Bitcoin day trading – The best Elliott wave analysis – Episode #32

Bitcoin day trading – The best Elliott wave analysis – Episode #32

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welcome this is bitcoin day trading the best  elliott wave analysis episode number 32.   i'm a little late because i just had an emergency  it was one of my clients who had an emergency   and i did meet him and i took a look at what was  going on the thing is that the client took um   um became one of my clients and he he asked  me to buy bitcoin for him to set up a wallet   for him to to send the bitcom i  did bought for him to his wallet and that's what i did so i bought the become he he  wanted and i did send it to him that's what what   he wanted me to do for him and he wants to look  at the charts like once every three months or once every quarter once every two months sometimes he  takes a look at the charts but the thing is the   emergency was the following he did right at the at  the beginning of the bull market he did write down   his uh seed phrase his uh 24 words of recovery he  did it in my presence because he he he would have   never figured it out himself um it's a person of  a certain age not too too old but of a certain age   and i don't know why but it it seems to be really  hard for him uh to to take a look to manage the   technological aspect of cold storage that seems  to be very hard for him so i sat next to him and   i explained him everything and i told him to  write down his seat face i told him to check   his street to see his face three times i told him  to to take a password that he can remember and he   told me stop asking i know it um i've just done  it it's it it's uh it's all right and i told him   to stop the seed phrase um somewhere  extremely safe like in a safe in his house   and he said don't worry uh i'll do the  necessary steps that's what he told me okay now   today because he figured out today he figured  out that then he called me in an emergency   that he did forget his password that's  the first thing he figured out i said uh   keep calm you don't have to worry you still have  your seat for it don't you you did write down in   my presence okay so he said yes yes yes i have  i have the seat right but he comes up with three   seat fits and he doesn't know which one is the  one where he's um where the bitcoins are on okay   so um so that's what was the first difficulty the  second difficulty was that on every one of these   secrets there were a couple of words that i could  not decipher that he could not decipher he did   write them down but i can't read his handwriting  and he could not uh read his own handwri writing   so i spent the last four or five  hours playing playing a crossword game   and i tried to guess the words that were missing  in the seat phase in question because two of   them i i guess all uh uh every everyone had an  issue but in the one where the bitcoins were on   there were three words missing and i spent  the entire day guessing those three words   it was a couple of letters i could i could see but  i could not know how much letters there are in the   world so it was extremely hard for me to guess the  world but i but but after working on it for four   or five hours i finished i finished uh guessing  the words correctly and i could recover his wallet   so that's good and for uh for for now for now he  he will change his tactic because it freaks him   out it freaks him out um having a seat phase  it freaks him out um doing a transaction with   bitcoin when he wants to sell or when he wants  to pay somebody it freaks him out so from now on   with that client he i will take care of his heat  rates i would take care of his cold wallet and i   will take care of everything of everything  um because he feels much more comfortable   letting me do it than doing it himself i tried to  i told him it's something personal you should do   it yourself and you should trust nobody else but  he said i entirely trust you and i prefer you do   it then that i do because i i freak out when  i when i have anything to do with bitcoin the   and what i find strange with that client is  that the technological aspect is so hard for him   but he doesn't mind the market for the volatility  the market quality is fine he never complains   about the market for athlete but the technology  the technological stuff and there were only two   things he had to do otherwise i did the one  was take a password and the second one was to   write down 24 words but that fixing totally out  totally out and he he panics also when he has to   do a transaction when he has to scan a qr code and  send some money then he totally freaks out totally   panics so from now on i'm not going to do all  of it for him it's a client that i personally   know it's a client that i like and it's  a client who did sign a contract with me   so i feel comfortable doing it for him and the  good the good news is that he he took a position   not extremely large but a nice position at the  beginning of the bull market and now it's much   more money so i spent five hours uh finding  out uh the missing words or four hours because   i would have been quite sad if he lost all  his money and all the gains i mean now it's   a nice position and it would have been very  sad