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Trin made his remarks during a speech with crypto, event token 2049, in Hong Kong on March the 13th, q. Turan began by noting that finances realistically. The first blockchain. App mission, that will probably, achieve wide scale adoption and that even though he is a self-declared, huge, fan of other applications, the problem. Is that decentralization. Is basically, there value-add with, finance, you are competing with banks, that take five days to do something, interesting with, anything. That's not financial. Chances. Are there is some internet thing that, does what you want that's just centralized. So. It's a bit of a harder pitch as examples. Of areas where, blockchain, can catch on beyond, finance with, Anik isolated, digital, identity, reputation. And digital, certificates, in particular all of which have used cases that are not necessarily, confined, to the use of cryptocurrencies, or, financial, markets in his, further discussion, on the current state of blockchain. Adoption, deuteron, appealed to event attendees, to identify, real-world, applications. That, are developing, not, just in theory but on the ground audience. Examples, include micro insurance non. Fungible, tokens, and gaming on the, latter deuteron, said that while many people are committed to blockchain, innovation, from their conviction, that it can tackle real-world, problems, with positive, social impact, entertainment. Use cases such as gaming are valuable, areas where, the technology, can draw high numbers of early adopters, dot, speaking, of his personal, commitments, neutering highlighted, decentralized. Applications, depths, which allow multiple actors to share and cooperate on applications. That are based on an underlying decentralized. Blockchain. Protocol. He. Proposed, that the DAPs use case can potentially, redraw the existing, technology, and power landscape, by, leveraging a, decentralized. Ecosystem. To allow smaller players to, compete with tech giants, monopolies, in a, recent, interview Newton. Stated he was trying to solve bitcoins. BTC. Limited. Functionality. With the creation, of ethereum he, compared bitcoins, ability, to do one thing and, well with, the aspiration. To make ethereum, more like a canopy, for apps that can do almost, anything. Thanks. For watching the ohio bitcoin, dot-com bitcoin news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price. Articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered as trading advice, neither. Ohio. Bitcoin, calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains as, the ultimate decision, to conduct to trade is made by the reader always. Remember, that only those, in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons, below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more bitcoin, headline, news and analysis soon, everything. About cloud mining, pros and cons of application, bitcoin. Mining remains, a quite popular activity. Since the cryptocurrency, reached, its all-time high, of almost $20,000. In late 2017. Aside. From traditional. Ways of getting crypto customers. Can approach special, companies offering cloud mining services here. Is a list of the major advantages. And disadvantages. Of this virtual way of making crypto what, is cloud mining, it is the process of making Bitcoin, if, there am lit a coin is cash -, and other cryptocurrencies, using.

Special Cloud services, that accumulate, power in their data centers, and farms this, is a new model of earnings which creates groups pools, farms. With one gold to generate more income compared. To conventional, distributed, making crypto at the expense of equipment, being managed by the contractor. Who solves all the issues of the technical, and software, character, dot, going into detail an entity, that offers a cloud service has one or more farms, scattered, around the globe all. The assists and devices, for mining. Bitcoin, are all coins are placed inside of them so, if a company sells a total power of a pet hash per second or 1000. Th second, on its site it must have a corresponding number, of machines to deliver a total, hashed power of a pet hash per second dot what are the benefits, . first of all you don't need to have any special knowledge of cryptocurrency, protocols. Heuristics, all, you need to do is simply, create an account pay your fee based on the hash rate you wish to purchase with, the knowledge that the higher the hash rate the greater the revenue earnings. Will be transferred, directly to your account from, which you can then withdraw, them besides. You, don't need to purchase Hardware, worried about devaluation. And updating, of the fleet dot, the facilities, produce, a lot of heat and noise and therefore, need to be placed in a suitable room for them which is characterized. By good ventilation and isolation, from the living zone it, goes without saying that a six also require a large amount of electrical current. Usually. The domestic, energy supply, contracts, start from a minimum of three quat's however. With one or more six, of 1.5. Kilowatts, each it becomes, unsustainable to, feed housing, and rigs, simultaneously. For small contracts. Dot, what are the drawbacks dot. The fact that you don't have to control anything and you stay practically, ignorant, of everything that is going on negatively, impacts, revenues, which are often quite low a part. Of the mind coins is in fact retained, by the farm for the expenses. Besides. Over, time with the increasing, difficulty, of extracting, bitcoins, or as happened, in the last 12 months with, the fall in the value of the currency, situations. May arise in which mining, brings little profit dot. There are many fraudulent, companies, today this. Is partly due to the lack of regularization, of, the sector partly, because once a bit corn payment, is made it is impossible, to cancel it the, sector has often been at the center of attention because, of various fraudulent, platforms, that sell fake contracts. Or do not pay their users, precisely. For this reason those. Who are really interested, in cloud mining, must carry out a series of checks relying, solely on the best cloud platforms. Dot, finally, a very important, aspect concerns, the kind of coins you can mine cloud. Mining, is usually, limited to the main famous, coins this, is a good thing because you are going to mine only well-established and therefore, reliable, cryptocurrencies. However. On the other hand you can often make excellent profits, by extracting, new coins when the and, spread are minimal the, six biggest misconceptions. About Bitcoin, and cryptocurrency, from. Scaling to securities, the environment, in the SEC here's what you need to know so. Much has been said about Bitcoin, ethereum. Cryptocurrency. And, blockchain, over, the course of the past few years that it's almost impossible to keep up with what's fact opinion. Or a mixture, of both the. Blockchain industry. Moves fast is always, in flux there's so much at stake and we're still building a collective, understanding between, the vast and global spectrum, of players involved further. In the digital media landscape. In general and specifically. In the realm of cryptocurrency and, blockchain media, there's a trend towards sensationalism. That makes gaining a nuanced, understanding of, importantly something, of a challenge as the, team's building, out the infrastructure, of a blockchain future, work towards number crypto, spring and the next phase if blockchain, development, comes into view a few fallacies, linger on from blockchain, salad, days that are worth addressing some. Views are held by the general, public while others are more commonly, uttered in the crypto, sphere, but here are the six biggest misconceptions.

