Birth Vlog - Welcome Teddy Ballinger!

Birth Vlog - Welcome Teddy Ballinger!

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[Music] [Music] good morning everyone good morning everyone oh are you saying good morning everyone i made this duplo thing oh wow very nice good morning everyone hi everyone crew family crew so christopher and i thought we were going to be sneaking off early in the morning but i got a call from the hospital delaying the induction slightly so now we are leaving like an hour and a half later than originally planned and everybody's awake and we could do one final goodbye so i'm really excited about that i've got my brother bear shirt on yeah you do on yeah you do pajama pants i've got my big brother's shirt on oh king stinky and they don't actually smell too bad but parker act parker washed his which is great news am i allowed to say that no like i didn't wash it he's dirty bye bye do they have any [Music] can you go home while you're in labor no for they'll have to keep me the whole time so like laborers could be like three days long they can be or they can be just a couple hours so it's a mystery are yours number eight a couple hours well this isn't really a normal delivery for me well we'll see they're gonna break the water and when duncan's water broke he was born yeah well when my water broke with duncan he was born about eight hours later and then when i walk and when my water broke with bailey she was born 45 minutes later really yeah and when my daughter worked with luke he was born an hour later maybe this guy 15 minutes later no 25 minutes later that's why the doctor didn't make it was 12 hours after my water broke then 12 hours he's about close to dunkin though you my water broke and it was probably two hours later maybe an hour it was pretty fast it'll be different though because this time my water will be broken and yesterday i was a two i might be more dilated in the face today the doctor did like a really intense membrane sweep and we'll see if i've had any progress and having the water break might make that change quickly or it might not so we will just see how it goes [Music] i will see you very soon i will see you i will stay with you sooner than two weeks i mean like two weeks hopefully two to three days i'm coming to you luke i'm coming i'm coming oh thank you bye-bye love you bye bye we love you see you soon you're amazing gonna be a big help to grandma and auntie panties please call me okay i love you what do you want you want me to call you right after baby's born so since we are headed in so early we haven't had a chance to get like a really good meal we are stopping very quickly at starbucks i'm getting a little iced tea like an impossible breakfast sandwich and a pumpkin loaf and christopher's getting an impossible breakfast sandwich and some coffee so he didn't bring his iced coffee i wonder if he drank it already and this is wild like i wasn't expecting to do an induction i'm really excited though that my doctor offered to do it this way and that's what made me really feel more open and like into it at first he was like but we don't have any appointments so like that's the way we could do it but it's not going to happen i was like oh okay and then they called with the appointment and i was like yeah like let's do this i feel like it's very similar to like if my water were to break out in public or at home and i was starting to get a lot of anxiety at night where i was like having so much trouble sleeping and again you guys know sleep is priority for me i just want to make sure i'm as well rested as i can be before baby i was really losing sleep over the idea of me going like am i in labor or am i not in labor do i need to run to the hospital right now is my water gonna break any second and that's like all i was thinking for a day or two because it really messes with you to be this pregnant so last night was stressful for me too that's another thing like a concern i have with like inductions is the anxiety leading up to it for me it's higher other people maybe not but for me it's higher because i i feel like when you know something's gonna happen like the first day of school is the next day i was always the person who like didn't get any sleep the day before the first day of school so for me it's just like the night before of an event and that's all you're thinking about is a difficult thing to put like a time frame on it and i also think it's like kind of fun to go into labor naturally and just like there is excitement behind it but that excitement was turning into kind of really intense anxiety and no sleep so it was becoming a little unhealthy and i think that this is a good choice though i am still nervous about it it's funny because this is you know my sixth go and i'm nervous you know like i i i feel nervous so i've been trying not to think about it too much and just think of it kind of more as like a regular doctor appointment and like oh yeah i just have a doctor appointment really early in the morning gotta pack a lot of stuff for grab the pillow and the toothbrush so that's how i've been approaching it so far made it to the hospital and uh the doctor hasn't shown up yet but jessica's just getting all checked in and they're checking on like all the different