for him if he like if he lost it all   that's just what i want to say so that's why  i'm totally behind schedule and it's even hard   for me uh to to make this intervention  and to take a look at my charts or to   to post my ta right now for my private  clients it's hard because um after spending   five hours playing across the game um and  behind schedule schedule on on everything   okay that's being said um let's take a  look at my disclaimer which tells you that   trading is risky and that you should be careful  especially if you don't know what you're doing   and then you can take a look at my services i  offer one-on-one services and i have a private   live elite wave update channel um um where  my clients receive a couple of updates a day   at least one a day but it might be four or  five or six it depends on on every time i   see something new on the chart every time i see  something that i want to comment or every time i   change my labeling on the chart and that happens  quite often and i'll contact them the membership   fee is only 20 bucks a month and right now  i'm i'm it is it is it is nearly full there's   there will be one place available if i don't raise  the number of participants um then there will   be one place available uh all the other places  already are already taken but still if i figure   out a new uh i'm doing that i'm starting with that  um with that um private uh channel on telegram   where i give live edit with updates so i'm  starting with you i didn't have the time right now   until now to put it on my website and i and i'm  and i'm not sure how much work it will do it's   also it's also there's also a lot of questions  from the client what crypto can i send and   can i send with dc to a bitcoin address and so on  you get a lot of questions a lot of explanation i   had a client who lives in a in a country with  a lot of sanctions and he could not do um   a bitcoin contract jackson but he could do a talk  transaction and he he write me a huge explanation   about that i don't really understand it  but um try to fail fascinated for him   still so that he could join and he needs but  i mean there's a lot and there's there's a lot   of taking care of of the participants and  i don't know how how much uh can i meet in   in the in that private channel group before i'm  overwhelmed so if you're interested there will be   one place uh opening up so so let me know and  also i might raise the number of participants   uh in the future so if you're interested just tell  me i'll put you on a wasting list and as soon as   i figure out how you can join i will add you to  the past participant list it is 20 bucks a day okay that being said i think now we can take a   look at the chart and then  i can move on with my day so let's take first a look  at the three hour charts so in the three hour chart is still looking bullish on the three-hour chart it's hard to point  out the internal labeling of the fifth wave   it's hard to point out it was possible a on  wave three as you can see was possible on   wave three it was also possible on wave one on  the three hour chart but it for now it is not   possible if i look only at that to  to to label the chart correctly um so   and that's the thing and then people ask me uh  about my fischer indicator and i've an answer   already my in my chat room i'm going to show you  also telegram so you can take a look at it because   there was one uh interesting question that you  should know about and there's a lot of interesting   uh subject discussed so you really should go in it  goes as as far as i know it goes very well until   now and you you should join i'm sure you find it  interesting interesting when you're in my public   telegram group is freya so you don't have to  buy any fees it's only my private telegram group   where i give you live updates on a little bit  that is 20 bucks a day another day with 20 bucks   a month so my fish indicator are the little  triangles on top and below the candles that's   my fischer indicator and as you can see it is  still fully bullish so people ask me about about   when and the important question is when do i get  confirmation that we have talked and what i need   to see everybody trades his way okay but i need  to see for me then there need to be two things one   is that that eighth wave turned um don't bearish  and for now my uh analysis on the eighth wave did   not turn bearish i'm still bullish even though we  could have top and i show and i will tell you why   when you look at the tree uh at the five minute  chart but um so one thing i want is to is that the   eighth wave mind for me eric wave is an indicator  okay that elite wave tells me uh that we have that we are now looking for low for lower price we have  not entered a correction i need elite wave to tell   me that i don't know exactly when that happens  it could happen here okay it can happen uh at the   two at a two point four one four uh feed  the exception it could happen at the   2.618 extension and even and i would not uh  say that it's impossible that we go even higher   and touch the other upper channel so i don't know  where the top really will happen this is not the   right structure that gives me confidence if i  look at that that deeply confident that we did top   and i and and in