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Oh. Hello. Brothers and sisters welcome mother 100%. Minty-fresh. Edition. Of. The, cryptocurrency. Market. Proctor report sponsored by Ohio. Bitcoin, comm, we. Report the current up to the nanosecond price, status, of the top ten cryptocurrencies. And, then off and follow that up with a quick breakdown brief. Analysis, and shirts on. Each top ten going we. Constantly, are a Turing numerous, news update, videos to, our live stream, as we stream all day long line so. Stay tuned right, here. After the top ten report to, our live stream, today, is, the, 29th, of March 2019, this is the nooner report, I have. Been inhaling helium balloons, and sunrise in, order to prepare for the show. So. Buckle up for safety first. And Jamie let's. Do it again okay let's, dive right into the top 10 and crypto kursi starting. From bottom to top and. Here, we go, number. 10 gagana. Exert. Point zero seven zero six, minus. Three point seven two percent, number. Nine position currently, held by, Iran, TRX. Creation of justin sun at 0.023. Six down. 0.95%. Number. Eight look. Like. Satoshi, right like, Cornell CC sixty-two. Dollars and ten cents down 0.91%. Number. Seven Stan, pecs LM. Nadia. Production, ten, cents -, down. 1.2%. Number. Six Tara USD. Team 99. Cents, down. 0.07%. Number. Five position held, by bit, going. -, everyone, 72 49, down. 0.98%. Number. Four position help I do cos, 4. Dollars and 40 cents up. $3.77. Number. Three position held, by a, fairy, M at, $140. In five sighs -, 0.37%. Number. Two position held by X ah. Pa31. Sides -. 0.89%. The. Number one cryptocurrency. Of. The day and. So far every day is Bitcoin. 4160. 12 4160. 12 USD. -. 0.16. Percent. And. The. Game, so. That brothers. And sisters, is. Your. Bitcoin. Cryptocurrency. Market, top, ten report, brought, to you by Ohio. Bitcoin. Dot-com. Thanks, for wrestling as. I said earlier, throughout. The dog. We. Create your videos Milner's. Updates, and post, them direct, to our live stream, you. Can also look at them later we. Encourage, you to please, please, please. Hit. The like or subscribe. Button below it. Helps us get more views. Again. We broadcast, numerous times throughout the day these news updates. Will, stream live. Through. The live stream and, throughout, the day they get posted as well. Have, a great day everybody. Send. You right back to the show thanks. For listening thanks for watching enjoy. The rest of your weekend. Option. With statewide acceptance. Of BTC, business, tax payments, last, month it looked like New Hampshire, would be next to see the trend continue, northwards, however. With, this announcement, Innisfil. Has leapfrogged New, Hampshire for a further hop, north into Canada in this, Ville mayor Linda, Lane expressed.

Her Excitement, at the development. We are proud to be first in taking this bold step by, offering this new exciting, payment, option, to our residents, there's, no doubt that cryptocurrency. Is, growing, in usage, and popularity, by, getting into this now we, are making sure our municipality. Is ahead of the game and signaling. To the world that we truly are a future, ready and innovative, community the. Logistics, of the scheme from, April, just, in time for residents. To pay their second, property, tax installment. They will see a new option on, the town website this. Will initially offer the option of paying in BTC, but, may expand, to include other cryptocurrencies, in. The future, residents. Will pay taxes. Into the town of Anissa 'pls wallet using the coin bury pay service, coin. Bari will process the funds and instantly, convert them into Canadian dollars, and transfer, them to the town's Treasury this. Gives the benefit of a cryptocurrency option. Without, leaving, the town exposed, to priced fluctuations. Coin. Barry CEO, and co-founder Andre. Polyakov, added leaders, from all levels of government who, are first to recognize, the benefits, of the new money economy will, be the first to reap the rewards we. Are extremely, pleased at achieving a milestone in the history of adoption, of cryptocurrency, in, Canada, from, the north and south to the east and west so. With the eastern, part of North America, covered will, we start to see some lateral, movement, certainly, it can't be too long before blockchain. Friendly, Wyoming, joins the party giving, the movement, a decent kick to the West for perhaps, the most progressive state, in the u.s. it seems, strange that, crypto, payments, aren't already a thing there and we, could even see a hop eastwards, all the way across the Atlantic if you came member, Parliament Eddie Hughes, has his way the, Walsall North Labour MP, has, called for a UK local, authority, to plant its own flag and start, accepting, Bitcoin payments, for taxes, should. More municipalities. Accept, cryptocurrencies, for. Tax payments, share, your thoughts below thanks. For watching The Ohio Bitcoin, calm Bitcoin, news channel, today we sincerely appreciate, you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price, of articles, and Markets updates, are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered, as trading advice, neither. Ohio. Bitcoin, comm nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains as the, ultimate, decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader dot this is not trading, or, investment. Advice this. Presentation, is for entertainment and, education, purposes, only please. Do your own research before, purchasing, or investing, into any, cryptocurrency. Always. Remember, that only those in possession, of their own private, keys are in control of their own Bitcoin, if you, enjoy this type of content. Please, smash the like and subscribe buttons. Below it helps us to get more views and continues. To spread the word about Bitcoin, BTC, thanks. Again see. You with more bitcoin, headline, news and analysis, soon, aetherium. Co-founder. Joseph, Lubin highlights, the diverse uses of blockchain, although. Blockchain, got its start with cryptocurrencies, in. 2019. At singing, applications. In nearly every sector according. To joseph Lubin the co-founder, of ethereum in march 12th, 2018. Video a quick, sit down while. Blockchain, has been steadily taking. Over the world there are those who still do not understand, or have, an interest in what the technology can do for organisations. Fortunately. Joseph, Lubin the founder, of consensus. Was able to take some time between ethereum. Recent, hard fork and the consideration. Of gas fees to make a March 12th 2019. Video with consensus. Media in which he explained, some of the non-financial. Applications. Of distributed. Ledger, technology. DLT. Question-and-answer.

