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What. Outcasts. Hey if can, teach us about Bitcoin, mass adoption the. Members of outcasts, have parlayed their hip hop careers, into decades-long. Endeavors. That extend, beyond, the music industry. Most, recently, big boy performed, 2004. One hit the way you move that the Super Bowl alongside, maroon. 5's Adam Levine, and sleepy, brown the, latter of whom sang, on the original, version while. Reading Charles Duhigg the power of habit recently. I learned, the story of their smash hit hey this. Songs unique trajectory, to success, could teach us about blockchain, adoption. I thought, people. Listened, to top 40 because, they want to hear their favorite songs, or songs, that sound like their favorite songs when. Something, different comes on they're offended they. Don't want anything unfamiliar. In his, book the power of habit, Charles, do have addresses, how change makes humans, uncomfortable. He, describes, how heya by, Outkast was projected, to be a massive, success but. Fell short when initially aired it, was later discovered that, it was so radically, different from what listeners, were used to, they changed, the station upon, hearing it enter. The sandwich, model, this, entailed radio, stations, playing say, a Celine, Dion song. Followed. By hey then, another, hit song they. Sandwiched, a live with well-known and popular songs, of the time hey. You have gained traction and, won many accolades the, story, of hey EV is similar, to the current state of the block sheen at the, time of writing the, Bitcoin, network experienced. 320. 1563. Transactions. Over the most recent 24. Hours, for. Comparison. Visa, neck processes. A daily, average of, 150. Million transactions. Dover. The 1839. Decentralized. Applications tracked. By daps radar, there are barely. 180,000. Users on a 24-hour, basis. Facebook. A well-known, centralized. Social, media platform. Boasts. A massive, 1.5. Billion daily, active, users. People, are not adopting, the blockchain after, all perhaps. We, can learn a thing or two from how, a radio station introduced. Heya to its listeners is, sandwich, Inge the blockchain the, answer, let's, take a look at how some projects, sandwich, the blockchain within, familiar, concepts, helping. Them to create a familiar experience. For their consumers, payment. Solutions, crypto, debit cards and mobile payment, solutions, today. It is still much easier, to spend fiat, money than, crypto, despite. That most our mostly, digital 8%. Of cash is digital entering. A public key remember. One mistake could result in loss of funds and waiting, for confirmation that. Funds were received, is neither, sustainable. Or ideal, when considering, mass adoption. Projects. Such as tanks, and Cardno, are exploring, the realm of crypto debit cards to make payments, fast and easy tanks. Tanks. Created, a dynamic duo in the form of a crypto wallet, and cart the, tanks wallet allows users, to send and receive cryptocurrencies. BTC. At LTC. With, other tanks wallet, users the. Wallet can be paired with the tanks card which, is accepted, at 42, million online and, offline points, in nearly, 200 countries, users. Are able to easily manage, their, funds through their wallet app and allocate. How much will be available, on the tanks, cart if the, card is lost or stolen it, can be locked via the app card.

On Oh Cardinal. Has also expanded. Into the crypto debit card space its, partnership. With met ups plus gave. Rise to prepaid. Debit cards, in amounts of 100. And 1000. AD a medics. Plus is accepted, at over 40,000, shops, mobile. Payment solutions. Lob. SDR. Lob. STR the largest, wallet provider, in the stellar ecosystem. Provides, an easy and secure, way to store send. And receive, lumens, and other assets, on the stellar blockchain. Lob. STR. Amongst. Other mobile crypto solutions, sees, itself as a competitor. With centralized, mobile, payment, options, like venmo and pay. Solutions. That offer familiar. Means of transacting, like crypto, debit cards and mobile, payment, apps allowed for much-needed portability. And ease of use, consumers. Learned behavior. Is left untouched allowing. Them to spend transfer. And receive their crypto just like they would fiat money, existing. App integration, the. DAP ecosystem. Is not pulling in droves of users, today's, decentralized. Applications, commonly, known, as the apps face, a plethora, of issues among. Others taps, generally, provide a poor user interface. And experience, and lack, large active, communities, the, entire data, ecosystem does, not exceed 100. 80000. Users, there. Is very little to incentivize. Switching, from popular, centralized. Alternatives. Digital. Bits digital. Bits a fork, of the stellar blockchain. Integrates. With existing user, applications. And is currently focused on introducing. Asset organization. Transfer. And trading, to the multi-billion. Dollar loyalty, in rewards, points sector, the, company, wants to foster, interaction. With blockchain, technology. Whether, the user knows it or not consumer. Behavior, must not need to change the. Protocol, optimizes. The applications. Back-end, infrastructure, to bring the benefits of, blockchain, to the user in a familiar way, blockchain. Is a revolutionary. Technology, but. The DAP ecosystem. Has become, more of a developer, playground, than anything else says Michael, licoo digital, bits VP, of Operations we. Need to bring this technology to, the masses in existing. Applications, that, people use every day the, time for DAPs will come but, we need to lead people, there and throwing, them into the dab fire is not the way to go about it, cross-border. Payments and, remittances. Cross-border. Payments and. Remittances, amount to an excess of 20 trillion dollar dollars, in value on an annual, basis, the, infrastructure. Currently, in place to move money globally. Is severely dated, the, current leader of cross-border. Payments Swift. Subjects. Users to high fees and can take up to 3 five days to settle migrant. Workers, lose on average more than 10% in, fees when sending money back home which. Sometimes, forces, them to work a second, job or give, up days off to make up the extra funds, these, fees can put a large strain, on families, relying on their relatives, working abroad ripple. Ripple. Addresses, the issues of speed and cost that currently plagued the cross-border payments if I, want to move money from here, San Francisco, to, London the, fastest, way is to fly there said Brad Garlin, house ripple, CEO, we. Can stream video from the space station but. I can't move my own money from A to B especially. For international, payments, but that is also true for domestic, transfers, Ripple. Neck transactions. Are completed in 3-5 seconds. And cost, mere fractions, of a penny zero. Point oh-oh-oh-oh. 1xrp. Or zero, point ooo ooo, - nine, united states dollars, at the time of writing ripple. Works directly, with banks, and financial institutions. Consumers. Will not have to interact directly with the technology. But they will benefit from the reductions, in time and cost web. Browsing, users. Generate valuable, information when. They use the apps created, by technology, corporations. The, Amazons, Facebook's. And Google's. Profit, from this users. Receive, no compensation. Google. Currently aggregates. More than 1 billion monthly active users, spread. Across seven, unique products, brave. Browser, brave. Blocks, ads and website trackers, while paying content. Publishers. 55%. Of the replaced ad revenue, brave. Software. Ad partners, and browser, users, are to be allocated, 15%, of the revenue, users. Would be able to donate their revenue share to content publishers, through micro payments, brave, is founded, by Brendan, Eich a co-founder. Of JavaScript. It's Native basic, attention, token that allows.