things she's gonna get a copic test in a little bit and yeah we're here we're gonna have a baby here she comes i don't think my back part is fully buttoned oh okay look at that belly though look you see this baby baby's coming out today we're taking bets on how big we think he is christopher said what was it nine three nine three i said nine five but we'll see we'll see if he beats parker he's already in here longer again nine nine oh yeah he was a big guy yeah but this is our most cooked baby i've gone the longest with him that i've gone with any other babies [Music] what has happened jessica's hooked up to the monitors the doctor came in he broke her water he ruptured her water at 9 42 a.m and she's got an iv now and she's got all of her bracelets and she's all taped up and connected to all the things how are you feeling good though like i've i feel like i have like a little anxiety but it's like a little better now like that's it's done like there's no going back so it's like okay the decision has been made there was no meconium when the water broke which is really nice to hear that's a good thing and also the cord didn't prolapse so like those are two things that can happen um and they didn't it's 10 10 a.m now and i think i just had my first like contraction post the water breaking so yay things are moving along one thing like the rules at my hospital right now just thought i'd make a note of it is that when somebody comes in i put my mask on but then if we're alone in the room and it's pretty big like spacious room i'm allowed to have my mask off um christopher's keeping his on just i think out of respect they did do a kova test and it was like one of the deep back ones and we're waiting for the results of that so i don't know if um if the protocol will like change when they get the results or not um but they said it would be about an hour for the results there and now it's just kind of wild just kind of like my water is like gushing out of me it's warm kind of cozy but i feel like i need more towels and we're waiting to get like 20 to 30 minutes of a good read of the baby's heartbeat and of um like the contraction monitor thing that's around me and then as soon as they get that like amount of data because i am not currently medicated in any way like i haven't done any patos in our epidural or anything i'll be able to move around the room and get up and kind of detach from the monitors and stuff and then like every 30 minutes they'll put me back on and double check so that's how today is looking so far that's the plan i do feel like as soon as i'll be able to like get up and um the baby's able to like let gravity happen a little bit i don't know getting that contraction already made me feel and also like the fact that when i do move and like kind of move forward um water gushes so i think things are like going in a good direction we will see it's wild like i can't wait to hold my baby i can't wait to like pull down like so excited yeah i keep getting these little moments of like oh we're having a baby like i'm still in shock me too but i have these little moments like these whole moments of life oh wow that's gonna happen soon yeah like all those feelings of like holding a tiny little new person and like hearing them cry and like cuddling them and just all that stuff like yeah i'm excited about it like it's funny because like right now i'm so in the moment i'm like okay we gotta do this whole like labor thing i got like like that's what i'm thinking and then i'm like wait then i get the baby at the end like oh my gosh so um i keep like trying to remind myself of that and like to think in that direction instead of being like stressed or worried or even like going and bringing the baby home and meeting the kids like that's a ways off that's awesome but like that's gonna be so funny colleen will be there and my parents and like it'll just be really cool it'll be really special [Music] did a full 20 minutes on the monitor with jessica and now she's getting 20 minutes off the monitor to like go to the bathroom walk around and right now she is not my birthing ball i don't know my skirt is i'm not i'm not getting your lower regions so i'm just bouncing bouncing on a burning ball how are you feeling are you feeling okay yeah i feel okay and i'm really happy because i'm seeing like some contractions and like stuff's happening because i think one of my bigger worries was like what if we broke the water and then like nothing happened and you get into like a snowball effect of like intervention so i'm hoping we're still avoiding like too much intervention but we'll see you never know we've got to be open-minded in labor and delivery you never know what could happen get this contraction right here you can see it that bump right there is a contraction and that happened i'm doing a lunge so my amniotic fluid is flowing my water is broken and it is coming through that means that i'm doing something right let's go this way oh yeah oh that's a lot like at least it's warm jessica's back on the monitor you can hear it going hello baby all right they brought in some food let's see what jessica got here it looks like some grilled cheese and some mashed potatoes and some used by 221 salad 2 21 like february september september 2. okay 21. i