Luban. Opened with examples, from a wide variety of industries, and explained, their interest in blockchain, technology. According. To him the financial, sector was the first to, get involved, in the space because they sought to remove expensive. Intermediaries. And also, because they saw the uprising. In the tokenization, of, assets, since. Then a number, of banks are making use of it for a wider array of purposes, including, decentralized. Infrastructure. Systems, to manage securities. Another. Sector, beyond the world of finance, are content, creators who with, blockchain, technology. Will have easier, access to their audiences. Lubin. Sighted you Joe music, a consensus. Project, as a prime, example as. The platform currently. Helps to over a thousand, artists, upload their content. Lubin. Stated, that artists, are looking to move away from traditional, business, models, to have access, to a larger, share of revenue, by. Making, use of a platform, that, uses smart contracts, artists. Can enjoy more income, while, intermediaries. Like promoters, and record companies are excluded, from the business model, dot, as for the journalism, industry. Lubin, says that blockchain, could help reverse the decades-old. Trend, of large corporations, buying, up media, outlets. And pumping information. Through them with no regard, for journalistic. Integrity he. Then spoke about the therians partnership. With civil to pursue this exact, objective. It's, all happening, euro. Civil, is live euros. Become, a civil, member so, you can play a direct, role in building a global network, for creating. Finding. Sharing. And supporting. Quality journalism, learn. More here. HTTP. Colon slash slash to, go slash a 9 8 c and 2g, f RP civil. @ civil, March, 6th, 2019. Thanks. For watching The Ohio Bitcoin, com Bitcoin, news channel today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable, time with us disclaimer. Price, of articles, and Markets updates, are intended, for infirm, purposes. Only and should not to be considered as trading advice. Neither, Ohio. Bitcoin, calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains as the, ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those. In possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content. Please smash, the like and subscribe buttons. Below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin, headline, news and analysis, soon the. Six biggest misconceptions. About Bitcoin, and cryptocurrency, from. Scaling to securities, the environment, in the SEC here's what you need to know so. Much has been said about Bitcoin, etherium, cryptocurrency, and blockchain, over, the course of the past few years that it's almost impossible, to keep up with what's fact opinion. Or a mixture, of both the, blockchain industry. Moves fast is always, in flux there's, so much at stake and we're, still building a collective, understanding between, the vast and global spectrum, of players involved, further, in the digital media landscape.

In General and specifically. In the realm of cryptocurrency and blockchain media, there's a trend towards sensationalism. That makes gaining a nuanced, understanding of, important, issues something, of a challenge as the, team's building, out the infrastructure, of a blockchain future, work towards number crypto, spring and the next phase of blockchain. Development, comes into view a few fallacies, linger on from blockchain, salad, days that are worth addressing some. Views are held by the general, public while, others are more commonly uttered in the crypto, sphere but here are the six biggest misconceptions. About blockchain and cryptocurrency right, now and what's, being done that proves them wrong, cryptocurrency. Mining is, bad for the environment by, now you're, familiar with a popular, narrative that, often arises when discussing blockchain. Or cryptocurrency, that, mining, Bitcoin via proof of work algorithms. Consumes, more energy than, insert, emerging, economy, nation and is contributing to the environmental. Downfall, of the earth there's, just one problem with these gleefully, apocalyptic, appraisals, all of the data upon which the entirety of this alarmist. Verge's based was whittled up by an ethically suspect, loan blogger who estimated his numbers flubbed, his methodology, and completely. Overlooked, fundamental, aspects, of the issue at hand a deep, dive in hacker noon by Robert Sherrod lays out just how badly our most trusted news sources got this in an excellent takedown the reports have Bitcoin, environmental. Damage our garbage it's. A must read a 20-18. Report, by the World Economic Forum, even identified, 65, use cases for blockchain, technology. That will help the planet and the fight for environmentalism. Projects. Like the bounty for basura are creating, new models for sustainability. With blockchain, and as, ethereum, development, continues, towards a proof of stake model that is far more energy, efficient, and environmentally. Friendly than, the proof-of-work models, that dominate, blockchain, technologies. Today we are moving towards, a future where this issue will diminish, bitcoin. Is cryptocurrencies, blockchain. If you're, reading this the likelihood, is that you've explained, your interest in blockchain, tech to someone only to receive a blank stare in return until you drop the other B word Bitcoin. Although. Trends in this regard are moving fast in the right direction many, people, still equate blockchain, with cryptocurrency, and cryptocurrency, with. Bitcoin, however. Bitcoins. Market, dominance, in regards, to other tokens near, 100%, for most of the currencies, existence, sits at 50 percent down, from 85, percent less than two years ago and up from a recent low of 33 percent, although, the crypto craze of 2017. Has clearly diminished, it has laid the foundation. For a global ecosystem. Of tokens that proves that there's a lot more to cryptocurrency than, just Bitcoin, it's. Also become evidently, clear that Bitcoin, and cryptocurrency, are, just phase one in the long arc of blockchain, and technologies. Like eff areum's programmable. Smart contracts. And decentralized. Apps are the future recent. Reports have indicated that, if areum's global developer, base the Bua dealers working on the infrastructure, solutions. Gaps and protocols. Of the network, is more than twice that of bitcoin and that's a conservative estimation, check. The speeches of any of tech's greatest figures and they'll echo the same the, projects, and industries, with the most developers, get the best results, that's, why sectors, like decentralized.

