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Even threatened to have mechanisms to, destroy the project, just few, days ago he tweeted well, I plan to allow BTC, to die slowly so some could get out but, I guess that it will be accelerated with idiots who are going to end in court rights, tweets were often distributed, for their ironic, value R editors have noted that the bot account allowed for a livelier criticism, and even mockery, which right, would have deleted on his own Twitter account but. Right also observed, the bots activity, and even replied, to comments, through his original, Twitter handle, rights, claims to be Satoshi have been widely dismissed as lies by the crypto, community, and he has also been controversial, due to his involvement in, last year's unpopular, hard fork of Bitcoin cash bch. Had already mentioned, be CHS V citta, Xi's vision nevertheless. He. Continued, to publish defiant. Posts, to his 60 K followers, via his Twitter account criticizing. The development, of the Bitcoin network sued. By the real BTC. Developer, we already wrote of how he ignited, the fierce competition between, bit corn and ethereum, blockchain making. His contribution. To the CFTC's. Call-out, however. Last, year Wright was sued for four billion dollars, when the estate of David Clayman, a computer, scientist, and cybersecurity expert, who many suspect, to have been one of the developers, behind Bitcoin and blockchain tech, claimed, that Wright stole billions of dollars, worth of Bitcoin, according. To the plaintiffs, Wright recognized, that the family were unaware of clayman's, wealth and forged, a series of contracts, that purported, to transfer, Dave's assets, to Craig and/or, companies, controlled, by him Craig. Back dated these contracts, and forged, Dave's signature, on them thanks, for watching the Ohio Bitcoin calm, Bitcoin, news channel today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price, articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered as trading advice, neither. Ohio. Bitcoin comm nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains has, the ultimate decision. To conduct a trade is made by the reader always. Remember, that only those. In possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon. It's. Not a verb is not a part is not too sweet not too tart at six o'clock isn't, our agree. Blow. Out the candles, make a wish it's like a fart but smells like this is six o'clock it's time for a queen. Under. Your bed let, them drop to the floor hands, up and let yourself. You. Why, blocks Jane is a hammer looking for a nail and where, it might find, it I'm here. To tell you what most people, won't your. Project, almost definitely, won't benefit, even 1%, from. Choosing, to use blockchain you're, not using it for anything, innovative that, a centralized, Oracle, database, couldn't, do 20 years ago that's. What the postering blockchain, influencers. And engineers. Looking to make a quick buck fail, to share they're. Doing absolutely nothing, which, is newer innovative, what, you're doing is building, a vanity, project which, strokes your own ego dot you're not using blockchain. Technology. Because, you have to you're, using it because you want to and think, that it will impress other people that.

Said The, same is almost universally. True for AI and machine learning. By the way both. Have brought it to become empty adjectives, used to describe functions. Which have no characteristics. Of either they. Amount a little more than fancy parlor, tricks involving, automated, BOTS which act in a very small specific, niche the. Sad reality is that we live in the replication, age the desires to innovate, are nowhere to be found instead. People, focus, mindlessly. On the replication, of the existing, they, take with use in their analog world and espouse, about, how their imagination. Of this thing recreated, for a digital decentralized. Age will change the world sure. It might sound impressive, but, when you analyze the, details there. Is a fundamental. Misunderstanding of. What decentralization. Even, is its purpose, and why it would ever be a means to an end without. Understanding that, in first principles, we are sentenced, to repeat the mistakes of the past much, like the dot-com, explosion. Crypto, and blockchain will, encounter its own reckoning, and it is fast approaching it becomes. So difficult to see the wood for the trees that, absolutely, everything you encounter, either looks, revolutionary. Or like a dumpster, fire about to wreck the universe, you, thought the crash of 2018. Was it not even close that. Was in fact public, sentiment, running wild and had next to no bearing, on the investment, or innovate in the space yes. Aiko's, were an investment, but not in the way that it typically matters, ie the money raised came from the packets of unsophisticated, investors. Not, a term I used fondly, but, apt for this purpose, that meant that these projects, were white elephants, funded, on nothing but sketches, on the back of a packet there. Was no diligence, done on any of them and they raised capital on a white paper rather. Than focusing, on things that were, real and already, had working prototypes, the, focus, drifted, to nothing but financial, reward as it. Turns out greed, as an incentive to participate. As an unlikely route to oversized, returns. Institutional. Capital certainly. Has its faults but, for the most part it can be relied upon to fund projects, which conform, to a very specific set, of expectations, this. In no way guarantees, their, success, or that the investments, made are to people who reflect the range of diversity, in the world but, their diligence, on investments. Fall some way above a whim into prayer and that, is the great pity we.

