Beyond Salary: Your Benefits and How to Enroll

Beyond Salary: Your Benefits and How to Enroll

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Thank you for joining us for today's presentation. Beyond salary, or, benefits and. How to enroll. Employees. Retirement System. Of Texas or, ers, is a state agency located in, Austin Texas we. Manage for benefits, programs, for state agency, and higher education. Institution. Employees. Today's. Presentation, is for, new employees it's, designed, to give you the basics, and understanding, the Texas group benefits, program, or GBP, options, it. Will help you understand, what GBP options, are available as well as who and when you can enroll in benefits. The. Topics we'll cover today include, state. Employee benefits, package, Texas. Employee group benefits, program, or GBP, options, text. To savor ers. Retirement, plan, designate. Your beneficiaries. Resources. And then. We'll recap, the information. Throughout. The presentation, I'll refer, to your new employee benefits, guide for any VG which. Has detailed information, about the topics, we will discuss today as well as plan comparison, charts, and monthly premiums, for each plan, as. You can see from the slide there. Are to any BG's for, state employees contributing. To the ers retirement. Plan in green and state, employees working, for an agency that participates in, the GDP, but, contributes, to a different, retirement system, in teal, please. Follow along with the any BG, a placebo to you the. Page numbers for each reference topic, will be on the bottom of the presentation, slide all. Page, numbers in green apply, to folks any VG's. Pension. Information, is only applicable, to state employees contributing. To the ers retirement. Plan. Let's. Talk about the value of your state employee, benefits, package, the. State of Texas offers a comprehensive, employee. Benefits, package according. To the Texas state auditor's, office the. Average compensation, for, state employees is. 72,000. Two hundred and five dollars this. Includes, forty six thousand, four hundred seventy five dollars, in salary and, twenty five thousand, seven hundred fifty dollars and benefits. As. Noted, the benefits, offered in addition, to the salary make up about one-third, of the total compensation, package. Looking. At the pie chart sixty, four point four percent of the employee compensation package. Comes from salary. Health. Insurance makes up twelve point three percent of, the, state benefits, this. Is because the state pays a hundred percent of, the health insurance premium, for full-time, employees, which. Is a benefit, of six hundred twenty, four dollars and, 82 cents, for month the. State also pays fifty, percent of your eligible, dependents, health insurance premium so, your cost would be three, hundred and fifty eight dollars per month for a spouse and or. Two hundred and thirty nine dollars and seventy cents per month for children. The. Pension plan makes up 6.4%. This. Is a defined, benefit, plan where if you meet certain requirements you. May be eligible to retire with a lifetime, annuity payment, we'll. Talk more about retirement, later on in the presentation. In. Addition. Benefits, administered, by your agency, and not ers, are, included, in this package. They. Are paid. Holiday, time, monthly. Annual, and sick leave and, additional. Payroll benefits such. As longevity and, hazardous, duty pay, these. Extra benefits make up sixteen, point nine percent of, the package fill a free vacation and sick leave on a monthly basis, for, vacation. We longer, you work for the state the more it will look through each month for. Questions, about, leave and longevity pay, please speak with the benefits coordinator at your agency, for Health. And Human Services or HHS employees. You'll. Want to contact HHS. Employees service.

Center At eight eight eight eight, nine four, four, seven four seven. Now. That we've discussed your state employee benefits, package let's, look at your benefits options all. Your options are part of the Texas employee, groups benefit, program, or GBP. To. Make sure you let thorough understanding of, your benefits options let's. Look at the what who and when of understanding. Your benefits, first. Let's talk about what, benefits options, are available. This. Slide is a general overview of available, options but, we'll go over each one individually, later, in the presentation. Full-time, employees, are automatically, involved, in health selective Texas administered. By Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas for, BCPs, TX. But. You do have other health coverage options, enrolling. In health coverage includes, prescription drug coverage and, $5,000. Basic, term life insurance at no additional cost. In addition. To health coverage you, can enroll in dental, coverage state. Of Texas vision optional. Term life insurance, dependent. Term life insurance. Voluntary. Accidental, death, and dismemberment or, AD&D. Texas. Income protection plan, or tip sex, wipes and Texas, saver. More. Information, is available on, page four of your any be gene. Now. That you have a general overview, of what benefits options. Are available let's. Look at who you can enroll you. Can enroll a spouse and our eligible, dependents, in health, coverage dental, coverage state. Of Texas vision dependent. Term life insurance and, voluntary. AD&D, view plus family, check. Out the dependent, eligibility chart. On page 11, of your any VG to make sure your, dependents, are eligible before. Enrolling them, you'll. Be required to certify and verify, your dependents, to keep them on your coverage will. Discuss these requirements in more detail later on in the presentation now. That. You know the what and who of understanding. Your benefits options. Let's discuss when you Hannibal it's. Important, to understand, when you can enroll in benefits. You have a specific timeframe from your hire date to enroll in benefits, or make changes and you don't want to miss out, as. Mentioned previously, full-time. Employees, are automatically, enrolled in health selective, Texas, so. When can you change. Health, plans or enroll in optional, add-on benefits. Well. Within the first 31 days of hire you. Can enroll in optional. Add-on benefits, add or. Drop dependence, from applicable, coverage, and complete. The dependent, child certification. During. Your first 60. Days of hire you. Can enroll in health coverage if you're a part-time employee, change. Health plans gave. Coverage, add. Or drop dependents. Complete. The dependent, child certification. And dependent, verification process. And certified. Tobacco use, to. Change health plans optional, add-on benefits, to. Add or remove dependents. And or, a certified tobacco, use log. Into your ARS online, accounts call. Aris toll-free or contact. Your benefits, coordinator. You'll. Find a checklist on page three of your any DG to help you remember the when of enrolling in benefits. You. May be asking, yourself why, is enrolling during this timeframe so important. Well. Due to IRS, guidelines you're limited to when you can make changes, if, you, miss your timeframe to enroll we'll, have two additional opportunities, throughout the year to make changes, some. Our enrollments, or experience. A qualifying life events, or qle, in. Addition. During your first 31 days of employment you can enroll in certain optional, add-on benefits, without requiring, evidence of insurability or, oh I. See. Oh I is an application, process will, you'll be required, to provide, health information, and must be approved before you, can enroll in coverage. It's. Important, to know the advantages, to in loing in these benefits, now instead, of waiting until summer enrollment if. You. Wait to enroll after, your first 31, days of employment the. Same benefits, that didn't require aoi what, now require, it and the coverage would be denied. We'll. Discuss which optional, add-on benefits, may require Eli, later in today's presentation. Now. That you're familiar with when you can enroll in benefits, let's discuss when the coverage will begin. For. New employees and rehires, with a break in coverage there's, a 60 day health coverage waiting period health. And prescription, drug coverage will begin the first of the month following. Your 60th day of employment for. Example if you are hired January, 13th, your 60th, day of employment would, fall mid-march, because. Health, coverage cannot start mid month the effective, date would be April 1st, if. You are hired on March, this your, 60th day and of employment. But. Fall during the first week of May, your. Health coverage start date will be June 1st. Please. Note if your 60th day of employment falls, on the first of the month health coverage begins, on that day if.

