Bills and the Business of Lawmaking: The Comrade Peter Akpatason’s Example

Bills and the Business of Lawmaking: The Comrade Peter Akpatason’s Example

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome you to this special edition on the john mayaki show we are glad to have you on the show today we'll be looking at bids and the business of lawmaking we're looking at bills and the business of law making we want to encourage those watching us anywhere across the world to be fully involved in the governance system because and that is all about life if you don't know what is happening around you you don't know what government is doing for you you you will be lost in the process and you think um nothing is happening a lot is happening but if you are not engaged in the system you you won't know um what exactly government is doing or your representative is doing and so this morning we're looking at bills the impact bills make in our system in our body polity in our local area um but an example of comrade peter says so it is the example we have we are taking today beats and business of loan making don't forget uh peter patterson represents uh according to federal consistency in the in the house of rep um i want to see how he has been able to use that position to make resounding legislative sources and a model of meaningful representation um those who for political reasons cannot live with this fact and are out of legitimate criticisms you know people just want to criticize and say oh he's done doing this he's been there for 10 years he's been here for five years he'll be there for six years oh no um we need to quickly clear the air that this um comrade you see has done a lot of things and let me tell you it is not the amount of bills you you you sponsor in the house that matters it is the impact those bills it is the impact of your discussion of your lobby of how you are able to impart positively on the people of your constituency and so we want to want to clear the air that those people who think they have in the futures agenda to soil the the name of comrade repeated patterson they they should begin to think of um of correcting their idea and then get it straight that falsehood will not help them okay the the latest in the circulation is an irresponsible report alleging that honorable peter patterson who is the deputy deputy and house leader um has sponsored only two bills only two b's in ten years isn't that ridiculous if anybody tells you that will you believe i mean that only two b's in 10 years and the people keep voting for him and the people he keeps endearing himself to the people that that can be true that can be true but this morning we're going to we're going to join and some other guys who will join us on this live show to tell us exactly how many bees um there's this same report concorded um by some persons who said a midterm review published by the management of the item of the knight assembly under the under the title order paper a national assembly midterm report that um from that report come repeated paterson only sponsored to be in ten years that that is misleading that is going to clear the hair this morning it may be the case that political bitterness induces illiteracy if you ask me or agents of misinformation no longer care to hide their first rule behind the veil of bill of believe the veil of people to believe that oh it is true they just said bland that lies this is this is unfortunate or otherwise it would have been obvious to them that as would any reasonable leader that the report cited by the source of the outrageous claim states clearly um that the scope of its review was strictly the midterm of the night assembly so if you see the midterm of the night assembly and that is sponsored only to be it is also not even correct [Music] therefore it amounts to a ridiculous misleading and egregious manipulation of information to imply or to deduce that the result of the review represents a submission of apartheid's entire tenor as a member of the house of friends if you are joining us today we'll be engaging you and tell us what you know about this um comrade the lines are free you call us tell us um if you are from his constituency wherever you are if you have read about him and what he has done before please and tell us contribute to this um discussion and it is simply untrue that uh honorable peter patterson a member admired by his colleagues across party lines for his tireless work and meticulous nature have sponsored just two beats since uh uh first elected in um 2011. even without consulting the record booths one can relapse numerous be sponsored by him and them that have positive impact on the lives of the people let us have a video of this articulate comrade at the national assembly where he was addressing some salient issues unable to speak our honorary members b for now to amend the company's income tax act valuators act customs and excitation act executive accusation act personal income tax at capital green tax act stamp duties act and brilliant property tax act to provide for the for the review alter provisions and make them more responsive to tax reform and for later matters customs and exercise tariff etc consolidated act personnel income tax act capital gains tax acts stamp duties act and petroleum profit acts to provide for the review of tax provisions and make them more responsive to tax reform and for related matters hb423 be read for the second time i still move mr speaker a review of various acts of law that currently border on revenue generation and the creation of conducive environment for businesses to thrive in this country and the outcome produced what we are talking about today thank you mr um i'm watunda good morning thank you for joining us kindly introduce yourself and then give us an insight into what you think about uh come repeater patterson's bills my name is i know very well that he's a man of the people given his background as a unionist he has always had the interest of his board heart now as a member of the house of parents beyond the nigeria or beyond the aquaculture interest he has also been able to building the nation this is seen in the number build the quality of build and the issues those views try to address let me first call it an impression the report obviously is the ninth assembly midterm report not the report of the entire number of years he has spent a national interview significantly the two bills that i mentioned they are of direct impact to the development of aquaculture federal constituency it is one to note that abuse on mines on the school of on the establishment of the school of mines and geological studies has survived clifford assemblies that is to tell you the darkerness the interest of the member in trying to ensure lobby and solicit for support to ensure