Focused, On the low-hanging fruits, which is typically fine when, focusing, on such novel, technology. But, on this occasion it, turned, out that they were rotten, the, low-hanging fruits, weren't sweet the. Solution, then is to demand better and develop honesty. It's, about ensuring we, act with integrity rather. Than ego it's, about being braver and bolder and embracing. The possibility. Of failure in the hopes are arriving at a far more exciting. Destination. Are you, recreating the wheel if so. Use the wheel that already exists, don't, let your ego lead to compounding, misery like so, much of the projects, that exploded. And have now crashed, and burned, blockchains. Promise, is clear, it, could enable trust in at restless, world a final. Solution, to the ephemeral, problem, of the Byzantine, general, where, intermediaries. Have historically, been required, to ensure Trust technology. Can first reduce our reliance before. Rendering them completely, unnecessary. That, means Airmen without the need for the platform to, take a cut of your profits, it, means you bur without the faith shark, that everyone seems to hate blockchains. Killer app hasn't, been invented yet that's because. Of human greed and individual, selfishness, rather. Than building, the impossible. We shirk the responsibility and. Take the easy route, the, brutal, truth of blockchain, is that like Thor's hammer few, are worthy to wield its power unlike. Thor's, hammer it is your imagination and, bravery, to dream that dictate, whether, you ever will March. Crypto, roundup solid. Gains for most EMBA da, T, Zoe's pumped while XRP, Tron, bas V dumped, following. A gain of 14, percent, during, February crypto, markets, continued, to make progress during. March, starting. Out the month at 130. Billion dollars, markets, had climbed 10%. By the end of it to 143. Billion, dollars, with a gain of 13, billion, dollars, altcoins. Had been largely responsible for, the movement, has become dominance, fell ever nearer to 50% its lowest, level for seven months daily. Volume had increased, from below 25, billion, dollars, to high 30s by, the end of March and momentum, was looking solid, despite failure, to break key resistance levels, for many of the majors total. Market cap March the 2019. Kin, market, cap calm over. The course of the month Bitcoin, has made steady progress from. 3860. Dollars to. $4,100. Registering, a 6.2. Percent climb, major. Resistance, still, stands at. $4,200. However, mint BTC. Failed to break this which has resulted in its market, dominance declining, as alt points led momentum, movement. Has been slow but since its 2018. Low in December, Bitcoin has recovered. 28%. March. Crypto, winners, ethereum. Has not done a great deal during march with only a 3% gain to end a month just over, 140. Dollars F has managed to hold second place and increase, the gap ahead of XRP, to 2 billion however, heõs. Has been flying in March mostly. Over the past week. Coin base custody, has given it a boost climbing. From three dollars and 55 cents, to four dollars and ten cents the ethereum competitor. Made. 15.5%. During. The month and flipped, little coin for fourth spot, again little. Coin has done even better with a 30% surge, from 46, dollars to $60 during, march the. Move has taken LTC. Up the market cap charts, as high as fourth, before, low using this to ears a few days ago Bitcoin. Cash is another winner with a 26, percent pump, from, 132. Dollars to end their month around one hundred and sixty-seven dollars by. Nance coin has literally been on fire recently and March was no exception, with an epic pump of 68 percent, for via mb over, the 31, days the. Coin appears to be acting as establishes. When, traders sell fault, coins and go, back into EMV, or us. DT. It pumps, when markets are dumping stella. Picked itself, up in march also with a climb of 26%. From. 0.085. Dollars, to. 0.107. Dollars by month vendors trade volume, for xlm, tripled, Cardno. Also had a red good month with a pump of 63%. To end March at around zero point, zero seven. Zero dollars.