Users To tip websites, and content creators. Metalife. Metal. I a full web 3.0. When a browser is creating. A portal for housing and monetizing. Data, that, its browsers, collect, users. Can leverage the ownership of their personal, data life. Coin the, native. Major, corporations. That have invested in cryptocurrencies. There. Are many companies, that trust, in this economy and decide. To bet on cryptocurrencies, that, is why sooner, or later there will be the total acceptance, that all users, are waiting for although it. Is still a market, that, does not generate confidence, in all there, are at least six important, companies, that are already opening, their schemes to cryptography, thus raising, adoption, in development, rates to their highest, point these. Are some of the important, companies, that, have included the cryptocurrency in, their dynamics. Starbucks. One. Of the companies that accepted. Cryptography. From the beginning, last. Year, Starbucks. Announced that if it partnered, with the IntercontinentalExchange. Initiative. Announced by backed when, this finally happens, Starbucks. Will be the platform's, first merchant, facilitating. Cryptographic, payments. For coffee and other products, although the, trade will not process any, cryptocurrency, it, will, instantly turn it into a fiat it is a big step, Samsung. This, company, was rumored to have entered the cryptography. Industry, since last year when it was discovered that it had requested. Several trademarks. Such as blockchain, keys door box, chain key box and blockchain, core all under, the terms smartphone, and although, he denied the rumors the following, month that decided, to apply for the patent, for a computer, software to. Use as a cryptocurrency wallet. And also, presented, the new S 10 with storage, of private, keys an oath, fact that Samsung, revealed, the integration. Of decentralized. Application, support, DAPs, including. Applications. Such as cryptic, IDs ijen, gaming platforms. Among, others, Facebook. The, most important, social network, also wants, to venture into this market, by creating, a cryptocurrency, sometime. In 2019. That, is very. Soon the. Intention, behind this leap into the cryptography. Market, is to offer a similar digital, asset, that can compete with different, global currencies. This, currency, could work as a payment solution, linked, to platforms. Such as waves up insta, Graham and Facebook. Messenger, square. This. Was one of the first important, companies, that could see the benefits since, the beginning of 2018. That, the company enabled, the purchase, and sale of, Bitcoin, through its cash application. Its, CEO Jack. Dorsey fully. Supports, the cryptographic market. As he sees it as an ecological, alternative. IBM. Another. Important, company, that, opted for cryptography, and partnered, with stellar, in October, 2018, after, successfully. Making transactions. Using xlm until. Now there are many companies, and banks that are betting on this modality, there. Are six large notable, companies that, are betting on cryptocurrencies. And, the future seems to indicate that, there, will be many more thanks. For watching The Ohio Bitcoin, com Bitcoin news channel, today we sincerely appreciate, you, spending some of your valuable, time with us disclaimer. Price, of articles, and Markets updates, are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered as trading advice, neither. Ohio. Bitcoin comm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains as, the, ultimate, decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those. In possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own Bitcoin, if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash, the like and subscribe buttons. Below. It helps us to get more views and continues. To spread the word about Bitcoin, BTC. Thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis, soon twitch. Silently, removes, Bitcoin, support, for channel subscriptions.

Ensuring. The mass adoption, of Bitcoin and altcoins, becomes, a reality is an ongoing struggle, while. Some effort has been undertaken. To make something positive happen, a lot, of companies, have dropped cryptocurrencies, support. As well over the past few years the, latest company to do so is twitched by the look of things their, bitpay payment. Option, has been removed, in the past few days without, any prior warning twitch. Boots Bitcoin, and altcoin, support. A lot. Of people were initially, pleased to see popular, streaming, platform, twitch intergrate, cryptocurrency, payments. By, allowing users, to send tips through Bitcoin, and altcoins, an important. Step toward, mass adoption. Was taken this, sentiment, was later reinforced. When users could actively pay for twitch channel, subscriptions. In Bitcoin, and Bitcoin cash, that. Functionality, is made possible through big, pay the, world's, leading major cryptocurrency. Payment. Processor. As is, always the case when, a company, integrates, support, for Bitcoin and altcoins, there is some concern over the popularity, of this option as has. Been seen across other industries, once the initial hype calms down Bitcoin. And alt coins are used far less frequently, this. Is one of the main reasons, why, multiple, companies removed, Bitcoin, payments, support in recent years it, now appears, twitch has done the same without. Letting their users, and customers know, this change was coming when. Anyone tries to subscribe, to a twitch streamer they, can choose from many different payment, options the. Bit pay option, has been removed from this list although no one can pinpoint when, this happened, exactly it. Seems, this is not a region-based change, either as twitch, users, from different continents, have. Confirmed, this payment option, is no longer available a very. Unfortunate, turn, of events, especially. During these bearish, times for all cryptocurrencies. One, possible, reason why the bitpay option, was removed is due to a lack of overall interest, although. There will always be a core audience which relies on this, payment method, cryptocurrencies. Aren't. Necessarily, suited, for subscription-based. Services. More, specifically. Bitcoin. And other currencies, do not offer native, recurring, payments, support which, is rather annoying when dealing with subscription-based. Services. This, may be one of the reasons why, the big pay integration. Did not work out for twitch in the end as is, to be expected when such a change is introduced, without warning, users in advance the community, feedback is not too positive by any means a lot. Of reddit users are cancelled all twitch, subscriptions. Or are simply shutting down their own streams, because, of this unwelcome, change this. Is a rather normal reaction. Although it remains to be seen if this will impact twitches profitability, in, any significant. Way it. Seems unlikely this, will make much of a difference when, looking at the bigger picture this. Is another sign of why, cryptocurrencies, are not ready for mainstream use by any means, even, though twitch saw merit, in experimenting.