the past i've realized that when  i think that we talk because of early edit wave   and i only look at area today sometimes i'm  wrong so i think we have talk but in reality we   extend and we go still um a big a big way  higher so i want i want what there are two   things i want i want eliot wave to tell  me that now we have entered the correction   and that uh i'm that i'm will be looking out for  lower price so i want my first indicator elliot   wave to turn bearish and then i want my second  indicator to turn bearish also and my second   indicator is the fisher indicator it was perished  here it was perish here it was bearish here   it was bearish here okay every time so but  now it's still it's still bullish okay so sometimes when it when it turns bearish i  will exit my lungs persistence and go short i did it here in that correction because not just   my official educator told me to go short but also  and it was perfect to trade but not my just my   but also elite wave told me that we have talked  that way three was over he and once he told me   that i knew that and i had one of my confirmation  and the second one followed he is often i get they   eat with um bearish uh confirmation before  i get the fischer bearish conflict animation   uh most of the time so and that's what  it's so for now for me i'm still long   i know that and i will show you that elliot wave   is um is is telling that the crop top could be  in and that this could be the top it tells me   that but i have no confirmation i have not uh the  future indicated confirming like idiot here that   the top is in so until that happens i i'll keep  bullish and i stay long that's one thing i want to   explain and since we are talking about that such  subject i'll show you briefly my telegram group   and here was the last interesting question  i i did get and the question was mr terry   what bit would be a confirmation of a talk to you  so i just explained it i did explain it here also   and then i also explained why elliott wave is  just an indicator to me so that's interesting   to read read it it was a interesting question and  you should read you will get something out of it uh let me let me read the second back because  i'm sure i'll tell you to read it and you   won't read it okay the first part i think  i explained but let me read the second part   just as fisher is only an indicator to me not a  trading system the trading system is what you do   where your stock loss will be how much  money you are willing to lose on a position   what your position sizing leverage is and  for what signal you are waiting to exit   your position all these questions must be answered  before you take a position so that's what what i   did answer to one of my subscriber and  he's also a participant of my private channel and i did um answer that to him so  the important thing is just that you know   and that's the telegram channel i i'm inviting you  to join it's always cool to have a second way of   communicating with me and if you want to subscribe  for the private channel where i give live updates   on anywhere a couple of times there might be days  and on the weekend i will work less and there   might be days where i only do one if not much  happen but there can also be days where i do five   or six updates because a lot is after happening  according to price so if you want to come into   that channel it's 20 bucks a month and you have  to go on that public uh telegram group it's free   and you just tell me that you're interested and  i will put you in a waiting list and as soon as i   can add more members to the channel i will so tell  me that you're interested if you are interested okay and if you want to learn how to  do all the things that i talk about   choose your stop-loss level um know how much money you are willing to lose and  how i know how much money you could lose if you   need help with that on a position but if you need  if you if you don't know how to manage position or   leverage or if you don't know on what signal you  have to wait before you exit your position all   that i teach also my private clients when i find  the time to do it and they ask for it that's why i   offer one-on-one coaching so i teach all those all  those things to my clients and that's one thing   i will always ask you what kind of trader you  are and what you want to do because you don't   have to follow my system and with looking at you  in here uh what you tell me how much time you   want to put in it how much how much you will  look at the shots what what your level of of   tas and and so on by listening to you i will  recommend you a system that i think can can be   fine for you uh if you don't have one already if  you have one already you only tell me uh what you   do and when you do it in it and if you checked all  the points on the checklist then i would say it's   fine you you can trade it if there's something you  need to pay attention or something you can improve   i will also point it out and then you can do that  work on that point so it's i think it's extremely   interesting to be able to talk with a trader  i would have paid a lot a lot a lot of money   to to do that in the past because it would have  made me a much better trader very soon i i wasted   a long time before i became a good