And Knocked Ron out of the top ten Manero, made around 8 percent on the month to end March trading, at 53 dollars from below $50. At the start of it -. Did a lot better by breaking, 100 dollars, from a start of around 84, dollars the, 22, percent, climbs or the privacy, based altcoin, outperform. Its rival XM, r EO. - made around 7 percent in March to, end it over 30 cents, but fell back in the market cap charts, to 15th, make. Made even less at 6 percent but, it was still again taking, MKR, over, $700. By month and tease. Those has been one of the top performers. In March with an epic, 140. Percent surge, from 40 cents to just below dollar ontology. Has, also done well. 40%. From around 90 cents to $1 and 27, cents, neo, made around. 7.5%. But, failed to break $10, by month and rounding. Out the top 20 in March is ethereum, classic, which made 11%. Over the month March. Crypto, losers. Repulse, XRP, token. Has fallen back during, March losing. Just over 2% to. Finish it a week 31, cents. There. Have been no major partnerships. Or announcements. To boost XRP, which did not even react to last month's, coinbase listing. As usual. With the exchange, there were accusations of. Insider, trading and, manipulated. Markets as the ripple token fell for the second consecutive month Tron. Also, fell back a couple of percent during the month and lost, its top 10 position to, Cardno TRX. Ended, March trading, down at. 0.23. Three dollars Bitcoin. Sv was another loser dropping, over 4 percent on the month to end trading, around the $64. Level the, majority, of altcoins, made strong gains during march with many of them getting double-digit, boosts March, has built on February's, gains but, the bigger picture is still bearish as Bitcoin continues. To stall at, $4,000. Resistance, in summary. The top crypto, performers, in March were Beynon scoyne Cardno. Tezo's. And ontology. With XRP, Tron, and PSV. Falling, back as the only three losers, in the top 20, all, figures, from Ohio, Bitcoin, CIM previous. Month's, February. 18, bar March 18, bar April, 18, farm a 18, bar June 18, bar chelating. Bar, August, 18, bar September, 18, bar, October, 18, bar November, 18, bow December, 18, bar, January, 19, bar February, 19, in the, daily Colorado. Digital, token act ID funds, crypto index, fortress. Blockchain, in this, edition of The Daily we, cover new legislation. That could make Colorado, more attractive, to digital businesses, and token issuers the launch of a new cryptocurrency index. Fund and the latest miner to, succumb to crypto, winter also, read UK, regulator, three percent of consumers surveyed, have, bought cryptocurrency. Colorado. Digital, toe connect the, governor of the u.s. state of Colorado, has signed the crypto friendly, digital token Act into law the. Act which, boosts was introduced, in January is, a major step towards, creating a, hospitable, regulatory, environment. For the digital assets, industry, to establish, itself in Colorado, this. Is because it extends, certain exemptions from, state securities. Laws for cryptocurrencies. Making. Businesses, less hampered by antiquated. Rules. Explaining. The rationale, for the exemptions, the document, notes that Colorado has, become a hub for companies, and entrepreneurs that. Seek to utilize, crypto, Kannamma systems, to power their business models, the costs. In complexities. Of state, securities, registration. Can outweigh the benefits, to Colorado businesses. Seeking to raise capital, and create, new platforms. Within the digital economy this. Act will take effect following, the expiration, of a 90-day period after. Final adjournment, of the Colorado, General, Assembly, the state's legislature. Expected. To occur on August 2nd, 2019. Exciting. Day for number blockchain, technology. At Givat, Co at correctness, signed the number digital toe connect today with key legislators, Attorney General at quizzer, and number, Colorado, cabinet, members, patty Salazar. With a Dora Colorado, at Betsy. Markey with edit and at Teresa, Sura coveted Colorado, pick,, air, load B Teresa.

