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so you gotta show them baby you gotta show them the real you you gotta give them what you got no don't let them see what you're not cause you are strong you are wise you are worth beyond a thousand reasons why and you can't be perfect baby cause nobody [Music] [Music] is [Music] and you know nobody knows how you feel cause everybody you don't always have to be strong all by [Music] and you will find people [Music] [Music] you are a work of art [Music] and you can be perfect baby [Music] you me [Music] is [Laughter] a huge inspiration to my boss ladies right to get up and know that you can you can do it and guess what you don't have to it doesn't have to be perfect it doesn't have to be perfect you just gotta do you girl it doesn't have to be perfect nobody's without something so go ahead and do you at every point in time and it's okay to ask for help ask for help ask for coaching ask for mentoring ask for learning just go all right so good afternoon i'm glad to welcome everyone to session this afternoon so if you have been on my page you would see that i have been holding um short short sessions i started last week with um how to you know be intentional about your life how you're living and it was also when i had a guest who spoke about that and it was so powerful if you missed it please just crawl down to my page and you will find it and i had a second one that says how to recharge as a move specifically to mums who are overwhelmed with doing this being away being a mother and still having your own goals your own dreams that you want to go for and it can be really really really overwhelming let's just let's just be frank let's just be truthful but another truth is you can still do it you can still do it so i've been bringing my boss ladies from the goals activation in a second these are my my tribe man and they've been talking to us on this topic and today i have another amazing founding member of ghost activation in a circle [Laughter] and today she's going to be talking to us on how to build a brand for your business i spelt this wrongly so please the scrolling banner there it's building a brand for your business okay building a brand for your business that is what we will be talking about today and so we're getting started feel free to put in a comment ask questions as we're going tell us your thoughts as well as we are talking along let's it's it's it's an interactive session okay and also if you're live say hi in the comment section so that i can holla because i can't really see who when it was live but i can see that we have some people live so just put it high in the comment section and i will holla at you all right so welcome good to have you here um hey j rose glad to have you here thank you so much oh thank you are going to do this with me you know just educating my audience on how it is important to build a brand for your business okay so let's get started introduce us to you girl who is edgy okay i'm glad to be here i'm eight year old i'm a wife a mother of three children and i'm also a business owner and i'm glad to be here thank you yeah yeah you are saying something i'm also yeah i'm also passionate about helping small businesses and um prospective entrepreneurs to grow their business yeah awesome awesome awesome i love that i love that so adria tell us um today um so tell us about your passion business and how you started what's driving you why are you really passionate about seeing small businesses build the business the right way i know a lot of people are going to get to watch this video so i want you to talk to everyone like in different categories some who have not even started who are thinking like i want to start so where were you before you decided to start and then those who have started what are you know not um having it all going well so how are you managing it how can we drive as small businesses especially now that the pandemic has you know hit the economy is so bad yeah so how can because it's it's really really frustrating right especially with moving 19 chaos so everyone now is especially if you are in a service business or if you are you know in a kind of product that is not an everyday need you know so how do you see trife in business i missed of all of this so tell us um so i said speaking to the people who are still considering should i go into business should i not how do i even start and the people who have started or they are not really pulling what then they in research due to the way economy has turned out to be so yeah okay so owing to the fact that i have a background in economics and business management business is not something yeah so business is not something new to me something i'm familiar with although i i didn't really grow up not seeing the idea that i will actually go into business myself but somehow life happened so i found myself in business and i didn't just want to be a business that would just be every other business you are not growing you are not um having that right drive to wake up every day and go for it as it should be so i decided to school myself for that too and i also learned opening my own business yeah and i also learned opening my business that there are certain tips that you will require for your business to take your business as a brand out there so basically we'll be looking there are many aspects of branding you have the business name the logo and stuff like that but we'll be looking at business as branding for your business from the perspective of the economic journal that sees business as a process of yeah that sees business as a pro as a process of creating distinctive and a long-lasting perception of your products in the minds of your customer so basically yeah so basically that is what we are really going to dig deep into so if you are someone who is considering business at some point in the nearest future if you just started your business and you don't really know what and what it involves what it takes you are still struggling trying to thrive so i'm glad that you are on this page today if you are in that category yeah like one of our experts mentioned he said if you stay long enough in the eyes of people you will make a space soon enough in their hearts so in building a brand for your business persistence is key you have to be persistent yeah so in building a brand you have to be persistent you have to wake up every morning and be there you have to show up yes you have to fall so today i'm going to be sharing with you tips on how you can build a brand for your