trader because  it is very hard to get the right information   and to get somebody who guides you and  tells you how you can become better so   the progress you can make in six or one year  or one year it's like a progress in in that you   would maybe make in ten years if you work on your  own so it's always nice to have somebody who who who points things out and who points things out to  you and directs you in the right correction so if   you're interested in in um one-on-one coaching  let me know um just contact me here on the   private on the public telegram group or write  me an email my email address is on my website and finally i i commended on my last position  i said my last person is now up more than 200   percent not bad for a couple of days you can  see how much less i think two or three days or   maybe four but i i guess more two or three i don't  remember i a lot to do so i don't remember how uh   when i took it but you can check i want i won't  keep showing you all my position but i wanted to   let you know and to let you see that i did not  that i did let it run as i told you and did not   take early profits so a lot of what mistakes  people do is that they take profits too soon   as soon as they make a little money they take  it because they're scared but they will lose   their gains and that's a mistake in my  opinion so i did let this one just as i   i said and and that's my position and i took  it on open at the 10th and now we are that's the 17th in english is kevin i i toted the  17th and we are the 10th so if you count 17 18   19 and today 20 17 18 19 20. so four days  maximum it took four days to make 219   37 and i might i might make more i since i  don't exceed my position here i might also   also lose maybe until my indicator tells me  to go sparish and he would it it would maybe the earliest time it would go perish is now in in  maybe six hours okay but in six hours i could be   down um fifty percent or i could be down even a  hundred percent if i cry if it crashes extremely   hard i don't think so but i i still do it  because i don't mind uh losing a couple of gains   because if i exit my uh position early i will lose  more money than if i if it if it a great if it   goes down now for 50 before i get my my indication  for attack that's still that's if i only make 150   on that position it's still fine for me it's it's  still a profitable position but i don't want to   to exit it here if we go 100 or 200 higher you  know i don't want to exit before before it's over   so i want to wait for my um for my indication of  a top before and confirmation as i told you so so   let's run and i see at the end where where will  exit that that will stay a profitable position   for sure but i i don't know now uh because and uh  when i will exit i will exit it when eight wave   and fischer tells me to exit it until then i will  let it run and it could be up to uh in a couple of   days it could be it could be over 300 percent or  and if the if you keep on we could reach the 400   on that position on just one position  and just uh something like one week it's   possible i don't know if it happens you know  i don't have a crystal ball but it's possible   so why do i show that do you think i want to show  off no but i i really don't like people who who   talk about trading and never trade okay and and  incapable of being consistently profitable so   if you are still still a loser um in regards to  trading then you should probably not teach other   people how to trade that gets on my nerves um i  listened when i tried to learn trading i listened   to ghosts and they were all extremely bad traders  and i don't like that so i like when people are   authentic and are capable of really making money  in the market so i don't like showing up but   if i don't show you uh that i can do it then you  might think that i'm just one or one more of those   losers that talk to you all day long but never  make five pack in the markets and there are a lot   of them really a lot the biggest you see with with  thousand ten thousand hundred thousand followers   there are losers incapable of getting of trading  i can guarantee it to you i can guarantee too   just everything that comes out of their mouth is  bs and it's really sad because teaching that to   people will only make the probabilities of the  followers higher to lose money if you listen   to those kind of people you will lose your  money faster than you would lose it normally   without them you would still lose your money  because you're still not a good trader but but   with them you will lose it even faster and that's  why that's why i want i i want to show some proof   right now i don't think i'll keep on doing this  not because i don't have perfect position often   very often perfect deposit position but i but  i just don't want to do it and it's it it's not   honest because i show you that position but  when i get a losing position do i show it no   so so it makes no sense but i just wanted to to  to show you that that i'm really trading not like   those fake kind of traders and there are so many  that never take very imposition or are at least   never profitable so it's just i  don't like the fake aspect of trading and now let's go back to the chart so we did talk about the um the three-hour