was like [Music] some golden italian dressing and condiments from jalapeno hot sauce [Music] put that on your potatoes and she ordered coffee that coffee is for me actually and then this is iced tea i didn't think that they would let me have food so so that's pretty exciting she gets to eat while she's while she's doing the laboring and she's back on the monitor now she was off for a little bit on her ball again and now she's back on the monitor it's about 1pm right now it's really just kind of a waiting game at this point i think just seeing if her body like reacts to having the water broken and starts really contracting and opening up and all the things [Music] okay so teddy really really wants to stay inside he is loving this life up in the uterus no you and i really haven't had like any change barely and it is 3 p.m so we've just kind of been sitting here a lot of it is like keeping me on monitors and like trying to make sure his heart rate is showing up on monitors and then i get like 20 or 30 minutes off and i feel like i haven't had like enough of that time to like be on the the birthing ball and stuff but we just actually like installed you can't see it but i was gonna show you but there's like a gown here and all that but we like installed portable monitors on me you can hear it beeping now and that basically means that i have monitors and they're stuck to me but i can still move around a bunch which is what i really wanted to do because i feel like i need to help him get down a little bit like i need to be bouncing or like rotating my hips on the birthing ball something use that gravity and then because nothing's really changed and we're kind of on a clock because my water's broken um we did put me on let me show you my arm we did put me on the lowest dose you can have of pitocin so i'm on pitocin now they just got it in there and they're basically just seeing if like my body just needs a little push or teddy just needs a little push come on sir and seeing if we can kind of move things along with a little bit of this pitocin i have had labors pushed along with pitocin before as i've said before i have an odd like contractions history where like i'll have an irritable uterus where like things will be going and then they'll stop and then they'll go and then they'll stop and then i also have times like this where it's like nothing's really happening and then all of a sudden it happens at once so we're kind of hopeful that this is just the boost that we need to get things going so we'll see all right it is a little after 6 p.m and some movement has started jessica is five centimeters and fully effaced and moving along how are you feeling um um it it hurts a little bit more than i'm used to it five centimeters so i'm glad that things are moving along because like he's a little trickster i don't know i don't know what his deal is i don't know if he's really big or like what but this is so interesting that i went overdue with him so much and then it's taking so long to like have him come through when my water's broken like it's just very different so i don't know i'm in i'm entertaining the idea of an epidural but i don't know i might i seem to be having a little bit faster change now so it could be that i'm entertaining the epidural because i'm starting like things are progressing progressing quickly you have one right now [Music] i think she's about to start pushing [Music] oh do you guys have a name picked out for us teddy teddy teddy hey [Music] that's probably [Music] [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] hmm [Music] okay so teddy has been born he was born at 6 55 pm he is 8 pounds 13 ounces jessica did so well the doctor made it in by the way barely um he was in shorts and like a t-shirt like i've never seen him be he said that was his first time ever delivering in shorts so i am champion so jessica jessica won the shorts championship she may not have had her water break in his office but she did end up having the uh being the only patient that he's delivered with in shorts so she got that jessica did not end up getting an epidural she was thinking about it they checked her and she had progressed a lot she went from like four centimeters to seven centimeters very quickly and then very shortly after that she was like i think he's coming so the on-call doctor that they have here came in and was ready to to catch teddy but uh the the other doctor came in right at the last minute and he delivered the baby with jessica i think it was like two and a half pushes i want to say it was like a big push and then like a little in between push and then the next contraction big push and he was completely out so teddy latched on for uh breastfeeding right away and he's got a good latch and he's been nursing for a few minutes now we haven't called the kids yet we're going to do that in a little bit and um they're just having this wonderful bonding time right now jessica and teddy i haven't gotten to hold him yet i'm like he's so precious i'm very excited to hold him i haven't gotten to hold him yet so uh that's coming up for me something i'm looking forward to so i texted somebody at 6 15 and i had just been checked and i i said in the text i'm five centimeters dilated now and basically like i don't it hurts so bad