Sur Act at Teresa, select March, 7th, 2019. IT, funds crypto index. Investment. Management, platform. IT funds has launched, its own crypto, index, fund based on an index administered, by M V index solutions, M V, is the. New fund aims to give institutional. Investors, diversified. Access, to the crypto market, through exposure to selected, assets, among the 30 most capitalized. Cryptocurrencies. Including. BTC, FX. RP b, CH, an LTC. To, be included, in the index assets. Must be traded, on licensed. Exchanges. With proper, liquidity, and available. For insured, cold storage capping. Each asset at 15%. On a quarterly basis, is meant to keep the index suitably, diversified. Forretress, blockchain succumbs to crypto winter, fortress. Blockchain, a Vancouver. Based company, listed on the TSX, Venture Exchange, has. Exited, the cryptocurrency mining, business, the. Company has announced its deactivated. All mining, hardware located, at its Grant County facility on March 5th 2019. Fortresses. Management, has determined, that the marginal, profitability, of cryptocurrency, mining, and, the risk of further decline, along. With increased, regulatory, costs. And oversight, does, not justify, continued. Operations. Fortress. Still has over cat 10 million dollars, left under its control and plans, to re-establish. Itself in a yet to be determined business, sector, additionally. Management. Is now looking for the most effective way to sell the mining equipment to, recoup some of its investment, and losses, it, is anticipated that, the company will soon change its, name in order to no longer be associated with, the term blockchain. What, do you think about today's, news tidbits, share. Your thoughts in the comment section below thanks. For watching The Ohio Bitcoin com Bitcoin news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable, time with us disclaimer, price, of articles, and Markets updates, are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice, neither. Ohio, Bitcoin, dot-com, nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains as the, ultimate, decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those. In possession, of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash, the like and subscribe buttons. Below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin, headline, news and, now sir soon paying. For your coffee with Bitcoin at Starbucks, is it, worth it BTC, as Starbucks, shops, are preparing, for the integration, of backed the famous, coffee shops, customers, will have the opportunity. To pay for their favorite coffee with Bitcoin, BTC. However. Tax, returns, might represent a serious problem to the functionality. Of the crypto, based payment, system, the, point of mass adoption in, terms of accepting, cryptocurrencies, as, alternative, payment methods, across various retail shops comes, down to the case of spending your digital, assets as quickly as Fiat in the, meanwhile many, shops started, to accept Bitcoin alongside, several, cryptocurrencies. But. The mass adoption is yet to bring the Kryptos to mainstream, as the majority of businesses, accepting, crypto, ax has an alternative, payment method, are said to be small and medium companies this. Case might soon see serious, changes, as Starbucks most, recently, received, significant. Equity in backed although, the coffee giant is not holding any cash investments. In this cryptocurrency. Ecosystem. Back, to bring cryptocurrency, payments. To Starbucks, customers, as, reported, by the block Starbucks.

