Bitcoin day trading – The best Elliott wave analysis – Episode #26

Bitcoin day trading – The best Elliott wave analysis – Episode #26

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welcome this is bitcoin day trading the  best elliot wave analysis episode number 26. today we are going to take a  look at the shots as always   but i want to explain something to you so  we'll take a look at the whiteboard also and since yesterday my outlook did change  again so yesterday i was looking out for   a double zigzag and we only did get a zigzag  and i want to explain to you what a zigzag   and a double zigzag is or a triple zigzag  and to do that i will show you a white part   but first i have to show you my disclaimer so that you are aware that trading involves  risks so please read the disclaimer and   they read also my risk warning and  if you need some help with trading let's say swing trading or dictating what you  are doing on this channel you can always reach   out to me i do one-on-one coaching and i have  a 60 discount right now if you're interested   you can also talk about investing of course if we talk about investing you we and we discussed  the eventuality of investing in bitcoin we would   take a look at the higher time frame to see where  you are and what you can expect over the long term   term on this channel i don't do this because  i'm only focused on day trading but um   there's no problem for me talking about um swing  trading or investing if you're interested in that   now that being said i want to  share with you my whiteboard   and explain what i did right on my whiteboard  so let's me let me put my head down here so you   can see what is written on my whiteboard  so i can put it in red because the color   is only black i think i could but it  would it would mess the right part off uh   it would get really messy if i did so let's  stay with black simply so the first thing you   see is a down up down i hope you can see  that in my cursor um but it's the first button you see it's a down up down and you can  see that the pattern did not go as high as the   starting point um the the b which way and  b by retracement did not go as high as the   starting point because the first question is  an a b c i i'm not putting it on because if i   put too much stuff on the chart it will get messy  so that's a simple zigzag okay and now what you   can do you can simply add four waves i'll explain  to you why you do uh four waves and not five   or eight but simply four in a couple of seconds  but first i want you simply to add four ways   so you do three plus four which equals  to seven and the second button you see   is a is the seventh button one two three  four five six seven so you have seven um   buttons in the in the second wave and you can  label it on an abc so it's the same thing as   the first button in abc but in the second  button you see the subdivision of the a wave   because the a wave subdivides into a b c i  hope you can follow it what i'm saying to you   that you get the b wave and then you get  a c wave which also subdivides in an abc   so what i want to say tell you is that the second  pattern you can see it as also a simple zigzag or   you could call it a double zigzag because it's  compos composed of an abc like the first pattern   then a corrective x-wave then again abc okay so  it's you could call it easily a double zigzag   now i have labeled it as if it was a  simple zigzag but you could you could   uh label it as a double sixer in that case  instead of the b you would write an x wave   and you would simply consider the the first wave  the first zigzag then you would consider them   um the linking wave and x-wave and then you would  consider the last portion of the correction as   exactly you would call it the double zigzag then  you would have say seven waves and now if you add   four again i'm not i'm not showing the last  button on my shot because it would it would   take too much space but if you add four again you  will you will just so you you do you go from seven   plus four so you would get 13. so if i if i  would draw you a declining 13 13 declining waves   it would be a triple zigzag but it's it's  still the same thing it's still a zigzag okay   it's just giving you more subdivisions oh  in the 13 waves you can also simply label   it as one zigzag you can label it as three  zigzag or as one zigzag but it has the same   message in it it's it still is exactly so a  simple zigzag a double zigzag or a triple zigzag   convey the same message they're all corrections  uh i wanted to tell you that and you might ask   well why do i add four waves it's simple because  if you go from one wave and you add four waves   you get five waves so here as i showed you one  wave and if you simply add four x to it one two   three four you get a five wave okay and that's now  the the definition of an impulse wave a one two   three four five up that's the impulse rate and  if you add four waves again you get nine waves   and that will and that is still an impulse  rate it's just giving you more subdivisions and um the in the series of numbers  like 3 7 13 you can do it to infinity   it always will convey the  same message the same 1 5 9 and then with 9 um i'm sorry i i'm i'm counting it