Finance, Enterprise, Solutions gaming, and media integrated. With blockchain, technology. Already, Bitcoin. Market dominance since 2013, notice. A trend all cryptocurrencies. Are, securities, some. Tokens, and cryptocurrencies, that. Launched through the ICO process, are indeed unregistered, securities, for. Example, tokens, or cryptocurrencies, that, provide dividends, meet the holy test or share the same qualities, as typical, stock will result in the classification. As a security. However. The emerging, reality, is that not all cryptocurrencies, are, securities, the, US Securities, and Exchange Commission has previously, stated that ether is not a security, more. Recently, senior, members of the second cluding chairman Jiang and, director of corporate finance bill Hinman have been playing ping pong with public, statements, echoing positive, sentiment, most, recently, in March clayton stated, a digital, asset may be offered, and sold initially, as a security, because, it meets the definition of an investment contract but, that designation, may change over time if the digital asset, later is offered and sold, in such a way that it will no longer meet, the definition. Regulations. Are notably slow to change, and while necessary, to protect individuals. From scams and malicious actors it's worth noting, that regulations. From 1933, should, be approached with a modern, viewpoint, new, regulations, will need to take into account the various types of token models if their e/m can't scale scaling. A decentralized, networks, ability, to handle transactional. Volume without sacrificing. Security, or speed is undoubtedly, a difficult, problem to solve however. Some, of the smartest, minds in the world are currently working on solving scalability. Through layer 1 eg, sharding, and layer, 2 eg, state channels plasma, solutions, many, of those solutions, will launch into reality, this year and Consensus, founder, Joe Lubin stated at his SXSW. Interactive keynote. This year that the ethereum network with layered solutions, in play will be able to handle millions of transactions, per second within two years all, new, technologies. Take time to mature and develop if. Their iam has made significant. Strides towards becoming, the base layer protocol, of web 3.0. The overall, ethereum, ecosystem, continues, to show remarkable signs, of growth and it is now evident that the roadmap, towards scalability. Is clearly, laid out and achievable, cryptocurrency. Is, only used for nefarious ends, as a, private, secure, and global, network for transactions. Cryptocurrencies, have, provided, incredible utility. For transferring, value in, conflict, zones for, remittances, retail, payments and yes, also for dark web transactions. For illegal goods however. Chain, analysis, a leading, blockchain, research, firm has shown that bitcoin is no longer the predominant, currency, for dark net transactions. The, global drug survey GDS, similarly. Found that cash is still king when it comes to purchasing, drugs or exchanging, value for illegal services, and you'll probably find that those decrying, cryptocurrency, have, little issues with cash the, murky techno underbelly, of dark net transactions. And cryptocurrencies, being, used for illegal purposes certainly. Make for great news stories, but by now with, many of the world's leading institutions. Like Facebook, and JPMorgan. On the verge of launching their own digital, currencies, it's clear that the shady reputation of bitcoins, earlier days was a factor, of the technology's, status, on the fringes and that we have now moved on to a more mainstream era, tokens. Are useless, Heiko mania resulted, in thousands, of crypto and blockchain projects. Google spell check used a hack Konami wallet when, storing, your cryptocurrency, you, need to know your assets, are safe especially, when using wallets, on exchanges, or via software, that means your assets, are online the. Benefits, to these sorts of wallets are that you can access your assets, across a range of platforms mobile. PC, etc, and also, means that if you forget your login details you, might not always totally lose access to your crypto, drawbacks. However to having your assets, online can often mean your storage, is not decentralized. And is managed by someone else like an exchange and indeed, your assets, are connected, to a network which, means they can be accessed via hackers, who are able to exploit bugs such. A bug has recently been, located within the Konami wallet the, bug seems to have stemmed from a vulnerability, that has has been exploited via Google's spellcheck after Alma Wally the victim of the bug revealed that his wallet has been accessed and could have stolen up to sixty thousand dollars according. To one hashed Alma, Wally claims, that a text box built, into the Konomi wallet sent his seed phrase to Google's online spellcheck. Service, since, of seed phrase can be used to gain access to a wallet handling, data in this way is a major risk, Elna, Wally claims, that, the bug was used to steal 60,000, dollars of cryptocurrency from, his wallet he.

Also Says that Konomi has refused, to take responsibility which. Has forced him to reveal the problem, publicly, Konomi, itself has now responded admitting. That google spell checks did occur due to a bad configuration. In one of the wallets plugins. However. Konami also says that this function, sent text securely, and that Google actually rejected. The data what's. Happened so according. To the reports, no assets, have been lost as a result of this though Mawali has felt that this bug could have been exploited, more successfully. In the future thankfully. In this instance everything, seems to be okay and indeed Konami, seemed to believe that the bug was never really an issue in the first place thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin, calm, Bitcoin, news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice, neither. Ohio Bitcoin, comm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains has, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader always. Remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons, below it helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon. Crypto. Startup, token, pay buyers equity stake in Hyde a clown lingerie, maker. Cryptocurrency. Startup, token pay is getting into the lingerie business, revealed. In a filing Wednesday, with the US, Securities, and Exchange Commission, the, Switzerland based startup, has spent, 1.3. Million, dollars, for a 6%. Equity stake, in the naked Brand Group n/a, ke, D the, Australian, laundry, company best known for supermodel, Heidi Klum's, signature. Fashion lines, token. Pay CEO, Derek, capo told coined s the move as part of the startups, broader diversification. Strategy. Following a December 2017. Token, sale that, netted 2,000, Bitcoin or roughly, 20, million dollars, spending. Token, sale proceeds on equity investments, has been a hedge against, crypto, market volatility, Capo, said still. It may take until 2020. Or beyond, for shoppers to buy Klum's lingerie, with pay tokens, we've. Reached out to n/a K, deep for comment and we'll update if we hear back speaking. Of the startups, investment, in this lingerie company, capo. Ended they, n a ke, D also mentioned, they are interested, in working with a blockchain company.

For Logistics, we're. Interested, in them accepting, token pays merchant, services, platform so, that they can accept crypto, across all of their brands those. Merchant, services, would allow private purchases. Of negligee, using, token paise native, token T P a why, because the coin utilizes. The Tor network to hide users, IP addresses. Unlike. Most assets, used in 2017. Token, sales TP. A why, is not aetherium based capo. Said, 32,000. People participated. In the 2017. Sale by purchasing, TP, a y with, bitcoin equity. Deals in the, interview, capo. Further detailed, how token, pay has spent it's a learnings so far including. Nearly four million dollars, spent buying equity, in Germany's, wag Bank AG in mid 2018. In, an arrangement initially. Brokered, over Twitter a nine point nine, percent equity, stake in the bank was, donated, to the litter corn foundation. While token, pay kept the same amount of equity for itself, although. There is no formal, commitment, to integrate, TP, a y or token, payment. Services. K hopes investing, in companies like, naked brand group and wag bank egg will eventually. Facilitate, both TP, a why, use, cases and the infrastructure. For that tokens, adoption, we're, trying to get every single angle possible because, we realize there are many opportunities in this industry capo said once, you start using it T P a why, then, we'll be able to offer you the opportunity to work with the German Bank open, up a bank account there, and convert, your Fiat if you choose other, purchases. With token, sale burnings, included, a 10%, stake in the privacy, coin oriented, mute he will fund token, sussy a portfolio. Of crypto, related, domain names and an undisclosed, amount of equity in the latin-american blockchain. Company, block size which, is currently working on a decentralized. Exchange, plus. Capo. Set token pay also paid more than 50 thousand, dollars for traditional, exchange listings. And donated. 2.5. Million, dollars, worth of crypto, to the verge xvg. Community. To incentivize. The adult-entertainment site. Porn up to accept xvg, for porn subscriptions. Much. Like the bank equity, donation, to the little coin foundation. This marketing, strategy leverages. Outreach, through crypto, adjacent, communities, that, could promote TP. A y in return, in sum. Over, the past 15, months the, startup has spent more than half of the fiat value, of its token sale according. To capo, the start-up retains, roughly, 10% of, its Bitcoin in a long-term Treasury, and has spent, 1.5. Million. Dollars on operating, costs such as salaries, we've, built a lot of infrastructure. And also, a lot of deals capo, said releasing. The development, of technology, stuff takes time so. Now you'll start to see some of the products benefiting, from the deals that, we did earlier thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin, comp, Bitcoin news channel today we sincerely appreciate, you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price. Articles, and markets updates are intended for informational. Purposes only, and should not, - because as trading advice. Neither, Ohio. Bitcoin dot-com, nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains as, the ultimate, decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader dot this is not trading, or investment. Advice this. Presentation, is for entertainment, and education, purposes, only please. Do your own research before. Purchasing, or investing, into any cryptocurrency. Always. Remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own Bitcoin. If you, enjoyed this type of content, please. Smash the like and subscribe buttons. Below it helps us to get more views and continues. To spread the word about Bitcoin, BTC. Thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin, headline, news and analysis soon, why. Bitcoin is incomparable. To history's, famous bubbles, their, rundown, bitcoin. Economist, savetti Annamma says that, nothing has ever risen as fast and as much as bitcoin price which, makes it imperative, into, the greatest bubbles, in history, bitcoin. Is a completely, new animal, Bitcoin. Economist, and author of the Bitcoin standard, Safed Ian amis recently. Shared his views on whether, the world's, most popular, cryptocurrency, can. Be compared, to history's, famous bubbles. Paul, Krugman, Jamie, Dimon, Warren, Buffett, and other critics, often refer, to Bitcoin as a bubble, particularly. As BTC, United, States dollar, price has dropped from nearly, $20,000, in December, 2017. To around, $4,000. Today but. Comparing, it to historic, stock market, crashes, is comparing, apples and oranges, argues, Emmis bitcoin.

