Best Hack For 15 Second Pocket Option Real Market Strategy - Binary Option Trading EP4

Best Hack For 15 Second Pocket Option Real Market Strategy - Binary Option Trading EP4

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hello guys welcome back to another video  in today's video i'll be trading again with   pocket option and of course i'm going to show you  another cool strategy out of my top five strategy   this is definitely gonna be the fourth one here  so this strategy is not a one managed strategy   it's our 15 second strategy and as a matter of  fact i've actually used this strategy before   on autism market well on this one i'm going to  use it on a real market all right so you need   to step out so if you're new on over here make  sure you give me make sure you subscribe so that   you don't lose out because on this channel  you're going to learn a lot on how to trade   especially when it comes to binary options right  so over here we're going to grab some fuse setting   what's going to set up some field settings  sorry so over here we are doing this um what's   it called um and when you open up your broker  this is what you're going to find at one minute   but all you just have to do is to click this  flag here just click it and click beside it   here and you can actually reduce this 30 second  to 15 seconds right so just click on the minus   what's called the minus thing there and  okay sorry we're doing it on 15 seconds on   so right you can actually increase with the  plus sign here or you can decrease it with   minus here but over on this one we are using  this on 15 seconds all right so over so we   are actually set our trade time so over here  we're going to set our what's it called our   counter time frame um in default counter time  frame or usually on one minute all right so but on   this one we are doing this on 30 seconds alright  make sure that you are doing it on 30 seconds   so the um the strategy is the fact that we're  doing this on 15 second trade time and 30 second   counter time frame all right so overall let's grab  um today's indicator this structure works this is   the structure you're gonna use uh which is called  um awesome accelerator indicators just click that   and this is the only strategy we're  going to use is only indicator we need   um on this structure all right and of course on  the setting everything that i'm gonna leave is   definitely gonna be on a default setting all right  the setting is on default setting you don't need   to change anything here um the previous shirt  here is five wide appeared long is that four   that's pretty much okay the same thing with  the style you don't need to change anything   all right so just put the indicator up and  you're good to go so how distracted your work   let me put up my current cpr real quick like i  said we are doing this on a real market all right   so we're not doing it on rtc on any stock  it's going to see if i click on commodity   you can see that otc is right there  all right if i even click on the crypto   um okay we're not doing crypto if i click on the  stock you're definitely going to say that it's otc   right from this position but over here we are  doing this on currency without obviously all   right so what you see um a regular market actually  start around what's it called on monday to friday   why the autism started within the weekend  all right so i'm actually trading today with   this monday so let me set up my um and put up my  currency pairs those are my best currency periods   there is how i know that my best currency  pair is the fact that i've actually analyzed   the market for like an hour ago and i say that the  markets most of the currency are stable so i'm so   good i'm so confident that these are my best  currency views so all i'm just going to choose   i'll be taking um it called i'm only be trading  on a 70 and above a percentage so i'm not doing 60   right so when you're done just hit that so um how  distracted your work um in a couple of few seconds   i'll be explaining full detail how distracted  you were but before i explain to you how it works   i'll be taking some fuel trade like a two trade  and of course when i each time i enter the trade   i'll calm down and explain to you the reason why  i entered the trade so now after the two trade   i'm going to give you what i'm going to explain  in full details how this strategy works right   so you need to stay put because i've  actually changed the system and removed that   so you need to stay post so that you know me is  out right so right now i'm analyzing the market   so when i get a very good moment i'll  calm down and take a trade and of course   i'll explain the reason why i enter the trade  all right i'll be taking a trade for 300 okay so guys i'll be taking a trade now so  when i get a good moment i'll come down i'll   be analyzing now i'm sorry so when i get a  good moment i'll come down on an entire trail okay guys over here it's fine a good moment i'm  the reason why i said i found a good moment it's   very simple okay like i said you might not really  understand the strategy at first but um let's wait   let me i'm actually put in a two trade i'm going  to explain in detail as you can see i'm right   there in the money all right that's a very good  one so that's a good one guys i'll be analyzing   again so i want to get another good moment i'll  take a trade it's just have to stay put i'm going   to explain every details on how this strategy  works all right so i'll be taking on that trade   after the analysis after analyzing my case  and i'll come down and i explained right okay guys i found another good moment  on this one so i actually enter my trade   again for 15 seconds so guys let's wait and see  okay we're in a good time right now we have less   than four seconds and um yup when the money all  right so that was a good one okay right now let   me explain real quick how this strategy works all  right um the strategy works in a very simple way   like i say this is even the reason why i'm  actually doing this video on 50 seconds is   the fact that this strategy is very great i've  actually mentioned not to do any trade i've   actually mentioned earlier on um if you actually  