Is Currently working on designing, and developing, an application and, a card that will allow the coffee magnum to become BAPS first, merchants, on platform, initially. Only the customers based, in the United States will, be able to use Bitcoin to. Cover their coffee bill at Starbucks, the. Equity, stake was issued, after the partnership, between Starbucks. And backed was made official while, Starbucks, agreed to allow Bitcoin, based payments, in return, the, partnership announcement. Was in the meanwhile postponed. As the companies were waiting for the decision from C FTC. Scooped. At, Starbucks, received, significant. Equity in at backed in return, for commitment, to allow Bitcoin, payments, in store in 2019. Genesis, via at i underscore, Woodford. HTTP. T Co /o. B, ZD 1, fo z o pic Slash, rock, slew -. My, - ders, admin, - ders March, the 4th 2019. Although the recent partnership, with pact brought Bitcoin to Starbucks, as one of the available payment. Methods, the famous chain of coffee shops doesn't, actually accept, direct deposits, in BTC. Which means that during the payment, BTC. Is being exchanged, to u.s. dollars. As enabled, buyback software, in this, case scenario. The most significant. Obstacle, is the fact that this, type of payment processing, mechanism, calls for tax reporting, for the coffee you are buying which is why some Twitter users, are reminding, kripp to enthusiast's. That all Starbucks, customers, paying with Bitcoin will, be required to count the capital gains on every cup of coffee bought with BTC. Reminder. That if Starbucks does, accept, Bitcoin, at some point you, will be required to calculate capital. Gains on every cup of coffee you buy. HTTPS. Tico, /n. M, ZL. G, j, t, FC for, we are trying to change that -. Neeraj, kala grill at no, Radtke march v, 2019. Although. The coffee giant is making, a step that, could be categorized, as a significant. Leap towards the mainstream, adoption of Bitcoin and possibly, other cryptocurrencies, likewise. Starbucks. Customers, who wish to pay for their coffee with Bitcoin might, face some difficulties, due to the tax reporting, is paying. Your coffee with Bitcoin, BTC. Worth, the trouble back, in 2014, the. IRS, published. Guidance on the subject, of cryptocurrency, where. It is clearly stated that, vert he will currencies, are to be treated as property while, all generalities. Included, in the principle on paying taxes, on the property will, likewise, be applicable. On cryptocurrency, based, transactions. That, means that every time a customer would pay for their coffee and Bitcoin, they, would need to take the price of BTC, at the time of the purchase then compare, it to the price of Bitcoin at, the time of the filing taxes. To calculate, capital gains and losses just as, capital, losses can be redeemed through tax filings, capital. Gains on the coffee purchases. Also need to be covered with in taxation, which, makes Bitcoin based, purchases. At Starbucks. It's a bit too much to handle for an average crip, too, enthusiastic. For a lat, thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin, comp Bitcoin news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us, disclaimer, price. Articles, and markets updates are intended for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice, neither. Ohio. Bitcoin dot-com, nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains as, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader always. Remember, that only those. In possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoyed this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons. Below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon. BTC. Adoption. Grows with Fortune 500 two million, customers. Fortune. 500, tech firm Avnet, is adopting, crypto, payments, allowing. Consumers to pay in Bitcoin and, Bitcoin cash, for the businesses, software, solutions. The, company, is catering to professionals. In the tech industry, according. To the announcement. Today's developers. Are looking for flexibility, as they take their products, to market and this announcement, provides, our customers with more convenient, ways to, complete their financial, transactions. After it, is working with one of the industry, leaders Vic pay this. Platform, processes. More than 1 billion dollars, on an annual, basis, when it comes to cryptocurrency payments.

To Facilitate, the new payment option, when. A customer, elects to make a purchase with Bitcoin, BTC. Or Bitcoin. Cash bch. A snit will work with bitpay to verify. The funds process. The order and complete the transaction, after. It and bitch pay we'll also have the ability to manage and process, cryptocurrency. Requests. Outside, the US on a country-by-country. Basis. The, tech firm has a focus, on the rise of Bitcoin which, crossed. 290,000, on chain transactions. On Saturday, after. It says it's preparing, for changing, the landscape and positioning, our selves and our clients, to be ready for it after. It is noted the advantages, of crypto, payments, including real-time conversion. Rates shrunk, down to a 15-minute. Window ease, of the use of online, platforms. And a fixed 1%, fee which won't look anything when, compared, to traditional, intermediaries. Currently. After net is working with Bitcoin comm to develop, a new hardware wallet for more secure cryptocurrencies. Storage. Plus. It says that it already processed. Several, multimillion-dollar, crypto. Transactions. Within the first month of accepting, Bitcoin not. Only is paying with, Bitcoin, easier and faster, than with credit cards and bank wires. It is less expensive and, acceptance. Of it is growing, I predict. A Venant will attract many new blockchain, focused, customers, from around the world that want to take advantage of, paying with Bitcoin, the, firm has more than 15,000. People working, for them in 125. Different places in Europe Asia and North America in addition. There, are more than. 1,400. Technology. Suppliers, serving. Over 2 million customers. Across 140. Countries. Bitcoin. Will get massive, exposure as well as the potential of mass adoption, thanks. For watching The Ohio Bitcoin, calm Bitcoin, news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer. Price, articles, and markets updates, are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered, as trading advice. Neither. Ohio. Bitcoin comm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains as the, ultimate, decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those. In possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash, the like and subscribe buttons, below. It helps us to get more views thanks.

