Beth Allen on the Boldheart Business Program

Beth Allen on the Boldheart Business Program

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hey everybody it's fabienne from boldheart business and i can't wait for you to meet beth beth is somebody i adore she's been in the program for more than a year and i invited her to come and share with you what her experience of the boldheart business program is so you can hear it from her vantage point beth before we dive in and i ask you some questions please tell everybody so they have a context um for your situation or what you do and where and great thanks for having me too this is so fun to relive it but the before and after kind of um i am a realtor i'm a residential specialist in washington state and i've been doing that 22 years now um it started when my kids were little and and now they're grown and i've had you know kind of worked at part time and and grown it into a full-fledged very successful business um should i start into why well i was gonna say yeah give us some context so you joined probably like well a year and a half ago you're just over just barely over a year just over a year what was the context of your life that made you say you know what i need help what was going on at that time well for several years actually i was extremely successful the top broker um top single broker in my firm which is amazing because there's a lot of beautiful wonderful real estate agents in my area um but i was working so much and because i wanted to take such good care of my clients and i and the more you do a good job the more people refer you and you just it just keeps going but i got to the point where my husband would look at me at 10 o'clock at night next to him on the couch with my laptop and him going are you gonna be able to stop working some point today i'm like i just have to answer this email i just have to you know do you know whatever and i it was just overwhelming and i honestly was a little bit afraid that i was gonna like give myself cancer or something because i was working so much i was so stressed out and i couldn't figure out how to keep my numbers up because i am super competitive so whenever i would kind of so actually right when i was joining you i was like i can't be like that anymore i have to like take a step back i just have to be smaller i have to do less because i like my life and i want to be able to live it and i want to be able to see my adult kids and you know friends like like like everybody else that i saw like having fun and i was like i have to work that's all i can do so it's at the leverage so you're talking about the leverage stage of business which is where we're making good money we have clients oh yeah we're working more than we would ever agree to work for somebody else and getting ourselves less than we would ever agree to be paid for working that much time for somebody else yeah never often think that maybe the the solution is to just go small yeah that's the only thing i could come up with because i actually talked to the managing broker at the firm where i was a couple years before that and was like okay i think i need an assistant i think i need a buyer's agent i think i need and she was like oh then you're gonna have to find that person and train that person and it's gonna be hard and i was like that does sound hard and i don't have time and so i just kept doing what i knew to do which just got me the exact same thing i'd always gotten and i was just more tired and so i could only figure out either take my foot off the gas or put it on the gas and and worry that maybe i was going to die early or something i mean that sounds dramatic but i really had that in the back of my head like was concerned yeah it's absolutely amazing how many people i've talked to who are at this stage of your business the one that you were in who who it's it's like they can't see growing so they just want to leave they just want to bring it down early as you know now we're all about the fact that you can actually gain your life back while you while you exponentially scale your business so so you you decided to join us yeah and after agonizing about it what are you agonizing about what was their resistance to joining us oh yeah i well the money was the obvious one because i typically don't invest in myself i've never i've never had a coach before and um like a lot of money now i know that it wasn't for coaching it's pretty typical and then for everything that we get it's great it's a very good value but um i was i was just like so much money and what if it doesn't work you know and um and i just was afraid that like is this going to be one of those things where i have to spend so much time to understand whatever the system is and and in order to do everything because i that's what i didn't have was time and so i was like i just don't if i just pay this money is it magically going to happen i mean then i'm in for sure but i couldn't i just i was just afraid that's yeah basically how did you overcome that resistance for yourself what did you have to experience what did you tell yourself to be able to get over the um i don't i'm not sure i won't pay that much money i'm not sure i have the time to do this i'm not sure if it's going to work for me so right resistance how did you come down over those i figured i mean i had i had the money it wasn't that i didn't have it um i just am really frugal so i don't like to so i don't like to spend it if i don't have to um but it was like if you don't try this and you just you've already done work work