Is A completely, new animal, different, from all before it he says your. Old toolbox for, analyzing. Bubbles currencies. And stocks, doesn't, work on Bitcoin it. Is these outdated, tools that prevented, the likes of Buffett from missing out on one of the best investment. Opportunities. In history even the, most robust, stocks today such, as Amazon, AMZN. Have. Been outperformed, by the digital currency even, at today's 4000. Price dot. What's more is that after every time the bubble popped it has come back even stronger, in. Fact there, have been at least five 80 plus percent crashes. Over the past decade, amaz notes Bitcoin, appreciated. To two hundred million percent, of its value in nine years then, crashed, back down all the way to around a thirty million percent, rise in other. Words had, you bought $100. Dollars, worth of Bitcoin in 2009. You, would have about eight million, dollars today, Bitcoin. Incomparable. To history's, famous bubbles. The, picture, also looks different, when, comparing, Bitcoin, against, history's, famous bubbles, it, has often been compared. To tulips in the media with every drop in Bitcoin price but. This comparison, is widely inaccurate. Just like the common misconceptions. About tulip, mania as a whole because, BTC. Price posts, a lower high after every, crash dot. No pointers, favorite, bubble Dutch, tulips, lasted, for just over two years in which the price appreciated. Around sixty fold then, crashed, lower than its original price, explains. Amis, it, also goes without saying that, while bitcoin, is the world's, first borderless. Decentralized. Neutral, money that enables anyone to send millions for pennies the other is a flower duck. The rate and scale, evaluations. Is another factor, making Bitcoin, nothing like the 2008. Housing bubble for example, when, housing prices tripled, in two decades and then lost around 40% within, only a few years, the, famous housing bubble saw housing, prices triple, in around 20 years and then lose around 40% over a few years pick, Jb9. Qk, j j k bx, safari. In NamUs at sofyan, March, 24th. 2019. Then. There's the 1929. Stock market bubble. That rose six folds during, the roaring 20s, the, subsequent crash saw prices returned, to their original price. Meanwhile. BTC. United states dollar is still ten times greater than its pre bubble price of around, $400, in 2016. Amma says, dot bitcoin is not only incomparable. Two bubbles it's fast, rise is also incomparable. To the most successful. Companies, and innovators. As far. As I can tell nothing, has ever risen as fast and as much as bitcoin has risen, Bitcoin. Self-corrects. To suck up fiat so. How did Bitcoin, manage to rise so, much and so fast in, such a short time span the. Secret lies in its design, namely. The inelastic, supply of 21, million Bitcoin, a number, set in digital. Stone. Making. It the hardest form of money that ever existed. What's, more is that unlike, central. Banks this supply mining. Of Bitcoin, this program, to grow at a predetermined rate, up to 21. Million this. Makes it the most predictable. Asset, that ever existed. Not, only does everyone, know how, many bitcoins will, exist 10 or even, 100, years from now but, this data is also transparent, and verifiable, but. I am us notes another, important, feature that plays, an important, role in Bitcoin, the economics, the mining, difficulty, adjustment. My, explanation. For this rise is that bitcoins, difficulty, adjustment, makes it a truly unique monetary, asset, built to rise fast. He says dot. Is covered by Bitcoin issed the difficulty, adjustment, acts as a counterbalance, to, fluctuations, in Bitcoin hash rate or computing, power of the network that came with the spot price amaz, notes that the difference, between Bitcoin, and traditional. Money is that the latter is linear, resulting. In boom and bust cycles, the, former, however, is a positive, feedback loop that strengthens, the network over time even with erratic, price swings this. Makes Bitcoin a completely, unique as it does not behave like a traditional, asset whose production, depends on supply and demand it's.