With This new form of money the collaboration, didn't, last all that long, although. Streamers, can still accept Bitcoin, through coinbase, if they, set up and link their personal, account manually, it seems unlikely Bitcoin. And alt coins will make much of an impact on twitch in the foreseeable, future a very. Unfortunate, development. For this fledgling, industry, but, it was somewhat, to be expected, disclaimer. Price, of articles, and Markets updates, are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered, as trading advice, neither. Ohayo Bitcoin dot-com, nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains as the, ultimate, decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader dot this is not trading, or, investment. Advice this. Presentation, is for entertainment and, education. Purposes, only please. Do your own research before, purchasing, or investing, into any, cryptocurrency. Always. Remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own Bitcoin, if you, enjoy this type of content. Please, smash the like and subscribe buttons, below it helps us to get more views and continues. To spread the word about Bitcoin, BTC, thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin. Headline, news and analysis, soon. Opinion. Editorial. With Bitcoin anarchy. Is the point not the problem, last, week there was a panel, at SXSW. That was effectively, a debate on the merits of permission, blockchains, versus permissionless, systems, like Bitcoin I listened. To the entire audio of the panel discussion, after programming, Bitcoin, author Jimmy song tweeted, about the other day and I thought he did an awesome job of pointing out the key value, proposition, of Bitcoin, and why, it is not worth comparing to permission systems, what, was the innovation with Bitcoin as song, covered in his remarks, during the panel the key innovation, with Bitcoin was, the use of proof of work to, enable anonymous actors, to take care of the ordering of transactions, in a digital financial. System while, other digital, cash systems, were tried in the past no, one was able to come up with the perfect system that, could solve issues related, to centralization. And civil attacks with. Bitcoin Satoshi. Nakamoto, hit the sweet spot I recently, wrote, about this same topic in the context, of alternative, cryptocurrencies, that, really shouldn't be referred, to as cryptocurrencies. Specifically. Something, like ripple XRP, is not, comparable, to Bitcoin because. The system does not use anonymous validators. Song. Hit on the same point while providing his definition of centralized, versus, decentralized systems. Here's, what I mean its centralized, if there's a single point of failure said, song and I, say that because that is exactly how governments control, things, bitcoins. Resistance, to censorship shut down to regulation, by governments. Is its key innovation, this, was nothing more than a sipping dream for decades but Bitcoin, turned it into a reality, Silk, Road isn't the troubled pasture Wild West Silk. Road is the point numbered. Bitcoin Kyle. Tour peak at Kyla Torpy October, 7th 2014.

IBM's. Christopher, Faris who took the side of permission, blockchains, in the debate even asked song if he was arguing for Anarchy over a regulated, financial, system during the panel discussion yes. That's, the whole point I keep my own keys I have, my own Bitcoin, that. Means real self sovereignty, said song during one portion of the debate that means, real decentralization. I personally, like self sovereignty, and I like controlling, my own keys controlling. My own money being, my own bank instead, of somebody being able to say that's not yours anymore because, we don't like you and we think you're a political enemy it, is the lack of centralization. In Bitcoin that, enables permissionless, innovation on, top of the base blockchain, layer whether, it's dark net markets allowing. For censorship resistant. To commerce abroad, building a permissionless, banking, standard, crazy, ideas, like Bitcoin hivemind are, simply enabling, greater levels of financial privacy in a digital age these sorts of applications, are simply not possible with the traditional, banking system which includes the entire permission, blockchain, ecosystem. This, solution is not perfect, but it's the best we've got it, should be noted that as Ferris pointed, out during the debate there are still plenty of issues with Bitcoin from a usability perspective, many. People, simply aren't comfortable with the risks associated with this new financial system, issues. Like bitcoins, price volatility, the responsibility. Of taking care of one's own private keys the relatively, higher costs, that come with decentralization. And the lack of user-friendly. Wallets are some of the problems that are still being worked on 10 years after the network was originally, launched however. It should be noted that these issues aren't as important, to those who put self sovereignty, over everything else this. Is what many Bitcoin, skeptics, do not seem to understand, there. Are plenty of people who are willing to take on the additional risks, of using Bitcoin simply, because they wish to be in full control of their own finances, and also want to support the ability for anyone, else in the world to gain this level of extreme financial, freedom new. Solutions, to the various usability. Issues with Bitcoin, are also coming, online on a regular, basis, comparing. Bitcoin to traditional, banks or permission, blockchains doesn't, make any sense, bitcoin. Is something completely different that was created, for a specific purpose, financial. Self sovereignty, this, is a guest post by Kyle Torpy views. Expressed are his own and do not necessarily reflect. Those of Ohio Bitcoin, comm BTC. Incorporated. Or Bitcoin, magazine, thanks. For watching The Ohio Bitcoin, com Bitcoin, news channel, today we appreciate, you spending some of your valuable time with us, disclaimer, price, articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered, as trading advice neither. Ohio, Bitcoin comm nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains has, the ultimate decision. To conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those. In possession of their own private, Keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons, below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis, soon. What. Does little coin founder, Charlie Lee think will Drive crypto, adoption, after Villach, beuter and stellar keynote, about ethereum, 2.0, news, got the rare chance to, sit down with Charlie, Lee a coin based director, of engineering turned litical and founder the, crypto, pioneer, told us all about his thoughts on how this ecosystem is, developing, along with litical Owens plans for global dominance, related.