You Enroll in optional, add-on benefits, on your first day of employment the, coverage will be effective, right away if you. Make changes or, enroll within 31, days of, your higher date the, coverage begins the first of the following month, just. A reminder the, health coverage waiting period does, not apply when, you are rehire who hasn't had a break in coverage you. Transfer, from the, University, of Texas or Texans, AM University, without a break and coverage or you're, currently enrolled in health coverage through the GBP, or Cobra if, this. Scenario applies, to you contact, your benefits coordinator for, more information. Now. That you understand, the what who and when of understanding. Benefits, options let's, start with understanding, your health coverage options, it's. Important, to remember you do have options when, choosing a health plan choosing. The right health coverage may be the most important, decision you make about your benefits each. Plan has a van and disadvantages. And, it's important, to understand, each one individually so. You enroll in the right plan for you and your family. Depending. On your service area the poor plan options, that may be available are, the, point of service plan called health select the Texas. Consumer. Directed health select, a high deductible health. Plan. Combined, with the health savings account, or HSA. Free. Health maintenance organizations. Or HMOs and, an, out of state plan offered, through health select to Texas. Learn. About the advantages, and disadvantages, on page five of your any DG. Before. We look at each plan individually. Let's. Look at a comparison of some of the cost you'll pay under each one, using. The comparison, chart makes it quick and easy to understand, the out-of-pocket expenses. You may experience. You. Can find the full comparison chart on page 12 of your meb G. Now. That you know the different types of health plan options available let's. Look at each one individually. I'll. Select the Texas is the Queen a service plan available, in the Texas service area, the. Point of service plan simply means that the rate you paid for medical expenses is determined. By where you receive, the service, plan. Features, include but are not limited to. Designating. The primary care physician, or PCP, is required. Referrals. Are required for specialty, physicians. There. Is no deductible when, using in network providers. Co-pays. And coinsurance, may, apply and in-network. Preventive, services, are covered at a hundred percent, the. Plan requires you to decimate, a PCP to access in network, benefits the. PCP, will be the doctor you see for most medical, services, if. You need to see a specialist, your PCP must, provide a referral before, you access services. Or you'll pay a higher out-of-pocket cost. When. Using in-network, providers, there is no annual deductible. Which, is the amount paid out of pocket before, the plan starts paying for its covered medical services, Oh copay. Or coinsurance amount. Which. Is the amounts paid out of pocket for medical services would. Apply when accessing, covered, medical services. The. Plan covers a hundred percent of M Network preventive, care when, coded as preventive. By the provider. Prescription. Drug coverage is also available with this plan which, we'll discuss in the next few slides. More. Information is available on, page 6 of your ne BG. Consumer. Directed health select, administered, by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas is, available. In the Texas service area and is, made up of two parts a high. Deductible health plan and a, health savings account, or HSA. You. Have access to the large health select provider network the. High deductible, plan features, include but are not limited to, no. PCP, or referrals, are required a coinsurance. Applies, after the deductible is met and, in-network. Preventive. Services, are, covered at a hundred percent. Employees. That enrollee consumer-directed. Health select. Will be responsible for paying all covered, health expenses, and prescription. Drugs out-of-pocket, until. The deductible, is met the. Deductible is, $2,100. Per individual, and four thousand, two hundred dollars per family, once. The deductible, is met the, plan pays 80 percent, towards covered in network, medical, services, and prescription drugs and, a twenty percent coinsurance will, apply the. Twenty percent is the amount you'll pay out-of-pocket. You. May be asking, yourself what. Is the benefit to enrolling in a high deductible health plan. High. Deductible, health plans are good for individuals with little, to no medical, expenses, or higher, medical, expenses.