observe those of you have been following me if i   was observed my five second trade then i actually  mentioned how to do something not to actually made   a video on now uh what's it called on a strategy  less than one minute but the reason why i'm   actually making this video specifically the reason  why it's even on my top four um was it called best   strategies so far is the fact that um the accuracy  is very great especially if you're doing this on   a very good market all right so let's go straight  to the point where um let's um let me go straight   to explain to you how this strategy works all  right so all we just have to check now majorly   is on our awesome accelerator right so i'm  going to use this as an example all right all   we're just going to look at is the fact that when  you're having your um let's use this position i'm   using this particular position here from here  to here i'll be using it for example so all we   are looking at on this awesome accelerator  is the fact that when you say that your   your awesome oscillator bar line has been on  the down part it's gonna say right from here   the awesome oscillator bars is on the down part  here it has been on the down part here for a long   time so when it's get to this particular point  all right this particular point right now here i'm   going to um when i'm editing the video i'm going  to put something so you can understand so when   it gets to this particular point as you can see  the awesome accelerator start getting weaker here   the thing starts starting from this position as  you can see it has been on down part very strong   and down part right from this position but when  it gets to this point it starts wiggling all right   let's get to this point as we clean over here  it start going up you can see that the arm the   candle start moving up instead of downward here  it starts pulling up right from here and when it's   get to this position it's even get stronger on  the upside it starts pulling up so this is where   we're going to take a trade when you say that  your awesome oscillator has been on the down   part for a very long time all right and over here  you get a signal that um the down part is getting   is getting weaker and right on this particular  one here right on this particular one here you   even say that okay it's the right time that is the  right time that the awesome muslim bar is going up   on the next candidate this is where we're going  to take a trade and if you are actually um if you   actually trace this upward you're gonna say that  we are taking a trade on this huge uh what's it   called on this huge um candy here but the moment  it actually reaches it means that it kind of has   pulled up this way we're gonna enter a trade and  if you enter that trade right from this position all right so if you're in that destroyer from this  position we're going to enter the trade for put   option all right it's just like a trick like so  i'm calling it a trick all the time immediately   um the can do bar is going up after it's been on  the down part for a long time and start going up   we're going to take a reverse on what's called a  reverse trade which is mean we're going to take a   put option trade or what we call a buy option  or down option trade over here so we're going   to put it through so if you actually trace  this right from those positions you can see   the market start falling down so the last two  trade i took the before before the explanation   that's just what i did immediately i find  out that okay the um the market has strong   enough going up so the more it's trunk going  up the more it's falling down just like what   happened here if you actually this particular  one that actually falls so bad as you can see   even this is the biggest one so the more it's  actually strong going up showing your grain the   more it's falling down so that's just the truth  that something happened if you're taking the   trade for call option you need to look at um when  the trade has been uh what the call has been down   has been off for a moment but going down let me  show you let me see if i can have that position   as you can see something happened here it's  going to say so the the market start getting   stronger here to this position it goes to  strong so the more it gets strong the more   the market will be falling it's just as simple  as that so something happened let me um i want   to show you the position for call option  if you are taking a trade for call option   okay i think i'm just trying to see  if i can get a position all right so i don't really get a very good position  well let me use this as an example   okay but this is not a good part  we need a very strong position   all right so i'm just trying to check through  the pass trade to see if i'm gonna have that okay   let's use this we're going to use we can actually  use this as you can see the market has been up   all right the also the awesome aspirator bus has  been on for a long time and when it's get to this   certain position the market starts dropping  as you can see so over here the market really   dropped right from this position and if you could  actually trace this kind of you can see this way   the magnetically dropped all right but on this one  the market starts going up as you can see the more   um the more the awesome oscillator actually  dropped down the more the hours because the   modern market is going up so that's just the trick  like i said it's not extracted you just does this   trick i've been using this since ever then i've  been using this for like a month now and i've been   i've always been on a very i was on a very good  side especially if i want to trade on very quick   if i want to take a very quick trade is what i use  i use it mostly on 15 seconds and of course i used   to have a very very good i was a core percentage  i mean what's a call i almost have like 80 on   most of my trade 80 percent winning rate most  of the time all right so that is the reason why   i actually put this on my top for strategy so  this structure is not for everybody all right   i just want to mention real quick this strategy is  not for everybody please so but if you only think   that you're