About Blockchain, and cryptocurrency right, now and what's, being done that proves them wrong, cryptocurrency. Mining is, bad for the environment by, now you're, familiar with a popular, narrative that, often arises when discussing blockchain. Or cryptocurrency, that, mining, Bitcoin, via proof of work algorithms. Consumes, more energy than in certain, emerging economy, nation and is contributing, to the environmental. Downfall, of the earth there's. Just one problem with these gleefully, apocalyptic. Appraisals, all of the data upon which the entirety of this alarmist, coverage is based was, whittled up by an ethically suspect, loan blogger who estimated his numbers, flubbed, his methodology. And completely. Overlooked, fundamental, aspects, of the issue at hand a deep, dive in hacker noon by Robert Sherrod lays out just how badly your most trusted news sources got this in an excellent take down the reports of Bitcoin environmental. Damage are garbage it's, a must read a 20-18. Report, by the World Economic Forum, even identified, 65, used cases for blockchain, technology, that will help the planet and the fight for environ. Ilysm, projects. Like the bounty for basura are creating, new models for sustainability. With blockchain, and as, ethereum, development, continues, towards a proof of stake model that is far more energy, efficient, and environmentally, friendly. Than the proof-of-work models, that dominate, blockchain, technologies. Today we are moving towards a future where this issue will diminish, bitcoin. Is cryptocurrencies, blockchain. If you're reading this the likelihood, is that you've explained, your interest in blockchain, tech to someone only to receive a blank stare in return until you drop the other B word Bitcoin. Although. Trends in this regard are moving fast in the right direction many, people, still equate blockchain, with cryptocurrency, and, cryptocurrency, with, Bitcoin, however. Bitcoins. Market, dominance in regards, to other tokens near, 100% for, most of the currencies, existence, sits at 50% down, from 85% less, than two years ago and up from a recent low of 33 percent, although, the crypto craze of 2017. Has clearly diminished, it has laid the foundation. For a global ecosystem, of tokens that proves that there's a lot more to cryptocurrency than, just Bitcoin it's. Also become evidently, clear that Bitcoin, and cryptocurrency, are, just phase one in the long arc of blockchain, and technologies. Like ethereum, programmable. Smart contracts, and decentralized. Apps are the future recent. Reports have indicated that, if areum's global developer, base the, Bua dollars working on the infrastructure, solutions.

Gaps And protocols. Of the network is more than twice that of Bitcoin, and that's a conservative estimation, check. The speeches, of any of tech's greatest, figures and the aleko the same the projects, and industries, with the most developers, get the best results, that's, why sectors, like decentralized. Finance, enterprise, solutions gaming, and media integrated. With blockchain, tech are flourishing already Bitcoin. Market dominance, since 2013. Notice. A trend all cryptocurrencies. Are, securities, some. Tokens, and cryptocurrencies that. Launched through the ICO process, are indeed unregistered, securities, for. Example, tokens, or cryptocurrencies, that, provide dividends, meet the holy test or share the same qualities as typical, stock will result in the class of occasion as a security, however. The emerging, reality, is that not all cryptocurrencies, are, securities, the, US Securities and Exchange Commission, has previously. Stated that ether is not a security, more. Recently, senior, members of the second cluding chairman jay Clayton and director of corporate finance bill Hinman have been playing ping-pong with public, statements, echoing positive, sentiment, most, recently, in March clayton, stated, a digital, asset may be offered, and sold initially, as a security, because, it meets the definition of an investment contract but, that designation. May change over time if the digital asset, later is offered and sold, in such a way that it will no longer meet that definition, regulations. Are notably slow to change, and while necessary, to protect individuals, from scams and malicious actors, it's worth noting that regulations. From 1933, should, be approached with a modern, viewpoint, new, regulations, will need to take into account the various types of token models if, areum can't scale scaling. A decentralized. Networks, ability, to handle transactional. Volume without sacrificing. Security, or speed is undoubtedly, a difficult, problem to solve however. Some, of the smartest, minds in the world are currently, working on solving scalability. Through layer 1 eg, sharding, and layer 2 eg, state channels plasma, solutions. Many. Of those solutions will, launch into reality, this year and Consensus, founder, Joe Lubin stated at his SXSW.

Interactive Keynote. This year that the ethereum, network with layered solutions, in play will, be able to handle millions of transactions, per second within two years all, new, technologies. Take time to mature and develop if. Their iam has made significant. Strides towards becoming, the base layer protocol, of web 3.0. The, overall ethereum, ecosystem. Continues, to show remarkable signs, of growth and it is now evident that the roadmap, towards scalability. Is clearly, laid out and achievable, cryptocurrency. Is, only used for nefarious ends, as, a private, secure, and global, network for transactions. Cryptocurrencies, have. Provided, incredible utility. For transferring, value in, conflict, zones for, remittances, retail, payments and yes, also, for dark web transactions. For illegal goods however. Chain, analysis, a leading, blockchain, research, firm has shown that Bitcoin is no longer the predominant, currency, for dark net transactions. The, global drug survey GDS, similarly. Found that cash is still king when it comes to purchasing, drugs or exchanging, value for illegal services, and you'll probably find that those decrying, cryptocurrency. Have, little issues with cash the, murky techno underbelly, of dark net transactions. And cryptocurrencies being, used for illegal purposes certainly. Make for great news stories, but by now with many of the world's leading institutions. Like Facebook, and JPMorgan, on the verge of launching their own digital currencies, it's, clear that the shady reputation, of bitcoins, earlier days was a factor, of the technologies, status, on the fringes and that we have now moved on to a more mainstream era, tokens. Are useless, Heiko, mania resulted, in thousands of crypto and blockchain projects. The six biggest misconceptions. About Bitcoin, and cryptocurrency. From, scaling to securities, the environment, in the SEC here's what you need to know so. Much has been said about Bitcoin, ethereum. Cryptocurrency, and, blockchain, over, the course of the past few years that, it's almost impossible to, keep up with what's fact opinion, or a mixture, of both the. Blockchain industry. Moves fast is always, in flux there's, so much at stake and we're, still building a collective, understanding between, the vast and global spectrum, of players involved further. In the digital media landscape. In general and specifically. In the realm of cryptocurrency, and blockchain media, there's a trend towards sensationalism. That makes gaining a nuanced, understanding of, important, issues something, of a challenge as the, team's building, out the infrastructure, of a blockchain future, work towards number crypto, spring and the next phase of blockchain. Development, comes into view a few fallacies, linger on from blockchain, salad, days that are worth addressing some.