Another. Major benefit, to enrolling in a high deductible health plan is that it works in combination with, an HSA, the. HSA, helps, you put aside pre-tax money from your monthly paycheck, so you're prepared for out-of-pocket, health care, expenses and it, can be used towards meeting the deductible, the. Are deposited, into an account with, optin Bank which is the HSA, third-party, administrator, you. Can use this account towards, eligible, medical, and prescription, drug, expenses and it, will lower your taxable, income. The. State will make a monthly contribution of forty five dollars per individual, and ninety, dollars per family you. Can also make additional, monthly pre-tax, contributions from. Your paycheck, into the HSA. The. IRS, sets the maximum contribution allowed. Each year the. Current combined, annual, maximum, contribution. An employee can make is three thousand five hundred dollars for individuals, and. Seven thousand dollars for families, some. Benefits to enrolling in an HSA, include, the. Balanced carries over from, one year to the next the. Funds can be kept even if you switch health plans or leave state employment, funds. Can be used towards qualified, medical expenses, for you and your eligible dependents. And, once. $2,000. Is accumulated, in the account the, funds can be invested. If. You enroll in this plan it's important, to take action and open your HSA, with opt to make as soon as possible, please. Note your. S and your benefits coordinator cannot. Open, your HSA, for you more. Information is, available on, page 6 of your NAB G. Here's. A general overview of HMO, plan features, which, include. Accessing. All medical, services through. The HMO, network of doctors, there. Is no annual deductible. Co-pays. And coinsurance may, apply and preventive. Services, are covered at a hundred percent. You. Must live or work in a specific service, area in order to be eligible to enroll, more. Information, is available on, page 8 of the MDG. Now. That you understand, the general plan, features let's, review each HMO, option, in more detail. Community. First health plan is available, in the San Antonio area. Participants. Must choose a PCP. Although. Referrals, are not required to see a specialist, some specialists, and they require one from your PCP. Scott. & White health plan, is available, in Central Texas, there. Is no PCP, required and you, can use any network provider without a referral. Chelsey. Carrier powered by Community Health choice is available, in the Houston area, there. Is no PCP, required, and you can use any and network provider without a referral, if. You, live our work in the planned service area you, may enroll in the corresponding, HMO. More. Information is available on, page 8 of your any BG. Now. That you have a general overview of each plan it's. Important, to understand, the difference between the. In-network, and out-of-network levels. Of coverage the. Type of service you access, will determine what the plan pays and how much you'll pay out-of-pocket. With. Health selective, Texas if medical. Services, are accessed under, the in network level of coverage there, is no deductible. After. Any of applicable, co-pays, are paid the, plan pays 80% a. 20%. Coinsurance may. Apply depending. On the type of services, received. For. Example, mathy, goes to see his designated, PCP, he'll. Pay a $25. For the office visit, his. PCP, refers him to see a specialist. When. He goes to the specialist, they'll pay $40. For the office visit, the. 20% coinsurance may, apply if additional, services, are received, at an extra cost during, the visits. If. Matthew accesses. Services, from Hunan designated, PCP. And/or. He, doesn't get a referral before, seeing a specialist, it, will move him from, the in-network, level, of coverage to. The out-of-network level, and he'll, pay more, accessing. The out of network level of coverage will always, have. Higher out-of-pocket expenses. And cost, you. More. For. Example, if Matthew chooses to see and out-of-network, specialists. Or an in-network specialist. Without a referral I'll be charged under the out of network level of coverage. Instead. Of the, $40, copay. I'll. Have to meet the, $500, individual. Deductible, or $1,500. For, family before. The health plan will start to pay each courts prepard services, once. The deductible, is met the. Out-of-pocket. Coinsurance. Doubles, to 40%, instead, of 20%. Under. The, network. Level of coverage. If you enroll in consumer, directed health selects using.

An In-network provider. And pharmacies. Will save you on your out-of-pocket expenses. Using. A provider not in the health select Network will move you from the in network level of coverage to the out of network level this. Means the deductible, and coinsurance amount, double. Individuals. Who go out of network often. Are most surprised, by. Balanced. Billing. Until. So. You get the balance bill they don't realize, how much going, out of network really, can cost. Balanced. Billing happens, when the provider charges a patient, the difference, between, their usual, charges, and the, health plans allowable, amount. The. Allowable amount is based on the discount the plan negotiates, with its in network providers. When. You go to an out-of-network provider, you, don't have, that, negotiated, discount, and, a provider might bill you for the difference. Depending. On the service balance, bills can be hundreds or even thousands, of dollars. Health. Selective Texas participants, living in the Houston area have. The option of using providers, in the Calci Siebold network, you'll. Need to designate a kelsey, Siebel doctor as your PCP if. You access any services, outside, of the kelsey Sebold network with auto referral, they'll, pay the out-of-pocket, network, rates even, if the provider is in the, health selective Texas Network, remember. If you want to see a provider outside. Of the kelsey Siebel network. You'll. Want to update your PCP to a health select of Texas provider before, accessing, services. With. Consumer, directed health select, using, an in-network provider, and pharmacy, will save you on your out-of-pocket, expenses. The. Deductible, and coinsurance amount. Doubles, if you use out of network providers and, pharmacies, and you'll, be responsible for paying, any costs above the allowable amount. With. An HMO you must use a provider within, the HMO, Network in order, for, the plan to cover, medical services, the, HMOs don't have the out-of-network level, of coverage, unless. There's an emergency if, you choose to use a provider outside, of the HMO Network you'll, be responsible for the full cost of the medical, services, you received. If. You live our work outside, of Texas and, out of state plan is available through, health selective Texas out. Of state coverage is essentially, the same as in network coverage through how selective Texas, but dipper slightly. Will. Still have an in-network. They'll. Still have in-network, and out-of-network levels. Of coverage however under, the N network level of coverage a PCP isn't, required and referrals, are not necessary, to see a specialty, physician. If. You move out of Texas you can update your county, and address by logging into your ers, online account. By. Calling, ers or, through your benefits coordinator. Remember. Unless it's an emergency if, you access medical services, outside of Texas and have not updated your county and address, they'll.