that this view comes to the light in aquaculture in his time and the second view which is the establishment of being the best year of agricultural agriculture first of its kind in the entire south south region now why did i go this to explain it this way and you can see that both games are very very critical very very critical to one nation to the south south region and clearly federal consequences now the the the push to make deals if you if you look at the list of bills in the national assembly i can tell you categorically that most of them are very very relevant to moving nigeria forward this is not because these people have lost focus but because of the societal pressure on them to initiate views for heaven's sake what countries that are being moved or sponsored by members why can't bills that are being moved or sponsored by members instead of them instead of you allowing them to do what they are supposed to do the question of being should not even rise in the nigerian section because we do have enough ideas we don't have enough emotions but how many of these motions have been implemented how many of these bills or legislation have been followed to the letter so i think that i know peter peterson is a man with direct focus to improve the life of his people and nigeria in that in that place if you have released you will see that there are bills that address insecurity bills that address the plight of many ideal workers in front of and he's doing work so far and he can do more with support thank you very much thank you so very much for that a brief remark back to you again um mr omar tunde um we are aware if you are joining us um online and you are hearing me please put your phone on landscape your phone should not be straight ahead let it be on landscape this way if you are seeing me it has to be landscaped this way and not this way you get the best production out of that and then our phone also display on the on the screen please feel free to call us and give us your contribution we're aware that a b from us to amend the custom and exercise management was a quarter since a deal um we're aware of that and um we're also aware of um an act to amend the widget's board um that that is a bill on under 100 peter patterson's two and acts to amend the wages board and industrial council act um it's also his bill and um we're also aware that honorable paterson also stipulated and that is that is stipulated under the act and other related matter and that has been passed and that has been power of the nigerian communication act bill um that is an american 2015 and uh that that is it has passed second reading we are aware of an act to amend the national minimum wage act yeah that that bill um is a law of the federation of nigeria 2004 that is to exclude the establishment that that have foreign participation from the list of establishments exempted from the payment of national minimum wage and other related matters and i think that's a public hearing as at the time i checked there's this bill also sponsored by honorable paterson known as frederick character act it's a bill and that is 2015. um so um there is um this other bill if you are joining us please your phone has to be on landscape that it shouldn't be straight it should be um landscape put it landscape so that you can get the best production and we're aware that honor reputation also sponsored bill for an act to provide for the establishment of school of mines and geology um in aquaculture local government area um where we have that and then you know aquaculture is full of um mineral resources which that build i think and the area will be well developed and open to business a lot of it should be called the business hub of aquaculture and edu state um uh on honor reputation also moved motions calling for actions on the following subjects um there are hello um uh mr steve adepojo good morning hello can you hear me yes please there should be no noise where you are kindly um there should be no noise where you are thank you i'll get back to you again uh we're aware and that there is um this um the deplorable state of okinawa obey hira magongo la pesa ibilo ekko akira ishua road he has also moved um hello hello steve adey pojo good morning hello good morning thank you so very much yeah please introduce yourself and give us your brief remark for this um topic yes my name is steve adek badu i am from makokuedo and i work on regular fantasy i like i'm actually interested in this topic and i decided to join this meeting this morning to make my contribution as far as the activities of a right-handed rupee capacity is concerned in green chambers over the years people have been misinformed a lot of people have not been aware of his activities sometimes because he deliberately doesn't want to be publicized because it has always been his belief that whatever he's doing is a letter to do it for the people so there is no need for media hype and all of that but for some time now realize that because he doesn't want to publicize things that he's doing people are taking advantage of that to come from the negative aspect of it to see how they bring him down and we decided i think it is necessary now to begin to let the world know what actually he's doing how he's trying to affect the people's life and positively those who elected him and all of that so that people who understand that the perception out there is quite different from what he's actually doing at the house of the house of fair right outside the base and the emotions right follow what peter patterson has been able to affect lives he's been able to use the privileged position that he is today to see how he reached out to the masses because before now even his own foundation for those who knows him very well he has always been the man for the masses so all is drive every day all the things is how do i reach out to the people how do i touch lives positively and all of that and that is why uh every point in time every opportunity has makes sure that he utilizes it and the people at home are happy with all of this a lot of empowerments going on sorry i will come back to you on the issue of school of geology mining and one other bill let me pick this call okay hello good morning good morning what's your name where are you calling from please good morning go ahead with your contribution sir can you hear me hello hello okay um i'm sure that the caller can't hear me anymore i can't hear him it's okay um we are we are aware of um hello mr lao good morning thank you so very much for joining us can you introduce yourself and give us your brief remark on apartheid bills and his representation in the national assembly just bills how they impact on the people of accordo yeah my name is to say if you let me just talk on my community okay in my community i i don't think