work work you've already done take your foot off the gas that feels a little better in your personal life but now your numbers are slipping and you're competitive and you don't like how that feels either um so here's another option that you haven't tried and you're determined so if you if you really try and it doesn't work at least you know you tried um i just had to push through the fear of you know so i was throwing up all the you know what if this what if that oh and i just had to be like do you really want this or not are you really willing to try or not and then if you're not willing to try then don't ever complain about working too hard again and or not having your numbers where you are you know if you're not willing to try then you get what you get yeah it's funny how when presented with an opportunity people are like what if it doesn't work as opposed to what if it worked because it works exactly that's why i was like what if it could work and i don't ever find out right i just keep banging my head against this overworked wall yeah no fun so so hey what's the program done for you and then i'll ask you like what aspects of the program do you love and that will really are really valuable for you but what's it done for you in this just one year so far um it's given me so much hope that's really the first thing seeing so many women and good-hearted men um who are in the program and um our entrepreneurs are from many different businesses um that were like yeah i was there you know a couple months ahead of me in the program and going oh yes i totally relate to that i i was there and now so just seeing people um which is partly why i'm i want having this conversation with you because i want to help somebody that's like i don't know if i should do it like you should but um i can't remember where i was no you were just like what what what's happened since okay so what's happening so so hope is the first thing and then um just really breaking down and having uh tools of um this is the marketing you do this is this is how you can help manage your time um the the activators is what they're called um that we go through that are just super helpful and the one that i'll never forget that still is the most important one to me is where we do the quadrants of what your unique brilliance is what your i can't remember what they're called but yeah the things that you're pretty good at and then the things that you're okay at and the things that you suck at that's not how you call it but that's yeah it's good to call it what it is suck out don't do that instead don't do that bottom quadrant and it just really gave me so much freedom to be like because i'm a recovering perfectionist that i don't have to be good at everything and that if i can focus on the things that i really am amazing at and find the people who are amazing at the things that i am not and just admit it and pay them to do that that's how i get my life back and they're fulfilled and i'm fulfilled and everybody's happy and like you are right and you make more because you're only doing stuff you're uniquely brilliant i mean it's an amazing process yeah so that so just opening my eyes to that one one thing and being given permission that i don't have to do everything because i was doing everything and that's what was making me so exhausted it's like oh you got your life back tell us how you got your life back what does your husband say are you working at on the sofa until 10 p.m every night no i'm i'm a little better i'm still honestly in process because i don't have all the the roles phil i mean i'm just barely over a year and i had a big shift i i left one brokerage and went to another and that was um another reason that i've grown is because of boldheart i recognized this this brokerage that has a growth mindset that talks about leveraging that understands teams that helps you build a team it was like you guys say the same things it's so weird um it just helped if i hadn't been in boldheart i wouldn't have recognized it for what it was i would have said oh they're another company and they're good too and it's fine and i just would have stayed where i was and that wouldn't have served me or my clients or my family yeah so i am i am working less i'm barely working on the weekends i do work some on the weekends you're a realtor you know it's yeah and it's it's boundaries and it's a process um yeah so that's huge uh i can't remember to your revenues to the money that you've made are you okay with sharing a little bit yeah yeah um well we talk in um volume of millions of dollars sold um so obviously this is this isn't what i've made so don't don't twist it um uh let's see so last year from january to uh this time of year i had sold i think 24 units and it was like 7.8 million dollars worth of real estate which isn't nothing i mean that's that's pretty good um [Music] i was learning and do you know asking a lot of questions so i maybe wasn't as fast as i could anyway and then all of last year my volume was uh 11.8 or something like that million and now so far this year my volume is just under 13 million in with the pandemic and that's with the pandemic in nine months with the pandemic with not going to my office hardly at all the last six months and i'm a super people person so not getting to be with people which i think energizes me so i don't even know here you've doubled the number of units and or at least doubled the the the sales which yeah i will have i mean uh well from seven something to thirteen something right so seven million to thirteen million right