Pay The higher out-of-network rates, once. The county and address are updated, they'll, be switched to the out of state plan through houses select. The texas effective. The first of the month following the, address update. If, you. Have a covered dependent, who moves out of state and they're, enrolled in health selective, texas go, on to contact, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas and, have, only the dependents, address updated. Regardless. Of which plan you're enrolled in you'll, want to look for in-network providers. You, can use the ers website, to find more information each. Health plan has an online search tool to help you locate an in-network provider. In your area you. Can also call the health plan administrator, for assistance. Remember. It pays to stay in the network. As. We. Discussed previously in the presentation, all health plans include, prescription drug coverage. If. You're enrolled in health selective Texas or need - no $50. Per individual, deductible, will apply before the plant starts paying toward your prescription, drugs, the. Deductible resets. On January, 1st for Hill selected Texas participants, and September. 1st for HMO participants. Buffets. Are divided, into three tiers with varying costs Tier one includes, inexpensive. Medications, such as generic, drugs tier. Two includes, lower-cost, preferred brand name drugs and tier, 3 includes, non-preferred. Brand name, drugs with the higher cost. If. You're enrolled in consumer, directed health select, there's, a combined medical, and pharmacy, deductible, remember. That's a $2,100. Per individual. And forty, two hundred dollars, per family if, using. An N network pharmacy, and adaptable. Doubles, if using an out-of-network pharmacy. Once. The deductible, is met you'll. Pay a coinsurance amount, of 20 percent for, the full cost of your in network prescription, drugs, the. Deductible resets. January. 1st. For. Health selectively Texas and consumer-directed health select, there, are no additional fees if a 31, to 90 day prescription, drug supply is filled using arm see an extended, day supply network, mail. Order is available, through a prescription, to have programs. If. You're already enrolled in health coverage that is good as or better than what the state provides.

This. Excludes, Medicare. You. May want to consider it the health insurance opt-out, credit option, if. You elect the opt-out credit you'll, waive your health coverage prescription. Drug coverage and basic, term life insurance if. We receive a credit of up to $60, for full-time employees, and $30. For part-time employees for. Its state of Texas vision. Voluntary. AD&D. And/or. Dental insurance, which, excludes, the state of Texas dental discount plan. Please. Note you cannot participate in, the opt-out credit if you're not eligible for the state contribution towards. Your health insurance premium, such. As Cobra, surviving. Family member or an adjunct faculty member. For. More information. See. Page seven, of your any BG. When. Adding dependents to your benefits, you'll, need to certify and verify their eligibility, through, the dependent, child certification. Which. Is completed, online at the time of enrollment if. You're. Adding a dependent, to health coverage the dependent, eligibility. Completed. Enrolling. Dependent, children in any GP coverage requires, you to certify, that the child is eligible for benefits. Lieutenant. Child certification. Is part of the online enrollment, process, for you tell IRS your, relationship, to them it. Must be completed before the enrollment, can be find ones. The. Dependent, eligibility verification. Process. Is part of an audit performed, on every spouse and child enrolled, in health coverage. Once. A dependent, is enrolled, in health coverage, polite, solutions, the, third-party administrator, will send a letter outlining, the. Steps of the verification, process the. Names of the dependent, meeting verification. The. Type of documents. You need to provide for verification, such. As a marriage, certificate and. The. Due date to submit documentation. You. Must comply, or your dependents, will be dropped from all coverage, if. A dependent, is found ineligible ers. Will also, remove them from all GBP, coverage. Documentation. Providing, your dependents, eligibility, must. Be dated, prior. To. The date you elected to enroll them in coverage for. Example, Jane. Adds a common-law spouse during, summer enrollment the. Documentation. Shall need to verify a common-law, spouse is a declaration. Of informal, marriage filed, with the county courthouse and a. Current federal, tax return filing as married, or, proof, of joint ownership issued. Within the last six months, her. Documentation. Must be dated prior to when she as fast benefits, if. She, cannot provide proof of the relationship, the dependent, will be dropped from coverage. Paris, implemented, these requirements to ensure that all dependents, enrolled in, GBP, coverage are eligible, the. Cost of health care can be expensive, hangout. Claims for ineligible dependents. Cost you and ers, money this. Prevents, cases of fraud and unnecessary.

Expenses. Please. Note if you are adding a dependent, that has previously, been through, the certification, and verification, processes, and they were approved you, will not have to recertify them again. Lastly. Let's, go over the tobacco user certification. All. Participants. Aged 18, and older enrolled. In a health coverage offered, through the GBP, must. Certify their. Status, as a tobacco, user or, non user. Tobacco. User is someone that used tobacco products. Five or more times within, the last three consecutive, months, this. Certification is, legally, binding. Once. You and your dependents, are certified, as tobacco, users, or not users you, only have to recertify them, if. Your, tobacco use changes. There. Is a monthly tobacco user premium, of $30. Per health plan participant, certified, as a tobacco user up to, $90, per household. This. Cost is in addition to the health insurance premiums. Members. And covered dependents, who don't certify their, tobacco user status or automatically, certified, as tobacco users, and, will be charged a premium even, if they don't use tobacco you. Cannot. Have this premium reimbursed, so it's important, to complete the certification. More. Information, is available on, page 9 and 10 of your any BG. Now. That you have a better understanding of, the different health plan, options and. Certification. And verification. Processes, we. Need to complete when adding dependents, let's, review, the optional, add-on, benefits. Available. You. Can choose between one, of three dental plans state. Of Texas dental choice plan. Humana. Dental, D HMO and, state. Of Texas, dental discount plan. You. Must be enrolled in a dental plan before, enrolling, eligible, dependents, and everyone. Must be enrolled in the same plan. Each. Dental plan works differently, so, make sure you're. Enrolled in the plan that works best for you and your dependents. The. First two dental plans will discuss our demo insurance, plans Humana. Administers, both the state of Texas dental choice plan and Humana. Dental, D HMO, the. State of Texas dental choice plan is a preferred, provider organization. Or, PPO demo, insurance, plan, you're.