Views Are held by the general, public while, others are more commonly, uttered in the crypto, sphere but here are the six biggest misconceptions. About blockchain and cryptocurrency right, now and what's, being done that proves them wrong, cryptocurrency. Mining is, bad for the environment by. Now you're familiar with a popular, narrative that often arises when discussing blockchain. Cryptocurrency, that, mining, Bitcoin via proof-of-work, algorithms. Consumes, more energy than insert, emerging, economy, nation and is contributing to the environmental. Downfall, of the earth there's. Just one problem with these gleefully, apocalyptic, appraisals, all of the data upon which the entirety of this alarmist, coverage is based was, whittled up by an ethically suspect, loan blogger who estimated his numbers flubbed, his methodology, and completely. Overlooked, fundamental, aspects, of the issue at hand a deep, dive in hacker noon by Robert, Sherrod lays out just how badly our most trusted news sources, got this in an excellent, take down the reports of Bitcoin environmental. Damage are garbage it's, a must read a 20-18. Report, by the World Economic Forum, even identified, 65, use cases for blockchain, technology, that will help the planet and the fight for environmentalism. Projects. Like the bounty for basura are creating, new models for sustainability. With blockchain, and as, ethereum, development, continues, towards a proof of stake model that is far more energy, efficient, and environmentally. Friendly than, the proof-of-work models, that dominate, blockchain, technologies. Today we are moving towards a future where this issue will diminish, bitcoin. Is cryptocurrencies, blockchain. If you're, reading this the likelihood, is that you've explained, your interest in blockchain, tech to someone only to receive a blank stare in return until you drop the other B word Bitcoin. Although. Trends in this regard are moving fast in the right direction many, people, still equate blockchain, with cryptocurrency, and, cryptocurrency with. Bitcoin, however. Bitcoins. Market, dominance in regards, to other tokens near, 100%, for, most of the currencies, existence, sits at 50% down, from 85 percent less than two years ago and up from a recent low of 33 percent, although, the crypto craze of 2017. Has clearly diminished, it has laid the foundation. For a global ecosystem. Of tokens that proves, that there's a lot more to cryptocurrency than, just Bitcoin it's. Also become evidently, clear that Bitcoin, and cryptocurrency are, just phase one in the long arc of blockchain, and technologies. Like ethereum, programmable. Smart contracts. And decentralized. Apps are the future. Reports, have indicated that, if areum's global developer, base the Bua dealers working on the infrastructure, solutions. Gaps and protocols. Of the network is more than twice that of Bitcoin, and that's a conservative, estimation check. The speeches, of any of tech's greatest, figures and the aleko the same the projects, and industries, with the most developers, get the best results, that's, why sectors, like decentralized. Finance, enterprise, solutions gaming, and media integrated.

With Blockchain, tech are flourishing already, Bitcoin. Market dominance, since 2013. Notice. A trend all cryptocurrencies. Are, securities, some. Tokens, and cryptocurrencies that. Launched through the ICO process, are indeed unregistered, securities, for. Example, tokens, or cryptocurrencies, that, provide dividends, meet the holy test or share the same qualities, as typical, stock will result in the classification, as a security, however. The emerging, reality, is that not all cryptocurrencies, are, securities, the, US Securities and Exchange Commission, has previously, stated that ether is not a security, more. Recently, senior, members of the second cluding chairman J Clayton and director of corporate finance bill, Hinman have been playing ping-pong with public, statements, echoing positive, sentiment, most, recently, in March clayton stated, a digital, asset may be offered, and sold initially, as a security, because, it meets the definition of an investment, contract but, that designation, may change over time if the digital asset, later is offered and sold, in such a way that it will no longer meet that definition. Regulations. Are notably slow to change, and while necessary, to protect individuals. From scams and malicious actors, it's worth noting that regulations. From 1933, should, be approached with a modern, viewpoint, new, regulations, will need to take into account the various types of token models if, areum can't scale scaling. A decentralized. Networks, ability, to handle transactional. Volume without sacrificing. Security, or speed is undoubtedly, a difficult, problem to solve however. Some, of the smartest, minds in the world are currently working on solving scalability. Through layer 1 eg, sharding, and layer, 2 eg, state channels plasma. Solutions, many. Of those solutions. Launched into reality, this year and consensus. Founder, Joe Lubin stated at his SXSW. Interactive keynote. This year that the ethereum, network with layered solutions, in play will, be able to handle millions of transactions, per second, within two years all, new, technologies. Take time to mature and develop if. Their iam has made significant, strides towards becoming, the base layer protocol. Of web 3.0. The overall. Ethereum, ecosystem, continues, to show remarkable signs, of growth and it is now evident, that the roadmap, towards scalability. Is clearly, laid out and achievable, cryptocurrency. Is, only used for nefarious ends, as a, private, secure, and global, network for transactions. Cryptocurrencies, have, provided incredible utility. For transferring, value in, conflict, zones for, remittances, retail, payments and yes, also for dark web transactions. For illegal goods, however. Chain, analysis. A leading, blockchain, research, firm has shown that bitcoin is no longer the predominant, currency, for dark net transactions. The, global drug survey GDS. Similarly. Found that cash is still king when it comes to purchasing, drugs or exchanging, value for illegal services, and you'll probably find, that those decrying, cryptocurrency. Have, little issues with cash the, murky techno underbelly, of dark net transactions. And cryptocurrencies, being, used for illegal purposes certainly. Make for great news stories, but by now with, many of the world's leading institutions. Like Facebook, and JPMorgan, on the verge of launching their own digital currencies. It's clear that the shady reputation of bitcoins earlier days was a factor, of the technology's, status, on the fringes and that we have now moved on to a more mainstream era, tokens. Are useless, Heiko, mania resulted, in thousands, of crypto and blockchain projects. You. U.s., supermarket. Chain Kroger, ditches visa and considers, bitcoins, lightning Network as a replacement major. Us-based, retailer. Kroger has announced it will no longer accept, Visa credit cards, that it Smith's food and drugstores because. Of exorbitant, fees, Anthony, pump Leon o tweeted, a suggestion to, hook them up with bitcoins, Lightning Network countrywide. And it appears, like Kroger, may be taking, up the offer an issue, with excessive, fees the, Cincinnati based Kroger, that operates. 143. Food and drug stores across, seven states and employs, over 20,000. People began the debate with a March 1st 2019, announcement. That it was no longer going to accept, Visa credit cards, as a result of high fees according. To Boston 25.