chart here i'm not sure  um there are two uh possible counts my   third card is that this wave three then we  would um and it's the last bullish count   but there is an altered account  that we are only talking at wave one   which would mean that we would go much higher much  higher okay and the probable retracement target is at the maximum retracement target is at 53 848 that's the maximum retracement target i  will take in once we detox i will give more   more targets and i will have a clear more  point out the in the bottom more clearly   but for now and that's uh that's  the maximum target we have   so the question is where will top and i don't know  but i know that i will know that we have talked   once my instigator told tell me that we  have product and they will tell me when   eliot wave goes bearish according to my anis  i will see it on the chart when it shows up   and it will tell me in that we have topped  when fischer the triangles uh confirmed that then i know that we have talked and mostly  i'm right not always but mostly i might   when i say mostly i mean you  must understand that i make money   by being more right than wrong i have losing  trades okay every trader has there's not one   trader on earth that does that doesn't happen  we're losing to it nobody knows 100 for certain   uh if you will make money or lose money on  a trade when he enters and there's a trade now what was my train of thoughts  so i have losing position but   but i i think i will get um my what i expect  i can tell you because i need a big sample of   trades and i and doing that big sample of trades  i have to do exactly the same thing always exactly   the same thing and never make a mistake if not  i won't have a clean sample base that i can can   look at but i'm but i'm a trading journal and i i  try to find that out i'm in the process of trying   right for trying to find it out and once i have  enough trades i will be able to know how good   my trading system is but what is what i hope  for right now is only that i will be right um three times and that i will be wrong two times  so i fully expect to be one two times and   be right three times and it's the difference  that makes me money it's the thing that that   i'm more than wrong that makes me money  and the second thing that will make money   really make me money and does making money is   is that when i lose money i lose less money than  when i gain money so you see my last position two   hundred percent so so and i losing position will  never go to 200 maximum would be 100 and often   i can cut the losses before that and only take  30 or maybe 40 less but of course i take losses   i take losses like every other trader but i hope  to be three times right to make three times money   and lose only two times and when i make money i  expect my position to be much larger than those   that i encounter when i lose money that's how i  make money that's how every trader makes money   nobody is right hundred percent of the time  of the time we don't have a crystal ball   okay it's just probabilities i'm just  talking about probabilities nothing more   and that's an interesting thing and they  checked if you can make money with a coin flip   okay and and the answer was yes  you can make money with a coin flip   going long or short on a current flip yes you  can make money with a conflict it is not a lot   of money they tested it it's not a lot of money  but you can make money on a conflict the thing is the thing is you must be good at trading  media trading not at just the 10 percent   that is that is looking at indicators  eight wave or or official that's i mean   i can explain a baby that this is bearish and  that this is bullish green bullish um uh purple   bearish i mean i can explain it to a baby and  he will stand and understand it uh straight away   okay that's not the complicated thing on trading  and elite wave immediately everywhere abc that's   not that complicates okay it is complicated to  label it correctly but it's not that complicated   if you if you study it a lot  you will and you have some some some facilities for it you will you will be able  to do it um quietly uh quite soon as long as   you follow the rules and you're good at seeing  patterns in the chart so but even idiot wave uh   the principle the main font uh principle of edited  wave are not that complicated to teach so that   is only 10 ta is only 10 um as i always say  psychology is 60 it's the most hardest hard   thing and it gets extremely hard as a trader you  try to increase your position size because if you   increase your persistent sizing you will be able  to make more money but you will see that trading   gets much harder when you increase the position  size even if everything you do is the same   and that's that's one part of the psychological  aspect so that's 60 and then there is still   30 which is money management so um  so where do you put your stop loss and so on okay uh also your position sizing   make sure that you don't uh trade more than one or  two percent maximum of your capital uh you should   be more at one percent some go up to two percent  but that's all you should trade on a single trade   all this kind of stuff i'm not going to go over  the whole list right now but all those kinds of   stuff uh a part