was born i brought up in my community which is mugger so we have a secondary school which is called the since i've grown up i have never seen anybody they give give us any duty in that school but see this man came up and the with the help of the president he cried out to him and eventually can you hear me hello hello hello mr lao yes i can hear yourself okay go ahead um i want there was a call i wanted to be go ahead please okay as i was saying he innovated six classroom standards wisconsin with better material then he also did the operation i'll pick this call and get back to mr lau good morning hello good morning good morning hello hello okay it's all i'll go ahead please okay it also empowers about 15 people in my community we saw which amount we are giving to them to start trade so i think mr acquacasi has already done a lot of things to the community i will pick this call good morning your name and where you calling from your name with your contributions i'm not able to hear you it's not quite clear i don't know why yeah it's not quite clear go ahead and for go away yes yes all right when you are calling us if you are listening to us and you are calling us uh go away from the screen from which you are watching with so that neuralgia doesn't have impact on the audio i'll pick this call and get back to hello good morning good morning yes go ahead okay you need to be louder please i tell my name okay okay your contribution please thank you very much hello issues for example nobody said anything um network is quite forward today i don't know why um let's see if you can call back again um yeah um that network is not quite clear um and so um we're aware of the the call for the urgent repair of okay ubehiramagungo language below echo camera ishwar road the road is quite terrible now i think in our next discussion on this issue are going to bring that root to you we're also aware that he raised the the issue of a branch of fundamental human rights by the the breach of fundamental human right by the directorate of state service um or aware of that and and he called for the need for urgent intervention and supply of relief materials to communica clash and rainstorm victims in our cochlear federal i'll pick this call and then i'll be back again good morning good morning okay the sorry the network is quite poor there okay um uh mr allow uh mr steve for you um uncle yes yeah can we discuss can we discuss the bill shortly db studies yes your video please okay actually this bill it was a introduce around 2007 2017 and uh was a bonus of institutions to see that uh we open up for development and then we look at we look around people look around and saw that one of the things that can easily attract investors and a development we can't take your life because yeah you need to properly position your your yeah good morning good morning go ahead your name and where you calling from my name and can we have mr d lee um mr martindale please mr omar timda are you there sir yes with someone today um yeah mr mature please mr steven you kindly and there's a dark shade around your phone you see that yeah you need to fix that so that i can get back to you mr what today can you go ahead please mr motor check it seems you're you yeah can you hear me yeah go ahead okay like i said in my intro that bill has survived now um like steve was saying the need for that view cannot be overemphasized just okay we'll get back to that um if you have if you want to call us feel free to call us um he mr paterson also raised the urgent need for this pd exploration of water transportation in nigeria that is uh to his credit um the audience needs to support and encourage mr president's anti-corruption campaign agenda uh mr akata sin also achieved that he also achieved the urgent need to rehabilitate aochi igara ibilo um ibiga road around ishwar area yeah he did that feel free to call us so that we can hear your your contribution these are only a few references it is on the back of this effective representation that underscores um honorable patterson's legislative rigor and leadership acumen that he has been able to build a popular and strong coalition of loyal voters who twice returned him and to the national center in fact tries um mr steven for you yes okay please settle down you need to settle down you are you are going to be live shortly yeah you are your your your yeah you need to be stable stay stable with your camera whatever device you are watching with you need to be stable with it i will only pick people who are stable with their cameras so that we don't waste time okay yeah mr de la uh mr more today can you go ahead okay like i was saying i said a coco as a local government has two things going for them or for us right now we have agricultural endowment and we also have a solid mineral environment which has been underutilized just now we have a lot of mining activities going on in that zone and which are uncoordinated now if that would also be the repertoire of potassium is b to ensure that the mining laws meaning [Music] almost all the universities in nigeria who have [Music] um [Music] its perception when it was first moved [Music] to different regions sorry sir um sorry mr mo today i need to tell our guys um zoom to please stay away from noise they must if you don't stay away from noise i will knock you out i'm sorry i'm sorry your background has to be noiseless please and you need to excuse your family tell them is a serious business please um i may log you out if um i discover you have a noisy background thank you mr montague can you go ahead all right mr motor go ahead please um solicit is he initiated this bill and it was giving the narrator to speak now that bee is waiting for the ascent of the president so also reveal for the establishment of the inventor of agriculture i'll get back to you sir let me be back to you shortly yeah hello good morning good night mr john thank you sir can you hear me yes thank you very much very soon thank you very much hello hi my name is sony from airport road when you when i heard this that you were going to be discussing issues like this i remember i think that would be like in 2005 [Applause] [Music] is that our people are playing politics they will think that they are doing uh subway that they are doing themselves for example on one of your platform somebody tried to showcase [Applause] right is is what is [Music] a week later it is not possible i want [Music] foreign thank you so very much sir thank you for your rich contribution that's quite kind of you and so we have mentioned a few references of um bills and them and the legislative um interventions of uh comrade peter paterson it is on this back of this effective representation that underscores his legislative rigor and leadership acumen that has been able to build a