Again See. You with more Bitcoin, headline, news and analysis, soon back. Taps former, IBM, and Cisco exec. Tom Noonan to chair its board backed. Has tapped to former Cisco, and I I am executive to lead its board of directors according. To an announcement Friday. Sharing. Backs board will be Tom Noonan described. As a cyber expert, and the founder of Internet Security Systems which IBM acquired, in, 2006. Joel, X which, Cisco, acquired in 2013. And endgame. He. Will be accompanied, by Akshay, Najera managing. Partner, at soft bank Sean, Collins, managing. Partner, at Goldfinch Partners I CEO, and chairman, Jeff's pressure and lo fuller herself, Noonan. Is already a member of Isis, own Board of Directors once. Approved by the Commodity Futures Trading, Commission. CFTC. Backs. Physically, settled Bitcoin, futures, contracts, will be listed on eyes futures, us and ice clear us where, global, market, participants. Already, transact, low, fuller wrote in a blog post Friday. The. Price discovery, function. In these new physical, delivery, markets, should contribute to building, confidence in, Bitcoin prices, she. Described, backed spending, products, as the first physical delivery, price discovery, contracts. Denominated. In Bitcoin in the US with, price formation, occurring, in markets regulated, by the US government. Moreover. She, added similarly. Just, as digital asset, custody, is at the core of Beck's infrastructure. Development, secure, custody, is at the heart of our physical, delivery, Bitcoin, futures contracts. However. Low, fleurs update did not contain, any specifics, saying, only that we'll, share more about our custody, platform. Shortly, as we, work to set a new standard in digital asset, security, backed. Has worked closely with the CFTC in, recent months on an extensive, process, to, obtain regulatory. Approval, for the launch of our physically. Delivered, Bitcoin, futures, low fuller wrote and the platform, is making solid progress on. This front however. The platform, whose, launch has already been delayed twice does, not have a firm date yet, on when it may go live the.

Company, Is waiting on the CFTC. To approve, its plan to custody, Bitcoin, on behalf of its clients. Typically, regulations. Require, that customer. Funds are actually held by banks trust, companies, or Futures, Commission Merchants. While, CFTC. Staff have, been reviewing, Beck's proposals, since last year it is unclear, where in the process they are the. CFTC. Is expected, to publish Beck's proposal. For a 30-day, public review, period after, which the commissioners, will vote to approve or disapprove as such. Backed, is unlikely to launch before, may we. Continue to work with regulators, to address the emerging, global landscape. For digital assets, lo fuller wrote Michael. J Casey Kelly, Lafleur and Jeffrey's Prechter, image via KOIN des archives, back. Taps former, IBM, and Cisco exact. Tom Noonan to chair its board backed. Has tapped a former Cisco, and IBM executive. To lead its Board of Directors according. To an announcement Friday. Chairing. Beck's board, will be Tom Noonan described. As a cyber expert, in the founder of Internet security, systems, which, IBM acquired in, 2006. Joel, ex-witch. Cisco acquired in 2013. An endgame, he. Will be accompanied, by Akshay, Najera, managing. Partner, at soft bank Sean, Collins, managing. Partner, at Goldfinch, Partners I CEO, and chairman Jeff's pressure and low filler herself, Noonan. Is already a member of Isis own Board of Directors, once. Approved by the Commodity, Futures Trading, Commission, CFTC. Backs. Physically, settled Bitcoin futures, contracts, will be listed on ice futures, u.s. and ice clear us where, global, market, participants. Already, transact, low fuller wrote in a blog post Friday. The. Price discovery, function. In these new physical, delivery, markets, should contribute to building confidence and Bitcoin, prices she. Described, back spending, products. As the first physical delivery, price discovery, contracts. Denominated. In Bitcoin in the US with, price formation, occurring, in markets regulated, by the US government, moreover. She, added similarly. Just, as digital asset, custody, is at the core of Beck's infrastructure. Developed. Secure custody, is at the heart of our physical, delivery, Bitcoin futures, contracts. However. Low fillers update did not contain any specifics, saying, only that we'll, share more about our custody, platform. Shortly, as we, work to set a new standard in, digital, asset, security, backed, has worked closely with the CFTC, in, recent months on an extensive, process to.

