BTC Trading Breakthrough Revealed (BIGGEST Bitcoin Profit Strategy)

BTC Trading Breakthrough Revealed (BIGGEST Bitcoin Profit Strategy)

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these people that were counter trading they disappeared after a day yeah after they didn't last long it didn't last yeah they lasted one day and then they just excuse my french i'm sorry but it lasted one day disappeared and the one time or two times on my live streams i'm just as soon as i'm in the red on a trade then they all start coming out and talking so don't try to counter trade market cipher or me you know it's it's not gonna work bidswap is the hottest new way to trade tokens following all the top decentralized exchanges bitswap gives you the very best price and value for your trades bitswap is changing the game try it now at welcome to billboardcrypto the largest crypto channel in all the interwebs my name is ben everyday on this channel i show you how to make money in cryptocurrency if you like money and crypto make sure to hit that subscribe button and also guys details down below on how you can win an entire bitcoin if you're a subscriber to the channel today guys we are bringing on crypto face to talk about market cipher the best indicator in the world now if you want to get access to market cipher for a 5 discount you can find that on deals in this video cryptoface and i are going to talk about counter trading market cipher exit positions and a lot more you're definitely going to want to check out from the man the myth the legend crypto face all right guys let's get into the interview all right guys here he is crypto face the creator of market cipher always glad to have you on let's start here there's a lot of stuff that's been going on over the past few weeks and last month in crypto and there's a lot of talk about people trying to counter trade market cipher is that productive for them is margaret cipher is it immune to people trying to counter trade it oh man uh first off thanks for having me on dude it's uh always good to see you and and come on your channel and had a great time in vegas man oh by the way yeah that's fun yeah dude that meetup was cool and uh i can't wait for the next one i gotta have one of my own parties uh i gotta have one of my own parties but it's a big thing and dude you handled the crowd like there was a huge line and um i met a lot of fun new people so that was awesome it was fun um boy as far as uh the uh uh drama for the for the past a few weeks man um as far as like counter trading most of that stuff is is myths like um market cipher isn't a buy sell indicator and um you really can't counter trade it or else you'll just get wrecked um if you know how to read it like properly um counter trading like me personally i mean that that could technically be done um like if i make a bad position you know um but most of that stuff's just myth and um just smaller smaller channels that maybe are trying to get some some clout some clouds love that cloud don't they yeah man i don't know i i always uh you know master thyself master the enemy like i i never i've i've always been a real supportive person of like anyone in the space and um to be honest my feelings were kind of hurt a little bit when when when i found out about these different groups that were um trying to counter trade me or market cypher because um some of them like i actually used to watch a little bit and and support yeah so um i don't have times for for [ __ ] drama pencil neck and nerd like we're all grown outside if you try to counter trade me you're gonna get wrecked in the long run you might get lucky on one or two trades but um that's just god's truth the more people that use market cypher the stronger it would become now i think that's a that's a really important point because the the idea that so many people you know so many people are using market cyber now so you know the big money's going to counter trade it that makes no sense yeah it's completely counterproductive to them they'd be better off going with it and so like any real players um that that that that doesn't happen what does happen is um like uh stop-loss hunting and liquidation hunting from market makers that stuff is true no no matter who you are right and um that that's why like with my positions if i'm 10x leverage i've really got to be really got to be confident in my position because there that's that will be targeted by market makers in many situations um and especially right now i mean i really don't try to go over over 5x leverage with my positions on bitcoin um i don't even trade i i mean i had like one ethereum maybe two ethereum trades in the past two months because that's hypey enough so um all that stuff is bull i don't have time for the drama and uh there's so many people i mean there's literally thousands and thousands of people that are just kicking butt with mark and cipher to try to counter trade that which is completely foolish so and shame on anyone who shame on you if if you're someone who's trying to like tear another uh and tear somebody else down it's just don't worry like no one's gonna steal your views man like worry about your own damn self and your family and your community don't don't don't worry about me max ain't gonna catch me man yeah and i i think that you know the thing that really is unfortunate about it is like look let's be honest you and me we got money we've made it and we if we take big losses when people counter trade us it doesn't hurt us it's hurting the community it's hurting like regular people out there that are listening to whether it's what we're saying or what market cyber is doing they're getting caught in the mix of this whole thing and that's really the unfortunate thing about you know people