Not Required to designate a primary care dentist or, PCD, and. You. Can see any dentist, that takes PPO, dental plans. The. Amount of the deductible co-pays. And coinsurance. Varies. Depending, on whether you use an, in-network or, out-of-network dentist. There. Is a maximum, calendar-year benefit, of $2000. For basic, and major services which, includes routine, extractions. Once. The maximum calendar, your benefit is met the, plan pays 40%. Of allowable, and network, dental, services, only. Diagnostic. And preventive, services, don't count towards the calendar, year maximum. There. Is a $2,000. Lifetime, maximum, benefit, towards orthodontia, for children and adults. This. Plan is available outside, of Texas so. If you have a dependent, living outside of state you'll, want to consider enrolling in, this plan. Humana. Dental D HMO, is a dental, health maintenance, organization. Or D HMO, insurance, plan available. In the Texas service area. It. Requires, selecting, and designating, APCD. From a list of approved providers, if. You access services, from a dentist who is not on the list of approved providers, and is not designated, as your PCD the, plan will not cover the cost. There. Is no deductible with, this plan there. Are specific, co-pays, and the cost varies depending. On the type of services. Received. There. Is no calendar maximum, or claims as, mentioned. Previously the. D HMO, is not available, outside of Texas before. You enroll make. Sure you have located a dentist in the D HMO Network near, your home or place, of employment. If. You. Enroll and are not able to find a suitable local, dentist you can't change dental plans until summer enrollments, or experience. A qualifying life events. More. Information, is available on, page, 16, of your any BG. The. Third option for dental coverage is the state of Texas dental discount plan, administered. By Carrington. This. Planet provides discounted, prices, on the usual charges, for dental treatment and, services, at, participating, providers. Because. It's not dental, insurance, there, are no claims co-pays. Deductibles or. Annual. Maximums, which. Aspen's. Can save twenty, to sixty percent on, most, dental services. Including. Routine oral exams unlimited. Cleanings, and major. Works such as root canals crowns, orthodontics. For children and adults and even. Some cosmetic, dentistry, there's. Even savings, on cosmetic, services like, teeth whitening. Just. Like Humana dental, t HMO you must use a participating, dentist in order to save so, you may want to research available, dentists. The area you live or work before, enrolling. Please. Note you can only enroll in one of, the three dental plan options, a. Comparison. Chart for the dental plans is available, on page 16, of your MeV ji. Eris, offers, the state of Texas Vision Plan, it's. Administered, by, superior, vision, services, eat just. Like dental you must enroll before, enrolling, eligible. Dependents. There. Is a lower cost for your routine eye exam compared, to health select the Texas. But. Remember, you'll. Save more if you use an in-network provider. For. Example if you use an in-network provider. Okay. The $15 copay, for your routine eye exam compared. To the $40, copay call, selective Texas. Participants, would pay under medical. There's. $150. Retail allowance, toward sprains or contacts. Co-pays. Vary depending on type of lenses and extra, add-on, benefits, you request. You. Can use your benefits once per plan year. The. Insurance plan doesn't, cover diseases. Or injury, of the eye, however. The. GBP, health plan options currently, provide, coverage, for vision, medical services, such, as glaucoma or, cataracts. The. Plan has a large network of providers available. In all 50 states. Some. Of the retailer's include, LensCrafters. Pearl, Vision Target. Optical, vision. Works, walmart. Vision Center Sam's, Club optical, and Costco, optical. For. Complete listing of services. Offered, check, out the vision comparison. Chart available on page 17. Of your NDG. There. Are three types of life insurance available. Optional. Term lines dependent. Term life and, voluntary. AD&D. If. You want to follow along please, turn to page 18. Of your any BG. First. Let's look at optional term life insurance as, we. Discussed previously full-time.

Employees, Enrolled in health coverage receive, the $5,000. Basic. Group term life insurance. Included. At no additional cost. So. Good if you need more you can. Purchase additional life, insurance coverage by, enrolling in optional, term life insurance. Only. Employees can enroll in this coverage. Premium. Amounts vary based, on age salary. And the, level of coverage you purchase. There. Are four coverage, levels available. Election. One election. To election. 3 or election, 4, this. Is equal, to one two three or, four times your salary. If. You, enroll in optional, term life election. One or two during, your first 31 days of employment, it's. An automatic approval, no questions, asked, and without UI. Optional. Term life election, three or four is available. For coverage up to, $400,000. But requires, Eloi. Eloi. Is required, for election, one and, election. - if not, elected. During, your, first 31, days of employment oh, I. Must be initiated online. By logging into, your IRA's, online, account or, by contacting, ers directly. You. Can choose to receive instructions. On completing the. EOI application. By mail or email if approved. The coverage will begin the, first of the month following, the approval, each. Election provides, an equal amount of AD&D, or, double, indemnity, this. Means the coverage doubles, up to, $400,000. If your death is ruled accidental by. A judge. Next. Let's look at the pendant term life insurance you. Got the option to enroll eligible dependents. And dependent, term life insurance, all. Eligible. Dependents, are covered, under one premium. Premium. Is the dollar thirty eight per month regardless, of how many dependents, you enroll each, dependent, is covered for $5,000. The coverage, doubles up to $10,000. If an enrolled dependents, death is full of oxygen will fight judge. GOI. Is not required if you enroll your dependents, during your first 31 days an employment, by within 31, days of, acquiring a new dependent through actually such, as birth adoption or, marriage. GOI. Will be required if you enroll dependents, outside, of the 31, days of employment or within. 31 days of, gaining. A new dependant. Lastly. Let's look at voluntary, AD&D. Voluntary. AD&D, is additional, life insurance that, only pays out in the event of accidental injuries. Or death. Youth. Enroll as an individual, or include, family. Premium. Amounts vary based. On the amount of coverage you enroll. Coverage. Is available in $5,000. Increments starting. At $10,000. Up to $200,000. Aoi, is not required at any time. Important. Things to understand, about voluntary, AD&D. If. You died because of an accidental death your, beneficiaries. Receive, the full amount if, an. Eligible, family member, dies in an accident they'll. Receive a percentage of the coverage amount for example. If you enroll in two, hundred thousand dollars of you plus family, coverage your. Spouse is covered at 50 percent of the coverage amount which. Is a hundred thousand dollars. Children. Are covered for 10 percent if there is no spouse in the household and five percent if there is a spouse, in the household if there's. An accident and you suffer, any covered, injury, you'll. Receive a percentage of the coverage amount for, example. If you enroll in 100, dollars any lose a cover of them you'll, receive $50,000. If, an. Eligible, family member, suffers, any covered injury you'll, receive a percentage of the coverage amount for, example if you enroll in $100,000. Of you plus family coverage, espouses. Covered up to $25,000. There. Is no double indemnity with, this plan. Did. You know that according to the Texas State Government effectiveness, and efficiency, report almost, one-third of US workers become. Disabled, for at least three months in their lifetime. Many. US workers don't have enough, savings to cover. Six. Months of living expenses. It's. Important, to be prepared for these unforeseen, circumstances. So. Consider enrolling in, disability, insurance through, the Texas and protection plan or tip, there. Are two plans available through tip short-term. Disability, and long-term, disability. Short. Term disability covers.