The World's, first self-correcting. Asset that keeps the most efficient, miners, profitable. Regardless, of market conditions while. Siphoning, off more and more fiat, money by design, simply. Put bitcoin. Is not the bubble it's the pin do. You agree that, BTC. Is not like other hist auric famous, bubbles, share, your thoughts below thanks. For watching the ohio bitcoin, comm bitcoin, news channel, today we sincerely appreciate, you, spending some of your valuable, time with us disclaimer, price, of articles, and markets updates, are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered, as trading advice, neither. Ohio. Bitcoin, calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains as the, ultimate, decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those. In possession, of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash, the like and subscribe buttons, below. It helps us to get more views and continues. To spread the word about Bitcoin BTC. Thanks. Again see. You with more bitcoin headline, news and analysis, soon, blockchain. To be integrated. Into facebook, login. Facebook. CEO Mark Zuckerberg, reveals. In an interview, with Jonathan, Zittrain a professor. At Harvard that he's willing to put the login on the blockchain. Zuckerberg. Revealed that the technology. Could give the social, media users, so powers, when using and giving information access. To third party apps in May, 20 18, the, meteor giant, formed a blockchain team, headed by David Marcus, ex vice president, of messenger, the, primary, objective, of the team was, to explore the best techniques, to leverage, blockchain, technology. With social, network dot. Like many other companies, Facebook. Is exploring, ways to leverage. The power of blockchain. Technology. A spokesman. Revealed. Dot. Facebook, to create its own cryptocurrency. Last. Year, the meteor giant, was also delving into the possibility. Of creating. Its own digital currency, for payments, but, this is the first signal, that the company could incorporate blockchain. As part of its login, and data sharing system, dot, an and I interview, Zuckerberg. Revealed, confirmation. Was her use of a technology that. Is greatly interested, in even, though he has and discovered, the best way for this to operate the, suggested, system would substitute, Facebook. Connect with distributed. Ledger technology. Dot. The system will enable users to select which apps to give access to and also, set the limit of data shared, various. Third, party services, are already designing, similar, systems to safeguard, individuals. Personal, information, but Facebook joining, the bandwagon would, be a substantial. Change in the field dot. Zuckerberg, further explained. Dot you basically, take your information you. Store it on some decentralized. System, and you have the choice of whether, to log in in different places, and you're not going through an intermediary, there's. A lot of things that, I think would, be quite attractive about, that dot. In December, Facebook. Began a struggle, of hunting blockchain, technology. Specialists. To work on its new project, as, reported. By coin atoll there, has been much hype on the growing of startups, and initial coin offerings, established. Monthly, and this triggers the media giant, to join the trend if you, enjoy this type of content, please click the like and subscribe, buttons, below it helps us to get more views thanks.

Again See. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis, soon pending. Crypto currency, legislation list, highlights, high impact areas with. The advent of blockchain, and cryptocurrencies, disrupting. Our financial, systems regulators. Are forced to investigate, the utility, of this technology and propose, new rules to ensure that citizens. Are able to receive the maximum benefit, from using decentralized. Digital assets, while minimizing, any of its potentially, harmful effects, crypto. Focus, coin. Center recently published a federal crypto currency, bill tracker it lists, the introduction, and current status of all US federal legislation, that mentions, are relate to cryptocurrencies, through. Each crypto, bill proposed, we are able to better understand, how the US government views. Cryptocurrencies, where. They think it can provide benefits, to citizens, and where, it could be most harmful here, are some of the key takeaways from the list low. Income lending and investing, opportunities a priority, for black and community bank, members, of the government are starting, to recognize the, utility, of cryptocurrencies, for. Lending and making crowd investments, on January. 3rd 2019. Bill, HR. 4114. Stated. Purpose is to provide regulatory, relief, for black and community, banks to codify the minority. Bank deposit, program and for other purposes. The, minority, bank deposit, program MB. DP is a voluntary, program that encourages, credit unions as well as female, and minority, owned banks, to become depositories. And financial, agents, for low-income communities. The, initiative, was created by the US Department, of Treasury and is meant to make banking, services, more accessible, to the most underserved, communities. Although. Not stated, explicitly codifying. The MB DP program, could imply the use of a blockchain ledger, and smart, contract, system to record and deploy, short-term, loans based on a predefined, set of rules written in code such. A system would be a huge boost to communities, that are under banked and often, targeted, by payday, lending services, payday. Lending is a 40 billion dollar industry that makes its money by preying on those desperate, for short-term capital loan. Interest rates can start out at a modest 10 to 15 percent but can easily jump to 300%, once borrowers, become trapped in a debt cycle of continuous borrowing. To keep up with bills and everyday expenses, according. To Pew trusts, Research twelve million American, currently, used payday, lending services, twelve, percent of whom are African Americans, smart. Contract, based lending would be a highly efficient, and cost-effective alternative. For both the borrowers, and lenders within. The same bill it mentions, that the Controller, General of the u.s. intends, to conduct a study on blockchain technology. And how it could be used to enable lower-income, individuals to. Invest in startups and other crowd funded companies, crowd. Investing, has long been thought of as a way to, give businesses, who aren't a right fit for bank loans or VC capital a chance to raise money while, opening, opportunities for. Regular people to grow their wealth through access, to more investment opportunities. Blockchain. Technology. Would give investors, the transparency. They need to feel safe about where their is going especially. If rules were embedded, into smart contracts. To ensure that, funds, were only allocated, when certain business, milestones, were achieved cryptocurrencies. Still. Viewed as nefarious, tools the. Vast majority of bills proposed, center around the topic of consumer, protection, and national security while.

The Government sees some potential in using cryptocurrencies, to, provide financial, opportunities. To consumers, the main concern, outlined, in at least 7 of the 10 bills proposed. So far were focused, on preventing, cryptocurrencies, being, used to fund terrorism human, trafficking, drug trafficking, and financial. Scams one, bill HR, 56. Is called, the financial technology. Protection, Act its, stated purpose is, to establish an independent financial technology. Task force to combat terrorism and illicit financing, and to provide rewards for information leading, to convictions, related, to terrorists use of digital currencies, not. Surprisingly. Bill, HR 56. And bill HR 502. The fine trafficking, Act are so far the only two bills to, have passed the house been, received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Homeland, Security and Governmental Affairs as, well as the Committee on Banking, Housing and, Urban Affairs. This. Indicates, that preventing, the potential, dangers of cryptocurrencies, takes, precedence, over promoting, its many benefits the, perception, regulators, have about the crypto, space is still very much based on what was observed between 2010, and 2013. Where Bitcoin was primarily, used to pay for drugs and illegal weapons, in marketplaces, like Silk, Road the, FBI eventually. Shut down Silk Road in 2013. And the site's founder, is currently serving a double life sentence, plus 40, years without the possibility of, parole when. We think about the pace in which the government, conducts, investigations it. Makes sense that there is still a perception that, Bitcoin, could be used for illegal activity, after. All the, FBI is only just now conducting, an investigation into, but connect a crypto, Ponzi scheme platform, that launched in 2016, and shut, down in December 2017. This, lag in time between crimes, committed, and investigations. Occurring creates the false perception. That the current crypto space is not evolving, and that consumers, have not learned about how to protect themselves from being victims, of cryptocurrency funded. Financial, crimes crypto. For fighting, drug trafficking, and terrorism funding, with, regard to the drug and terrorism issue a recent, report by Bloomberg, showed that $2, trillion worth of shady transactions. Still occur each year from non cryptocurrency, sources. Primarily. Cash but, also digital money transfers, from colluding, banks one, of the most famous cases was the case of HSBC which.

