vpn if not a couple of vpns we   want to set up vlans and set up kind of different  i guess the best thing to say would be different   zones in our vlans that do different tasks  and kind of keep our stuff separated a bit   so we'll we'll go through that and then we're  going to want to set up some things like   monitoring to make sure our network's healthy make  sure we're keeping an eye on what's going on here   and then you're going to want to set up  access points and wireless access points   at some point because you're going to have  people coming in who have wireless devices   that you want to use and today we don't  have a wireless access point set up because   we're using this through proxmox and proxmox  myproxmox at least does not have a wireless radio   so we'll go through those things we'll build this  out we'll build our network as we're building out   our business and we'll continue with this i hope  this was useful for you guys i hope you enjoyed it   if you did like subscribe tell your friends about  it so they can come along on the journey with us   guys i hope you enjoyed that video thank you for  tuning in we really appreciate it from both of   our channels next week we'll be looking at some  more topics that build on what we've already done   and slowly but surely we're getting to a  point where we can have a base infrastructure   that can really be easy to scale out and that's  the idea and hopefully we can stay on that path so   that we can show you guys how you can grow from  something small to something big really easily   without having to redo all the work you've  already done if you like what we're doing   please don't forget to like and subscribe on both  of our channels we would really appreciate it   every little thing you guys do really helps our  channels out and makes a world of difference   so thank you very much for taking the  time to do that we really appreciate it   and we can't wait to see you in the next  ibra corp and awesome open source video you

2022-09-06 20:05

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