what's it called you're trading a very  good market because it's actually very important   for you to trade in a very good market because  as you can see we are trading on just 15 seconds   so if the market is bad of course you might be  lagging out and a couple of seconds you lost the   money so let's make sure that this structure you  are taking under 15 seconds and of course please   make sure you only test this out with your demo  account first all right make sure you test this   out with your demo account and if you're good  enough you can move on the what's the call on the   on your real account all right it's very important  so but like i said this strategy is very very very   accurate and very easy for you to understand  so that's it so guys i'm analyzing again   so when i get another good moment i'll come down  take a trade and of course this time i'm gonna   explain the reason why i entered our trade  so that you can understand better all right okay guys over here i find a very good moment  as you can see our awesome authority actually   breached out here up here so i know that any  more point of time i'll be having to pull   down on the market as you can see that's  happening right now so we in the money   all right all right that's a very good one we're  right there in the money so it's a very simple   strategy if you actually put all i'm saying on  a guy all you just have to look at is that make   sure that um the awesome oscillator bus has been  on down part for a very long time i mean if you   are taking a trade for um call option make sure  that you're having a strong bar right on a down   path for a very long time so immediately they're  actually pulling up as you can see over here this   is where they can do how was it called the our  awesome oscillator can't start getting weaker so   right for me if you look at weeks and over here  it gives us that the market will be dropping a   very huge time so i actually entered the trip  for 15 seconds a couple of 15 seconds um i'm   definitely going to lock them in the money like i  said the number one thing you need to put in mind   is that make sure that you're taking this trade  on a very stable market another thing is that it   is 15 second counter time frame like i mean the  15 second trade that you're taking the trade on   because if you're actually doing this more than or  less than 15 seconds you might actually glitched   out of what's the call of the of the strategy  based on the setting we have on the awesome   accelerator default setting and another thing make  sure that you're taking it on a 15 i mean on a 30   second can do time frame it's very important make  sure you're taking it on a 30 second kind of time   frame but it's another good one there so right  over now i'm going to increase my balance i have 5   000 so let me increase my balance to 500 so i can  take a huge i was a call hojo hoich trade so that   i'll be actually analyzing again so i want to get  another good moment i'll come down and take a try okay guys over here i find a very good moment  as well as you can see um our bus has been up   right from this position but when it gets here  it actually gets weaker so you can see that and   over here we have a drop down on the box you  can see over here it actually dropped down so   right now we're on the money on that as well  so this is a very good one like i said guys   um always make sure that you follow all the guy  that i gave here this strategy is very powerful   right it's just like a trach i don't know but when  i i the couple of females then actually i led a   lot of strategy and i caught i came across of days  on the point of my analysis and i tested it out   and it was very very powerful so guys this is a  very powerful strategy so i'll be taking another   trade i'll be taking one more trade so guys so um  i'm analyzing the market now so when i get another   good moment i'll come down and take a trade i want  you guys to step till the end because i'm going to   explain this again at the end because sometimes it  gets confusing so i want to click the convincing   path so make sure you stay to the end all right  so i'll be taking another one trade now i've been   analyzing the market and definitely i'll be taking  my last trade if i'm on profit all right so if i'm   on profit i'll be taking my last trade on days  so i've been lighting the market now so when i   get a good moment i'll come down and take a trade  okay guys i'm actually checking this out as you   can see this has been on down part and when you  get to this position it's actually pulling back   but we need to have a good confirmation we need  to be sure on the next one if you're gonna have   okay that's a good one oh sorry guys it's gonna  be a down trade i can remember a mistake actually   put on three trade on that oh god there's gonna  be a downtrend guys okay so let's wait and see all right we actually lost the first trade by  mistake as you can see we're right there on the   second trade please don't date his mistake it's  very convincing sometimes like i say it's really   really convincing so we are taking a reverse trade  all right immediately um we are having our down   part of the awesome accelerator and we have a  jackpot like we have a pull up in the market   and actually showing green we are taking a  reverse trade all right it's very important   all right we're taking a reverse trace actually  made a mistake on that instead of output option   i put my first trade actually put on a call  option and i actually put a double trade on   that so i can regain back the profit which i  just did in few seconds so guys let me take   a lot of my last trade so after this one i'm  going to explain this definitely going to be   my last trade guys so and i'm going to explain  the details again because like i said earlier on   is convincing so you need to be very careful if  you're doing this so i'm going to explain again   in a very layman's language so that at least you  can understand better right so analyzing again   when i get another good moment i'll come down  and take a trade okay guys i'm checking this out   real quick as you can see um the what's it called  the awesome bars is getting weaker on this point   