Failed To accurately monitor over, six hundred seventy, billion dollars in wire transfers. From Mexico, and nine, point four billion dollars, in purchases, of US currency according. To a 2012, deferred, prosecution agreement. With US authorities using. An elaborate, system of deposits, and money transfers, Mexican. And Colombian drug, cartels, were able to launder their illicit proceeds through, the bank without detection the, bank was eventually fined, one point nine billion dollars, cases. Like this should make it clear to regulators, that cryptocurrencies. Are, far from their biggest problem, when it comes to shady transactions. In fact with a better understanding of, blockchain, technology. Regulators. Would know that the immutable, and transparent. Nature of the technology actually, makes it harder for shady transactions. To go undetected and that the token economic, structure, that most cryptocurrency. Networks. Are established, under it can be leveraged, to create all kinds of incentive, schemes to reward users for identifying, and reporting shady, transactions. Hence, eliminating. The need for centralized. Governing, bodies to waste resources, launching, investigations. Especially. Ones that occur years after the crime has been committed, conclusion. Ultimately. There, is something positive to be found in the efforts regulators, are making to pass bills around the adoption, of cryptocurrencies, as, many leaders, in the crypto, space have been urging Congress, to do for months now however. The kind of bills being proposed indicate, that there is still work to be done to educate lawmakers. About how cryptocurrencies, and, blockchain, technology. Can not only provide, financial, opportunities, to everyday people but also help solve many of the terrorism, drug trafficking, and financial, fraud problems, that some regulators, are incorrectly, claiming, it enables. Thanks for watching the Ohio Bitcoin, calm, Bitcoin news channel today we, appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with packet, Oishi Craig Wright deletes Twitter account raging, Craig. Wright famous, for his claims to be the actual Satoshi, Nakamoto, is a controversial, figure in the crypto, space closely, tracked on social, media and often, ridiculed Craig. Wright says he will sue anyone who calls him a fraud his, Craig Wright a fraud, please answer Craig, Wright is a fraud or, Craig. Wright is not a fraud dark. Pill at Dan dark pill March 17th, 2019. Wright. Claimed the protected, nature of his Twitter account meant, that the ad bought FAC atashi was in fact breaking, copyright law, and stealing intellectual, property, the, DMCA, prohibits. Trafficking, in devices or tools, that help other people circumvent, access control and copy control, measures, 17. USC. 1201. A2b, this. Includes, twitter bots and is a criminal offence in the u.s. a fake. Tashi buck at BOTS FAC atashi March, 17th, 2019. However. There, is a funny side a Twitter, user had, big blockers, came, forward, to inform the Twitterverse, that jaian woo the founder of bit Maine was, now following the parody account as well Roger, Varangian. Will previously, had a strong disagreement with Craig Wright and Calvin aired during the hard fork of Bitcoin cash jehanne, woo just followed, at BOTS vac atashi big. Blockers, at big, blockers, March 17th, 2019. After. Abandoning the ad prophetess persona, over the weekend right briefly moved to another protected, account which was also suspended, currently. The most flamboyant truce, atashi claimant, has abandoned, his followers, and ceased, his Twitter activity, CC. Ins reporter, pH matter has been one of his most cautious observers. And he said ever since he failed to initiate, a transaction. That would have proven him to be email protected, I've wondered what makes this guy tick he's. A millionaire, after, all he's, definitely been in Bitcoin a long time as evidenced, by the serious, lawsuit, against him but, is he Satoshi, part. Of me hopes not I. Wants atashi to retain his anonymity the. Second citta she becomes, a person there's a risk that Bitcoin, becomes, a security, that's, only one reason why it's better Satoshi, stay beyond the grave of course, the. International. Banking, cartel, would surely wacom, of course. With this news rights, opponents, were jubilant whale. Panda who is one of the more vocal opponents, have Craig Wright posted, the following creates. A new account that's protected, from the start so he has to approve everyone that wants to follow him loses.

The Majority, of his audience and social platform, and very. Likely will soon be followed by another bot disguised, as a bsv, supporter, dot this guy is really a genius picked, J7z. N4m well, panda, at whale panda March 18th 2019. The at professed his Twitter handle has stirred multiple, controversies. From, initially supporting, Bitcoin cash bch. As the real Bitcoin, to later moving, to support Bitcoin, sv the fork from a fork which offered different rules for the network right. Went on to support large blocks and known dedicated. Miners right. Also shifted, his views on what exactly BITC. Oin was and which networked had the claims to the primacy, he, even threatened to have mechanisms to, destroy the project, just few, days ago he tweeted well, I plan to allow BTC, to die slowly so, some could get out but, I guess that it will be accelerated with idiots who are going to end in court rights, tweets were often distributed, for their ironic, value r editors, have noted that the bots account allowed for lively or criticism, and even mockery, which right, would have deleted on his own Twitter account but, right also observed, the bots activity, and even replied, to comments, through his original, Twitter handle, rights, claims to be Satoshi, have been widely dismissed as lies by the crypto, community, and he has also been controversial, due to his involvement in last year's unpopular, hard fork of Bitcoin cash bch, and already, mentioned, BCH, SV citta she's vision nevertheless. He. Continued, to publish defiant, posts, to his 60k followers, via his Twitter account criticizing. The development, of the Bitcoin network sued. By the real BTC, developer, we, already wrote of how he ignited, the fierce competition between, bit corn and ethereum, blockchain making. His contribution. To the CFTC's. Call-out however. Last, year Wright was sued for four billion dollars when the estate of David Clayman, a computer, scientist, on cybersecurity, expert, who many suspect, to have been one of the developers, behind Bitcoin and blockchain tech, claimed, that Wright stole billions of dollars worth of Bitcoin, according. To the plaintiffs, Wright, recognized, that the family were unaware of clayman's, wealth and forged, a series of contracts, that purported. To transfer, Dave's assets, to Craig and/or, companies, controlled, by him Craig, back dated these contracts, and forged, Dave's signature, on them thanks, for watching the ohio bitcoin comm bitcoin news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable, time with us disclaimer. Price articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice, neither. Ohio. Bitcoin, calm, nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains has, the ultimate decision, to conduct the trade is made by the reader always. Remember, that only those. In possession, of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more bitcoin headline, news and analysis, soon crypto. Startup token, pay buyers equity stake in hyde, a clown lingerie, maker. Cryptocurrency. Startup, token pay is getting into the lingerie business, revealed. In a filing Wednesday, with the US, Securities and Exchange Commission. The Switzerland, based startup, has spent, 1.3.