News Kroger, brands would stop accepting, Visa from April 3rd 2019. In some states and will explore, other options to, cut down on the costs incurred by Visa Kroger. CFO, Mike Schladming lament, the, card fees charged, by payments, tightened were higher at Smith's than any other credit card brand adding that Visa was due to increase its processing, fees in April he, explained, Visa has been misusing, its position, and charging retailers, excessive, fees for a long time saw. An opportunity it. Was under those circumstances that. Morgan, Creek digital founder Anthony, pomp Ileana saw an opportunity and, quickly. Tweeted, back suggesting, the crypto alternative, grocery. Store at Kroger, is stopping acceptance, of that visa in over 250, stores, because, of network fees, who. Knows someone on the leadership team there, the Morgan Creek digital, team will fly to meet them and get them hooked up with the Lightning Network, like percent. Oil Tom, had a pump Leon Oh March, 2nd, 2019, several. Hours later Kroger's production, manager, tweeted, a response showing interest in taking the conversation, further. Here, ok, pumped, I'm a product, manager at Kroger, digital can, you confirm that you're the correct person that discussed this with I would, love to set up the conversation Tom. Responded saying DM, me let's, do it Bitcoin, lightning, to the rescue Smiths. Is the second Kroger brand to abandon Visa credit cards, following, a similar decision, by california-based. Foods company, supermarket. Should, the deal between pomp, Leon oh and the Smiths go through and the implementation. Of the Lightning Network payment, solution, is implemented that, could lead to broader adoption, across all the Kroger brands for, their part visa is not about to give up and has promised, to work out the problem, stating, that they have put forward a number of solutions, to allow our card holders to continue using their preferred Visa, credit cards, at foods company in Smith's without Kroger imposed restrictions and, we continue, to work toward a resolution the. Bitcoin network is, steadily making, inroads in the crypto, community, and it has continued, to receive support from leading, companies and individuals, giving, it an edges of preferred payment processor, among. Those who have received a payment in a transaction, chain, called de lightning torch our lincoln and co-founder, reid hoffman and the digital team at fidelity, and that between a doc we and our research team at the fidelity Center, for Applied Technology have. Received the numberland torch from a tweezer who, should we pass it to thanks, for watching the ohio bitcoin comm bitcoin news channel today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us, disclaimer, price, articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational.

Purposes Only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice neither. Ohio, bitcoin, comm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains has, the ultimate decision. To conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons, below it helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more bitcoin headline news and analysis soon, just. In some now planning twenty million dollars, cash airdrop, and Tesla giveaway drawn. Found at Justin Sun announced that, he is planning to do a 20 million dollar free cash airdrop, in addition, to a giveaway of 1 Tesla vehicle, to a random, winner dot, twenty million dollars, cash airdrop, from Justin, son Justin. Son the founder of Tron TRX. The, world's 10th largest cryptocurrency. By, means of market capitalization, has, announced his plans to do a 20 million dollar free cash airdrop, prior. To the airdrop however, son, is also going to give away one, Tesla vehicle, to a randomly, picked winner to. Celebrate, BTT. And us, DT. Tron success, I am planning a 20 million dollar, free cash airdrop, good. News it's coming, bad news I may decide to give away more first. I will randomly pick one winner for a Tesla up until 3 27th. To. Apply follow, me and RT, this, tweet simple. To celebrate, number, B TT and, number, us, DT. - number, Tron success, I am planning a 20 million dollar free cash airdrop, good. News it's coming bad news they may decide to give away more first. I will randomly pick one winner, for a number Tesla up until 3 27th. To. Apply follow, me and RT, this, tweet simple. Number. Blockchain. Pick Slash, W. F Y Zed WT. B 3r -. Just, in son just, in son Tron March, the 12th, 2019. Apparently. The first phase of the Tesla giveaway, will end on, March the 27th. And those who want to participate have. To follow son on Twitter and retweet his, post so, far it, has been retweeted, over. 29,000. Times as for, the second part of the initiative, which includes the 20 million dollars, cash airdrop, there's, no additional, information shed, the, entire stunt celebrates, the success, of BitTorrent token. B TT and, the recent partnership, between tether. You s/dt, Antron. TRX. As the, coyness reported, tether is set to be introduced on Tron's blockchain. 20. Million dollars why, not while, 20, million, dollars, might sound like a lot of money for a giveaway just in son's recent moves have brought in a lot more BitTorrent. Had its initial coin offering, ICO in January, through violence launch but it ended, in less than 15 minutes, selling. 7.2. Million, dollars, in BTT. Tokens, at. 0.0001. $2, a pop at the time of this writing, BTT. Traits, at. 0.0007. $5. A six-fold, increase on, any investments. Made in the digital, token, during the time of its sale it's, also worth noting that according. To the token allocation, plan of BitTorrent, 20%. Of the total supply is held by the Tron foundation. 19.9%. By, the BitTorrent, ecosystem. And 19%, by, the team the, total supply of BTT, is. 990. Billion in other, words approximately. Five hundred and ninety, four billion tokens, are held by entities owned by Justin son at current. Prices that's, roughly, around four hundred and forty five million five, hundred thousand. Dollars what, do you think of Justin Sons twenty million dollars, cash airdrop, and Tesla giveaway don't. Hesitate to let us know in the comments below dot, thanks, for watching this has been the Bitcoin crypto, currency, market top ten report, today is sponsored by Ohio Bitcoin, calm, we appreciate, you spending a bit of your valuable, time with us we broadcast numerous.

Times Throughout the day so stay tuned, disclaimer, price. Articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice, neither. Ohio. Bitcoin, dot-com, nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains as, the ultimate, decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader always. Remember, that only those. In possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money, if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons, below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with the next up to the nanosecond edition. Of the Bitcoin crypto, currency, market top 10 crypto, report ever, to launch new version, of us dt. S-- tablet, coin on tron blockchain, tether. Is gearing up to launch its, controversial, stab lakorn as a native token on the Tron blockchain, for. The effort tether, is partnering, with the Tron foundation, to launch the dollar pegged USD. T s-- tablet, coin is a PRC. 20, token, the companies announced monday. TRC. 20, years a technical, standard used by the Tron blockchain, for implementing, tokens, similar, to and compatible, with Assyrians earth 20 standard, the, addition, would allow users to more easily transact. With decentralized. Applications. Depths. And protocols. Based on the tron blockchain, the, firm's said, specifically. They, hope to improve, decentralized. Exchange liquidity. And make Tron more accessible. To institutional. Investors by providing, the stab lacoya option, to the network, tether. Already, exists, as a stab LaToya Milt on the Bitcoin and ether blocked chains in a, statement tether, CEO. Jean-louis. Van de Velde praised the partnership, saying, this, integration, underlines. A commitment, to furthering innovation, within the cryptocurrency, space. As we continue, to anticipate. The needs and demands, of the digital, asset community, the. New version, of us DT. Is expected, to launch sometime, in the next quarter tether, is the world's most populous, tablet, coin and is a top 10 cryptocurrency, by, market value according. To kin market, cap however. Questions. Have long existed about whether, the cryptocurrency, is actually, backed by US. Dollars, at 1 :, 1 ratio while. The company has promised, to hire an order to diversify its, holdings, it has yet to do so after parting, ways with Friedman. LLP, last. January, Bahamas. Based Deltek Bank & Trust which. Provides banking services, to the company. Release a letter verifying, that tatha had an account and maintained, assets, worth one point eight billion dollars, at the time total. U.s. dt, tokens, in circulation, add up to a little over two billion dollars, at pressed I'm asked. If drawn had any concerns, about these questions, a representative. Referred coined as to a Bloomberg report, which, suggested. The company, had sufficient, holdings to back the total number of u.s., DT.