Up To 66, percent of, your monthly salary capped. At six thousand six hundred dollars per month for individuals, making more than ten thousand dollars monthly for. Up to five months. Long. Term disability covers. Up to sixty, percent of your monthly salary capped. At six thousand dollars per month for individuals, making more than two thousand dollars monthly, for. A period ranging from, twelve months to full Social Security retirement age. Depending. On how old you are at the time of disability. GOI, is not required if you enroll within your first 31 days of employment. For. New mounts vary based, on a salary, and the level of coverage you purchased, lastly. This coverage isn't available to, family members. Remember. You must use all available sick leave including, extended, sick leave sickly pull and or donated, sick leave or complete. The 30-day waiting period whichever, is longer before, the benefit will be paid. Please. Note pre-existing. Conditions, are subject, to certain exclusions, there. Is a six-month pre-existing, clause if. You've gone to the doctor or you're receiving treatment, for a medical condition during. The three-month period prior to the coverage begins. Disability. Benefits, for that specific, condition, will not be covered for the first six months. More. Information is available on, page 18, of your ne BG. Nets, let's talk about text bytes it's prenup health care or dependent, care expenses throughout. The year and, you like to save money you may, be interested in enrolling in one or, more of the flexible, spending accounts, or FSA's, available. Through text voice. Text. Fights administered, by wage works is a tax savings, program regulated. By the IRS and available, to active employees. It. Lets you set aside pre-tax, money, from, your paycheck to, use towards eligible, out-of-pocket expenses. And lowers. Your taxable income. There. Are three types of FSA's, health. Care FSA limited. FSA, and dependent. Care FSA. How. Do they work. Determine. Which FSA, fits your needs and total, expenses, for the year, divide. Total, expenses, by the number of paychecks, you receive, have. That amount taken out of each paycheck by enrolling in the FSA, that fits your needs. The. Amount taken out of your paycheck will. Be pre-tax, and placed, in a savings account for you to use towards, eligible, expenses. Enrolling. In the health care FSA allows. You and your dependents, to use the funds towards, eligible, expenses, such. As medical, dental, vision and, prescription. Drugs you can, elect to contribute, a minimum of. 180 dollars up to two thousand, seven hundred dollars annually. Your. Contributions. Are deducted, pre-tax, from, your monthly paycheck, your. Entire contribution. Is available. Upfront even, though it hasn't been fulfilled. There. Are three ways to claim money, pay. For expenses, using the text let's debit card at the time of purchase. Pay. Out of pocket at, the provider and upload, claims through, the text flex website, or mobile app after, incurring, the expense. Pay. Out-of-pocket f provider, and submit, a claim by fax or mail after, incurring. The expense. Remember. To save all receipts even. When using the debit card the purchase may not be automatically, verified, as an eligible, expense. Wage. Works is required, by the IRS to, validate every, purchase as an eligible expense if, they. Are unable to verify the purchase, they will ask you to provide a receipt to confirm the purchase was eligible. Up. To five hundred dollars from the previous plan, year can be carried, into the new plan ere any. Amount over five hundred dollars is forfeited, after, August 31st. December. 31st, of each year is the cutoff to, file for reimbursement. Of eligible, expenses, incurred, through August 31st, for. More information, please see, page 20, of your meb G. If. You decide to enroll in consumer directed health select, you can use your HSA, to pay for eligible medical. Expenses, so, you won't be eligible to enroll in, the health care FSA, however. You. Do have the option to enroll in the unlimited FSA. You. Ineligible dependents. Can enroll and use the funds towards, eligible, expenses, such as dental and vision services. The. Limited FSA, works. Just, like the health care FSA so. For more information please. Review. The health care FSA slide. And remember, the. Limited FSA, is only available, to, consumer, directed, health select, participants.

