Bouncing Targets | Swing Trading (Days to Weeks)

Bouncing Targets | Swing Trading (Days to Weeks)

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hello investors and welcome to our session here today so last week towards the towards the end of last week the market was actually pulling down a little bit and then we got a little bit of a bounce here and then we had a pause and today we're ripping and continuing to move to the upside are there some possible swing trading opportunities here with regards to what's going on today we'll take a look at that right after we run through our disclosure so let's go ahead and pop through those now just a reminder you want to welcome over here to swing trading days tweak by the way john at the last minute he got called out to do some military work wanted me to say hi to everybody and of course he will be back and we fully anticipate that he will be back next time he just got called out on a little bit of a military emergency my name is ken rose it's always great to be here to discuss with you the investing in the stock market this little reminder if you'd like to follow me on twitter my twitter handle is at kroc underscore tda i post things on twitter related to this area as well as other areas of investing it looks like we have barb armstrong over the chat window great to have barb over there i also i'd also encourage you to follow barb over on twitter she posts a lot of great information there i'm sure she'd be more than happy to send her twitter handle over there to you just a reminder investor that our content is intended for educational informational purposes only it's not investment advice or a recommendation of any security strategy or account type we also want to keep in mind that spreads and straddles other multi-leg options strategies can entail substantial transaction costs i don't know that we'll do options here today we may also because they are short-lived instruments weekly option positions do require close monitoring we want to keep that in mind here's a review of our deltas if we do jump into some options we'll review the deltas as we're going along there we will use the paper money software application which is for educational purposes only we want to keep in mind the successful virtual trading during one time period does not guarantee successful investing of funds in a later time period as market conditions do change continuously and also while this while this webcast does discuss technical analysis other approaches including fundamental analysis may assert very different views what do we want to do here today well what i thought would do here is to is to demonstrate how to find swing trade opportunities we'll do that using using some some of the some of the unique capabilities we that we have on the thinkorswim platform then we want to discuss contingent orders when we're talking about swing trading opportunities we're usually talking about stocks that have gone up like this you know in fact in fact it's kind of interesting a little bit earlier today i had a session on multi-leg option strategies we actually opted to look at swing trades in that session as well the reason for that is what the s p 500 has done if you look at the spx and you look at it over the last week or so we had a nice move up here to the upside then we started to move to the downside towards the end of last week and we got a little bit of a bounce here okay then we had a little bit of a pause here yesterday now we're continuing to move up here today so this is typically what a lot of investors are looking at with regards to a swing trade we have a move to the upside which represents the poll this is also sometimes referred to as flag trading that would be the pull the movement to the downside right here that would be the flag and then the bouncy we have right here once we get that little bounce that would be the completion what we're going to do here that's going to be a little bit different from what i discussed earlier this morning is rather than wait for the completion right here we're just going to look for things pulling down here and we'll use contingent orders in an effort to try to catch that bounce as it's occurring now this this move to the downside because we don't know when that move to the downside is going to terminate that move to the downside is sometimes referred to as as as a flag which we mentioned a little bit earlier you can call that a flag another thing that is another way that it's caught that is commonly characterized is sometimes referred to as a falling knife and you know what they frequently say in investing you don't want to catch a falling knife well there are situations from a technician standpoint where there may be some justification in trading based on a falling knife we won't go into those in this session here today but we will look at using contingent orders as a knife is moving down like this using a contingent order in an effort to try to get into the trade just as it's bouncing and moving to the upside now before we do that i do want to highlight one of the things when you know when you have a situation where the s p 500 has gone up pulled back and started to bounce like this you usually have many many stocks you have large numbers large numbers of stocks that are doing the same thing so because of that we can afford to be a little bit picky about what we're going to consider to trade and one of the considerations is this as the as a stock is moving down as the flag is moving down like like this from a statistical standpoint it's usually best as the stock is moving down if we have our volume bars you know usually we'll have some down here at the bottom of our stock chart we'll have these volume bars that represent volume okay we can also pull up a study for today what we'll use is we use a volume oscillator a volume oscillator just giving us an idea which way the momentum of volume is going is momentum moving to the downside with regards to volume there's momentum moving to the upside with regards to volume and with regards to a to swing trading what you want to keep in mind is that the ideal situation from a swing trading perspective you don't absolutely need to have this okay but again from a statistical standpoint there's all according there's always going to be exceptions okay but if you look at it as the stock is moving down a lot of many investors would like to see as the stock is moving down like to see it moving down on decreasing momentum if it's moving down on decreasing momentum then when you get the bounce you'd like to see that reversal from a decreasing momentum to an increase of momentum pushing the stock to the upside if the stock is moving down on an increase in momentum that's just an additional sign of bearishness and a berry sentiment related to that particular stock if it's moving down on decreasing momentum then that's could be more of a situation of potentially profit taking by some investors where they're taking profits but they're not necessarily super super bearish on the stock then when the stock does terminate and start to bounce up then there tends to be a situation where you could pipes perhaps you can get a greater greater push off of the bounce no guarantees there but it does kind of create that type of a situation so we'll be looking then we'll be looking for lots of stocks okay that are giving us this situation here where we have the falling knife where we're moving down like this but then we're going to look at the volume oscillator and on the volume oscillator as it's moving down we want the you know the volume oscillator is going to be down the bottom of the chart and we're going to as this thing is moving and starting to head down it doesn't have to be immediate okay but as we're moving down right here we'd like to see the volume oscillator moving down as well and we'll look at some potential situations there in finding a situation we'll look at do putting in a contingent