i'm considering an epidural i don't know why it's hurting so bad at this point like usually it's not until later that i feel like this and then teddy was born at 6 55 so that's how much changed between 6 15 and 6 55 and why i was feeling uncomfortable could you imagine if we waited and like didn't know that you were like five centimeters or whatever and then and then tried to drive here i know that's why i'm always weird are you so perfect you want to be held by your daddy all right [Music] [Music] he is so cute [Music] stuck out his little tongue [Music] no hi hi hi just checking in with us hi hi are you gonna be good yeah we cleaned up the whole house the whole house yeah yeah where's duncan he's right here he's right here oh hi is teddy born yet is [Music] oh my gosh eight three two nine no eight twenty eight twenty one twenty one eight twenty eight that's in the future teddy teddy at what what time teddy hey flint 7 25. you have another cousin teddy

by the way once he was alive for the third he was alive for 40 minutes and you didn't tell us [Music] teddy [Music] how much does he weigh i saw his eyes open how much does he weigh ounces i still hold the record good oh are you okay how are you i'm good i love you so much do you know when you're gonna be let out of the hospital are you serious yeah i'm serious so tomorrow it's just gonna be all of them and next day no that's the day that she's coming oh you come back tomorrow the day after you come back the day after tomorrow you're so little panties flynn is very excited oh my she's so cute look at that so big so cute you never told me he was getting bored oh my gosh surprise i'll i'll run i'll i'll tell you the whole story at some point okay tell us wow you guys should just keeps she might be a little tired but what it's okay fine but have you seen him right away his hands are so small teddy wait i can't hear him i can't hear them what you're so cute he wants to go back to sleep he's like this is like did you see that baby he's got say hi baby hi baby she's really big hi why is mom going like that he's sucking his hands oh so cute oh my [Applause] can i put some gosh in my eggs so cute [Music] look who got all swaddled up [Music] he's so cozy they just transferred us to the maternity ward and this little guy is doing so good with his nursing he nursed on the way here look at that little face and a little voice so in this room we have the baby bassinet right here and there's a rocking chair which was not in the other room and the same style bed couch thing obviously the bed i feel like every every time i try and update there's people coming in and and stuff needs to get done and reports need to be made and all that stuff so i'm not sure if i've said everything all the way through but the most important thing is we're so excited he's so perfect and we are so happy [Music] all right it is 10 15 right now p.m and um we're kind of getting to like a settle down point i think they're going to come in at probably midnight and check vitals on jessica and the baby and hopefully they'll take out jessica's iv at that point what's this thing called it's like it's port iv maybe i don't know what it's called it's not like a full iv to a bag it's just a little like thing we think it might be called the port but i think there's a different name for it it's an access point of some sort anyway we're both pretty tired it was an early morning obviously i'm not as tired as jessica who was in labor all day and then pushed a baby out but i think once that happens like your adrenaline kicks in and you're like awake and i think she's getting to the point where it's like all right i could probably sleep now so i'm gonna turn this little couch into a bed and try and go to sleep oh uh teddy has not pooped or peed yet that's what we're on the lookout for but he has nursed one of my jobs is this little chart here and i write down what time he starts nursing and for how long on each side and what time he had wet diapers at what time he had bowel movements and they checked all this before checking us out to make sure that the digestive system is doing its thing and that he's like taking to the breastfeeding or bottle feeding if that's what we were doing with him but uh he seems to be doing really well with breastfeeding so pretty excited about that anyway i think that's where we're going to end it for today um we're just so happy he's so perfect so cute so cuddly and um and we will be vlogging tomorrow as well because we just want to remember this time it's such a precious wonderful time and we always look back on these videos with the kids and just have such happy memories from them and so i'm so excited to watch this with the kids later i wish we could just like film the whole thing without any editing and without any anything just like a 24-hour live stream do you want to do a 24-hour livestream it's not like a live stream like but like 24-hour footage you know what i mean like i just want to just relive the whole day i love it well that's it unless something really cute or eventful happens hopefully lots of cute things will happen and not very many eventful things happen tonight but i will see you tomorrow [Music] [Music] you

2021-09-08 22:02

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