Lastly. Let's look at the dependent, care FSA, you. Can enroll and submit eligible, dependent, care. Includes. Children and adults claims. For reimbursement you. Can elect to contribute, a minimum of a hundred and eighty dollars up to, $5,000, annually per household into. The account your. Entire contribution, amounts is not available, upfront much. Like a checking, account the, money must, be in the account before you can use it the. Dependent, care FSA, is a reimbursement, program, the. Cost of services. Has to be incurred, and the services, received, before. A claim can be filed, if. The claim is filed prior to receipt of services, the claim will be denied, and need to be resubmitted. Reimbursements. Can only be received up to the amount available in, the account. Once. The money is available in, the accounts again will, be reimbursed for, any remaining amounts, of a claim. There. Is no carryover. However, available, funds not used by the end of the plan year August 31st can. Be used during the grace period from, September 1st, through November 15th. December. 31st, is the last day to submit claims incurred, through the end of the grace period, funds. Not used by December, 15th will be forfeited, there. Are two ways to clean money the. Blow claims say the teks flex website, or mobile app after incurring, the expense or. Submit. A claim form by fax or mail after, incurring the expense. More. Information is available on, page, 20, of your ad BG. Financial. Advisors suggest, the average person, needs 80 percent, of their pre-retirement, income to. Maintain their current lifestyle, into retirement. To. Help you better understand, retirement, finances, think, of your retirement as a three-legged stool one. Leg is your monthly retirement payments. Or. Ers, annuity, the. Second leg is your Social Security Administration, benefits or. SSA, benefits, and the third leg is a personal, savings account, like, a 401 K 457. Or other savings, if. You remove one leg the stool is less sturdy it's. An important, principle with, regards, to retirement, savings be, sure to plan for financial stability into, retirement. Texas. Saver is the state's deferred, compensation program. Designed. To help state employees, stable retirement, there. Are two plans available in this program. 401. K & 457. Financial. Advisor suggests, the average person, needs 80 percent of their pre-retirement, income to. Maintain their current lifestyle, into retirement, to. Help you better understand, retirement, by think of your retirement as a three-legged stool one. Leg is your monthly retirement payments, or. Ers annuity the second, leg is your social security administration or. SSA, benefits, and the, third leg is a personal, savings account, like. A 401k. 457, or other, savings. If you, remove one leg the, stool is less sturdy it's, an important principle with, regards to retirement, savings be. Sure to plan for financial stability before. You retire. Because. It's so important, to save for retirement and, your ers annuity, alone may. Not supplement. Your entire income. When, you retire new. Employees, are automatically. Enrolled at one percent of their salary in the 401k plan, whether. You enroll in the 401k and/or. The 457, your. Pre-tax contributions are. Set aside in to. A savings, account that, control, over how much you would like to contribute how, much you want to save and you.

Can Decide how to invest, your funds, you. Can enroll increase/decrease. And stop participation. At any time. You. Can transfer money from a qualified retirement account, from a previous, employer to maximize, your savings with Texas paper please note Fram. Availability, may differ for some higher education, institutions, to make. Changes to contribution. Amounts or discussed options there, are several types to save our presentations. Available through, the Texas saver website, or. Contact empower. Retirements. The. Texas saver administrator. Directly. At eight hundred six three four five, zero nine one more information, is available on, page 25, of your any BG a. Big. Part of your state employee benefits, package is your, ers, retirements. First. Let's discuss who, is eligible to participate in, the ers retirement, plan her. In our previous state of Texas employees, working, for an agency that participates in, the ers retirement, food may, be eligible for, retirement. Benefits one certain criteria, is net. State. Of Texas employees, working for a state agency or higher education institution. That, only participates. In the GDP but, not the ers retirement, plan are, typically, not. Eligible for ers retirement. For. These GBP, only, participating. Agencies. Ers. Manages. Most of the benefits, including. Health dental. Life, vision. Disability. And flexible. Spending accounts, however. TRS, doesn't, manage their retirement, contributions, eligibility. And annuity. The. Retirements. For, these employees, are managed by different state of Texas retirement, plans such. As Teachers. Retirement System. Of Texas or, TRS. This. Includes, employees of higher, education. Institutions, except, University, of Texas, and Texas A&M, University. Communities. To provision, and corrections, department or. CSC G, TRS. Tetsu's. Municipal, Retirement, System or TM, RS Texas. County and district Retirement, System or TC DRS and Windham, school district. For. GBP only participants, more information, is available on, page 22, of your ne BG. This. Slide is only a bowl, to employees, to participate in, the ers retirement, plan, the. Retirement, plan you'll participate in as a state employee is, a defined, benefit, plan this. Means there, is a set criteria that, allows you to be eligible for RS retirement, benefits. The. Texas Legislature, has mandated a set contribution, of 9.5%. To be taken out monthly, from your pre-tax earnings and deposited. Into your ers retirement, account this. Contribution cannot, be changed or wait at. The same time the state contributes 3.5%. And, your agency contributes, point five percent the. State and agency. Amounts are deposited, into the ers retirement, trust month every. Month you contribute, you get one with the service credit this, simply it's earned and purchase, service credit the. Amount of service credit you earn plus, age determines. When you will be eligible to retire, once. Certain criteria, is met may, be eligible, to receive a, lifetime, monthly annuity and. Be. Eligible for GBP, retiree, insurance. Benefits. You. Can't take out loans against, your ers retirement, account if. You leave state employment you can request a refund of, your retirement contributions.

This. Does not include the state an agency, contribution. Any. Amount paid out directly to you is taxed and depending, on your age there might be an additional, penalty when. You file your taxes. The following year if, you. Injure your contributions, you lose the earn service credit this. Means you will not be eligible to retire unless, you start working and contributing to this ers, retirement, plan again, more. Information is available on, page 22 of your any VG. On. The previous slide we just discussed, how every month you contribute, to ers, you. Gain one month of service credit towards. Retirement. Did. You know there are other types of earn service credit that may count towards retirement eligibility. If, you. Worked with TRS, and didn't withdraw your account you, can transfer your TRS, service to PRS when you retire, TRS. Service may help you meet retirement, eligibility sooner, and increase, your service credit. TRS. Service will not show up in your arrest account, you'll. Want to contact ers to certify, your TRS service. Contact. Us if you would drew your teres retirement, account and are interested in buying back the service. Ers. Participates, in the proportionate, retirement, program or PRP this. Means you can combine service, credit from two or more eligible, retirement, systems, to help meet retirement, eligibility. However. In most cases the money would not transfer, and the annuities, would stay separate. Contact. Ers to certified your PRP, service, credit. For. A list of other, Texas, retirement, systems that participate in the PR plea please. See page 22, of your any BG. For. GBP, only participants, that participate, with one or more of the, before-mentioned tips, as retirement systems please, contact your retirement system about certifying, credit, from a PRP participating. Agency. Optional. Retirement program, or RFP, is an option for higher education employees.