Reading Exclusive. Whiterun CEO expects, Bitcoin crypto. Assets, to rally in 2020. Charlie. Lee's crypto, insights new. Speak a few months ago you told CNBC, fast, money that the downturn, in the crypto, market, has allowed you and the lytic Owen Foundation, to properly build out your product does, that still hold true today Charlie. Yeah so. My point there is that when prices aren't going up like crazy there are definitely, fewer distractions, this. Means that it's a good time for people to keep their heads down and start to work on getting other products, live just, recently we've been working hard on trying to add more fungibility, into the lytic öand protocol, so, what we're looking at now is doing, a minimal Wimble extension, block upgrade, for little coin so. We're doing a lot of research, into that about how we could make such an implementation. In a safe way we. Want more fungibility, and privacy, in the little coin ecosystem, noose, how has this crypto, bear market compared to ones in the past Charlie, well it's been pretty similar, one, thing about this bear market even. Though it's been over a year now is that it hasn't been as bad for people the, drop is similar percentage. But, during the last bear market, I remember, it got to a point where, people just, didn't think that it was going to come back people. Just weren't optimistic about the price at the time now. I think we haven't gotten to that point yet and maybe we might not go there this time which, will be great but, I wouldn't be surprised, if there are more sell offs or if it takes a lot longer to climb out of it it, could be another year or so but. Who knows it's. Hard to predict these things new. Spook so you made crypto, history when you purchased, a stake in Wegg Bank a few months, back how, has that been playing, out so far charlie, it was actually like almost a year ago that, that deal happened, we, have a nine point nine percent stake. In the bank meaning, we have some influence the, bank is kin to creating, crypto products, so, they're kind of approaching, it from a different direction of starting with a regulated, bank then pivoting, to give us merchant processing, and stuff like that so the first step has been great, next, is supporting, crypto companies with bank accounts then. Lastly, you want to add crypto, wallets, along with storing fiat and normal accounts for crypto companies, what. Would be cool is allowing people to store US dollars, at a bank in cryptocurrencies, too but. Eventually there, will be merchant processing, and other crypto, solutions, it's, going slowly because banks move slowly due to regulations that. Was to be expected but, it's going well I don't. Have anything really to announce right now but I'm excited about what is to come in the future new, speaker so you guys joined hands with Venice creme from the UFC. Did, you see values, aligned between the UFC, and cryptocurrencies, Charlie. It wasn't quite a partnership, with Ben he's, a huge proponent, of cryptocurrency and, he also understood, lit a coin very well Ben.

Understands, The need for sound money, he, also said he supports, lit a coin so, members of our community, actually donated. To him over 100, ltc4, his previous fight and he, was very thankful for that and he, wore a little Cohen t-shirt, for a few of his interviews, we. Also had a little Cohen logo on the UFC, mat there which brought us a lot of exposure and drew, a lot of new people into this space I think. There's an intersection between the cryptocurrencies. Immunity and calm that sports fanned it's, a unique opportunity for us to expand, the adoption, of lytic going through that pumped. For adult foundation, to sponsor, me for UFC, 235. At Satoshi. Light at Joh and ki m77. Number of quest kiss number elastic., OV, e 0b zy, to za, baños, grin at Ben Askren January, 15th 2019. News. What, is one thing holding, back crypto, adoption, as it stands Charlie I'll tell you two things one. Thing is volatility, because. Crypto, prices, are so volatile, it's hard for people to actually use it meaning, adoption, is hampered, volatility. Is kind of a chicken and the egg type scenario, once. There is adoption, volatility. Will decrease, meaning, more adoption, so, it's a slow process for that to work for us to overcome that the, second thing that's kind of preventing, us from getting a lot of adoption, is user experience of. Storing your own money securing. Your own money is hard there's, always a trade-off between security, and usability so. People are using exchanges. To store their coins because they can't do it themselves it's. Easy but then you hear all the stories about exchanges, getting hacked and that, really hurts adoption, so, probably, we just need to work on having better easier, solutions, that allow people to store, their own money that's, the whole problem really so, I think usability. And user experience, is, really important, albeit it's something that is hard to solve thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin, calm, Bitcoin, news channel today we sincerely appreciate, you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price, articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice, neither. Ohio, Bitcoin comm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains has, the ultimate decision. To conduct a trade is made by the reader always. Remember, that only those. In possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own Bitcoin, if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons, below. It helps us to get more views and continues. To spread the word about Bitcoin, BTC, thanks. Again. With more bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon. You. Electro, Liam, etn, launches. $80, smartphone, that mines crypto, blocked. Shane's startup, electro, loom has just launched, a dirt cheap Android, smartphone. That mines cryptocurrency. Announcing. The news on Monday the, firm said it's new m1, is a Google mobile services, GMs. -, certified, smartphone. That comes with a cloud mining, technology. Integration, enabling. Users to earn, crypto, through an app the, $80, smartphone, however, will, at launch mine only electro, looms native, token etn with, a claimed monthly, return of up to three dollars once. Setup mining. Can be carried out offline, the firm said the, ETM, toe concerned, by users, can, be utilized, to pay for services such as mobile top-ups. Online, services. And shopping, it's, also tradable. Exchanges. With 1 et:n. Worth, around. 0.007. $3.00. A time of writing according. To data from kin market, cap it, has a market, capitalization. Of around 65. Million dollars currently, the, m1 offers 4G, 8 GB 32 GB, of storage and 2 SIM slots and is powered by a quad-core, 1.3. GHz. Processor. Cameras. Are less than overwhelming, 5 megapixels. Rare and 2 megapixels. Front, the, device is apparently, being offered at the price of reconditioned. Handset, because, electro, loom is looking, to target developing, countries, and grow, the adoption, of blocked shame and cryptocurrencies. In. Some countries the firm may price the phone even lower at around $60. To. Start with we will be selling the m1 in South Africa, as this is our first launch, market, Nick cook head of operations at, electro, noodle told poin esque the, m1, will be sold through local, vendors, cook. Further said that the device will also be sold over at Amazon in South Africa, in the coming me, electra, looms founder, and CEO, richard. Else said, in a separate statement shared, with coin desk south, africa was an obvious choice for us, we.