order okay that contingent order says we're going to put it in order to go ahead and go long on the stock based on the stock bouncing and moving up and trading above the high of the previous candle okay in other words in other words trade trading above the high of today's candle okay now that order we'll go ahead and put it put it in there then we'll kind of discuss you know if it doesn't get filled tomorrow we can go in and we'll discuss a little bit as far as how you how you can make some adjustments here so also demonstrate then as part of our discussion here today how to enter a technically based trade technically based meaning move to the upside falling knife contingent order on think or swim okay so with that let's just jump right over here then and pull up the thinkorswim platform here we have the spx and this is what i was mentioning we have a nice move up here a pull down here started getting a little bit of a bounce here on friday we had a little bit of a pause yesterday now we're continuing to move up so right now we don't have a falling knife we basically have a completed flag pattern but when you have the overall market doing this coming up here there's usually going to be a fair number of stocks that are still in the falling knife mode and haven't quite bounced yet these could be sectors possibly that are currently out of favor that may move into favor okay could be industry groups and the like all right so we want to keep that in mind over here investors if you come over here and take a look right here notice i have a custom column right here that custom column is called falling knives flag okay i just you can just call it falling knives or you can call it knife now what i'll do with regards to the custom calls to look at today we'll look at the following nights we also may have a little bit of time to look at look at the look at a custom flags column you know one of the things that john and i have both in common is we is as we use is we use think scripts commonly so you may already have some scripts from john with regards to flags and with regards to falling knives not encouraged i'd encourage you to continue to use those i'll also i'll also share the share these ones with you as well they're probably very very similar if when you're talking about flags complete you know the the code i think is is likely going to be very similar with regards to falling knives i'm not sure if john if john has it has a falling knife script or not if so again again they're probably they're probably very similar however what i'll do is i'll leave links in the description of the youtube video so once this is archived it should be archived you know within a few hours of our session sometimes it's the next day but go in and look at the archive for the youtube look at description there will be a little place where you can click on show more when you show more will open up and there will be links in there of the custom columns that we discussed here today and just and those those links are basically all you need in order to bring the custom columns over to your own trading platform okay but notice right here unfolding knives this custom column right here i'm falling knives it has a number right here this is the number five notice that it's green okay the green here means that this is a bullish falling knife in other words the stocks moved up and pulled down if we came down here below would have some of these that are going to be red rather than green and that situation means we have a stock that's pulled down and it's moved up okay so but you know when you're talking about falling knives you're usually talking you know this is a little bit more intuitive with regards to stock moving down like this now keep in mind volume i have the spx up here but i have the volume oscillator down here but since we don't have volume on the spx we're not seeing it but let's just pull up experian right here and look at this one and we can see that here's our falling knife right here's our move to the upside and right there there's our move to the downside we don't have a bounce yet but we want to see on our move to the downside right here what's our volume oscillator doing here's our volume oscillator right here okay our volume oscillator is moving up as we're moving up as we're moving down it's not moving up at the same angle but it's still moving up okay so the volume oscillator is complementing this move to the down so in other words it's moving up as we're moving down showing an increase in potential bearishness so we want to find something that as we're moving down the volume oscillator is moving down and we have a decrease in momentum as we're moving down then we're looking for that bounce to occur and then for the volume oscillator to shift and start to head up okay so we kind of got an idea idea of what we're looking for you'll notice over here i've got some of these that are highlighted right here by the way when you have a watch this you can do right click and choose mark mark the stock in the interest of time i came in here before our session identified two or three here where the volume was moving down but before we look at those let's just look at some additional examples here is vtrs and you can see here we're moving down the volume oscillator is moving up moving up moving up moving up kind of go sideways you know this actually you know where we pause here and we're starting to move down there would be some investors that would be okay with that we actually have a a bullish candlestick pattern right here it's called a bullish harami let's zoom in on this just a little bit we'll go from six months out here to three months like so there's our bullish rami a bullish rami for those of you may not be familiar with it first of all we're moving to the downside like this right then we have a candlestick that has a rather large body like this and the next day we have a small candlestick that candlestick can have an upper shadow a lower shadow okay a small candlestick that is completely engulfed by the previous day that's part of a downturn that's a bullish from the expectations for reversal in this particular stock we not only have a bullish bullish raw me but that second candlestick that's also a hammer type candlestick it's not a perfect hamburger it's pretty close that's where you have a long lower shadow not much of an upper shadow that's a hammer that also suggests a change in direction okay and we have the the volume oscillator right here is you can see once we it's the volume is all isolator is pushing it up then once we get up here we sort of move sideways it's still moving up but then as we start to move down the volume oscillator moves sideways in the last couple sessions the volume oscillator has been moving down which is actually what we would like so this does represent a possibility let's come over here and look at a couple more though now we know what we're looking for right we'll come over here look at united airlines volume oscillator that's it's it's it's it's not moving up up at a strong clip okay but it's still moving up a little bit let's get our our stuff off of here and we're up here so here we're moving down here the volume oscillator is moving down and now it's moving up moving up moving up moving up down for actually move down on the up day okay that's also a bullish raw mean we didn't get a completion on it though now we're moving down okay lly nice move to the upside of pull down this one actually is almost giving us a bounce right here in fact i may have traded this a little bit earlier today in my other session because we had a bounce a little bit earlier today but you can see the volume oscillator has been moving down as the price has been slumping down here let's look at w-e-l-l though this one looked a little bit more i i thought this i had this one marked because it's a little bit more definitive it's not necessarily better than the other ones i just think for