one it is nine  and then you get 13 because 9 plus 4 makes 13   but i'm i didn't make a mistake by  counting on my chart so let me correct that if i can erase how do i erase i'm not seeing my razor yes eraser okay now let me okay i have to erase all that  let me write it again for you so seven plus four equals eleven okay not thirteen  eleven and then and then it goes on to infinity   you do 11 plus 4 which will equal 15  but it's it goes on to infinity and 5 plus 4 will equal 9 and then it goes also on to  infinity after 9 you will get 13 and so on so   that's what i wanted to explain to you so  there's a so one wave or five wave is same thing   it's still it's still an inputs wave up and three  wave down or seven wave down it's the same thing   it's still a corrective zigzag now i'm talking  about this because yesterday yesterday i went into i was looking at my chart   and i told you that i'm looking out for a  double zigzag i don't remember if i if i   said the word double zigzag but that was uh what i  was looking out that was was what i was expecting and we take a look at the chat  there and i'll show you that   right now so let's take a look at  the chart and this is the correction   um i saw i met i think i saw the the entire  correction and i was expecting a doubles exactly   so what i did see yesterday when i did made the  my intervention was the entire collection from i'm not sure if i if i saw the entire up wave here  the wave one to the lay but now we have one but i   saw the entire correction from from wave i think  at least if i don't it's still important that you   you get what that whatever was saying and what i  meant what i meant is from wave 4 5 to wave 4 of c   i saw that correction and i did label it in  a g and c so it was it's the same thing that   i'd just show you on the charts okay and after  that correction the abc a b c i was expecting   an x wave so i was expecting  that this would be an x-wave   and then i was expecting one more abc  down so i was expecting a doubles exactly and that did not happen what did happen   was that we traced a wave one which subdivides  into five waves one two three four five we did   trace a wave one and then we trace a wave  two and right now i'm labeling the wave two um double v x and y for wave two okay and that's  what that's what we uh traced out and if you   you play pay attention i have a diagon uh an  ending diagonal here which a trace like this where   wave four enters in the territorium of  wave one so you have uh you have wave   two three four and four and that's clearly the  price tag uh territorium of wave one so that's   an ending diagonal and i see one more here that's  why i put the lines on top of it because i see two   and two ending diagonals it's not really  important but i just wanted to mention it and after the correction after the from wave one to wave two we did get now a third  wave up i i haven't put it on the chart right now   oh yes i did i did put wave three  here wave four here and wave five here   and now we are collecting um  the impulsive five wavelength this can count as wave four  because it does not enter the price criterion of wave one let me just check if you say ty how you  say it in english in french she said let me check so i'm just going to ask bixby now i ask my   translator to translate a  word from french to english territory no stop just a second sorry for the delay okay he doesn't get it sorry um   i can't help you i have to check it later it  will you would waste too much time checking   it now and my uh transaction app doesn't does  work correctly so i'm wasting your time anyways and the zone of the first wave let's say the zone  of the first wave that would be proper english   so wave 4 does not enter the zone of the  first wave i would say in in french but   territorium in english i'm not sure that  the part exists and i wanted to check it   but anyways it's not that important uh it  does not enter the zone of the first wave   so you can label it away for and then you get away  five up and now we are correcting the fifth wave   so i'm expecting us to make an a b c which would  also be a zigzag and i'm expecting this exact   to st to find support at the bottom of wave  4 so i'm expecting us to go down up to there   and then then i'm seeing higher prices and  to talk about higher price let's switch to   the three hour charts and as you can see i  did also relabeling here so yesterday i was   expecting i'm telling you the same thing again on  on the three hour chart i was expecting a wave one   x-wave collection and then and with and then  a c wave down if you want an abc which is also   as i told you three waves equals equals seven  waves which also doubles zigzag because that   the first wave down we could with one zigzag  as i showed you here so this is uh one zigzag from here to here you have one  zigzag okay and if we would have got   than an x wave and then we could have gotten  one more zigzag down okay but we did not so if i go back so that the first one was  exact then i expected an x-wave and then   one was exact out because i was expecting  us to reach i was expecting us to reach the 0.382 fib retracement level but we only did reach 0.236 six retracement level that's something  that happens and so the the fourth wave from  