business i don't know do you want to say something before i go on yeah okay so yeah i love i love i love there's one point he said that i think needs to ring deep into all the people that will be watching this video and it's the point where you said giving value to your audience your clients or your customers like lifting leaving a lasting mark he said something about that and living so it's not a long-lasting perception a long-lasting perception thank you so it's not just about i have a product i need your money give me your money take my product it's not that so in creating your product or in getting the products that you want to sell to people or your services or whatever business that you want to go into the first mindset is what long-lasting value am i giving to people what long lasting value even if i'm selling clothes how do i want my clients my customers to feel when they put on the clothes that i made what joy do i want them to carry what face do i want him to carry i don't just want to just be like the usual teller who doesn't do every other person yeah you leaving for your customers or your clients i will even make them come back and bring others along ah needed to be stressed a bit from more people let it sink in business is not just about i have a product give me your money no no no no no no let's do business another way like value giving value to people thank you so much youtube so share with us the tips on how we can use to build because even me i am still trying learning how to build my brand you know um as a coach as a counselor yes i'm still learning why are you laughing while [Laughter] so how do we what are the tips that you have for us to build our businesses right okay so basically i'll be sharing three tips on how to build your a brand for your business and you have okay first of all you have to discover what your niche is your niche is that segment of the market that accommodates your products so whether it's a product whether it's a product based business whether it's a service based business you have to discover your niche and when you have discovered your niche you have to validate your why why you need to fit into your niche why are you there why should that needs create room for you validate your niche by highlighting the problem your product or your services is there to solve what problem are you solving in that um segments of the market so after you have validated your need your why you master your needs see what other people are doing around that niche master get to know more about it yeah learn from be open to learn learn what other people are doing and what you can do what you are not doing how you can improve so you master your niche so that you can fully fit into that segment of the market and when you have mastered you have gotten all the knowledge if you don't lift a finger to apply that knowledge it will be as good as nothing so get out of your comfort zone get out of your comfort zone and begin to launch your product or your service so now specifically i'm talking to people who are prospective entrepreneurs that are still thinking of what yes so you have to after you have validated your why you master your niche then you can launch out get out of your comfort zone launch out see how you can carry that product in a way that carries your name that highlights your name you have to be consistent know your pattern how you carry out your message that is different from every other person that is in that niche so that brings us to our tip number two you have to know your unique selling points so know your next selling points sorry before before we talk about the unique selling point let's do a little bit on that niche again because some people are hearing what is he talking about what is he talking about you know so how can i who wants for instance i want to start a clothing business okay i want to sell clothes how can i now niche down you know or find my specific niche maybe you can use that to explain okay so like if you want to start selling clues you automatically automatically fall under the fashion industry yeah you fall under the fashion industry that's your niche so you begin to focus or study what people in the fashion industry are doing how they they they do um how how they sell their product to the public how they introduce that line to the public and make it in a way that's yes you you begin to hear of this brand and that brand of clothing line yeah yeah so once you have discovered then to validate why do you need to be there every other person selling clothes so why should you be gay there's a part of you that wants to give but you really love seeing people look good so that alone validates why you should be dead you really love it you are passionate when you sit down not properly dressed you'll be like no there's something i can do to help this person yeah so you validate why you are so when you yeah so i i hope it's clear do i still need to break it down yes yes that's basically it and also some people just think that you know like you said your niche now is in fashion a fashion industry and also some people also think that fashion industry is just about clothing right but there are other ways yeah there are other aspects and just have creative ideas of mind-blowing clothes and you just want to draw it another person interpret it or you can be a style someone who just have fun matching clothes for people you know yeah what to wear with these or this with this yeah i know people who get some good books just doing that for celebrities for yeah you can create catalogs and do a lot of stuff exactly exactly so also know the specific area of the industry and dig into also i think we have covered that on the niche thank you so much so let's move on to point number two you said unique selling point i love i love the sound of that right i just love to hate italian points what specifically stands you had yourself out and you're different from everyone so talk to us how can we create our own unique selling point it is basically it is important but how can we do it i beg me i need it safe okay so um your unique selling point basically is what puts you in a better position compared to your competitors so people who are in the same line with you whether it's a product or a service based business what differentiates you how can you stand out and do things better than they are already doing and that's where creativity comes in you really need to be creative you need to be creative to id to really bring out here this is how i am different from other people you can let your