Carried Out a large survey, in the country, and found, that 97%, of those who responded, said they would like to use ET n to pay for mobile airtime, and data. Electro. New has partnered, with cybersecurity, firm, hacker one which, is also used, by the US, department, of defense to, secure its network, cooked old coin desk m one, image courtesy of electro, new thanks. For watching the ohio but coin Kampf bitcoin news channel, today we, appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us, disclaimer, price. Articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice, neither. At ohio bitcoin, calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains as, the ultimate, decision, to conduct to trade is made by the reader, always, remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoyed, this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons. Below it helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more bitcoin, headline, news and analysis soon. You. Blockchain. To be integrated. Into facebook, login. Facebook. CEO Mark Zuckerberg, reveals. In an interview, with Jonathan, Zittrain a professor. At Harvard that he's willing to put the login on the blockchain, Zuckerberg. Revealed that the technology. Could give the social media users, cell powers, when using and giving information access. To third-party apps in May, 20 18, the, media giant, formed a blockchain team, headed by David Markus, ex vice president, of messenger, the, primary, objective, of the team was, to explore, the best techniques, to leverage, blockchain, technology. With social, network dot. Like many other companies, Facebook. Is exploring, ways to, leverage the power of blockchain. Technology. A spokesman. Revealed. Dot. Facebook, to create its own cryptocurrency. Last. Year, the meteor giant, was also delving, into the possibility. Of creating. Its own digital, currency, for payments, but, this is the first signal, that the company, could incorporate blockchain. As part of its login, and data sharing system, dot, an and I interview, Zuckerberg. Revealed, confirmation. Was her use of the technology, that, is greatly interested, in even, though he hasn't discovered. The best way for this to operate, the, suggested, system, would substitute, Facebook. Connect with distributed. Ledger technology. Dot, the system will enable users, to select which apps to give access to and, also, set the limit of data shared, various. Third, party services, are already designing, similar, systems to safeguard, individuals. Personal, information, but Facebook joining, the bandwagon would, be a substantial. Change in the field dot. Zuckerberg, further explained, dot, you basically, take your information, you, store it on some decentralized. System, and you have the choice of whether to log in in different places, and you're not going through an intermediary, there's. A lot of things that, I think would, be quite attractive about, that dot. In December, Facebook. Begun a struggle, of hunting blockchain, technology. Specialists. To work on its new project, as. Reported. By Kona toll there, has been much hype on the growing of startups, and initial coin offerings, established. Monthly, and this triggers the media giant, to join the trend if you, enjoy this type of content. Please click the like and subscribe buttons. Below it helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis, soon. The. N blue uses, the VAT chain public blockchain, for Daffy verify, car in, automata V magazine which, among other things reports, on it trends in the automotive industry a very interesting article was published in the latest issue for all fans of blockchain, technology, and especially, for the community, of the cryptocurrency of, F chain according. To the report which is based on forecasts. By Simon cutter and partners the market volume for the blockchain in, the auto industry is expected to reach 104. Billion euros by 2030, part. Of this will fall on the category, of gaps so-called, distributed, applications, not, only smart, phones and computers. Collect data but also cars store more and more information and process. Its further but, on the used car market there. Is a big problem manipulated. Mileage, with, the help of the VAT chain public blockchain, and adapt, verify, car from BMW, this problem, should be solved, vehicle. Owners can use the collaboration. Of BMW. And Vette chain to transfer, important, information, such as mileage, or service, and repair history verified. And validated via. The blockchain.

Manipulated. Mileage, should cause an annual damage of six billion euros, mileage. Manipulation. Is an enormous problem according. To an attack study every, third used vehicle, sold in Germany drives, with a manipulated. Speedometer, and the annual damage amounts, to more than six billion euros, says, Sihon Alba head of the BMW, group at tech office in Singapore opposite. Automotive, it in the, long run this leads to a loss of customer, confidence which, is to be maintained, using blockchain. Technology. The, verify, cars app would record not, only the mileage but also all other activities, of the vehicle and store, it on the VAT chain public blockchain, batching Thor in, the future customers, if the BMW, group should be able to assign an individual, QR, code for each car this. Is linked to the respective, car and can be scanned to obtain necessary information such as the mileage even. Though everything, has already been technically, tested, it is not yet clear when, the application, will be ready for production, tell, us what you think about BMW. Using the VAT chain public blockchain, for DAP verificar and he and section below thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin calm Bitcoin news channel, disclaimer, price, articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered, as trading advice. Neither, Ohio Bitcoin calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains as the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those in possession, of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if, you enjoy this type of content, please click the like and subscribe buttons below it helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon. Facebook's. Tablet, coin wants, to replace US dollar not Bitcoin, kick, founder, Facebook. Could be on the path to, replace the US dollar with its own crypto, asset, as a global currency claims. Ted Livingston, the, founder and chief executive, of the kik messaging, app projected, the upcoming, stab lakorn project, as a wedge of aspirant.