Tokens, In circulation, at least for a four-month period Tron. CEO, Justin. Son said in the announcement. That the collaboration, with tether to bring at us, DT. TRC. 20, token to Tron will bring incredible stability, and confidence to users these, users, will be able to easily redeem, their tokens, for US dollars he added which, thanks for watching the Ohio Bitcoin, comp, Bitcoin, news channel today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer. Price. Articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice, neither. A ohio bitcoin calm, nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains as, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader always. Remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoyed this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons. Below it helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon. Crypto. Industry, execs this, Bitcoin bear market is the best yet as much. As some like to sugar-coated, the crypto market has lost 85 percent of its value since the jaw-dropping early, 2018 peak this, collapse which pushed Bitcoin, from twenty thousand dollars to four thousand, dollars has effectively, stopped the cryptocurrency gravy, train dead in its tracks gone. Are the days that blockchain. Was a popular, word at the dinner table as mainstream, media, outlets the, CNBC Fast, Money segment, in particular. Have slowed their coverage to a near halt more. Likely than not retail. Investors, who know think bitcoin is nothing but a distant memory on mas have removed can market cap from their bookmarks list purged, their coinbase and, line ins accounts, and unfollowed. Kryptos most eccentric commentators. On Twitter but, some, argue that this industry is stronger, than ever far, from the worst Bitcoin, bear market, at, TL kan, 2049, Hong, Kong's premier, crypto, event news was lucky enough to sit down with some of the industry's leading insiders, and executives, in the handful.

Of Interviews a common, theme emerged the ongoing, crypto, winter is far from the worst ever Charlie, Lee the creator of little coin told, us that while the drop in cryptocurrencies, percentage-wise. Is, similar, to that seen in 2014. To 2015. Now stakeholders. Are sure that this industry will not dropped off the face of the earth he. Elaborated, during, the last bear market, I remember, it got to a point where people just, didn't think that it was going to come back people, just weren't optimistic about, the price at the time now. I think we haven't gotten to that point yet and maybe we might not go there this time which will be great, related. Reading exclusive. What little Cohen founder Charlie Lee thinks will drive crypto, adoption, interestingly. Others. That spoke to us made near-identical remarks. Liske, smacks core deck explained, that in the previous cycle many were telling investors, to pack your bags and say, your goodbyes, this, time however there's, bona fide development. Instead, of a sense of pure capitulation. Core, deck dads that believe it or not he, believes that there is more blockchain, development, right now than any other point in this industry's, decade-long, history, economics. Wise activity, wise and, sentiment. Wise the, last one was much much, worse, Pascal. Gauthier of Ledger who once claimed that, he wouldn't be surprised, to see another 18 to 24, months of, what he calls nuclear, winter was, in the same exact, boat as core deck and Lee Gauthier, tells news that, 2015, to 2016, was, much like nuclear crypto, winter meaning, that nobody wanted to touch Bitcoin, with a ten-foot, pole at the, time financial. Institutions, purportedly, believed that the crypto currency was evil drug money and all those other things this. Time however. It is just a winter as everyone, is eagerly awaiting a spring then finally, a summer in closing. The self-proclaimed, chain agnostic, crypto entrepreneur, stated and everyone, including, institutions, is just, building infrastructure, and tech to prepare for the eventual shift, there, are many things coming that are much bigger than crypto, itself, and large, institutions. Are working on this they're, not alone in their buoyant sentiment, outside. Of Tok an 20 49 other crypto, pundits, are also sure, that, this cycle isn't, anything game ending, for this budding ecosystem. Because, that's the thing it's budding not shrinking, fundamentals, wise related. Reading BK, cm CEO crypto. Winter coming to an end as Bitcoin fundamentals. Turned positive in an, interview with Bloomberg TV. Spencer, Bogart, of blockchain, capital, explained, that there's an actual argument to be made that, Bitcoin is currently the world's most compelling asset, bogart, explained, that while BTC, is unlikely to establish, new all-time highs in the next few months this, nasan, space is still rife with innovation, talent, and capital.

The, Prominent, crypto, investor, explained, that the levels of entrepreneurial. Talent an institutional. Interest hasn't seeded, with the price he. Added this industry, hasn't slumped, at all really we operate, a fund that invests in, both digital assets, and companies themselves and we see more higher quality, companies come into our offices, every day behind. The scenes when you think of the macro-environment with. Rising, debt levels money-printing the, tension between nationalism. And globalism, and jurisdictional. Competition, there's a strong case to be made that bitcoin, is the most compelling, asset, in the world right now even. News box joseph Young has expressed, optimism, in these dreary times on Twitter. Joseph explained, that while many investors, are worried about a fully fledged winter, where as absolutely, every entity in the crypto, space will get hit even harder, stakeholders. Are still pushing ahead as the. Analysts explained, companies, are building and expanding very rapidly I think, many investors, were worried about a full-fledged, crypto, bear market, because developer, activity, market, interest and the rate of building inference. Of, Lee this, bear market so, far has. Expectations. Companies. Are building and expanding very rapidly, Joseph. Young daddy, am Joseph young March, 12th 2019. But, could this session of building just be the calm before the storm, Travis. Cling sure thinks so the, former Wall Street investor, who has become the head of a Morgan Creek backed crypto, hedge fund once took to social media forums. Calling, for more pain cling, a self-described. Libertarian. Noted, that if Bitcoin is to eventually, see a resurgence the, current array of shortcomings, including, the countless layoffs, exchange. Collapses, stringent. Regulation, and cries, that crypto is dead will be just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin, calm, Bitcoin, news channel today we sincerely appreciate, you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered as trading advice neither. Ohio, bitcoin calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains as the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade as made by the reader dot this is not trading, or investment. Advice this. Presentation, is for entertainment, and education, purposes, only please. Do your own research before. Purchasing, or investing, into any cryptocurrency. Always. Remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own Bitcoin, if you, enjoyed this type of content, please, smash the like and subscribe buttons below it helps us to get more views and continues. To spread the word about Bitcoin, BTC, thanks. Again see. You with more bitcoin. Headline, news and analysis soon. 60%, of, crypto users, are still scared to make a Bitcoin, payment, the, foundation, for inter wallet operability, is built on a key principle for, Bitcoin or other crypto, assets, to succeed they must be as easy to use as possible the. Protocol, presents, some intriguing possibilities. Particularly. For merchants and new users. CCN. Previously. Spoke to founder David Gould and we interviewed, him again about their recent survey on crypto, usability. The findings. Only compelled gold to work harder, on his mission for even those who have spent a significant. Amount of time in the crypto space find its usability, far, from perfect, most, crypto, users, feel uncomfortable. After sending a transaction. Most, crypto, users, feel their heart skip a beat when they press send on that Bitcoin, payment, source. Shutterstock. In, fact. 60%. Of newer users failed, to answer very, comfortable, when asked how they felt immediately. Sending. A crypto payment, the, number of experienced. Users who feel very comfortable is, just shy of the number who answered, cautiously, optimistic. It's, about 79%. For, users who have held crypto, for less than three years fear. Divided, data into, two groups people who have held crypto, for over, three years and people who haven't primarily.

