Breaks are a Business Imperative

Breaks are a Business Imperative

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Hey. Ladies. It's Heather Petra, care and happy Facebook. Live Friday, today it is the Friday before the. Long, weekend, the statutory holiday in Canada it's Victoria, Day on Monday, we celebrate the birthday of Queen Victoria, and we all get a glorious, day off um today. On, Facebook live Friday lady your, mojo. Um. Ladies. If you are joining me for the first time my, name is Heather Patrick, and I am the soul and sass behind, the private, Facebook group for female, business leaders of style, wit and substance. We. Are here talking all about why it is so important, in our business lives to, take, regular. Luxurious. Abundant. Breaks um, hey, Andrea, I'd love to see you here from Ontario, love, that you're here lady so we're talking about why. It is so important to take regular breaks in our business now, I get, it you know when we are a solo, entrepreneur or, we are building a team or we are pointing the way for a inside. Of a large organization there. Is never, enough time, it seems to. Get, everything done right there's always more, projects, there's always more that we can do to move the needle in, our business I get that. But. When, we are operating in a high level business, is a, constant. A constant outpouring. Of energy, to clients. Prospects, team members. Competitors. We. Are constantly, looking, out into the environment and seeing, you know where can we provide more information more guidance more inspiration, where can we do, more a better and greater in. The world business. Is a constant. Outpouring, of energy, post. A one in the comments if you feel, this yourself, you feel like you're constantly giving, giving giving pointing. The way leading, for others post a one in the comments below and. Actually, as I am, here. I. Want I wanted to let you know I am. We. Are packing, up the kids today. Because. It is the beginning of the long weekend, and it has become a family tradition for us to go with friends escape to the mountains and and three glorious days, surrounded. By mountains, nature, and all things wilderness. So we're, packing up the here you. Name it so that's why. Joining. You today from. My mobile. Office. Aka, the, family, event, and, yes. If you can actually see I don't know if you can it is it's. Raining. Outside but, that's gonna stop oh you know I'm gonna intend, that that is gonna stop really, quickly. So. Getting back to the business imperative, that is taking, a break so business is a constant, outpouring, of energy give me a hells yeah if that, makes sense to you. Business, is a constant, outpouring, of energy, so. When, we're constantly out pouring our energy you know very. Well that, over. Time if you are not balancing, the pouring out of energy of your business with, pouring, in to yourself, what's gonna happen you're, gonna start feeling depleted, drained. Eventually, business that was once very fun and energizing. Becomes, the grind right. Grind. Post. A two in, the comments, if you can, relate, to a, grind. That. Can become. Our business when we are out of balance when we're giving. More than we are open to receiving. You. Know and this the, really dangerous. Zone that we can get to as women, in business is when for too long we are giving, and not, receiving in, an equal amount because. Not only do we start to feel like a business that lights us up is now becoming, a grind and a chore, what's, even more damaging. Is the. Subtle, ways that. We bring that low, vibe energy, into, our business right we. Start to feel like we're operating on empty and was what was once inspired, action. Is now becoming, this you know dreadful. Grind, and, that. Low, energy, becomes, to in fact bleed, poison. All of our interactions, right we, start to bring resentment. Guilt. Kind. Of a needy energy, into our interactions. With prospects. With, clients, with team members heck even our own, family, and, honey. That is not gonna grow your business in fact instead of it instead, of it just, impeding. Your success. That. Negative. Resentful. Needy. Energy, that comes from, pouring. Out too much and not receiving it's. Not just going to impede your progress it in fact can repel, the. Very things you are working so hard to, achieve like, new prospects, attracting, new opportunities. New resources. It repels, those things when. You dip, into that needy, guilty, resentful, energy because you. Are empty. You are not pouring, in to yourself, at the, same measure that you are pouring out into everyone else, so. That is why my, dear it is one of the most, critical. Business lense pouring. Out in, your business - pouring in to, yourself, and. When I talk about pouring, in I want to give you some real tangible examples, of what I mean and this can look different for.