The, 32, years old Canadian, entrepreneur. Wrote that like, the Chinese messenger, app Facebook. Was attempting, to move the US dollar into, a private online payment, system, such. A system, would not only make it easier for people to transfer, money cheaply, but. It would give them reasons, to keep their money inside, the messenger, system, he, wrote what should allowed people to take their money out at any time but, they also added, more and more reasons, for people to keep their money inside paying, hydro, bills buying, food booking. Vacations, and more, soon. No one was taking their money out remittance. And payments, livingston. Derived three, possible, steps that, Facebook, could execute in the coming days first. The company could expand, into a, 689, billion dollar remittance, market, by creating, an interoperable. Payment, interface, between messenger, Instagram. And waves app second. It could integrate blockchain. To roll out a global, financial, system such, as that of Bitcoin without, needing to hire costly. Banking service, and third. It could enable users, to keep and spend their money inside, the platform, for making day-to-day, payments, embedded. Content. Facebook. Earlier shared, its plans to start its messenger payment, services, in India via, whatsapp the. Densely populated country. Like, China is host to large remittance, and payment operations. In terms. Of remittance, only India, received eighty billion dollars in 2018. Surpassing. China's, 67. Billion dollars in Mexico, and the Philippines 34, billion dollars each as India. Gains momentum, Facebook. Could look to expand, first. Into other countries, where remittances. Are popular. Perhaps, the Philippines, and Egypt followed, by Mexico and Vietnam, Livingstone. Predicted, everyone. Should read this at Ted. Livingston, has been ahead of many trends, in social media and messaging over the last decade, bold. Thoughts here, HTTP. Colon slash slash to KO / or c ji, 3mh. A o f pump. A tap on plea on o March, 20th, 2019. No. Bitcoin, Facebook, competition. Facebook's. Entry into remittance, would, come at a time when Bitcoin would have lost its Sheen as a remittance, asset, though, the leading cryptocurrency was, a flag bearer of decentralized. Payment, solutions, it didn't turn up a good use case for remittance. Due to price volatility, for. Instance, if point, a sends, $100. Then point B should receive, $100. Bitcoin. Cannot, guarantee such stability, which is why it would be less popular, as a remittance, asset, Bitcoin. Volatility. Time series, chart source by Bitcoin worldwide, so. Far media. Reports, have pitted, Facebook's, tablet, coin project, in Bitcoin against, each other for the very same reason, remittance.

However. Bitcoin. Remained, of multi-faceted. Technology. Which, could function as money and commodity, all at, the same time, Livingston. Said that Facebook's, tablet, coin was more threatening, to the dollar than it was for a decentralized. Asset, like Bitcoin, adding, not that long ago the world's, reserve currency was. Gold where, the value of a dollar, was pegged to the value of gold but, then one day the US decided, to unpack, the dollar from gold paving, the way for the dollar to, replace gold as the world's, reserve currency, so. Here is my question what, will stop Facebook from doing the same thanks, for watching the Ohio Bitcoin, calm Bitcoin, news channel today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable, time with us disclaimer. Price, articles, and markets updates, are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered as trading advice, neither. Ohio. Bitcoin comm nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains as the, ultimate, decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those. In possession, of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash, the like and subscribe buttons. Below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis, soon, open. Node analysis. Plugin for Shopify merchants. Spurs, Lightning Network adoption. According. To latest reports. Bitcoin, lightning networks payment, platform, open node, announced. A plugin for Shopify merchants. In a, blog post open. Node mentioned, a processing, fee of 1%, for, every Bitcoin transaction. Instantly. Leveraging. The Lightning Network for Shopify merchants. Additionally. The, post also confirmed, that all Bitcoin transactions, settlements, were irreversible. This, eliminated, the chances, of charged, back frauds touted. As the leading Bitcoin lightning Network solution.

Available Open. Node is a payment, platform, funded, by the american venture capitalist, Tim Draper, according. To the post, thousands, of Shopify, merchants. Are already, accepting, Bitcoin payments, however. No, confirmation, on the integration, has, been provided, by the official, social media, handles, of both open load and Shopify, in a, bid to help developers, monetize, on the amps created, and to further distribute, them in the market open, note recently, announced, a collaboration with, block stack a forum, for blockchain. Applic Haitian hosting, service, following. The partnership, intrested, developers, would be provided, with free virtual workshops. Open. Node posted, on its official twitter handle, join us as we partner with that block stack for our first vert he will workshop, and learn, new ways to monetize, your decentralized. Application. Through the number Learning Network the. Open node Shopify, plugin, has contributed to the cryptocurrencies, Dopson. Spree in recent months, additionally. The, integration, would potentially. Facilitate, mass adoption of lightning network payments, in the e-commerce sector. Bitcoin. Lightning network or the layer 2 solution. Seeks to improve efficiency and, lower, the fees associated with, Bitcoin transactions. Father. The blockchain tech, firm but fury group partnered, with business payments, processor, hate pay to, bolster Lightning Network payments. Earlier this month this. Integration, will enable businesses, to accept. Payments, over the Lightning Network another. Firm to join the bandwagon is, the Singapore based crypto, exchange, zeb, pay the. Platform, announced, the integration, of lightning network functionality. And offered, wallet, options, to its users, on its platform to, send payments, via the lightning network thanks. For watching the ohio bitcoin, comp, bitcoin, news channel, today we, sincerely appreciate, you, spending some of your valuable time with us, disclaimer, price. Articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice neither. Ohio. Bitcoin, calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains as, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader dot this is not trading, or investment. Advice this. Presentation, is for entertainment, and education, purposes, only please. Do your own research, before. Purchasing, or investing, into any cryptocurrency. Always. Remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own Bitcoin. If you, enjoyed this type of content, please. Smash the like and subscribe buttons. Below it helps us to get more views and. Continues to spread the word about Bitcoin, BTC. Thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin, headline, news and analysis soon. Lightning. Loop lets users empty, lightning channels, without closing, them lightning. Labs the development, team working to grow the Lightning Network just, released the alpha version of a new protocol, called lightning, loop lightning.