of money or money management and  especially position sizing so position sizing is   part of money but and the psychological aspect  is like is something like fear or greed and it   makes a huge impact on you because if you're not  if you're not capable to take a long position here   you will never and if you're not able to take  a short position here you will never so even if   you indicate this to you because uh here you are  over optimistic and here you are over pessimistic   so and that's the case for most people uh 99 of  the people um would never would never want to   take a position here and a hundred percent of the  people want to take a long position here 99 of the   people will don't want to take a long position  here and not that percent of the people want to   take a long position yet so they do exactly  the opposite of what they're supposed to do and that's one of the reasons why  only according to me one percent   er of that make money consistently in the  market some people say it is uh 95 percent   uh um it is five percent that make consistently  uh money and there are some that go up to   some analysts that go up to 15 but i think  it's one percent i think it's not more   than one percent i think it's so easy to lose  money that you will more lose money than make they played a game one trader tarp  plays a game with his uh with his um   with his clients in the game is he pulls out of  a bag um a couple of balls with different colors   and there's a green ball where you double your  money there's a red ball you lose all and that's   maybe a yellow ball where you lose half of your  money and he gets everybody's start with the   same amount 100 000 and they play it for the  same amount of time and they all get the same   results the only thing they can choose  how much money they they put on um they they put on each ball on each bet   so how much money they put and the result  is always something like this it is that um that one third of the group goes bankrupt so  they they lose all the money very quickly one   third of the group there's there's a second third  of the group that lost more money than it made   and there's only one third of the group that  makes money so you see it is always less people   that make money than make it and they are two  out of four all three that lose money and only   one out of three that make money and that's when  the game is extremely simple when you only can   bet on going uh uh um um on going long or short  on a ball that comes out or something like like   conflict when you can only bet on that uh the only  thing you you know actually i think the only thing   you could do is not even go long and sharp the  only thing you could you can do is is change the   persistent size you can pay you can bet one bucks  or you can bet ten thousand or fifty thousand   on a uh on a ball on um on a ball but i don't  think you you can go short so you can only do   take a bet by by only changing your position  sizing uh there's still only one out of three that   makes money and um the other two and the other  and two other three lose money and the only thing   you can do is play the game and on on and how big  your position choice is and still there's only one   other three that makes money so and that's what's  easy when it's when it's real trading when you   start watching what i'm showing you is much harder  so i think so it's normal that it's at least   that at least 85 95 or 99 of the people who lose  money i think it's 99 but i might be wrong on that but it's it's very high it's it's uh it's  in the best case in a scenario 85 percent   of the parts you lose money in the best case  scenario i think it's not ten percent okay uh   so i'm not going to talk much longer about  this chart i think you know the basics about it   but we'll still gonna take a  look at the five minute chart so the five minute chart if  i zoom out if i can do that i would like to do that but somehow it's a little complicated because i want to show  you the entire move okay um so we had on the   five-minute chat we had the bottom  here then we had a wave one two three four with a triangle and now we ended  with now we could have ended way five okay   so that's all that is required for the bull  bucket to stop according to aid wave that does   not mean that you will stop because we always can  have an extension but it is possible that we did   top because you always can go from something like  one two three four five okay you can go to one two   three four five six seven eight nine  okay so let's say one two three four and up here the five yeah and here you get one  two three four five so that's an extension and   it's always possible so you can have that you can  have an extension and it goes on it goes from it   goes from it goes from five to nine and then  he goes to 13 and he goes on to infinity and   you always could have an extension of course at  a certain moment the quality is is less likely   but you always can get an extension you just add  four waves because from going from one wave to   one two three four five okay you add one one two  three four waves that's why you you can always   add four so this looks five but it could be an  extension we could go to nine waves so we could go   much higher and that's why i still i i keep