wave three up here to a four down was really brief  shots it only went uh it was only um a little   zigzag and i was expecting a double 6x i was  expecting an x-wave then and then one more   wave down or i probably just told you a cp abc  because undoubtedly it's the same thing as an abc   i've tried to explain that to you and normally  if you followed my train of thought you should   understand it now you can play with that you can you can   draw on a piece of paper three waves and label it  in abc and then you can draw uh seven waves and   label it again an abc or double zigzag or label  it as a double zigzag and then you can uh draw 11 waves and you can label it as a triple  zigzag or again uh same as a simple zigzag   it's the same thing they all have the same  message they all convey the same message so now let's talk since we about trading since we  did accomplish wave 4 for my new outlook at 0.236 and we are now in the process of accomplishing  wave 5 i went long again so i changed my   opinion and went along again and you  you get that information a little later   but you still can go long and you  still can go along at a at a good price   because right now we are accomplishing  uh a zigzag down which will correct wave which will correct the impulse  wave up and you can go and go long   whenever you want if you're patient you can go  along at the bottom of the zigzag at the c uh   when they see when the bottom of the sea wave is  reached you could go along for the fifth wave up   so after after having done uh b4 i'm expecting  a wave five up and here after y5 at 69 68k but we talk more we will talk more in the coming  sessions about my target for wave five let's   uh now accomplish the second wave down and and  then we'll see about the target of wave five um you are trading you must be patient so you could act you could ask me why i did go  long and i did go and and i did   did not go short as i told you yesterday i did  not go short for the fourth wave even though i   expect us to reach the 382 level because i thought  there's not too much space we were around here   and i thought there's not too much space to the  downside so i was not really eager to go short   but then the price developed in a way  that i was not expecting in my forecast   but it's fine i mean when pricing i give  me new information i'll change my forecast   it was expected in in a different  way and we get did get an impulsive   an inputs wave up so a one two three four  five and while we were developing that   the key levels indeed and did wake and i  saw that we are not accomplishing an x-ray   but that we are impulsive again so eliot wave  told me to go long so i changed my opinion and   i waited just for the feature to tell me  also to go along the triangles below my my the triangles below my candles when they went green uh i had had  the confirmation that we were starting a new   imports wave up and i went and i went  directly long for my stop-loss level   um the best top-notch level you  can make you can have is the 45-21   because we cannot enter the price zone of wave one  so from here to here we cannot enter that price so   so that's the best 45 21 would be the  best stop-loss level you take i i take a   closer one to the price because i i'm taking the  heavy leveraged position so my stop loss needs to   be closer to the price so i took the uh 53 909  level as my stop-loss level for my last trade where i'm expecting us to accomplish wave 5 up so since we did since now i think we did wave  four down i'm expecting by five up   and i went long for that wave up up move and you can go along the  same even if you enter the   even if you enter a little  later you still can't go long   at around the same price that i did or even better  because you can wait for wave c to accomplish and   then go long as soon as you think that wave  c is accomplished you could go along you know   that way c has have to write into five waves one  two three four five okay two three four five and   then it's over so you can look you can follow it  you can track it and go along whenever you want okay that's all i actually  wanted to tell you today and yes   so i had somebody asking me to make  a third intervention yesterday and i could not manage to do a third intervention  yesterday and i'm not expecting to do   to make three intervention a day i'm i'm  planning on doing one intervention right now   because i find it fun to talk about the charts   and tweet your comments i enjoy reading your  comments they are quite motivating um but i uh   sometimes i'm i might make a second intervention  if something happens or if i find the time or for it i might make a second  intervention as i did yesterday   but that is it's an exception case most of the  time i want because trading is a psychologic game so to be a good trader it's like winning an an   olympic medal a a olympic gold medal just  there are very few people who manage to become   good traders because psychologically they can't  they can they can't manage the trading stress   the the stress that is involved in trading so  i have to keep my balance and i won't keep my   balance if i spend let's say 10 or 15 hours a day  talking about looking and talking about charts