so but we need to have a confirmation of pull down  and the pull down must be very strong before we   enter a trade for call option all right okay it's  actually happening it's gonna say the put down   actually happen here so i'm gonna enter this trade  all right so this is just what you have to do guys   you can see uh we have a very strong pull down  and the confirmation is really strong so i know   that the market will be going off in a very second  so when that happens and you have a very huge pull   down on the markets as you can see we're right  there in the money so guys this is what i'm gonna   stop on this video like i said i'm gonna explain  again i wanna explain one more time before i close   days before i end up this video all you just have  to say is very simple it is very very simple you   just need so like i said it's very convincing  but if you actually studied what i'm doing or   what's the call if you actually calm down you're  gonna get this hundred all right so we're taking   a reverse trade of what the awesome accelerator  bar gave us right so when it is up okay let me   go down let me use this let me use um let me find  a good position as an example sorry guys so okay   i'm okay okay i think this is a good position  let me use this example so when you say that   your awesome accelerator uh what's the call bar is  up as you can see right from here it's getting up   as you can see right for me it's getting up and  when it's get to this position it's getting weaker   right we're not going to take a trade when it's  getting wake up because it's still very much up   and even at the moment of five we're not taking  a trade on the second one but when it's getting   stronger that's when we're gonna take a trade so  if you actually take a trade when it's getting   stronger down here so if we got we should actually  take a trade we will be taking a trade against it   to go up so over here it getting stronger as you  can see down here getting stronger but actually   pull up when you get to this point of time because  if you actually enter this trade right from here   the market actually pull back all right the market  actually pulled back just like what i did all   the time so the same thing happened on the if you  are taking a trade on or what's the call on input   option we just need to have the market on the down  path we need to have our awesome accelerator pass   on down part just like what happened here on the  down path so when it at when it's getting weaker   and you see that the market is actually bridging  up us over here as you can see the market actually   bridged up here so if you actually take a trade  right on on this position to come down it's gonna   say the model actually dropped down here and  we're doing it for 15 seconds so in a couple of   15 seconds if market actually dropped we're going  to end up on the money because our kind of time   from expiration is 30 seconds right so that's  just how distracted you work guys so i think   i explained beta on this one um like i said  um i'd not really recommend trading on a very   low um what's it called on a very late such um  what's called time frame like 15 seconds i really   recommend from one minute upward but the reason  why i'm actually showing you this video is the   fact that i like this particular strategy myself  and not only that i like that the strategy is   very very simple you only need to work with just  a single indicator and of course with no setting   if you actually follow um the market procedure  you've actually followed the guideline later on   this video make sure that the market is very good  before you take a trade you're definitely going   to be on a good side like i said make sure  you are taking a trade on what's it called   make sure you are taking this trade you're testing  this out on your demo account on your practice   account please test this out on a practice account  and if you see that you're good at eating you can   go ahead and try it out on your real account it's  very important guys so that is just what i'm going   to show you on days right so um my um this is my  fourth um my top first strategy the last time i'll   be coming out this week maybe by thursday i'll  be uploading the last one which is definitely   going to be another banker so that's all i have  for you today so if you haven't subscribed make   sure you subscribe so that you don't miss the last  one and not only that you don't be missing i'll   be uploading a video i normally upload a video  twice in a week and i make sure that and i analyze   that's just what i did i made my own video i make  sure analyze the market get a very good position   before i put out the i was called before i put  out the what's it called the the strategy to you   guys because everyone distracted i'm gonna work  on the video i'll i'll be doing the next maybe in   the next month i would how distracted you know i  already analyzed it i already see what is working   i don't just call my head and give you guys  video on without a proper what's it called   test start anything i actually dropped out on  my channel believe me that i've actually made   money with that strategy before i drop it out  all right it's very important so you would not   love to miss any of my content so if you haven't  subscribed i'll say that i should go ahead and   click on the subscribe button right now turn on  the notifications so that you don't miss out and   again you can join my telegram group the link will  be in the description to even be on the pin post   on the comment section make sure that you join the  telegram group because i'll update anything that i   see anything new or uninstructed yeah immediately  i drop a video updated on any of my telegram pages   so make sure you join that so that you don't lose  out thank you so much guys i love you guys i hope   you like this track again if you like this one  if you like this video please give me a thumbs up   make sure you subscribe like i said earlier on  and don't forget to turn on the notification bell   so that you don't miss out on my next video thank  you so much guy and i'll see you on another video

2021-12-14 03:12

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