You, Know everybody, but just some ideas of what pouring, in can look like it, is. Things like surrounding. Yourself. We're business leaders that are going for it that get what you're up to, and can cheer you on when energy is low it, is, engaging. In deep, rich. Restorative. Personal, development, whether. That is conferences, whether that is a mentor, whether that is working with a coach. A. Mastermind. Things, like, that that is some of the pouring in that, I am talking, about you. Know I think as women in business, because we are emotionally. Invested, right we're not doing this just for the money right, or the fame fortune. Heck, no we're doing this because we want to create an impact with, the god-given talents that we have been given and. Because. Of that emotional investment, it is really, important for us to balance the pouring out with the pouring in rich, self, care self, nurturing. Is. One of the most critical things we can do to keep our business and our energy, ticking. Along at the, right level. You. Know I want to be vulnerable and say that personal, development is important, as a business, leader but so so. A spiritual, development, I've talked many times on, previous Facebook lives how business, is the. Greatest. Personal, development, course on the planet and it. Requires, us to really become not. Just business, minded, but spiritually. Minded and not you, know crazy, religious. Minded, and punitive and you know operating, in the box but. Spiritually. Minded getting in touch with who we are what kind of impact we want to make and connecting, with people on, not. Just a transactional. You know financial. Level in business but, a real human connection level, and so spiritual. Development is one of I think one of the greatest ways that we can pour into ourselves. And become really. Unshakable. Unstoppable business. Leaders. You. Know for me in. Reading, reading. Listening. To podcasts. Filling my brain with beautiful, information. Is one of the ways that I pour, into myself, you. Know for me I take you, know taking breaks has, become a, very, sacred thing for me my business the more I lean, back and take breaks in my business it, seems magically. The more my business grows and thrives and the more I enjoy it and that. Is why I really want you to get this message today, hey Shekinah, thanks for being here, um ladies. Andrea I know you're here as well, I apologize. I don't know why but, I cannot see your comments, during. The live. So. Please. Keep posting those. Comments, and your perspectives, as I am, sharing this today I think it has something to do with a bit of a shaky, Wi-Fi. Connection, but we're gonna keep rolling cuz it's not about being perfect it's about showing, up consistently. And. Taking, breaks consistently. Hey Shekinah, thank you so much I see your comment awesome. Thank. You for being here and in a way taking, your own mini, break on a Friday so. I wanted to say you, know I want to give you some tangible examples of what taking, a break pouring, into yourself. Can. Look like and what it looks like for me but this is not a prescription, for, any of you right because as a smart, businesswoman you get to make your own choices on, what works for you but, as a bit, of creative spark a creative inspiration I want to share for you share with you what what are some of the things that I do. Regularly. Consistently. Fiercely. To. Make sure that I am balancing the pouring out that, is business with the pouring in so, that I stay high, vibe high energy creative, and really, attract. The. Right kind of opportunity, and clients that I want so. Here's what I do on, a regular basis. Are you interested in knowing kind, of behind, the scenes you know what Heather does I would love to know post a 3 in the comments below if you want to know what. I do just. This is an example of. What. It can take to really operate at a high level and and stave, off the feelings of overwhelmed. Resentment. Thanks shaking a yes please awesome, ok here it goes. Um. For, the last two, years I have been very fierce, thanks Andrea post no three I, have been very fierce, in that Friday afternoons, are sacred, time. For me I do not. Barring. Some personal, emergency, or you know business. Yeah. SOS, I do not schedule anything for Friday afternoons, Friday afternoons, well it's still a work week our sacred times for, me I block it out in my calendar and I, let my entire team know that they it is a time that I am not available, and.

It Is time for me so it usually involves, massage. It, involves, talking with my own mental. Health professional. Yes. I talked to a therapist. And counselor every. Friday so, that I can keep you. Know whatever issues, are on deck for me with balancing, family business, and my own sanity I'm clean, and that the waters. And energy don't get muddy Friday. Afternoons, are sacred me, time for self-care. Both, physically, massage, or aesthetics, and mentally. With my own counselor, and therapist. Weekends, are also sacred, for me it is a no, social. Media zone you, will see if you've been part of my community for some time, I do not post. Inside, of our Facebook, group for female, business leaders on the weekends, because, it is sacred time for me and I want to model to my children, a good level of balance so. You will not typically, see any social, media posts, for me Saturdays, or Sundays if, you do it's, probably because they were scheduled, on, a Monday, through Friday, um, I also hold. A very strict. Standard, that, past five o'clock on a weekday I do, not work I do not do planning, strategizing, you. Know I don't try to play catch up with the work week and I. Know that if I have things that I'm not getting done it's this automatic, signal to me that I need to hire more team or I need to delegate, more and, that's just a natural progression in, business as business. Grows you do need to get more support because you can't, do, it all nor, should you, I. Also, fourth. Thing that I do is that, every 90, days I, make, sure that I have in my calendar and, week, blocked out its, time away with a fake with a family, it might be a romantic, getaway with my husband, it might be a, conference. Or. A, an. Intensive, with my own client, or an opportunity to physically, meet with my own mastermind, partners, every. 90 days I get the heck out of Dodge I pack up my bags and I go somewhere, else to, refuel, re-inspire. Re-energize. And whatever, that looks like one, week off every. 90, days. You. We, post, in the comments right now what. You do to, take breaks in your business, whether it's on a daily. Basis, maybe you take a beautiful lunch and that's a standard that you don't, compromise what. Are some of the things that you do to build in breaks daily, weekly, and quarterly, to. Keep you operating at high level in business. I would love to know let's share some ideas here ladies as. You. Are posting, those, creative. Ideas, of how you take, a break and what you find are sort of hey Kimberly, thanks for being here um I, wanted, to share with you one bonus, point one, of a bonus thing about. Why, taking. Breaks in your business, is a, business, imperative want. To know what okay post a for in the comments if you want to know this bonus point around, taking breaks, there. Is this, magical. But. Fantastical. Unexpected. Gain that. You get in your business when you do take regular breaks daily, weekly quarterly and. Here's, what it is thanks. You know. I. Love. How, high how how, engaged you are and how you are playing full out you are here on a regular basis, I love. It you know thank you for being here Andrea. Says lunch, away from the cute computer, is a must. Oh yes. Lunch. Away. Unplug. Push, your chair back and go fuel, your body with something. Beautiful I love that Andrea as well great. Great great okay so, here's what I wanted to share with you as a bonus before, we wrap up today's Facebook live about taking breaks it is, a. Unexpected. Gain. That, you get when you do take regular breaks okay, oh thanks, Agena love, you too. The unexpected, gain when, you are fierce about taking breaks daily, weekly, quarterly, is this. It. Automagically. Automagically. That's, a new word we're gonna use our. Community, it. Automagically. Has. The effect of having other people in your life start. To really, value. Your time. Because. Here's the thing it's almost like it's. This counterintuitive, thing that when you are fierce about, getting. South care pouring, back into yourself balancing. The pouring out with the pouring in in your business that is a woman, who, values, her time hey party, love it you're here whoo I know you got a beautiful weekend, ahead of you um. But. When a woman is fierce about balancing. What. She's giving with what she is receiving in her business by taking breaks at a regular at. A regular pace, it. Automatically. Means that you value your time and, you, have a high standard for how you want to operate and show up in the world and when.