Who Chose not to contribute, to TRS. RP, service credit, helps you meet the rule of 80 sooner, and can, be used towards insurance, eligibility as. Long as you haven't refunded, your ORP account or have, an ARP account that you're eligible to draw an annuity, from, the. Wire P service won't help increase your arrest, meua t. This. Slide is only applicable to employees, to participate in, the ers retirement, plan. Another. Way to increase your service credit is by purchasing, service, purchasing. Service increases, your months of service and annuity, and. May. Help you retire sooner. If. You left state employment and mature your retirement account, you now have withdrawal and service credit to. Qualify to purchase this service you must do the following, return. To state employment, and/or, have a minimum, of one contribution, you're in your account or, participates. In the proportionate, retirement, program. If. You. Are active duty military you, can purchase up to five years of military service credit. To. Qualify to purchase the service credit you must be working and make at least one contribution, to your ers retirement, account send. A copy of your dd-214, or, NGB 23, to RS to determine, eligibility. Not. Be eligible for military, retirement, with 20 or more years of service and be, honorably, discharged. If. You are a new employee between, September, 1st 2003. And August, 31st, 2015. You. Had a 90-day, waiting period before, you made your first retirement, contribution. Qualify. To purchase a service you, must have a minimum of one contribution, in your account or, participate, in a proportion, retirement, program and contact. Ers to certify, your waiting period. Lastly. If you're, actively contributing. And have. At least 10 years of actual ers, service credit you can, purchase up to 3 years of additional service credit or, ASC. You. Must purchase all other available, service before you have come out quest to purchase ASC, for, more information, see the ers, website. This. Slide is only applicable to certified, peace officer, and custodial, officer, C, POSCO, employees. Participating. In the, aliquots. Retirement. Fund, the. Five state of Texas agencies, with CP o co employees, are Texas. Alcoholic Beverage Commission, Texas. Department of Criminal Justice, Texas. Department of Public Safety, Texas. Juvenile Justice Department. And Texas, Parks and Wildlife, Department, the. Law enforcement, and custodial, officer, supplemental. Retirement fund, or Lea Coast RF is. A supplement, retirement, program created, by the Texas, Legislature, to reward certified. Peace officer, Cpl.

Soneul. Officer co employees. With 20 or more years of hazardous duty service. CP. O co. Employees, contribute, an extra 0.5%. To, ensure, a higher annuity, with, 20 or more years of CPO, co service, the. Men and women who service the state of Texas and these physically, demanding and, hazardous, jobs may, be eligible to retire at a younger age or, with a higher monthly payment, than the rest of the regular state agency, populations. You. Don't necessarily need, to designate you're going to fish areas within your first month however, it's, important, to make sure you, do so as soon as you can we. Are as contributing, state agency, employees once. You made your first contribution, to your ear retirement, account login to your ers online, account and designate, your beneficiaries. For. Life insurance you can, login to your er s online, account, to designate, your beneficiaries, once the coverage is effective, you'll, need to create a profile, for your beneficiary, this. Does require their legal name social, security number date, of birth and mailing, address, the. Texas favor there's a form you can download from their website this. Form will need to be turned in to empower retirement, to make the beneficiary, official. Remember. To update your beneficiaries. As needed during your career consider. Updating, beneficiaries. If you marry divorce and/or. Have children, you. Can update your beneficiary. At any time. Did. You know that now you're a state employee you have access, to the discount purchase program shop. Online and, buy products, and services, such as computers, appliances. Vacation, packages, and more at discounted, prices, visit. WWE. Champ. Program ers, comm and clicked on the. Active, employee button, there. Is no enrollment, period or membership, fees just, start shopping and save. You. Have resources available, if you need help enrolling in coverage contact. Your. Agency benefits coordinator if. You. Work for an HHS, agency. You'll contact the HHS, employees service. Center at eight, eight eight eight nine four. Four seven or. Seven, Health. And Human Services employees. But. Dad's. DFP, SDS, HS, and HHS. See. Visit. WWE. Wrestler. To find information. About your, benefits. Contact. Information, for benefits plans and plan administrators. And access. To your arrest account. Walk. Into your Aris online account and enroll yourself and your dependents, in coverage, and designate. Your beneficiaries, you. Can, also contact, us toll-free at. 877. To, five four, three seven seven we're. Open Monday through Friday 7:30, a.m. to 5:30 p.m.. Check. Out our Facebook page and YouTube channels for more information, about your benefits. Just. To recap breathe through your any BG a lot, of information discussed, today is available, in the guide it's. A helpful resource towards, understanding, your benefits and, will help you make an informed decision, make. Sure you understand, all of your options, before. Enrolling, in your benefits, don't, miss your timeframe to enroll you. Have the first 31 days of your employment, to enroll yourself and, your dependents, and optional, add-on benefits, you. Must make changes, or add dependents, to your health coverage within, your health coverage waiting period, using. A network provider save, you money all of, your health plans have, provider, Finder tools. Certify. You and your dependents, tobacco, user status, it can roles and health coverage remember. To complete the dependent, child certification. And dependent, eligibility verification, if. Applicable. Designate. Your going to fish areas for your ers retirement, account and life insurance the. Process can be done online or, by calling ers. You. Must contact Texas. Favor to designate, your beneficiaries, for that account.

Lastly. Take advantage, of your resources the, benefits coordinator is, there to help you if you. Are an, HHS, employee, contact. The HHS. Employees service, center if you need assistance. Visit. The IRS website to log into your account and enroll in your benefits online or call your nuts.

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