popular and strong coalition of lawyer voters who who have returning several times he is sought for their for their vote um to the national assembly it is on the back of his good works if those eyeing his seat i think of course um he shouldn't think i could have seen should not think that nobody is iron is it i'm sure he knows that uh as a politician if those idc will stand a chance they will need to do more um rather than fake news and then ill conceive smear campaigns uh it won't help them um if you are there with us um mr um kindly on zoom also and make sure there's no noise around you your camera has to be stable so we can take you now mister or more tunde please um there is noise around you guys mr lao let's see if you are a better position mr lao please oh i'm not sure we're able to take any of you again because of the noise coming from the background um you need to clear all the noise around you clear all the noise around you there are people singing around you there are people singing around you you need to clear all those this is serious business if all right thank you so very much um for that um mr motor please are you ready okay um hello good morning um too close you are too close to the device you know what you are too close to the device where you are watching this noise around you okay okay okay um i think the electorate should be very mindful of the fact that the national assembly is the platform where lawmakers can use their influence to bring a development to the state and most times they literally was no interrogation and uh before they sent people to abuja to represent them i believe that this platform you guys have set up it's a very um educative and enlightening uh platform and i encourage you to continue in this manner at the beginning of the elections in 2023 process i believe that patterson has stayed very well as a principal officer and he should not be uh should not lose focus you should just remain steadfast and uh keep uh committing his uh time to the department of acquiring people that's my contribution your name against her i'm douglas thank you so very much we appreciate this contribution wonderful um um he wants um the comrade peter patterson to be focused and the other caller said the the people should support him so that they don't go and miss this opportunity um today we're not discussing achievements in terms of in terms of projects as a christian in terms of infrastructure we are discussing just law making the the bills initiated by comrade peter akata how they impact on the life of the people next time will be coming to you um with projects projects projects projects uh concerning honourable peter patterson feel free to call us so that um we can have your take on this uh program especially um concerning horrible peter apatosin he is beings were aware of the school of geology is working on we're aware of um the school of agriculture one a bill is a bill that is waiting for the president assets um if he's able to get that done um we need to get um the people of according to rally ranch comrade peter patterson so that if he gets one of the schools approved by the president get the president's ascent um i think um that would be a major um breakthrough for for the people mr ima today um you want to give us your closing remarks yeah go ahead sir this is hello can you hear me okay go ahead thank you yeah thank you very much that we're doing this this morning i'm so related like you just said we already have he already got this to be passed by by both houses of the national assembly mentioned them and mentioned them categorically they built the bills for the establishment of the school of mines and geological studies for the establishment of the university of agriculture these bills are just now without being transmitted to the president for us or they're already with him now what do we need to do as a people within the state and the local government people need to come out in one position sorry sir um i am the bill for the school students the school for the school of agriculture and i think is in the seniors is that with the president or at the senate level for concurrence no it has of them have been have been um passed by good houses all right okay yes we're waiting for presidential assets wonderful so if we get that yes yes if we get that yeah we need even the state government the south south leaders because like i said this this university of agriculture we don't have it anywhere in the south south we don't have it anywhere in the south so it will make a lot of sense a lot of impact if the samsung leaders a good state government and opinion leaders in a good state approach the president that please do this for us but let me advise i i also see the the the negative effect of politics because a lot of persons who say okay why should they be a cooperative or why should they be existed you know this would cause a lot of trouble but like um a caller said rather than fight the person who is bringing the view rather than fight the location where this be his support is going to why not just wanting to come to south south then the benefits would spread accordingly so i take that on the last one i think that i could wear the people we should put our hands together support this process ensure that we get this to appropriately and to be for the good of all of us thank you very much that would not be the last one that would not be the last i want to ask you what how do you think it will impact on the people okay first and foremost let me look at it from the social economic angle having okay ecommerce for example while i was growing up i know only very well that we only had the university at the state of ambrose university in nepal and that brought a comma tulane limelight and today ecoma is the second city after being in city coming down to egypt ouchie how to protect me now in frederick is the second largest or a mini city retail city in education imagine the effect of the university in apocalypse all the school of mine and geological studies when there will be a lot of employment our agricultural produce will be utilized here in akuedo then youth would get admission also accommodation and a lot of things you know how accurate is thank you so very much we appreciate your contribution um we want to appreciate all those who made appearance on this program today and also appreciate those who call into the show or we thank all of you for this um show of um of support to comey um this will be all on today's show of the edition of the john mariaki show until we come your way again remember that life is a gift and every day you live to witness is an opportunity to do something great and change your destiny take charge and take care bye for now [Music] you

2021-09-07 01:00

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