You Are not, available. 100. Percent seven, days a week a hundred percent of the time you, know 24/7. It. Automatically. Translates, into, other people, in your life knowing. That you're not always going, to be there you're not always gonna be ready. To pick up the phone ready to repost, on social, media or ready. To you know send an email when. You are not always available. It. Automatically. Without. Without. Any argument, without any like forcing, the issue it, automatically. Raises, the value of your time in, the eyes and, ears and energy, of other people, and they. Begin, to treat you treat. Your time as more, precious they, are more concise, and they, are more efficient, in their communications. With you and you, will find that your communications. And conversations with. Clients team, members even family. And friends, becomes. More effective there, is less story there is less drama because they know you. Are a woman who values, your time and if they want a piece of it they, need to meet you by, valuing, it as well great. It's that old saying that if you don't value your time no, one else will and if, you wonder why you. Keep wasting, time, if people keep you, know robbing, your time with long-winded. Stories. Or you know dumping, on you with you know, it. May be a time or it may be a signal that you yourself, aren't valuing, your time and you're giving, up too. Much of it right you're letting, it leak out you're. Letting your attention, and energy and focus be, like bled, all over the place, instead. Of keeping a loving, supportive container, around it, so. That was the bonus point that I wanted to offer you ladies today about why, taking, regular. Abundant. Breaks is a business. Imperative for. Your success, and the, unexpected, gain that happens, when you do take more breaks and you, are less, available. 24/7. It has. An unexpected, gain of. Of. Other. People valuing, your time and becoming much more effective. In. Their conversations, and interactions with, you, as well awesome. Okay. So. As I leave you ladies, I would. Love to challenge you as you are you, know if you are in Canada this is our long weekend, coming up Monday, is a statutory holiday and, I would challenge you this weekend, spend some time reflecting as, you have a break on how. You can. Personally. Triple. 3x. The. Amount of downtime and breaks you are currently getting in your business what. Would it take for you to triple. The. Amount of pouring, in you are receiving, in, your business and in your life what. Would you have to delegate what team members would you need to hire how. More effective, would you have to become how more fierce, would, you need to be in protecting, your time and valuing. Your. Own energy. Rakes, and. Opportunity. To replenish. So. With, that I. Will leave that challenge with you to really think hard this weekend about how you can, triple the breaks, that you are seeing in your business, because I promise. You the. More that you lean back and, the more that you replenish yourself the. More you will receive in, terms of high. Quality people coming into your life the right clients, the right resources, the right opportunities, and, it is a beautiful, thing. So, with, that I hope, you all have a fantastic, long, weekend wherever you may be whatever the weather is like and whoever. You spend it with so, thanks. For being here today ladies, go have a fantastic, weekend yeah love you lots keep posting your comments and I will check back throughout, the day as we, are traveling, to the mountains but. As of 5 o'clock on a Friday it'll. Be a no-no, social.

2018-05-29 17:58

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