demonstration purposes it's a little bit easier to see so let's clear that drawing off of there okay see we got so here's our move to the upside there's our flag pole right there okay there's our flagpole here's our flag moving down here notice on the flagpole we're moving up okay and then this is whoops that's atr we want to come down here folks notice down here as the poles developing the volume oscillator is moving up as the flag's developing which starts right here we have decided move to the downside of the volume oscillator right there now does this necessarily like guarantee a successful trade it doesn't okay but there's a fair number of traders who would like volume to be working for them which means they'd like the momentum and volume to be moving up as the stock is moving up then like the momentum and volume would be moving down as the stock is moving down and that's basically what we have right here so how would we put it in order here then and what would we do let's let's look at it from the standpoint of buying the stock and we'll look at a couple things we'll look at a look at a couple of targets on this now whenever you have a a bull flag type of a pattern you basically have two targets you have the resistance level that you pulled down from that's going to be a target moving to the upside because remember that old resistance could also be resistance moving to the upside and then you have a target related to the pattern itself which is equal to the height of the pole extrapolated to the bounce point of the flag so to look at those let's take on our chart right here i'm going to grab a a channel a price a price tool right here what's the name of that tool we can see right here let's just roll over that this is going to be the it's the price level tool by the way i came down here and caught this that's just sort of out of habit keep in mind on your chart you just point anywhere on the chart and hit your hit your little spinning wheel and you can get to it this way as well okay i'm just going to bring a horizontal line across this peak right here that's the peak that we had right there we came up we hit that peak and we pulled down that's at 87 this would be our target one okay now our next target i'm going to grab a trendline right here i'm going to use the trendline tool right here i'm going to start down here at the bottom of our pole i'm going to move up to the top like so okay so that's this is this is the height of our pole and i'm going to i'm going to make that a little bit longer here let's go ahead and leave it where it's at i'll we'll be a little bit more on the conservative side so we have our poll i'm going to duplicate that i'm going to bring it up here to a potential breakout point it's potential because we haven't actually broken out so i put a little bit above this high right here and we're trading above the high right there okay i'm going to find our target 2 then there's that point right there right there that's that's going to be our target too right there okay now if you'd like to investors because when these stocks when they when when they have a run up then they have a pullback then they have another run-up sometimes it's not always the case but sometimes you can look at it as kind of a sprinter when sprinter starts erase it run that sprinter runs and pauses okay that would be representative of our flag then re-engages and starts running again the thought is on that second leg of the run maybe the sprinter doesn't have quite as much energy okay we don't know but you know it's a possibility if you're looking at it from that standpoint you can take this angle right here and you can highlight that let's activate our drawing you can just just pull it out here a little bit just give yourselves a little guess just give that sprint a little bit more time to complete the second leg and once you have this in place you can use this as a as an exit signal right here you can say okay if we enter in tomorrow based on a trade above the high of the low day right here i'm going to actually base based on a trade above the high of the low day we're going to be above this line we could just say you know what as long as we're staying above this line we'll stay in the trade if we come down and close below it then we're okay getting out of the trade there would be there would be no harm in looking at it along those lines okay all right what is our high here so i'm going to roll over today's candle because that's going to be our high it looks like we're getting a nice slower shadow on that looks like we could have a hammer type candlestick right there another nice thing that's going on right here just just try to just want to identify this is see this resistance level right here let's just bring this up because i think this is important let me see if i can change the color on that just to note that this is something different that we're looking at how about a kind of a dark red right there and okay notice over here one two three four five for like six days we're banging up against this level of 183 to try to get above it then we finally broke above it and we had a nice strong day and getting above it well that old resistance level can be a new support level as we're coming down notice we came right down and we hit that old resistance level and it did hold up a support this is when you when you when you see some of the when you see some of the technical expectations come into play on an individual stock then for some traders that will give them additional confidence with regards to using their technicals but looking forward we don't know that they'll hold up in the future if we see that some of those technical considerations have held up in the past it can give the trader potentially a little bit of a higher level of confidence with regards to it occurring in the future but we know what occurs in the future can be totally different of what's occurred in the past but it is but it is it is helpful to note those things okay so with that then i'm going to go ahead and roll over this because i just want to note today's high and today's high is 84 50. when i roll over that's gonna it's going to show right here is the h number notice when i roll over today's channel on the thinkers on the thinkorswim charts i got 8450 as the high so the question then becomes is we want to be we want to trade above the high of that low day or above the high the previous day but by how much do we want to use a quarter like 25 cents do we want to use oh five percent of the price to stock we could use both of those and the reality is as as long as we have some consistency we can build around that but what some traders will do is they'll look at the average range that the stock has tended to trade in from the highest to the low on a day by day basis because that is a that is a measurement of the actual volatility of this particular security so we can take that average true range and we can use a percentage of that as far as how high above that high the previous day we want to be okay so what is our average true range our average true range this is a study right here and so i have both the average true range and i have the volume oscillator right here on my chart okay and by the way to add those on the thinkorswim charts and just come up here to studies click on studies choose edit studies and over here if you just type in atr you'll find that if you type in volume osc you'll find that then you can add them and bring them over here they're fairly easy to add here on the thinkorswim platform let's why don't we take it from the standpoint of the investor wants to be let's use let's use 25 of the average true range above today's high okay now the average true range the last reading on it is two dollars and seven cents so let's grab a calculator here so we're at two dollars and seven cents i'm going to multiply that by .25 so it's 25 percent of the average true range so it's 51.75 the high was 84.50 okay