Loop Is designed to give users the ability to, deposit, and withdraw, Bitcoin, from their payment channels the two-way payment, gateways, that allow users to send and receive funds. To and from each other without closing, these channels, entirely, lightning. Channels are like tubes of money the more you send the more you can receive and the other way around according, to a blog post written, by lightning lab developers. Alex Bosworth, and Brian vo money. Moves around in the tube but, the total amount of funds remains constant so unlike. Other payment, systems lightning, requires inbound, capacity, in order to receive funds, when, setting up payment, channels users, have to fund their accounts with Bitcoin to, begin sending and receiving, inbound. Capacity, refers to a receivers, ability, to claim a certain number of Bitcoin, from a sender if, for, example Molly. Has a payment channel setup with Angela and Molly funded her side of the channel with two BTC, while Angela funded, her channel with one BTC, then Molly's, inbound, capacity, is 1 BTC, and Angela's, is 2 BTC, if, Molly wants, to receive 2 BTC, from Angela then they'd have to open up a new channel and fund, it with the appropriate, amount if, a sender does not have enough Bitcoin for a given transaction the, recipient, won't be able to receive an invoice to mount through the channel but, if a channel is at capacity then the recipient, won't be able to receive funds either this, new protocols, loop out feature mitigates. The latter problem, with, loop out a lightning, network user will be able to empty a channel, once it has reached its full capacity instead. Of having to close this channel entirely and set, up a new one they can send a portion of these funds to an on chain wallet, instead the. Blog post also noted, that this protocol, will also make it easier for first-time, users to fund their lightning wallets to begin receiving payments, further. When, of user join, the Lightning Network they can use loop out to get initial receiving, capacity, as well as a, result, new recipients, on the network no longer, need to rely on others, to open channels, with them before they're able to start receiving, payments, Bosworth, and Lou wrote lightning. Labs is also working on a feature to work in the inverse rightly. Dubbed lupine this would allow users to refund, their payment channels when they become low on Bitcoin capacity. The, vision for lightning loop is to allow users to securely move, funds in and out of the Lightning Network using, non-custodial Bitcoin. Contracts. Per the blog post with, loop users, businesses. And routing, node operators, are able to keep lightning channels open indefinitely making. The network more efficient, more stable, and cheaper, to use to. Try lightning, loops alpha, release check, out Lightning labs github, while. Still in the testing phase lighting. Labs blog post emphasized that loop out transactions. Are limited, to a maximum of, 0.01. BTC. And will require no additional fees beyond, on chain transaction. Fees thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin calm Bitcoin news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price, articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational.

Purposes Only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice, neither, ohio, bitcoin calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains has, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader always. Remember, that only those. In possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons, below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon. You. Google, spell check, used a hack Konami wallet when, storing, your cryptocurrency, you, need to know your assets, are safe especially. When using wallets, on exchanges, or via software, that means your assets, are online the. Benefits, to these sorts of wallets are that you can access your assets, across a range of platforms mobile. PC, etc, and also, means that if you forget your login details you, might not always totally lose access to your crypto, drawbacks. However to having your assets online can often mean your storage, is not decentralized. And is managed by someone else like an exchange and indeed, your assets, are connected, to a network which means they can be accessed, via hackers. Who are able to exploit bugs such. A bug has recently been, located within the Konami wallet the, bug seems to have stemmed from a vulnerability. That has has been exploited via Google's spell check after Alma Wally the victim of the bug revealed that his wallet has been accessed and could have stolen up to sixty thousand dollars according. To one hashed Alma, wali claims, that a text box built into the Konami wallet, sent his seed phrase to Google's online spellcheck. Service since, of seed phrase can be used to gain access to, a wallet handling, data in this way is a major risk, Elna, wali claims, that, the bug was used to steal 60,000, dollars of cryptocurrency from, his wallet he, also says that Konami, has refused, to take responsibility which. Has forced him to reveal the problem, publicly, Konami. Itself has now responded admitting. That Google spell checks did occur due to a bad configuration. In one of the wallets plugins, however. Konami, also says that this function, sent text securely, and that Google, actually rejected. The data what's. Happened so according, to the reports, no assets, have been lost as a result of this though Mawali has felt that this bug could have been exploited, more successfully. In the future thankfully, in this instance everything, seems to be okay and indeed Konami. Seemed to believe that the bug was never really an issue in the first place thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin, calm Bitcoin, news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price, articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational.

Purposes Only and should not to be considered as trading advice. Neither, Ohio Bitcoin, calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains has, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always, remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons, below it helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon. You. You. How, belorus focused, on Bitcoin and crypto, to grow its tech industry, the, belorus government, used the growing popularity, of Bitcoin, as a tool to, boost its technology, sector, reported. Smet the, media agency, collected, quotes from people who were working closely with Belarus and president, Alexander. Lukashenko in, drafting, tech friendly, laws one. Of them was a lawyer named Dennis oleynikov, who, helped, the government draft, a bill that, would make foreign, companies to receive tax benefits, in Belarus he, told net that president, Lukashenko, wanted. To boost Belarus, as a global technology hub. But their Island the gasp dependent, economy, didn't have a budget to run a viral, campaign so. They, came up with a plan and to, Bitcoin boom the, entrepreneurs. Close to president, Lukashenko, suggested. Using Bitcoin, and bitcoins popularity. To promote Belarus's, tech sector in December. 2017. At the height of the crypto, boom president. Lukashenko, signed, a decree that, gave foreign tech companies, unlimited, access to belorus, tax-free, climate, the, order enforced, 36, types of tax exempt, activities, for tech companies until. 2049. There's, 0% v80. 0%, corporate, profit, tax customs. Duty, offshore, Duty, income, tax for foreign entities, tax. On sales of shares of, high-tech Park residents, and zero tax on revenues, of foreign companies mid, tree ticked off the press secretary, if the Belarusians high tech part holds net helped. By the decree the ICO, industry, also gained legal, status in the region they, could now issue tokens. Facilitate. Bit coin and crypto trading. And run, mining, enterprises under, a tax-free structure. Which would expire, in 2023. Cutting-edge. Technology. Is a very, nice marketing, instrument, for a little country explained, Elaina cough we. Decided, that it would be good for belorus to, be the first country to make smart contracts. Legal, shady. Companies, approved by lacks regulations. Global. Regulators, had and continue, to have severe. Concerns, about how the ico industry, operates at. Status. Crypto. Startups, would go on and raise millions of, dollars via, tokenized. Public, funding, but, in the end a majority. Of them failed to turn up with a working project as a, result, over, 85%, of, ICO projects, failed, and their investors, underwent massive losses, reported, Bloomberg. These, losses further, pushed the cryptocurrency, industry. And one of its most extended, bearish, phases, so. There, is a possibility, that belorus, despite, its noble intentions. Unknowingly. Allowed shady, companies, to operate smoothly. A recent. Example somewhat, points, in the same direction, relaxed, development, a cryptocurrency, enabled. Real estate startup, recently, received, an operational. License from the belorus authorities. At the, same time the firm was facing, allegations of, insider trading, by, its community, a redditor, alleged their, CMO was. Caught in manipulating. The community, which allowed him to accumulate. Till there 4%. Of the total supply, of owner Alex when. Confronted, the team deflected, and pushed this situation. Off to the site months, went by and as more investigating. Was done more light was brought to the table by, seeing the damage that CM Oded, by using alt accounts, on telegram, the. Issue was, brought up again and at the beginning of December the, CM o stepped, down more. Info, available on this and this link boom. Is boom a few, bad examples. Do not necessarily make. Belarus, a hotbed, for poor, projects, just. Recently, Belarus.