customers know oh these are the benefits you get when you have my products these are the benefits the skin care products whatever it is like i run i i run um a baby shop aj's baby ammo so you really need to be creative okay like i put up a post sometime and i and i said i don't want pregnant women to go under the sun and having to walk on that distance so those are the benefits you get when you just call me you give me your list and we deliver to you you don't need to come out of your comfort zone so you have to find out what benefits your business how to your customers then you have to sorry i remember the first time you told me about your business and you told me what what this this part when you told me that you just hated seeing pregnant women having to go to the market kai i wish i was pregnant at that point [Music] i i never in a thousand years would have ever thought about that that that is actually a pain point for pregnant women a pain point even deciding knowing the essential things to buy and the second pain point is being able to get it at the right place quality being able to you know also make it affordable exactly at an affordable rate and then the another the pinpoint of going round from one shot trying to get a good back in and trying to exhaust me this is so true so in your business and everybody everybody that is listening to us in your business what is the pain point of your potential customers or clients whether you a service-based business or a product-based business what are what what are your pain points you know to sit down and put yourself in the shoes of your potential thank you for that point that will be your unique selling point and then strategically provide a solution to that that's what you did with that business okay you inspire me girl okay so doing doing that stating what the benefit of your business is puts you out there and sets you apart from your customers then you also have to identify who what who those that your business benefits so that helps you identify who your audience is not everybody is your customer yeah so you have to identify those that actually are to benefit from that product from that business that you have then you also have to highlight aspects of your business that competitors cannot imitate so like example like your packaging how do you package your maternity stuff when a customer has finished buying and stuff like that even gary i've seen somebody packet gary put sugar here program not here selling hundred naira it's packaging it sets him apart from other so you have to highlight aspects that you know that any of that competitor cannot just imitate this so i gave examples of packaging to explain that for them yeah so you also have to highlight uh okay you want people to come and buy your product or you want people to benefit from your service what is it what is the need for them so you have to drop that point what we need for them yeah so sometimes you can even do free delivery okay you can give some setting benefits for those that you want to patronize your business you can do free delivery you can say okay within 24 hours no matter where you are you will get your product so you have al also have to highlight this benefit so that they know oh this thing is not that she's just she just wants to make money she really has me at my at her heart she really wants me yeah she really wants me so you have to leverage on that aspect of what is it's what's what's the needs for your customers what's the need for them your business shouldn't be self slightly self-centered driven it should also help your customer know that yeah you are also yeah my primary aim is not just that i i did not because i just want to make money for you and my primary aim why i'm here so you have to highlight those benefits to the customer then even as you have competitors out there in the same industry or in your niche don't lose focus don't lose focus why do i say this is because sometimes especially when you're starting small you begin to look at big businesses that have already arrived you say hey i'm intimidated cut out somebody [Laughter] cannot solve that thing package see packaging of this product i buy so i can cope in this particular please so don't lose focus i i read a post recently someone said uh if you feel pressured by your competitors block them every eve every person has a different level of grease even though i feel that's rather harsh you don't really need to block your containers all you need to do change your mindset and learn from them what you did yes yes look them in your mind let's not get down to your heart but look at what they are doing yes it actually makes sense how can i do this how can i improve on this so you should look at your competitors more from an inspiration kind of view rather than being intimidated rather than just feeling intimidated and say hi i'm i'm not doing this again kind of i i i don't know when i'll reach this level so it's better i stop now no don't lose focus don't lose focus leverage on what your strengths are in your business leverage on your strengths oh even though this person is doing this i can't do this in a way that this this my products or this my service will get out there and people still feel satisfied just keep going on stay focused stay focused leverage on your strengths that you have and use whatever competition you have out there to inspire you to become better to become greater i love that i love that also leverage on your strength for instance some of us can dance for africa you can dance [Applause] [Laughter] yeah get that smile out there out there let people see let people identify other people say that wow i love this person what i've noticed you know running a business online what i've noticed especially is that people buy into you not really the business yeah so i love this point of leverage on your strength bring god don't hide don't hire don't do the kind of business that you're just supposed to buy buy buy money for ten thousand never say or what's up straight up let us feel you who are you then people like you said the quote that you also said about when you when they see you enough you have a space in their mind so let them see you apart from your products let them see you let them know you let them love you and yeah and become familiar with them exactly and i love you when you amplify your strength so don't hide it if it's so sing sync with your product if it's so done if it's to smile smile with your products do things that you love to do and bring that into your business make your business