that's right so yeah for the same for nine months the same nine months almost double right right that's awesome [Music] math girl right but um so that means your personal uh income has grown right definitely my yeah and i haven't figured out what what that is and then taxes and all that it gets kind of confusing but yeah volume for volume almost double double almost double the volume uh which means you you're likely making more oh yeah beginning to get your time back i mean this is this is significant yes and and i really haven't been able to leverage as much as i would have liked to i'm in the process um uh so when i actually get the the rest of my team like figured out [Laughter] um there are a lot of what i would say pretty uh amazing aspects to the boldheart business program which are the aspects that you find the most valuable that are like this is why i'm doing so well even just a year later and you were able to like you know really ride this wave the last few months it's so hard to pick one because they all work together so well but the first few yeah the first thing that comes to mind is the quarterly activators um that used to be the meeting in person which i miss it so much um because i love my old heart we're now a hundred percent virtual remember you were the one who was saying you know what i it was so many flights across the country so much money it was a lot of money i know i loved being together but it time-wise it is a lot easier and expense-wise yeah yeah since i'm so you like it i love the quarterly activators the content is just so good it's so so good so helpful i need to go back through and read all my notes um and i love the accountability buddy that's somebody that you talk to once a day preferably i've had three different ones and they've all been fantastic and i'm still in contact with all of them um [Music] i the q a having access to you is like on a weekly basis is what i mean that's real that is really cool i remember the first time i was just like there she is yeah but those are great because even when you don't have a question you come and i come all the time and i don't have a question but i still end up taking notes because somebody says something and i'm like oh that's a great book or that's a great resource or just hadn't thought about it that way insight that you have or that one of the other people has it's yeah i come all the time i feel i feel kind of bad when you're like does anybody else have a question i'm like quick think of a question i'm wasting this resource oh no i mean i still take lots of notes yeah there's something to be said when people are in the program and they realize that they have access you know you're never more than six days away from an answer to your pressing question of a multiple seven-figure business owner who is there for you every single week and you know that's not available to most people so an aspect of the program that people like a lot um you know what i love is that like you're you're just beginning year two the best is yet to come uh it's like we're gonna have another we could have another conversation like this a year from now and uh even increased results increased quality of time absolutely what would you say to somebody there's let's say there's a woman watching this right now and she's been on the fence for some time should i shouldn't i should i shouldn't i but what if it doesn't work and what if it's gonna take a lot of time and what if it's not worth the money and i don't know what to do what would you say to her after having been in the program just one year i would say if you've if you've tried other things and you're not satisfied with where you are you should bet on yourself and invest in yourself and do it just work through that couple minutes of fear of how am i going to get the money or what you know whatever is is keeping you from it and and just bet on yourself because would you still be in the old um in the old beth allen uh world of working till 10 uh probably would just not my i just wouldn't be helping as many people because i just was so tired um and and my husband was really like you can't keep doing this because it had been like four years of just working working working working working working and being so stressed out like i would wake up in the middle of the night being like oh my gosh i forgot to call back that client oh no oh no and then on my trip back from the bathroom i would realize that was not even a real client i made that up in a dream that's how stressed out i was so i yeah i i would be i probably wouldn't my numbers would be anywhere now i wouldn't be making the money i'm making i wouldn't be able to be funding my um grandson who's about to be born at college which i absolutely can do and any more that come um yeah i just would i wouldn't have the options that i have um i would be fine and i would be not working as much probably but yeah i i wouldn't have the energy that i have now which is like i'm doing it yay it's working you know i would just be like well it was fine i had a good you know few years where i was the top person and now now you get to be the top person making more money with your life back yeah and i'm your grandchild and i'm the top single broker at my new brokerage bad people congratulations uh thank you inspiration thank you welcome you're welcome it's my pleasure i love working with you and like i said the best is yet to come thank you for sharing your story with us today thank you for everything fabian

2021-03-17 11:35

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