that might try to try to counter trade that they're actually trying to hurt you they're trying to hurt the audience and that's what pisses me off about it so if they were successful yeah so if they were actually successful in counter trading that you are you are so right it wouldn't affect me it would affect the the you know the normal people out there i'm not trying i'm trying to say this like the most humble way like i'm not above anyone you know i'll never change money never changed me like i'm the same guy i've always been i've always felt like i was supposed to be where i'm at and help others but uh yeah like the thought of doing that and and trying to counter trade someone else you're basically saying hey i'm trying to go over a bunch of people and hurt a bunch of people and uh shame on that's a pretty crappy way to live you have some deep insecurity maybe got picked on high school or something yeah but you got to change that i'm a forgiving man you know what i'm saying my my arms are open to anyone and so um yeah don't dump it i don't i would take that by the way these these people that were counter trading they disappeared after a day yeah after they did last long it didn't last long yeah they lasted one day and they just excuse my french i'm sorry but it lasted one day disappeared and the one time or two times on my live streams when i'm just as soon as i'm in the red on a trade then they all start coming out and talking so don't try to counter trade market cipher or me you know it's it's not going to work well we're smart i i baited them into something on one of my streams so you know we're we're going to get ours you know you don't got to worry about that um but okay so these are on my side the the market cypher showing the money to china you you know the attorneys are with me so you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna lose uh so listen let's get into market cyber because one thing that like me specifically i've even been struggling with lately has been exit points and i think when we've been looking at like such big numbers for where bitcoin's going to go you just want to get that like one really good really low bottom entry and ride that all the way to the top but it never really seems to work out that way and we start getting in that mindset you start losing you watch trades go from in the green to in the red so i want you to kind of give us a little insight on the best way to take profits with market cyber good uh so i'm so glad you you uh you asked this and uh your problem uh and lies with actually what you said yourself you said try to get that one yeah um in all of my entries my exits my stops my profit takings they are i chop them up into multiple when i enter a trade rarely do i enter it all in one shot when i take profit very rarely do i take it all in one shot i split it up whether my trades for a hundred dollars a thousand dollars or 10 million i split it it's normally like freeze fours and fives so if i have a ten thousand dollar trade i'm looking and i'm looking to enter i'll enter 2500 here 2500 here and that allows you to a let's say you're in a good trade indeed profit if you exit your whole trade and chances are it's you're not going to get the very top or the very bottom yeah 99.9999 chance you're not going to nail it to the set or to the 99 to the 10 yeah so you you have to if you chop it up you're going to see okay damn i did get out the top good thing i did let me exit more and then you're gonna see oh okay dang it's going up more right so so good thing i i only took a little bit so this goes back to to foundation bro and this isn't this isn't just i do not enter exit trades all in one got to split it up into three fours fives have to yeah well and i think that that is a big problem for me because i don't do that at all um and i mean we've been winning we've been winning a lot this year and and but there's still and i think this is really important lesson for any trader is that you know you're always going to find weak points in your trading and with the better and quicker that you can identify those uh you know the better you can turn those around you think about professional poker players right like they're always studying every single hand they play looking for that leak that one thing that's causing them to lose and i can tell you for me when i exit a position i exit 100 i don't ever take like a little bit of profit here a little bit of profit there i just wait for the big swing and then pull it out and i think that right there specifically is something that's really uh been hurting me so do you want to kind of like maybe uh pull up a chart with margaret cipher and kind of go over maybe the mindset on on you know when you enter a position what targets are you kind of looking for and what are you looking for on marcus hybrid to take profit uh can you see my screen yes again okay cool so this looks like the four hour on the bitcoin chart let's go ahead and maximize this um so okay so here we have a nice money flow that dipped into the red nice curvature right here right beautiful uh momentum waves coming to the upside beautiful two nice fat green dots which i know you love on the beginning of the three four five six hour time trip so do i right so here's a prime example of like a great entry and where we'd probably looking at where i'd be looking to to take profits and enter so um as far as entries go like okay we see our two green dots so it's time to start looking right doesn't mean i just enter on it um but time to start looking our money flow came in curvature it started to curve so boom i'd probably start looking i would start looking to enter my first long entry i see these trigger waves come to the upside it's just a beautiful beautiful