fun going are those things that we do boring businesses going yeah hi fernando we see you delivery [Music] the last one now is by all means go digital so now we're in we're in a digital age so you need to get your products don't just be comfortable with doing the things you have been doing in 1917 and just ahead honestly you have to go with the time everything has changed every that people are year online more people are more comfortable yeah and and and going online so can be tricky because people should have been scammed online so you really need to show yourself in your business so that people know the authenticity of you they get very mean familiar with your face with your voice with what you do they get so comfortable that they are able to just come around and [Music] get stuff for me yeah so so you have to have a voice in the online market it's very important for your brand to have a voice in the online market and because these things don't just mean hey i'm also talking to myself because i became yes consistency is the digital currency now of online marketing so you need to be consistent people be so familiar with you that they are comfortable with is like the one they're in your house they already know you this is who this person is yeah that's comfortable you create that connection that trust between you and your customer as you take your business online yeah then um another thing especially for prospective businesses business entrepreneurs or small businesses don't be scared to start small starting small is not bad but it becomes bad when you don't grow when you don't grow you you can start small and hey don't feel intimidated this person is already dead my mom is just small just shining your little small that you are online you know i i know online can be vain it can be vain people want to see flamboyant stuff they want to see flashlights spotlights and stuff like that but don't have a sketch no yeah don't be scared to start small shine in your own small then grow from there is is not excusable when you refuse to grow in in the online space because that is what creates that connection you people see you consistently and it creates that connection they literally you wear last year you become better this year and you build upon it next year and like that so that is how you grow gradually give yourself room to grow get the trainings you need online online can be very tricky like me i'm i'm not so much of a social media person let me confess but business has taught me to be yeah business has taught me to yeah come out of my comfort zone and yeah so i've come out of my comfort zone and i'm learning new stuff i open yourself up to to to train to trainings that are going on there are a lot of things you need to take to your time and learn don't feel overwhelmed start at your own space but grow that's just that's just it so um maybe i'll just write down the the tips again the three tips for those that are just joining in so that they get the whole shift so basically oh okay so basically we're looking at branding from the perspective of giving your business a long-lasting perception in the mind of your customer so we said in order to do that you have to discover your niche find your own industry if it is the clothing line you are into yes you fall under the fashion industry so um find that niche build your knowledge about that niche and get out of your comfort zone so that you can launch that business that you are passionate about remember we said you must validate your why why are you gay why should you be gay okay then also your unique selling points what differentiates you from other competitors out there what differentiates easy you can easily see your packaging what benefit does a customer come and say oh this product actually benefits me so discover what your unique selling point is how beneficial is your business to your customers then lastly we looked about going digital so take your business online and we said consistency is the the currency for marketing online for digital marketing so be consistent as you go online start small and grow from there don't give yourself an excuse not to grow train yourself become better that's what you do so basically that is what we looked at in building a brand for your business thank you so much so let's um i see oh sister blessing thank you for joining in yes go digital everything has changed now awesome mary hi good to see you here she said don't get that small yeah i love that point so much just don't be scared to start small but the other part of it is don't stay small starts yeah and learning and growing and building a brand for your business so thank you for the tips so so so great too i personally love the excellent point part like what is really taking you out from the crowd you have to find that what is your the pain point your cost potential customers or potential clients that you want to address so what are what are those things and how are you positioning yourself to be different from your competitors because yeah that there's so many that there's so many people out there doing the same thing to do but but but don't let that scare you away rather look at how do i stand out of the crowd how do i defend it she said one thing that will really stand you out is to leverage on your strength what is your strength what is your strength put bring that into your business and shine so thank you adrian now talk to us about the ghost activation in a second yeah and we have a lot we are actually launching the cohort too that's the second thing of the ghost activation in a circle so registering new people to come in but tell us what has really changed for you since you joined us january to fed too much and would you like to tell other people what to expect and how and why they should come to the ghost activation in a circle okay so uh the goal activation in our cycle has has been a very wonderful journey i say johnny because we start we did it straight january to march we only took a break in april he it was a very wonderful journey and i learned a lot i learned how to like get out of my comfort zone i learned how to get out of my my comfort zone initially when i kept saying mm's post about it now sometime last year before we kicked off in january i wasn't so interested but there's i don't know there was a particular um you know mm is relentless so she keeps hitting it in different angles she will say why you should join because like this like that and she gives you reason she breaks it down so i i noticed that growing up personally i have not really opened