Million, Dollars, for a 6%, equity stake, in the naked brand Group n a K, D the Australian laundry, company best known for supermodel, Heidi Klum's. Signature, fashion lines, token. Pay CEO. Derek, capo, told coin desk the move as part of the startups, broader diversification. Strategy. Following a December 2017. Token, sale that, netted 2,000, Bitcoin or roughly, 20 million dollars. Touken, sale proceeds on, equity investments, has been a hedge against, crypto, market volatility, capo. Said still. It may take until 2020. Or beyond, for shoppers, to buy clums lingerie, with pay tokens, we've. Reached out to n/a K, deep for comment and we'll update if, we hear back speaking. Of the startups, investment, in this lingerie company capo. And it they, n a ke, D also mentioned, they are interested, in working with a blockchain company. For logistics, we're. Interested, in them accepting, token pays merchant, services platform so, that they can accept crypto, across all of their brands those. Merchant, services, would allow private purchases. Of negligee, using, token paise native, token, T P a why, because. The coin utilizes. The Tor network to hide users, IP addresses. Unlike. Most assets, used, in 2017. Token, sales TP. A why, is not aetherium based capo. Said, 32,000. People participated. In the 2017. Sale by purchasing, TP, a why with, Bitcoin equity. Deals in the, interview, capo, further detailed, how token, pay has spent its sale earnings, so far including. Nearly four million dollars, spent buying equity, in Germany's, whag Bank AG in mid 2018. In, an arrangement initially. Brokered, over Twitter a nine point nine, percent equity, stake, in the bank was, donated, to the little coin foundation. While token, pay kept the same amount of equity for itself although, there is no formal, commitment to, integrate, TP, a Y or token, payment. Services, capo, hopes investing. In companies like, naked brand Group and Wegg Bank AG will eventually. Facilitate, both TP, a why, use, cases and the infrastructure. For that tokens, adoption, we're, trying to get every single angle possible, because we realize there are many opportunities, in this industry, capo said once, you start using it t p a y then, we'll be able to offer you the opportunity to. Work with the German bank open, up a bank account. And convert, your Fiat if you choose other, purchases. With token sale burnings, included, a 10%, stake in the privacy coin oriented, mute he will fund token, sussy a portfolio. Of crypto, related, domain names and an undisclosed, amount of equity in the latin-american blockchain. Company, block size which, is currently working on a decentralized. Exchange, plus. Capo. Set token pay also paid more than $50,000, for traditional, exchange listings. And donated. 2.5. Million, dollars, worth of crypto, to the verge xvg. Community. To incentivize. The adult-entertainment site. Porn up to accept xvg, for, porn subscriptions. Much. Like the bank equity, donation, to the little coin foundation, this marketing, strategy leverages. Outreach, through crypto, adjacent, communities, that, could promote TP. A y in return, in sum. Over, the past 15, months the, start-up has spent more than half of the fiat value, of its token sale according. To capo, the start-up retains, roughly, 10% of, its Bitcoin in a long-term Treasury, and has spent, 1.5. Million. Dollars on operating, costs such as salaries, we've, built a lot of infrastructure. And also, a lot of deals capo, said releasing. The development, of technology, stuff takes time so. Now you'll start to see some of the products benefiting, from the deals that, we did earlier thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin, comp Bitcoin news channel today we sincerely appreciate, you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price. Articles, and markets updates are intended for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice. Neither, Ohio. Bitcoin dot-com, nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains as, the ultimate, decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader dot this is not trading, or investment. Advice this. Presentation, is for entertainment and, education, purposes, only please. Do your own research before. Purchasing. Or investing, into any cryptocurrency. Remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own Bitcoin. If you, enjoyed this type of content, please. Smash the like and subscribe buttons. Below it helps us to get more views and continues. To spread the word about Bitcoin, BTC. Thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin, headline, news and analysis, soon bitfury. Integration. To bring Bitcoin, and lightning payments, to more merchants, the, bitfury group, has partnered, with business, payments, processor, hate pay to, bring lightning network-based, Bitcoin. Payments, to merchants in the US Canada, and the EU bitfury. Announced, Thursday, that it is integrated, its web-based lightning, network peach merchants API, application.

Programming Interface. With, hate pays platform. Allowing, businesses. To accept, payments, over the Lightning, Network and improving, the efficiency, and lowering, the costs, of Bitcoin transactions. After. Payment is made merchants. Can immediately, convert bitcoins. Into another currency, through hate pays platform. That fury said by, bringing the Lightning Network to hate pays payment, processing. Platform, we, are making it easier, for businesses, across the United, States to, accept, Bitcoin payments. Said puddle pre-code co-head. Of lightning peach that furies, team of lightning, network developers. Bitcoin. Payments, V of hate pay are now available, in all 50, US states bitfury. Added, hate pay runs on a hybrid model, processing. Both fiat and blockchain payments. The, platform, can also be used by merchants, around the world to accept payments, through PayPal Apple, pay Square, and more hate, pay CEO, and founder, Brian Nichols said bitcoin, has always been a good low cost alternative to fiat, payments, but with this integration, Bitcoin. Payments, are now equally, convenient, as our fiat payment, processing. Services, thereby, paving the way for mass adoption, in commerce it's, worth noting, that the, Lightning Network a second, layer scalability. Protocol, that operates, on top of the Bitcoin, blockchain is, still, a beta project, several. Projects, actually, with, some risk attached, to its use at several. Iterations continue. To develop and see support, from the community, however, some. Big-name firms, and individuals have, been supporting, the technology, in an ongoing experiment. Known as the Lightning torch with, financial, services giant, fidelity, investments. Lincoln, and co-founder, Reed Hoffman and Twitter and square CEO, Jack, Dorsey are recently, taking, part thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin calm Bitcoin, news channel today we, appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer. Price, of articles, and Markets updates, are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered, as trading advice, neither. Ohio. Bitcoin, dot-com, nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains as the, ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those. In possession, of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash, the like and subscribe buttons, below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin, headline, news and analysis, soon. Opinion. Tutorial, with Bitcoin anarchy. Is the point not the problem last, week there was a panel, at SXSW. That was effectively, a debate on the merits of permission, blockchains, versus permissionless, systems, like Bitcoin, I listened. To the entire audio, of the panel discussion, after, programming, Bitcoin, author Jimmy song tweeted, about the other day and I thought he did an awesome job of pointing out the key value proposition, of Bitcoin, and why, it is not worth comparing to permission systems, what. Was the innovation with Bitcoin as song, covered in his remarks, during the panel the key innovation, with Bitcoin was, the use of proof of work to, enable anonymous actors, to take care of the ordering of transactions, in a digital financial. System while, other digital, cash systems, were tried in the past no one was able to come up with the perfect system, that could solve issues related, to centralization.