beautiful setup i would go ham ham on this one now uh what i do is i draw with market cipher i i estimate so like this green wave right here you just kind of assume like okay it's probably gonna look like that right so by assuming and drawing the way it's gonna look we can kind of plan out what we're gonna do so you know if i entered here when i when it gets in the green i see that this dotted line the green dotted line well what was that at last time in the great okay right here so that still had room to go so when it's in you know even you measure like how thick how thick was is is this green wave in relation to the spot we like it when she's thick measuring so we're measuring like everything measuring everything and splitting it up just you know when it gets to if if if the greed gets to this level i'm gonna take some profit so here okay got that level right here i don't want to take profit there so honestly like it's really not complicated and you just just if you split up your entries your exits into threes fours even fives you're you're gonna naturally get better results that's how it was for me yeah i think that's that's a good point um and i think when you're looking at the the money flow i think that's usually a pretty good indicator of uh you know when you should be trying to you know estimate taking profits and things like that uh so you know something else i've been uh meaning to ask you about here is and i know i've talked with you about it before i can't exactly remember what is the reason that markets either uses the uh hiking of sheet candles as opposed to regular candles so high kanashii candles um were created by the same ancestral bloodline japanese that made normal candles um and they use haikanashi i use both i use both but the reason i like haikanashi and like the reason i attribute it to being kind of uh the first breakthrough i had in trading is because it is much easier on the eyes and it's much easier to identify patterns with it so if i go to normal candles it's red green red red green it's it's gives me anxiety right give me person i can't give me anxiety but when i go to hikinishi ah when it goes up it's green when it comes down it's red so you can kind of just get an idea of okay green red green red green red green okay maybe it's gonna go red now it's gonna go so it's just it takes the average um of the previous candle each candle starts at the average at the middle of the previous candle so uh the truth is is i use both but when i started using hikinishit candles it really helped my mental state it helped pattern recognition and um the guys that that made both use it more than normal candles and uh i was actually watching a uh a newscast i don't remember which one but some some big time trader was was charting gold and uh he was using the high can actually cycle so i'm using hiking i was like let's go so um you know you can make up your own mind but yeah i i and everyone should add it to the repertoire so just easier on on the mind easier for pound definition you know you you be the judge you tell me what i mean what looks better this looks like i'm having a heart attack this looks like there's a little more uh stability yeah it definitely looks more aesthetically pleasing and gives you a better quick snap judgment of what's going on with the market at that time uh i guess the question is with market cipher i think we're supposed to use a hikanoshi with the regular candles it pretty much works the exact same way like there would be there's no real difference in terms because sometimes the signals fire differently yeah so normally with normal candles um you'll get a signal first like if we're uh if there's a green dot that's appearing it'll appear i'm like a big green dot or or a little one or a red dot normally uh like i said i use both there's not a right in a wrong way okay um but i i if i had to choose between two if i could only use one i would go with hike in a sheet um it's just a it's just a average and so it's a little more stern in its foundation but i use both you can use both it's not going to be a huge difference okay um and i actually didn't know that i actually didn't know that i thought we had to use the hike and not yet didn't know you could really use it with the regular candles it worked the same thing every day i mean you just see for yourself but yeah you use both use you use both for me hiking sheet cameras the the first like big breakthrough for me trading personally that's why market cipher was was designed around it but for example like with programming bots you don't want to use hike in a sheet it will murder you it will murder you if you try to program bots using a sheet candles it just it go it drives everything haywire it doesn't work it doesn't work okay well there's something else i want to ask you about um when it comes to uh setting alerts uh with market cipher um when you try to set an alert with market cipher basically you end up with the four options this would be if you wanted to get an email if the green dot shows up or a yellow x shows up but when you set the alert you've got four different options like once per candle once or you know uh only once once per bar whatever it is what what is the correct strategy to be using with that okay so um it depends on the the type of alert and also it depends on how much you want your phone to ring right um so it depends on the situation the time frame it's uh it's it's up to you so like if you want a strong signal so you know typically we want for example like these green dots we we want those to confirm in order to you know make a play off them for them i mean it can change it can change drastically within one candle i mean that it's called reprinting right where you get a signal you