Obtain Regulatory. Approval, for the launch of our physically. Delivered, Bitcoin, futures, lo fuller wrote and the platform, is making solid progress on. This front however. The platform, whose, launch has already been delayed twice does, not have a firm, date yet, on when it may go live the, company, is waiting on the CFTC. To approve, its plan to custody Bitcoin, on behalf of its clients, typically. Regulations. Require, that customer, funds are actually held, by banks trust, companies, or Futures, Commission Merchants. While, CFTC. Staff have, been reviewing Beck's proposals, since last year it is unclear, where in the process they are the. CFTC. Is expected, to publish Beck's proposal. For a 30-day, public, review, period after, which the commissioners, will vote to approve or disapprove as such. Backed, is unlikely, to launch before, may we. Continue to work with regulators, to address the emerging, global landscape. For digital assets, lo fuller wrote Michael. J Casey Kelly, lo fuller and Jeffrey's Prechter, image via KOIN des archives. Ethereum. Co-founder. Joseph Lubin highlights, the diverse uses of blockchain, although. Blockchain, got its start with cryptocurrencies, in, 2019. At singing, applications, in nearly every sector according. To joseph Lubin the co-founder. Of ethereum in a March 12th, 2018. Video, a quick, sit down while. Blockchain, has been steadily taking. Over the world there, are those who still do not understand, or have, an interest in what the technology can do for our organizations. Fortunately. Joseph. Lubin the founder, of consensus. Was able to take some time between ethereum. Recent, hard fork and the consideration. Of gas fees to make a March 12th 2019. Video with consensus, media in which he explained, some of the non-financial, applications. Of distributed. Ledger technology. DLT. Question-and-answer. Lubben. Opened with examples, from a wide variety of industries, and explained, their interest in blockchain, technology. According. To him the financial, sector was the first to get involved, in the space because, they sought to remove expensive. Intermediaries. And also, because they saw the uprising. In the tokenization, of, assets, since. Then a number, of banks are making use of it for a wider array, of purposes, including decentralized. Infrastructure. Systems, to manage securities. Another. Sector, beyond the world of finance, are content, creators who with blockchain, technology. Will have easier, access to their audiences. Lubin. Sighted you Joe music, a consensus. Project, as a prime, example as. The platform currently. Helps to over a thousand, artists, upload their content, Lubin. Stated, that artists, are looking to move away from traditional, business, models, to have access, to a larger, share of revenue, by. Making use of a platform, that, uses smart, contracts, artists. Can enjoy more income, while, intermediaries. Like promoters, and record companies are excluded, from the business model, Dada's, for the journalism, industry.