up myself to so much mentoring so i i just got comfortable being myself and just not wanting to get out there but i saw this opportunity genuinely as coach m's way of carrying you seeing through you and carrying you on a mentorship journey and that exactly has been it for me it has helped me get out of my comfort zone even business her coach coach mm drives me in my business she really drilled me say why why as then you have to validate that way even though she's not going to leave you as if she's so relentless she's an amazing coach and i i really loved our first three months and i'm looking forward to another three months journey i have learned a lot books i have read that i may not have read at all this month this year rather i have learned how to save even the month of april that that that we're no longer saving i just built it as a habit gradually to build something small no matter how little and um uh we get um to okay and we we also get to interact with each other we have like um a goal activator a partner that you are accountable to and i remember like um when i brought out my business flyer i shared it with my goal attribute so then in january and she was now like ah these colors are dull you know it's good to have somebody that can reason outside you yeah that's the privilege i wouldn't have had if i wasn't in goal activation enough maybe it would have just been like immediate family but sometimes you just need someone else's opinion outside the normal circle that you knew so that was so beneficial in fact today we still just we still talk from time to time so goal activation is a wonderful journey that you won't want to miss you won't trust me you won't want to miss it it is detailed and it it really brings a lot out of you especially coaching men's clarity call in fact when she's about to call me my husband have i really done this for this month how far have i gone she hasn't seen through the other way i've seen through you i'm bringing out your strength she doesn't condemn you she encourages you she brings out what you don't say yourself you say why don't you do this because don't you believe that yes there's something you can do about this thing that you are just looking at so she's just an inspiration so guys you've heard it from her you know god gave me this vision ghost activation in a circle in june 2020 you know while i was on my social media break and what one thing that is that's you know that god wants to use the ghost activation in a circle it's just like tapping his daughters wake up like you know how the father is talking a child say wake up wake up wake up there's so many we have so much in us we have so many potentials so many talents so many gifts that are just lying dead or lying low because we have so encroached ourselves into what life drains out from us that are not really living full we are not living fulfilled uh i read um today i've been reading this book by um mrs pastor o menesc nothing happens in the grave that's the title of the book where we all live this earth we are going to if you don't do all the things that the father has put it in you as a invested in you right yeah you just take all of those things in the green so you agree i mean to the creek and nothing happens there nothing when you go to a cemetery all you see is you know potential and whenever we books that were never written that and the welshman role of said that books that were whenever written in the graveyard the graveyard is one of the most chess place because we have too many women that didn't come out so i'm like i can't be alive and have women out there who are just taking life you don't just wake up and this is like what do i do go to work but you're not fulfilled you're not living full because why there is something more outside that you are supposed to do that god is putting in your heart to do and of course activation in a circle is a platform to really give women that opportunity that safe place the training the coaching the pushing the encouragement the accountability partners and everything you need to help you get started on your dreams on your desires on your goals so that you by the time you are living this earth you are living empty you have empty self out all the things that has given to you to the nations and to everyone who god has called you to so that's it and it runs it's actually recycled thing the first one is the church of women woman which is for three points as well and then you from the church the woman you move up to the god get a woman from the gods get a woman you move up to the activated one and that's it and it's just teaching you how to smash balls in the different areas of your life and holding your hands to actually smashing those goals so our next um kohutu is actually starting off first of may to july 2021 so the best time to get in is here is right now and it's just discounted rate for a limited period of time this discount is actually ending on friday after friday you won't be able to get in for 15 000 and fifteen thousand actually covers for the whole three months for may june and july isn't that amusing well after you get higher so guys you want to join us um i'll put the link in this video once it's posted and you can click it read more about it or send me a message to ask me questions and we can have you here so interior tell us about your business and how if we want to get maternity clothes baby things how do we reach you what is your instagram handle i will also put that in the comment section of this video okay so i sell newborn essentials hospital lists your delivery list for hospital then we have baby clothes and shoes at the store um we're hoping to launch a maternity clothing line soon so you can get this our location is yeah our location is just but we deliver nationwide so you can get us on instagram you can get us on instagram at ej's underscore baby and more we also have the facebook page ej's at ages baby and more then you can also reach me my phone number is zero seven zero three hundred eight nine three one two so we can get chatted on whatsapp button on the instagram page you will see a direct link to my whatsapp chats so thank you for having me i will get your instagram link and all of those things so that i will put it in the comments section of this video especially for the people who will be watching um the replay hi sarah i see you thank you so much everyone for joining in thank you so much boss lady ngo for joining me thank have a great and lovely week bye

2021-04-22 03:47

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