get a green dot and then all of a sudden the market just bottoms and then you know it disappears so i want to be in that situation truth is myself i don't use alerts um i i really don't use alerts but a lot of people do so we have the feature there and it is a great feature um but uh it depends on the situation i think a lot of people trip themselves they'll be like what does it mean when it when it alerts candle clothes you just just when the candle closes and it's there it's gonna alert you so yeah i just i think a lot of people when you're new you're kind of just flopping and groping flopping and groping sometimes you just gotta take a deep breath in and it's it's it's simpler than you think it is it's not rocket science yeah now you know to me there's really two different ways to uh you know trade uh i mean there's a lot of ways to trade but in this specific kind of area what i'm talking about uh you uh you subscribe more to uh big positions in lower leverage as opposed to lower positions and higher leverage like what do you what do you think should a person should be thinking about when they're making the decision on which one to use and when i say higher leverage i don't mean 100x i mean i mean you know 25 or somewhere around yeah yeah so that's what i've been doing and and i'm gonna try the other way uh for this next little 100k to a million dollar challenge okay first off i gotta give you a little spanking okay oh god um i know that you know you've had a couple positions liquidate and uh i want to talk about that can i talk can we talk about the liquidation let's say you you enter a trade and your liquidation points like third if bitcoin hits 50 000 you are liquidated right so what you want to do is set a stop loss at 50 000 in one dollar or higher than that the reason being is is when you borrow from uh bybet for example for leverage they have to protect themselves if there's a flash dump or a flash pump for example if i have a 10x leveraged trade in theory the my position can go backwards 10 percent and that would use up all of my money that i'm using to borrow that yeah right um so the problem is is okay buybit's lending me that 10x right that 10x money so if i'm using a thousand bucks i'm doing 10x i have 10 000. so five it's lending me nine grand well what happens if there's a flash dump and vibe it cannot liquidate my position fast enough so what they do to protect themselves and the company is they give a is there's a 20 buffer of if it's the fan so if i'm 10x really i have instead of 10 to screw up i have 8 or seven percent so that two three percent buffer is the flash dump protection to protect private in the in the company so by setting a stop loss one dollar over your liquidation it's saving you that 20 of that flash dump protection insurance that bibit has does that make sense yeah i actually i did institute that after we talked about it uh maybe a couple weeks ago and uh yeah i did when i said i got liquidated a couple times i i did take that into consideration i did set that stop loss a little so technically uh wasn't liquidated you do save a little bit get to get to keep some money 20 is a lot dude it's a lot you know when people went for one dollar yeah when people start kamikaze trading dude yeah that one dollar stop loss will save you 20 of your position so um you know to be honest yeah i could say like yeah there's times we could go 15 25 x but it's you shouldn't no and i don't um i have found that i am much more successful i am much more peaceful when my trades are 5x and that's no matter if i'm in a super scallop or a long-term trade you're begging for trouble man you're just asking for trouble and and you know if there's a time where you're gonna up your leverage you better have some cushion you better already be in a trade that is well in the green and very confident that it's going to go higher uh so so really you should be you know but let's talk about raising the leverage there because you know when you raise your leverage like let's say you're in a position and you're at 10x let's say or let's say you're a 5x and you're well in the profit if you raise the leverage to 10x it's going to pull out half your positions kind of like a way to take profit in a way right well um in a sense that's the way i've kind of looked at it yeah i mean yeah kind of but like not really because your risk goes up a little bit like you if you go from 5x you in your trades going good and you increase the 10x yeah you you'll you'll you'll have double your asset and you can add more it's increasing your risk yeah so yeah you could add more your liquidation is going to be higher if you add your position your average entry is going to come up and uh i just uh that's not something you do even if you're way up in a trade not lately no i no and you know what this year man that this year i i i have made almost eight figures my p l is almost eight figures now we're three and a half months in and that's good i uh i don't i i don't do that anymore and uh i don't think anyone else should either like there's enough money to be made at 5x um seven even 10 is like kamikaze dude like if i'm going 10 i'm not staying in that trade for a long time at all that's like i'm getting out so um and actually after today when i was in today i was live streaming and uh we had two great scalp trades and then we were out of a trade i was like waiting for uh to get another trade on the stream so i'm bored i'm sitting there at my monitor board trying to entertain my audience so this price start bumping and i fall mode you know i followed into all susceptible to it yeah so and you know like if i make a free trade it's not oh market cipher doesn't work after all like my lord man i can have 100 good trades and if i make one