so i'm going to add to that 84 50 and this will give us our price target right here so we want to be at 85. let's go 85.00 you know i i kind of tend to like to like odd numbers maybe maybe that's just because i'm a little bit odd i want to be higher than 8501 but i don't want to go to 8502 because 2 is an even number so i'm going to go to 8503 all right now i it it seems to me i read somewhere okay that when you're when you when you're looking at stocks you're looking at prices odd numbers do tend to trigger investor sentiment more than even numbers so there is a little bit of methodology to my badness with regards to choosing 8503 rather than 8502 okay all right so with that in mind then we'll have that so we also want to determine where we want to set our stop loss and if this thing doesn't after we enter our trade you know if this trade gets filled and we start moving up here where do we want our stop loss to be well this is our support level right here so our expectations we're not going to drop down below here visually once we're in the trade we can exit any time we close down below this line right here okay but initially when we enter our trade we also want to cover our bases and looks like supports at 83. so

we're going 25 percent above the high of this day why don't we go 25 of an atr below that support level at 83. okay so we're looking at entering in i'm just going to make a note here our entry will be it will be at approximately 8503. we're not guaranteed that okay and our exit is going to be 83 minus 25 of this minus 25 of our atr below that level let's look at that the atr again was 2.07 times that by 0.25 one quarter of an atr there's a this number and i want to find the difference between this and 83 and a minus here 83 which is that theoretical support level so our stop plus in is going to be sitting at 82. i'm going to i'm going to round that up to 82.49 again just kind of