long  because i don't know if it's stop i mean i always   expect an extension and doing that serves me  more than cut then exiting prematurely the charts   so after after having shown you that we'll  take a look at the last part of the rise so here we had also a one a triangle yeah  um and then we had a one two three four five   and because we have five wave um it could be fully  and developed and we could uh have talked here   but as i told you we also we also can get  an extension and go higher then i simply   have to relabel the internal waves  but i always can do that because um   because this could be a one or two you know let  me do it again well this could be a one a two   and i would put a three here a four here and  a five and a five inch higher and that three   would go on on top of this one so we could  there's always the possibility of an extension   according to me other at least will will will  have a different opinion but i i think there's   always a possibility of an extension so i won't  just exit it because a certain price did get hit   because sometimes you you're right and that's  spectacular but but most of the time you will   be wrong so i want i want eight wave to flip  uh bearish and right now if i look at that it's   still not the case and i want my second integrator  fischer to bearish also only then we like will i   be looking out for for lower prices and probably  go short here here here there is the possibility   of going chalk because if it's the top it's a  five or five or five and the correction should   go quite low we could retrace up to here and that  would be quite profitable to get that move if and   if that's what happening but uh before  i can give you lower target i need to   to see first that we did top and right now i i'm  not seeing it on the charts but um it could be the   case in three hours or not three hours it would  be a little soon because uh fisher doesn't turn   bearish that fast uh not three hours but in  best case an hour maybe six hours or nine or   nine hours it's a three hour chart so maybe  six or nine hours we could we could be bash   and of course we could we we could be in six hours  bearish and we could be at that level but i'm i'm   more than willing to give up that profit my  position will still be profitable and i'm i'm fine   with it but i don't want to exit here if you go  up to here and that's possible okay because i um   because here you see a channel and the  channel and the channel says at the top is   when the price hits the top and um of the  channel then that's the top of wave five   and it could hit here it could hit here  at the top of the channel or you could   even hit here at the top of the channel so i  don't know but i know that it's a possibility   that we go that high okay it's supposed to  be it's not impossible and those levels do show resistance so here as you  can see once we did attach the 1.918 we we did true we did retrace uh so it did  it did offer resistance and it did the same um   very beautifully here when uh with  three was uh three times wave one   and it did the same here when wave um when  when it retreat face to point um 0.236   of f3 it also it also perfectly showed but i mean  the two the the two level and did uh show no no   uh resistance and and then and this one can  be get through quite easily this one i think   will be a little harder to get through but  but still and we we can touch on the upper   trend line of my channel so i'm not going to  give up on on on that move uh just because   my elite wave count could be ending it could also  extend so i'm i'm always uh leaning bullish until   both things happen once and that i change my  opinion on any way eight wave and that will   happen um it happens normally faster than then  then fischer often i already know on elite wave   that we have talk but i'm still waiting for the  confirmation of visual so it happens even faster okay so my if something happens uh until  tomorrow my uh subscribers in my private   channel will be of our informed life and  for the rest of you you will have to wait up tomorrow up to up to tomorrow for an  update for me and if you're interested in   the private channel the live edit wave  updates private channel for 20 bucks   a month then let me know i put you on the  wasting list and as soon as i can add you   if i can manage more people as soon as i can help  you i will add you okay so let me know if you're   interested if you want more updates than one and  they're quite i think they're quite good and quite   educational and the difference is that this  intervention is long it takes 30 minutes   but to see one or two charts and to have a  brief explanation under it takes only five   minutes so you know what the market does in five  minutes instead of watching an entire video of of   30 minutes so that could be interested  some people could be interested in it um that's all for today uh thanks for watching i i  was long uh longer than you than usually or maybe   not that much longer but a little long and you  can do me a favor as always by hitting the like icon and also subscribe and  hit the bell notification   because it's time-sensitive information  have a nice day thanks for watching bye

2021-10-22 06:50

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