um   i i find it really passionate i really enjoy it  i'm looking i'm standing up in the morning and   looking forward for the intervention  i do but if i do too much of it it it will be too much and i will  lose my balance and i will feel   less good and if i feel less good then  i will trade badly so i have to take a great importance to my psychological and also  my my physiology physiological health so there   are several things i do for example every  day i go jogging and every day i meditate   which does me some good especially for the  stress so that i get my stress level down   and then i also play the piano so i have to take  a couple of hours a day for playing my instruments   and i'm writing right now and i'm  in the process of publishing my   second book so that all my second  philosophic book so that also takes some time   and then and once i publish my second book i'm  always already writing the third book so that   also takes some time so i'm just telling you  that that i cannot spend the entire day just   looking at charts i need to do something else i  need to go outside i need to i need to change my   ideas i i need to think about something else  and do something else that i enjoy i i am   i really love trading i'm really passionate about  it i find it extremely interesting that's why i i   do these videos and that's why i talk to you and  that's why also i reply to your comments because   they're interesting yesterday um for example  a person asked me i don't remember his name   sorry i should i should promote his name but a  person asked me when i would know that the b wave   is over of the zigzag that was i was talking about  and i told him when we traced 100 from the start and then he asked me to do a video about  it but i could not manage i already did too   and i could not manage to make a third  one i i yesterday the entire day i was   late to my appointments because i did a second  intervention so i really enjoy it but for my   balance and for my psychological health i cannot  overdo it so one intervention that's already a lot   i don't know any trader who does one intervention  a day and i and i have done it now i think for   let me check i have done it now in a row  for 26 days or maybe a little less because   once or twice i did two two videos a day  but i have done it for more than 20 days   in a row without it without taking one single day  off and if i remember i'm never sick so during the   last 20 years i didn't uh catch a cold i was once  sick so i'm never sick so i can keep up with that   level of intervention once a day for on the long  run but i still need to pay a huge attention to my   psychological health and my physiological  health because if i feel bad in my body   then i will trade badly so i have to take care  about all the rest of of stuff that i enjoy   and and that i want to to spend my time with  i cannot just look at charts for 15 days   for 15 hours a day and comment them  for you i i mean i'm not a machine i'm   a human being so i need to change my mind  i need to have other occupation and other   habits to spend my time with i hope you you  get that so expect one intervention really   occasionally you can see you could see  a second dimension but don't count on it   expect one intervention and i should be able to  deliver that on the long run i should be able to   do one intervention a day and that's more than  enough that's more than enough if you want to   trade along my side because even if i entered  the long position before you did let's say you   you waited for my confirmation and you didn't want  to go long until i i told you that the fourth wave   was over even if you if you waited and even  if you see this video now or in one hour it   should still be the perfect time to go long  for the fifth wave so don't worry about it   and don't forget your stop-loss  level if you if you go long   because you always need one and one last thing  you should not but trading is is extremely um risky business so i'm expecting  to be wrong i was right on my last   short trade and i was right on my  last long trade so i was quite wise   right twice in a row and now i'm entering my third  trade and i might be right or i might be wrong   but i'm expecting uh to be right three  times and to be wrong two times so i'm   expecting to to give you wrong forecasts and  i'm expecting to lose money on my trades i'm   expecting to lose money twice and i'm expecting to  make money three times that's what i'm expecting   so you should be aware of that and and i make  money because in that case everything is fine   and i developed a business that will make me a lot  of money because i'm more raw right that i'm wrong   and also i expect my winning trades to make  more money than i will lose in my losing trades   but that's the second thing um i think i talked  enough for today i'll see you tomorrow for one   more intervention please comment i like reading  your comments um subscribe and hit the bell   notification icon because you should get those  interventions as soon as they are out so hit   the bell notification icon then youtube will  notify you every time i publish an intervention have a nice day bye

2021-10-17 04:14

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