favoring the odd number part of it with regards to the sense there okay all right so we so we have our entry we we have an understanding of where targets are at here right at 87.04 and 91. let's just before we set up our order let's let's just let's just look at some some what-ifs with regards to risk per share and the like this will help us with regards to establishing the number of shares okay so if we enter in at approximately 8503 85.03 okay we're going to where we're going is we're going to put in an order that will trigger 8503 and i'm going to say when that's triggered we're good at any price between 8503 and say 85 050 and say 85 15 okay that'll be the nature of our order so this is going to trigger but we're actually going to say we're okay all the way up to 85 15. the reason we're going to do that is if this thing gaps way up we may want to hold off until that gap settles down somewhat okay so our contingency event triggered 8503 but we're going to have a limit order in there at 85.15 okay so if we get filled

then at 85 let's come in here and just take a 85.15 and we get stopped out at 8249 right below here minus 82.49 then our risk per share risk per share is 2.66 cents okay so we want to keep that

in mind um with regards to with regards to our position sizing okay a risk per share is 2.66 again this is theoretical when we when we put in our stop loss we don't know that we'll get filled with that stop loss number that's going to trigger an order the stock gaps are moving rapidly below that we may get filled at a lower price with regards to our stops we want to keep that in mind and we want to keep that in mind with regards to position sizing as well okay well um let's look at our a theoretical potential risk of 266 then what's going to be our our risk to reward at our first price target here of 87. well if we come there and we hit 87 and we enter in at 85 0.15 we've made a dollar 85 on that first target we'll divide that by our risk of 266 right the first target we've made about a 69 70 percent return if we if if we get up here to 91 14 it appear to 91 14 look at that and again we're looking at entering in at 85 point then we've got 5.99 we'll divide that by our what was it 266 of risk right here i'm going to subtract 1 from that that gives us our percentage so in that in that case would have a 125 return on risk right there okay so with those numbers in mind then let's go ahead and put together our order here and see what it looks like we can actually do it right here from the chart okay so on the chart i'm just going to do a right click on our chart right here and i'm going to choose buy custom with i'm going to you choose with ost oco brac well do i if i you choose with oco bracket i can put in hey get me out at part of our shares here and get me out of the rest of the shares here why don't we go ahead and do that and then on our stop we'll we'll get out at everything all right i'm going to go ahead and say this so i've got an oco bracket here let's open this site up here okay so first of all here's our entry we need to we need to we need to work with our entry a little bit now our risk per share was approximately 2.66 right again this is approximate

let's say we're let's say we don't want to make an investment of more than 5 000 on this one and we don't want to risk more than that so that's an investment of five thousand dollars you don't want to make an investment of more than five thousand dollars and we don't want to risk more than um let's say a thousand dollars okay so for okay risking a thousand dollars i'm going to come here go one two three that's a thousand dollars divided by a risk per share of 2.66 that would mean we could get 375 shares but investors if we get 375 shares and we pay 85 15 we've made a 32 000 investment okay and we said we wanted to cap our investment at 5 000. so we're going to base our position size here based on total investment rather than risk per share which means we're okay going with five thousand here five thousand dollar investment divided by 85 15. we're looking at 58 shares okay so we're going to be okay with 58 shares right there so let's put our number of shares here then at 58. i'm going to click on this little cracker right here that makes them all 58 and then our entry here is going to be contingent remember we want a contingency on trading above the hot trading above today's high tomorrow so come in here i'm going to click on this little guy right here i'm going to submit the order at i want to submit it tomorrow rather than today tomorrow when the market opens and the market opens at 07 my time it's it's it's 0.730. 7 30 basically