The, Study focused on people who held crypto, at some point in 2018. When, Bitcoin was nearly 10 years old almost. Three-quarters, of respondents. 73%. Sent, at least a few transactions. Throughout, 2018. Most. Crypto, users, are cautiously, optimistic after. Sending, a payment, but only one quarter are very comfortable, source. Foundation. For inter Wallet operability, over. 200, people were polled they, were found via targeted, advertising, and other marketing, techniques, the, data gives a lot to unpack and, a lot to think about Gould, told CC, and over the weekend, there are a lot of usability. Issues, that have to be dramatically, improved if, crypto, ever is going to achieve its potential of enabling, the seamless movement of decentralized. And doing, for the movement, a value what the World Wide Web has done for the movement, of information, over, half of people who send crypto, last year experienced. Problems, most. Crypto, users, said they experienced. Problems when, sending Bitcoin, there are another asset, to someone else, source, Shutterstock. Nearly. One in five people polled had a problem that, prevented, the actual, successful, transaction, of cryptocurrency. Around. 6% reported. That they had been victimized, by a fishing or man-in-the-middle. Attack. Man-in-the-middle. Clipboard, attacks are a common, way to steal crypto, these days an attacker. Infects, a machine and manipulates, the clipboard, to send to an address often. The address appears, similar Pheo, specifically. Prevents such an attack vector users. Can generate payment. Requests, based on the wallet software, instead, of the blockchain itself. So, the sender is confident, that the funds are properly, routed, attackers. May still figure, out ways to gain such a situation. But it will be far more difficult especially. In, merchants to person transactions. Which are at crucial focus for usability, almost. Twice the number of people who were victimized, worried, that they might have been this, reporter, can attest, that any time he doesn't see an immediate notification. By a wallet, service, he, fears that he has finally fallen, victim, to one of these attacks, notably. A manual, trick for the current ages to verify, the beginning, middle, and end, of a typical address, it, gets more difficult with, longer, addresses, such, as those issued, by Manero and other kryptonite, protocols, bed, coin and crypto competitors. Must be easier, than fiat to succeed, just, 11% of crypto users, made a transaction. At least once a week during 2018. Source. Foundation. For inter wallet operability, for. Some the, most damning, result of the study will, be the fact that only 11% of, people who used crypto, in 2018. Did so more than once a week the, majority rarely, used it at all for any alternative. System, to succeed, it should, easier than existing. Payment options, after, all it's, easier, to send a PayPal transaction. Than to conduct a bank wire all, you need is someone's the email address would, people be as successful if, it were just as inconvenient, as gathering, bank details and, processing. Them manually gold said if these, things don't get changed, people, are not going to be buying coffee with crypto, it's, got to be actually, better than sending fiat, it's, got to be easier, safer, and more, comfortable, than sending fiat because.

These Are immutable, transactions. Right, you. Can't call a bank and say hey. Put, a stop payment on, that or, I, didn't, charge that fee. Oh one, protocol, to help them all fortunately. Gold doesn't believe it's necessarily. Up to the blockchain developers. To create usability. Solutions, for, one thing a true, maximalist. Vision would need to come true for that, even to matter if only. Bitcoin ethereum, achieve full ease of use for, example, it doesn't mean much for the non crypto, world coming, in to crypto, even. Solutions, like lightning, network use complex, algorithmic. Payment, information to, process, transactions. Via works to provide plain English addressing, instead, feel. Works identically on every, single block Shane I've, talked, to lightning people and they absolutely love. Pheo because, lightning doesn't, have a way to solve the complicated. Address problem. That's, where Pheo protocol, shines it doesn't, depend on changes, by any particular, blockchain. As opposed, to solutions, like ends which has some similar, features, instead. Pheo solves, the problems, itself, at a wallet, level Pheo, strives, to make transactions. More secure, and put. Simply easier. The, foundation. For inter wallet operability, counts, several major wallets, as members finances. Trust wallet, Konomi, an edge wallet, as well, as services, like shape-shift, all of whom are founding, members of the Pheo foundation. We. Discussed, the protocol, in much greater detail, in our interview, with David gold how. Bella is focused, on Bitcoin and crypto to, grow its tech industry, the, belorus government, used the growing popularity, of Bitcoin, as a tool to boost its technology, sector, reported. Smet the, media agency, collected, quotes from people who were working closely with Belarus and president, Alexander. Lukashenko in. Drafting, tech friendly, laws one, of them was a lawyer named Dennis oleynikov, who, helped, the government draft, a bill that, would make foreign companies, to receive tax benefits, in Belarus he, told net that president, Lukashenko, wanted. To boost Belarus, as a global technology, hub but their Island the gasped dependent, economy, didn't have a budget to run a viral, campaign so. They, came up with a plan and to, Bitcoin boom the, entrepreneurs. Close to president, Lukashenko, suggested. Using Bitcoin and bitcoins popularity. To promote Belarus's, tech sector in December. 2017. At the height of the crypto, boom president. Lukashenko, signed, a decree that, gave foreign tech companies, unlimited, access to belorus tax-free, climate, the, order enforced, 36, types of tax exempt activities, for tech companies until. 2049. There's, 0% v80. 0%. Corporate, profit, tax customs. Duty, offshore, Duty, income, tax for foreign entities, tax, on sales of shares of high-tech Park residents, and 0 tax on revenues, of foreign companies mid, treaty Tov the press secretary, if the Belarusians, high-tech, part holds net helped. By the decree the ICO industry, also gained legal, status in the region they, could now issue tokens.