And Civil attacks with. Bitcoin Satoshi, Nakamoto, hit the sweet spot I recently, wrote, about this same topic in the context, of alternative, cryptocurrencies, that, really shouldn't be referred, to as cryptocurrencies. Specifically. Something, like ripple XRP, is not, comparable, to Bitcoin because. The system does not use anonymous validators. Song. Hit on the same point while providing his definition of centralized, versus, decentralized systems. Here's. What I mean its centralized, if there's a single point of failure said, song and. I say that because that is exactly how governments control, things, bitcoins. Resistance, to censorship, shut, down to regulation, by governments. Is its key innovation, this, was nothing more than a sipping, dream for decades but Bitcoin turned it into a reality, Silk, Road isn't the troubled pasture Wild West Silk. Road is the point numbered. Bitcoin Kyle. Tour peak at Kyla Torpy October. 7th 2014. IBM's. Christopher, Faris who took the side of permission, blockchains, in the debate even, asked song if he was arguing for Anarchy over a regulated, financial system, during the panel discussion yes. That's, the whole point I keep my own keys I have, my own Bitcoin, that. Means real self sovereignty, said song during one portion, the debate that, means real decentralization. I personally. Like self sovereignty, and I like controlling, my own keys controlling. My own money, being my own bank instead, of somebody being able to say that's not yours anymore because. We don't like you and we think you're a political, enemy it, is the lack of centralization. In Bitcoin, that, enables permissionless, innovation on, top of the base blockchain, layer whether, it's dark net markets allowing. For censorship resistant. To commerce abroad, building a permissionless, banking, standard, crazy, ideas, like Bitcoin hivemind are, simply enabling, greater levels of financial privacy in a digital age these sorts, of applications, are simply not possible with the traditional, banking system which, includes the entire permission, blockchain, ecosystem. This, solution is not perfect, but it's the best we've got it should be noted that as Ferris, pointed, out during the debate there, are still plenty of issues with Bitcoin, from a usability perspective, many. People, simply aren't comfortable with the risks associated with this new financial system, issues. Like bitcoins, price volatility, the, responsibility. Of taking care of one's own private keys the relatively, higher costs, that come with decentralization. And the lack of user-friendly. Wallets are some of the problems that are still being worked on ten years after the network was originally, launched however. It should be noted that these issues aren't as important, to those who put self sovereignty, over everything else this. Is what many Bitcoin, skeptics, do not seem to understand, there, are plenty of people who are willing to take on the additional risks, of using Bitcoin, simply, because they wish to be in full control of their own finances.

And Also want to support the ability for anyone, else in the world to gain this level of extreme financial, freedom new. Solutions, to the various usability. Issues with Bitcoin are also coming, online on a regular, basis, comparing. Bitcoin, to traditional, banks or permission, blockchains doesn't make any sense, bitcoin. Is something completely different, that was created, for a specific purpose, financial. Self sovereignty, this, is a guest post by Kyle Torpy views. Expressed are his own and do not necessarily reflect. Those of Ohio Bitcoin, comm BTC. Incorporated. Or Bitcoin magazine. Thanks for watching the Ohio Bitcoin, calm Bitcoin news channel today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price, articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered as trading advice neither. Ohio, bitcoin calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains as the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those. In possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more bitcoin headline, news and analysis, soon. Crypto. Businesses, being turned away from banks report, says crypto. Businesses, particularly, the, smaller ones are facing, the ongoing, problem, of banks refusing, to open accounts for them a March 3rd 2019. Report says turned. Away while. Large financial institutions. Like julius baer and JP, morgan have jumped headfirst into, the crypto, market, it seems companies, in the same space are struggling, to accomplish, one of the most basic tasks for modern businesses, opening, a bank account on, March 3rd 2019. Report, from Bloomberg, reveals, that many business, owners of, blockchain, and cryptocurrency focused. Companies, are having a hard time getting local banks, to open business accounts, for them entrepreneurs. From the United States and Europe reports, similar treatment, from local banks with, some of the establishments. Including HSBC. Holdings plc and. Ironically. Morgan. Chase & Company why, the suspicions, as the report pointed, out some, of these issues can, be boiled down to the fact that cryptocurrency. Is, still a new and emerging industry, and thus there is less trust from financial institutions towards. It another. Industry, that was reported to have been struggling, with the same issue was, the nasan cannabis, industry, some, of these suspicions, are based on genuine, reasons, according to Robbie haben a lawyer, and professor at the University, of Antwerp who co-authored a paper for, the European, Parliament, on financial, crime involving, cryptocurrencies. According. To happen for every legitimate entrepreneur, in, the crypto industry, there are many that merely want to use it as a front to evade taxes, or scam people another. Contributing, factor is, the public attention that, cryptocurrency, has, received for being involved in crime such, as the Silk Road incident, in 2013.

And Also, its use for bribery and kidnapping, purposes, while, there are many legitimate reasons. For a crypto, firm to open a bank account it is a much easier task, for banks to issue a blanket, ban on the industry than sort on a case-by-case basis. There, is also the cost issue for banks the, law requires that banks, be sure of the identity of, those that give accounts to in some might field that it isn't worth the cost to set up compliance, systems, regardless, these. Practices. Do nothing for the growth of the industry and only, serve to perpetuate. The idea of the crypto industry, being shady denying. Basic, banking is madness, impede, sector, growth and forces companies to, get creative to solve the problem said Ben Sibley the head of brokerage, and KB Group the, banks are being overly prudent thanks, for watching the Ohio Bitcoin, calm Bitcoin, news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price, articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered as trading advice, neither. Ohio bitcoin calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains has, the ultimate decision. To conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons, below it helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon, we, understand, the importance of security, around private, keys dot the entry of institutions, into the cryptocurrency sector. Has been an important, point of discussion in the crypto sphere this, reason, was the backbone of the hype created, by the entry of fidelity into the world of digital assets, in a, recent interview during, the DC blockchain, summit Tom Jessup, the head of fidelity digital, assets, stated, that the organization, had planned to get a foot in the crypto, race for a long time he, revealed that fidelity had hired cryptographers. And other officials, earlier to ensure, that they were always one step ahead in, the crypto race Jessup, stated, that when he joined the company many companies, were getting ready to bring in digital assets, at a time when, the buzz around Bitcoin, was blooming he. Said one, of the main areas of focus is, to understand, the current market infrastructure, and to create a roadmap aim to go further by integrating, new technologies, the, security, aroun

2019-03-30 23:06

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