veteran market cypher don't work at all you know um and so whatever's just stupid it was a stupid entry um doesn't work i was it was gonna come back up so you know what i did i did i upped the leverage and normally i do not add to negative positions but i got confidence signs very confident signs it was going to go back up so i did i pumped that pumped it to 10x i doubled down it lowered my entry as soon as it was in the green i took the money and i ran my ass away yeah yeah i think that's good and i think it is you know because every mistake that i have made with market cyber it's it's always me it's always me making the mistake yeah not what look marcus cipher isn't perfect i mean because market conditions are not perfect nothing's going to 100 of the time give you the perfect entry in the perfect exit but i can look back at any time i've lost over the last uh you know couple of months it's been a couple times i was getting counter traded while i was live but most of the time it was just because i was making a mistake and i was greedy i mean when i say mistakes it's almost always greed that comes into play where you say oh it's going to keep going up or i'm not going to take the profits yet and then you get wrecked yeah definitely when you're sleeping in the morning that's when it can really bite you the most but that's when my greed is at the highest like and i haven't done that thank god in a long time but uh there was some times bro where you know i'd be in a trade and i'd be waking up in the morning like looking at my phone oh i'm great you know so um you're gonna sleep on a trade make sure you have your stops and make try not to absolutely uh nobody ain't no one counter trading you bro so don't give nobody credit like you're getting counter i don't want to hear that okay on you know what's counting no one and if they're trying to no one's wrecking you bro no one's country unless it's the chinese okay if it's f2 pool it might have been we think it was them a few times that's a different story i mean nobody hates uh hates me more than f2 pools so i don't know that's i'm i'm not afraid to go too far i like f24 man those guys listen it's it's and you know listen you and me i love you bro you're my best friends and so just because we have like different views on things doesn't mean shall i hear these pencil necks talking because whatever but my two cents about f2 pull listen those men are were such brave men and in that country if you get pinched at the wrong time when the government is against you they are not just risking themselves they're risking their bloodline and um if f2 pool wants to dump and sell damn it they can do it okay okay but uh you know whatever so you know you know well crypto face said it's okay f2 pool but i'm still gonna come at you yeah no that's okay dude no sympathy for the chinese i'm sorry yeah you don't sell too much you know they said something sometimes i feel like oh this was only ten percent like sometimes they say they they say things that they think is trying to calm people down but it only it's making it worth yeah so uh bad pr you know yeah yeah bad pr uh which that kind of region of the world sometimes has some problems with yeah but uh listen we're all in this together absolutely sell sell okay it's your crypto they mind it it's theirs so okay deal with it okay deal with it okay okay it's dealt dealt dealt with all right cryptophase well listen it's been a great episode today we definitely want to get you coming on the channel a little bit more uh what i would say is uh guys if you guys have questions about market cipher specific things you guys are struggling with drop those down below in the comments and uh next time i bring him on the show we'll bring up a lot of those questions and we can cover some more stuff in the next uh next time you come on cryptophase we're gonna talk a little more you know time sensitive uh charting hopefully maybe this week or uh next week so as always man thank you for coming on the show you guys can subscribe to his uh channel down below in the description you got anything you want to leave us with today listen um i've been killing it you know what i mean and i've had like two days ago you know i was in a short minus 70k close the trade minus 70k but it was i saw it reversing went in made it back plus 230 made a 300k swing um last week i made you know 1.1

1.3 million dollars in three days yeah um so uh i'm getting it and i i just use market cipher nothing else i don't use anything else i just use the basic strategy so like if you're new to market cipher watch the basic strategy volume one two and three videos absolutely don't go into the five and the fifteen minute flopping and groping start off on the hourly and let them come to you and just take don't don't let your trades go deep in the red band just even if you waited even if you're in a trade for so long and and it was up in the green it started it comes down to the red cut it cut it there's going to be plenty more so stop your losses stop your losses the the the wins will come so thank you thank you so much to to your community man you guys are you know you've you've today we're having a hard time keeping up with you man so uh love you man and i appreciate it and uh yeah we need to get because wait wait so i'm more than happy to come on every week and get out this game all right guys if you if you guys want to see her face coming on the channel uh every week make sure to hit that like button so we guys know uh so we know that you guys want to see uh see what little bit of skin of his that we do get to see all right guys make sure to drop those comments down below that's all i got be [Music] blessed

2021-03-25 13:02

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