Facilitate. Bit coin and crypto trading. And run, mining, enterprises under, a tax-free, structure. Which would expire in 2023. Cutting-edge. Technology. Is a very, nice marketing, instrument, for a little country explained. Elaina cough we. Decided, that it would be good for belorus to, be the first country to make smart contracts. Legal, shady. Companies, approved by, lacks regulations. Global. Regulators, had and continue, to have severe. Concerns, about how the ico industry, operates at, ideation. Stages, crypto. Startups. Go on and raise millions of, dollars via, Tokyo mised public, funding but, in the end a majority. Of them failed to turn up with a working, project as. A result over, 85%, of, ICO projects, failed and their investors, underwent massive losses, reported, Bloomberg. These, losses further, pushed the cryptocurrency, industry. In one of its most extended, bearish, phases, so. There, is a possibility, that belorus, despite, its noble intentions. Unknowingly. Allowed shady, companies, to operate smoothly. A recent. Example somewhat points, in the same direction real. X development, a cryptocurrency, enabled. Real estate startup, recently. Received an operational. License, from the belorus authorities. At, the same time the firm was facing, allegations of, insider trading by, its community, a redditor. Alleged their, CMO was, caught in manipulating. The community, which allowed him to accumulate. Till there 4%. Of the total supply, of honor Alex when, confronted, the team deflected, and pushed this situation. Off to the side months. Went by and as more investigating. Was done more light was brought to the table by seeing the damage that CM o did, by using alt accounts, on telegram, the. Issue was, brought up again and at the beginning of December the. CM o stepped, down more. Info, available on this into this link boom, is boom a few, bad examples. Do not necessarily make. Belorus a hotbed, for poor, projects, just. Recently Belarus, approved, currents calm, a tokenized. Securities, exchange, which raised eight million, dollars investment, from loanable ventures, and vp capital the, trading platform allows, crypto, investors, to but, tokens, that are linked with stocks on NASDAQ, exchange at. The same time there, are blockchain, Solutions, firm like intellect, surfed and smart and pro working as third-party developers. For innumerable, crypto, projects, around the globe, independent. And popular, blockchain, projects. Like open leged ex-cop, pay deepens, quorum, also hail from Belarus's high-tech, park with. Its friendly, regulations. The, park has also attracted. Calm his sectors other than crypto, there, include firms from machine learning. Telecommunications. Space. Robotics. And information. Security, over. 260. Companies, entered belorus in 2018. Leading, to an increase in software, exports. Bring the sector one point four, billion dollars, in FY, 2018. That. Earnings were 38%. More than the previous year, thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin, comp Bitcoin news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer.

Price. Articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered, as trading advice. Neither, Ohio. Bitcoin comm nor the authoring, sabore. For any losses, or gains as, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always, remember, that only those. In possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy, this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons, below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis, soon, lightning, labs unveils, lightning, loop alpha in a, bid to make it easier for businesses, and individuals. To receive funds via the Lightning Network lightning, labs has rolled out the alpha version of lightning loop according. To a blog post on, March 20th. 2019. Receiving. Bitcoins, easier with lightning, loop as stated. In its blog post, the lightning labs team says it has received numerous feedback, from users of the Bitcoin Lightning, Network asking. It to create a solution that, could make it easier for them to receive funds via lightning, now. The, team has announced the launch of the first iteration of lightning, loop a noncustodial. Service. Facilitates, receipt, of funds on the Lightning Network, reportedly. The lightning loop alpha, version comes with the loop out functionality. The, primary, objective, of loop out is to allow users to easily transfer. Their funds from the Lightning Network to their cold wallets, or crypto, exchange, accounts. Thereby freeing up space in the channel for more funds to enter for, the uninitiated the, Lightning Network is presently, designed, in a way that makes it impossible for funds, to be received, on a new channel until bitcoin has been spent via that particular, channel, in other, words nothing, can be received once a new channel is opened since of row needs to, be first created for, incoming, funds by spending a payment. Channel can be thought of as a full bottle of water to, pour something, in one, must first pour something out for. Lightning labs, with a loop out feature new, lightning users. No longer need to rely on others, to open channels, with them before, they can start receiving funds on the network, since, they can use loop out to get initial, receiving, capacity, the, future, of lightning loop the. Team has made it clear that the next release of lightning loop will, support the loop in functionality, to, enable users to reload, their, lightning channels, with Bitcoin, from their Unchained, wallets, or exchanges, the, team stated as our user makes payments, via lightning, his or her channel funds decreases. They, can then use the loop in service, to refill their funds on lightning, from a regular on chain Bitcoin, wallet, or through, an exchange account and continue. To add funds as needed, in the self-release loop, out transactions. Are limited. To 0.01. BTC, and the team says the service is felis, but on chain transactions.

Attract, A charge it's, worth noting that the, Lightning network is fast gaining traction in the crypto space earlier, in January 2019. And commander, informed, that bitch refill had launched its Thor lightning, channel for superfast and cost-efficient. Bitcoin, payments, top, asset, manager, says next Bitcoin, having is attractive, for investors, now. Is the right time for investors, to create their core strategic positions. In Bitcoin says, a toc asset, management firm, new. York-based, greyscale, investments. Backed, by Barry Silbert Stitch Atal currency, group published. An evaluative, report detailing, the historical, correlation. Between Bitcoin, having events and its price. The phone used those metrics, to, predict how the Bitcoin, price would react to the next having event which, is going to take place on May the 24th, next, year in, retrospective. Miners contribute, computational. Power to confirm blocks, on the Bitcoin network and, Adventura, it's public blocked Shan the, system automatically. Rewards, them with newly, issued Bitcoin, tokens, this. Reward according. To the bitcoins original, white paper gets, reduced by 50% every, 210. Thousand, blocks since. The Bitcoin network since, Epson there have been two such events, one. In November 2012. And the other in July 2016. Each. Event reduced, the Bitcoin mining, reward in half thereby. Reducing. The supply of BTC. By half as well following. The next Bitcoin having event as mentioned. Above the, block rewards, for miners will decrease from. 12.5. BTC. To. 6.25. BTC. Bitcoins. Block reward having, is expected, to take place in May 2020. What. Does it mean for the dollar at BTC, supply, landscape, at Matthew. Underscore. C underscore. BEC looks into it in our latest note the, next Bitcoin having. HTTPS. Tico. /, 8k. P 32 BBS 8 d pic da, slash, u, t8 z b7, hedge -. Gray scale at grayscale, invest March, the 19th 2019. Grayscale. Investment. And research director, Matthew. Beck assess, that the upcoming having could pose as an attractive, entry point into Bitcoin for investors, given, they are ready to hold onto their investment, over the years and have an appetite, for high, market, risks accepts. From his report for. Investors, with a multi-year, investment, horizon, and a high risk tolerance, the, confluence, of discounted, prices, improving, network fundamentals. Strong, relative investment, activity, in the upcoming, having may offer an attractive entry. Point into Bitcoin this. Is especially relevant for, investors, building, core strategic positions. In Bitcoin over time. The fixed supply scenario. Looking. Through the historical, Bitcoin market, reactions, to having it became, clear that the. Asset showed an upside momentum in. November, 2013, for instance. BTC. Price, surged from two one thousand, and thirty-two dollars up, eighty two point one percent since, the first having, similarly. Are comparatively, more excited, Bitcoin market experience, to 3x surge following, the second having event jumping, from six hundred and fifty one dollars, to two thousand, five hundred and eighteen, dollars in just a year, historical. Bitcoin price performances. Around having events spa source. Grayscale. Investments. Beck, noted, that the next having would reduce the number of daily minted BTC. From. 1800. Per day to nine hundred per. Day based. On the bitcoin closing, price as of March 15 till. To three thousand, eight hundred and seventy-six dollars the, dollar denominated, bitcoins, supply would decrease, from seven million dollars, per day to three point five, million. Dollars, per day that. Covers, one part of the equation, the, supply now. Comes the demand demand. Side, and fixed, Bitcoin, suffered, considerable, losses in 2018. Owing to both internal and external, fundamental. Factors, it is, clear that investors. Dump the asset fearing an extensive, losses, it, is also evident that, a long bearish, market takes, a considerably, longer time to recover the, US, housing.