Lubin, Says that blockchain, could help reverse the decades-old. Trend, of large corporations, buying, up media outlets. And pumping information. Through them with no regard, for journalistic, integrity, he. Then spoke about the therians partnership. With civil to pursue this exact, objective. It's, all happening, euro, civil, is life euros. Become, a civil, member so, you can play a direct, role in building a global network, for creating. Finding. Sharing, and supporting. Quality journalism, learn. More here. HTTP. Colon slash slash to, go slash a98. C + 2 g FRP, civil. At civil, March, 6th 2019. Thanks. For watching The Ohio Bitcoin, com Bitcoin, News Channel, today we, appreciate, you spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price, of articles, and Markets updates, are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered, as trading advice, neither. Ohio. Bitcoin comm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains as the, ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those. In possession, of their own private, Keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash, the like and subscribe buttons, below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis, soon, Bitcoin. Ether, and XRP. Weekly, market, update March, 28. 2019. The, total crypto market, cap gained 1 billion dollars, for the 7 day period and now stands, at 142. Point 4 dollars the, top 10 crypto currencies registered, mixed, gains with Cardno, a da a Neos, being the big winners, while XRP, and stellar xlm. Could not escape the red zone at the, time of writing Bitcoin, BTC. Is trading, at four thousand, 72, dollars while ether, that stands. At, $140. XR. Peace ripple, is at zero point three one one $5. BTC. United, States dollar, Bitcoin. Closed the trading session on March 21st. 2019. With, a drop to four thousand, $43. The, move represented. A two percent loss and was the first red candle, on the BitFenix daily. Chart since March 17, the leading, cryptocurrency was, ranging, in the 4068, dollars to four thousand $34. Owned on March 22nd. But did not experience, any price changes, at the end of the session the, week end of March 23, 224. Started, with a gem to four thousand, sixty three dollars for BTC. United, States dollar as buyers tried, to keep above the psychological. Level of $4,000. And maintain, bullish, momentum. Commentators. Saw a symmetrical. Move in the opposite, direction on, March 24th, when, the pair dropped back down to 4000, $40, Bitcoin. Remained, flat for the 7 day period the. New week began with a solid, price correction, of 1.7%. The. Pioneer crypto, coin broke below 4000. Dollars and stopped, at three thousand, nine hundred, seventy dollars, as the whole cryptocurrency, market. Was in red on March. 26th. BTC. Managed, to bounce back to three thousand, nine hundred ninety, two dollars as Bulls were not willing to raise the white flag yet. The, coin gained 2.5. Percent on March 27th. And stormed. Past four thousand, dollars and four thousand, fifty dollars, to erase all losses from the previous, three days and closed at. $4,100. The, social, trading platform. At Toro announced, on March 25th, it had acquired smart, contracts, provider company, firm Oh according. To yoni asha cofounder, and CEO of, the israel-based exchange. This, will help Itoro accelerate. The development of tokenized, assets, offerings, which he sees as the future of blockchain, based trading, products, as reported. In the press release formost. Contract, language called firm o lang can be easily adapted, to work with any blockchain, making it perfect, for creating deploying. Financial, contracts, at the, same time, trongs TRX. Token, was added to the Itoro platformed. Making it the 15th, cryptocurrency. Available. For trading on March. 24th, the, company, announced, the launch of its cryptocurrency, trading. Operations, in the United States. Manager. Continues, to follow the coin bean situation, yesterday. It, was reported that a mysterious, maintenance. Message which according, to some was. A cover-up for a security, breach on the exchange, in an, official, post this morning coin, being denied, the rumors and reassured, users, that, their fund safety, by explaining, that, the ongoing, wallet upgrade, was a preventative, measure to enhance, security, after numerous reports, from other exchanges.

Of Recent, fun thefts, the, independent. Rating agency. Wife's cryptocurrency, ratings. Released its March, putting, xrp, Chios and Bitcoin. At the top when it comes to adoption levels, and underlying, technology. The, paper named, dark shadows with bright future, listed the outs at the number one spot in a second, table which, takes into consideration risk. And rewards, ratio, and combines. Them with the already, mentioned, factors, F the, United States dollar the, ethereum, token, lost, 4.2, percent of its value on March 21st, and moved south to 136. Dollars.

2019-04-03 14:35

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