Approved Currency calm, a tokenized. Securities, exchange, which raised eight million, dollars, investment, from loanable ventures, and vp capital, the, trading platform allows, crypto, investors, - but, tokens, that are linked with stocks on NASDAQ, exchange at. The same time there, are blockchain. Solutions. Firm like intellect, surfed and smarten Pro working as third-party developers, for innumerable, crypto, projects, around the globe, independent. And popular, blockchain, projects. Like open legend ex-cop, pay deepens, quorum, also hail from Belarus as high-tech park with its friendly regulations. The, park has also attracted, companies, sectors, other than crypto, there, include firms from machine learning. Telecommunications. Space, robotics. And Information Security over. 260. Companies, entered belorus in 2018. Leading, to an increase in software. Exports. Bring the sector one point four, billion dollars, in FY, 2018. That. Earnings were 38 percent, more than the previous year, thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin, comp Bitcoin news channel, today we, appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer. Price. Articles, and markets updates are intended for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice, neither. Ohio, Bitcoin, comm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains as, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader always. Remember, that only those. In possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons, below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon. You. You. Man. Game, over man game, ethereum. Earth heart Fork goodbye. Constantinople. Hello Istanbul, ethereum, F the, cryptocurrencies, second. Only to Bitcoin and a leading smart, contract, platform, has always been one of the most talked-about projects. In the crypto, space since it was introduced, by Vitalik Putin over. The past few years the. Project has marked several milestones both. In terms of development and adoption the. Potential, of the project was, also recognized, by several key players within the cryptocurrency space. Notably. Among, them was rotifer founder. Of Bitcoin comm, formerly. Nicknamed, Bitcoin, Jesus, according. To reports, ver had stated that ethereum, could overtake, Bitcoin, by the end of 2018 in the, meantime however, the, bear market took control of the cryptocurrency market. Which led to the world's second largest cryptocurrency. Closing, the year with a loss of around 90%. Of, its value nonetheless. The. Project, always stood out for its technical advancements. Especially. With all the buzz surrounding the, platform's, shift to proof of stake pose consensus. Mechanism, the, upgrade was in the spotlight during, the recent ethereum, Devgan with photonic giving a brief introduction, to ethereum. 2.0. Based. On the roadmap to, get to the final phase aetherium, would have to first complete, the first three phases, frontier. Homestead. And metropolis. The first, two phases were checked out by the ethereum, foundation, a long time ago, metropolis. Unlike. The first two phases of ethereum frontier. And homestead, metropolis. Was divided, into two, Byzantium. Hart fork and Constantinople, Hart. Fork, according. To the official blog post this, phase is when we have finally, release a relatively, full-featured. User interface, for non-technical, users, of ethereum, Byzantium.

Hard Fork was one of the smoother, upgrades, and introduced, a tothere IAM improvement. Protocols, IPS all, of these protocols, went, live in October, 2017. On block number, four million. 370,000. The key feature of the upgrade was, the delay of the difficulty, bomb reducing. The block reward from five ETH. To, 3f, however. Constantinople. The, second half of Metropolis faced. Several, hurdles with. The fork being, pushed to a further date twice this. Upgrade was also one of the most awaited in the ethereum community, the, initial, proposal for, the upgrade consisted, of five ethereum, improvement, protocols. With the main spotlight, again on the delay of the difficulty, bomb and the third inning reduction. Of the block rewards, further from three ETH. To two F the. First time, the upgrade was delayed it was due to issues faced, during the obstinate estimate, Constantinople. Heart Fork the second was when it was discovered that one of the proposed improvement. Protocols. Made way for a reenter on C attack this. Heart fork was pushed to February, 2019. And shred shield to occur on block number, seven million two hundred and eighty thousand, in order, to solve the vulnerability. Issue the, team decided, to have two hard Forks. Constantinople. And st. Petersburg both, of which would occur on the same block this, first upgrade would implement all five proposed, protocols. And the second upgrade would either disable, the Ike paving, way for the vulnerability. Or downgrade. The update this. Was later declared successful. By the members, of the foundation, with the hard fork taking place on February, the 28th, 2019. Hello. Istanbul, the team is currently getting ready for the next heart fork which will take place in about eight months from now according. To reports this. Hard fork could also include, the proposal, made for Constantinople hard. Fork and the estimated, deadline, to, submit all the proposals for an Istanbul, is slated to be May 20, 19, however. July, 2019. Will see the soft implementation. Of istanbul compatibility. On all ethereum, clients, and august 2019. Is the estimated, timeline for, the test net upgrade, finally. The hard fork is expected, to go live in the month of October 20, nineteen other. Upgrades in pipeline. Apart. From Istanbul, other, upgrades the team is focusing, on our ethereum, 2.0. Aqua serenity, the final phase and proper, implementation, proc.

Power Arc a pro chromatic, proof-of-work, is the upgrade that, is much awaited by the mining community of, ethereum due. To rising concerns, over centralization. This, implementation. Will reportedly, bring down the control of a sick miners and support, the GPU, mining part of the community. Serenity. As the final phase of ethereum the. Main highlight, of the upgrade is the shift from proof-of-work consensus. Algorithm to proof of stake consensus. Algorithm and the introduction of beacon and casper, on ethereum this. Phase would also make way for the you Azzam upgrade, thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin, comp Bitcoin, news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer. Price. Articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice neither. At Ohio Bitcoin calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains as, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader always. Remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons, below it helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon. You. You.

2019-04-02 13:58

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