Market Is one clear example which, 11, years after the global financial crisis. Is still attempting, to improve Bitcoin. Network activity. Factory return percent, our source. Greyscale. Investments. Bitcoins. Silver, lining, is regulation, and institutional. Adoption, Beck, noted, the same and presented. It various, proprietary factor. Model above, he, wrote improving. Fundamentals. Have generally, been the trend Road temporary, declines, are typical, after. Taking a brief dip in the first half of 2018. Bitcoin, network activity. Has stabilized, and is starting, to show modest, increases, over, the last few months, notably, in the 12 to 18, month periods, preceding, the past two BTC. Having's, a similar, decline and subsequent, rise occurred nevertheless. The. Bitcoin demand side suffers, from ultra, fluctuation. Due to its unregulated, spot, markets, there, is still no metric, that, could assess how many people, are entering or exiting. BTC. Markets, on any timeframe that, has. Made big investors, to keep their capital away from BTC. Markets, for their fair price manipulation, at large scale on the, whole the, supply rate could be bullish, for Bitcoin if the man surpasses. It institutions. Like backed and Nasdaq are building an infrastructure. To attract significant, monies rest. Assured the next Bull Run remains a prophecy, waiting to be fulfilled, thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin, calm Bitcoin, news channel, today we sincerely appreciate, you, spending some of your valuable time with us, disclaimer, price. Articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered as trading advice. Neither, Ohio. Bitcoin calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains as, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader this, is not trading, or investment. Advice this. Presentation, is for entertainment and, education, purposes, only please. Do your own research, before.

Purchasing, Or investing, into any cryptocurrency. Always. Remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own Bitcoin. If you, enjoy this type of content, please. Smash the like and subscribe buttons, below it helps us to get more views and continues. To spread the word about Bitcoin, BTC. Thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin. Headline, news and analysis soon, how. To print your bran crypto, paper wallet, even, though cryptocurrency, is, a digital, asset it doesn't, mean that you have to forgo the sensation, of actually, holding your money in your very own hands. That's, where paper wallet, come in they, are a staple feature of using cryptocurrency, and today's tip is a tool that. So you easily print them for yourself paper, wall of generator. There, are several cryptocurrency, paper. Wall of generators, that you are able to find online but, if you are going to use a service to secure your money then you need to make sure it's one you can trust Bitcoin. Dot-com, offers a free and easy to use Bitcoin cash, paper wallet generator, that is ideal once. You click on the button that says generate. Wallet, now all you have to do is move the cursor around for a short while, to create entropy, and the service will quickly create a new wallet for you after. This all you need to do is jiggle, the cursor around the page for a little bit in order to create entropy, and the service will quickly create a new wallet, for you then. You will only need to select an interesting, design you like click, print and then you're done that's. It basically three simple steps and you're good to go so for, anyone that is looking to store large amounts of money in their paper wallet, or eager to learn more about the best way to protect, their assets our paper wallet, portal provides instructions, for attaining, an even higher level of security this. Entails downloading. An even higher level of security this. Entails, downloading, the generator, and running, it on a safe system that you trust without being in connection, to the rest of the world benefits. The, benefits of a paper wallet are that they allow you to store it'll run completely, offline and for the best security, it is recommended downloading. The source code and generating. The seed from an offline laptop. Furthermore. Anyone, can create a paper wallet, you, only need a printer, scissors, sell it up and some basic first grade skill they are convenient for spending, - you. Can spend money by scanning the paper wallets, private key with the Bitcoin comm wallet, or like real money breaking. Crypto, news up, it to list crypto, comm chain token, CRO, test. Net date set, crypto. Comm to open source the chain test nut V. 0.1. On Wednesday, March the 20th, -. Crypto. Calm, the pioneering, payments, and cryptocurrency, platform. Announced, that its crypto, comm chain token, CRO. Will, be listed today on up a bit a leading, global digital, asset exchange. Based in South Korea up, a bit announcement. In Korean, the, crypto comm chain is a high-performing, public blockchain, powering, crypto, dot-com, pay which, allows customers, to pay for goods and services with, cryptocurrency while. Receiving, generous, cash back rewards, for, merchants crypto. Compe, offers the option to, get paid in any crypto without, being exposed to its inherent volatility. And enjoy greatly, reduced, processing fees and near, instant settlement, Christmas.

Slick Co-founder. And CEO of. Crypto, dot-com, said we're thankful to a bit for their support of our project, our chain, team is on a tear recently, the crip dot-com. Pay SDK. Shipped, to merchants partners last week on, top of opening of the pay platform, to our 400,000. Users this week our team has shed shield to open source the first version, of chain test it on Wednesday March, the 20th as a part of a broader dev update this. Is another milestone achieved. The head of shanty all communicated. In the CRO, white paper, CRO. Is now trading on up a bit learn, more about the crypto, comm, chain by visiting. For. MU. Us-based. Exchange, about, crypto. Comm. Cr

2019-04-04 09:42

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Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it. Geniuses remove it. -- Alan J. Perlis

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