7 30 a.m our time okay okay so that's when the order goes in i want it to be in there all day tomorrow okay so that's let's see that's tomorrow is the well time's going by fast isn't it tomorrow's the 17th so let's cancel it tomorrow with the market close which is going to be 1400 local time 1400 hours which is 2 o'clock our time 1400 and that's good okay this is when the order is going to be submitted okay what are the conditions though okay this is where we put in our conditions we want the mark to be greater than because we wanted to be moving up we want the mark to be greater than 8503 okay one to be greater than 8503 right because that is the high plus 25 of the average true range okay as long as it's greater than 8503 then we want that to trigger limit order and our limit order is saying that we're willing to pay 85 15. 85 15. let's just see how we're doing

yep that's 80 we're currently at 83.73 so at least numbers are all looks like they're making good sense okay so we're all squared away here 58 shares it looks like we're good to go i'm going to click on save here so that's our order to enter all right and now we have a couple of exits here okay one of these is a limit let's make these i'm going to have this a day order it's going to go in tomorrow as a day order okay it shouldn't go in today i'm going to have these both to be good till cancelled so if this is filled these would both come into play and one is going to be a limit order at um at 87.01 okay so this is going to be when we hit that first target of 87.01 let's just go 87.01 i i don't want to sell all of it i'm going to sell half of them at that first target then i'll look to hold on to the second half for the additional target so we got 58 we're doing here 58 divided by 2.

looks like 29 okay so i'm going to go ahead and sell let me get in there a little bit i hope so um i need to take that firecracker off of there it looks like yeah so i'm gonna sell 29 if we come up and we hit that first target 8701 that's going to trigger a limit order to go ahead and sell 29. this is going to be our stop order all right this one i want to see if this thing comes down and triggers a stop i want to i want to go ahead and get out get out of everything you know perhaps during the day we get filled then it comes down i want to go ahead and get out of everything in the event that occurs keep in mind that these are one cancels others so if this one gets filled it's going to cancel this one we're going to have 29 shares we want to come in here we we may want to put some kind of trailing stop on those okay if this one gets filled it's automatically going to cancel this one so we're not going to end up short any shares or anything along those lines okay so here we are right here we have good till cancel this is going to be our stop board we wanted our stop order to be set at stop was at 82 49 82 and 49 cents right there okay i believe folks i believe we're ready to go here with our order then let's just see what it's looking like we'll come over here and do a confirm and sand we got first trigger sequence over there we'll do a confirm right here this is giving us all all the dope on our order right here okay so we're buying 85 we're buying 58 okay contingent on the price going up to 85 all right going up there like we're good on that and it looks like we're okay here i just want i'm going to click on edit i just don't want this thing to get filled that order right there that should be contingent let's just double check our contingency here here we are here submit at submit when at least one of the following conditions so we need to be above 8503 in order for that limit order to trigger at 85.15 so when i hit confirm and send this should not be filled if it is and we have a glitch in our paper trading account let's go ahead and hit confirm here i'm going to send this into a holding center for other orders this is part of a little substitution i'm doing here today we'll click on send and good great it did not fill that's always what you want to see you don't want to see that get filled all right investors let's go ahead and wrap up our discussion here today alrighty so what do we want to do here today we wanted to demonstrate how to find swing trade technical opportunities and we looked at that in relationship to the volume oscillator not only the technical pattern but also the volume oscillator we also use the custom column that custom column by the way just let me give you a heads up on that custom column it's not guaranteed with regards to accuracy or time i'm also not recommending its use if you find a beneficial find if not that's okay all right but also you you may find some stocks that that that have that are giving falling knives that for whatever reason they just don't come up in that custom column that those type of things do do do occur sometimes when you do those okay we discuss contingent orders right how to put those contingent orders in we demonstrated how to enter technically based trades on the thinkorswim platform okay all right investors so with that hey thanks for joining us here for swing trading day sweet just a little reminder love to see over there on twitter again a big thanks to barbara armstrong being over the chat window i'm usually glued to my screen so i usually don't have a lot of opportunity to check over there in the chat window so thanks to barb for handling your questions over there and just remind our investors that our content is intended for educational informational purposes only not investment advice or recommendation of any security strategy or account type and we do use actual symbols in here but that is for demonstration and educational purposes only all right everybody well hey hope you have a great afternoon i guess our afternoon well yeah we still have a little bit of our afternoon left hope you have a great afternoon and evening best of success you're investing again john would have loved to have been here he will be back next time and hopefully you will too and we'll see you then bye everybody we'll catch you later and thanks again [Music] you

2021-11-20 18:40

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